Staffordshire Quarter Sessions: 1659

Petitions to the Staffordshire Quarter Sessions, 1589-1799.

This free content was born digital and sponsored by the Arts and Humanities Research Council Research Grant: ‘The Power of Petitioning in Seventeenth-Century England’ (AH/S001654/1) for costs including transcription of seventeenth-century items and editorial work, with the cost of photographing the petitions being funded by an Economic History Society Carnevali Small Research Grant: ‘Seeking Redress in Early Modern England: Petitions to Local Authorities, c.1580-1750’; and the cost of transcribing eighteenth-century items was funded by a later Economic History Society Carnevali Small Research Grant: ‘Poverty, Taxation and Regulation: Petitions to Local magistrates in Eighteenth-Century England’. CC-NC-BY.


In this section

Richard Lee of Stafford, maimed soldier. Q/SR/305/27 (1659)

To the right Worshipfull the Justices of the peace for the County of Stafford.

The humble peticon of Richard Lee of the Borrough of Stafford maimed souldier.

Whereas it was your Worships pleasure and goodness to allow unto your said peticoner the summe of five pounds by the yeare in consideracion of the prejudice hee received in the late warrs by loosing his limbs in the Commonwelths service, and for as much as your peticioners estate and condicon is every way weaker then when hee had the aforesaid grant of 5l. being not in the least able to doe anything towards a livelyhood whoe formerly by his industry lived in creaditt and mainteyned himselfe and family and that in a comfortable and plenti full manner, It is therefore his humble request that your Worships in your clemency will be pleased to take his condicion into your further consideracion in ogmenting his yearly stipend towards the releife of himselfe and family and hee as there unto obleiged will ever pray etc.

Right worshipfull your bounden servant Rich: Lee


no order

William Stevenson. Q/SR/305/28 (1659)

To the Right worshipfull the Justices of the Peace for the County of Stafford

The humble peticion of William Stevenson

Most humbly sheweth unto your Worshipps that your poore peticioner served as as soldier many yeres in the Parliament service, and in that service received such wounds that have disabled your peticioner for labour

In tender consideracion whereof and forasmuch as your peticioner hath a wife and many small children and unlesse your peticioner have some maintenance allowed him, hee, his wife and children are like to fall into miserable poverty, your peticioner most humbly beggeth that hee may have some maintenance allowed him out of the Countrey for the livelyhood of your peticioner his wife and children

And your peticioner shall ever pray for your Worships happines etc


no order

Richard Pepper. Q/SR/305/29 (1659)

County of Stafford

To the Right Worshipfull the Justices of the Peace of the County aforesaid at this present sessions assembled

The humble peticion of Richard Pepper:

Humbly sheweth

That whereas your poore peticioner hath bin a souldier in the States service ever since the warres begunne (both in England and Ireland) where he behaved himselfe very faithfully and valiantly dureing the said warres, and received many sore and desperate wounds which have brought such a lamenesse together with a weaknesse uppon him, that he is not in a capacity to gett a livelihood for himselfe and family, but is likely to be exposed to much poverty (being now very ancient) unlesse your Worshipps will be pleased to comiserate his sad condicion

May it therefore please your Worshipps to take your poore petitioners deplorable condicion into your piouse consideracion and to allowe him your Worshipps order to be admitted a pencioner within the county aforesaid, and your petitioner as in duty bound shall ever pray

Wee whose names are subscribed doe certifie the Contents hereof to be true

  • Symon Fowler Mayor
  • John Tanner }
  • John Hichcock} Justices
  • Noah Bryant Minister
  • George Brett
  • Thomas Backhous
  • Richard Newbailte
  • Thomas Chamberlaine
  • John Felton George Fowler
  • John Doodie
  • Thomas Lander
  • William Fownde

no order

4 [wekly a yere?] till further

Arthur Browne of Tetnall. Q/SR/305/31 (1659)

To the Right Worshipfull the Justices of the peace for the Countie of Stafford

The humble petition of Arthur Browne late of Tetnall in the sayd Countie

Humbly sheweth

That your peticioner haveing lately (by a sodaine fire) his howse burned downe to the ground to the undoeing of your poore peticioner and his family; whereupon hee made his adresses to the Worshipfull Justices at their monethly meeting at Wolverhampton, and there on the 25th of May last past it was ordred by the right Worshipfull Sir John Wirley Knight and George Brimley Esquire that the churchwardens and overseers of the poore of Tetnall aforesayd should provide your peticioner a convenient habitacion for his money: Whereupon the freeholders with the consent of the lord of the mannor yeilded that your peticioner should build a howse upon the wast, which now (by the loveing neighbours) is almost finished. yet now it pleaseth Mr Wrottesley lord of the sayd mannour to commaund the said howse to bee taken downe which will utterly impoverish and ruin your poore peticioner and his distressed family.

