Staffordshire Quarter Sessions: 1639

Petitions to the Staffordshire Quarter Sessions, 1589-1799.

This free content was born digital and sponsored by the Arts and Humanities Research Council Research Grant: ‘The Power of Petitioning in Seventeenth-Century England’ (AH/S001654/1) for costs including transcription of seventeenth-century items and editorial work, with the cost of photographing the petitions being funded by an Economic History Society Carnevali Small Research Grant: ‘Seeking Redress in Early Modern England: Petitions to Local Authorities, c.1580-1750’; and the cost of transcribing eighteenth-century items was funded by a later Economic History Society Carnevali Small Research Grant: ‘Poverty, Taxation and Regulation: Petitions to Local magistrates in Eighteenth-Century England’. CC-NC-BY.


In this section

Lawrence Padmore of Eccleshall. Q/SR/236/3 (1639)

To the right Honorable and Worshipfull his Majesties Justices of the Peace for the Countie of Stafford

The humble petition of Lawrence Padmore one of the inhabitantes of the parish of Eccleshall:

Humbly shewinge unto your good honors and worshipps that whereas your poore petitioner havinge but one horse and noe other cattle wherewith his paines takinge getteth parte of his liveinge, and on the xiith daie of October last his horse was taken from him for a distresse for and in the behalfe of all the inhabitantes of the parish of Eccleshall by an order graunted the last Sessions against the parish concerninge Brownes Bridge, thereuppon your petitioner was constrayned to paie the summe of iiili. xs. for and in behalfe of the parish before he could obtayne his horse againe, Your poore petitioner makinge his complaynt unto the Reverant father in god Robert Wright Lord Bishopp of Coventry and Leifhfield and allso to the worshipfull Edward Manwaringe Esquire two of his Majesties Justices of the Peace for the Countie aforesaid did require and order under theire handes to the churchwardens constables and other officers within the parish of Eccleshall to collect and gather in the said parish the some of three poundes and ten shillinges and paye it to your poore petitioner, the said officers nothinge regarding the said order nor the distresse of your petitioner hath necklected nor hath done anie thinge concerninge the premises.

Therefore he humbly intreateth this honorable and worshipfull bench to whei weigh his cause in the balence of equitie soe that he maie have his money againe by your order to be collected in a generall waie through the whole parish, he being a poore man desireth to be pettied, or further order as your honours and worshipps in your grave wisdoms shall thinke most fittest, and that he maie have his expence herein,

And your honours and worshipps goodnesse shewed to your poore petitioner herein shall ever as he is in dutie bownde to praie for all your healths ever to continewe


order accordinge as the Justices formerly

The inhabitants of Drayton in Hales. Q/SR/236/4 (1639)

To the Righte worshipfull the Kinges Majesties Justices of the peace and Quorum within this Countie of Stafford

May it please you to be adver[t]ized that we the inhabitantes and parishoners of Drayton in Hales within the Countie of Salopp beinge already much trowbled with the multitude of poore people imposed upon us doe humbly intreate your worships to be pleased to take into your consideracon that one William Calcott and Margery his wyffe being very poore and have haveinge one only childe of the age of 4 yeres or thereaboutes at the tyme of there deathe did lyve and inhabitt for about 3 yeres before there deathes in the townshipp of Almington within this Countie and about half a yere last past both of them dyed in one day howebeyt the said Margery in the tyme of her sicknes a little before her death came with her said childe to the dwelling howse of one Elizabeth Whittingham her mother in the townshipp of Little Drayton and into the Countie of Salopp where the said Margery shortely after to wit about midsomer last past dyed leaveing the said childe in the custody of the said Elizabeth Whittingham where the same hath remayned ever since her death notwithstanding the said Elizabeth hath don her uttermost indevor to be releeved therein.

Nowe Righte worshipfull soe it is that the said Elizabeth Whittingham is a very poore woman aged fowerscore yeres or thereaboutes and not able to maynteyne herself but is like to have the most parte of her releefe amongest us. We have therefore made bowlde to comend to your consideracion the poore womans disabylitie humbly intreateing that such course may be taken by your worshipes that the childe may be provyded for within the Lordshipp of Tirley where the parentes lyved for the space of about 3 yeres before there deathes accordinge to his majesties lawes in that case provyded And your peticioners will ever rest

Your worshipes in all humble dutie at Comaund

  • Thomas Cooke, Vicar Draiton
  • John Wetherill } Church
  • George Steventon} wardens
  • Thomas Nayler }
  • Thomas Underwood} Constables
  • Daniell Bradley}
  • Thomas Frend }Overseyers
  • Thomas James

6 January 1638



John Richardson of Oakeley, wheelwright. Q/SR/236/5 (1639)

Com Staff To the Right honorable and worshipful his Majesties Justices of peace and Quorum for this Countie of Stafford

The humble peticion of John Richardson of Oakeley wheleright

Humbly sheweth that whereas his master John Chitwood of Oakley esquire placed in a parte of your peticoners house one Joan Saundeles widow, soe lounge as shee should remaine widowe but shee not lounge after maried with the said Mr Chetwood milner contrary to his knowledge and thereuppon your poore peticoner being his tennaunt, was charged by his said landlord Mr Chetwood to remove the said Joan Saundles widowe partely because your peticoner had use of that parte of the house and partely because they were affrayd shee and her husband would bee chargable to the parishe to which purpose hee your peticoner repayred to the lord bishop and Mr Mainwaringe who ordered that the said Joan Saundles [illegible] now called Aldridge should remove by saidSaynt Andrewes day last past and take her goodes with her but shee contenued the same, and although shee bee gone away yet shee hath left her goodes behinde her and will not fetch them but threateneth to come in againe contrary to Mr Chetwoods ruine and to the great prejudice of your poore peticoner shee and her husband threateing to troble your peticoner at London etc: br> The premises being considered his humble request to your good honours and worships is that you would bee pleased to take somne course for him or that confirme the said order by the lord bishop and Mr Mainwaring or direct him what course hee may take for his one saftie soe shall hee ever pray for your honours health and happinesse


[illegible] the

George Fletcher of Eccleshall, shoemaker. Q/SR/236/6 (1639)

To the right worshipfull his Majesties Justices of peace and Quorum for the Countie of Stafford

The humble peticion of George Fletcher of Eccleshall in the Countie aforsaid shoomaker

Humbly sheweth That whereas one Thomas Salte of Eccleshall aforsaid mason, and by profession aparattor, hath procured the good behavior against your peticioner onely upon malice, and not upon any proofe, or just occacion at all, whereby the peticioner hath bin putt both to great charges and trouble, that he cannot attend his callinge, and other his occasions to mayntaine himselfe and familie as hee ought, but is dailie provoked by the said Thomas Salte to breake his recognizance whereby hee intends to take further advantage against the peticoner. The cariage and behaviour of the said Salte throughout the parish beinge well knowne to bee very dissolute, which the peticioner here is not willinglie in particular to expresse. And for the cariage and behaviour of the peticioner (havinge lyved most time of his lyfe in Eccleshall aforsaid) that hee never was taynted with any such matters as are unjustly alleadged against him by the said Thomas Salte and other his confederates, hee hopes that the testimony of these that have hereunto subscribed their names, will give your worshipps sufficient satisfaccion

Whereupon the peticioner humbly desireth to bee released from his said recognizance And hee shalbe bound to pray etc.


When Lawrence Mills was taken before Mr Manwaring before with a warrant of peace he sware he knew not wat what he was sworne too when he was sworne to the warrant of good of behaviour against mee your said petitioner

This Thomas Salt which hath sworne the warrant of good behavior against me did draw a naked knif and stabbed two dogges a mastife and a cur in James Waddies our mans armes and if the knife had missed the doggs had [illegible] the man

  • Thomas Mosse
  • Thomas Howell
  • William Snow John Brockhurst
  • Roger Smith D David Falkner his marke and name
  • Thomas Milward
  • Robarte Winingeton
  • Richard Bushopp

Thomas Parker and Jane his wife. Q/SR/236/7 (1639)

To right Honorable and right Worshipfull his majestyes Justices of the peace for the County of Stafford

The humble peticion of Thomas Parker and Jane his wife

Humbly shewing to your good worshipps that Walter Holt cunstable of Walton and Anthony Bradbury thyrdbearer doe say that Jane my wife is a perjured person, and hath forsworne her selfe, my wife and I coming by, went into John Atherleys house to buy some candells, and wee beeing dry called for a quarte of ale, the now I had not sitten halfe and howre but the sayd Walter Holt cam in and pulled mee and haled mee to put mee in the stockes and did the same to my wife and sayd he would put her necke in the stockes till my Lord of Essex came to fetch her out: And the next day at Mr Thorleys hee called her a perjured quene, and that hee would have her stand one the pillary with her armes spread and her fact written over her head and when shee was takeinge her leave hee wished the people of the house to looke that shee stole nothing. this Mr Thorley cann wittnesse

Humbly beseeching your good worshipps that my wife may passe quietly throwe the towne for the cunstable told her at her owne dore that if he could take her there, hee would put her necke in the stockes till my Lord of Essex did fetch her out beeseeching your worshipps to order it that shee may goe safly and wee shall ever bee bound to pray for your good worshipps healt and prosperity.

Robeart Plevin of Chebsey. Q/SR/236/12 (1639)

Staffs ff Pyrelles

To the right worshipfull Sir Robeart Gresley Wolsley Baronet Thomas Crompton and George Digbie Esquires his Majesties Justices of the peace, and quorum etc.

