Staffordshire Quarter Sessions: 1649

Petitions to the Staffordshire Quarter Sessions, 1589-1799.

This free content was born digital and sponsored by the Arts and Humanities Research Council Research Grant: ‘The Power of Petitioning in Seventeenth-Century England’ (AH/S001654/1) for costs including transcription of seventeenth-century items and editorial work, with the cost of photographing the petitions being funded by an Economic History Society Carnevali Small Research Grant: ‘Seeking Redress in Early Modern England: Petitions to Local Authorities, c.1580-1750’; and the cost of transcribing eighteenth-century items was funded by a later Economic History Society Carnevali Small Research Grant: ‘Poverty, Taxation and Regulation: Petitions to Local magistrates in Eighteenth-Century England’. CC-NC-BY.


In this section

Dorothy Bentely, widow of John Bentely of Leeke. Q/SR/265/1 (1649)

To the right worshipfull his Majesties Justices of the Peace for the County of Stafford

The Humble Petition of [illegible] Dorothy Bentely widdow late wife unto John Bentely of Leeke deceased, Clarke of the Church for many yeare past

Humbly sheweth

That before her husbandes decease, there was due to him for his Clarkes pay according as heretofore it hath beene paid from divers Inhabytantes within the parish of Leeke aforesaid, And since his decease your petitioner demaunding the same, deny to pay although they confessese they have paid the like heretofore

Thereupon may it please your Worshipps your petitioner upon her complaint thereof unto the worshipfull Anthony Rudyard and Phillipp Jackson Esquires Justices of the Peace for this countie whoe upon due consideracion thereof graunted theire warrant to require the said parishoners to appeare before them to shew cause to the contrarie why they doe not pay acccording to auntient coustome custome whoe hath neglected the said warrant, date the 28 November last as by the same hereunto annexed may appeare

In tender consideracion of the premises your petitioner havinge a great charge of children humbly prayeth your worshipps to be abused to take such course and order soe that they may paie your petitioner what of right is due to her, And she shall ever as in duty is bound ever pray for your worshipps.

William Baggeley, a maimed soldier. Q/SR/265/4 (1649)

To the Righte Worshipfull his majesties Justices of peace for the countye of Stafford at the sessions held at Stafford

The humble peticion of William Baggeley late leeftenente to Captaine Thomas Hunte

Sheweth that your peticioner havinge lost the use of his righte arme with a continuall yssue from the wounde and hath received from the tresorers but three shillinges sixe pence at one time and tenn shillinge the last sessions havinge from them noe other allowance then any private souldier: neither regardinge whether the wounde be little or greate

May it theirfore please you to take it into youre consideration that your petitioner may have some considerable allowance allotted him accordinge to ordnance of parlament that he maye the better be inabled to mentaine himselfe and familye and your petitioner as in all duty shall ever be bounde to praye.

William Hawkins of the parish of Madely. Q/SR/265/7-8 (1649)

To the Right Honnorable his majesties Justices of the Peace and and quorum assembled in Sessions for the County of Stafford:

The humble petition of William Hawkins of the parish of Madely


That whereas uppon Thursday the eight and twentieth day of December last past there hapned a suddayne and lamentable fyer in the dwellinge house of your petitioner which burnt and consumed his said house house- hold stuffe goodes and implementes of household wearing apparrell and other goodes to the vallew of three- score powndes and upwardes to the utter ruin and impoverishment of your petitioner his wiffe and eight small children, unlesse some speedy releiffe bee afforded him in this his distresse.

May it thereffore please youre Honnors to take into consideracion youre peticioners distressed estate, And to doe therein as in youre wisdomes shall seeme to stand with pitty and compassion to people in that sadd condicion.

And youre petitioner as in duty bound shall ever pray for youre Honnors long life and happinesse.


Pirehall hundreds and Totmanstowe assigned

To the Right Honorable his Majesties Justices of the Peace and quorum for the County of Stafford:

Whereas wee whose names are heereunto subscribed Inhabitantes of the parish of Madely in this County and other neighbouring parishes: Beinge incited heereunto as well in tender compassion to our late impoverished neighbor as also by his earnest intreaty doe make make bold to certify your honnors That our distressed neighbour William Hawkins of Humswall in our sayd parish by reason of a great suddaine and lamentable fyer which happned on Thursday the eight and twentieth day of December last in his dwellinge house which hee had newly built from the grownd: Had all his foresaid dwellinge house which consisted of two bayes of buildinge and upwardes. all his houshold stuffe implementes of houshold wearinge apparrell and other goodes to the vallew of threescore powndes and upwardes, within the space of two houres burnt and consumed to his utter undoeinge and the ruine of him his wiffe and eight small children: Hee havinge formerly lived in good sort and beene of abilitye to releive such as were in want By reason whereof hee is altogether disabled And in noe wise able to subsist without some speed releiffe bee afforded him in this his distresse. All which wee humbly comitt to the consideracion of this Honnorable Bench and subscribe