In consideracion whereof your peticioner humble craves your Worships favourable assistance and order that hee may goe on to finish the said howse or els that some other course bee taken as to your Worships shall seeme meete; soe that your peticioner and his family may have some place to repaire to for their refreshment after their daily hard labour. and your peticioners as in duty bound for your Worships

shall ever pray etc


no order

William Forden of Hampstall Ridware. Q/SR/305/32 (1659)

The humble petition of William Forden of Hampstall Ridware in the County of Stafford:

Humbly Shewinge

That whereas your poore petitioner hath formerly had by order from your worships at this honorable bentch a little weekely pay allow- ed him to be payd by the officers of the said parishe of Hampstall Ridware afforesaid, and since your poore distressed petitioner hath binn cast into prison and there continued neare the space of six monethes in great distresse and misery and since now for the space of twentie and one weekes now last past the officers of the said parishe of Hamstall afforesaid have detayned and not payd your petitioner accordinge to your worshipps order he now beinge in great want and misery and not able to subsist and also havinge a poore daughter which is very impotente and lame and not able to goe or stand but upon her crutches and she had a little howshould goods which she now hath binn forced to sell and ingage great part of it to realease her poore distressed father forth of prison and to gayne his liberty he beinge in great danger to perrishe for want of maintenance. Now your poore petitioner humbly craveth your good worshipps to comiserate the poore distressed estate of your petitioner and his poore lame daughter that the may have some thinge granted to be allowed them towardes there maintenance and also to cause the officers to pay that which is behind and unpayd which was formerly allowed by your worshipps at this bentch and now is detayned so that your poore petitioner is in danger to perrishe for want of maintenance except your worshipps will be so pleased to grant your warrant to distrayne for his weekely mayntenance hereafter for your peticioner is not likely to have any thing: but what your worshipps shall please to allow him And your petitioner shall humbly pray for your worshipps health and hapines longe to continewe.


dd alredye

Thomas Wall of Wolverhampton, malster. Q/SR/305/33 (1659)

To the Right Worshipfull the Justices of the peace for the County of Stafford

The humble peticion of Thomas Wall of Wolverhampton malster

Humbly sheweth

That by an ordinance of Parliament bearing date the second day of September which was in the yeare of our Lord 1654 It is enacted that all such persons as have served the Comonwealth of England within this Nation by the space of foure yeares at any time since the yeare of our Lord 1642 and before the third of September 1651 and should be apt or able to follow any trade or mistery or occupacion might soe doe in any place where they should reside though never bound apprentise thereunto And your petitioner further sheweth that hee having served the Comonwealth of England as a souldier in the late warrs within this Nation by the space of eight yeares and more after the yeare of our Lord 1642 and almost two yeares more since then in Scotland and having had divers sore wounds in the said service hath according to the liberty to him granted by the said ordinance of late exercised the trade of a malster as he hopes he lawfully may yet nevertheles is as he is informed, indicted before your Worshipps for following the said trade contrary to the said ordinance,

Your petitioner therefore humbly prayeth that the processe upon the said indictment against your petitioner may be stayed and six moneths time allowed to your petitioner to prove his said service by certificate, or oath as the said ordinance requireth, And your peticioner shall pray for your Worshipps happines


stay the presentment giv a license

John Lea of Fosbrook in the parish of Dillron. Q/SR/306/33 (1659)

To the Right worshipfull the Justices of the Peace of the Countye of Stafford

The humble petition of John Lea of Fosbrook in the parish of Dillron in the same Countye

Humbly sheweth

That your poore petitioner haveinge lived in Forsbrook all his liffe timne in the same parish and haveinge a wiffe and three children all borne in the same parish and beinge destitute of a habitacion and gettinge his liveinge with his daylie labor without chardge to any person liveinge there

His most humble petition to your worshipps is that he may have an order of the sessions to buyld a house upon the wast there to inhabite in by the consent of the lord of the mannor which he doubts not to obteyne havinge the order of the sessions for the doeinge thereof And the petitioner will pray etc


granted having the consent of the lord of the mannor

Thomas Crompton, on behalf of Thomas Rathbone. Q/SR/306/34 (1659)