The humble peticion of Robeart Plevin of Chebsey in the County afforesaid Mettleman:


That whereas your pore peticioner hath beene a constant inhabitant, and resident in the said parish of Chebsey and county afforesaid for the space of twelve yeares last past, and hath had foure children borne in the said parish, and hath hitherto maintained himself, his wife, and chil- dren, without any trouble or charge to the said parish, and was never questioned, or interrupted, by any of the said parish untill now, and by whom now he cannot tell, have -inge in most humble mnanner, requested the parishoners after such interruption, to allott him a habitation for his rentt, he endeavouringe to give them all the contentt might be: And further he hath constantly every yeare receaved the Sacrament at the said parish church, he hath paid his rent yearely for his habitation, and hath keept a fier solely by himself: And paid smoke money yearely for the same And hath keept wach and ward, and other duties, and services for the kinge (accordinge to house -rowe) when he was thereunto commanded by the kinges majesties officers.

His humble peticion is

The premisses considered, that your good worshipps would be pleased to take into your judicious consideracion his most distressed and lamentable estate and to allott him a habitation (within the said parish) for himself, his wife, and children he labouringe, and endeavouringe as farr forth as his power will extend, to pay rentt for the same, and to defray the said parish, from all other charges which may accrue by reason of him or his charge, and performeinge all other farther duties and services, as shalbe imposed upon him. And in soe doeinge he his wiffe and children will ever pray for the prosperity of you and yours:

Brinepitts Sandon the xxxth of November


The premisses beinge true wee doe require the overseers of the poore to partake such order, that the peticconer may have have a habitacion in the parishe of Chebsey where he is legally setled un- lesse they shall shew good cause to the contrary at the next monethly meetinge. And in the meane tyme, it is desired that he may remayne where he formerly did live dwell

Thomas Crompton George Digby

Raph Hatfeild, prisoner in Stafford gaol. Q/SR/236/14 (1639)

Stafford ss

To the Right worshipfull Mr Doctor Twysden Chauncelor of the Dyoces of Coventry et Litchfeild & on of his majesties Justices of the Peace and Quorum for this Countie

The humble peticion of Raph Hatfeild now prisoner in His Majesties Gaole at Stafford.

Whereas your poore peticioner being chardged to be father of a bastard child begotten uppon the bodie of one Alice Wheeldon of the parish of Rushall in this countie about two monethes since was brought before your worship, and being a meere strainger in the cuntrey and not being able to putt in suerties to dischardg the parish (according to lawe) your worship committed him to prison where hee hath layen ever since in great want and misery and had (before this tyme) perished with want of food, had hee not byne releived by the charitie of his keeper and a worthy gentleman in the howse

Now forasmuch as hee hath endured this long imprisonment (not haveing a penny to releiv him) beinge forsaken of his frendes. And for that he is hartely sory for his offence and is willing to make the best satisfaccion hee is able either in marrying the said Alice or undergoeing anie further pennace or punishment that your good worship in your wisdome shall thincke fitt That your worship wilbe pleased to graunt him his enlardgment whereby he may (as heretofore) labour in his vocacion to gett his lyveing

And your poore distressed peticoner shaall (as he is bounden daily praye for your worships good health with much increase of happines long to contynue


Mr Chairman sent of parishe

Alice Pratt and Johane Greene, prisoners in Stafford gaol. Q/SR/236/15 (1639)

Stafford ss

To the right worshipfull Walter Wrottesley Esquier one of his majesties Justices of the peace for his heighnes County of Stafford and the rest of the Justices of the honorable Bench

The humble peticion of Alice Pratt and Johane Greene now prisoners in the Gaole of Stafford

Whereas your poore peticoners (uppon suspition of stealinge a peece of woollen cloath) were apprehended and brought before your worshipp at Woolverhampton, where (for want of suerties according to law) your worshipp committed them to prison where they have layen a longe tyme in great misery And are lyklie to lye and contynue here untill Lent assises if they be not (by your mercifull goodnes) taken pittie of

Now forasmuch as they can very well cheere them- selves of the fact for which they are accused of and forther they have suerties now read which wilbe bound for their appearance at the next assises That your worshipp wilbe pleased to accept of their bayle and graunt them their libertie that they may labour to gett their liveinges otherwise they are like to perish here for want of sustenanc or starved with cold

And your poore distressed peticoners shall (as they are bounden) paye for your good worshipps good health and prosperous estate with much increase of happines longe to contynue


conceditur vd cal

William Rabone. Q/SR/236/16 (1639)

To the Right worshipfull Sir William Bowyer knight, Raphe Sneayd & Edward Manwayring Esquires Justices of peace for the Countye of Stafford and in commission for his Majesties mounthly mettings and to the worshipfull his Majesties Justices at this present quarter Sessions

The humble peticion of William Rabone

Most humbly sheweth unto your good worshipps that whereas your poore peticoner being breed and borne within the parish of Stone, and his auncestors before him, and come of honest parentage, and he himselfe lyving in good credit and reputacion, and bearing divers offices in the place of his abode, (for the good of his country) untill of late yeares, he is now growen into great poverty, what by suertyeshipe and other great losses, that he is not any wise able to mayntayne himselfe as formerly he hath done, and now also is and hath beene for a long tyme by visited with a hanging disease, who hath brought him very weake that he is not able to work, and having no place to inhabite in so that he your poore peticoner is like to perish for want of sustaynanc and habitacion, if some course be not taken for his present releiffe.

Now his humble request unto your good worshipps is, the premisses being considered that your worshipps would be pleased in pittie and commisseracion of his poore estate and poverty and sicknes, and in regard of his breiding and former lyving, to grant your good worshipps assistance, that he your poore peticioner may have some little cottage built him within the said parish of Stone, where he was breid and borne, and some releiffe in this tyme of his lingring sicknes,

And hee your poore peticioner as he is bound in all dewtye shall dayly pray for your worshipps health wealth and prosperitye long to continue


wee referr the peticoner to the Justices of that parte of the hundred Raffe Sneyde Edward Mainwaringe

Lawrence Mills. Q/SR/236/18 (1639)

To the most honorable and worshipfull the Justices of the benche

Your humble and pore peticioner Lawrence Mills who hath lived in the townshipe of Horsley in the parishe of Eccleshall for dyvers yeres beinge knowne by his neighbours to be an honeste laboryous painfull man to maintaine his wife and a charge of childrene who beinge wronged by one George Flechehere of Eccleshall and by his meines chaused to spend his money without anye cause to the pore mans greete hinderance and trouble

Desieringe your worshipes favore and assistance in this behalfe and your pore peticiuonere wilbe evere bounde to pray for your worshipes longe happines

  • Thomas Skrymsher
  • John Bleste
  • Thomas Blest
  • George Rocke
  • Charles Pershall
  • John Millward
  • Richard Hill
  • William Yardley
  • William Windsor

John Offley of Bryneton. Q/SR/236/20 (1639)

To the right worshipfull his majesties Justices of Peace and Quorum for the County of Stafford.

The humble peticion of John Offley of Bryneton in the same County.


Shewing that whereas your Peticioner liveing with his sister Margarett Offley in Bryneton one Frauncis Addams then and now Constable of Bryneton came to your peticioner and enquired where his sisters servant William Addams Phillips was, who presently answered that he thought he was in the house demaunding of the said constable what he would with him, who said none harme And thereupon went both into the house of your peticioners sister where they found the said Phillips, whome the said constable presentlie served with warrant from the worshipfull Mathew Moreton Esquire one of the Justices of the Peace of this county to appeare before him the next morning to answere for the supposed getting with child the servant of one John Maddoxe of Weston under Liziard in the county aforesaid.

Which your said peticioner seeing (the said Phillips being his sisters servant) assumed and promised to the said constable that he should be furthcomeing the next morning to aunswere the said warrant and that he your peticioner would either bring or send the said Phillips early the following morning to the said constable to his house in Bryneton, which he did accordingly and the said constable had him at his bedd side and talked with him and soe was lefte in the constables custody according to his assumpcion whereupon your peticioner thought himselfe discharged.

And the said Phillips being soe in the constables custody (without knowledge of your peticioner (as is reported) escaped) whereupon the said constable and others procured warrant from the said Mr Moreton to call bring before him your peticioner for the bringing in the said Phillips (being soe escaped) who was there bound an upon his behaviour and to aunswere at this Sessions.

May it therefore please your good worships (the premisses considered) in that your peticioner did but promise to deliver or cause to be delivered to the said constables custody the body of the said William Phillips to aunswere the warrant brought against him) which your peticioner did accordingly) as he is able to prove by sufficient witnesse present that your peticioner may be freed from his bondes of good abearing and discharged being a man not able to travell and willing to live in god and the kinges majesties peace, And your peticioner shalbe ever bound to pray for your worships in all health and happines long to endure.


exr per Cur

Francis Cutter of the parish of Colwich. Q/SR/236/21 (1639)

To the right honorable and worshipfull his Majesties Justices of the peace for the Countie of Stafford.

