Staffordshire Quarter Sessions: 1629

Petitions to the Staffordshire Quarter Sessions, 1589-1799.

This free content was born digital and sponsored by the Arts and Humanities Research Council Research Grant: ‘The Power of Petitioning in Seventeenth-Century England’ (AH/S001654/1) for costs including transcription of seventeenth-century items and editorial work, with the cost of photographing the petitions being funded by an Economic History Society Carnevali Small Research Grant: ‘Seeking Redress in Early Modern England: Petitions to Local Authorities, c.1580-1750’; and the cost of transcribing eighteenth-century items was funded by a later Economic History Society Carnevali Small Research Grant: ‘Poverty, Taxation and Regulation: Petitions to Local magistrates in Eighteenth-Century England’. CC-NC-BY.


In this section

George Whithurst of Checkley, miller. Q/SR/190/4 (1629)

Staff ss

To the Honorable and Right worshipfull his Majesties Justices of peace and quorum in the said County of Stafford

The humble peticion of George Whithurst late of the parishe of Checkley in the said Countie miller

In most humble wise sheweth and complaineth that whereas your said peticioner and his wife were both borne in the said parishe of Checkley and have continually since theire birth lived within the same untill May day last or a little before your said peticioner beinge fallen into great want and misery by reason of suretyshipp and other losses went into Ireland thinkeinge there to have lived and main- tayned himselfe and his wife and children your said peticioner haveinge noe meanes left was glad with his wife and five smale children to retorne to the said parishe of Checkley which said parish is unwillinge and refuse to receive your said peticioner his wife and children by reason whereof your said peticoner his wife and children for want of a place of habita- cion are like to starve.



Wherefore the premisses considered your said peticoner as formerly he hath donne humbly desireth you his Majesties said Justices to take such order herein for your said peticioners releefe as you in equity and justice shall thinke meete




William Swann of Stafford, labourer. Q/SR/190/5 (1629)

Staff ss

To the right worshipfull his Majesties Justices of the peace and Quorum for this County of Stafford

The humble petition of William Swann of the Borough of Stafford laborer

Sheweth unto your good worshipes that whereas this your said petitioner standeth now bounden to his good behaviour retornable at this present Sessions beinge prosecuted by one Roger Sutton of the same boroughe, That your worshipes wolde be pleased to take to your tender consideracions that the matter nowe in question hathe bene hearde formerlie before the maior and Richard Drakeford gentleman one of his majesties of the peace for this boroughe whoe uppon good deliberacion and hearing the objeccions on bothe sydes together with certaine articles objected against the Swann by the said Sutton colde fynde noe cause at all to graunte the good behaviour against the said Swann, Savinge only they graunted the peace upon oathe beinge made bothe against Sutton and Swann whoe were legally discharged thereof at the laste Sessions holden for the said boroughe

May it therefore please this honorable and worthie Benche in respecte the matter hathe bene formerlie hearde before the Justices of the said boroughe and for that the said Swan hath received such punishment as was thought fitt by the majestrates there (the which as this your petitioner conceives ys not yet made knowne unto this honorable benche) that your worshippes wolde be pleased to release this your said petitioner of the said good behaviour soe formerlie graunted against him and this your said petitioner shalbe daylie bounden to pray god longe to continew the honorable and worshipfull of this Benche in all prosperitie and happines.

Henry Gouldsmith and Georg Adshead, overseers of the poor for the Castle parish. Q/SR/190/8 (1629)


To the worshipfull bench for the County aforesaid

The humble peticion of Henry Gouldsmith and Georg Adshead overseers of the poore for the Castle parishe Anno domini 1628

Wheras there was a lewne leyde which came to xl somme fifty two shillings which lewne was levyed by the churchwardens overseeers and constable with others of the parish of the Castle parish aforesaid The said lewne by the counsell of Mr Drakford with others of the parish is detayned: Soe that your peticioners cannot performe those things to the poore which your Court of Sessions have enjoined to bee payde to mainteyne poore people: and alsoe Henry Gouldsmith one of the overseers for the last yeare hath disbursed some xvs odd money which they refuse to pay: Now if this honorable and worshipfull bench will vouchsafe that all things may be satisfyed according to law and the perticioners releife wee shalbe ever bound to pray for your prosperityes.


the overseers to strayne

William Salt and Ellice Hodson, overseers of the poor for the parish of Leigh. Q/SR/190/10 (1629)

Staff ss

To his Majesties Justices of Assessions for the County aforesaide

The peticion of William Salt and Ellice Hodson overseers of the poore for the parish of Leigh 1628

Wheras the parish of Lee alias Leigh were charged with Christofer Blurton the sonne of Robert Blurton deceased and the widdowe of the saide Robert being not of ab ability to mainteyne the said Christofer the sayde parish hath bine charged with him three or foure yeares and now now the mother of the sayd Christofer Blurton being suffyciently maryed and of abillity to mainteyne the sayde Christofer the sonne, we humbly desire that the sayd mother and her husband Thomas Parker may releive the sayde childe according to the statute and conscience and release the said parish of Leigh of their former burthen And we shall be bound to pray for your prosperityes


if the former be true the parish to be discharged

Overseers of Leigh

Robert Smith of Strongshill, labourer. Q/SR/190/11 (1629)

To the Right worshipfull the Justices of the peace for this Countie of Stafforde

The humble peticion of Robert Smith of Strongshill within the parish of Uttoxeter and in the countey of Stafforde laborer:

Humblie shewinge unto your good worships, That whereas your poore peticioner was borne, and doth still inhabite, in the towne and parish above written, and by great paynes doeth maynteyne himsealfe, his wyffe and fyve small children, and the howse wherein he lyveth, is not onelie out of repaire, but allsoe over rented, insoemuch as your poore Suppliant, hath neither meanes to repaire the same, nor able to paye the rente if yt were repaired.

His humble suite, therefore is, that in regard of his poore estate, and great charge, It would please yow to take Comisseracion of him, and dyrecte your warrant unto the churchwardens and overseers of the poore, for the saide parish of Uttoxeter, That they maye appoynt some place upon the common to erect him a howse on and likewais some releefe of the said parishners, towardes the erectinge of the same. And hee his poore wyffe and children shall daily praie for your worships etc.

John Beardmore, clerk. Q/SR/190/12 (1629)

January 13. 1628.

To the honorable and right worshipfull his Majesties Justices of the peace for the County of Stafford

The humble peticion of John Beardmore, clerke

Sheweth unto your worships the miserable and distressed estate of a poore fatherlesse and motherlesse child and frendlesse, borne in the parish of Blithfeild, brought thither by a poore man from Weston super Trent where his mother died, being knowne and acknowledged by divers of the parishoners to be borne there; most of them being very willing to receive him and to provide for him. But some lesse charitable then the rest would not consent. Soe that the child lay divers daies about the church and parsonage and was not relieved, untill your peticioner tooke him into his house, and kept him now a yeare and halfe, still moving the parishoners to take him to their charge which they refused to doe without warrant from a Justice, which your peticioner procured from Sir Walter Chetwind, and tendred the said warrant with the child to the churchwardens and overseers for the poore Notwithstanding, Lewis Abberley one of the church- wardens refused to obey the said warrant; and further he charged the overseers that if they did receive the said child, they shold keepe him themselves.