Mr Bagnall

I have seene this poo[r] [illegible] petition, and am serte[fied and] informed the freehol[ders] and the Lord are very [illegible] that he shall have a cottage build uppon the wast, I pray you present itt to the Justices and obtayne there assistance and the poore man will pray for you, And you allso shall obleige

Sir your servant

Thomas Crompton Ma: the 21th 58/59

Thomas Smith and others, on behalf of Thomas Rathbone of Knutton, labourer. Q/SR/306/35 (1659)

To the Right Worshipffull the Justices of the peace, at the generall Sessions of the peace to be held for this Countie of Stafford upon Twesday the 12th day of this instant Aprill 1659:

Humbly shewing that whereas Thomas Rathbone of Knutton within this countie labourer, haveing heretofore lived in Knutton aforesaid for the space of six or seaven yeares last past, and hath demeaned himselfe amongst his neighboures truly and honestly in his vocation and calling, And now being destitute of house and habitac[ion] We the inhabitantes of Knutton aforesaid, whose names are hereunto subscrib[ed] Humbly crave the order of this Court for the erecting of a cottage, (by the consent of the lord of the mannor in some convenient place within the lord- shipp of Knutton aforesaid: And we shall rest your Worshipps humble ser- vantes to command

  • Thomas Smith
  • Thomas Patteson
  • John Baddeley
  • Richard Clownam
  • William Perrie


Inhabitants of the parish of Keele, in support of Henry Parker. Q/SR/306/36 (1659)

To the right worshipfull the justices of peace of the county of Stafford.

Theis are to certifie that the Henrie Parker a poore inhabitant within the parish of Keele did about seaven yeares since erect a cottage for his owne habitacion upon the wast within the said mannour, he haveing nothing to maintayne himselfe and his family haveing two small children [illegible] butt what he gettes by his dayly labour, and that the lord of the mannour of Keele doth consent to the continuance of the said cottage upon the wast for this habitacion of the said Parker tog and also the inhabitantes of Keele whose names are subscribed, and it is humbly desired that he may have the order of sessions for continueing of the said cottage, and that he may not be prosecuted upon the statute made against cottages [Keele?] Aprill 4th 1659

  • [W Sneyd?]
  • William Hulton
  • Thomas Swinnerton
  • John Peake
  • Randle Burslem
  • John Stubbs
  • John Wright
  • Richard Sillitoe
  • John Peake
  • John Peake senior
  • Isacke Heath
  • Thomas Peake
  • Raphe Reeve


John Hawkyns, William Henakyns and others of Wilhenhall. Q/SR/306/37 (1659)

To the right Worshipfull the Justices of the peace for the County of Stafford

The humble peticion of John Hawkyns, William Henakyns, Richard Padmore, Erasmus Padmore, Thomas Padmore, Thomas Broakes, Francis Careles, John Careles, Thomas William Turner, Thomas Hanson William Parkes, John Pedley, George Turner, William Westley, George Welsh, John Parkes, George Preston & Elizabeth Stone of Wilhenhall in the said Countie.

Humbly sheweth

That upon the ninth of this instant Aprill betweene eleven and twelve of the clocke in the night there hapened a very sodaine and lamentable fire in Wilhenhall aforesaid which in the space of one howre burned downe to the ground ten dwelling howses besides barnes stables outhowses and other buildings conteining by estimation threescore and two bowes of building and upwards, & soe violent and sodaine was the sayd fire that your poore peticioners had not time to save any of their goodes; but were forced to leave them to the mercy of the fire all which losse amounted to the valew of fifeteene hundred poundes at the least, whereby many of your peticioners are utterly undone (who have formerly bin redy to afford releife to others in distresse) being poore tradesmen and tenaunts to the church lands and by decree in Chauncery bound to uphold and repaire their tenements, and the rest in a very sad condition unles beleived by the charity of well disposed people

In consideracion of the premisses your poore peticioners humbly crave your Worships favourable assistance for such releife as to your Worships shall seeme most meete, to whose judicious inspeccion they committ themselves and their deplorable condicion and your peticioners as in duty bound for your Worships

shall ever pray etc

Wee whose names are underwritten weere spectators at this sad fire, and doe judge that the losse was as is abovemencioned