Dated January 3 1648

Your Servants

  • William Shaw }
  • Edward Vernon} Churchwardens
  • Peter Whitmore
  • Robart Hawkins Hu. Weston
  • Richard Corne Thomas Weston
  • William Stile Timothy Widdowes
  • John Peeke Randulph Weston
  • John Morgan John Morrris
  • John Meare John Hapeney


Richard Smith of Hednesford, p. Cannock, carpenter, and inhabitants of the parish. Q/SR/265/12 (1649)

To the Right Honorable his Majesties Justices of the peace for the County of Stafford

Humbly sheweth

That whereas your poore peticioner Richard Smith of Hednesford in the parish of Cannock and county of Stafford carpenter haveing a wife and three small children, by reason of a sudden and lamentable fire happening upon Fryday the nyne and twentieth day of December last past, had his dwelling house consistinge of three bayes of building with the greatest parte of his goodes household stuff, wearing apparrall provision in the house, corne, hay, and other provision, with all implementes belonging to his trade, utterly consumed and burnt to the ground by the vyolence of the said fire, and his wife most miserably burnt to the endangering of her life, shee lyeing in a very sad condition being a lamentable spectacle to behould and an object of much pittie and compassion and hee not able to mayntayne her, or to pay anything towardes her cure and recovery, if it shall please god to spare her life To the utter undoeing of your said poore peticioner his wife and children who are likely to come to much miserie and want hereby haveing nothing left to mayntayne them, nor any habitation to be in, to keep themselves from the extremity of the cold this winter season, except some charitable course be taken for their releife herein,

He therefore doth humbly desire this Honorable Court, That they will be pleased to take his sad and disconsolate estate into their charitable consideracions, and to grant him an order, whereby hee may have liberty, by way of colleccion to gather the charitable benevolence of well disposed people within the said county towardes their releife and mayntenance, and repayreing of their great losses, and helping to gett them some small habitacion to live in, in this his extremity, And your peticioner as dewty bindes him, shall ever pray for your honors healthes and prosperity

We the minister and severall of the Inhabitantes of the parish of Cannocke aforesaid, well knowing the truth of the premisses, and that the said petitioner is a very honest poore man, and a very good workeman of his trade, and very dilligent and laborious therein, whereby hee formerly mayntayned himselfe his wife and children in good fashion according to his degree, and lived in good credite and repute among his neighbors, doe therefore recomend his said estate to this honorable Court not doubting but your honors will be pleased to grant this peticion, It being a very charitable deed, And noe doubt a thing well pleasing unto god. And we shall ever subscribe our selves to be.

Your servantes

  • Richard Bourne Minister
  • Henry Nott Robert Sankey
  • Richard Wood Richard Alport: Willm Alport
  • Richard Gorwey Edward Lightwood

granted in Offlowe and Cuttleston hundredes

Thomas Hulme of Kingsley, labourer. Q/SR/265/15 (1649)

To the right Worshipfull his Majesties Justices of the Peace for the County of Stafford

The humble peticion of Thomas Hulme of the parish of Kingsley laborer

Sheweth to your worships that your peticoner beinge borne in the parish of Kingsley and ever sithence lived theire did [illegible] about fower yeares since, (by the appoynctment, and with the consent of all the inhabitantes of the said parish (save one) erecte a cottage upon the comon or wast growndes in the said parish of Kingsley (as by the certificate hereunto annexed appeareth) And your peticioner hath byn presented for erectinge the same cottage as he is informed. And hath byn arested by the sheyriffes baylie to appeare att the Sessions of the peace now heald

Your peticioner beinge a verie poore man and havinge nothinge to maynteyne himselfe his wife and three small children but by hand labor humblie prayeth to have the presentment or inditement taken of without without fees, and your Worships order to be freed from further presentment or inditement for the same (he behavinge himselfe civillie and religiously) And your peticioner shall pray for your healthes and happines.

Thomas Chesterton. Q/SR/265/16 (1649)

The humble peticion of Thomas Chesterton

Whearas your peticoner Thomas Chesterton hath had great wronges and abuses by one Houmphrey Ellis William Ellis and Elizabeth Ellis they being people of an evill behavior and base carrage towardes your peticioner and alsoe an ill repute amongst his neighbores and they said Ellis hath sworne that he would kill your peticioner and also hath done diverse wronges to your poore peticioner and to many more of his neighbores and therefore your peticioner humbly beseecheth the honorable Bench to take into their honores consideracion and further to certifie the honorable Court that he hath bound and still is bound to his good behaviour he your poore peticioner humbly prayeth and beseecheth your honores that may stand as bound as he hath bene heretofore he your peticoner being fearefull of his life which way soever he goeth because they are resolute and if some speedy course be not taken your poor peticioner must be forct to be driven of his meanes which he payeth a great rent for and your poore peticioner humbly [illegible] desireth that he may stand bound for his good behaviour and he shall be bound to pray for your honores.

