Staffordshire Quarter Sessions: 1619

Petitions to the Staffordshire Quarter Sessions, 1589-1799.

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In this section

The inhabitants of Routon and adjoining towns. Q/SR/150/8 (1619)

Stafford SS

To the Honorable and worshipfull his majesties Justices of Peace, and Quorum within the Countie aforeseid

The Humble Peticion of thenhabitantes of Routon and dyverse other townes adjoyning agaynst Edmund Bagnald alias Gardner of Routon aforeseid

Showing that whearas the samne Bagnald hath manye yeres lyved amongest your poore oratores and to theire great disquyett hurt and impoverishing, for that he is not onlie a breaker of his Majesties peace a breeder of sutes and discencions amongest us, a sower of sedicion, and one that lyveth onlie by shyftes, and cosinage, and to coloure all his wicked and unconscionable dealinges and to terrifye simple poore men, he sometymes professeth to be a baylie errant, and sometymes a parrettor, and sometymes an attorney in the Countie Court, by reason whereof, he keepeth poore men in such awe and feare as that fewe or non dare offend him, hee receaveth money on both sydes and enters not the causes in the countie, and so wrongeth the sheriffes and cosineth the poore men, he lyveth not in the true feare of god, the kinge or his lawes for beying arrested with a warrant of the good behavior he teeareth a warraunt with his teeth in peices, in contempt of his Majestie and his lawes, and beying afterwardes arrested with an other warraunt of the good behaviour, he verie cunnynglie escaped from the officear in such a disobedient manner, as gyveth evill example to manye he causeth men fyned with proces, without warrantie from the sheriffe or from any lawfull deputie neither writt to warrant the same, with a great sort of of other his lewde and wicked unlawfull actes which would be verie tediouse to particulate unto this honorable court, So that iff somme speedie and good order be not presentlie herein provyded: Manye his Majesties poore subjectes shalbe by him utteire impoverished

May yt therefore please you for godes cause and justice sake to move the right woorshipful Sir Edard Littleton & Sir Walter Chetwynd that they wilbe pleased to heare the cause and to examyne such sufficient wittenesse as your oratores will produce, and to order it as in theire good wisdoms shalbe shalbe thought fytt and also to graunt the good behavioure agaynst him, and herein they shall pray god for your long continuance



William Hardeing, prisoner. Q/SR/150/9 (1619)

To the right worshipfull the Kinges Majesties Justices of peace and Quorum for the County of Stafford.

The humble peticion of Richard William Hardeing prisoner.

Humblie showeth unto Your Worshipps that your poore suppliant hath beene comitted to the Comon gaole for the County aforsaied uppon a warrant of the good behaviour graunted by the right worshipfull Sir William Boyer knight and Mr Raphe Snead esquire retornable this present sessions in which place he hath remayned for the space of xii weekes in great misserie having noe allowance as other prisoner have being almost utterlie famished this your peticioners restraynt being as he conceaveth rather wrought uppon malice then just cause by such as have informed against him or for anie reformation thoughe he doth nothing re pine against the worshipfull Justices that comitted him but praieth for their healthes

Forasmuch as by this greevose imprisonment your poore pe ticioner his wyfe and children are like to be utterlie undoen unlesse unlesse your worshipps doe take com- passion uppon him having had noe allowance of all the space as aforsaied and having almost spent all the meanes he hath or had to releeve his chardge being not culpable in those pointes that manie wayes hath beene objected against him by such that have of long carried an envious conceapt against him as by theare information he so conceaveth.

In tender consideration of the premises he humblie beseecheth your good worships to take compassion uppon him and to graunt him releasment out of the prisson. and he will albeit he thinketh he hath not deserved [fe?] that he hath beene chardged with all not onlie endeavor him selfe to live in as good sort as God will give him leave but will ever paye for your worships prosperitie and happines long to continew



Richard Strickland, prisoner. Q/SR/150/10 (1619)

To the right Worshipfull the Kinges Majesties Justices of peace and Quorum for the County of Stafford.

The humble peticion of Richard Strickland prisoner

Humblie showeth unto your good worshipps that your poore distressed peticioner was comitted unto his Majesties Comon gaole for the County affoirsaied by a war rant from the Baylies of Tamworth uppon suspicion of felonious taking awaye of foure shipskins in which gaole he hath sithence the tyme of his comitt ment remayned in the saied gaole in greevose want having had noe allowance to live uppon him selfe poore wyfe and 4 childeren beinge all most pined for want of releefe the havinge had noe meanes to live but uppon the labors of your poore peticioner and beinge like all all utterlie to perishe unlesse your worshipps doe take pittie upoon him and his chardge unto which he hopeth God will moove you havinge had on of his childeren latelie dead for want of foode.

Your poore supliant this his lamentable case considered humblie beseech your worships for Christ sakes sake to take compassion uppon him and his great chardge and soe that he is like and his chardge utterlie to pine if he still remayn in prisson That your good worships will bee pleased ether to grant him bayle or his tryall att this present sessions and he will by Godes grace take paynes to live in truth and honestie and will with his poore wyfe and children ever praye for your worshipps health and happines



Humfry Blakemore of Brockhurst, yeoman. Q/SR/150/12 (1619)

To the right worshipfull his majesties Justices of Peace and Quorum for this county of Stafford

The humble peticion of Humfry Blakemore of Brockhurst in the parish of Blymhill and county aforesaid yoman

