Cecil Papers: August 1605, 16-31

Pages 374-409

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 17, 1605. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1938.

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August 1605, 16-31

Lord Lumley to the Same.
1605, August 16. This day I have received a letter from your lordship, my Lord of Worcester, and my Lord of Northampton, signifying his Majesty's resolution touching the Great Park, and will give knowledge accordingly to the undertenants. —From Nonsuch. 16 August 1605.
Signed. ½ p. (112. 11.)
The Earl of Dorset to the Earl of Salisbury.
1605, August 16. I have taken order and written to the Vice-Chancellor for accomplishment of his Majesty's commandment, as well for avoiding of long orations, as of permitting liberty in disputations without favour of the moderator. This will try their wits and their learning, but to the disgrace of some of them I fear, for to avoid swerving from the questions and to save the credit of the weaker, this moderator was appointed. My Lord of Devonshire and myself yesterday placed Sir W. Wade as Lieutenant of the Tower. I received your letter touching his choice by his Majesty within 3 hours after I had written mine touching that place. I assure you from my heart I do not know a fitter man all things considered, for he depends wholly upon the King and has had long experience in the service of the state, is of good discretion and great fidelity, and full of care and diligence, and of a good state withal.—Dorset House, 16 August 1605.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (112. 12.)
Lord Arundel of Wardour to the Same.
[1605], August 17. I assure you that I never had intent to sell any of my mares to any man, first, for that my son, who is now grown to man's estate, is as much delighted with horses as myself, next, for that by ill fortune and negligence of servants I lost this last year 10 such mares as I think England could hardly have matched. I know not how the speech should rise of my intention to leave my mares unless it were for that at my being in the country I desired Mr. Budden to present your lordship with one or two of my mares such as himself can witness I did then appoint. One of them I have not seen since it was a sucking colt, being bred 10 miles from me in better ground than any is near Wardor. I am told she is a handsome young beast, being but 2 years and the vantage, and will in April next be 3, and then fit to take horse; but the other mare I do assure you is the best that ever I bred, who presume to have bred as good as any other Englishman. This last winter by ill looking to she was almost famished, but is now pretty well recovered. As soon as she is in flesh Mr. Budden has order to present them to you. Thus much had I done of myself before the receipt of your letter. I have now remaining but 10 mares, who within this twelvemonth had 22. Of those 10 I desire you to take your choice of such and so many as you shall think best. Mr. Budden shall have present order to deliver to any servant of yours such as he shall think fittest.—London, 17 August.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1605." 1 p. (101. 117.)
Sir William Waad to the Same.
1605, August 17. My Lord of Devonshire and my Lord Treasurer met at the Tower on Monday at 3 o'clock in the afternoon, and gave me my oath, which was mentioned in his Majesty's letters, before I signed the indentures for the receiving of the prisoners. I went to see them all in their several lodgings. My Lord Cobham used me very sullenly, though I carried myself with respect towards him. The rest I find very conformable, and though Sir Walter Ralegh used some speech of his dislike of me the day before, yet since he acknowledges his error, and seems to be very well satisfied. My Lord Cobham did forget himself towards me yesterday in such sort as I could do no less than shut him up into his lodging, but this morning he has not only confessed his fault but entreated it may be forgotten, and promised that he will carry himself so as I shall have no occasion to complain of him. Therefore if you happen to hear of it, it may please you likewise to know that he has found his own error, for I desire to observe your honourable rule, not to add affliction to affliction, and in truth I find him very penitent, and he sent often to me, before I would come to him. And if I shall say to you privately what I think, his passions when the fit takes him go beyond choler.
I wish that that which he said unto me had been private, and not so loud, as it was heard into the court.
The lion's whelps were playing this morning and got out of their nest, which when they do, their dam carries them always in again. I did heat myself so upon Thursday by going to all the prisoners, that since I find myself exceedingly distempered. I have given order the next time the lions be abroad to see them myself, and then I will advertise you what I observe in them.— From the Tower of London, 17 August 1605.
Signed. 1 p. (112. 13.)
Sir Gawen Hervy to the Earl of Salisbury.
1605, August 17. According to the King's pleasure directed to my Lord Treasurer and the Earl of Devonshire, who on the 15th of this month swore Sir William Waad Lieutenant of the Tower of London, I have delivered over by indenture all the prisoners then remaining there, as all other "percusites" to the house which my father received at his entry; which may appear by an indenture under Waad's hand and seal in my keeping. I am glad I am discharged of that care, for I protest for 6 days here came not much sleep in my eyes. There was some controversies between Sir William Worlington and me, but my Lord Chancellor made an order for agreement. My mother and I humbly thank you for your respect unto us.— Tower, 17 August 1605.
PS. The lion whelps prosper exceeding well and likely so to continue, because the 15 days after their whelping be past, which was thought to be dangerous in putting forth their teeth.
Holograph. 1 p. (191. 18.)
Sir Fulke Grevill to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1605], August 18. Come when it shall please you, and if I had as absolute power over all other things, as I have of my heart, I durst presume you should find yourself nowhere more honoured. And for that noble lady, if she vouchsafe me her presence too, and will pardon the unworthiness of the house and master, advancement was never better welcome to any ambitious courtier than both your comings shall be to me. My servant, as I wrote to your Honour in my last letter, has ever since, and shall constantly attend your commandments, which office I had done myself as became me [but] that it best becomes me to obey you.—From Wedgnock, 18 August.
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed: "1605." 1 p. (112. 14.)
Sir Anthony Cope to the Same.
1605, August 18. One of the principal causes of my joy is the hope that I shall have you at Hanwell, which the rather I presume of for that I had your promise at London, that if you continued the circuit with the King, you would satisfy my request herein. To that end I have entreated of Mr. Rolls, the gentleman usher, my gallery which I mean to divide into two rooms, for your lordship and any other nobleman that you shall make choice of. I expected my brother according to his promise the last night, but have since received a letter, that in respect of christening Sir Thomas Smith's child it will be to-morrow in the afternoon before he come.—Hanwell, this 18 August 1605.
Signed. Seal. ½ p. (112. 15.)
Sir William Waad to the Same.