The humble petition of Francis Cutter of the parish of Colwich and countie aforesaid

Sheweth That whereas your poore petitioner being borne in Shutburro within the saide county and is now of the age of [blank] yeares and hath lived within the said parish all his life time as servant to Edward Hill decessed and synce to his wyfe untill about [blank] years last past being then growne into yeares and besides by reason of sicknes and other infirmities fallen into great weaknes and lamenes insomuch as he hath lived for many yeares last past upon the devotion of charitable people within the said parish and hath had much releife at Mr Ansons But now so it is that the said Mr Anson being inforced to take a prentice doth thereupon withdraw his former benevolence to this petitioner so as he is now in great want and necessity both of necessary clothes to keepe him from starving, as allso of foode to preserve his life And whereas your petioner being thus impoverished did complaine to Mr Digby and Mr Crompton at the last month -ly meeting who then seeing his nakednes for want of clothes did then so farr compassionate him as to comand and order the overseers to provide him such necessary clothes for the present and at the next meeting further consideracion should be hadd of him for further wickly allowens but so it is that the overseers refuse to performe that order and have provided neither clothes nor other provision so as he is in verry poore and miserable estate and like to pearish unles this cort will presently take some order theirin


The Court being informed that Mr Anson hath diverse yeares in charity releeved the pettitioner and seeming to consent therto the Court hopeth the longer he liveth the more charitable he will

Roger Dios of Bagnold, shoemaker. Q/SR/236/22 (1639)

To the Right honorable and worshipfule his majesties Justices of peace and quorum fro for this countie of Stafford

The humble peticion of Roger Dios of Bagnold shoomaker

Humbly sheweth your good honours and worships that whereas your poore peticoner placed his daughter Joyce Dios with Samson Till of Shawforde and Anne his wife alehouskeepers, and hyred her with them for the space of one yeare, for sixeteene shillings per annum with certaine apparell more to be aded which was delivered her in parte of wages but the said Anne takeing occasion against your peticoners be [illegible] she [illegible] partly because shee would not intice younge people to her house, and partly because shee would not put in a certaine powder in the drinke which as the said Anne her dame tould her would make guest[?] madd in the head and soe they would spend theire money the more and because her peticoners daughter would not doe soe the said Till and Anne his wife turned your peticoners daughter away taking from her the apparell they had given her in parte of payment: and detaine her wages contrary to law in that case provided

The premises being considered his humble request is that your honors and worships would consider your poore peticoner whose daughter is turned uppon him without her wages and hee having a great charge of smale children soe shall hee ever pray for your honor helt etc

William Chatterley, John Boone, Thomas Ives, Ann Barlowe and Thomas Persall. Q/SR/237/2 (1639)

To the Right Honerable and Right Worshipfull his majestes Justices of the peace at this Sessiones for the Countye of Stafford

The humble peticion of William Chatterley John Boone Thomas Ives Ann Barlowe widdowe and Thomas Persall

Seweth that whereas youre poore peticioneres havinge lived the space of seven or eighte yeares last past in the parish of Carswall maintayninge our selves and famylies with our labowre and beinge destitute of houses, have hadd libertye of Mr Coyney of Weston Coyney to erecte us cottages in his libertye one the wast of Weklye More and hath layde us fore aceres apeece to our houses, and wee not beinge able as yett to inclose all the sayde fore aceres, Mr Corney is daylye presented and indited for erectinge of cottages, wherebye hee thretneth to plucke downe our houses, or throwe us out by lawe, because of the daylye charge hee is putt unto, unles wee free him of the sayde charge

Maye it there fore please you to take it to youre considerationes that our houses soe erected may stande, and wee live in quiete to follow our laboures, for the mayntayninge of our selves and familyes which wilbe a greate reliefe unto us, and youre poore peticioneres shalbe daylye bounde to praye

Roger Marshe of Ober Penn. Q/SR/237/4 (1639)

To the right Honorable and Worshipfull his Majesties Justices of the peace for the Countie of Stafford.

The humble peticion of Roger Marshe of Ober Penn in this countie of Stafford.

Humblie sheweth this honorable courte that upon the thirteenth daie of May last past there happened a sudden fire upon the dwellinge house of your poore peticioner and burned it downe to the ground with all your peticioners substance, the house contayned three bayes of buildinge verie lately builded. his substance consumed by the said fire amounteth to the summe of threescore poundes at the least to the utter undoinge of your poore peticioner his wife and foure small children as may appeare to your worships by a certificate under the handes of your peticioners neighbors of the parish of Ober Penn aforesaid. May it therfore please your honors and worships to consider your poore peticioners distresse and to certifie the truth hereof, and to commend his case to the charitie of weldisposed people of this countie of Stafford. And your poore peticioner, his wife, and children shall ever pray to god for your prosperities and happinesse


In witnesse hereof areRichard Northwood de eadem George Smith

Mary Jumpe, prisoner in the Dungeon in Stafford. Q/SR/237/6 (1639)


To the Right honorable and Right worshipfull his majesties Justices of the Peace and Quorum at the Sessions holden 23 Aprilis 1639 for his heighnes sayd countie

The humble peticion of Mary Jumpe now prisoner in the Dungeon in Stafford

Whereas about 5 weeks since your poore peticoner was arrested with uppon a latitat for at the suite of one William Creswell of Bilbrooke upon an accion of the case for wordes, and thereuppon presentlie sent to the Gaole where shee lyeth in great misery. And whereas since your peticoners arrest her husband was prest and is gone as a souldier this peticoner is now like to starve there in respect shee is not able to putt in bayle to the sheriff

Soe it is may it please this honorable Bench that before the goeinge of her said husband the said William Cresswell one Thomas Tommes John Turnor John Latham Richard Mott Richard Traunter John Hill and others of the said town of Bilbrooke (of purpose to famish your poore peticioner) have gotten into their possessions all the goodes and [instore?] which was your peticoners before shee married with the said Jumpe and by her given to her children (beinge to a good valew) rportinge they bought them of her said husband who had noe power to sell one pennyworth of them

Your peticioner humblie beescheth this honorable bench that they wilbe pleased to referr the examinacon thereof the Right worshipfull Walter Wrottosley esquier beinge neare neighbour to Bylbrooke and to order the same that your poore petoner and her children be not starved for want of their goodes (beinge soe wrongefully taken from them

And youre poore peticoner shal as shee is bounden pray for the good estate of this honorable Court long to continue

Robert Dodd of High Offley. Q/SR/237/8 (1639)

To the rigt honorable and worshipfull his majesties Justices of the Peace for the County of Stafford.

The humble peticion of Robert Dodd of High Offley a very poor man, his wyfe a blynd woman, with his two poor children

Sheweth unto your honours That whereas your sayd peticoner is fallen into extreame want and poverty by reason of longe sicknes whereby hee hath byn a longe to tyme soe weake that hee hath byn unable to labour, as hee was wont, for maynteyninge of hymselfe and his poor children. And whereas alsoe his sayd children are nowe growen able to gett their owne livings in some reasonable sort, if if they could be intertayned into some place for followinge of husbandry labor or any other science

And now soe it is the two greatest farmors in the sayd parish of of High Offley aforesayd, whoe may best intertayne into their services the sayd children and bringe them upp in the labor of husbandry doe utterly refuse to intertayne them or give them releefe att all for the succoringe of them

May it therefore please your honours for gods cause, to take order for the puttinge forth of the sayd children to some trade, or labor in husbandry, for the gettinge of their livinge

And the said petitioner accordinge to his bounden duty shall daylie pray to god for your honours and worshipps good health longe to continue

The Inhabitants of Heigh Offley. Q/SR/237/9 (1639)

To the Right Honourable and worshipfule his Majesties Justices of peace and Quorum for this Countie of Stafford

The humble peticion of the Inhabitants of the Parishe of Heigh Offley

Humbly shew to this honourable Courte that one Robert Dod of our parishe being a man of ill behaviour and able to worke as alsoe having meanes yearely to maintaine himselfe and his familie to the value of sixe pound per annum, hath formerly gone about and still doth to put his children uppon the parishe and to that purpose hath repaired to his Majesties Justices at Newcastle to there monethly meeting there but they being informed of his abilitee refused to make any order in that his behalfe, and yet not being satisfied sueth to your worships here without any cause as yett

The premisses being considered our descire is that your good honours and worships would bee pleased to grant noe order in his behalfe wee having poore many more besides him to maintaine soe shall wee etc pray etc

  • Richard Bullann cler
  • Raffe Greene
  • John Greene
  • Robrt: Thornton
  • George Hill
  • William Woldridge

that the Justices at next months meeting finde new cause ther [and?]

Arthur Dunne, prisoner in the dungeon. Q/SR/237/13 (1639)

Stafford ss

To the Right Honorable and Right worships his majesties Justices of the Peace and Quorum for his heighnes Countie of Stafford

The humble peticion of Arthur Dunne now prisoner in the dungeon

Whereas your poore peticioner (the last assises) was indicted and convicted for the felonious takeinge of six sheepe of the goods and chattells of one John Jackson for which hee had his booke and was burned in the hand But to remayne in prison untill hee could putt in suerties for his good behavyour and haveinge noe suerties att Wolverhampton hath layen ever since in great misery and distresse

Now for asmuch as your poore distressed peticoner hath provided sufficient suerties humblie beseecheth the honorable bench to accept of them for his bayle and sett him at libertie (who will by godes assistance) worke hard for his lyveinge, this offence beinge the first that ever he comitted

And hee shall daylye praye for the good estate of this honorable Courte longe to continue.