May it therefore please this honorable Court to take some present order for the keepinge of the said child, and your peticioner may be freed and discharged from any further charge therin. And he shall praye etc


The parishe to keepe the child unles it may appeare that the peticioner promised to discharg the parishe

Robert Moore of Checklie, butcher. Q/SR/190/13 (1629)

Staff ss

To the honorable and right worshipfull his Majesties Justices of peace and quorum within the said County of Stafford

The humble peticion of Robert Moore of the parishe of Checklie within the said County of Stafford bucher

In most humble wise sheweth and complaineth that where as your said peticoner was borne within the said parishe of Checklie and there hath lived ever since his birth (be- inge now aged threescoore and six yeeres sithence) And your said peticoner by reason of many hindrances and now beinge soe aged haveinge a wife and one child to maintayne and not able to labour and take paines as heretofore he hath donne is fallen into great want and misery and your said peticioner his wife and child likely to perishe perishe for want of a place of habitacion unlesse they be otherwise charitably relived the best sort of the said parishe of Checklie threatinge to lay the law with severity upon any within the said parishe that shall any waise releeve your said peti- coner with houseinge

Wherefore the premisses considered your said peticoner humbly desireth you his Majesties said Justeces to take such order herein for the releife of your said poore peticoner as as you in your wise- domes and justice shall thinke meete

Davie Pew and Jane his wife. Q/SR/190/15 (1629)

To the right worshipful his Majesties Justices of the peace for the Countie of Stafford

The humble peticion of Davie Pew and Jane his wiffe

May it please your good worships to understand that whereas you poore petitioners wiffe being servant before marriage unto Edward Reade of Preston in the county aforesaid yeoman for the space of ten yeares together and doeing the said Edward true and just service the said Edward doth detayne and keepe the wages from the said servante your poore peticoner which amounteth to seaven poundes seaven shillinges and eight pence, with six peeces of pewter with certen other goodes to the utter undoeinge of your poore petitioners, your petitioners beinge [illegible] very poore [wom?] and hath notheinge to depend uppon or to releive them, but the said wages due to him in the right of his wiffe, shalbe forced to live in greate povertie and want unles it please your good worships to commisserate there case and releve your poore petitioners, as your worshipps in your best wisedome thinketh fitt

And your goodnes shewed to your poore petitioners herein shalbe bownd to pray daylie on theire knees for all your worships healthes and happines longe to continew.

Also the said Davie Pewe your petitioner cominge to the house of the said Edward to his wiffe for certayne necessaries uppon the saboth day in the morninge about 5 quarter of a yere agoe, William Read brother to the said Edward with a sword did cruelly wound your petitioner as by the right worshipfull Sir Edward Littelton may appeare to be true

Alsoe the said Edward Read receaved of your petitioners mony seaven and twentie shillinges and eight pence of Edward Webb of Lynall who had recovered for your petitioners in the countie court, and that mony alsoe he doth detayne and keepe

Alsoe the said Edward Read borrowed 40s of your petitioners for a yere and was to pay consideracion, your petitioner beinge a very simple man came to him and tould him If your petitoner would seale him an acquit tance that he would pay him his mony againe, your petitioner be soe conten- ted, the said Edward had drane a generall acquittance, which would a freed him from all other debtes, your petitioners wiffe havinge notice what it was, would not suffer the said acquittance to be sealed, which the said Edward seeinge soe much that could not have his will, Imediatly did beate and hurt your petitioners wiffe, as Sir Edward Littleton doth well knowe.


refer to S Ed Littleton

James Wilson of Forbridge. Q/SR/190/17 (1629)

Stafford ss

To the honorable & worshipfull bench of assessions for the county aforesaide

The humble peticion of James Wilson of Forbridge

Wheras his Majesties Justices of the bench at Michaelmas quarter sessions out of comiseracion considering the aged and impotent estate of the saide James Wil son (not being able to worke) did set downe an order of xiid. by the weecke for this maintenance out of Castle parish which order is contemned (notwithstanding Sir Walter Chetwinde and Sir Hughe Wrottesley did afterward subscribe their hands to yt Therfore nowe once againe your poore peticioner humbly desyreth that the order may stand in force that he may have releife thereby And he shall ever be bound to pray for your good prosperity


confirmed per Cur

Humfre Sutton of Brockton, husbandman. Q/SR/190/18 (1629)


To the Righte worshipfull his majesties Justeses of this Sessiones

The humble petition of Humfre Sutton of Brockton husbandman sheweth

That contrarie to the usuall customes of this countie, your said petioner is sommoned to make his appearance, continnually att everie assises and sessiones, by James Webb, one of the sherrifes bealifes, of this countie, whoe as hee hathe hetherto vexed, your said petitioner, with shewtes dothe malitiosly still prossecute his envios, practeses, wheras your petitioner is a man altogether unable to performe anie suche servis to his majestie, in regarde hee is a man agedd sixtie eighte yeares and upward his bodie sore brused with his painfull labore one that hath greatt empedimente in his speetche hathe nott one foott of free land, butt is forced to take growndes att a harde wracke, for the maintenance of his charge, and is altogether unlearned, in tender compation wherof hee humbly prayeth prevelidge and hee shall trewly pray for your worshipes healthe and happines


if she be trobled againe b g

Richard Roades. Q/SR/190/19 (1629)

To the right worshipful his Majesties Justices of the peace for the Countie of Stafford

The humble petition of Richard Roades

May it please your good worships to understand that whereas your poore petitioner beinge borne in Heigh Offley within the countie aforesaid havinge a charge of children and is growne into greate povertie, as alsoe the losse of his wiffe aboute eight weekes sythence she leavinge behinde with him a yonge infante whoe is not able to provide for And espetiallie ingard your petitioner wanteth a house by reason your petitioners house was burned, therefore he humbly prayeth your good worships that you would be pleased to take somme pittie and comiseracion of the poore infante in some raysonable manner for the mayntenance of it, as alsoe to sett downe an order for the erectinge of an house for your petitioner, as your worships thinke fitt, accordinge to the law in that case provided.

And your goodnes shewed to him herein shalbe bownd to pray for your worships healths and happines longe to contenew.


The parishe by consent of the lorde of the mannor (according to lawe) to assigne a place to build a house uppon or otherwise to provide him a dwelling house uppon reasonable rent

William Button of Wolverhampton. Q/SR/190/20 (1629)

Com Staffs ss

To the right honorable and worshipfull his Majesties Justices for the Countie aforsaid

The humble peticion of William Button de Wolverhampton

Humbly sheweth that whereas one John Stanley hath unlawfully begotten a child of the bodie of the daughter of your peticioner and shee now lyeth in childbed, and the said John Stanley refuseth to keepe or to geve anie menteynance to the said child or to the daughter of your peticioner which is farr contrarie to law, conscience or equitie in such a case: he the said Stanley (as it appeareth) is wilfully bent not being in anie wise but carelesse in performing what ought herein to be donne, and in contempt of the law of his Majestie standeth arrogant, and verie contemptuous (as seeing that he might doe what he would.

The premisses therefore considdered your peticioner humbly desyreth ye to be pleased in your goodnes and lawfull considderacon to appoint such lawfull order that the said John Stanley shall at his owne proper costes and charges keepe the said child And also the towne of Wolverhampton shall not be charged therewith And to cause him to put in good surties for the performance of the aforsaid premisses And your peticioner shalbe dayly bound to pray to God for your healths and happines.

Thomas Sherratt. Q/SR/190/21 (1629)

Staff ss

To the right honorable and worshipfull his Majesties Justices for the Countie aforsaid

Humbly sheweth that whereas your poore peticioner Thomas Sherratt was borne in the parish of Checkley, and there hath had for his menteynance xxs per annum allowed him, which order was sett downe by Anthoney Kinnersley and Robert Aston esquires deceased) as appeareth by the said order here to be seene. Your peticioner hath maried a wiffe which was a wideow) having three children, and the parish of Checkley denieth your peticioner to paie him the said money as formerly they have done neither will suffer him to dwell in the said parish neither may he seeke els where to have his habitacion, neither will the lawes of the land suffer him and his wiffe and children to crave almes, Your poore peticioner hath beene, and wilbe willing to labor to get his living, honestly to his power.