1605, August 19. I held it my duty at my first entrance into this charge to certify your lordship in what state I find the prisoners, what liberty they have, and what warrants have been showed me for the same. Sir Gawen Harvey has delivered me only one chief warrant limiting the liberty and access granted them, which passed in my time of waiting, whereof I send you a copy. The other warrants are only for commitment of prisoners. The Lord Cobham has one servant more than is allowed in the warrant. For access it is open, and there come ordinarily to him many of all sorts not warranted by any letter I have seen. For liberty, the door of the prison where he is towards the leads, is not shut all the day, nor the door at the other end of the leads, by which any may have access unto him. Besides there is another door upon the leads through the lodgings of the Lieutenant's lately made, which stood open, by which by a privy stairs many came and went until it was observed. The prison door to the leads I leave open the day time, one of the other two doors out of the leads I have caused to be shut up, and the other I leave open. but appoint one to watch there. There is another door at the end of a pair of stairs to the hillwards, which is at times opened for bringing of victuals and other necessary occasions for him.
Sir Walter Ralegh has like access of divers to him, the door of his chamber being always open all the day to the garden, which indeed is the only garden the Lieutenant has, and in the garden he has converted a little hen-house to a still-house, where he spends his time all the day in distillations. I desire not to remove him, though I want by that means the garden, but there being but a slender pale on that side the garden towards the Lieutenant's lodging, and the other walls very low and broken down, nothing can be done in the house, none can come to the house, but he espies them on all sides. Therefore if a brick wall were built where the pale now stands, and the walls raised very little, which would not be above 20 marks' charge, it would be the more safe and convenient.
The Lord Grey is in the lodging my Lord Cobham lay in when he was examined. He has no access hitherto unto him, but he has the liberty of all the King's lodgings, and the door to those gardens, by which, when the King was there, my Lord Chamberlain came to his lodgings, is always open, but he uses the same sparingly. He entreated me he might see the Lady Goring and the Lady Fleetwood his near kinswoman, if they came to visit him, which he says was permitted to him formerly, but I see not by what warrant.
Morgan, a servant of the Lord Cobham, by the connivancy of his keeper has had access to Morgan the prisoner, whereof I take as yet no knowledge, neither think I it was for any purpose but in kindness, and yet I have appointed him another keeper.
For the rest I find as yet no fault, but that they are well kept.
To the young gentleman Gowrie they say his sister has sometimes access, for which I find also no warrant, but I conjecture the late Lieutenant had direction for these liberties, though his son produce not the same. That I find most inconvenient is the repair to them at meals, which would be moderated to have some conformity with the condition of prisoners, and not like house-keepers.
Now your lordship sees the state of the chief prisoners, and of the rest my humble suit is I may have directions for such liberty as shall be thought fit to be granted them. Wherein I, being now in good terms with them desire like favour for them in my time, which is fit for their condition and the dignity of his Majesty, and it were better, in my opinion, to grant them liberty of the Tower than to be under the title of restraint with unlimited liberty.
I have had conference with Mr. Alabaster, a merchant of good understanding that has frequented Barbary, what food he thinks fit to be given to the lion whelps, when they grow stronger, for the chiefest care will be to give them kind diet, and winter coming on, to keep them warm, until they be of bigness. He says he has seen many very little brought up in Barbary with all kinds of victuals of flesh and bread, but that he doubts most is the cold suddenly increasing before they be of strength. The hovel they be in is a place towards the sun, and the place well defended with high walls. The keeper tells me that as the female lies with them all night, so all the night season the he-lion lies within the cabin at the entry. I have noted most commonly when they are not within the cabin that they lie both before the door, and if anybody approach never so softly near the loop-holes, they fix their eyes continually upon them. And the keeper says, if by any occasion, when they go to rest, the he-lion be absent, the female calls him duly and will fall upon him till he lodge with her, where he keeps sentinel. The whelps were both this morning at the door of their cabin, and are very fat and so round as the female cannot carry them in her mouth, but uses the help of her claws to tumble them in. I am bold to send this packet with the letters which Questor the postmaster sent to me this morning.—From the Tower, 19 August 1605.
Signed. 2½ pp. (112. 16.)
Sir Thomas Smith to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1605], August 19. I have received your letter this Monday morning very late, and though I was in hope to stay some few days longer, and had accordingly disposed some business of importance unto me, I will not fail to give my attendance on your lordship by Wednesday night at Woodstock, according to your assignment. I have sent you a draft of the letter to the King of Denmark, and followed therein the effect of all the particular points given me by your instructions. I yield my humble thanks for the favour that Sir Michael Hicks has performed in your name towards my wife and myself.—From my poor house at Fulham, 19 August.
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed: "1605." 1 p. (112. 18.)
Sir Francis Gawdy to the Same.
1605, August 19. Expresses his acknowledgments for his appointment as Chief Justice of the Common Pleas. He understands that some of the King's servants are suitors to the King for certain offices which may be void during his time. He will be most ready to obey the King's commands; but for him to indent therein before he comes to the place were not only to regard the place before his credit, but to lose the freedom which has always belonged to it, and a great part of his future comfort, which is to say to the world that he came to it freely. Besides, those places have always been bestowed upon clerks of best merit and long continuance; and the contrary were to take away the reward of industry and knowledge, and bring in ignorance. He begs Salisbury to inform the King of as much hereof as he shall think fit.—Wallyngton, 19 August 1605.
Holograph. 1 p. (191. 19.)
The Council to Viscount Lisle.
1605, August 20. Whereas there is an advertisement brought hither of your lordship's arrival in Graveling, and of your passage up further into the country, for which you had no warrant from his Majesty nor from the Council, and whereof the difficulty will be great to prevent the strange apprehensions of those princes and other states with whom his Majesty holds strait confederation, who have so good experience of his Majesty's great judgment as they have no reason to conclude that he would have made choice of your lordship, being trusted with such a gage in the Low Countries as you are for any employment thither, except it had some reference to that place (of which opinion none better knows the perilous consequence); and forasmuch as they will much less be induced to believe that you would merely out of your voluntary forget the circumstances so much considerable in your quality and charge, as to take such a journey at this time; you shall now understand that although his Majesty's amity is so perfect with the Archdukes, as the going thither of his servants or subjects (simply considered in itself) should no way displease him: nevertheless, both in regard of our own consideration and experience, how inconvenient it is to suffer such proceedings in a well-governed state, and how necessary it is to clear this point timely to the world by some good means, as likewise because it stands with his Majesty's own good pleasure, who is constrained, as other princes are often, to condemn a fact, when he suspects not the person; we command you in his Majesty's name upon the receipt of these letters, be it either in the territories of the Archdukes or of the States, that you forbear to pass up any further, and make your present repair to London, from whence we require you immediately after your arrival to advertise us thereof, to the intent you may thereupon receive our further directions, before you offer to repair to the Court.—From the Court at Grafton, 20 August 1605. Lenox; Suffolke; Northampton; Salisbury and others.
Copy. 1½ pp. (112. 19.)
Sir George Carew to the Earl of Salisbury.