Joane Turner of Wolstanton, spinster. Q/SR/265/20 (1649)

To the Right Worshipfull his Majesties Justices of the peace for the County of Stafford

The humble peticion of Joane Turner of Wolstanton in this County spinster

Humblie sheweth unto your good worshipps That whereas your peticioner about a yeere and quarter sithence and nowe last past was soe ernestlie entreated pershewed and perswaded by on Henery Clarke then and yet of Newborrough in this Countie of Stafford in such manner that your said peticioner could not rest in any good service for the said Henery Clarke and soe by his often sollicitinge of your peticioner she your said peticioner beinge weake and uppon promisse of marriage was overcome by the said Henerie Clarke and hath had a child by the said Henerie Clarke, nowe since which tyme the said Clarke contrarie to his oath and promisse doth alltogeither refuse and deny to marrie your said peticoner where uppon your said peticoner did repaire unto Anthony Rudiar Esquire on of the Justices of the peace for this countie and there did obtayne a warrant of the good behaviour which was directed unto the cunstable of Newborrowe for the apprehendinge of the said Henerie Clarke and by vertue of the said warrant the said cunstable did apprehend the said Henerie Clarke and had him in his possession and afterwards hee the said cunstable did set the said Clarke at libertie not bringing him the said Clarke before any Justice at all to the utter undoeinge of your peticioner and her child

May it therefore please your good worshipps the premisses beinge considered to graunt your warrant of the good behavior against the said cunstable,br> of Newborrowe compellinge him thereby to bringe before you the said Henerie Clarke or otherwayes to alowe such mentenance for the releiufe of your peticioner and her child as shalbe thought fitt by your worshipps discretion and your peticioner shalle dayly pray for your worshipps health and happines longe to continue


Bonus gest concedr

Jur ad verifat' sciat' iudic bg versus Ric' Wright constable

Alice Davies of Woolverhampton. Q/SR/265/13 (1649)


To the honourable bench

The humble petition of Alice Davies of Woolverhampton

Whereas that Thomas Bridgin of Woolverhampton within this county of Stafford within the space of [illegible] 40 dayes last past meetinge with your petitioner violintly toke of her body 5 pounds att least and otherwayes abused her in money and goodes and beaten her and as nowe will appeare by the woundes upon her head the constables of Woolverhampton havinge the said Bridgin in their company refused to apprehend the said Bridgin [illegible] att the instant time when your petitioner arrested him of [that?] fellony the constables beinge willing [illegible] to lett him make an escape your petitioner desires a generall warrant to apprehend the said Bridgin uppon the fellony and other abuses and the constables to suffer condign punishment for their neclect.


See the bill of indictment

Thomas Higinbothom of the parish of Womborne, couper. Q/SR/266/3 (1649)


To the honorable and worshipfull the justices of the peace in the said county

The humble petitione of Thomas Higinbothom of the parish of Womborne in the said county couper.

Sheweth that whereas your said peticioner hath lived in the said parish of Womborne for many yeares, paynefull in his callinge, and as a good Christian and loved of his neighbours and is now destitute of a house or habitacion for himselfe his wife and children: and hath obtayned a parcell of land of Elizabeth Mulliner widdowe to erect and builde the same uppon, and yett not able to obtayne foure acres of land to laye unto the same accordinge to the statute in that case made and provided.

And therefore humbly prayeth the license of this court to erect and build the said house or cottage, and your said peticioner shalbe ever bound to praye for this honorable court.

And wee the parishoners and inhabitants of Womborne aforesaid whose names are hereunto subscribed, doe certifie this peticion to be true and allso there unto give our consentes.

  • John Tonge
  • Thomas Parker
  • John Cartwick
  • William [Date?]
  • Robert Foxall
  • Richard Southall
  • Ithiel Smart minister ibidem
  • John Woodhouse
  • Edward Smith
  • Oliver Shawe
  • William Marshe
  • John Marshe


Richard Hodgson of Loxley. Q/SR/266/4 (1649)

Humbly sheweth your poore petitioner Richard Hodgson of Loxley in the parish of Uttoxeter and said countie of Stafford houlding certaine lands there, hath not onely beene assessed and inforced to paye for the lands he hath in all lewnes and taxes, but alsoe for those lands which he hath not, soe that he doth conceive [that in?] the summe of three and twentie pence he payeth nine pence for that land which is in the houldinge of other men, or at the [least?] wise is overtaxed, by which meanes there is now in arreare for lewnes which are demanded almost fiftie shillings

His humble petition to you is that you would be pleased to tender his condition being a poore deafe man, and unable to helpe himselfe, that [some?] order may be sent to some sufficient [neigh...ours?] who may veiw the assessements there and [illegible] the same soe will your petitioner humbly [illegible] for your health and prosperitie.