Most humbly shewing unto your good worships, that whereas about sixteene yeares agoe or there- aboutes, it was ordred by this worshipfull Court, that the inhabitantes of the said parishe of Blymhill, should erect and build a cottage within the same parish for one Alice Hoggins, a poore widdow, then and as yett inhabiting within the same parish: And being so ordered, one Thomas Parrand then one of the churchwardens, and one John Turner, then one of the overseers for the poore of the same parish with the consent of the rest of the inhabitantes, entreated your now suppliant, to suffer the said Alice Hoggins to inhabite in a sheepecoate of his, for a moneth or sixe weekes, untill such tyme as they had erected her a cottage, which during the space of sixteene yeares aforesaid, they never would doe, being thereunto divers and sundry tymes required by your said suppliant, he never receaving any rent for the same from the said Alice: And whereas the said Alice now hath a daughter married into the same cottage, the said Inhabitantes do find themselves greived at the same, fearing they should be charged with any of their children, and are dailie in hand with your said suppliant to cast them out of his cottage, which he your said suppliant of himselfe will not doe, without the aide and helpe of the said inhabitantes, they being placed theares at their request: And yesterday last being the xith. of this instant January 1618, a cottage in the said parish (having stood by the space of foure score yeares at least) being pulled downe the said inhabitantes or some of them, brought the goodes therein found to your said suppliantes cottage aforesaid, and whether the said goodes or any of them are feloniously stolne (by reason suspected people did inhabite in the same) your said suppliant is doubfull, fearing to come into any trouble, by reason any stolne goodes should be found in any cottage or coate of his.

May it therefore please your good worships to sett downe such order as hath bene heretofore, that the inhabitantes of the aforesaid parish may erect some place for the said Alice to inhabite in, and that they may be aiding and assisting to your said suppliant to cast her and her children of out of his said cottage, so that your suppliant may be freed from them, being content to loose the proffitt of the same all thaforesaid terme, and then he shall live without feare of any bad company to resort thither: And your said suppliant (as nevertheles) shalbe bound to pray for your worships in h all health and happines ever to endue.

Your worships humble suppliant

Humfry Blakemore


The two next Justices are desiered to heare and end this busines

Elizabeth Woodnett, widow. Q/SR/150/14 (1619)

To the honorable and worshipfull his majesties justices of peace and quorum within the countie of Stafford

The humble peticion of Elizabeth Woodnett widowe

Humblie shewinge that whereas one Charles Swanne late of Hartley Grene and now prisoner in the gaole was for some notorious misdemeanors latelie comitted to the said gaole by the warraunt and direction of Sir Walter Chetwind knight and Walter Bagott esquier And whereas the good behavior is now graunted against him, whereof at this sessions he geveth out and hopeth to be released.

And whereas both before the said behavior and good sithens the same graunted against him he hath in most terrible manner with aswell with his sworde drawne as otherwise threatned this deponent and Issabell Swanne his wife to kill them as also threatned to f burne this peticioners house if he were at libertie

She humblie therefore desireth your Honours and Worships for godes cause aswell for the preservacion of this peticoner as of the said Issabell wh and for theire safetie who otherwise if the said Swanne be at libertie are like and in great daunger to be spoiled and murdered and for that the lewde life and conversacion of the said Swanne is well knowne to divers of his Majesties justices here present to take some such course for theire preservacion and safetie is to your Honours and Worships shall seeme expedient And she shall be daylie bounden to praie for your Honours and Worships


To putt in sureties before he be released

Thomas Burne. Q/SR/150/15 (1619)

To the right worshipfull his Majesties Justices of peace and quorum of the county of Stafford

The humble peticion of Thomas Burne

Whereas your peticioner was named and sworne to execute thoffice of constable for the towneship of Great Saredon,for this present yeare, hee your peticioner did repayre to the howse of one William Walhowse dwellinge within the same constablewicke and demaunded parte of a lewne which the said Walhowse ought to have paid, But the said Walhowse not only refused to paie the same, but alsoe misused your peticioner with termes

And your peticioner (gevinge warninge to the said Walhowse to warde) hee the said Walhowse did neglecte his service therein, and beinge alsoe (by your peticoner) warned to watche, the said Walhowse answeared that hee would watche your peticioner to bed and would then goe to bed himselfe.

For which causes humble suite is made that your worships wilbe pleased to graunte the good behaviour against the said William Walhowse


fact x The peace is graunted

The churchwardens and overseers of the poor for the parish of Trentham. Q/SR/150/17 (1619)


To the Right worshipfull his majesties Justices of the peace and quorum within the Countie


The humble petition of the Churchwardens and overeseers of the poore for the parishe of Trentham

Wee your suppliants beinge assigned aboute Aprill laste to take care for the poore of our parishe for this presente yeare did aboute Micallmas laste, with the assistance of sixe other of the parishoners cominge out of severall parts of the said parishe, laye a taxation for the raisinge of a certayne sume of money to releeve the lame and impotente poore to provyde for divers poore children and to performe such other duties as by lawe we are injoyned, and by a warrante under the hands and seales of three of his majesties Justices wee were required and inabled, which taxation was made by us, accordinge to equity and good conscience as wee are verily perswaded, havinge had speciall respecte to the wealth and ability of our severall parishoners, all which notwithstandinge divers of the richest parishoners doe utterly refuse to paye the said taxation, to the maniffest contempt of authority, to the utter [illegible] neclect of the poore and impotente of our parishe, and to the greate discouragment of us that for the presente be in office, some of theym utterly refusinge either to paye the money, or to suffer us the officers to take take any distresses, others though not denyinge us to distrayne, yet threatinge if wee sell the distresses they will put us to further trouble by sute of lawe, In tender consideracion whereof maye it please this Corte to whome the orderinge hereof is by lawe referred, to give such order ayde and direccions herein, as that the poore of our parishe maye bee provyded for, and that wee and all such as shall succeed us in this service, maye not bee discoraged from the due execution of our office

  • Richard Hassells}
  • John Braffall } overseers
  • Richard Bould }
  • Thomas Amison } churchwardens

The overseers and Churchwardens are to lay a weekely lewne accordinge to the Statute and taxe everye one indifferently that there be noe further cause of complaynt

John Aldred, constable, and Edward Burde, of Streetey. Q/SR/150/21 (1619)

To the worshipfull his majesties Justices of Peace for the countie of Stafford etc.

The humble peticion of John Aldred constable of Streetey in the countye of Stafford tayler and Edward Burde of the same towne in the sayd countie tayler.

