Staffordshire Quarter Sessions: 1609

Petitions to the Staffordshire Quarter Sessions, 1589-1799.

This free content was born digital and sponsored by the Arts and Humanities Research Council Research Grant: ‘The Power of Petitioning in Seventeenth-Century England’ (AH/S001654/1) for costs including transcription of seventeenth-century items and editorial work, with the cost of photographing the petitions being funded by an Economic History Society Carnevali Small Research Grant: ‘Seeking Redress in Early Modern England: Petitions to Local Authorities, c.1580-1750’; and the cost of transcribing eighteenth-century items was funded by a later Economic History Society Carnevali Small Research Grant: ‘Poverty, Taxation and Regulation: Petitions to Local magistrates in Eighteenth-Century England’. CC-NC-BY.


In this section

The constablewickes of the county bordering the king's highway between London and Westchester. Q/SR/108/43 (1609)

To the right honorable and right worshipfull his majesties Justices of Peace and Quorum of the County of Stafford.

That whereas the constablewickes of this County, borderinge uppon, or neere, his Majesties roadewaye leadinge betweene London and Westchester, are yearely very heaviely burdened with his Majesties carriages, aswell towardes as fromwardes his Majesties realme of Irelande (the chardges whereof (for the most parte) exceedinge the fyfteenth or taske imposed uppon every such constablewicke).

And forasmuch as the greate parte of this county, (beeinge further remote from the sayde roade waye) are by reson thereof, neyther called to performe the saide service, nor chardged with contribucion, to such as are compelled thereunto. The sayde borderinge constablewickes in all other causes of chardge, equally taxed with the rest of this county notwithstandinge.

May it therefore please this honorable Benche to give present order, that a generall taxacion throughout this county may henceforth be yearely had and levyed for the dispatche of the sayde service, as to your wisdomes shall seeme meete, and as in all equyty the same oughte to bee.

May 24to. Anno Regni Regis Jacobi Angliae etc. Sexto



That the whole county shalbe contributory to the Kinges Cariages into Ireland and that Sir Simon Weston knight to be Treasurer for Lichfeild And Thomas Crompton Esquire for Stone, and that the same cariages shalbe as shalbe allowed for every cariage aswell in sommer as winter xls. And hit is further ordered that 100li. to be levied of the said county acccordinge as other son lunes are levied and paid by the high counstables unto the said Treasurers as hath bin formerly paid.

The inhabitants of the hundred of Seisdon. Q/SR/108/67 (1609)

To the right worshipful the kinges Majesties Justices of the Peace in the Countye of Stafford

Humblye besechen your worships the Inhabitauntes of the hundred of Seisdon. That where there are diverse bridges within the hundredes of Offlowe, Piechill, Tottmanslowe, and Cuttelston, nowe in decaye, the which in former tymes have bene repayred amended and maynteyned, somme of them by particuler persons, some by particuler townes and others by the inhabitauntes of the hundred within the which the same bridges are, (as by auncyent recordes remayninge with the Custos Rotulorum of this Countye and other sufficient proofes dothe and maye appeare) And whereas yt pleased the kinges Majesties Justices of Assise in this Countye at the Assises holden in sommer laste, uppon complainte to them made to give in commaundment that the same bridges shoulde be amended and repayred. By vertue of which commaundment and by warrant from diverse Justices in this Countye directed to the highe constables of the hundred of Seisdon, they the saide highe constables have made out preceptes to all the pettye constables within the saide hundred, for the leviinge of a greate somme of money amountinge to the somme of one hundred twelve poundes twelve shillinges and twoe pence ob qr within the saide hundred, Our humble requestes unto your worships is that you woldbe pleased to give order that those decayed bridges maybe repayred and amended.