May it please ye therefore for Godes cause and in tender pittie to sett downe at this Court of Sessions such order that your poore peticioner may be an inhabitant in the said parish againe, and to be restored to the said somme of money yearly as heretofore he hath had, he shalbe dayly bound to pray to god for your health and happines

John Hancockes of Sedgley. Q/SR/190/22 (1629)

Staff ss

To the right worshipfull his majesties Justices of the Peace and Quorum for the County aforesaid

The humble peticion of John Hancockes of the parish of Sedgley in the County aforesaid

Sheweth unto your worshipps That whereas your petitioner being a sworne thirdborough [illegible] and demeaning himselfe well and uprightly in his office, was assaulted and sore beaten and wounded by Richard Bradeley of Nether Goarnall and Richard Greewoes Greenoe both of the parish of Sedgley upon the third day of January last, who did not only knock downe your petitioner with a staffe but did and doe threaten to s that yf they dare not beat him againe that they will sett on them that shall beat him without any cause att all gyven by your petitioner. Besydes they did very lately hurt and wound one Roger Beniston by throwing of stones att him without any cause gyven. And doe threaten the said Beniston to doe him a mischeife. And also the said Bradeley being a drunken and disordered fellow keepeth a common alehouse without lysence, and useth to have lewd comnpany drinking and tipling in his [illegible] house upon the sabboth day in tyme of devine service. And the said Greenwoes being a suspected person and of evill fame ys a common drunkard and haunter of alehouses upon the sabboth day, both of them being comnmon quarrellors and fighters with theire neighbors and many tymes in daungerous and fearfull manner.

May ytt therefore please your worshipps for that your petioner hath been so lately abused and[illegible] beaten by the said lewd and disordred persons and for that hee being a sworne officer for h dare not execute his office in his majesties behalfe by reason of theyre threatninges and malitious practises against him. To graunt order that the good behaviour may be graunted against them. And hee will daylie pray for your worshipps prosperity long to continue.

  • Johes Hancock}
  • Roger Benisen} Jur ad fiat bre bg


Ales Perrey, daughter of John Jurden and wife of Thomas Perrey of Wirley. Q/SR/190/23 (1629)

To the right honorable and worshipfull His majesties Justices of Peace and quorum within the Countie of Stafford

The humble peticion of Ales Perrey daughter to John Jurden of Netherpen and now wife of Thomas Perrey of Wirley

Humblie shewinge that whereas about foure yeares sithence she was married to the said Thomas at which tyme and sithence her said father hath geven and bestowed in porcion with her the somme of one hundred and fourtie poundes at the least

And whereas afterwardes untill Whitsuntide last they lyved togither in lovinge manner as was fittinge for man and wife

Sithence which tyme the said Thomas takinge causeles displeasure against hir and havinge gotten her said porcion into his handes as aforsaid hath most falslie and unjustlie charged her with incontinencie and keeping companie with others to her utter overthrow and undoinge and therupon did putt her from him denyinge her anie maintenance at all Albeit he hath an estate of his owne inheritance to the yearelie value of seven and twentie poundes or thereaboutes besides a good personall estate

Wherepon your peticioner complayninge to Sir Simon Weston knight for releife therein the said cause was fullie harde before him where the said Thomas Perrey cold prove nothinge at all to maynteyne his sclandrous reportes aforsaid against her who havinge taken great paines therein accorded all differences betwene them and thereupon the said Thomas did take your peticioner whome to his owne house sithence which tyme he hath againe turned her awaie from him denyinge her anie maintenance at all wherupon your peticioner did againe compleyne to the said Sir Simon thereof by whome she was directed to infourme your honours and worships thereof at this sessions of the peace

Your peticioner humblie desireth your honours and worships to take such course therein for her releife as to your honours and worships shall seeme expedient in that behalfe And they she shall daylie praye to god for your healthes etc


Perrye refer to Sir Symon Weston, if he cannot compose to bynde over

The inhabitants of the town of Huntington. Q/SR/190/25 (1629)

The humble peticion of the Inhabitantes of the Towne of Stoke Huntington

In most humble wyse complayninge sheweth into your good worshipes that wheras in tyme past all the lewnes aswell concerninge the Kinge as Church have usually bene layd by every mans cattle and soe paid accordinge to the quantitie of their said beastes and cattle there But now so it is if it may please your good worshipes that divers of the freehoulders their some sould there landes others lessed the same at so deare rates and in so sall parcelles and to so poore people that there is little or no cattle kept upon the premisses wherby leweenes as formerly cannot be layd, by reason wherof all the charge and burden lyeth upon few particuler persons the burden therof no longer able to endure Wherfore wee humbly pray that their may be some indifferent men chosen of the said towne of Huntington or in the devicion to view every mans lyvinge there and to cesse what every one shall pay accordinge to the quantitie of his said land and lyvinge there and so to be a contynuall lewne hereafter wherby the Kinge and church the better served And wee accordinge to our bounden dutie will daylie pray for your worshipes in all happinesse longe to contynue.

  • Roger Slalay Richard Gratlay de Brocke
  • Richard Gratley de Yeale Richard Birratt
  • Edward Salt Thomas Cresswall
  • Richard Hardinge Humphrey Ryley

The lewnes hereafter to be st lewned oppon everie occupant according to law and and rates of the land

inhabitants of Huntington

William Vincent, Thomas Hilman and John Holland, overseers of the poor of Kinvard. Q/SR/190/26 (1629)

January 15 1628

To the Right worshipfull his Majesties Justices of Peace and Quorum for the County of Stafford

The humble peticion of William Vincent Thomas Hilman and John Holland overseers of the poore for the parish of Kinvard for the last yeare

Humbly shew that wheras your said peticioners the last yeare wewre at more then ordinary charges for the poore of the said parish (as by their accompt delivered in to the justices the Lord Dudley and Sir Hugh Wrottosley may and did appeare).

And wheras it pleased the said justices to graunt your said peticioners a warrant to the overseers for this present yeare for the levying and paying of such money as is due at the foote of the said accompt which said warrant was utterly sleighted and altogether contemned by the present overseers John Byrde, Richard Rabole and Timothy Payton. And wheras your said peticoners perceiving the said warrant to bee soe sleighted, and desiring a finall and without further trouble, procured a second warrant from Sir Edward Seybright and Sir Hugh Wrottesley for the levying and paying of the said money, which said warrant being delivered to John Byrde one of the present overseers, was by him contemned in the presence of divers parishoners, who left it behind him and wold not receive it, notwithstanding the parishoners were willing to pay the same

May it therefore please your worships to set downe some order that such monies as are due upon the said accompt may be forthwith paid without further trouble to your peticoners, leaving the contempt of the said warrantes to your worshipps consideracions. And they shall pray for your healths and happinesse.

  • William Vincent
  • Thomas Hillman
  • William Vincent etc.
  • John Holland

referr to Sir Ed S and Sir HW and the parties to performe

John Barnes of Uttoxeter. Q/SR/190/27 (1629)

The humble petition of John Barnes of Uttoxater to the Right worshipfull his majesties Justices of the Honorable Bench at Stafford

Right worshipfull, this poore petitioner most humbly desireth your worshipps favors to take into consideration his poore and distressed estate, who having a wife very aged above foure score who beinge vissited by the hand of god, and stricken with a pallsey, insomutch that shee is senceles and allmost blinde who hath longe time lien in great misery, by which occasion he hath wasted his meanes, being himselfe aged, and past his worke. Hee therfore most humbly desireth your worshipps favours to comisserate this his great necessity: And that you wilbe pleased to give some dyrections to the towne wheer he now liveth, to yeelde him some weekely allowance duringe the time of this his great necessity who was never heretofore any waye chargeable to them. And so this poore petitioner shalbe ever bound to pray to god for your worshipps health and prosperitye:


The petitioner alowed alowed xiid weekeley

John Barnes

John Brett, prisoner. Q/SR/190/28 (1629)

Staffs ss:

To the right Honorable and worshipfull his majesties Justices of Peace for the Countie aforesayde

The humble peticion of John Brett prisoner there

Humblie sheweth that whereas your poore peticioner hath bin imprisoned ever since the xith day of October 1627 att the suite of William Wollaston late of Oncott Esquire upon a band of 40li which hee did enter into to the said William Wollaston for xxli debt for one Edward Perry late of Wolverhampton, deceased some three yeares since, into which band your poore peticioner did enter att the entreatie of the said Mr Wollaston whoe promised your poore peticioner when hee entred into the said band that hee wold never troble hym for the said debt yf hee were never payde the same, sayinge that hee had promised the sayd Perry, beinge his cosyn german to lend hym xxli for one yeare gratis, your poore petioners wyffe beinge cosin german both to Mr Wollaston and the said Perry and hee beinge willinge to gratefie both theyre requests did enter into the said band upon Mr Wollastons promis that hee wold never troble hym for the said debt yf hee were never payd the same, sayinge hee knew his cosyn Perry wold not repay the same in haste, and that your poore peticioner shold onely stand engaged of purpose for the same, to urge the said Perry to hasten the payment thereof for his discharge.