Humbly sheweth into your worshipps that wheras one Henry Clare of Streetey in the Countye of Stafford yeoman latelye impounded certayne sheepe of the goodes and cattells of one Mathew Smythe of the Cittye of Leichfield sherman for traspassynge in the common fieldes of Streetey. So yt is may yt please your worshipps notwithstandynge his many and often traspasses with sixe or seven score sheepe uppon the same comon field aforesayd where he hathe no righte nor tytle to the great greevans of the inhabitantes their came to the pounde with two more with him with bills hatchetts and other unlawfull weapons not onely by force takinge parte of his sheepe forthe of the sayd pounde but also did cutt and breake downe the same pounde to the great losse and hindrans of the inhabitantes their albeyt John Aldred constable and Edward Burde with others were called thether for the keepinge of his majesties peace and defence of the same pound with very much danger of their lyves In tender consideracion hereof your poore supppliantes humbly praye the good behavior and they shalbe bound to praye for all your worshipps healthe to the plesure of god longe to contynewe etc



Mathewe Smithe of Lichfield, clothworker. Q/SR/150/22 (1619)

Stafford SS

To the Honorable and Worshipfull the kinges Majesties Justices of Peace of the said County of Stafford.

The humble Peticion of Mathewe Smithe of the Citie of Lichfield clotheworker.

Sheweth: That whereas he for many yeres past was and is yet seized of and in common of pasture to him and his heires for ever lieing in Nether Bridge feild Morfall Streethey and Fulfen within the said County of Stafford And ought to have and enjoye the same without interrupcion So it is, that your said petitioner for three or fower yeres last past hath bene so vexed and disquyeted by one Henry Clare of Streethey aforesaid and of late tyme hath beene as that he dareth not to putt his cattell upon his commons in the said fealdes for feare of his cattell being utterly lamed hurt or kylled, or him self or servantes to bee sore beaten or wounded or else slayne, as most lately to your Petitioner his great daunger of lyfe and his sonnes, as also the spoyle and sore hurt of many his cattell he hath tasted of. For which specyall causes your Petitioner humbly praieth his Majesties wrytt of good haberinge to be graunted against the said Henry Clare to aunswer the premisses, And your Petitioner shall dayly prey to god for your preservacions in all health and felicitye.

Articles against the said Henry Clare

1. Mathew Smyth First the said Henry Clare did take and ympound in the common pound att Streethey aforesaid fower sheepe of the said Mathewe Smythes about 3 yeres synce in a great snowe tyme that then was, and deteyned the sheepe aforesaid in the pounde there so longe, without anie notyce geven therof either to the said Smithe or his servantes, That within a very short space all dyed.

2. Mathew Smyth Item about Michaelmas was twoe yeres, The said Smithe having a black mare in his owne pasture adjoynyng to a pasture of the said Henry Clares in Streethey aforesaid was cutt into into the shoulder necke with a sworde by the said Henry Clare or some other by his procurement, whereby the said mare was very hardly recovered

3. Geoffrey Byll Item about Michaelmas was twelve moneth, the said Clare did take 30 sheepe of the said Smythes out of Bridgfeild wherein he had common of pasture, and,br> would have ympounded theym at Streethay aforesaid, And bycause the said Smithe would not suffer him to have theym to the pound, Therefore the said Clare did most violently thrust at the said Smythe with a pike staffe and with such force so bare him upp, that the said Smythe thereby for 3 monethes next after dyd spytt nothing but bludd and was most greatly endaungered of his lyfe.

4. Mathew Smyth Item about Michaelmas last the said Smyth having an oxe in his owne ground adjoynyng to the said Clares ground was cutt in the shoulder with a bill or sworde, to the great daunger and losse of his saide oxe, and done by the said Clare or some one of his servantes, or by his procurement.

5. Mathew Smith Humfrey Smith William Ryall Lastly, the xxiith of December last past in the night tyme the said Clare took 149 sheepe of the said Smithes out of Morfall Streethey and Foofen Common where the said Smithe had common of pasture And ympounded theym at Streethey by the space of 2 nightes and a day untill they were almost perished, and some of theym dyed, And by cause the said Smithe offred to have saved one of his sheepe that was almost dead, Therefore he did sore beate the said Smithe and his sonne.


Bonus gest [illegible] vers Clare per Cur

Jone Sheafe, widow. Q/SR/150/23 (1619)

To the Honorable and Worshipful his majesties justices of peace and quorum within the countie of Stafford

The humble peticion of Jone Sheafe widowe

Humblie shewinge that whereas her husband now latelie deceased did heretofore take a watercorne mill in Tittensor of one John Mill Wilkes for sixe yeares whereof there is three yeares and a halfe or thereaboutes unexpired for which lease her said husband paide tenne pounds for a fyne or income and the yerelie rent of sixe poundes was besides the said rent fyne reserved to be paid.

And whereas her said husband beinge latelie deade and your peticoner beinge lefte voide of freindes and in great povertie the said Wilkes hath without anie color of right or tytle by stronge hand throwne your poore peticoners goods out of the said mill and put her out of the possession of the same by meanes whereof she havinge no meanes to relieve herselfe against the said wronge and oppression hath doth at this present lye lodge and repose her selfe and her said goodes in a barne to her great griefe and discomfort

She humblie desireth your honours and worships for gods cause to take some course for her reliefe in the premisses who otherwise is like to perishe for wante of meanes to relieve herselfe against the said wrongfull oppressions And she shall daylie praie to god for your honours and worships


Mr Sneyd and Mr Manwaring are desired to end the difference

The inhabitants of the parish of Leighe. Q/SR/150/24 (1619)

To the righte worshipfull his Majesties Justices of peace within the Countye of Stafford.