And althoughe (as we suppose) we the sayde inhabitauntes of Seisdon hundred, are not by lawe dulye to be chardged or taxed for the reparacions or amendment of the saide decayed bridges. Yet neverthelesse for that we understande the bridges are manye and the reparacions will amounte to a greate chardge, we are and wilbe readye and contented in love and neighborehood to contribute and allowe oute of our saide hundred, soe muche and suche sommes of money, as your nowe assemblye of Justices in this Sessions, or anye fower of you, wherof we desire Sir Edward Littelton and Sir Walter Chetwinde knightes maybe twoe to assigne and appointe to be payed, to anye collector by you appointed, And soe as the same your order and appointment maybe regestred and recorded amongest others the recordes of this countye to be reputed and taken (or payment out of our love and benevolence to our neighbors,) and not as a chardge whereunto we are tyed by the lawe to paye.


This peticion was tendred to us at the Sessions of the Peace and gaole deliverie holden at Stafforde the xth daie of Januarie anno 1608.

William Hancockes, constable of Wolverhampton. Q/SR/108/68 (1609)

To the right honorable and the right worshipful his Majesties Justices of the Peace and Quorum within the Countie of Stafford

May it please you to understande, that aboute the xxth. day of Julye last past, in the Sixt yeare of his majesties raigne, your orator beinge then cunstable of Wolverhampton, and very carefull to performe his dutie in that place, was much abused by one Richard Berington of Sedgeley within the said countye, being then and theare very dronken, and of an outragious and offensive behavioure, who then was warned by your said orator, quietly and peace- ably to departe the towne; which admonition, he the said Berington toke not only in disdayne, with manye reprochfull and sclanderouse speches; but also with violence stroke your said orator, and did teare his clothes from his backe, whereupon your orator was constrayned to require ayde, and to sett the said Brompton in the stockes, for a short tyme, till he became more quiett But synce that tyme, the said Berington, hath sought by all meanes to molest your said orator, and such as assisted him at that tyme, and also still threatneth a violent revenge,

Wherefore the premisses considered, your orators humble sute is, that it may please you, both for example sake, and for the safetie of your said orator and others, to graunte the warrant of good behavioure, against the said Richarde Berington, whereby others of like condicion may be warned, and your said orator, live in peace and securitye.

  • John Richardes
  • James: Burton
  • Thomas Creswell
    • Homfrey Wightwicke Daniel Cary
  • Francis Cleobury
  • Harry Glover Willyam Normansell
  • William Cutt
  • Thomas Tarte
  • Cylinster Hayes
  • Henry Pinson
  • Robart Merit

The peticioner Willm Hancockes taking oth. that this complaint ys true the good behaviour ys graunted against him. per Cur

fact and deliberatur

William Tudge and others on behalf of Walter Steward and George Smith. Q/SR/108/69 (1609)

To the Right honorable and worshipful the kinges majesties Justices of the peace in the Countie of Stafford

May it please your honours and worships to be certified, that whereas Walter Steward and George Smith were for theire misdemeannor uppon our certificate made, committed unto prison in his majesties Gaole of Stafford uppon their good behaviour by warrant from Sir Edward Litleton knight and Walter Wrottesleye Esquire, where they contynued by the space of one moneth, by which meanes aswell by their imprisonment in their hard diette as their extreame colde in the hardest tyme of winter, they were dryven into great weakenes both in body and estate and have in the tyme of their imprisonment by their lamentable crye and more made unto us by their parentes and frendes procured us in commisseracion to procure them bale untill the next Sessions for the peace Our humble request therefore unto your honours and worships is that you would be pleased that they may be released from the good behaviour and sett at libertie, we nothinge doubtinge but that their former imprisonment hath bene a meanes to drawe them to undertake a newe life and honest conversacion which they have alreadie shewed in their life and conversacion synce their enlargement out of prison. And so humblely taken our leave this first of Januarie 1608.