Master Bellott and Master Goring with some of the best inhabitantes

1 - 15 - 10 3 - 3 - 6 4 19 4

The inhabitants of the parish of Pagets Bromley. Q/SR/266/7 (1649)

To the right worshipfull the justices of the peace for the county of Stafford

The humble petition of the inhabitantes of the parrish of Bromly Pagettes

Humbly sheweth that whereas it pleased the worshipfull George Bowes and [Fleurie?] [illegible] esquires twoe of the justices of the peace for the county aforesaid to send theire warrant bearing date the 5th day of June last past comaundinge thereby the churchwardens and overseers to [receive?] one Raph Goodwin an impotent man and aledged therein that he the said Goodwin had beene resident and dwelt at Bromly aforesaid during the tyme of six moneths, the last place of his aboade and to take care for his mayntenance as by the said warrant hereunto annexed it doeth and may at large appeare.

Nowe may it please your worshipps, the said Raph Goodwyne neaver inhabyted within them any such tyme as aforesaid, as doeth appeare under his hand by his certificate hereunto alsoe anexed and ready upon oath to veriefie his hand or marke thereunto;

The premisses considered your petitioners humbly pray that your worshipps would please to send the said Raph Goodwin unto Yoxall from whence he came, where of right he ought to bee, and not to be burthened with him without cause, as the said certeficate relateth which is the very truth, and alsoe humbly pray your warrant to the same effect,

And they shall as in duty are bownd ever pray for your worshipps


It is desired to have a warrant to bring in the [ass?] overseers of the poore former chosen by the justices at Stone, to appeare at the next monethly meetinge for neglecteing theire said office

not [ord?]

The inhabitants of Aston. Q/SR/266/11 (1649)

The humble petition of the inhabytants of the towne of Aston

Humbly sheweth that whereas it pleased God that upon Tewsday last, Dorrothye Ponson widdowe of Aston afoure said, did falle from her sences, into distraction and maddnes and hath continued in the same, for the most part ever since what was the cause God knoweth and not wee, shee was a very Godly religious woman, and had excellent gifts both of under= standing, and memmorye, and verry ready in the scripture, shee also kept a little scoole teaching children to reede there is hope of her recoverye againe, if it please God to give blessing unto her, shee is but poore and hath small frends, and hath two children the one aboute foure yeares oulde and the other not two, now our petition and request is that this honnorable court woulde bee pleased to grante an order directed to the church warddens and overseers of the poore for the perrish of Stone that they will see to the releiffe and mentenance of her and her poore children in this their extremytye, and wee shall pray etc.


12 till her [recovery?] [illegible]

Stephen Aldridge and Edward Ammerton, soldiers. Q/SR/266/12 (1649)

To the honourable and right worshipfull the justices of the peace for this county of Stafford

The humble peticion of Stephen Aldridge and Edward Ammerton late soldiers under the command of Thomas Monck.

Sheweth that your petitioners have beene in the Parliamentes und service under the command aforesaid for the space of 20 moneths, in which tyme the respectively and obediently behaved themselves. But at disbanding were much in arreare, though they had suffered many woundes and maynes, to the disenabling of them to a future service, or any other labours, whereby to gaine to themselves any manner of support for their livelyhood:

Therefore humbly pray the premisses considered, that your petitioners may have order to receive an usuall pension as is now and hath beene formerly allowed to maymed soldiers.

And your petitioners shall ever pray for your honours much happines



not [ord?]

not [ord?]

Richard Wright of Newborough and Hoar Cross, constable. Q/SR/266/13 (1649)

[Com?] Stafford sessions

To the honourable and right worshipfull the justices of the peace of this county.