The humble Peticion of the Inhabitantes of the parishe of Leighe within the said County of Stafford

Maye yt please your Worships to be informed that one Marye Barker, is lately fallen lame and impotente amoungst us, and hath for the space of three monthes beene relieved and well kepte at the Charges of the parishioners of Leighe, both shee and a bastard childe of hers: Shee is of the age of thirtye yeares, borne in the parishe of Stoke upon Trent, and there contynued untill the age of foure and twentye yeares, since which tyme shee hath very ofte chaunged her place of aboade, and as a spinster hath wandred up and downe to seeke worke, and for the space of two yeares and sixe monthes hath beene sett on worke within this our parishe: her bastard childe is of the age of three yeares, be- -gotten (as she affirmeth) by one Statham a lewde person, who longe since for many faultes and feare of punnishment is runne the countrye, and (as is repor- -ted) is hanged: this bastard childe was borne in the said parishe of Stoke also as the mother was. Maye yt please your Worships therfore to graunt reliefe unto us the said Inhabitantes of Leighe, who are much charged with the reliefe of manye poore people borne in our said parishe, and to graunt your order and warrant that the said parishe of Stoke upon Trent maye receyve and relieve her the said Mary CBarker and her said bastard childe, for that both shee and her said childe were there borne.


The mother to be kept at Lee where she remaines And the childe to bre sent where it was borne to be kept.

Richard Gratwood of Stone, labourer. Q/SR/150/25 (1619)

To the Right worshipfull his majesties Justices of the peace and quorum within the Countie of Stafford.

The humble Peticion of Richard Gratwood of Stone labourer

Humblie complayninge sheweth unto your good Worshipps your said daylye poore orator that wheras by proces forth of his majesties highnes Court of Exchequer there was an imposition layd of the whole parish of Stone, of xxs for not reparinge of Walton Bridge, And Mr Under Sheryffe havinge delyvered warrant unto Hugh Tyll bayliffe of the hundred of Pyrehill to distrayne for the same. He uppon the vth daye of November last cominge to Stone there most unconcionablye tooke my mare, for the same distres, (beinge all the meanes I had wherby to lyve), and brought her to Stafford wherby I was inforced to borrow all the money to paye unto the baylyffe and to follow him to Stafford to have my mare againe which was to my great hinderance. unlesse by your worshipps good meanes I maye be releeved.

I humblie beseeke your good worshipps for gods cause, that uppon your accustomed pittey, you would be pleased to graunt me your warrant under your handes unto the Churchwardens of the same parishe or to whover els you please therby commaundinge them that forth of some lune layde in the parishe I may be repayd the money I layd forth for them And in soe doinge I shall daylye pray to god for your good worshipps in all happines with increase of worshippe longe to continue.


Let it be soe

Humfrey Jones and four others of Eccleshall. Q/SR/150/26 (1619)

To the right Worshipfull his Majesties Justices of Peace and Gaole delivery for this County of Stafford

The humble Peticion of Humfrey Jones, Richard Harvey Symon Arooll Thomas Boughey and Thomas Howell in inhabitants of the towne of Eccleshall

Sheweth unto yours worships That wheras Robert Rushton and Thomas Bagnold constables of the said towne of Eccleshall [illegible] about the moneth of July in the xvth yere of his highnes raigne pretendinge to have authority to take upp mault for his majesties provision in his highnes progresse through this County of Stafford dyd forciblie enter into most or somme of the peticioners howses and brake upen their doores and dyd take out mault from your said peticioners (that is to saye) from the said peticioner Humfrey Jones tenne strikes from Richard Harvie thirtie strikes from Symon Arooll twentie strikes from Thomas Baughey tenne strikes and from Thomas Howell tenne strikes, And they the said constables themn procured payment of the sayd severall parcells of mault accordinge to the markett prices. And albeit some or most part of the said peticioners dyd buy the sayd mault for their owne uses and thereby were unprovided of mault for their owne necessary uses. Yett the sayd constables have denyed and yett doe deny to pay to your sayd peticoners or any of them for the sayd severall parcells of mault or any of them Albeit the Kinges majestie out of his gratious care to his pro poore subjectes had given order for satisfieing of every of his subjects in the behalfe, In tender consideracion whereof and for that your poore peticioners have labored often to this worshipfull benche and sued for remedy in this behalfe for their wrongs, herein susteyned May it therefore please your g good worships, (for godes cause) to order the sayd constables to give satisfaccion to the sayd peticioners And your sayd peticoners accordinge to their bounden duetie shall dayly pray for your good worshipps health longe to continue.


When the money is levyed they are to be paid

Robert Cowper of Handford. Q/SR/150/30 (1619)

To the Right Worshipfull his Majesties Justices of peace within the county of Stafford

The informacion and humble peticion of Robert Cowper of Handford in the said county of Stafford against one John Johnson of Handford

In most humble wise sheweth That whereas the said John Johnson hath accused your the said suppliant to be the reputed father of a child begotten of a notorious leawd wo- man one Isable Wright whoe hath dwelled with the said Johnson for the most parte the space of eight yeeres with whome the said Johnson is vehemently suspected to live an incontinent life, In respect that the said Isable hath formerly bene supposed to have had two bastardes already begotten in the house of the said Johnson and thought to be borne in Wales and noe other reputed father named or knowne but the said Johnson by the most parte of his neighbours greevouslie suspected to be the same. In that the said Johnson both times after her beinge in Wales [illegible receaved her into his service againe, And now haveinge this third tyme soe viciously demeaned herselfe, doth soe retaine her still both both now and heretofore she beareinge t rule in his house, over and before his wife beinge a waged woman and by whome he had and hath his meanes of maintenance. And for that alsoe the said Johnson hath formerly affirmed this said woman to be married to a Welchman the said Isable likewise affirminge to one Widdow Wray of Trentham since she was knowne to be now with child that she was marryed to a husband whoe over runne her And the said Johnsons wife also affirmed the same to one Joane Dickinson the which wife of William Dick- inson and divers others all which premises with divers other misdemeanors against him the said Johnson your said suppliant is able to prove And alsoe we the inhabitantes of Handford and others whose names are hereunder subscribed know for the most parte to be trueth and lastly in regard of the honest and orderly carriage that the said Robert Cowper hath ever beene noted and esteemed to be of we alsoe thinke him to be free from this [criminous?] imputacion and the same to be rather meerely malicious then otherwise Wherefore th[e] premises considered your said suppliant humbly craveth his Majesties warrant of the good behaviour against the said Johnson