Joyce Janam of Ridglie. Q/SR/237/16 (1639)

To the right honorable and worshipfull his majesties Justices for the yeare for the Countie of Stafford

The humble petition of Joyce Janam of Ridglie

Whereas youre poore petitioner, humbly, sheweth unto youre good worships, that she hath for the space of three yeares, lived in the towne of Ridglie: without any trouble unto any of the parish; your poore petitioner, her father lived in the same towne of Ridglie six yeares, and keept the paper mill under the right worshipfull, Sir Richard Weston and by reason of too great a rent, and the decaying of this paper mill; he was forced to seeke for the bettering of his estate elsewhere and lefte youre poore petitioner behinde him in Ridglie, and some eight weeckes after, Sir Richard Weston caused your poore petitioner to be cast out of doores and she was forced to lye in the street and she is destitute of a house: Therefore youre poore petitioner doth humbly besceech youre good honors and worships to be pleased to set downe some order for her to have a house for her mony: for she will not be troublous to the parish in anything, for she is able to get her owne liveing by her industrie otherwayes she is like to perish with a littell chyld and her goods allso and youre poore petitioner shall ever be bound to pray for youre honors, and worships longe lifes and happinesses


r in m

Robert Watson. Q/SR/237/17 (1639)

To the right honorable and Reverend Father in god Robert Lord Bishopp of Coventrey and Lytchfeild, William Lord Pagett Hervie Bagott Baronett Edward Littleton Baronett Richard Dyott knight Charles Twisden and Edward Manwaringe Esquires and to the rest of his Majesties Justices of peace of this Countie

The humble peticion of Robert Watson

Sheweth unto your good Lordshipps and the rest of the Justices that whereas your peticioner at Epiphanie Sessions was three yeares did rashly and unadvisedly undertake to serve his Majesties provision for this countie for the terme of seaven yeares and did become bound with Edward Manley John Byrchenhead and Thomas Orrell gentlemen unto your Lordships and the rest of the gentlemen abovenamed in a bond of sixe hundred poundes for the performance thereof and did likewise enter into greate engagementes for the securinge of his suertyes and did take the contreyes word, that the money formerly paid unto other purveiors should have bene paid unto him for the servinge of the same That he to his great losse and hindrance did serve the same for two yeares followeinge and that the first yeare he wanted eight pounds of the contreyes payment and the second yeare fowre poundes, and that he made this knowne to the Bench at severall sessions And humbly praid theire aide for the gettinge of the same And likewise praid to be dischardged of his further service therein, and from his bondes, which he was in good hope of, in respect it pleased the Justices uppon his humble peticion and mocion to take the same into theire consideracion, And heard nothinge theireof untill Michaelmas Sessions last at which tyme there was demaunded of your peticioner one hundred and tenne poundes for the dischardginge of his service alledgeinge the damadge of the impoverishment and undoeinge of your peticioner his wife and famylie he have- inge already susteyned above 200li. losse by the performeinge of the said purveiorshipp of the said contrey and is forced to make sale of his landes for the payment of the same And further your peticioner sheweth that the contrey hath synce that tyme paid the saide two hundred and tenne poundes And yet not withstandinge your peticioners bondes are putt in suite

Humbly prayeth that he may be dischardged of his bondes and that he may have his arerages paid him. And your peticioner shall ever pray for etc.

Michael Shenton of Little Pipe. Q/SR/237/19 (1639)

To the honorable his Majesties Justices of the Peace for the County of Stafford

The humble peticion of Michael Shenton of Little Pipe a poore lame man

Humbly sheweth, that your peticioner having dwelt by the space of 14 yeares or thereaboutes at Longdon, was perswaded about 3 yeares agoe to remove to Little Pipe, and was there placed in a cottage as tenant from yeare to yeare under John Hill gentleman, whoe about the beginning of May last, upon a causelesse displeasure, did cast your peticioner his wife and children, together with his household goodes, out of doores, And caused your peticioners cowe, being his cheife releife, to be soe vyolently chased by a man on horseback to the pound, that she was swelted and presently after dyed. By which cruel course your peticioner his wife and children, for want of house roome and necessaries, have suffred such misery, and are now growne soe sickly, that they are likely this winter to perish, unlesse by the justice and favour of this honorable Court they be some way releived.

Now forasmuch as your poore peticioner and his wife have in most humble manner, upon their knees with weeping eyes, submitted themselves to the said John Hill, and thoug besaught his favour and compassion, yet he is not pleased to relent, but giveth harsh wordes to your peticioner and his wife, saying, their wordes are venome to his eares; And for that your peticioner is an impotent lame man, and his life, together with his wives and children, in great danger to be lost, in extremity of weather this winter, if they be not provided of some houseing:

May it therefore please your honours, in the tender bowels of compassion, to consider of your peticioners miserable estate, and take order, that the said John Hill may allow unto your peticioner houseroome during this winter, And he his wife and children be saved from starving and perishing, And they shal dayly pray etc.

Joan Sutton, semster, of Norton in the Moores. Q/SR/237/21 (1639)

Stafford To the Right Honorable and right Worshipfull his Majesties Justices of the Peace, att the Quarter Sessions assembled for the sayd County

The informacion and humble petition of Joan Sutton semster, in the parish of Norton in the Moores, Humbly shewing that your petitioner was borne in the aforesayd parish, in the Towne of Norton, in the dwelling house of John Meare deceased, and tennant to William Meare of the said Hall houses, and hath for the greatest part of her life beene resident and livinge, within the sayd parish havinge maynteyned her selfe in fashionable sort and manner, and gayned the good will and favour of all her neighbores, And likewise that to the sayd house (where the petitioner was borne) there is belonging a kitchin neerly situate, and I for conveniency sake to the church was repayred for the minister of the sayd parish to dwell in, who shortly after was preferred to a better place: (the house then being voyd) Your humble petitioner was his successour, and for an yearly rent hath lived in the same these many yeares, But now so it is that the above sayd William Meare dare not (in regard of the statute made against cottagers) permitt your petitioner to continewue her dwelling any longer where shee doth, not in any dislike of her, but to prevent any danger to I may bee indi- gent to himselfe: In respect therffore your petitioner is aged and destitute of any other place of abode, or meanes to build any habitacion for himerselfe, The sayd William Meare pittying your petitioners case, is content for his part that shee shall there continue for the payment of her usuall rent.

Insomuch this Honourable Bench would bee pleased to compassionate your petitioners estate, as to decree by your order sett downe in open Sessions, That your petitioner may still there continue without any damage, or els to tak some other order for her releefe as in your wisdomes, shall seeme expedient, and your petitioner as duty bindeth her, will dayly pray for your prosperityes.

For the truth of this informacion wee the parishioners of Norton have subscribed our names.

  • John Rowley
  • Hugh Ford
  • William Forde thelder William Meareof Norton landlord Walter Rowley
  • William Sherratt John Godwine
  • William Meare John Sherratt
  • Thomas Knight Willm Edge
  • John Meare spraghouse Hughe Moore
  • Willam Thursfilde Roger Potter


Robeart Plevin of Chebsey, mettleman. Q/SR/237/23 (1639)

To the kings majesties Justices of the peace, at the honorable Bench at Stafford at the generall Sessions of the peace there etc.

The humble peticion of Robeart Plevin of Chebsey mettleman


That whereas your poor peticioner haveinge lived within the said Towne of Chebsey for the space of Twelve yeares and upwardes last past, and haveinge had foure children borne in the said parish and towne, and haveinge observed and kept wach and ward, and other such duties as have beene imposed upon him, for the said house and haveing receaved the Communion in the said parish church, all the said tearme, and never beene interrupted but now of late, and haveinge still keept the said house in sufficient repaire and paid 4d: yearely to the Vicar of the said parrish: And I haveinge beene at sundrie times before this honorable Bench, to make complainte of the Overseers of the pore of the said parish for releife in some reasonable manner, which Overseers have neglected. Two severall orders and one warrant granted from this honorable Bench (for the maintaynance of my family) they haveinge donne very little at all in the premisses in the observeing the said command allthough laborious and painefull to releive my great charge till of now of late

His humble petition is

The premisses considered, that this honorable Bench, would be pleased to allowe [aswure and?] such maintaynance as you in your discretions shall thinke requisite, and that your pleasures herein may be better performed then formerly they have beene: And in soe doinge I, my wiffe, and children will ever pray for all your prosperities longe to continue.

  • John Brockhurst }
  • Samp Smalwood } paroch fe Eccleshall
  • Thomas Ward }

Eccleshall accord ing to Justices order

Staff: ff:

Inhabitants of Bishbury. Q/SR/237/24 (1639)

Staff ss

To the Right Honorable and Worshipfull his Majesties Justices of the Peace: assembled at the Generall Sessions of the Peace, held at Stafford the 23th day of Aprill: Anno Domini 1639. The humble peticion of the Inhabitantes of Bishbury in the Countie aforesayd whose names are subscribed.

Humblie complayninge: Do shew to this Honorable Bench: That whereas we have bin of longe tyme accustomed to be assessed, and lewned, everie man accordinge to the true value of his landes, or tenementes, for any levye for the Kinges most excellent Majestie and for the Church.

But now we are oppressed, by unequall dealinge, the assesment of the said lewnes, or levyes. The assessors more regardinge, their owne pryvate endes then just and true dealinge in that case.