And further sheweth that the viiith. day of November 1625 Your poore peticioner beinge att Chebsey, the sayd Mr Wollaston arrested hym there of flatt fellonie and charged the constable with hym, aand there kept hym prisoner all night, in the morninge youre poore peticioner beinge readie to goe before my lord Bishopp the said Mr Wollaston kn (knoweinge hee had made a wronge arrest upon your poore peticioner) sent Mr Wollaston Croxton minister and divers others unto hym to perswade hym to be att peace with the said Mr Wollaston, your poore per peticioner upon theyre entreatie cominge to the said Mr Wollaston, hee told hym that whereas there had bin former fallinge out betwixt them that yf your poore peticioner wold seale hym and the constable a release for that arrest of fellonie that then all former unkyndnesses shold utterlie be for gotten and that hee wold alsoe release hym of thaforesayd 40li band, which release your poore peticioner sealed, yett the said Mr Wollaston haveinge receaved xli thereof of his cosin Perry, in his lyfe time and nothinge regardinge his promis now keepeth your poore peticioner in prison for the same debt and will accept of noe bayle butt speciall bayle, and hath hereby soe impoverished your poore peticioner that his last refuge must necessarelie be humblie to desire this Honorable and worshipfull benche to move the said Mr Wollaston to referr the hearing and determininge hereof to anie twoo men of his owne Choosinge which yf hee refuse then to subscribe to a certificate to my Lord Keeper of his poore and miserable estate, that hee may thereby be ad mitted (in forma pauperis) not doubtinge thereby, butt accordinge to the equitie of his cause to be relieved. And your poore petico peticioner shall ever be bound to pray for your Honors and worships healthe longe to continue with all happinesse


John Brett

Morress Ellatt. Q/SR/191/6 (1629)

To the right honorable and Worshipfull his majesties Justices for the Countie of Stafford

The humble supplicacion of Morress Ellatt

Humbly sheweth unto your good honors and Worshipps that wheareas one John Swann being of an untoward condicion mallicious and geven to slaunder his neighbors, and carelesse in behaving himself honestly hath most injuriously, malliciously and falsly charged and reported and accused contrarie to deserving your peticioner that he is a buyer of stolen leade woore, and he nor anie man could ever fynd or prove your peticioner to be enclyned to anie such evill disposicion, by which his lewd kind of slaunder and malignant reportes and speeches hath beene to the great discreditt of your peticioner, (being a lead wooer workman, (even to his utter undoing) nay further, the said John Swanne in his braving speeches in each place where he happeneth to repaire boasteth and saith that your peticioner for the unjust cause aforsaid must be arraigned and burnt in his hand

May it please your good honors and worshipps the premisses considdered in your goodnes that there may be lawfull course taken against the said Swann, and to graunt your peticoner the good abearing against him, to the entent he may live in quiett, and to doe and perform his honest dayly worke, as hither honestly and truely he hath donne. And he shall as is his bounden duetie pray to God for the long continuance of your health and happines.

The parishioners of Church Eaton. Q/SR/191/13 (1629)

To the righte honorable his Majesties Justices of Assise and goale delyverie for the county of Stafford

The humble peticion of the parishioners of Churcheaton

Sheweth that whereas it was ordred above a yere since by his Majesties Justices of peace of this County that fortie shillinges per annum shoulde be paid owte of the issues and proffittes of the landes of John Baker clerke deceased to the overseers of the poore of the said parishe for and towardes the mayntenance of John Baker an infant sonne of the said John Baker as by an order hereunto annexed it maie appeere Yet neverthelesse the occupiers of the said lande have and still doe refuse to paie the said 40s per annum albeit it hathe bin severall tymes demaunded of them by the nowe overseers of the poore of the said parishe to the greate oppression of the aforesaid parishioners who are verie greatelie charged with manie poore inhabitantes within the same parishe for redresse whereof.

Maie it therefore please you (the premisses considered) to give order that the occupiers and tenauntes of the saide lande maie performe the said order in all respectes to the overseers of the poore of the said parishe aswell for the monies due by the said order as alsoe for payment of it hereafter accordingly in suche sorte as the saide order directely And your poore peticoners shall ever praie for your honours healthe and happines.


24 Marcii 1628

I thincke fitt that the order of the Sessions be performed. J. Whitelocke

the good abearing is granted against the occupyers till thorder be performed (viz against John Boden of Woodd Eaton and Susanna Chomley)

Roger Barbour of Chesterton, co. Salop. Q/SR/191/15 (1629)

Aprill 14 1629

To the right worshipfull his Majesties Justices of peace and quorum for the County of Stafford

The humble peticion of Roger Barbour of Chesterton in the County of Salopp.

Humbly sheweth that whereas your peticioner is possessed of certaine land in the Lordship of Perton in the County of Stafford for which he hath usually paid towards the kinges provision money iiiid. yearely which hath bin collected and received by the Counstable of Perton and Trescote. But of late one Edward Hinkes being Constable there ( and (as it seemes) wishing ill will to your peticoner, raised it to viiid which hee refusing to pay, and tendring both himselfe and by two of his honest neighbors what formerly hee had paid, and the same not being received, his name was returned to the Clerk of His Majesties Greene Cloath which cost your peticioner in charges xxvs besides his expences

May it therefore please your good worshipps in regard that the land at the uttermost is not worth above iiiili: per annum, and in that hee hath usually paid noe more but iiiid yearely That therefore yow would be pleased to order it that hee may not bee oppressed, And hee shall be bound to pray for your good healths.


Roger Barbour of Chesterton

The Churchwardens and Overseers of the poor of Blithfeild and Newton. Q/SR/191/18 (1629)

Aprill 14 1629

To the Right Worshipfull his Majesties Justices of peace and Quorum for the County of Stafford

The humble peticion of the Churchwardens and Overseers of the poore of Blithfeild and Newton.

Humbly shewe that whereas a child hath bin gotten in the said parish in the house of one Edward Burgesse and (as it is suspected) begotten by William Burgesse sonne of the said Edward upon a servant dwelling in the house, which being suspected, a warrant was graunted for his apperance, which thereupon conveyed himselfe forth of the way till after Michaelmas Session[s] last since [illegible] which time [illegible] the parish [illegible] hath allowed towards the maintaynance of the said child viid weekly. And whereas the said suspected father is returned home againe being a lewde and disordered fellowe, and not having bin at his parish church for the space of two yeares, and not receiving the Communion at his parish church this last Easter, and his father being a man of very good sufficiency, and maintayninge his said sonne and countenancing him, and alsoe the mother of the child being worth 40li. or 50li., and the parish being at great charge otherwise, thereupon they conceive themselves to be overcharged with the said child

And therefore they intreat your good worships that the child may otherwise bee provided for by the father and mother thereof that the parish may be discharged from further trouble And the shall be bound to pray for your worshipps good healths etc


Staff. 14 Apr 1629 The consideracion of the premisses is referred to Sir Hervie Bouget and Sir Walter Chetwynd

Church Wardens de Blithfeild etc

The Churchwardens and Overseers of the poor of Blithfeild and Newton. Q/SR/191/19 (1629)

To the right worshipfull his Majesties Justices of Peace and Quorum for the County of Stafford

The humble peticion of the Churchwardens and Overseers of the poore for the parish of Blithfeild and Newton

Humbly shew that wheras Mr Beardmore parson of Blithfeild aforsaid being godfather to a poore child borne in the said parish received the said child into the parish without consent of the parish, And wheras the said Mr Beardmore peticoned this worshipfull bench the last Sessions to be discharged from the said child where it was ordered that duringe his absence from the said parish he shold allowe xs yearely towards the mayntaynance of the said child, and during his abode there vs. yearely which order the said Mr Beardmore refuseth to stand to, soe that the child now goes abroad begging in the parish, neither will he pay any lewnes that hee shalbe lawfully assessed by the parish.