Righte worshipfull may it please you of this worthie Benche in consideracion of the premisses and further presumptions against the said John Johnson, which hath bene allready proved, and then more at large nowe shalbe proved by your said suppliant to take suche course as in equitie and justice shell seeme good to your grave discretions for clearinge your said poore suppliante bothe of the false imputacion by meanes of the said Johnson, layd upon him, and the further charge of keepinge the said bastard, which may otherwise thereupon ensue, whereby as his good name hath allreadie receaved impaire and impoverishement allreadie and soe forever binde him to become your worships [illegible]

  • Hugh Doody Thomas [illegible]
  • Andrew Corbet John Dalt[illegible]
  • Richard Heane William Clo[illegible]
  • Roger Boulton Lawrence B[illegible]
  • Thomas Cocks Rondoll A[illegible]
  • John Fisher Richard [illegible]
  • Thomas Bloore John [illegible]
  • John Cleaton Thomas [illegible]
  • Nicolas Townson John [illegible]
  • John Heely
  • William Bayly

Nicholas Howes of Oulton, warrener. Q/SR/150/33 (1619)

The humble Peticion of Nicholas Howes of Oulton in the parish of Stone in this countie of Stafford warrener

To the Right worshipfull his majesties Justices of peace and quorum for the countie abovsaid br> Humblie shewing unto your good worshipps that wheras I now being possessed of a lodge and warren of conies at Oulton aforsaid by graunt from the Right worshipfull Sir Edward Stanley knight lord of the same. And havinge sustayned divers injuryes by the inhabitantes of the said townshipp for that I would willinglye lyve in good fassion and able to paye such rentes and dueties as by my said graunt I am injoyned to doe by the increase and well lookinge to of my game, as hereby it maye evidentlye appeare. Fyrst by Mr Camull high constable who with the consent of his neighbours (uppon the late progresse of his majestie) I cominge from the towne of Newcastle where I had continuall busines both for sellinge of my conies and for makinge my provision, meetinge with me as I came homewardes uppon the Mundaye, being markett daye there, he charged me to light of my mare.and tooke her from me. And rode her untill Frydaye night after. uppon what busines I knowe not, where other his neighbours might better have furnished him I the least able of all to be chargable for such service: besydes I havinge taken some groundes in Oulton Feild to keepe my mare withall of one John Mills ther, which I quyetlye enjoyed for a tyme. And my selfe not suspectinge or knowinge of any wronge donne by me, or trespas whatsoever all the neighbours in Oulton (as it proveth) consented together, tooke my mare from of my ground where she was fast tyed and impounded her, from Thursdaye morninge till Sunday night after And I could by no meanes borrow her of them, proferinge any satisfaccion unto them for whatsoever trespas I had made. but was inforced to loosse her by replevin. And now they are all in sute of lawe with me, for what I knowe not And Sampson Shelley one of my utter adversaires made report abroad that if any good felowes would come to my warren and bringe with them a nett or twoo he would bringe them to a place in my warren where the should loade a horse at one piche. And theruppon I had my groundes robbed and my goodes carried awaye. Also I found the said Sampson Shelley uppon my warren in the night accompanied with his man with staves of 26 or 18 foote longe. which might I certaynelye persuade myselfe that they had piched some nettes in my groundes for that the next morninge I found some 10 or 11 haye stave holes neire unto the place where I found them and they meetinge with my man before about a flight shoote from that place would not speake to him. The said Shelley keepeth twoo or three dogges that lye continually uppon my groundes spoylinge my game. And when I tell him of them in good sort, wishinge him to keepe them at home, he in most sornefull manner aunswered me that my conies ran into his dogges mouthes. And when I threat to kill his dogges, the he with most vile wordes tould me that I were as good to eate there tayles. Also wheras my wyffe kept a couple of pigges they by chaunce goinge into the towne. the one was thrust thorow with a pichforke, and the other had his tayle pulled of. One other of the neighbours ther John Emerey having ii or iii sonnes talle felowes who with others continuallye sett wyers and snares about my groundes to distroye my game and digg downe my trapps And yf either I or my people comme and tell them of yt, they abuse us all with most bitter speiches And besydes I can make noe cabben uppon my grounde to shroude us in the night. but I have them burnt downe.

I humblye beseeke your good worshipps for godes cause that it would please you to releeve me in settinge downe such good order amongest us as lawe and equitie doth require, And that I may not be wronged by them. consideringe my landlord is soe farr of whom I doubt not but would right me. And in soe doinge I shall daylye pray to god for your worshipps in all happines with increase of worshippe longe to continue.

The inhabitants of Tettnall. Q/SR/151/16 (1619)

To the Right wurshipfull his Majesties Justices of the peace for the county of Stafford

The humble peticion of the Inhabitants of Tettnall in the same county

Humblie sheweinge that whereas it was ordered that one Thomas Hardwicke of the More in the parishe of Patingham should keepe a bastard child whereof he was and is reputed father and discharge the parishe of Tettnall thereof as by an order under the hands and seales of James Skrymshare Thomas Skrimshere and John Fowke Esquires Justices of the peace in the said county may appere and is redye here to be shewed uponn which order the child was brought him which he refussed to take with thesse words better the Justices and parishe doe what the could he would nott take it, with dyvers other such like speekches.