Humblie desyringe this Honorable Bench: That yt may be now ordered that these fower gentlemen beinge our borderinge neighbours (that ys to saye) Walter Fowler of Herford esquire. Alexander Wightwicke, of Wightwicke gentleman. William Oliver of Aspley gentleman. And Edward Wakeringe of Black- Huve gentleman: first havinge true intelligence of everie mans estate in landes or tenementes may set downe in writinge, (to be kept upon record) as assesment, what everie man shall paye for his Majesties use and the Church as aforesayd. And we shall praye for your Honors health and happinesse

  • Walter Grosvenor: Thomas Egginton
  • Thomas Moseley:
  • John: Asteley
  • William Forster

The Justices of hundred to alter if they see cause


William Chatterley of Careswell, plasterer. Q/SR/239/6-7 (1639)

To the right honorable and right worshipfull the Justices of the peace for the County of Stafford.

The humble peticion of William Chatterley of Careswell plasterer

Humbly sheweth

That upon St Thomas Daye last by reason of a most lamentable fire hapening in the night tyme your peticoners howse was burned containeing two baies of buildinge, with his outhowses and the greatest part of his substance to the value of 30li. and upwardes to his utter ruyn hee haveing a wiffe and three small children

Most humbly prayeth your good honours and worshipps to take itt into your charitable consideracions and that your honours and worshipps wilbe pleased to comiserate the peticioners lamentable case, And make a certificate thereof to the right honourable the Lord Keeper of the Great Seal of England that the peticoners maye obtaine his Majesties letters Pattentes for his releiffe in the premisses

And hee will pray etc


conced churchwardens etc

May it please your honnours and worshipps that wee whose names are heereunder subscribed beinge parishionors of Careswall doe make bould to certifie that this peticion is verie true, and that the peticioner hath all his liffe tyme beene a painefull and dilligent laborer in his trade of a plasterer, and that hee is utterly destitute of helpe unlesse your honnours and worshipps shalbe pleased to afford him the favor of your certifficate, Soe humbly take our leaves this 5th of Januarie 1638

  • Thomas Beech} James Austen Thomas Coyne
  • Rogger Morris}wardines Willm Cookes George Parker
  • Thomas Austen John Watson Sampson Cheyney
  • Robert Elkes Thomas Vardon Ed: Kynnersley
  • Thomas Kilvard Robert Parker
  • William Allen Thomas Fox Raphe Browne
  • Thomas Cookes Robeart Ouldnes John Smith:
  • Thomas Allen Richard Tooth Fra: Creswell his marke
  • George Walle Robert Cooper John Rawlyn
  • James Willson
  • Robert Marchenton Curat: George Brassinton John Willatt
  • Richard Elston
  • Raphe Wilson Ed Morgin Phillipp Fernihealgh
  • Thomas Brassington Randle Fisher John Vise
  • Thomas Lowe William Meare John Haton
  • Thomas Cooper James Corden John Cinder
  • Richard Cooper Robbert Steele Raphe Spooner
  • John Walter Willam Harvie

Robert Parkes of Pellsall and the Inhabitants of Pelsall. Q/SR/239/9 (1639)

June the 12th 1639

The humble peticion of Robert Parkes of Pellsall in the County of Stafford blacksmyth and the Inhabitants of Pelsall whose names are here under written to his majestyes Justices at the generall Sessions of Staffordshire

May it please your worships that whereas the sayd Robert Parkes blacksmyth by his industry and paynes taking in his occupacion had newly built him one house and barne conteyning three bayes of building and a shopp at the end thereof and haveing no meanes to mayntayne himselfe but his handy labor mayntayned himselfe his wyfe and six small children in good orderly manner and good reputation amongst his neighbors, unto this tyme And now by reason of a soddaine accident by fyer which happened on Fryday last in the shopp of your sayd petitioner and consumed the sayd shoppe with the house and barne and most part of their houshold goods and somme people were sore scorched with the flame which losses amounteth to the valeue of forty pounds and upwards to the utter undoing of your poore peticioner his wyfe and six small children unles somme charitable course bee speedily taken therein, Wherefore your petitioner and the Inhabitants here under written doe humbly intreate your worships to commiserate his lamentable estate and to grant unto him your lycence request to the inhabitantes of this countie, so far as may bee lawfully graunted whereby hee may bee better enabled to collect in all churches and chappells within this County of Stafford the charitable benevolence of well disposed people towards the reedifing of his house recovery of his losses and mayntenance of his wyfe and children, And wee all shalbe bound to pray for your welfares of body and soule And likewyse bee ready, uppon the like occasion, at your requests to doe the like

  • James Fowke
  • James Perkin minister
  • John Hill }
  • Richard Asson} wardens
  • Henry Dickinson
  • William Proude
  • Henry Seddon
  • Thomas Harrison
  • George Allsopp
  • William Chapman
  • William Hollmer
  • Edward Widgin
  • John Parkes

Just ad [seiss?] etc

Thomas Hanson and John Harrison of Willenhall. Q/SR/239/10 (1639)

To the Right Honorable and Right Worshipfull the King's Majesties Justices of the Peace for the County of Stafford

The humble petition of Thomas Hanson and John Harrison of Willenhall within the County aforesaid

Humbly sheweth that upon Friday the last day of May last past in this present yeare 1639 about foure of clock in the afternoone there happened a sodaine and fearfull fire in the barne of your said poore petitioner John Harrison (caused, as is verily) supposed, by some sparke from his shop neere adjoyning) which in the space of one houre or little more, being increased through the vehemency of the winde, consumed and burnt downe to the ground the said barne together with his dwelling-house and shop, as also the dwelling-house of the said Thomas Hanson and his barne and other out-houses adjoyning, conteining in the whole about eleven bayes of building, besides threescore strikes of corne, three wayne-load of strawe, some hay and allmost all their houshold goods; And did also damnify three other poore neighbours next adjoyning in their houses and goods: The whole losse amounting to the value of fourscore and fifteene pounds at the least, to the utter undoing of the petitioners abovenamed, their wives and children, unles some charitable course bee speedily taken for their reliefe and maintenance.

Wherfore the poore petitioners most humbly beseech your Lordships and Worshipps that you would bee pleased in commiseration of their great losses, to commend them and their poore estate to the charitable consideration of all well disposed inhabitants of this County, hoping that by a collection within the Countie their present great necessity may bee relieved and their losses repaired. For which gracious favour, the poore petitioners, their wives and fourteene children between them both, whereof tenne cannot helpe themselves, shall ever pray etc

Thomas Hanson

Wee whose names are underwritten Inhabitants of Bentley and Willenhall doe humbly certify your Honors and Worshipps in the behalfe of our poore neighbours above mentioned, that upon a diligent and particular inquiry and examination of the losses of the said parties sustained by the fire aforesaid, wee have found them to amount to the said summe of fourscore and fifteen pounds at the least. In witnes whereof wee have hereunto subscribed our names this tenth day of June 1639

  • Thomas Rune
  • Andrew Gyffard
  • James Peers Minister of Willenhall
  • John Stone
  • Richard Wilks
  • Thomas Brinley
  • John Hawkins
  • Richard Padmore
  • William Prestwood

I believe the contents of this petition to be true Ric: Dyot

[illegible]r B[agottt?]

conceditur et vd [eud?]

John Birchenhead gentleman. Q/SR/239/12 (1639)

To the Right Honorable and right worshipfull his Majesties Justices of the Peace for the County of Stafford

The humble peticion of John Birchenhead gentleman


That your peticioner about 3 yeares since entred into one obligacion in 600li. together with Robert Watson, Edward Manley, and Thomas Orrell gentlemen, at the request and for the proper duty of the said Robert Watson with condicion that if the said Watson did furnish his Majestie with a certaine number of beeves and muttons charged upon the said county, and free and discharge it of any charge by reason of purveiance, that then the said bond to be voyd, or else to be in full force, as by the said obligacion and the condicion thereof more at large it may appeare. Wherein the said Watson failing, a charge was laid upon the county by the Lordes and others of the Greene Cloth, and thereupon after long patience and forbearance the bond put in suit; And Mr Manley one of the obligors being atturney for the rest hath suffred a judgement to passe against your peticioner and delivered to to the Sheriff to doe execucion; Although the said Mr Manley was atturney for yor peticioner strucke his son and faithfully promised to doe for your peticioner as for himselfe and the other in the suit. And hath as your peticioner is informed neere 1100li. of the principall Watsons money in his hand for landes purchased.

His humble peticion therefore is, That forasmuch as your peticoner is but a surety and Watson for whome he was bound is able to discharge and make satisfaccion to the County, That this honorable Court would be pleased to take some course as in your wisdomes shaall be thought meet that the said Watson (as in conscience and right he ought) being the principall and true debtor may discharge the said debt, Or otherwise that the said Mr Manley and Mr. Orrell may be contributory with your peticioner in equall proporcion, And afterwardes joyne in a course against the principall Watson for reparacion

And your peticoner shal dayly pray etc

William Moulde of Drayton Bassett. Q/SR/239/13 (1639)

To the right Reverend, right Honorable and the rest of his Majesties Justices at the generall Sessions of the peace holden at Stafford the xith day of June Anno R Regis Caroli xvto, 1639

The peticion of William Moulde of Drayton Bassett

Humbly sheweth that your petitioner served in Ireland and other partes in the tyme of the right honorable the late Earle of Essex and beinge there wounded, did repayre to Drayton aforesaid, where he was borne and his parentes did there dwell and decease, your petitioner hath ever sithence beene resident in the said Lordship of Drayton and hath desired by his industry to maynetayne himselfe his wife and family without becomminge anyway chargeable to the parish, but nowe beinge become old and poore and his labour thereby fallinge short to maynetayne him, it hath beene and is thought fit by the collectors for the poore there, to distribute some allowance forth of the towne stocke quarterly to your petitioner, and the more to aggravate your petitioners misery to the utter ruyne of himselfe and family some evill disposed persons have caused some indictment or prosecucion against your petitioner at the sessions past whereuppon your petitioner is nowe summoned to appeare by the bayliffe of that hundred

Your petitioner (the premisses considered) beinge farre disable eyther to try suytes in lawe, or traverse indictementes, or yet to pay the fees of the Court, doth humbly pray that he may be discharged of all, and that he may be ordered to returne to his poore house with the allowance of some satisfaccion in respect of his costes and charges in this his present journey beinge soe unjustly vexed, And your petitioner as in duty bound will dayly pray for your Lordships increase of honours.


r Justs

Robert Deakin of Maveson Ridware. Q/SR/239/16 (1639)

Staff Ss

To the Right Honorable and right worshipfull his Majesties Justices of peace and Coram for this County.