The humble peticion of Richard Wright of Newborough and Whorecross in this county constable

Humbly sheweth that your peticioner having received a warrant from Anthony Rudyerd esquire for the apprehension, and bringing before one or more justices of the peace for this county the body of one Henry Clarke of Newborough aforesaid weaver for the unlawfull copulacion and getting with child one Joane Turner of Alveton, which warrant accordingly your petitioner did execute and the said Clarke did apprehend, really intending to performe the commandes of the said warrant, but was thereof prevented by some soldiers, who forcibly rescowed and forcibly tooke away the said Clarke from your petitioner soe that the saide Clarke is fledd out of this county, and his place of abode unto your petitioner unknowne, by which meanes your petitioner is much troubled by the daily sollicitacions of the said Joane Turner who would with out your worshipps releife herein constraine your petitioner to keepe hir child at his owne proper charge, though the child was borne at Alveton aforesaid: which your peticioner is ready to manifest by testimony of two honest neighbours here present.

All which being considered your peticioner humbly praies that your worshipps would bee pleased to free him your petitioner from the intended burthen, and to charge the parish of Alveton with the releife and necessary maintenance of the said child: and your petitioner shall ever pray for your worshipps


The names of wittnesses Francis Sherratt Matthew Clarke


[exonr?] super [recogn?]

The inhabitants of Mucklestone. Q/SR/266/14 (1649)


The humble pittition off the inhabitance of Mouckleston

Humbly shewinge unto the wright worshipfull of this worthy bench the greate wronges and charges that wee have received from one Sammuell Renaldes whoe as hee sayth is an atturney at law: yet wee are able to prove sence Trenietie terme was 12 mounthes hee never was at any terme at London and wee at Easter last did accordinge to our costume did present him to finde one suffecient man to sarve the office of a constable in regard hit came to his house by course to finde one and accordinge to our ancient custome which was never broken in the memory of man: the last tyme before now when the said office of a constable came to that house where in the said Sammuell Renalds now liveth then stood boyes and noe sufficient person liveed in it then wee presented Sir John Offley knight beinge landlord of it to finde one to sarve the office of a constable and hee caused one to bee hired to sarve in regard hee would not seecke by any meanes to breake or overthroe our custome now the said Sammuell denieth to sarve in regard hee saith hee hath a writ of previlige being an attorney as hee him selfe saith but wee are not sure whether hee bee or noe but for his practice is very small of late tyme and for his previlidge wee hope cannot breake our custome soe our humble and ernest requestes unto your good worshipes is that you will bee pleased to eayd and and assist us with all the lawfull favour you can and not to let us suffer or bee over swayed with the rigor of the law in this our just cause but let us wee beseeke you receive the mercie of justice to bee gyded by and to that wee onely and wholy appeale unto desireinge to abyde abyde the censure of it: ever more prayinge for you:

  • John Adames
  • Humphrey Smyth
  • William Phillipes
  • Hugh Barlowe
  • Thomas Snape
  • William Lowe
  • William Hollins
  • John Podmor
  • Thomas Podmor
  • Richard Lyon
  • Edward Snape

Humfrus Smith junior constable in loco Samuel Renoldes

[Ex.r?] Renoldes super [illegible] priviledgie

Darnygoulde Bycar. Q/SR/266/16 (1649)

To the honourrable bentche at this quarter session for the county of Stafford

The humble petetion of Darnygoulde Bycar humbly sheweth that whereas John Clarke an apprentice to John Leese a carpenter dwellinge in Penckriche parishe, was abused by unlawefull correction forced to goe from his saide master and lieinge in the colde in time of colde winter when he was founde was sente to his saide master, who let him lie on the colde harthe all nighte without fire, and refused to give him entertainement and on the morrowe brought him in the colde feild and lefte him there and a neighbour comeinge that way, founde his masters sonne beateinge him who acquainted his neighbours of his lamentable estate, two or three neighbours caused him to be brought to his aunt Thomas Mores wife, upon that his neighbors comeinge and seeinge him in that miserable estate his aunte wanteinge skill to cure him nor haveinge maintenance to releive him wente to his dame his master not beinge at home shee refused to give any releife his aunte acquainted her neighbours with it. Upon that the overseers and neighbours did speake to John Leese his master to take some order with him upon that John Leese his saide master did agrree with the overseers and other of our neighbours to take him home againe beinge paide two shillinges a weecke which moneys beinge paide his master and dame refused to keepe him any longer, by consente of his master the overseers and some of our neighbours, sente the boys aunte to Cannocke to your poore petitioner makeinge me acquainted what lamentable state he was in I came a longe with the boys aunte to his masters house then seeinge what miserable state he was in his leggs and feete beinge soe sweld and numbd with his beinge forced to lie in the extreame cold, beeinge starke dead and like to perish your petetioner dwellinge soe farr could not come to dresse him so ofte as need required his said master the overseers and some of our neighbours agreed with me for 3 shillings - 6 pence a weecke for his diet bed washeinge and ringeinge untill the nexte monthly meeteinge upon that John Leese hired a carte to bringe him to Cannocke to me not sendeinge his cloathes that he should use and denieth yet to let him have them your petetioner doeinge what shee could to cure him his feete did rott and perrishe from him within a fortnighte and seeinge his heade and bodie in such pittifull order I asked him howe the came to be soe sore who answeared and saide his [master?] had spurned and beaten him and did lay two rodes in stale and commanded me to goe to bed [illegible] lieinge naked my master came and pluckte me out of bed and tooke his garter and tied both my handes behinde me and whipte me up and downe the house, until I bled from the head downeward, which the said John Leese confessed before sufficient wittnes after whiping me, my master set him downe to reste him I smarteinge soe cruelly went up the stares to my bed my master sente his sonne with a cloathe to drie me wheron the overseer caused the said John Leese his master to come before Master Moreton the next monethly meeteinge, which upon that it was ordered the saide John Leese his master should pay the said 3 shillings - 6 pence a weecke untill the nexte quarter sessions which nowe refuseth to pay it and the men that did sett him to me, which hath caused me many a dayes journey I beinge not able to stay soe longe withoute it your petetioner beinge forced to borrowe it nowe maketh me complaine to this honourrable bentche I beinge not able to keepe him any longer I humbly intreate and desire your worships furtherance and assistance in this my greate need, that I may have that which is due and unpaide to mee soe prayeinge to God for your happines I reste