May it therefore plese your good wurships to graunte warrante of good behavior agaynste the Thomas Hardwicke or otherwyse to take such course herein as to your peticionors shalbe bounde to praye for your wurships.


fact and dd The good behavyor is graunted by the Court against the within named Thomas Hardwick Received

The inhabitants of Stoke upon Trent. Q/SR/151/21 (1619)

To the Right Honorable his Majesties Justices of the generall Sessions or great Assises holden for the county of Stafford

The humble peticion of the parishnores and inhabitores of the parishe of Stoke upon Trent in the said county of Stafford

In most humblewise sheweth and complayneth unto your good Lordships That whereas one Marie Bar- ker whoe as it is said was borne within the said parish of Stoke upon Trent and there brought up and maintay- ned untill she was able to doe service and maintayne herself with her labour since which tyme the said Marie dwelled and lived a servant and received wages whereby she maintayned herselfe within the parish of Leighe in the said county for the space of foure yeeres together And then the said Marie miscaryinge herselfe and beinge gotten with child in the time that she dwelled in the said parishe of Leighe by one Statham whoe then likewise these dwelled in the same parishe of Leigh which Statham the said parishnores of Leighe suffered to rune away not causeinge him to take order for the bringinge up of the child the said paris your said suppliantes not knowinge whoe he was or where he had lived untill after the child was borne and the said Statham fled his contrie And alsoe further when the said parishnores of Leighe perceaved and knew that the tyme that the said Marie should be delivered of her child drew neare the said parishnores of Leighe caused served the said Marie to go out of the said parish of Leighe into the said parishe of Stoke to a poore uncle that she had there whoe refused to entertayne the said Marie but that onely presently upon her cominge she fell into travell of childbirth by reason wherof it chanced the child to be borne in the said parishe of Stoke the said Marie then not stayinge in the said parishe of Stoke not above seaven dayes but presently the said Marie together with her child returned unto the said parishe of Leighe And there have remained since for the space of three yeeres or thereaboutes which tyme the said Marie with her child lived as parishnores in the said parishe of Leighe untill aboute Michaelmas last that it pleased God to visite the said Marie with lamenes of her limmes that she is not able to labour neither to maintayne herselfe nor her child Now soe it is That at the last generall Sessi- ons of the peace of our soveraigne lord the Kinge holden at Stafford aforesaid throughe misinformacion made by the said parishnores of Leighe to his Majesties Justices of peace it was there ordered by his Majesties said Justices That the said child should be conveyed and brought into the said parishe of Stoke there to be kept at the charges of the same parishe contrarie as your said suppliantes take it to equitie and justice that the child should be sent from the mother beinge but three yeeres ould the said parishnores of Leighe sufferinge the said Statham to runne a- way And the said mother and the child haveinge lived soe longe forth of the said parishe of Stoke and never re- puted nor taken as vagrantes In tender consideracion wherof the premises considered your said suppliantes humblie desired your Lordships to take such order therein as accordinge to equitie and justice to your Lordships shall seeme meete The said parishe of Stoke beinge alreadie charged almost with twentie poundes a yeere to the poore within the same parish besides many other poore within the said parishe of Stoke that are relived by the said parish otherwise


xx Marchii 1618. Shew this peticion to the Justices of peace in the next quarter Sessions and these are to desire them to take consideracion of it. For it seemeth that the causing of her to go into another parishe ther where she was setled was done purposely to excuse them of Leighe where she had dwelled and was divers yeres together setled and the offence done there, nor it is not reasonable to take so yong a child from the naturall mother. P Warburton

The we childe to remayne with the mother till it be seaven yeres old according to the Statute per Pa and Leigh parish shall keep them both. per Cur

Roger Boulton and William Clowes of Hanford. Q/SR/151/22 (1619)

The humble Petition of Roger Boulton and William Clowes of Hanford to the Righte worshipfull his Majesties Justices of the Peace and Quorum of the quarters Sessions houlden at Stafford the sixte day of Aprill 1619

Righte worshipfull may it please you, whereas John Johnson of Hanford in the parish of Trentham and countie of Stafford well knowne to be a man of a turbulente and contentious spirit, hath of meere mallice and withoute any juste cause by him proved procured warrantes of peace againste your humble petitioners Roger Boulton and William Clowes, of Hanford aforesaid and by the said warrantes bound your said petitioners over to these present Sessions, Only for that said your said petitioner William Clowes and his wife, wittnessed the truthe in certein particulars propounded unto them, concerninge a bastard latelie begotten and borne in his the said Johnsons house, of a notorious strumpet, whome hee yet there keepeth, and by whome (as shee hath confessed hee hath had a former bastard, concerninge his beinge the reputed father of this said latter bastard, beinge therunto compelled by precepte, by some of this worshipfull benche, and for that your said petitioner Roger Boulton desired that some suche course mighte be taken accordinge to lawe as that the said bastard mighte not be chargeable to the parishe, Nowe therefore your said petitioners humble request is, that in consideracion of the truthe of these premises, which these our neighbours, whose names are hereunto subscribed) doe testifie, and conjoyne with us in these ensueinge requests, would be pleased not only to release them from their said bondes, and take suche course, as equitie and justice shall permitt and require for restraininge the violent course of his turbulent disposition, (whereunto if passage may be given, greate disquiett, daunger, and disproffitt, are like to redound unto all his neighbours) but alsoe, for keepinge of the said bastard soe as it may not be chargeable to the parishe, which, by suche meanes and the greate nomber of poore therein, is allreadie overcharged, And soe leavinge and commendinge it unto your worshipfull, and wise consideracion, wee humblie crave pardon for this our bouldnes, and rest

Your worshipps humble petitioners,

  • Roger Boulton
  • William Clowes
  • Arthure Brathwaite minister
  • John: Boulton
  • Thomas: Morton
  • William: Martin
  • William Swinerton seni
  • Andrew Corbett
  • Larrance Bradwall
  • Samson Bowlton
  • James Shaw
  • John Fisher
  • John Heeley
  • Thomas Cradwell
  • Peeter Turner
  • William Beyly
  • Anthony Greene
  • John Taylor
  • Robert Taylor William Dickinson John Kendricke William Barnes
  • Nicholas Townsend Hughe Benson John Whythurst Rauffe Hatton
  • Richard Heane John Dalton George Colcloughe William Stemar
  • Peeter Stringer Robert Palin Roger Fodon Thomas Bagnold
  • John Astburye Thomas Hassells John Bradwall
  • Rondle Astburye John Collyer Roger Lowe
  • Richard Hart Walter Collyer Thomas Wood
  • Edward Talbott Hughe Doodye Thomas Middleton
  • Roger Townsend

Robert Leacrofte, Thomas Francis and John Goodale. Q/SR/152/26 (1619)

To the right honorable and right worshipfull his Majesties Justices of peace and quorum of the County of Stafford

The humble peticion of Robert Leacrofte Thomas Francis and John Goodale.