The humble peticion of Robert Deakin of Maveson- Ridware in this said County.

In must humble manner sheweth unto this honorable Bench, that wheras your peticioner is (by the right reverent Father in god Robert Lorde Bushoppe of Coventrie and Lichfeild, and the right worshipfull Charles Twisden Doctor of Lawes, and Sir Richard Dyott knight) ordered to pay xiid. weekely towards the keeping of a bastard child which hee is charged to have begott upon the body of Jane Deakin Balden of Maveson Ridware aforesaid and county aforesaid spinster, which said order your said peticioner is willing (according to his bounden duety) to submitt himself unto, but that hee doth find it too greivous for his weake estate, and that Thomas Balden father of the said Jane, is a freeholder of good estate in land, and very rich in money and goods, in regard wherof his doughter is well able to undergoe and endure a greater charge that then is yet imposed upon her towards the keeping of the said child. And wheras the said Balden affirmeth that the charge of keeping the said child is xviiid. a weeke which may be as well, or better, kept for xiid. and further your petitioner is readye at her to give a reasonable somme for the setting forth and keep- -inge of the said child: the weekely allewance being withdrawen.

May it therfore please this honorable Bench soe farr to cummiserate the case of your peticioner, and that the said weekely payment may be reduced to viiid. or that the said Balden may either give a somme of money or receive a summe and towardes the meatenance of the said child which being done, your peticioner is not onely ready [illegible] tendred to performe the same, but alsoe to pray for the continuance and preservacion of your healths, honours and worshipps in this world, and eternall felicity in the world to come.

Thomas Brekles, prisoner in the Dungeon in Stafford. Q/SR/239/17 (1639)

Staff ss

To the honorable Right worshipfull and worshipfull his Majesties Justices of the peace and Quorum for this his heighnes Countie of Stafford

The humble peticon of Thomas Brekles now prisoner in the Dungeon in Stafford

Humblie sheweth unto this honorable Bench your poore peticoner being a weaver borne and manie yeres lyveing in Chesheire and haveing a wife and two small children grewe into want soe that hee was forced to travell abroad to gett worke, and coming by chaunce into a towne in this countie called Bushopps Offley by chaunce mett with a woman in that town who proffered to this poore petico- ner (hereing he was a weaver) fowr slippinges of hempen yarne, which afterwardes proved to be stolne from one Henry Freeman of that town, Now forasmuch as the said Freeman knoweth by the said woman (being his neighbour) to bee one that hath bene heretofore detected for felony, and that your peticoner hath nothing to maynteyne himself his wife and his poore children but by his labour,

That this honorable Bench wilbe pleased to call the said Freeman and that hee may prosecut your peticoner at theise sessions for the same, otherwise hee and his children wilbe in great dainger of perishing with want of foode before the assises

And your poore peticioner shall (as hee is bounden) daylye praye for the good and prosperous estate of this honorable Bench longe to contynue


capt in Bal usque prox asss

Henry Prescote of Coulton. Q/SR/239/22 (1639)

To the right worshipfull his Majesties Justices of the Peace for the Countie of Stafford

The humble petition of Henry Prescote of Coulton

Humbly shewinge unto your worshipps that whereas your petitioners sonne beinge suspected for the stealeinge of a sheepe from Sir Harvie Bagott knight and barronett and being brought before Sir Harvie Bagott, Sir Robert Wolsley, George Digbie esquire and Thomas Crompton esquire to be examyned, nothinge was proved againste him, but beinge otherwaise challenged for some other misdemeanors was comitted to the house of correccion by the aforesaid Justices: which your petitioner thinkes will doe him a greate deale of good, for he is very much reformed and very sorryfull for his former folly, and ill carriage

Therefore your poore petitioner humbly prayethe your good worshipps to be pleased to graunt your worshipps release for the delivery of his sonne forth of the house of correction, and he wilbe bound for his good carriage and behavyour hereafter;

And your worshipps goodnes shewed to your poore petitioner herein shall ever be bound as in dutie he is bound to praie for your worshipps healthes and happines to continew for ever



The inhabitants of Uttoxetor Woodland. Q/SR/239/23 (1639)

Staff ss

To the Right Honorable and Worshipfull his Majesties Justices of Peace and Quorum within the Countie aforesaid

The humble peticion of the inhabitantes of Uttoxetor Woodland within the parishe of Uttoxetor


Shewing unto your good worshipps that whereas formerlie there hath a presentment or indictement beeinge founde against the inhabitantes of Uttoxetor; for decay of a way leadinge from Uttoxetor to Bromeley Whereuppon severall processes have yssued against theym and greate yssues retorned; and nowe levyed by the bayliffe of that hundred: uppon the goodes of your peticioners, where in truth the wayes are nowe in verye good repayre; and likewise your peticioners never had notice there of to moove this Honorable Courte for the takeing of the said presentment.

May it therefore please this Honorable Courte the premisses considered to order that the severall yssues, levyed against your peticioners may bee retorned; and they shall not onelie heere: after bee carefull in repayreing the said heighwayes; but also bee ever bounden to pray to god for your Honours and Worshipps good healthes and happines longe to continue.


Refer to Sir Thomas Milward and Sir Henry Bagot

[de novo] et affidavit

The churchwardens and overseers of the poore of Stoke upon Trent. Q/SR/239/25 (1639)

Staff ss

To the righte honorable and righte worshipfull his Majesties Justices of peace for the County aforesaid.

The humble peticion of the churchwardens and overseers of the poore of the parishe of Stoke uppon Trent in the said County


Sheweinge that William Allen of Bucknall in the said parishe hath for these 3 yeares last past beene very troublesome unto the overseers of the poore of the said parishe and doth soe continewe and hath put the said parishe to great chardges and expences for the obteyninge of lewnes due from him to the poore of the said parishe pretendinge himselfe at the first to bee oppressed in his said lewnes and hee havinge severall tymes shewed his greevances in open Sessions before this Bench whoe have referred the same to the hearinge and determininge of the Justices of peace in that parte of the said County and the Lord Bishoppe of the diocesse to asist them therein whoe ordered the said Allen to pay his lewnes imposed uppon him, with an increase of viiid more thereunto Synce which tyme the said Allen hath refused to pay his lewnes or the money increased by the said Justices althoughe he hath beene oftentymes by your peticoners in the presence of Sir Richard Leveson and Mr Manwaringe offered the lewne booke and penn and inck to assesse himselfe at soe much as uppon his honestie and creditt hee should thinck himselfe worthy to pay which hee hath refused to the greate trouble of the said overseers and the damage of the poore of the said parishe.

Humbly pray your good honours and worshipps (to bee pleased) to take some such order with the said Allen aswell for his lewnes behind as alsoe for 3li costs formerly expended whereby hee may not bee prejudiciall to the poore of the said parishe nor offensive by his evill example to the rest of the parishioners And they shall (as in duety ever bound) daylie pray for your healthes and happines longe to continewe



John Cooke of the parish of Shenston. Q/SR/239/26 (1639)

To the right honorable the Lordes and others his majesties Justices of peace within the County of Stafford

The humble peticion of John Cooke of the parishe of Shenston

Shewinge that aboute two yeares past one Croe [illegible] informer of this Courte, served the peticoner with proces to appeare at the quarter Sessions at Stafford to aunswere an informacion for buyinge and sellinge of cattell, And although the peticoner had not offended therein yet beinge fearefull of suytes he compounded with the said informer and gave him xiiis iiiid and he promised to discharg the peticioner of the suyte and from further charge and trouble Yet notwithstandinge the peticioners cattell are now distrayned for a fyne to his majestie and they remayne in the handes of the undersheriffe.

The peticoner is a poore man and hath but little to mayntayne his famylie, and his aged father and mother but by his daye laboure That for the wronge and abuse done unto him he maye have some satisfaccion.