Your humble petetioner to her power.

Darnygoulde Bycar


Vera billa. [exr?]

Richard Momford of Aston. Q/SR/267/3 (1649)

To the honorable worshipfull the Justices of the peace and quorum for the county of Stafford.

The humble peticion of Richard Momford of Aston


That your peticioner served the office of Constable in the parish of Trentham in the yeare 1647 and did well and faithfully execute that office duringe all the time of his being therein, and at his discontinuance did give up a perfect accompt unto the parishioners there, which was well approved of, and by which accompt it appeareth that your peticioner was out of purse for the service of the same parish 1li.-11s.-6d. which somme soe due unto your peticioner he hath often demanded of the Inhabitantes of Trentham whoe shold properly paye the same, but as yet cannot procure the same, to the prejudice of your peticioner

Therefore humbly prayeth this Court to take the premisses into your consideracion and to take such course therein that your peticioner may receive and have satisfaction for his disbursments aforesaid as to your wisedomes shall seem meete

And he shall ever pray etc


fiat warr xiid.

The inhabitants of Eccleshall. Q/SR/267/5 (1649)

To the right worshipfull his majesties justices of the peace for this countie of Stafford at their meeting at Stableford Bridge.

We the inhabitants of the parish of Eccleshall whose names are underwritten doe hereby humbly certifie your worships that Symon Tilsley of Aspley is a very poore impotent blind man altoge= ther destitute of any meanes of his owne to relieve and main= taine him, and soe hath been for divers yeares last past, having had little or noe reliefe but what James Meeson our neighbour hath in charitie afforded unto him: may it therefore please your good worships to grant make your order and grant your warrant unto the present church= wardens and overseers for the poore of our parish, them requiring to allowe unto the said Symon Tilsley the summe of twoe shillings weekely for and towardes the payment of his house rent and finding him meate drink and apparell convenient for him, and to [illegible] be allow= ed him from the 13th day of Januarie last past, and to be henceforth continued soe long as his necessity shall require, all which we conceive fitt and reasonable and soe rest [illegible]

Your worships humble [servantes?]

  • John Hancocke
  • Charles [Landar?]
  • John Blest senior
  • Thomas Blest of the [hough?]
  • Jeffery Grimes William Loveatt
  • William Kyrke Thomas Evans
  • James [Waddey?]
  • Richard Bushopp
  • John Howell
  • William Bagnot
  • William Richards
  • William [illegible]
  • John Tilsley
  • Francis Steedman
  • John Woollams
  • John Steed Sutton
  • Johns Hanley
  • Thomas Chaulton
  • John Shropshire
  • Robart Walker
  • Robert Berkin
  • Thomas Gratewood
  • John Milward
  • William Bagnold
  • John [Hancocke?]

Richard Walthow of Eccleshall. Q/SR/267/7 (1649)

To the right worshipfull bench the Justices of Peace at the quarter Sessions for the County of Stafford the humble petition of Richard Walthow of Ecleshall

Humbly sheweth

That wheras your petitioner is a very poore disconsolate man and one that hath almost noe comford in this world lefft unto him in regard it hath pleased god to take away his wife from him to his utter ruine and undoeing and that in regard of the great charge of children which it hath pleased god to bestowe upon him which your petitioner takes as great blessing at the hands of all might god: but in regard of his great poverty and nessescity they are unto him a greate affliction of sperit: to have them cry for bread and as the case now stands left him wherby to gett bread for them by reason another the eldest of them being not above 12 years of age besides the scarcyty of the times ocationed cheifely by the hardnes of peeoples hartes.