  • William Tudge Henrie Cooksie Richard Holmes gent
  • William Greene cler Willm Corbyn gent Samuel Corbyn gent
  • Thomas Crabb William Churchyard William Brown of Popeham
  • John Langmer
  • John Stewerd John [Cudgis?] Thomas Hill
  • Thomas Cole
  • John Sempall Thomas Steward
  • William Guest Henry Nashe John Churchyard
  • Henrie Hill Richard Langm[er] Edward Holoway John Holoway
  • Hendry Gooden John Hill Richerd Grouser
  • William Longmor
  • John Monsell Jorge [Laingm?]

Exon per Cur de bon [Testu] bound by Sir Ed Litleton [Trin?] se mtr

Nickolas Yeamondes. Q/SR/108/70 (1609)


To the Righte Honorable and Worshipfull his Majesties Justicis of Peace upon the benche for this Conty of Stafforde

Humbly shewith unto your good honars and worshipes: your pore and humble Nich Yomans petitioner: Nickolas Yeamondes: who hath to his uttar undoinge layne in prison: the space of Seventeene wickes: for noe othar offence: but onley the mallice of one Roger Fowlke of Little Aston in Coffilde in this contie landlord to your pore petitionar who doth continewally seeke to greeve and moleste your petitionar: for that he wold wreste hime out of a lease he hath of his howse and some other little commodytie your pore petitionar holdith by the same lease, and further doth threaton to binde him to his good behaviour when he shalbe releaseade.

In tendar consideration wherof may yt therfore please your good Honars and Worshipes: att this time: to call before yow the saide Rogar Fowlkes and take the hearinge of the mattar in contrevartie to the end your humble and pore peti- tionar: may be releasede our of prison, and that he hearaftar may be noe furthar molestid and trobled: usinge himselfe as befites ane honest man in everey degree: and yore pore petitionar with his por wiffe and children shall continewally pray for your healthes longe to continew: with all increase of Honars and worship:

Robert Hodgeskyn of Little Haywood, wheelwright. Q/SR/108/71 (1609)

Staff SS

To the Honorable and Worshipfull his Majesties Justices of peace and Quorum within the Countie aforeseid

The humble Peticion of Robert Hodgeskyn of Little Haywood in the seid Countye whelwright

Shewing unto Your Honors and Worshippes that whereas it pleased the Right worshipfull Walter Bagott Esquyer through the wronge enforment of a leawd woman called Alice Pigstooke wiffe of Frauncis Pigstocke of Little Heawood aforeseid husbandman to bynd your poore orator to the peace without any just cause as knoweth god.

May it therefore please your good l[ordsh]ipes and worshippes to cause the seid Alice Pigstocke to repeale before you to shewe openlie the Cas Cause wherefore she should bynd this your poore Orator so wrongfullie to the peace. he being a good and honest man within his seid towne as knoweth all his neighboures.

In tender consideracion whereof he appealeth unto your good Honnors and worshippes (the premisses considered) that out of your accustomed favours and goodnes at the humble suite of your distressed orator you will release your seid Orator or els to cause the seid Alice to be here before you examyned her husband being a lewd fellowe and a theeffe, She also being a resetter of stolne goodes, And this your poore orator being a good neighbour and hath ever lyved a quyett and honest lyffe in his seid towne h wherein he inhabited as your good l[ordsh]ippes and worshippes shalbe truelie enformed by the better sorte of his honest neighboures, And herein he shall pray unto god for your l[ordsh]ipes and worshippes longe contynuance

Your l[ordsh]ipes and worshippes poore Orator in all humblenes Roberte Hodgeskyn

The overseers of the poor of Gnossall, on behalf of the whole parish. Q/SR/108/72 (1609)

Staff ss

To the honorable and worshipfull his majesties Justices of Peace and Quorum within the Countie aforeseid

The humble Peticion of Thomas Barnfeild, William Preston, John Mores, and John Brett, overseers of the poore within the parishe of Gnossall, in the behalffe of the whole parishe.