1605, August 20. I yield humble thanks for your favour in remembering the matter of my privy seal unto my Lord Treasurer, by this bearer, Sir Michael Hickes. I understand that it was otherwise also recommended by your letters. At the first bringing of the privy seal to my Lord Treasurer, he offered to give his bill or his bond for money that I should take up towards my furnishing, there being then no great plenty in the Treasury, yet I thought it not fit to press his lordship to undertake out of his private estate the charge of public service. Besides I was loth to bring up such a precedent for those that shall undergo the like service of this, whereunto it has pleased you to nominate me. But now that there is order given for the receiving of the first four months' imprest out of the Treasury, I hold it to stand with my duty to let you know my Lord Treasurer's disposition herein. With this money, and with adding unto it well near the like proportion of mine own, I hope I shall overcome the greatest part of my provisions, so as though I should the first of September have received 4 months' imprest more, I will not press for that but near upon the time of my going away. Wherein I will endeavour not to delay further than necessity constrains me.—From the Strand, 20 August 1605.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (112. 20.)
The Earl of Bath to the Council.
1605, August 20. Not long since it pleased your lordships to signify unto me his Majesty's care for the continuance of the armour, weapons, furniture and munition in such manner as the same was at the decease of the late Queen, and therewith sundry necessary directions given for view of the said arms and for the supply and repairing of all that was found deficient. Immediately upon receipt of your letters I made the same known to my deputy lieutenants, and likewise to the colonels and captains in this county, that there should be shortly views and musters taken of their bands and troops in every of their particular divisions. But by reason of the forwardness of harvest in all parts of the country here, and at the entreaty of the gentlemen and other inhabitants, upon an occasion of such reasonable consequence, I presumed to defer the musters for a time, whereby the people received great contentment. I may not omit to inform your lordships that the forces of the clergy both horse and foot, by direction from the Lords of the Council in her late Majesty's time, were sometimes composed among the trained bands of this county, by means whereof the arms and persons appointed to serve with the same were always in perfect use and readiness. How they are now, I know not. There has been also a certain old store of powder and match of a long time remaining in the country, as out of her Majesty's own provision sent hither to be employed upon occasions of special service. The which I take now to be somewhat wasted, and not so serviceable as it should be.—From Towstocke, 20 August 1605.
Unsigned. Endorsed: "Erle of Bath." 1½ pp. (112. 21.)
Lord Chancellor Ellesmere to the Earl of Salisbury.
1605, August 21. My hope was to have waited upon his Majesty at Oxff[ord], and there to have seen you, but my indisposition of health is such, as I cannot be so happy, and I have in myself an unpleasant tragedy, wherein the gout and the stone are principal actors. I expect not perfect recovery, some intermission and ease is all I hope for. And if by physic and diet I may during the little remnant of my term perform those necessary services which I owe to his Majesty and my country, I will account it a great blessing, and then sing with old Symeon nunc dimittis.
PS. Since the writing hereof I received your letter and a privy seal for commissioners where there be no lieutenants, which shall be dispatched as soon as conveniently may be.— At Yorke House, 21 August 1605.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (112. 22.)
Sir William Selby to the Same.
1605, August 21. I have received a letter from the Privy Council requiring my repair to the place of my service in the middle shires, together with 10 men, which his Highness allows me for attending the same. Before the receipt thereof I had been there 3 weeks with my wife and the greatest part of my family, whom I brought out of Kent that I might wholly give myself to this service without distraction. In the end of last week I returned from the assizes at Durham, Newcastle and Carlisle, and understand that masterful theft and murder are well banished out of the shires within our commission on this side, and on the other side for aught I hear, but picking and petty stealing is not yet left, nor can well be on the sudden amongst a people so inured to theft. For non transitur ab una extremitate ad aliam nisi per medium, and a little time with the execution of some penal laws will much amend this fault, wherein we are greatly furthered by the directions sent down with the justices of assize for parting our countries into divisions, keeping 6 weeks' meeting, and for looking to the laws made against rogues, ale-houses etc.; wherein if the justices of peace and commissioners do their best endeavours, I doubt not that before one year be expired these shires may as well be governed by the ordinary service of justices of the peace as the rest of England. Some impediments we find that hinder the speedy course of this service. 1. His Majesty's late pardoning of thieves. 2. That the sheriff of Northumberland for last year is not yet called to account. 3. Pretence of certain great men in our country to seizure of felons' goods in their manors. 4. Composition of felonies, which is so general, that although many felonies have been committed, yet very few are brought before us.—Baremore in Northumberland nigh Berwick, 21 August 1605.
Signed. 1 p. (112. 23.)
Thomas Wilson to the Earl of Salisbury.
1605, August 21. Encloses a copy of one of Conte Fuentes's capricious actions, whereby it seems he makes the King his master send out writs for enquiry of concealed lands. He cites at this present the Great Duke, the Commonwealth of Genoa, and all the Marquises Malaspine, near a score in number, to appear before the Magistrate of the extraordinary revenue of the Duchy of Milan, to show cause why they should not render to the King, as Duke of Milan, all such signories, contes, marquisates, etc. therein mentioned as they justly detain from him, with all the profits received thereof, all which have been in the hands of the now possessors and their predecessors longer than he or his have been Dukes of Milan. The motor hereof is nameless. It seems to be some spirit that has been stirring heretofore of the same coals; but they were then soon after quenched by the moisture of the time. They are like now to meet with matter more combustible. Yet the princes and others whom it concerns make but a jest thereof. Thinks it is sent him rather for a matter of curiosity than consequence; yet that it is true there is no doubt; but what will be the trial there is no certainty. Has talked with some strangers that are men of state, who apprehend it to be a matter of more import than he does, by reason he knows well the head from whence it comes: a humour apter to attempt than to achieve; witness his old designs in the Low Countries when he was there, and this of late with the Venetians and Grisons. Would have translated the whole matter into English or Italian, but haply his Majesty will like better to read it in French.
The letters from Spain mentioned in his last save one to Salisbury are now come to his hands, but they are old of date and silly of advice, most being state and common matters, as these: the repining of the priests at the English Ambassador having preaching in his house: the difficulty and stir about burying English dead: the reports of a match likely betwixt the Prince and the Infanta; the divers reports upon the Spaniards' last disasters upon the coast of Dover, and advertisement thereupon to look to the English garrisons in the Low Countries; the departure from the Spanish Court and country of the Lords Norreis and Willowbye, Sir Phil. Carey, Sir John Gower and others into France, and so for England: the secret pretence of the French upon Valentia discovered, and the conspirators executed: the King's order for desisting from coining any more copper, and such other matters of small importance. But trusts by this time his understanding friend is recovered, and that he will shortly have some letters from him cum succo et cerebro.