  • Thomas Badland: John Leveson:
  • Richard Wilks
  • Thomas Brindley
  • John Tomkys
  • John Perry
  • Abiel Perkes Constabel
  • William Brinley Chapel wardens
  • William Reade Chapel warden
  • Richard Perry
  • William Pedley

Ellen Greene of Fawde widow. Q/SR/306/43 (1659)

To the Right Worshipfull The Justices of Peace [illegible] Quarter Sessions holden at Stafford

The humble petition of Ellen Greene of Fawde widow

Humbly Sheweth, unto your good Worships: That whereas your poore petitioner[widow of?] Richard Greene of Fawde who in her husbandes lyfe tyme had lived [illegible] a tennant divers yeares by past unto unto Mr Astle of Fawde aforesaid, and all rentes [illegible] ly being by agreement with her husband upon his deathbed acquitted and dischardged, your petitioner being allowed by Mr Astle to remaine in the said howse in liewe of a horse which the said Mr Astle received of her being upon noe perticuler rent for the yeare last past for which terme shee hath onely held it in her widowhood, in regard her poore husband was utterly undone and had lost his stocke totally by hard bargaines upon their land which hee formerly rented, and many inconveniences besides hapning thereby unto him, to utter im- poverishing of your poore petitioner and her two poore children. Yet now forasmuch as the said Mr Astle and his mother have practised farther the ruine of your poore petitioner and having greatly threatned her, Whilst shee repaired to Justice Babington Esquire on Fryday last for advise and redresse the said Mr Astle and his mother cawsed their two servant men and Richard Burton a day labourer in a violent outragious and riotous manner to breake open the doore of her howse wherein shee lived and having putt forth her poore children and throwne out her goodes and broken and spoyled divers of them in their violent action and left them in the streete two dates and a night they att last have adventu- [red] to take them goodes of your poore petitioners unto their owne homes without any legall autho [ity][illegible] And have ever since kept your petitioner out of her said howse. Your petitioner having noe place [illegible]de. And your petitioner having her goodes money and writinges unto the valewe of three [illegible] poundes att least thus taken from her, or imbezelled by them as aforesaid to the [illegible] ruine of your petitioner and her children.

[illegible] Your poore petitioners humble suite unto your good Worships is that yow wilbee pleased to take the premyses into your consideration and clemency, and that yow readmitt her howse into her howse and take such cours as shee may have satisfaction for all her said goodes. And your petitioner as bounden shall forever pray.

Thomas Hand and Richard Nickline. Q/SR/307/29 (1659)

Thomas Tuft had a bastard child fathered upon him by Ann Dicher of Fetherston: was committed till hee found sureties to appeare at next sessions after: then Thomas Hand and Richard Nickline became bound with him for his appearance hee was called and appeared: but after made escape forth of the court: then the court ordered that Thomas Hand and Richard Nickline should pay six pence a weeke untill the brought him in or that till new securytie was given then new securytie was given and taken by Sir Thomas Whitgreave his clarke dies and the recognizance would not bee found: but at length it was found out: that it was one Edward Dale and one Brodford: and are accepted against by the inhabitantes of Fetherston: now Thomas Hand and Richard Nickline have mett with Tuft and brought him in and desire to bee discharged: for since that securytie was taken the said Thomas Hand and Richard Nickline have beene caused by warrant from the justices to appeare at severall moonthly meetings and put to much trouble and expences with out any cause:

William B. on behalf of Anne Jeoffries. Q/SR/307/33 (1659)

Sir I pray if our Kings Swinford officers for the poore move the court to have the order absolute concerning the payment of 30 shillings for the putting forth Anne Jeoffries a parish [orphane?] child which by silence I consented unto last sessions upon consideracion whereof that I should be freed and discharged during the time of her apprenticehood etc be pleased to let the court know that no contempt hath bin on my part for the first part of the order is, that the officers and I should meet to compose the difference if we could, I did goe to them and offer them 30 shillings if I might have had a bond of 3 pounds for my security against paying to the putting forth other apprentices in the parish during Anne Jeoffries her apprenticehood if I may not have other security I hope the order will be made a little fuller in the close not only for my personall freedome and discharge but of my farme or landes in the parish from such charge as aforesaid for so it was intended and runneth with a quid pro quo in consideracion whereof (to wit of 30 shillings) I shall be freed and discharg =ed from taking any such apprentice to which I hope such explanatory addicion will be made, if the order be confirmed and if liberata or oblata pecunia non liberat offerentem Sir I am in hast on a journey for Worcester against our sessions there I rest

Your servant

William B.