Now these are therfore humbly to desire the Worshipfull Bench to take your petitioners most sadd and deplorable condition into your most grave and seriouse concideration and withall to cause the parish to make such provition for [illegible] him and his children as you in your wisdoms shall thinke meete that they may not starve in a land of plenty and of this his most humble petition the primises concidered hee doubts not but to have a gratiouse and worshipfull answer and your petitioner shall ever pray as in duty hee is bound for your worships helth and happines heare in this world and your eternall glory in the world which is to come

Thomas Coton, constable of Kibleston. Q/SR/267/8 (1649)

To the Right Honorable his Majesties the Justices of Assisses for the Countye of Stafford

The humble petition of Thomas Coton constable of Kibleston within this countie


That whereas your petitioner hath many warrantes directed unto him for the payment of severall imposicions upon the aforesaid constablewicke and hath given warninge unto them to meete to lay lewnes for the payment thereof, but the inhabytantes in generall denie to meete or consent thereunto, neither will allowe unto your petitioner such raisonable charges as heretofore hath beene allowed unto former constables there, the aforesaid constablewicke beinge large and the [illegible] halfe aboute 2 parts of of a division, which causeth much expence and labour in the execution of his said office.

Therefore your petitioner humbly prayeth your good honnors to be pleased seriously to consider of the premisses, that your petitioner may have the constablewicke inforced to come and meete and pay lewnes as they have formerlie, and not to apose your petitioner as heretofore they have as Jonay Pencell the son of William Pencell latelie did your petitioner being inforced to distraine for non payment of lewnes and having assistance by twoe souldiers resisted and offerred to abuse your petitioner soe that he said he could find in his hart to knocke out his braynes Your petitioner thereby being utterly disabled to execute his said office, for which abuse your petitioner had a warrant from Justice Crompton being served therewith denyed to obey the same

And your honnors goodnes and releife herein he shall as in dutie is bownd to er pray etc

He desireth that the former constables may bringe in theire accountes


I desire the two next Justices of the Peace of this Countye of Stafford to take this peticion into their speedy consideracion and to call the parties concerned in this peticion before them and to use the examine the truth thereof and if they cann to compose the differrence beetweene them and (in case they cannot) to certifie those that are in default at the next Assizes to be held for this Countie of Stafford that remedye att law against them may be applyed to the intent that therein may be done what to justice shall apperteyne xxxiiii to. July 1649 Robert Nicholas

arreares and charges

Edward Goldsmith, a Sheriff's Officer. Q/SR/267/9 (1649)

To the worshipfull Justices of the Peace for the County of Stafford

The humble petition of Edward Goldsmith one of the Sherriffes Officers

Sheweth that whereas your petitioner having a warrant putt into his hand and under the hand and seale of office of the Heigh Sherriffe of this County of Stafford to execute against severall persons therein named for theire appearence at this generall Sessions of the Peace upon Inditement, wherein was Georg Sare of Penckrich and arresting him, Marie the wife of the said George came in a verie voyolent way, and said if she could but come at him wold stove him to the hart with a knife, but if she could doe it hereafter she would with many uncevell and threatninge wordes

The premisses considered your petitioner humbly prayeth your worshipps to be pleased to graunt the good behaviour against the said Marie Sare soe that hereafter the service and sherriffes warrantes accordinge to lawe may bee more quietly executed and not to bee in danger to be slayne by such lewd and wicked people.

And your petitioner shall ever be bownd to pray for your worshipps

William Bebe of Abbots Bromley, minister. Q/SR/267/14 (1649)

To the Honorable Bench The humble peticion of William Bebe Minister of Abetts Breomley


That whereas the vicarig of the place aforesaid with severall apertainances there unto were conferd and setled uppon your peticoner by an order from the Comittee for Plundred Ministers sequestred from Anthony Hucesley delinquent sinch your peticioner had posesion of the aforesaid place the aforesaid Anthony Hucksley hath reen tered the vicaridg house gethered the dues belonging to your peticioner and with much molistation of the honest partie in the towne doth still keepe possesion

In consideration of the premises your peticioners humble request is that some spedy course maye be taken for the releife of your peticoner according us your in your wisdoms shall think fitt

and your peticioner shall pray etc.