May it therfore please your worships that the fortith parte of the profitts of the said parish may be allowed towards the maintenance of the poore there according to the statute in regard the parson doth neither live in the parish nor keepe any house within the said parish And in soe doing the whole parish shalbe bound to pray etc


overseers to assesse xs and Mr Berdmore to pay the same

Blithfilde and Newton

John Perkins of Hopton. Q/SR/191/20 (1629)

To the right honorable and wurshipfull his majesties Justices of peace and quorum within the Countie of Stafford

The humble peticion of John Perkins of Hopton

Humblie shewinge that whereas a bastard childe supposed to be begotten by one Thomas Grime was about fouretene yeares sithence borne in Weston super Trent which childe was afterwardes kept and maynteyned by the said supposed father and mother at theire owne charges in Hopton aforsaid

And whereas the mother of the said childe about foure yeares sithence died and at the tyme of her decease lefte the somme of foure poundes in money towardes the maynteyninge of the said childe in the handes of Mr Sampson Walker late of Weston super Trent aforsaid

And whereas the said Thomas Grime the said reputed father afterw afterwardes duringe such tyme as he was able to maynteyne the said childe did maynteyne the same untill about the space of one yeare and three quarters sithence and beinge then destitute of meanes anie longer to maynteyne himselfe or the said childe did departe furth of the countrey leavinge the said childe without anie provision at all how to be maynteyned sithence which tyme your peticioners in charitie hath kept and maynteyned the said childe at his owne charges

He humblie desireth that some course maye now be taken at this generall sessions of the peace for future maynteyninge of the said childe at Weston aforsaid where the same childe was borne or that the said foure poundes maie be delivered to your peticioner towardes the keepinge of the said childe otherwise your peticioner (beinge no sort chargeable with the same childe) will leave the same childe to her owne fortunes And he shall daylie praie to god for# your honours and worships health and happines


referred to Sir W Chetwynd and Sir H Bagot

John Perkin

Katherine Gryme, a poor distressed widow. Q/SR/191/26 (1629)


To the kinges majesties Justices of the Peace within the Countie aforesaid.

The Humble Petition of Katherine Gryme a poore distressed widdowe.

Most humblye shewinge unto your worshipps the lamentable estate of your poore peticioner who hath susteyned most extreame wronge by meanes of one Jane Parker wife of Thomas Parker of Amerton in the Countie aforesaid she comminge into the house of your poore peticioner where she most violently and injuriously abused your said poore peticioner by vile and reprochfull speeches, and after that instantly takinge a firebrand out of the fire, suddenly cast the same at the face of your worshipps poore peticoner, Which by fatall and unfortunate accident happened utterly to extingush and put out one of the eyes of your said peticioner as the same ys most manifest and apparant, whereby she hath not onely endured most extreame and greivous paine (the wound at first appearinge rather mortall then otherwise) but alsoe hath spent and bestowed all the meanes she had for recoverie of her sight, which by that fatall blowe ys utterly lost, to her greate impoverishinge and undoeinge


In tender consideracions of the premisses may it please your honors and worships to award your peticioner such satisfaccion for the mayme aforesaid as the statute in that case appoynteth etc

referred to cons

Kath Gryme:

Francis Border and other prisoners in the county gaol. Q/SR/192/6 (1629)

To the right honorable and worshipfull his Majesties Justices of peace for the Countie of Stafford

The humble peticion of Francis Border Ellizz Fraunce, John Gregson Richard Walton, Robert Brerewood Margrett Heild Margrett Birch now remayning in his Majesties goale for the Countie of Stafford

Humbly sheweth unto your good honors, and worshipps, that your poore peticioners haang formerly received tryall and according to their desertes, were by the law found guiltie But the reverend judges pytting us and hoping of our reformacion of those lewd courses which we did continue in, did reprive us; And now cannot be dischardged from this plage of miserie, untill we have his majesties most gracious pardon, which we being poore, and have not money, nor freindes to procure the same and being almost famished, would humbly intreat your good honors and worshipps for godes sake to take course, that the whole countie, would be pleased to allow some money to procure the same, which from soe manie would be but litle and a verie meritorious deed to sett us at libertie. Whereby by our labour we may releive our wives and children: And according to our bounden dueties shall dayly whilst we live pray to God for your honors and worshipps health and happines evermore to continue.


The some aggreed upon is eight pounds: being at Trinitie Sessions. which the hie constables are to collect in their severall divisions.

  • ThoThomas Coven et Lichff
  • Thomas Cromwell
  • Walter Chetwynd
  • Humfrey Coperley
  • Thomas Honyston
  • Rand: Ashenhurste

John Holland of Great Worley, laborer. Q/SR/192/7 (1629)

To the Right Worshipfull Sir Walter Chetwynde knight and Raphe Sneade Esquires Justices of the peace and quorum within this County of Stafford

The humble petition of John Holland of Great Worley in the County of Stafford laborer

We whose names are subscribed do testifye and declare That wheras one John Holland of Great Worley in the County of Stafford laborer, beinge about 2 yeares sithence lycensed and authorised in the open sessions and at all other tymes and sommans sithence, untill he lately gave over, for th sellinge of ale and beare accordinge to the Statute in that behalfe made and provided And forasmuch as the said John Holland beinge as it is sayd very lately indyted attached and bound over to the last Assises, for his appearance there, where he the said John Holland agreed with Mr Craddocke for xis. and other fees and soe was dischardged, Yett neverthelesse he the said John Holland is, by virtue of the said former indytement called againe by the Clarke of the peace for more money which the said Holland is not able to performe in respect of the opression afforsaid and his great chardge of children beinge a poore man And humbley intreateth your worships favours, And he as in all dutie bounden will daylie pray for your worships healths in all happinesse longe to continue

William Greene William Wilson:

The Constables of Bromley. Q/SR/192/9 (1629)

To the Right Honourable and right Worshippfull the Kings Majesties Justices of peace for the County of Stafford

Humbly sheweth: The humble peticion of the Constables of Bromley

That Whereas there hath binne leveed or sessed within Bromley aforesayd two severall lewes for the Kings maiesties service, many of they inhabitants there have refused to pay the sayd lewes, whereby your peticioners are at want for mony, for the service aforesayde

Your peticioners therefore doe humbly desire that they may have a warrant from this place, for the collection of such summes of mony as are behind for the supply of his majesties service And your peticioners shall pray for your health and happines longe to indure.