Sir I have sent you the order and draught for a bond of 3 pounds security

July 11 1659

Swinford Regis Shutend

[illegible] and offred 30 shillings.

Robert Bayley. Q/SR/307/35 (1659)

To the Right Worshipfull the Justices of the peace for the countie of Stafford

Your peticioner humby


That your peticioner Robert Baggeley Bayley of Wootton hath kept three children of Richard Bayleys hee beinge deceased aboute halfe a yeare past and the mother of the said children being left fatherles and motherles, in a very poore estate and not any thinge of theire late parentes left to maintaine them, and have bene kept since theire fathers death by your peticioner and some other freinds which are not about to releive them any longer the said children being very yonge of yeares the eldest being not above twelve yeares of age and the youngest not seaven


Beseecheth that your Worshipfull Bench would take into due consideracion to Ineinorder theire releife that the officers may bee comanded to contribute weekely proportionably out of theire lunes towards theire dayly maintenance or else a summe of monies to sett them out certaine yeares that they may not be chargable to the towne nor perish any more which shall oblige your peticioner and them alsoe to pray for your Worships etc

Given under our hands at Eccles: July ii 1659

Robt Bayley of the towne of Wootton

I doe know the substance of this peticion to bee true and if somewhat were added to that theire friends are willing to contribute towards setting them to a calling it might (with gods blessing) much conduce to theire future good

  • John Hancockes Edward Wyrley ibidem Minister
  • Jeffery Grimes
  • Robert Rushton Richard Tew
  • Thomas Grimes Thomas Evans
  • Thomas Baggelye John Fox
  • James Padden
  • Abraham Wootton Ralphe Hadderton
  • John Turner John Smith


Alice Wallker widow, prisoner in Stafford gaol. Q/SR/307/37 (1659)

To the Worshipfull the Justices of the Peace at the Sessions houlden at Stafford this 12th day of July: 1659:

The humble peticion of Alice Wallker widdow nowe prisoner in Stafford goale:

Humbly sheweth:

That your poore peticioner was comitted upon suspi cion of takeing of a lambe being the goodes of one Richard Hurly which said lambe it is plainely made to appeare she is not any way guilltie of the takeing away as more largely will be made to appeare by the said Hurly being here present to cleere your poore peticioner concerneing the said lambe and allsoe to certifie your worships whoe had the said lambe: etc

Your poore peticioner humbly prays your worships to take this her poore considdera condicion into your grate consideracion and bee pleased upon the just heareing of the matter before your worships to sett at libertie this your poore peticioner and shee as in dutie bound shall ever pray for your worships and prosperitie: etc:


no order

Margret Davies, wife of Thomas Davies of Gnosall. Q/SR/307/43 (1659)


To the worshipffull the Justices of the peace of the Countie aforesaid

The humble peticion of Margret Davies the wife of Thomas Davies of Gnosall,

Humbly sheweth thaat your poore peticoner, beinge uppon her necessaries occasion awashinge of her childrens linnens was violently set uppon by Anne Paine the wife of John Paine of Gnosall aforesaid and Margret Latham which violently did beate and misuse your poore peticoner to the danger of your peticioners life, beinge a weake woman and with child soe that your peticoner was after two dayes in stronge labour and in great danger of life as is well knowen unto creadable wemen of our towne, and your peticioner beinge but a poore woman and mother of foure smale children and with child of a fift, have not meanes to prosecute them in course of law, therby to recover my damage done unto mee.

May it therefore please your worships to order your poore peticioner, to have satisfaction, from them, accordinge as your worships shall thinke fitte, lyinge a whole weeke sicke uppon there hurt, and I shall as in dutie bound pray for your heathes and happinesses to continue.

Witnesses what danger your peticoner was in Mris Alice Fowke Anne Barnard Ellen Thrustons with others

William Stevenson. Q/SR/307/44 (1659)

To the Right Worshipfull the Justices of the peace for the County of Stafford

The humble peticion of William Stevenson.

Most humbly sheweth unto your good Worships that your peticioner was many yeares a soldier in the service of the parliament of England, under the command of Colonel Rugeley, Captaine Stone and others, In which service your peticioner received many wounds, whereby hee is disabled to worke, for the maintaineinge of himselfe and wife, and foure small children,

In tender consideracion whereof your peticioner most humbly beseecheth your worships to grant your peticioner some maintaineance out of the countrey for the support of himselfe wife and children, as is usually allowed to maimed soldiers.