Reports the progress of the Earl's building (Salisbury House in the Strand). He purposes to wait on the Earl at Oxford next week, and to register what he can out of "those rare expected disputations." He has received a letter for Salisbury from Flushing, and has sent it to Mr. Levinus [Munck], so that if he thinks the cause requires haste, he may send a messenger with it.—"From your lordship's house in Strand," 21 August 1605.
Holograph. 3 pp. (191. 20.)
Viscount Lisle to the King.
1605, August 22. Here doth now present himself to kiss your Majesty's hands, the lieutenant-governor of this your cautionary town, Sir William Brown, who by my continual attendance in Engand hath not till now any opportunity to leave this place. I should do much wrong to your service and to his worth and my own reputation, if I should not say for him, that a more sufficient man for his place, both for faithfulness and discretion I do not know of our nation, and if a greater charge be committed unto him, I dare answer he will with credit go through with it. And now he only goes over to be partaker of that joy and honour which others your subjects have to see you. If it please you to speak with him, he is able to give a very good account, not only of this town, but of all the country besides.—At Flushing, 22 August 1605.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (112. 24.)
The Same to the Earl of Salisbury.
1605, August 22. Sir William Brown shall ease me of all manner of discourse of the business here. His going over now is to see the King, which he never has done, and to kiss his hands; and then to return with speed. He will also be glad to offer his service to you; and you have great power to command him. We are in great expectation here of what will become of the Spaniards at Dover, who in a worse time than now could not come for these countries. Count Moris [Maurice] is drawing all the troops unto him he can to encounter Spinola. I am glad to see that these men are so well satisfied of your favours towards them, and indeed what good they receive in England they must, next to God and the King, acknowledge to you. With humble thanks for my son, whom I have with me here, and one day I trust shall be able to deserve your favours.—Flushing, 22 August 1605.
PS. Sir William Brown's trust is that you will grace him to the King; and my suit is you will let his Majesty know how able he is to serve him.
Holograph. Endorsed: "The Governor of Flushing." 1 p. (191. 23.)
Sir William Waad to the Same.
1605, August 22. I received even now this packet from Mr. Levinus. who has been visited as myself have been with an ague. I have had three fits, but I hope I have escaped them, though I feel a great faintness. The lion's whelps were abroad this morning. The female whelp begins to have teeth both below and above, which I doubt will breed let to her sucking, if the dam find the sharpness of them. One was with me yesterday, who told me when Mr. Rundall was in Muscovia he saw young lions' whelps brought up to great bigness, and did very well. The keeper is very careful, the weather yet warm, so as all the care will be to diet them, especially if by reason of their teeth the dam will not suffer them to suck, or by their greatness the breast will not suffice to nourish them sufficiently. Now I have taken upon me to hearken after them, I affect it with very great care, and watched them so long on Monday, until I was taken with a fit of an ague.—From the Tower, 22 August 1605.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (112. 25.)
The Master of Gray to the Earl of Salisbury.
1605, August 22. Your constant favour towards me has bred unto you more "fascherie" than if you had altogether rejected me as "inutill." But seeing in my "banqueroutterie" it has pleased you think of goodwill for all other payment, be well assured that point shall be my companion to the grave. I cannot write how far unto myself and others my Lord of Dunbar did admire the cause of your favourable dealing, not only in the "triffle" suit of my debts, but in all that touched my name. Indeed for your respect he has even now at his parting used me most kindly; and for my suit, he has taken a warrant, which he has made promise to return subscribed within 15 days after he shall see his Majesty; as in like manner my Lord of Skone has promised after the receipt of the warrant to make payment. Seeing shortly they be both to take journey towards Court, I thought good to signify thus much aforehand, to the end that you may imitate their good wills. I have in like manner after some commemoration of his estate and mine, his (I mean the Earl of Dunbar's) fortunate fortune and my miserable fortune, recommended to him my son, who perhaps some day may have the like fortune that he has now; so that either to him or his he may remember whose beneficier now in his youth he is. He gave a very pleasant answer, desiring that I should send my son to Court, like as God willing I shall with his uncle the Master of Orkney; for some 4 months since he returned from France for recovery of his health after a long disease and has profited both in language and exercise reasonably well for his age. And there you should be witness that he should do for him as for his own. You have "hythit" a father to him, when I was not of ability, and if he be not "ingenerous," at least all his life he shall carry a mind to serve you. At his coming I am to recommend him in common between you and the Earl of Dunbar; and if by my own industry I can acquire here for him a greater fortune nor my own, I am to look for favourable assistance for his Majesty's countenance. I am shortly to place my eldest daughter with a very honourable match.
My cousin, my Lord Home, has enterprised here a matter which in my judgment shall not prove well for him, nor the consequence agreeable to the surety of his Majesty's estate, although permitted for the time, as a common courtesy. I pray you be a stayer of it indirectly, and yet with a regard to the gentleman's disgrace. In this I have dealt with the Earl of Dunbar seriously, who will do his best for staying of it; for the nobleman is induced only at other men's appetites. I will take this for one of the greatest favours I ever received.— Dundie, 22 August 1605.
Holograph. 2 pp. (191. 22.)
Sir Francis Vere to the Earl of Salisbury.
1605, August 22. The going over of my Lord Lyle awakens me in the duty I owe also to my charge: whether, if it may stand with his Majesty's pleasure, I had much rather go to do his Majesty that little service I can on that side, than to live here like a drone, unprofitable every way to his Majesty, and nothing to my comfort or credit. Heretofore I have made known to you my readiness to go over if I were commanded; though otherwise in regard of any particular desire of my own, I urged it not; which you perceiving, in your favour may have forborne hitherto to call upon me. I saw what policy and malice might suggest against my being and residing there suddenly after my leaving the States, which I hope time and better experience of me has sufficiently answered. Withal I had somewhat of the soldier's humour, that for a time would not suffer me to brook so quiet and retired a life in that active State in which my interest had been so great, and my desire so strong to advance the happiness of it by the ways of my profession; which humour is now better tempered, and I both content and desirous to rest in my government, and give the wars the looking on, till my service in them may be held more necessary. I therefore very humbly beseech you, out of the assurance you may have of my well meaning, both to this and that State, favourably to remove those difficulties you shall discover here or on the other side, opposing this my desire, that so with his Majesty's and the States' good liking, I may repair to my charge, which shall not be the least of your good deeds to me.—Tilbury, 22 August 1605.
Holograph. 2 pp. (191. 24.)
The Earl of Salisbury to the Count of Villa Medina.