Shewing thatt whereas the Reverend Father in God the Lord Byshopp of this Dyocesse that nowe is about eight yeres nowe past directed his Lordshipes precept agaynst one Roger Lea alias Lee of the same parishe to apprehend the same Roger, as a reputed father for the begetting of a basterd chyld, which precept is hereunto annexed But the seid Roger fled from the then officer And was not apprehended by reason whereof the parishoners theare have byn hitherto and still are chardged with the keeping of the same chyld, contrarie to lawe and good conscience,

For that the seid Roger, hath byn for the most parte ever sythence [commorant?] within the same parishe or thereaboutes, And is a man of good habilitie, And yet most unconscionablie chardgeth the parishe with the keeping of the same chyld

For reformacion herein your oratores most humblie crave your favorable ayde and assistance And that but according to the lawes and statutes in that case made and provyded And that you will please you to call hym by precept before you to answere the premisses, And herein they shall humblie prey god for your longe contynuance.


Attach dd

John Chadocke, John Saveage, John Williamson, Marey Osbarton and Anne Smyth, prisoners. Q/SR/108/74 (1609)


To the Right Worshipfull Sir Edwarde Littilton knighte and the rest of His Majesties Justicis on the benche

Humbly shewithe unto your good worship and the reste of his Majesties Justicis of peace uppon the benche, that wheras your pore and humble petitionars John Chadocke: John Saveage: John Williamson Marey Osbarton and Anne Smyth nowe prisonares in the Comon geoyle for this Conty: Committed by your worship wher they are licke to starve and pine: with towe smale children, unleste hit shall please your worshipe and the reste of the worshipfull of the bench to take comiseration and pittey of your pore distressed petitionars who ley in greate miserey and wante noe mane beinge justly able to charge them with the valewe of on peney takene from them any mannar of way:

In tendar consideration wherof May it therfore please your worship: and the reste of the worshipfull of the benche: to take comiseration and pittie of you pore distressede petitionars: that att this time: they may have theyre tryall: and theyre inocentie may be deliverede: otherwise theyre case is moste lamentable and they your moste pore and humble petitionars: shall alwayes accordinge to theyre bonden dewties pray for your worshipes healthes longe to continew withall increase of s Worshipe:

Thomas Sheafe. Q/SR/108/75 (1609)

Staff SS

The humble peticion of Thomas Sheafe To the right worshippful the kinges majesties Justices of the peace for this countye

Humblie shewinge unto your good worshipps That wheras your pore peticioner havinge bine greatly wronged and inured by Richard Haskie bayleife, your saide peticioner beinge a pore man havinge a weife and pore familie and seekinge by his true indeavoure to get his livinge for their better releife, And beinge servaunt to the worshippful Mr Roger Urmestonne of Stoke, the saide Richard Haskye on your pore peticioners absence came to his howse havinge but one cowe to releive his saide pore weife and children which the saide Richard Haskye did take and drive awaye contrarye to lawe and conscience knowinge noe cause of action wherfore

In tender consideracion wherof beseacheth your good worshipps beinge of ministers of Justice and equitie that it maye please you in charitie to vouchsafe that that saide Richard Haskye maye be examined and the truthe of the cause to be knowne, and your saide peticioner is willinge to referre him selfe whollye to your worshippfull disposition. Soe shall he rest accordinge to dutie daylye to praye for your continuall healthes with increase of all happines

Margarett Dycher. Q/SR/108/76 (1609)

To the right worshipfull his majesties justices of peace and gaole delivery within the countie of Stafford

The humble Petition of Margarett Dycher

Humblie shewinge that whereas your peticioner was heretofore reputed to be the base daughter of Thomas Pettye gentleman deceased And whereas the said Mr Pettie in his life tyme (for a slender consideracion in regarde of the value thereof) did sell unto one Richarde Elde gentleman the greatest parte of his inheritaunce and now latelie died, since which tyme whether uppon anie agreement made betwene the said Mr Pettie and the said Mr Elde in the life tyme of the said Mr Pettie to your poore peticoner unknowne or uppon what other occasion your peticioner was brought to the house of the said Mr Elde who mainteyned her ever sithence and it was generallie reported and thought in the opinion of the countrey that the said Mr Elde was bounde by some agreement made betwene him and the said Mr Pettie or otherwise uppon some other good consideracion to himself best knowne to have yelded mainteynaunce unto your pooe peticioner at the least wise untill she had atteyned to some further yeares to have bene able to by service to deserve mainteynaunce