  • Edward Seaton }
  • Richard Pixley} Cunstables

Yow are to graunte a warrant from the cowrte that yf the shall refuse to make payment of there lewnes that then the shalbe browght before Syr Walter Chetwynd or Sir Henry Bagott to b bownden to appeyre att the next sessyons of the peace and to be of good behavyor in the meane tyme butt uppon payment then the warrant to be stayd the const[ables] will delyver there names to yow

Walter Chetwynd

John Southworth. Q/SR/192/12 (1629)

To the righte Reverend father in God Thomas by divine providence Lord Bishope of Litchfield and Coventrie

The humble peticion of John Southworth

Sheweth unto unto your good Lordship that your poore peticioner [illegible] livinge neere Westchester, beinge drawne into this cuntry to erect a colemyne for Mr Edward Hussey in whose service I have bine imployed since the begininge of Lent last, some troubles arysinge betwixt Mr William Clare and Mr Edward Hussey, so it was that your peticioner entered into bond of 40li. that one Roger Jenninges this daye should there appere before your Lordship and the rest of the worshipfull bench, which person is here readye to make his appearance accordingly Wherefore your poore peticioner beinge readie to goe homewardes most humbly craveth that he maie be dischardged from penalty of the said bond And your peticioner shall for ever pray to the high and almighty Jehovah for your Lordships health and prosperous felicitye

John Heeley of Trentham, husbandman. Q/SR/192/14 (1629)

To the Right Honorable his Majesties Judges of the Assizes houlden at Stafford the 10th day of August 1626:

The humble petition of John Heeley of Trentham within the said County of Stafford husbandman

May it please your good Lordshipp truly to be enformed, that whereas your said petitioner with other of his neighbors of Trentham aforesaid, were hired at a certen rate by [illegible] [illegible], John Terrick of Cleaton Griffith in the parishe of Trentham gentlman and Robert Challenor of Stone gentleman overseers for the buildinge of Strangeford bridge betweene Trentham and Tittensor, for the leadinge of certen hundredes of measures of lyme unto the said bridge, which notwithstandinge it was duly performed there yet is, and soe hath bene, for the space of three yeares, the summe of fower powndes nineteene shillings or within twoo pence therof, due for suche carriage detayned from us, to our greate hindrance and former costes in in seekinge for it, Althoughe there is in some of their handes that had power to receave the countries contribution to that purpose, sufficient to satisfy the same: Nowe therefore may it please your good Lordship to take such order for the payment of your said suppliant and his other partners, as shall seeme in equitie and conscience good to your godly wisdome and they shall as in duty bound pray for your Lordships true happines: and soe moste humbly cravinge pardon for this bouldnes will rest

Your moste humble petioner and daly orator

  • John Heeley
  • John Heeley of Trentam

Staffs 20 Julii 1627

The Justices of peace at the next Sessions are desired to examyne this matter and order yt as will be fitting.

Will Jones

the consideracon referred to Mr Sneyde Mr Crompton and Mr Manwaring to call Mr Mr Challenor Mr Terricke and others etc

Thomas Tomkys of Wednesfeild. Q/SR/192/15 (1629)

Staff ss

The humble peticion of Thomas Tomkys of Wednesfeild To the Right Honorable and Worshipfull his Majesties Justices of the peace, att the generall Sessions of the peace, holden at Stafford the second day of June. 1629.

Humblie complayninge, sheweth to your Honours That whereas one Edward Brant, sonne of John Brant of Chillington in the countie aforesayd, hath begotten a basterd child, on the bodie of Elizabeth Tomkys of Wednesfeild aforesayd, sister of the peticioner, who of herselfe, and the poore estate of her father, are not able to nurce and bringe upp the sayd basterd child. Doth humblie beseech this honorable Bench: That yt may be ordered by due course of his Majesties lawes, That John Brant (father of Edward Brant the delinquent, who ys a man of good estate, and who did counsell his sayd sonne, to absent himselfe, and to goe out of this cuntrey to shunne the danger of the lawe, for that fact, as he himselfe confessed before the Right Worshipfull Sir Hughe Wrottesley knight one of his Majesties Justices of the peace in this countie) might take into his custodie, or give competent releife towardes the nurcinge or bringinge upp of the sayd basterd child: And your poore peticioner should be ever bound to praye for Your Honours good health and welfare.


The good behaviour is graunted untill the sonne be brought out per Cur

Edward Brant of Chilliton

William Smyth of Rowley Regis. Q/SR/192/16 (1629)

June 2 1629

To the right honorable and worshipfull his Majesties Justices of peace and Quorum for the Countie of Stafford

The humble peticion of William Smyth of Rowley Regis

Humbly sheweth that one William Smyth sonne sonne of your peticioner heretofore accused and suspected for a robberie And thereupon hath beene imprisoned since the last Assises to the utter undoinge of your peticoners said sonne, being by profession a blacksmyth, which alsoe doth much tend to the undoinge of your peticoner himselfe being but a poore man, and enforced to keepe and maintaine his sonne in person; wheras otherwise hee might have much comfort in him, and hee very well able to maintaine himselfe.

May it therfore please your Honors and worships that your peticioners said sonne upon good security may bee bailed, for that as hee is hee looseth his time and trade, cannot serve god as hee ought, is a great burden to your peticioner, and the continuance of him in prison will tend to the utter overthrowe of them both. And then both your peticioner and his sonne shalbe bound to pray for your good worships health and happiness longe to continue.


William Smith of Rowley

John Hickson of Newton. Q/SR/192/17 (1629)

June 2 1629

To the honorable and Right worshipfull his Majesties Justices of Peace and Quorum for the Countie of Stafford

The humble peticion of John Hickson of Newton.

Humbly sheweth that whereas the overseers of the poore for the parish of Blithfeild at Trinitie Sessions 1626 did peticion this worshipfull Bench concerninge the maintance and keepinge of one Richard Nicolls a poore lame and blind man when it was ordered that your peticoner should keepe and maintaine the said poore man and that the parish should allowe him towards it 4d weekly, which is soe little that your peticioner is not able soe to maintaine him, havinge never had any benefitt at all by him, nor ever makinge any bargaine with him, nor ever tooke any livinge or goods from him, as was pretended by the said overseers.

In consideracion whereof may it please this worshipfull Bench to order it that the said parish may allowe some competent maintaynance towards the keepinge of the said poore man, or els that he may bee discharged from the keepinge of him And hee shalbe bound to pray etc.


the churchwardens and overseers are ordered to pay 6d weekly

ordered vid

John Hickson

William White. Q/SR/192/18 (1629)

To the Right Honorable and the Right Worshippfull his Majesties Justices of peace for the County of Stafford

The humble peticion of William White

Sheweth that whereas your peticoner hath long layen in durance & ympri- sonment and his cause referred to the further examinacion of Sir Hugh Wrotesley knight and Henry Leighe Esquire by the honorable Justices of Assise whoe can find noe further matter against your suppliant then was at that time objected against him.

In tender consideracion hereof he humbly prayeth this honorable bench they would take such comiseracion that he may not still abide in prison but that sufficient bayle may be taken for his apparance att the next Assises, such as the Court shall well approve of.


The peticcion is graunted

William White

Francys Dycher. Q/SR/192/19 (1629)

Stafford ss

To the Right Worshipfull his Majesties Justices of the Benche at Stafford: The Peticion of Francys Dycher, of Featherston, in the Countie aforesaid laborer

Humblye shewinge unto your good Worships, That whereas one Humfrey Hill of Featherston aforesaid,(and my Lande-Lord) was about twoe yeares agoe, uppon malice, by one of his neighbours, indyted for the erectinge and setting up of a house or cottage, in which I, and my wyfe, have dwelt, this foure or five yeares, The which house or cottage, was never erected or sett up, by the said Humfrey Hill, but was freely given by him, unto Mr Thomas Whitgreve, and to Richard Tranter of Moseley to doe with the said house or cottage what they would; Whoe, in charitie, did erect and sett up the same, (for this your poore petitioner, and his wife to inhabite and dwell in during their naturall lives,) of their owne proper costes and charges, because that the said Dychers wyfe was borne in the said house, before it was remooved, given awaye, or erected where it now standeth, and because the said Dycher and his wyfe, beinge very poore, and by no meanes able to take it downe, and to sett it up againe, it pleased the said Mr Whitgreve, and Richard Tranter, of their meere charitie, love, and compassion towards them, (being their neighbours) of their owne costes and charges, to doe it for them. And now againe this last weeke, the said Humfrey Hill, beinge arrested, by the baylie of the hundred, about the house aforesaid, (which he never erected) and beinge thus wrongfully troubled, about the same house, for the which neither he, nor his sonne, ever received any fyne, or penny of rent, neither any other person for them, for yt was freely given unto me and my wife, by the said Mr Thomas Whitgreve and Richard Tranter, for our naturall lives, as aforesaid, and that upon meere charitie. He the said Humfrey Hill, and Ralphe Hill his sonne, (since the arrest of the said Humfrey) have commen to my said house, and have threatned, to throw bothe me, and my wife, out of my house, with our goods, and to naile up the doore, and keepe us out, from dwellinge there any more. Wherefore I most humblie intreate your good worships, to take such order herein, as shall be most pleasinge to your good discretions, And that I may dwell still in my said house, or else have somme other convenient habitation for me and my wife, amongst them: And soe shall I ever be bounden to pray, unto the Lord, for your Worships prosperous estates longe to continue.