1605, August 23. As regards the conduct of the soldiers at Dover, I doubt not but that my Lord of Northampton, to whose province the matter properly belongs, has given you by his letter full and complete satisfaction. Be assured that we, who during your stay in this country, have cherished so great a regard for yourself and your qualities, would on your departure seize every occasion of proving how solicitous we are in all things which concern the interests of his Catholic Majesty, and your own in particular. For myself I shall never cease to retain the agreeable recollection which I have of your lordship.— From Woodstock, 23 August 1605.
Copy. French. 1 p. (112. 26.)
The Earl and Countess of Shrewsbury to the Earl of Salisbury.
1605, August 23. I understand by my servant Hersey that you were pleased to be troubled with some business of mine lately at his Majesty's being in Northamptonshire, for which I render you my best thanks. I am sending this bearer Coke to Oxford without any other business but to return me notice of such orations and disputations as he can have access to hear there. Some difference there is in my wife's disposition and mine towards these two Universities, for although we honour them both, yet I wish better to Oxford and she to Cambridge, and in this particular of their Majesties' entertainments there, I desire they may be such and so highly to their contentment, as Cambridge may come somewhat short thereof, whensoever their Majesties shall come thither. On the other side my wife is in good hope that any defect that may be now discerned there, may be supplied at Cambridge, that you may have the honour of it, to go beyond my Lord Treasurer in that, though she be free from malice, either to him or to that University. My wife has sent you four pies of red deer, which I hope are delivered before this letter, being of a stag that had the mishap to be killed by her own hand.—At Sheffield Lodge, 23 August 1605.
Signed: Gilb. Shrewsbury: Ma. Shrewsbury. 1 p. (112. 27.)
Sir William Waad to the Same.
1605, August 24. The Lord Mayor and Aldermen contenting not themselves with the voiding of the town ditch into the Tower ditch, the noisomeness whereof has been very intolerable and will be felt a great while, do now go in hand to bring all the soil that comes from the Minories into the town ditch, to pass into the Tower ditch, to renew these vile annoyances, and open a sluice from the Minories to the town ditch for that purpose, which has been shut up time out of mind. I have required that stay might be made of it, until his Majesty come nearer, that your lordships may be advertised thereof according to an order set down by my Lord Chancellor and Lord Treasurer for stay of all controversies until the term. Though in times past the town ditch had recourse into the Tower ditch, when the water was sweet, the multitude of houses built on the town ditch for carters and base people that keep swine and feed them with offal is most noisome. I protest when I took my first fit, standing to watch the lion's whelps, the stink of the Tower ditch on that side so offended me, as, for 24 hours being in my chamber, I to my thinking drew in no other breath. And where the Tower Hill water was in request and reputation for one of the sweetest springs in all these parts it is grown so corrupt, muddy and unsavoury, as it serves for no use and spoils the meat that is dressed with it, so as I am exceedingly driven to my shifts for sweet water.
I thank you for the letters I have received for the order I am to observe for the access of comers hereafter to the prisoners, wherein as there is something left to my discretion, so shall I be the better able to govern them and be respected of them, when they shall see there is condition given me. We are now in so good terms, as all the contention that is amongst us is in courtesies. It is not the least of your many favours, the leave I take hold of to erect a brick wall on that side the garden where Sir Walter Rawley is towards my lodgings, which shall presently go in hand. For as I would be loth to remove Sir Walter, where he has accommodated himself for his exercises, so it would be very inconvenient he should be an overseer to the Lieutenant. This morning, being the first time I was able to go abroad since the ague took me, I viewed the walls and places about the lodging of Ruthen, of whom though he be younger I take more especial care, because with very little liberty any prisoner might over easily escape there.—From the Tower of London, 24 August 1605.
Holograph. Seal. 2 pp. (112. 28.)
Sir Fulke Grevill to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1605], August 24. Desires to know how his lordship does after his wearisome journey.—From Wedgnock, 24 August.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1605." ½ p. (112. 29.)
Sir Henry Poole to the Same.
1605, August 24. This bearer, Sir Edmond Fetiplace, having exhibited his petition to the King to grant him land or pension in Ireland, his Majesty has referred the consideration thereof to the Council. He has been heretofore employed in the wars in France and the Low Countries in place of good esteem, from whence he came into Ireland, where he has continued from the first of Tyrone's rebellion until now of late, being then employed in commanding the company of foot under the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, from the beginning of the siege of Kinsale until their discharge. Being my near kinsman, I commend him to your consideration.—From Compton, 24 August 1605.
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (112. 30.)
The Bishop of Hereford to the Earl of Salisbury.
1605, August 24. I have received, to my great comfort, letters from the Council of his Majesty's gracious acceptation of the service done in repressing the audacious attempts of recusants in these parts. I sent you letters touching the apprehension and proceeding against Rice Griffithes, a priest. For my better justification, I enclose the depositions against him, for evidence when he shall appear at the King's Bench, with a brief thereof; whereby it appears what service he has done to the State, and how ill he has performed the trust reposed in him; which I have collected the more carefully that I am informed my Lord Archbishop of Canterbury takes it offensively at my hands, as well that I certified the late riots to the Council and not to him, as that I presumed to apprehend Griffithes. Because some men have given it out, to my disgrace, that there were not 10 men assembled at that riot, and his Majesty may be distasted with such an untrue suggestion, I enclose also the deposition of one Morrice a preacher, who passed through certain towns near Mr. William Morgan's house at the same instant, and there saw above 100 men strongly armed, lying in wait, watching for a good hour, as they said; and I hope shortly to get further proof thereof. These depositions I commend to you, either to be delivered to the Lord Chief Justice for matter of allegation, or otherwise used, as shall seem good to you.—Hereford, 24 August 1605.
Signed: Ro. Hereford. 1 p. (191. 25.)
Dr. Robert Taylor to the Same.
1605, August 24. I saluted the Conte of Villa Mediana and wished him a happy journey in your name, which he took most thankfully, returning a new increase of his "obligo" to you. The warrant for Tempest I received. The endorsement was "to the keeper of our prison called the Clink in Southwark in our county of Surrey"; and the prisoner was in Newgate. Supposing difficulty would arise, I went with the keeper of the Clink and brought him along with me to the keeper of Newgate, to whom I delivered the error in the superscription, and in his presence caused the keeper of the Clink to open the warrant, whereunto the keeper of Newgate answered that though the warrant of the King had been endorsed to him, yet could he not have delivered the prisoner without order from the Sheriffs, whose deputy he was. I showed the warrant and error to the Sheriffs. They sent me over to my Lord Mayor, who referred me to the Recorder, whom I found precise in the form he required for his deliverance. His conclusion was that this warrant would serve, but a new endorsement must be made to the Sheriffs of London, as also the prisoner's name, which is Edward Tempest.