And your peticioner will ever pray

William Stevenson

John Ambey of the parish of Dillerne. Q/SR/307/45 (1659)

To the Justices of peace for the County of Stafford at theire meeting at the Quarter Sessions

The humble peticion of John Ambey of the parish of Dillerne

Humbly sheweth

That whereas your petitioner was borne in Dillerne parish and hath not at any tyme since lived out of the same and is a very poore man and not able to pay rent for a house hath got the lords and most part of the parishners consents to build a house upon the wast grownds of the said parish of Dillerne But soe it is that the said freehoulders cannot agree of a place where it should be built

Therefore your petitioner humbly prayes that you would be pleased by your order to appoynt William Parker gentleman Raphe Adderley gentleman John Wood William Warner and George Boulton freehoulders or any other of the free houlders of the said parish who your worshipp shall please to nominate to sett out a place upon the said wast grownd where your petitioner may build his said house And your petitioner shall humbly pray etc


let ther parts sett upon diffe[ren]t place to the least prejudice of the Inhabitants

Peter Serjeant of Wybaston, carpenter. Q/SR/307/47 (1659)

To the honorable Courte of Quarter Sessions the Justices of the peace there

The humble peticion of Peter Serjeant of Wybaston in the parishe of Bushburie in the Countie of Stafford carpenter

Humbly shoeinge that your peticioner hath lived and continued in the parishe of Bushburie all his life; And divers yeares laste paste lived in a tenemente in Wybaston in the parishe of Busheburie aforesaid, beinge the land of one Samson Eggyntton, And dulie and trulie have paid him the rente for the same land at everie rent day and untill about halfe a yeare last past or there about; one Henrye Parker of the same parishe secretlie; and by the intreatye of some of his frendes, obteyned a promise of your peticioners landlord, that hee the said Parker should be his tenant: And although your peticioner hath caused divers of his frendes and good neighboures to speake to his landlord for him in his behalfe, yet they cannot obtayne; neither is there any house in the saide parishe to be had for his money: that your peticioner cann heare of; although hee hath carefullie inquired: soe that your peticioner, with his wife and children are like to be in greate distresse for want of a house; unles it may please your good worshipps to comiserate his case; and appoynt and comand some course to be taken for your poore peticioners releife herein; as in your grave wisdomes you shall thinke fitt, And your peticioner shall ever pray god for your happines longe to continue.

wee whose names are subscribed freehoulders within the Lordshipp of Bushbury are desirous that the petycioner should have a house upon the waste where Walter Grosvenor Esquire lord of the mannor shall apoynte

  • John Asteley Guiliel: Chandler Minister de Bushbury
  • John Goughe John Mofeley
  • John Huntbachch Thomas Whitgreave
  • William Forster the elder Nicolas
  • John Smith Nicholas Clarke
  • William Forster jun


John Flint of Garshall, yeoman and constable. Q/SR/308/15 (1659)

To the Right Worshipfull the Justices of the Peace for the County of Stafford

The humble petition of John Flynt of Garsall in the parish of Milwich in the County aforesaid yeoman

Humbly sheweth

That whereas one Georg Harris of Milwich aforesaid the 23th. day of September 1659 had his backhowse broken and to the value of two strike and a half or thereaboutes of new bread taken forth of his oven, and your petitioner beinge Constable the said Harris came and charged him to goe alonge with him to make serche for the same, whoe went and made serch with the said Harris at severall of the neighborhood and by there consent, and alsoe went to the howse of Randulph Flynt of the same to serch as formerly and found the said Randulfe at his doore, whoe gave leave to come into his howse and to serch, but when your petitioner was in the howse, his wife shutt the chamber doore but the said Randulph opened the doore and nothinge was found, and coming forth the said Randulph and Marie his wiffe in a most voyolent manner did beate your petitioner to his great prejudice

The premisses considered your petitioner humbly praieth your Worshipps to be pleased to graunt the peace or good behaviour against the said Randulph Flynt and Mary his wife whoe are very turbulent and unquiet people at all tyme, but mores espetially since your petitioner became Constable, Or further order and determine as your worshipps shall thinke fittest, soe that your petitioner goe about his office without there voyolence and distur bance and your petitioner live in quietnes and he and his family in safety at home.

And your goodnes shewed to your petitioner herein he shall as in duty is bownd ever pray for your Worshipp.


sworne by Flynt grat the good behavior