  • Alice Whitgreave widowe
  • Francis Traunter
  • Richard Traunter
  • Richard Traunter of Moseley
  • Thomas Beckett

proces stayed and referred to Sir H Wrottesley and Mr Weston.

Humfrey Hill of Featherston

Inhabitants of Ridgley. Q/SR/192/20 (1629)

To the right worshipfull his Majestis Justices of peace within the countie of Stafford

We whose names are subscribed Inhabitantes of Ridgley within the Countie of Stafford humbly shew unto your worrships that this bearer Richarde Wise of Ridgley aforesaide and Ellen his wiffe have kept victulinge in our towne of Ridgley the space of xx yeares and above and for all that tyme have kept good order in theire howse and kept lodginge for strangers, and good provicion at all tymes boeth for trayvellers and other poore neighbors

It may therefore please your good worships to give them leave and lycence still to contynue and keepe a victulinge howse, wee thinkinge them to be verry fitt soe to doe, And this bearer with his wiffe shalbe for ever most bounden to pray for your good worships health longe to contynue.

His wyeff alsoe is a poore lame woman, deafe and lame, not able to help herselfe

  • Gryffen Kenrike William Marshall
  • Richard Coradine George Marshall
  • Will Coradine John Clowes
  • Edward Hearne
  • John Goslyng
  • Sebastian Alsop
  • Thomas Trubshaw
  • John Oldacares
  • Richard Hyll
  • Thomas Norris
  • Robert Burton
  • Willm Smythe
  • Roberte Burden
  • John Bird
  • Gregory Vane
  • William Hearelie
  • Roberte Coradine
  • Roger Timinges
  • Hugh Caushaull
  • John Hearlie

inhabitans of Ridgle

John Tooth of Colton, husbandman. Q/SR/192/21 (1629)

The humble petition of John Tooth of Colton in the Countie of Stafford husbandman unto our Magisties Justisses of Peace

These are humbly to entreate your worshipps that wheareas I John Tooth have susteaned greate losse and hinderaunces by reason wheareof I am bared frome a waye to my grounde and threatened to bee indited and in greate danger of my lif as it shall appeare by me if it maye pleace your good worships to heare me speake for my self wich I truste in god you will I am able to make proffes that this way wich I doe nowe goe to my ground hath since used to my house for the space of viii and twentie or xxx years and nowe beinge barred from that waye to my ground whearin my predecessers have usally gonne before, I am lyke to come into great troble unlesse it please your worshipes to bee merciffull unto mee with compassion and pettie beinge a pore man and not able to mantayne suttes in lawe agaynste soe many as ar trobulesomm agaynste me, I rest your worshipes b ever bounden evere to praye for yow soe longe as I live


John Tooth

The Inhabitants of Talke upon the Hill. Q/SR/193/9 (1629)

To the Right Worshipfull his Majesties Justices of peace for the countie of Stafford att these present quarter Sessions for the said countie assmebled

The humble informacion and peticion of the Inhabitantes of the hamlett of Talke upon the Hill in the said countie whose names are herunto subscribed against James Butter of the said hamlett

Humbly shewinge That wheras divers and severall persons of severall shires of this kindom havinge aswell occasions to travell forth of the North and other countries towardes the Citie of London and other places through the towne of Talke with wagons, and packmens horses as other cariages, cannot have such free passages for such purposes throughe parte of the said towne (as his majesties subjectes ought to have) beinge in his majesties heighe waye and throwefare by reason that the said James Butter doth and hath commonlie used for the[se] three yeares or thereaboutes, layed and caused to be layed and cast into his Majesties heighe waie his manure-mucke and lastall, to the noysaunce of his Majesties subjectes that have occasions to travell the same waie with cartes, cariages and such like. So that their cattells stand in greate deinger of loosinge their lyves by reason of stretninge of his majesties said heighe waie

Humblie prayinge your worships would be pleased to take such course in his majesties open sessions that h[is] Majesties subjectes move without deinger passe [illegible] repasse throughe the said towne with their go[ods] and cattells and that the said Butter may [?illegible] receave such punishment for comittinge such im[illegible] on his majesties said heighe waye as shall stande [illegible] his majesties lawes and your worships wise discreacions for the good of His Majesties subjectes. And the peticoners as they are bounden in all humble duetie will deuelie praye for your worships longe to contynue in all felicitie. And humblie likewise praye that ytt maie be inquired of before your worships by what power and authoritie the said James Butter and others by his direction and appoynted att three severall tymes digged for claye in the said heighe waye beinge but about tenne feetes broade and made verye deepe holes and not filled the same upp agayne to the dainger both of his majesties subjectes and also their cattells who have occasions to passe or repasse the same.

  • Thomas Darneley
  • William Smith
  • Robert Deaneley
  • Richard Olcott
  • Henerie Wilkinson
  • William Hancoke

Margerie Betson. Q/SR/193/12 (1629)

To the right honorable and worshipfull his majesties Justices of peace and quorum within the Countie of Stafford

The humble peticion of Margerie Betson

Humblie shewinge that whereas she was heretofore begotten with childe by one Roger Rowley of the parishe of Audeley with childe was borne about a fortnight before Christmas was twelvemoneth

And whereas the said Roger afterwardes refused to keepe the said childe or to geve anie allowance at all towardes the mainteyninge of the same childe.

And whereas also (uppon complaint made) at the next sessions of the peace here holden for this Countie next after the birth of the said childe yt was ordered that your poore peticioner should keepe and maynteyne the said childe and that the said Roger for the space of seven yeares then next followinge should paie unto her sixe pence weekelie for and towardes the mainteyninge of the same childe which money the said Roger for the space of tenne weekes then next followinge or thereaboutes paid accordinglie sithence which time he hath and still doth refuse to yelde anie allowance at all towardes the same.

She humblie desireth your honours and worships that forasmuch as the said Rowley is now uppon other occasions bounden over to appeare before you that your honours and worships would be pleased to take some course before his departure to compell him to performe the said order. And she and her said poore childe beinge both of them in great want and necessitie shall daylie praie to god for your honours and worships health.


ordered to finde sureties to performe a former order et invent secur

Richard Morris of Acton Trussell, husbandman. Q/SR/193/13 (1629)

To the right worshipfull his Majesties Justices of peace for the County of Stafford

The humble peticion of Richard Morris of Acton Trussell husbandman

Humbly sheweth that whereas Roberte Adderley of Brockton havinge 3 small children, and his wyfe being dead and himselfe very poore did agree with your peticioner for the keeping of one of the said children which for the space of two yeares he honestly discharged But finding himselfe unable to keepe his said children, he went his way at Whitsuntide last, and left his children wherof two are provided for, the other is left with your peticioner being not able of his selfe to keepe it.