The Earl of Villa Mediana departs hence Monday morning, so I dispatch a post this night to you with the warrant enclosed, desiring that the endorsement may be redressed and the prisoner's name Edward added, with two lines of your hand to the Recorder for his present dispatch to go along Monday morning with the Ambassador.—From my Chamber in Walsingham, 24 August 1605.
Holograph. 1½ pp. (191. 27.)
Viscount Lisle to the Earl of Salisbury.
1605, August 24. The messenger by whom I sent my other to your lordship being arrived back by foul weather, I would not leave to join this unto it in answer of that which I received from you. I beseech you therefore to let his Majesty know that where I may come to the understanding of his will, I will never expect his direct commandments, but will obey his very thoughts as far as is possible. Therefore touching my going to Anwarpe, wherein besides a little curiosity of mine own his Majesty's service was my chiefest end, I will leave it undone, as if it had never been in conceit, and endeavour by other means to make my journey hither profitable to his service. But that my purpose to go to Anwarpe should be made a common talk at ordinaries amongst the French and Spanish factions seems very strange to me, who do not remember that I spake of it to any but you and M. Caron. And as for doing of it with the privity of the King of Spain's ministers, and that I should have their passports, I know too much and love my duty to the King too well to demand passports of that nature without his Majesty's allowance, and therefore satisfy yourself and the King that this is an idle invention of whomsoever brought it forth. I never was in the Archdukes' Ambassador's house since his coming into England, neither did any message pass between us concerning his audiences. To the new Spanish Ambassador I never yet spake word. It is true that I went to bid the Conde de Villa Mediana farewell, because I do not think ever to see him again, but I deny that of any purpose to go to Anwarpe, or of any matter of passport there was any word spoken. Neither indeed did I conceive that there should need any passport, and so did I find in my passing now through Flanders. For so I told them at Bridges when they made show to stay me there, that I had not any passport, neither did I demand any, but being driven by accident of weather into the Archdukes' country, upon the confidence of the amity between his Majesty and them I took my journey that way towards my governments; and that was satisfaction unto them. In like sort I should have put it in adventure at Anwarpe, more than the advertising Sir Th. Edmonds of it, which I did after I had acquainted you and M. Caron with it. Neither was it ever my purpose to go à la desrobée to Anwarpe, as neither I meant to go with any pomp. But all governors of places take the liberty which peace gives them to know the country about them, and I will never hold him sufficient to be a governor of a frontier place that will not see every place that his neighbours hold, if he may. I never had purpose to go to Brussels, the seeing of those Princes requiring a particular allowance from the King. But to speak a little in my own occupation. Peace how fairly soever sworn has no perpetuity among princes, and who be they in times of war that lay plots for surprises and give knowledge of the fittest places for approaches in a siege [and] show best ways for an army to enter into the enemies' country, but they which have charge of the adjoining places, and who are to receive little commendation if they cannot do it. For my part I wish I knew every stone in Anwarpe and in many other places, and every small footpath in the country. And this desire to enable myself to serve the King should have been the angel to bring me to Anwarpe, and that would they have believed on the other side, and so I should have found by my entertainment, as I did the last day in Flanders, where they would let me see no more than I must needs. For I did not look for any great welcome there, and hence I would not have stirred without the privity of the States. It is very true that this State is jealous of some proceedings in England, and that the loss of the King's countenance towards their cause will be a great blow to them; and I would you might as well prevail in removing matters of much greater moment, as your own word only of advice herein should have overruled me. For it is not, my Lord, the going of the governor of Flushing and Viscount Lisle, for his pleasure, to see the town of Anwarpe, with allowance of the States, and proof made that I had no state matters to deal in, that would have lain heavy on these men's stomachs; but to know that there are already 2,000 of the King's subjects passed over to serve against them, with an English nobleman licensed to command them: to see the King's presents to their enemies carried through their country, and licence for ships which are against their orders to go for Anwarpe: lastly, to have their enemies by the King's castles defended against them, and not only received and harboured in England and suffered to have their arms, which scarcely in any place has been seen before, but kept there with purpose to send them over, to the effecting whereof his Majesty's agents at the Haghe have dealt so earnestly as the people mutter here that the King does not carry himself neutral. These and others are the things that show unto the world the taking away of the King's countenance from them, together with the strange bruits that the Spaniards give out of their assurance of his Majesty's good inclination towards them and the Catholic religion. God send that his Majesty's government here do not find it too soon, and that partly with these courses now taken, and especially that while it was time the King against evil accidents was not sufficiently provided, the King do not lose the richest jewel that all Christendom can put into his crown. —At Flushing, 24 August 1605.
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed: "24 (corrected to 25) Aug." The passages in italics have been underlined. 4 pp. (112. 31.)
Notes by Salisbury: "Ad: retourn; delivery of Townes; Fr. Jelousy; Caron a publick ministr not bounde to believe you nor ye K.; Antwerp not Bristow; dyffidence every way both to the Archdk. and States; his owne arguments of ye Ks Jelousysy (sic); his intention vaine; his proposition move jelousy, his action intimated bred perill; vaine consydering the St: enterprise; suspicion of the K. not cleared by this, but rather his actions justyfied."
Viscount Lisle to the Council.
1605, August 25. Yesterday after sunset I received a letter from your lordships dated the 20th of this month, in which you command me, in the King's name, to repair presently to London, and there to remain, till I receive further order from you. I will very readily obey your instructions, and as soon as I can provide shipping, and that the wind do serve, I will put to sea. By reason also of Sir Wil. Brown's absence, who by this time is, I presume, at the Court, I must place a new man to command in mine absence, who I intend shall be Cap. Throckmorton, sergeant-major of the town, to which end I will talk with the States of Zealand, that they may take knowledge of it. This day is Sunday, so as to-day they do not assemble. I beseech you to send Sir Wil. Brown back, because he is well-known and well-beloved here. I trust at my coming before you I shall give satisfaction to his Majesty and to your lordships, as I ought to do, and as one that hitherunto has never been detected of any villainy in the charges committed unto me, nor of overmuch indiscretion; and therefore neither condemn me yourselves nor aggravate the matter to the King, till you hear me speak, and truly understand what has been done. The journey was not thought of in me till I had been 28 hours at sea, and that the contrariness of the wind brought me unto it. I was here only 4 nights in the Archdukes' country, and never twice in one place, and ever in the right way hither. I did not once send to Bruxels, nor hear from thence, nor from any other place or person of quality, nor had other but public speeches, and those only for the advancing of my journey, neither do I think that I lost one hour which I might have got. For I rather feared to be stayed there as I was very near at Bridges, according as I have already written to you, and therefore made all speed I might away, than I doubted to give any offence to his Majesty. As soon as I have made ready, lame as I am and under the surgeon's hands, I will make all haste to London and attend your further pleasures.—From Flushing, this Sunday, 25 August 1605.