Since which tyme and now latelie some unkindenes beinge conceaved by the said Mr Elde against John Pettie and Waller Pettie gentleman sonnes of the said Mr Pettie deceased, the said Mr Elde hathe uppon that occasion tourned your peticioner out of his dores by which meanes your poore peticoner beinge of tender yeares is utterlie unprovided of mainteynaunce and like to perishe for want thereof unles some

She humblie beseecheth your worships to take some speedie course for her reliefe for godes cause and she shall daylie praie to god for your worships health and happines.

The parishioners of Sandon. Q/SR/109/43 (1609)

To the right worshipful his Majesties justices of peace and Quorum within the countie of Stafford

The humble peticion of the parishioners of Sandon

Humblie shewing that whereas one Thomas Bold a poore man dwelling in havinge a little smithie within the said parishe being neither mesuage nor cottage hath latelie receaved into the ssame smithie eight poore people being most of them straungers, whereof one woman hath latelie had a childe within the said smithie and another of theym is readie to lye downe.

They humblie beseeche your worships (for godes cause) for that the said poore people (if they still contynue there) are like to be a great charge and burthen to the said parishe to take some such course as that the said parishe maie be discharged of and from the said poore people and the said poore people Bold comaunded hencefurth to receave no such other vagrant persons into the said smithie And they shall daylie praie to god for your worships happines with increase of worships long to contynue

W Iremonger


We present this to be trewe these beinge witnesses,

  • James Clyffe
  • Thomas Cowell, Christophor Rushton with others

Anne Preasley. Q/SR/109/59 (1609)

Stafford SS

To the Right honorable and woorshipfull his majesties Justices of Peace and Quorum within the countie aforeseid

The humble Peticion of Anne Preasley

Shewing and humblie beseechang your honours and worshipes That wheras one Fraunces Vernam of Kneighton within this countie yeman beyng a married man, by his wicked perswacions overcame your Oratice and begett her with chyld Whereuppon the late Lord Byshoppe and the worshipfull Arthur Ratcliffe Esquyer, sett downe order that your Oratrice should keepe the chyld and in consideracion thereof the seid Vernam should pey unto her weeklie xiid which order was made the about viiit. weekes nowe past and nothing performed by the seid Vernam: But obstinatelie refuseth to pey the same, saying those that made the order let them performe yt, and an evill example iff this shall goe unpunished And your poore oratrice shall bee utterlie undon for ever, without your accustomed pittie towardes her herein extended

In tender consideracion whereof and for that the seid Vernam is bound over to appeare here this daye Maye it please you of your goodnes and according to justice and good conscience that shee maye have it ordered by your good wisedomes That the seid Vernam shall take and keepe the same chyld as by lawe [she oug] he ought to doe, or otherwyse by strict order from your honours and worshipes he maye contynue the weeklie payment of the seid xiid and satisfaccion for the arrerages, And herein she shall humblie pray god for your longe contynuance.