Whereas at the assizes holden for the said countie xxiii die Marcii Anno xv R Regis Jacobi Angliae etc there was an amerciament of xxs laid upon the parishioners of Stone, and at thassizes there holden the xxviith day of Julie then next followinge there was an other amerciamant of xxs. laid upon the said parishioners, for not repayringe of a certeyne bridge there

And whereas your peticioners had theire cattell destreyned for the said severall amerciamentes And were thereupon compelled to paie the same severall sommes of xxs. apeece.

Nowe humble suite is that you wilbe pleased that there may be a generall colleccion within the said parishe of Stone for the same And that your peticioners may have soe much thereof as to them apperteyneth in consciens

And your peticioners shall daylie praie unto god for your Honours happines.


Yt is ordered that the whole parishe shall contribute etc

George Bate of Huntington, yeoman. Q/SR/152/29 (1619)

To the Right worshippfull the Kings majesties Justices of peace for the county of Stafford etc

The humble peticion of George Bate of Huntington in the County of Stafford yeoman

Humbly Sheoweth That wheras your poor suppliant possessed of certayne acres of land in Tedseley Heye by graunt from Sir Edward Littleton knight to plowe and to sowe. Nowe may yt please your good worshippes So yt is that Walter Walehouse of Hatherton in the counti[e] of Stafford gentleman John Alporte of Blocksewich in the sayd county gentleman John Mills of Hatherton in the sayd county yeoman have not onely plucked and broken downe hedges and dyches their to the nomber of two or three hundred acres yards or thereaboute aboute Trynitie Sondaye last at which tyme your poore suppliant had a greate deale of corne uppon the ground then groynge which by their meanes of mysdemenor was utterly lost to the greate impoverysh[ing?] of your poore suppliant and still contynew in their greate t[illegible]hreatoninge words to contynewe the same misdemenor agaynst your poor suppliant to his utter undoynge for ever.In tender consideracon hereof your poore suppliant humbly beseecheth all your worshippes to take some good order for your poore suppliants peaceable enjoynge of the same withoute any further danger And your poore suppliant shalbe ever bound to pray for all your worshipps healths to the plesure of god longe to contynewe etc.

John Horrobyn. Q/SR/152/31 (1619)

To the worshipfull his Majesties Justices of Peace and Quorum for this County of Stafford

The humble peticion of John Horrobyn

Humbly shewinge that whereas your worshipps poore peticioner was lately robbed and suspectinge the one Roger Beelinch of Booseley Slacke in the parish of [Ausecfeld?] to bee a common retayner of suspected persons, and keepinge ale without licence wold desire that the said Beelinch might be suppressed for sellinge any more for that his honest neighbors are greatly molested and in daunger of much harme through his dissolutenes, for that hee doth contynually harbour and retaine most vile and leud persons into his howse and doth buy suspected goodes of them to the inrichinge of himself most unjustly and unlawfullie, but to the indangeringe of his honest neighbors that cannot peaceably enjoy theire owne goodes for feare of such vile and wicked persons as doe dailie resort to his howse, hee himself beinge a badd man and divers times bound over to the Assizes

Maie it therefore please your good worships to give such order that the said Beelinch maie bee suppressed, for sellinge ale that his neighbors may live in peace about him and both your peticioner and the rest of his neighbors shall praie for your worshipps health and happines longe to contynue

Margery Smith, widow, and Eves Fletcher of Winington. Q/SR/152/38 (1619)

To the Honorable and worshipfull his Majesties Justices of the Peace and Quorum for this County of Stafford

The humble peticion of Margery Smith widdowe and Eves Fletcher of Winington

Humbly complayninge unto your good worshippes that Richard Kellett of Winyngton aforesaid beinge a most dissolute and desperate fellowe did beate your poore peticioner Margery Smith at two severall times and att the last time did drawe blood on your peticioner And upon Sundaie night last the said Kellett stood in the waie with a staffe in his hand as your peticioners were goinge homewardes they not knowinge what his intent was, but hee gave them most filthie speeches and calling your peticioner Margery Smith a witch and said that shee hadd bewitched his father in lawe and that hee wold stand to yt, and that he wold putt it up to the Justices And moreover your peticioner Eves Fletcher cominge from his landlordes one night the with his wife and his wife goeinge before him the said Kellett mett her and sett upon her and did beate her, and when your peticioner mett hee cominge behinde hee asked him whie hee did beate his wife, and hee asked whether shee was his wife or concubine. who said that hee tooke her for an honest woman, but hee answered I will neither take her for an honest woman nor him thee for an honest man and thereupon did sett upon him and beate him; And then the said Kellett left your peticioner and went a little waie from him, and returned againe and ran full upon him with his staffe and then did beate him againe Maie it therefore please your worships to graunte a warrant of the good behavior against the said Kellett and his wife for that they dare not walke abroad for feare of their lives And they will ever praie for your worships health and happines longe to continue.


The peace graunted per Cur super aff Marger Smith de Wynington vid and Anne Bowen de Wynnington vid conceditur bon' gest and quod comparebit ad prox sess etc and non recedet conceditur versus Ricardus Kellett

Richard Mason and Anne Bowen, widow. Q/SR/152/39 (1619)

To the Honorable and worshipfull his Majesties Justices of peace and Quorum for this County of Stafford