Holograph. Seal. 2 pp. (112. 33.)
Viscount Lisle to the Earl of Salisbury.
1605, August 25. Unto the letter which I received from the Council I returned answer by the messenger that brought it. In this, which is particular to your lordship, I presume to speak as to a great counsellor in our State, and consequently one of the only judges of men of my rank and quality, and as to a worthy nobleman, and my honourable friend. I complain, therefore, to you of a very hard course taken with me, to be not only condemned before I be heard or mine actions truly known, but to be punished. For I am by messengers sent out to seek me strictly commanded, wheresoever I were, or doing whatsoever, not to pass further, but presently to return to London, and there to remain, not offering to go to the Court (where it is known that I hold a place of some quality) till the pleasure of my Lords be further known. Which restraint of liberty and forbidding of the Court must appear a punishment, but whether a beginning only or not, I cannot guess. Truly, my Lord, if I were accused to practise an invasion, or the delivering over of this town, I know not what straiter course could be taken with me. For this last journey of mine I have my conscience clear from purpose to offend, and for anything done in it I cannot see wherein I have deserved any blame at all. I chose the way by land to the place of my charge, when I could not by sea. I passed through the country of his Majesty's friends; I stirred not out of the highway hither; I made none but necessary stays in any place; I saw no man of quality, but the ordinary governors of the places where I passed; I conferred with nobody; I visited nobody, I sent to nobody, I heard from nobody, other than in matters necessary for my passage. If the Lords would have stayed till the wind had served, they should have understood what had been become of me. For by this time I trust you have my letters, which I wrote the next day after I came hither, but indeed they had the wind ill, and therefore I know not how soon they came unto your hands. Sir William Brown likewise went since, just the day before I received the letter from the Council, and I now would that the letter had come a day sooner, that I might have left him here in my absence. But I do make all haste to go over, but hitherunto the wind is very contrary; notwithstanding I make this letter ready, as also that unto my Lords, if perhaps a small fisher-boat may steal a passage, before I can have means to ship myself. For I must commit the charge of the town to a new man, who did never command in it before. I know that some might presume out of the words of the letter unto me that the Lords did not think that I was already here; because it stands in it if I were in the territories of the Archdukes or of the States, not naming this place; as also that they did not conceive that Sir W. Brown was come away; and lastly that the ground whence I am persuaded all this did rise, that I was gone to Anwarpe or to Brussels, falls out nothing so, and therefore that I might expect another commandment. But I have too good experience of myself to leave anything to favourable interpretations, and will obey the words of the letter, so as I hope within these two days, if I can get any fit shipping, to be at sea. This letter I know not how you will accept of, but I hope well, for I know I mean well.—At Flushing, 25 August 1605.
Holograph. 3 pp. (112. 34.)
Sir Ralph Gray to the Earl of Salisbury.
1605, August 25. Sir John Carr made an invasion upon his grounds with 200 or more persons. He details various proceedings taken in the matter. The Commissioners for the late Borders, and the Commissioners for England, who judged the cause, accorded possession of the land to him (Gray). Sir John refused to acknowledge their award and committed various seizures and riots. He acquainted the Earl of Dunbar therewith, who required him to set the same in writing and let him know it was the King's pleasure Sir John should be punished for his contempts, and that he was to acquaint the Council of Scotland with the matter. He and Sir John both appeared before that Council on July 25. Particulars of proceedings. In the result the Council left the ground in his possession, committed Sir John to Edinburgh Castle for 4 days for his contempt, and took bonds of him not to molest the possession. Expresses his thanks to Lord Dunbar and Lord Salisbury in the matter.—Chillinghame, 25 August 1605.
Holograph. 3½ pp. (191. 28.)
The Council to Sir Lewis Lewknor.
[1605], August 26. His Majesty is persuaded that the Conte de Villa Medina can no way doubt of his desire to send him away with all honour and contentment, as well in regard of his affection to the King his master as his gracious opinion of his own sincerity. He has commanded us, therefore, to require you to impart unto him the more freely this which follows; as a matter whereof he assures himself he will make that judgment which becomes a wise man, and a lover of the amity, wherein himself has been so good an instrument. It is not unknown to him, how much it has galled the minds of the States to behold his Majesty so far to declare himself as to suffer two persons of the quality of the Earl Hume and the Lord Arundell to carry over troops to the Archdukes' service, apprehending this with this construction, that both these were lately raised to honour, because they were persons in the King's own mind huic provinciae designati. In which, though his Majesty has left them to their own anxieties, without labouring their satisfaction, yet has he this resolution, whensoever he stands in terms with any whomsoever, by virtue of accords, never to dissolve the same by other order than that by which he made them. In which consideration, although his Majesty hitherto has only taken notice by some uncertain speech of the purpose of the Lord Arundell with divers captains and soldiers to steal a passage within one of his Majesty's ships, now wholly dedicated to the Ambassador's service (which he was neither bound to believe further than he liked, or had cause to answer undemanded) yet has it been carried on with such ostentation by those parties, as it is not only strange to his own subjects, who know it to be directly against the treaty, but even M. Caron, agent for the States, has made great plaint of that proceeding in the King, protesting that although he know his masters will never presume to contest for anything as equals with the King, yet that they cannot but implore his Majesty to remember what they ought to expect by his promises to them; and so proceeds to this plain declaration, that although the States yield to his Majesty a quiet passage for the Ambassador with all that he will carry of his own retinue in his Majesty's ships, yet they expect also that his Majesty's word may be sufficient to him, that under that colour men of this profession do not pass, especially considering that this is so unexpected, as he has no such warrant from the States his masters, as that he dare undertake to overrule the States' fleet further than as aforesaid, when they that have hourly intelligence from the coast should find those military men (especially a man of so great note as my Lord Arundell) sought to be transported. Of all which, when you have truly made the Ambassador see the state, we doubt not but he will forbear that course at this time, seeing it would not only spend a great time to secure this by sending to the States, but is most likely to receive a direct contestation there, considering their present ill success in Friseland, the apprehension whereof will move them now to make a mountain of every molehill. This we pray you to impart unto him speedily and privately, because he may with less note dismiss them now in the beginning of his journey, than if he draw nearer to the seaside. And if you find the bearer hereof wearied with his posting, direct your packet to me, the Earl of Salisbury, by the running post, with an endorsement of haste, because we shall long to hear your answer.—Court at Woodstock, 26 August at 2 o'clock in the morning. Suffolk. E. Worcester. Northampton. Salisbury.