May it therfore please your good worships soe to order it that the said child may be provided for in Brockton [a]fo[re]said where it was borne And that your peticioner may be paid for the time past, and may be discharged from the said child and he shall pray for your worships in happines longe to continue.


the parishioners of Baswich to provide etc

John Cowap. Q/SR/193/15 (1629)

To the right honorable his Majesties Justices of Assise and goale delivery for the County of Stafford

The humble peticion of John Cowap

Humbly sheweth that your peticoner being a verie poore man and havinge a wyfe and 3 2 small children, and beinge desirous to worke and labour in husbandrie to maintaine both himselfe and them, soe that hee might not be chargable to the countrie, and beinge destitute of a convenient habitacion for himselfe and his family, and beinge borne in Ricarscote where he begate one of his said children, and since havinge dwelt at Acton and Bedwall, and is now whollie voyde of a dwellinge house,

Doth humbly intreat your honors that either the country may erect him some small cottage, or otherwise that hee may bee permitted to build and erect one in some convenient place where your honors shall appoynt And your poore peticioner his wyfe and children shalbe bound to pray etc


27o die July Referr this peticion to the Justices of the peace at here next quarter Sessions Will Jones

Edmund Heywood. Q/SR/193/18 (1629)

Staff ss

To the Right Worshipfulls Sir William Stevingeton knight and Barronett, and Sir Symon Weston knight two of the kinges Majesties Justices of the peace for the Countie aforesaid

The humble peticion of Edmund Heywood:

Humblie sheweinge that whereas your poore peticoner haveinge borne all the offices belongeinge to our towne of Hanseworth in good creditt, as by the testimonie of the best of our towne cann be manifested, am nowe driven through the urgent wronges I have and doe dayly endure, of one Francis Norris of Hansworth aforesaid whoe hath and doth abuse me, with opprobrious and pernicious tearmes, as namelie in callinge me Murtherer, secondlie Hangman, thirdly Drunkard that I could not stand, fourthlie, that I had a hundred whoores and fiftlie, he is an abuser and a scandalizer of those that goe to the Church of god for the edificacion of their soules, in tearmeinge them to be either knaves, rogues, or theeves, that goe to heare sermons. Lastlie he is verie contumelious and troublesome amongst his neighbors keepeinge unlawfull games in and about his house, neither respectinge, nor regardinge, nor frequentinge the Saboath, nor divine service but selleth ale ever since he was dismist, both by the Minister, and by foure more sufficient men in our towne accordinge to the tenure of the decree sett downe at the last sittinge saveinge one by the worshipfull Justices of the Countie aforesaid.

My humble peticion therefore unto your good worshipps is, that you will com- misserate me in my open wronges: and to grant me a warrant of the good behaviour against him, which I leave to your worshipps judicall conside- racions, for I sh the which I shalbe ever bound (as in duetie I am) to pray for your good healthes longe to continue.


Edmand Heywoode

The inhabitants of Bradeley. Q/SR/193/22 (1629)


To the right worshipfull his majesties Justices of the peace and Quorum for this Countie of Stafford

The humble peticion of the Inhabitantes of Bradeley within this Countie.

Sheweth unto your good worshipes your said peticioners: that whereas William Horton gentleman late highe constable of the hundred of Cutleston nowe holdethe and for the space of a yeare and a halfe sithence hathe helde certaine landes in Bradeley aforesaid called the Pryors Feildes for which said landes the occupyers thereof the usuallie have payd all lewnes duties paymentes and impositions bothe to Churche and Kinge accordinge to the assessement of the inhabitantes of Bradeley aforesaid untill the said Mr Horton became tenaunt and occupyer thereof whoe dothe nowe altogether refuse to paie his ratable lewnes due for the said landes beinge a man of greate estate and doth thereby inforce the said inhabitantes to peticion this honorable Benche for releife herein (the landes soe imposed and due and at this tyme behynde cominge to iiis vid)

May it therefore please your good worshipes in regarde your said peticoners have noe remeddie to releive themselves nor compell the said Mr Horton to pay his lewnes soe beinge behinde and unpayd unles yt be by order from this honorable benche, to give such order against the said Mr Horton for the payment of the said arerrages, and further for the continuance of the same as shall beste agreey with Justice and your worshipes good likinge and the said inhabitantes shalbe dailie bounden to praie to god longe to continewe you in all happines


Mr Horton to pay for the landes he holdeth there after such rate as heretofore hath been paid till he shew good cause to this Court to the contrarie

inhabitans of Bradeley Bradeley

The overseers of the poore and chief inhabitants of Bromley Paget. Q/SR/193/28 (1629)

To the right Honourable, and right Worshipfull the Kings majesties Justices of peace within the County of Stafford.

The humble peticion of the overseers of the poore of Bromley Pagets and other cheife inhabitants


Sheweth that whereas Henry Russell late of Bromley disceased did give in marriage with his daughter unto Walter Slaney of Maury in the parish of Yoxall his whole estate amountinge to a greate value, uppon condition that the sayd Walter should maintaine with meate, drinke, apparell and other necessaries Alice Russell the wife of the sayd Henry during her naturall life, whereuppon the sayd Walter then accordingly thereunto consenting did take the sayd Alice after the death of her husband forth of our parish for a while, but afterwards not intendinge to performe the true meaneinge of the said covenants did transmitt backe againe the said Alice unto our towne without any succour or releife of her said husbands goods to the great burthen and greivance of our towne, beinge charged with so greate a number of poore people.

Your peticioners therefore humbly pray your good Honours and Worships to appoint and enact some order by vertue whereof the said Walter Slaney may be constrained either to take againe the said Alice Russell his mother- in-law unto his keepinge, or else to contribute such weickly money as shall seeme good to your discretions for her releife and succour in her great poverty and necessity and your peticioners shall ever pray unto god for your honours and worshipps health and happines longe to indure

  • Ed: Holbrooke Ro: Clarke
  • William Partriche Richard Duson }
  • Richard Naylley Thomas Burrowes} overseers
  • Walter Dixsonn
  • John Watson John Tomlinson
  • Edward Hickson
  • Richard Pixley

referred to two next Justices viz Sir H Bagot and Sir W: Chetwinde

the overseers of the parich of Bromly

Humfrey Bradbury of Burton upon Trent, glover. Q/SR/193/34 (1629)

Com: Staff:

To the right worshipfull his majesties Justices of the peace and quorum for this Countie of Stafford

The humble peticion of Humfrey Bradbury of Burton upon Trente within the Countie of Stafford glover

Sheweth unto your good worshipes your said peticoner that he havinge a warrant of the peace against one John Knighte obteyned from the right worshipfull Sir Simon Weston knight did deliver the said warrant together with the fee about Christmas last unto one Richard Clarke then and now Constable of Burton afforesaid to arreste the said Knighte the which said constable did indirectlie give notice to the said partie to keepe him oute of the waie by meanes whereof execucion of the said warrant and the kinges service was altogether neclected: And soe yt ys further may yt please your good worshipes that this your said petitioner shortlie after meetinge accidentallie with the said constable and shewinge him in faire termes that he had not done his office and that by his connivancie the said clarke knight escaped without arreste:, he the said constable thereupon suddenlie did sett uppon this your said peticoner breake his head beate wounde him and hale him foorthe of the howse where he then was and pu caused him to put in suerties or els threatned him to the cage (: This your said petitioner havinge formerlie borne the office of a constable in Burton aforesaid and a man never in anie stockes cage or pryson in all his life time, And the said constable hathe sithence procured the good behaviour for further revenge against your said peticioner reto whoe hath procured a supersedeas retornable this Sessions whereupon he nowe submittes himselfe to this honorable and worshipfull benche

In tender considderacion whereof may yt therefore please your good worshipes to release your said peticioner of these his trowles havinge received all thaforesaid wronges to his greate scandall and disgrace and to take such cowrse against the said offender herein for your said petitioners discharge of soe dangerous an enemie as shall best agreey with Justice and your good likinge and this your said peticioner shalbe daylie bounden for your worshipes longe to continewe in all happines:


Hum: Bradburie de Burton super Trent