Elizabeth Davies, widow of Forbridge. Q/SR/109/66 (1609)

Stafford SS

To the Right honorable and worshipfull the Kinges majesties Justices of Peace and Quorum within the countie aforeseid

The humble Peticion of Elizabeth Davies widdowe a poore lame impotent and decrepit person within the townshippe of Forbridge in this countie

Shewing and humblie beseeching, That whereas your seid poore Oratrice was borne and brought up within the parishe of Stafford Castle, by reason whereof she beyng nowe by godes handiworke fallen lame and impotent hath accordinge to the lawes and statutes of this realme in that case made and provyded byn allowed somme mayntenance within the same parishe, But no place to lyve or inhabitt in whereupon one John Chamberlen alias Backhowse of Lees Farm a substanciall yoman within the same parishe (for verye charitie sake) hath permytted your poore oratrice to lyve and contynue in a newe buylt howse of his in Forbridge And nowe haveing graunted the same by lease the tenant is to enter and your oratrice to seeke for herselffe who is nowe lyke to be greatlie distressed and to lye in the streetes, (in regard there is no overseers to releeve her That she knoweth withowt somme parte of your accustomed goodnes herein to her extended.

May it therefore please your good honours and worshipes out of your pittie and commiseracion, (And according to lawe and justice) to sette downe some suche good order to be presentlie performed by the parishioners there, in provydinge a competent place for your oratrice to lye and lyve in as in your good wisdoms shalbe thowght fytt, who otherwyse shall perishe in the streetes for want thereof And in your goodnes towardes her herein shall dai daylie upon her knees prey god for your long contynuance


cop fact W

The overseers of the pore to build her a howse in som place fitt, and releive her according to the Statute

John Ward of Meere, husbandman, and William Craddocke of Forton. Q/SR/109/68 (1609)

Stafford SS

To the Right Honnorable and Worshipfull his Majesties Justices of Peace and Quorum within the Countie aforeseid

The Humble Peticion of John Ward of Meere in the Countie aforeseid husbandman, and William Craddocke of Forton in the seid countie husbandman

Shewing that whereas Thomas Dewson of Meere aforeseid, John Mayden of Forton aforeseid and William Garmyson of Sutton within the seid Countie husbandmen, do and have held the halffe of a certayne messuage or cottage in Forton aforeseid for a certeyne tyme the which was late the land of one John [Willams?], your orators haveing held and enjoyed the moytie or one halffe of the which during the space of nyne or tenn yeeres now last past, during the which tyme your poore orator have byn greviouslye over prest and taxed with all manner of paymentes and duties, to our soveraigne lord the King and the Church, They the seid Dewson, Mayden, and Garmyson although the hold halffe of the seid messuage or very nere thereaboutes, utterlie denye to pey any parte of the seid duties, because the bee not luned or taxed.

In consideracion whereof may it please your good Lordshipp and Worshipes to cause our constable and church wardens to cesse and tax the seid Dewson Mayden and Garmyson according to their valure of their moytie in the premisses before menconed, wherein your poore oratores, their wyffe wyves and childeren shall ever have cause to prey unto god for the long contynuances with much encrease of honnor and worshippe

Your poore and humble oratores

  • John Ward
  • Willm Craddocke

Ordered that the premisses are referred unto determinacion of Sir Edward Litleton Jun and Sir Walter Chetwind upon notice geven.

Prisoners in the county gaol. Q/SR/110/35 (1609)

To the righte Honorable and Worshippfull his Majesties Justices of the benche, within the Countie of Stafforde.