He most humbley beseecheth your Lordships and this Courte to commaund the said Crue the informer, who tooke the peticioners money to procure the peticioners cattell to be delyvered to him againe without any more payment And he shall ever pray for your health and prosperitye

William Bacher of the parish of Armitage, labourer. Q/SR/240/3 (1639)

To the right Worshipfull Humfrey Wirley esquire and Matthew Moreton esquire two of his Majesties Justices of peace within the county of Stafford

The humble petition of William Bacher of the parish of Armitage in the said county labourer


That whereas your said poore peticioner, for the space of fifteene yeares last past hath inhabited and dwelt within the parish of Armitage aforesaid, and having marryed a wife who for certaine yeares last past hath lived as a servauntt within the parish of Rugeley in the said county. The parishioners of both the said parishes, notwithstanding that your petitioner hath tendered them sufficient security for theire discharge, do refuse to suffer him and his said wife there to dwell. May it therefore please your good Worships to order and appoint within which of the said parishes your said peticoner and his wife may quietly inhabite and follow theire ordinary and honest calling for theire maintenance and for the same your said peticoner shall as in duty he is bound humbly pray for your good Worshipps healthes and prosperity.


Shenston. May 29. 1639 We thinke Armitage, where the husband was setled, to be the parish, where the husband and wife are to dwell: And therefore order, that accordingly they shall be permitted to live and maintaine themselves by their labour there, [Oneli?] unles cause be shewed within 14 dayes to the contrary, before some of us.

  • R Worliche
  • Richard Dyot

to inhib the house [err?] by consent of the Lord etc

John Whitehurst and Roger Foden, overseers for Trentham Bridge. Q/SR/240/4 (1639)

To the honorable and right worshipfull the Kings majesties Justices of the Peace for the County of Stafford

The humble peticion of John Whitehurst and Roger Foden overseers for Trentham Bridge

Humbly sheweth that about five yeares since this Court of Sessions ordered a contribucion of money to be levyed through this wholle county towardes the reparacion and new makeing of Trentham Bridge, And your peticioners (together with one George Coclough lately deceased) were then likewise appointed overseers to receive the said money and cause the worke accordingly to be performed; for which purpose divers warrants were directed to the high constables, for assessing and collecting the said summe, most whereof were presently executed, and much mony received by the high and petty constables, and some part thereof repayed to your peticioners, who thereupon confident of the residue, procured masons, provided materialls, beganne the worke, and halfe finished it, wherein they disbursed more then they received by above threescore poundes, but were compelled to leave the worke imperfect, for want of money to proceede further, though some officers reteyne more which they have already collected, then they will pay over to us, and others refuse to gather the remainder: for redresse whereof, upon complaint of your peticioners, nyne or tenne severall orders have issued out of this Court, confirmed also twice or thrice, by the honorable Judges of Assize, importing their approbacion of the said worke, and requiring to have the rest of the mony levyed for finishing thereof: In which negociacion, your peticioners are daily opposed with such difficulties, as unlesse this honorable Court compassionate our pressures, wee are in danger to beare a costlye losse in our private estates as a recompense of our service undertaken by publike authoritie and for the publike benefitt.

Wee therefore once againe most humbly desire from this honorable Court to receive such indifferent distribucion of Justice,as either may enable us to end as well as wee beganne, or otherwise to take our undeserved sufferings into their serious consideracions, that some reasonable compensacion may be rendred us, for what wee in our voluntary obedience to their commands have disbursed more than our receiptes, Soe shall we have just cause to pray etc.


Roger Foden Jur leu'd out 14li betweene 14 and 14li John Whitehurst Jur [vi?]. all the high const to accompt and the 30li disbursed to be paid

[ve'?] ord Cur'

[ve?] ord Cur

The Churchwardens, overseers of the poor and other inhabitants of Duddeley, co. Worcs. Q/SR/240/6 (1639)

To the Right Honorable and worshippfull his Majesties Justices of peace for the Countie of Stafford

The humble petition of the Churchwardens overseers of the poore and other the inhabitantes of Duddeley in the County of Wigorn

Sheweth that one Elenor Baylies hath of late charged one John Jevon of the parish of Sedgley and Countie of Stafford aforesaid with the begettinge of a bastard childe borne of her bodie And delivered the said childe into his hands and hee most unnaturaly left the said childe in the parishe of Duddeley aforesaid where itt nowe remayneth the mother beeinge fled and the reputed father refusinge to keepe the same childe.

In consideration of the premisses and for the love of Justice the peticioners humblie pray that you will bee pleased to order that the said John Jevon shall keepe the said childe untill such time as hee shall discharge him selfe thereof by cource of Lawe and Justice

And the peticioners as in dutie bound shall praye etc


Dudly till better cause

Robert Butterton of Longton, yeoman. Q/SR/240/10 (1639)

To the Right honorable and worshipfule his Majesties Justices of peace for this Countie of Stafford

The humble peticion of Robert Butterton of Longton yeoman

Humbly sheweth to your good honors and worships the said as a poore peticioner that whereas one Mary Ranshawe of Ashley spinster hath lately fathered a bastard child uppon your peticoner and is by order of his majesties Justices to pay sixe pence weekly towards the maintenance of the said childe

His humble peticion to your good worships is that your peticoner may have that somewhat deminished in regard your peticoner is a poore servant and by reason of that unfortunate act hath lost his service being the best helpe hee had to live upon if not that hee might not pay any more, soe will hee bee bound to discharge the parishe were it was borne and put in securitie for the performance thereof and will ever pray for your honours and worships heath and hapines

Marie Ranshawe. Q/SR/240/11 (1639)

To the right worshipfull his Majesties Justices of the Peace for the Countie of Stafford

The humble petition of Marie Ranshawe

Humblye shewinge unto your good worshipps that whereas your poore petitioner havinge a bastard child begott by one Robert Butterton and by the order of Raphe Snead and Edward Manwaringe Esquires his Majesties Justices of the Peace for the County of Stafford that the said Butterton shgould give to your poore petitioner vid. weekelie which allowance she is not able to undergoe by reason of her great povertie, for maie it please your good worshipps the said Butterton when the child was borne of his owne accord was contented to allowe your poore petitioner viid. weekelie for and toward the maintenance of her child, promisinge her marriage saying his estate was worth 80li. and if her freinds would make a sume of money he would performe his promise, she havinge noe freinds to doe the same hath sithence refused to doe anie thinge for her toward the childs maintenance, for maie it please your worshipps further to understand that before the aforesaid Justices there was an informacion that he had brethren and sisters to looke after to mayntaine, which informacion was not soe for the father of them dyed of a good estate and leafte good meanes for them to live uppon, the said Butterton keepinge your petitioner companie duringe the tyme of seaven yeares.

Therefore she humbly prayeth for god sake your good honors worshipps to be pleased to consider of the premises and to order that the said Butterton maie paye her viiid. a weeke for alreadie she hath beene inforced to pawne her cloaths for her releefe to her utter undoeinge, Or further order and determine as your good worshipps in your grave wisdomes shall thinke most fittest.

And your good worshipps goodnes shewed to your poore petitioner herein she as in duetie she is bownd to praie for your good worshipps healthes and happines to continew for ever.


v. recog et pet. Butterton [anaexr?]

Randle Padmore of Newcastle. Q/SR/240/12 (1639)

To the Right worshipfull his Majesties Justices of Peace for the Countie of Stafford

The humble petition of Randle Padmore of Newcastle in the Countie aforesaid

Humbly shewing unto your poore petitioner your good worshipps that whereas there is one Edward Lowe a verie lewd fellowe and being an excommunicate persons doth threaten your poore petitioner to indite yo him here this day he having noe just cause to doe the same but he beinge soe wicked and lewd careth not what he swareth beinge and hone that goeth up and downe the cuntry to wronge his Majesties leige people pretendinge he cometh with authoritie from the Sherrife and hath none, getteth monye of divers and sundrie people puttinge them in feare that he would distraine theire goods soe that thereby he wrongfullie gayneth theire money to the great abuse of the cuntrie which your poore petitioner is readie by his oath to make good and verefie before this worshipfull bench.

Therefore your poore petitioner humbly praieth Your Worshipps to be pleased to condes consider of the premisses, and be pleased to order that his oath to the bench maie not passe he beinge an excommunycate and soe lewd a person as a foresaid. And alsoe your poore petitioner doth humbly beseech your good worshipps to graunt the good behaviour against the said Lowe for his soe wicked and ill behaviour or further order and determine as your grave wisedomes shall thinke most fittest and convenienst

And your worshipps goodnes shewed to your petitioner herein he shall ever as in dutie he is bownd to praie for all your worshipps healthes and happines to continew for ever.

Johane Godfrey the wife of Thomas Godfreye of Barton and de Needwood. Q/SR/240/13 (1639)

The humble petition of Johane Godfrey the wiffe of Thomas Godfreye: of Barton and de Needwood.

Most humbly beseecheth your Worships That wheras William Godfrey the yonger for divers misdemeanors by him committed against the said Johane, as hath bin veryfyed upon her oathe before the right worshipfull Mr Chancelor and therupon recognizance beinge taken to his Majesties behooffe, and hee beinge bounde for the carriage of himself well and quietly towardes his majestye and all his leige people: yet late hath gyven out speeches that yf hee were sett att libertie she should see what he would doe to her: Therfore shee humly desyreth that hee may stand bounde as before, that she may lyve peaceably, without danger of hurt done to her by him and shee shalbe bounde to pray god for your preservations

Yours in all humblenes

Johane Godfrey

John Bearum. Q/SR/240/14 (1639)

Staff: ss 1 die Octob: 1639

To the Honerable and Right Worshipfull his Majesties Justices of Peace and Quorum for this his highnes County att this present Sessions

The humble petition of John Bearum

Honerable and Right Worshipfull in most humble manner complayninge, your poore petitioner sheweth that Thomas Braughton meet of the parishe of Rowley meetinge your petitioners daughter comeinge from Bromsgrove markett did forcibly and violently take her mare of from her and gett up uppon her and tooke another petitioners mare and brake her hipps besides divers others abuses done unto her, by him, soe that by his abuseinge of her your petitioner lost his mare which was the greatest part of his livinge hee beinge old and his worke begininge to decay, and nowe haveinge made hard meanes to procure another mare to gett somethinge to maineteine himn dare not send his daughter to followe her uppon his occasions for feare of the said Thomas Braughton abuseinge her in the like manner againe.