Samuel Johnston and William Eire, constables of Leek. Q/SR/267/16 (1649)

To the Worshippfull the Justices of the peace for this County of Stafford the petcion of Samuel Johnson and William Eire late Constables of Leeke Anno 1648

Humbly shewes

That whereas your petconer by order from Major Generall Lambert in his march this way upon pursuit of the Scotes Anno Domini 1648, August 23 were enjoyned to quarter 700 men and horse for one night upon the charge of the whole constablewicke, Your humble petconers [illegible] acviateing to the said Major Generall upon the cominge in (on the next daye) of many maimed souldiers and tired horses, that this towne of Leeke was but the sixt part of the constablewicke, and had beene much overcharged, the said General worthily ordered that the said maimed souldieres, tired and maimed horses come in, or to come for some dayes followinge, should bee here quartered att the charge of the whole constablewicke, till they were able to march; the which beinge performed by the petconers (upon the sudden) [illegible] with moneyes, and engagementes, besides other necessitated charges, to the value of eight poundes, as may appeare by your petconers accountes, seene, and approved, att our next court leete followinge, upon which your petconers issueinge out warrantes for the raisinge of the said summe were rejected; Your petconers beinge now sued for the said engagementes, and haveinge no other refuge neare att hand, doe humblie betake themselves to your Worships

Humbly desireinge (the premises considered) that this Worshipfull Bench would bee pleased to grant out their warrant to the Constable and Headboroughes of Leeke for the assessinge and collectinge of such moneyes as by the said accountes of your petconers shall appeare due, and your petconers shall pray etc.

Wee whose names are here under subscribed, beinge called in for advice by the aboved named petconers (then Constables) for better dispose of so sudden a buisinesse, doe certifie that wee advised unanimously, accordinge to the order of the said Major General to quarter the aforesaid men and horses att several Innes and houses, upon the charge of the whole constablewicke

  • Thomas Jodrell
  • Richard Thomson Thomas Hamersley Thomas Fynney
  • Thomas Wallton [illegible] gentleman Lawrence Brindle John Davemporte
  • John Tooke Adam Jackson
  • Ed: Craddocke John Horsley John Jackson [illegible]


Elinor Bromwich, wife of Thomas Bromwich. Q/SR/267/19 (1649)

To the right worshipfull the Justices of Peace of the Countie of Stafford

The humble peticion of Elnor Bromwich the wiefe of Thomas Bromwich

Shewinge that her said husband, by frequentinge of lewd company hath of late withdrawne his affeccon from her, and her children and hath used her most barbarously, against the covenant he made to her in marriage (at which tyme he receaved a competent marriage porcion of her father) hath beaten her and put her liefe in danger, So as she dare not dwell with him

She most humbley beseecheth your Worships to take commiseracion of her myseries, And (uppon the articles annexed) such order for her saftie and mayntenance for her and her three children by yearly allowance out of his land as to your wisdoms shall seeme consonant to equitie and justice

And soe she and her children shall daylie pray for you.



b: g. super bones man 60li. per annum exib

Anne Wilkes of Bilston, widow. Q/SR/267/21 (1649)

To the honorable and right worshipfull the Justices of the peace for this County of Stafford

The humble peticion of Anne Wilkes of Bildeston widdow

Humbly sheweth That your petitioner being a very poore woeman, and the more to aggravate hir misery hath six children in these tymes of dearth unimployed in any many of labours whereby either to releive themselves in parte, or any waies assist there aged mother who having noe way to releive hirself but the charitable benevolence of some few good people within the parish of Wolverhampton. And being now driven to the uttmost of extremityes as being refused by those of the said parish for a requisite releife for myhirself and poore children hath noe other way but to have recourse unto your Worshipps the onely meanes left mee hir for a future subsistency.

Which being taken into your worshipps consideracions my humble praier is that you would be pleased to order that your petitioner and hir poore children may have some releife either paid them out of the said parish or some other waie as your worshipps shall conceive most meete and your petitioner as in duety bound shall ever praye for your honors. etc.


1 - 16 yeares

2 - 14 yeares

3 - 12 yeare

8d weekely for the rest

Mr Bendy

John Banage of Gnosall. Q/SR/267/22 (1649)

To the Righte worshipefull the Justices of the peace for this Countie of Stafford

This is to certiefie your good worshipes that whereas your poore petitioner John Bassage of Wassall builded builded a cottage this twenty sixe yeares agoe and about two acers of grownd lying to it and I have lived quietly and peaceably in it all my life time: and now am presented by William Pallmer for erecting a cottage contrary to the statute: Therefore I would intreate your good worshipes that you would bee pleased to take some pittie upon your poore petitioner in distresse that I may live quietly amongst my neighboures as hearetofore I have donne: and I beeseeche your good worshipes that you would bee pleased to take it to consideration and to grant mee some redresse for this presentment thus hoping that your good worshipes wilbee pleased to take pittie upon a poore man in distresse and soe with my prayers to god for your good successe I rest

Your poore petitioner John Bassage paratext

not and because not troubled