It is moste lamentable (right honorable and woorshipful) that in suche ymmerciles manner Christianes shoulde be dealt withall. As wee towe your humble petitioners are and have byne, since oure committmente to prison where wee have contynewed nowe sixe weakes in most extreme povertie and wante, destitute of frendes, spoyled of oure goodes. and starved for hunger a thinge most monsterous, a crueltie never harde of suche before in a countrey of peace, so plentiffull, and a nation of suche civillitie. Whereas lawes are mayde to have there full scoppe to justice, (not to doe Injustice) of which wee nowe complayne. Pardon wee crave it is injustice, to keepe oure goodes, before conviction by lawe. And whether oure Imprisomente be just it is a question for suppose I bee a prist, yet banished as my name, of, Englande doth ymporte: You will saye I was taken, the tyme beinge expired it is true, yet this is nothinge; for I was taken sicke, neyther able, to goe nor stande, howe lounge I hadd bene sicke, yow knewe not, nor what meanes, I made, to imbarke my self neither whether wynde, did serve, or shippinge could be gotten. All which thinges before imprisonmente: should have bene knowne, seinge wee were travelinge to accomplishe the kynges Majesties will and pleasure to banishe oure selves, to goe out of the countrey, to forsake our frendes. All which is verified by not goinge frome my keeper and him that was bounde for mee it is verified by his sellinge of his annewetie, to forsake the lande with me; his imprisoment with mee ymportes, a truith of all this.Yea more aboute a three yeares agoe I indevored my self to forsake the lande, uppon the Proclamacion made for banishment for pristes havinge oure kinges worde for my warrante, tooke shippinge, and havinge bene sixe dayes on the seas and driven by tempest into the harboure of Lyverpoole, was taken a shipboard not on lande contrarye, to all lawe and equitie, violentlie was cast into prison, continewed there two yeares three quarteres. When neither my beinge a shipboarde neither the extremitie of tempest, nor the kinges proclamacion woulde serve my purpose: And nowe this secounde tyme: but (onely) foure weekes at lybertie, after my lounge ymprisonmente but committed agayne of which tyme wee hadde; but twentie daies allotted to forgoe the lande: All these premisses charitablie considered of your Honours and worshippes maye insue somme spedie redresse of these oure wrounges, ballenced with justice and equitie. That is althoughe imprisoned yett that wee starve not, for wante of meate; and lett us have oure owne to nurrishe lyfe. Soe shall wee reste obliged, to your Honour and Worshipps.

Your honours and worshippes moste humble peticioners

  • Edward Millington
  • Richard Sonkie

That Edward Braddock gentleman who hath fyve pounds eleven shillinges un of Richard Sonkie the peticioner and tow a nagg and a mare sadles and bridls of the said peticioners, a handker[chie]f, a henger and dagger of the said Sonkies, all which the said Braddock is required to deliver unto the highe Sheriff of the County, or otherwise Arthure Ratcliff esquire one of his majesties Justices the Clark of the Peace is [illegible] by the [illegible] the word an [attachment?] [against?] that unto the sheriff he is to to committ the said Braddock to the gaol and there to remeyne without bayle or mayneprise, untill he should perform this [baile?], and the said highe sheriff to allow them xs weeckly but of there said goodes and xxxs arrerage to be presently paid per Cur

The gaoler is required to [tack?] for ether xiid weekly fir ther lodg[in]g

Henrie Nayler of Walton. Q/SR/111/49 (1609)

To the right worshipful his majesties justices of peace and Quorum within the countie of Stafford

The humble petition of Henrie Nayler of Walton

Humblie shewinge that whereas it was heretofore agreed betwene him and one Michaell Hardin that your peticioner in consideracion of a somme of money (whereof your peticioner paid parte in hande and tendred the rest at the tyme appointed) shoulde have surrendred unto him a copieholde tenement in Walton for terme of xxi yeares and under by the said Michaell at a court then shortlie followinge to be helde.

And whereas your peticioner accordinge to the said agreement did with the consent of your the said Hardin enter into the possession of the same tenement and the landes thereto belonginge and the same hitherunto hath quyetlie untill now of late quyetlie enjoyed accordinglie, havinge brought his goodes into the same and havinge bestowed great charges in the husbandrie thereof.

And whereas one John Lowe of Walton aforsaid beinge a person person verey disordered contentious, and geven to stirre uppe sedition amongest his neighbors hathe of late forciblie entred into the said tenement without anie tytle at all thereunto and hathe expulsed your peticioner out of the same and deteyneth your peticioners goodes corne and all his other goodes from him to the utter impoverishment of him his wife and children.

He humblie beseecheth your worships for gods cause, to take such course as that your peticioner maie be releeved in the premisses and in the restoringe of his possession and goodes so farre as to justice shell apperteyne And he shall daylie praie god for your worships health and happines