May it therfore please your honerable and Right Worshipfull, to graunt an order that the said Thomas Braughton may give satisfaction unto your poore petitioner for the wronges done unto him by the in killinge of his mare and abusinge his daughter, and alsoe that your petitioner and his people may goe peaceably and quietly about their lawfull affayres without beinge molested by the said Thomas Braughton, and your poore petitioner and his family shalbe dailey bound to pray for your honors and worships.

Anthony son of Raphael Hunt of Coultow. Q/SR/240/17 (1639)

Staff ss

To the Right worshipfull his Majesties Justices of the peace for this County of Stafford.

The humble peticion of Anthony sonne of Raphael Hunt of Coultow.

Whereas your poore peticioner, havinge not the feare of God before his eyes, did fraudulently convey out of the shoppe of William Launder of Ridgley, certaine money to the value of 9s, for which evill act he was comitted to the common goale where hee still remaines to his owne great discreditt, and not without much griefe to his parentts and friendes:

May it nowe please your good worshipps to shewe some pitie in this his distresse, and take him into your favourable consideracions, that hee may have his freedome out of prison (this beinge the first fault that ever hee committed in such a kind) that so hereafter hee may labor to gett his livinge with truth and honestie, And your miserable peticioner doth hereby promise and will faithfully performe a due reformacion of his misdemeanor for the time to come, and also wee his neighbors (whose names are subscribed) together with his parentts and himselfe, shall daily pray for your good worshipps in all blessed prosperitie longe to continue, and will ever rest

your worshipps to be commaunded

  • Sampson Boughey
  • Robert Pegge Richard Bearddall
  • Thomas Butler George Jefferys
  • Simon Pedley Edwarde Povere
  • Thomas Middleton Humfrey Webbe
  • Thomas Yeates
  • Richard Butler
  • Edward Robinson
  • Robort Teler

Thomas Moor of Colwich, gunsmith. Q/SR/240/18 (1639)

To the right honorable and worshipfull his Majesties Justices of the peace and quorum for the county of Stafford

The humble peticion of Thomas Moor of Colwich in the said Countie gunsmith

Humblie sheweth that upon Frydaie the nyneteenth daie of October last past aboute twoe of the clocke in the afternoone hee being at worke in his shop, and diverse customers and neighbours with him, there happened in the chamber over his house a sudden and fearefull fire (which in a moment did soe rage that noe man durst advanture upstaires to save anie goodes there) and in lesse then one houre did consume and burne downe to the ground, your peticioners house consistinge of two baies and one outhoue of buildinge (one of which baies he had newlie built) togither with his beddinge, brasse, pewter, houshold goodes and provision, six strikes of corne, seaven and twenty pystols readie made and packed up in a box in the said chamber to bee sent to London, diverse other wares in his shop, and good store of walnut tree sawed and prepared for gunstockes, all his workinge tooles, excepte a paire of bellowes and an anveil, all his owne, his wives and four childrens cloathes, save such as were on their backes, amountinge in the whole to the value of fortye poundes and upwardes, besides manie goodes of other mens being in his house and shop.

But now soe it is maie it please your good honours and worships that your peticioner with the expence of three quarteres a yeares time; and the aide of diverse of his worshipful and other frendes and benefactors hath rebuilte his said house, and haveing soe done, yet notwithstandinge hee is soe much impoverished by losse of his time and expences aboute the same buildinge that hee is growne into diverse debts, and noe waie able either to paie the same, or to make provision of stocke and tooles whereupon to sett himselfe to worke for the maintenance of himselfe his wife and said four children as formerlie hee hath done, without being chardgeable to anie one, and hopeth still to doe by his said trade, if he had some smale stocke under his handes to worke on.

And therefore humblie prayeth that your good honours and worships wold be pleased to recommend his wantes unto the charitable consideracion of the inhabitantes of the said Countye, by which meanes he doubteth not but he shall be able to recover part of his said losses and followe his vocacion without anie further trouble. And your peticioner as in dutie bounden shall ever pray to god for youre honors and worships health and happines longe to continue.


granted soe as in Chur[illegible][rlies?]

Thomas Barnes, baker. Q/SR/240/19 (1639)


Unto the right worshipfull the Justices of the peace for the Sessions now being

The humble peticion of Thomas Barnes baker

Humbly sheweth unto your Worshipps that Thomas Barnes of Brom ley Hurst was put an apprentize by the right Honorable the Lord Lady Paggett thelder unto Christopher Meale of Colbrooke in the Countie of Midlesex baker, under whome hee served the most parte of his time, And was thence translated unto the right Honorable Lord Paggetts deceased where hee served the rest of his apprentiship out, And after that ime expired, was baker unto his said Lordshipp, for the space of eighteene yeares, since which time hee hath exersised his traide of baking within the parish of Bromley-Paggetts for the space of tenn yeares or upwardes, baking none but browne breade, keeping noe marketes but venting it amongst his neighbors, neither being molested by any in this soe long space,

Wherefore his humble peticion unto your Worshipp is that hee may still peaceably goe on in the exercsise of his said traide to the daylie livelyhood, and maintenance of himselfe, his wife, and children. And you shall forever bunde your humble peticioner to pray for your Worshipps prosperitie.

Wee whose names are underwritten are bould to signifie unto your Worships that if the said Thomas Barnes should be suppressed from baking in his old age, haveinge beene brought up noe other waise and haveing noe other maintenance for his livelyhoode, it would prove to his utter undoeing, and impoverishing whereby the parishioners should heareafter be charged to make provicion for him, his wife, and fowre children, whereas now by his honest labour hee provideth for them all without any charge to the parish This wee thought meete (hoping your Worships will consider of the premises) to sett downe under our names handes

Peter Buckeland his marke

Overseers of the poore


To: Sir AB and RW

Richard Mason, William Hadley and Thomas Hadleye of Wolverhampton, prisoners. Q/SR/240/21 (1639)

Staffs ss Primo die Octo- bris 1639

To the Honorable and Right worshipfull his majesties Justices of the Peace and Quorum for this Sessions for his heighnes County of Stafford

The humble peticion of Richard Mason William Hadley and Thomas Hadleye of the town of Wolverhampton labourers now prisoners in the Gaole

Humblie shewe unto this honorable Benche that about two monethes since your peticoners (together with three others at lardg uppon bayle) were according to the custome of the said town comaunded to watch which they willinglie obeyed. (And being walkeing in the said towne to performe their duetie and service accordinglie) about twelve of the clocke in the night came diverse disordered fellowes to the nomber of seaven and vyolentlie (with unlawfull weapons) sett uppon us Whereuppon not knowing who they were nor what they intended, wee stood uppon our defence, and that by misfortune one of them received a wound whereuppon hee dyed soe that wee must be contented to undergoe the censure of the lawe for that which wee trust wilbe favourable in regard wee were in his majesties and his cuntreyes service, Wee have endured vii weekes imprisonment which hath beene soe chardgeable to us that wee have bene fayne to sell part of our goodes allready to mainteyne us

Nowe forasmuch as the whole town of Wolverhampton will wittnes with us that are all poore day labourers haveing every of us wife and children which wee mainteyned with our hand labours And that if wee should lye here untill Lent assises wee shall perish with want of foode and leave all our wives and children uppon the parish, That the honorable Bench (in tender comissera cion thereof) wilbe pleased uppon bayle to graunt them their liberties unto [illegible] next assises to answere the same

And your peticoners their wives and children shall (as [illegible] bounden) daylaye praye for the florishinge and pro[illigible] estate of this honorable Bench longe to contynue.

Inhabitants of the parish of Biddulphe in support of John Lees. Q/SR/240/22 (1639)

To the honorable and right worshipfull his majesties Justices of Peace for the Countye of Stafford

Wee whose names are subscribed inhabitantes of the parish of Biddulphe in the countye aforesaid do certifye att the request of John Lees by occupation a burner, an honest poore man, a painefull labourer, and charged with a wiffe and five small children and an ancient inhabitant within the said parish, is That he the said John Lees is now destitute of a dwelling place; and therefore wee, to whom the trueth of the premises is well knowne doe with him and in his behalfe humbly request you will please to grant your order that he may have with consent of the lords, libertye to erect a cottage upon some convenient place on the comons within the said parish To which our certificate and request wee subscribe our names, this 22d day of September 1639.

  • John Bowyer
  • John Bowyer vicar of Biddulphe John Biddulpe
  • Church Richard Beylie John Thorley
  • Wardenes John Gesslinge John Bayley
  • John Winckle Will Stomyer
  • John Warralowe Will Muchell
  • Raphe Porter Will Cheylinge
  • overseers of the poore{Gabriell Keeling
  • {William Boulton Richard Stomyer
  • William Winkle William Cooke
  • Thomas Damport
  • Thomas Gibbson
  • Raphe Cleaton
  • John Boulton
  • William Meare

conceditur X