The humble peticion of Richard Mason and Anne Bowen widdowe

Humblie shewinge unto your worshipps that whereas there was much wronge offered unto your peticioner Richard Mason upon Midsomer even last by one Richard Kellett of Winington as alsoe att divers and sundrie times before but more especiall upon the said Midsommer Even (upon some speciall occasion) hee did run at your peticioner with a staffe of 3 yardes longe with a javellyn pike in it which hees did confesse that hee made for your peticioner, And alsoe his wife at the same time threw stones violentlie at your peticoner and with one of the said stones smote your peticioner upon the backe And upon the daie next followinge beinge Midsommer daie (as it maie seeme by all conjecture) the said Kellett and his wife combyned togeather to laie a plott to doe your peticioner some mischiefe: for as hee was cominge alonge the streete to goe to his owne howse the said Kelletts wife stood at a pale with stones in her armes, which shee threw att him (thinkinge to have mischeived him) and when they were all spent, shee ran upon your peticioner to hold him and her husband beinge readye with a staffe to have sett upon him, soe that if hee had not bin prevented by people that stood by hee had mischeived your petitioner But when shee cold not come to lay hold on your peticioner shee used most opprobrious speeches against him, and they said Anne Bowen hearinge such speeches, asked the said Kelletts wife whie shee did call any honest man soe, And thereupon she turned to the said Anne Bowen and pulled her cloathes off her head, and said further that she wold bee revenged upon your peticioner Anne Bowen if shee did walke the streetes And upon the next daie the said Kellett and his wife whent to Mr Sneyde and procured a warrant against your said peticioners, whereupon the said Anne was bound over to the Sessions

Maie it therefore please your worshippes to appoint that the poore widdowe may have her charges and be released and that your peticioners maie have the good behavior graunted against the said Kellett and his wife livinge in feare and contynuall daunger of bodilie harme And soe they will pray for your worshippes longe life and happines to continue.

William Morrys and John Lees of Alveton. Q/SR/152/44 (1619)

Staff ss

To the Honorable and Woorshipful his Majesties Justices of Peace and Quorum within the countie aforesaid

The humble peticion of William Morrys and John Lees of Alveton in the same countie.

Shewing and humblie beseeching you That whereas Mr Undersheriffe that nowe ys in September last did distreyne your oratores beyng verie poore men for defaultes commytted by the habitauntes of Alveton aforesaid because the did not appeare before the kynges majesties Justices of Gaole deliverie holden at at Stafford the xxviiith daye of Marche in the xvth yere of His majesties reygne as maye appeare by a note hereunto annexed under Mr Undersheriffes owne hand And in discharge of theire seid goodes receaved of your poore oratores fortie two shillinges

And forasmuch as your poore oratores are verye poore men and unable to discharge the same, And the rest of the townshippe unwilling to contribute unto them for that they are no freeholders neither cann imagyn howe this imposicion should be leid upon them:

Maye it therefore please your honors and woorships to call theire cause in question before you. And iff it prove due to be peid that then you wilbe further pleassed to graunt warrant to your poore oraators, from this honorable bench for alowance or ceasment to be made for contribucion unto them wherein wherein they shall daylie pray god for your longe contynuance:

Thomas Ford. Q/SR/152/47 (1619)

To the right worshipfull his majesties Justices of peece, and corum for the county of Stafforde.

The humble peticion of Thomas Ford

Humbly sheweth unto your good worshipps, that whereas your poore peticioner was servant to on John Wilkes of Burcoote yeoman in the County of Worcester yeman And his said master sent him up into a chamber within a coffer to fetch money to pay to on where he appoynted him to paye it. And your poore peticioner tooke to the value of xxxviiis. xlviiis. forth of the sayd coffer. And for that was apprehended and taken of felonious, and commytted to the gaole. And his sayd master having his money agayne, And your poore peticioner is allmost pyned, for want of foode,is like to be famished,unles it may so farr forth, stand with your worships pleasures, in commisseracion of his misery, to axcept of such baile, as he can procure, for his personall appearance at the next Assise, And he according to his bounden duty will ever praye for your worshipps long to contynue to in all happines.

John Coxe of Elford, milner. Q/SR/152/51 (1619)

To the right worshipfull his Majesties Justices of the Peace and quorum assembled in his Highness Courte of quarter Cessions for the county of Stafford

The humble Peticion of John Coxe of Elford in the countie aforesaid milner

Humblie sheweth unto your worshipps that wheras your poore peticioner was lawfullie possessed of three melche kyne which weare the onelie helpe he had to mayntaine and succour his poore weife and children the which kyne the undershirriffe of this countie distrayned this last monthe for a fyne of vli. imposed uppon the whole countie and drove the said three kyne xviiiteen myles an end and would not in any sorte deliver them to your poore peticioner untill I payd unto him the said fyne of v li. as by his acquittance more fullie it appereth by reason of which payment and of the greate chardge and hinderance your peticioner was at, with followinge the undershirriffe for my kyne your poore peticioner is so muche impoverished that he is not able to reliefe his poore famylie; My humble suyte unto your worshipps is that in commiseracion of my poore estate yow would be pleased accordinge unto your mercifull course of proceedinges to take suche good order eyther with the undershirriffe or otherwayes as yo in your judgmentes yow know most fitt that I may have my vli. repayd unto me and my charges which doth account to ten shillinges for which I shalbe ever bound to pray for the longe continuance of your worshipps in all healthe and prosperity


Ordered that the same some in the peticon shalbee levyed out of the whole County of Stafford

John Boden, Richard Venibles, John Hareley and Thomas Stevenson. Q/SR/152/53 (1619)

Staff ss

To the honorable and woorshipfull his majesties Justices of Peace & Quorum within the Countie aforesaid

The humble peticion of John Boden of Woodeaton, Richard Venibles of Knightley John Hareley of the Hollies, and Thomas Stevenson of Gnosall:

Shewing and humblie beseeching you That whereas your seid oratores have latelie had there severall cattell taken and dryven aweye by the servantes and officers of Mr Sheriffe, And your oratores cannot comme to the knowledge of the truthe for what cause yt is, but alledge yt is for a generall imposicion upon the whole countie out of somme of his majesties courtes above But your oratores were forced to pey to Mr High Sheriffe severall sommes of money for the redelivering of their seid cattell, besydes good consideracion to the same syrvanutes or officers,

For remedie wherein your oratores appeale unto this honorable benche most humblie praying, That you wilbe pleased to call the matter in question before you, And thereupon to yelde them such releeffe herein as the cause requyreth who will willinglie obey your censure herein, And readie to paye theire partes, of any generall imposicon, equallie with others of theire calling within theire devision And shall, daylie pray god for your longe contynuance


Ordered That these twoe severall sommes of money shalbee levyed out of the whole county