Copy corrected by Salisbury. Endorsed: "1605." 2 pp. (112. 37.)
Lord Chief Justice Popham to the Earl of Salisbury.
1605, August 26. I enclose a letter sent by James Morrys the priest, out of Monmouthshire, unto Father Cresswell the Jesuit, now being at Madrid in Spain, and delivered unto me by one Estott [sic. ? Escot] a seaman, as you may perceive by the letter and examination enclosed. This Morrys is the priest that was one of the chiefest occasions of the late stirs both in Monmouthshire and Herefordshire, and is the man who wrote the letters which I delivered to you to some dependants at Court. By the letter you may see what affection they bear both to his Majesty and his most renowned offspring. If he be not taken already, I doubt not but you will have care to lay for him. Smyth, that was in custody, may get him if he will. It were fit he should discover what other course he expects to have holden now. The means how this seaman got this letter was this. He, seeing the affection of this Butler and the boy that went over with him, took occasion to send them on land, and that while searched his coffer, and finding therein this letter, took it, and gave a blank paper the like fold and direction, which he left in the coffer, and with which blank Butler sent away the boy unto Cresswell. This Butler had been stayed at Mynhedd, if the officers had done what they were moved unto; but being by that oversight passed over into Wales, I have written thither for his apprehension, which I hope is done by this, for I hold him rather a carrier for these Jesuits beyond the seas than a merchant, for his stock was not above a matter of 5l. or 6l. The letter the seaman broke open at the first finding of it, and, perceiving the contents thereof, dealt as is before mentioned. This Morrys was married, had divers children, and upon his wife's death went beyond sea and became a priest.
I had resolved to have been now at Oxford to have done my most bounden duty to his Majesty, and to have waited on you with these things myself, but upon Saturday last, having occasion to ride some 5 miles to meet with some justices of this county about the affairs of the county, I fell into a fit of my old grief, of which I cannot yet be cleared, and therefore must humbly crave pardon for my absence.—Litlecott, 26 August 1605.
Holograph. 2 pp. (191. 30.)
The Bishop of Bath and Wells and Benjamin Heydon to the Earl of Salisbury.
1605, August 26. They give details of public disturbances which happened in Wells on August 3. Ann Lund, a convicted recusant for whom many warrants had been sent out, but which could never be executed, was accompanied out of the town on horseback by Mr. Thomas Knoell, her brother, two young gentlemen of the Inner Temple, Windoe and Joye, and a concourse of people. The constables apprehended her, but she was violently taken from them by her husband John Lund, with reproachful speeches, tearing of the constables' clothes, and drawn weapons; to the trouble of the people in the market place, who were forced to remove their standings and take the poles of them for their defence. The Lord Chief Justice thereupon came to Wells to stay these outrages in aid of Popish recusants. The latter have entertained traitorous priests in their houses, feasted their associates, braved the Bishop at his own gates, to his great grief and the common offence of all the well disposed. Notwithstanding the course taken with them by the Lord Chief Justice, they have since carried themselves very offensively, giving out that they will try the law with the constables; besides many outrageous contempts committed by John Lund against the Bishop, sitting judicially to hear the cause of his wife. It is given out that Lund is now gone to Court with Knoell to procure special favour in defending his and his wife's misbehaviours. The writers therefore advertise Salisbury, in case Lund and Knoell should attempt any private or untrue suggestions. The bearer, who was present at the examination, will give true information on the matter.— Wells, 26 August 1605.
Signed. 1½ pp. (191. 31.)
Lord Arundel of Wardour to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1605], August 27. As concerning the business which Mr. Levinus [Munck] imparted to me from your lordship, I returned my answer to him with many thanks for your care of me and my reputation. Other matters also I communicated to him, which I refer to his relation.
This day being in Gravesend with the Spanish Ambassador he told me of a messenger newly arrived from the Court with letters to Sir Lewis Lewkner to warn him not to bear me over with him, for that Caroon [Caron] had complained that some of my captains should vaunt that they should pass with the Spanish Ambassador, which complaint how true it is may be guessed, when I assure you there is none of the captains now to go over, but Sir Edward Parham only, the rest being all passed already, so as it seems the only intent is that I by this prohibition should incur disgrace and danger; which though Caroon may intend, yet I hope the Council have no such meaning. The pass I have from his Majesty is to serve any prince (being in amity) indefinitely, and Caroon cannot make me confess that I intend to serve the Archduke, which if I did intend, yet I see no occasion why (if his Majesty be lord of the Narrow Seas) I may not as well pass from Dover to Dunkirk, as from London to Dover. If in these cases the privilege of being a peer of this real may advance me anything, I should be glad by your favour to enjoy it.—Gravesend, 27 August.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1605." 1 p. (101. 129.)
Sir William Waad to the Same.
1605, August 27. In the midst of those choice exercises of learning, it may seem a great incongruity to certify you of the two young lion's whelps, how they run abroad about the court and play like wanton whelps; but the tender care the dam has over them shows the generosity of their nature. For being the most strong and fierce beast of all others, it is not possible to see more careful affection in any dumb creature than the female shows to her little ones. I viewed them a long while this morning: they grow strong, and are of the bigness of great mastie whelps of 6 weeks old. Their cry is altogether like young kitlings. When the dam thinks they have sported abroad long enough, she takes them in very tenderly with her mouth and the help of her claws, and lays them one upon the other in their cabin, and covers them with straw. I think by observing them, that the poultry given to the old lions is not so kind a food for them, because when they pull them the feathers stick in their mouths, and some being swallowed down greatly trouble them. It is against received tradition that the lion brings forth more than one, which was the brave device and emblem of that great Queen, the King's mother "unum attamen leonem," meaning his Royal Majesty, her son. The Spanish Ambassador, Conde de Villa Mediana, took his barge yesterday in the morning at Tower Hill towards Gravesend. There had like to have been some stir in Bartholomew Fair by prentices being gathered together, but the presence and discretion of the Lord Mayor dispersed them presently.—From the Tower, 27 August 1605.
Holograph. 1 p. (112. 38.)
Ralph Gill to [the Earl of Salisbury].
1605, August 27. Touching the best course for the tame bringing up of the male lion, I fear me it will hardly be effected, having had experience of a lion's whelp of 3 months' old, which was sent over to her late Majesty about 7 years since. Which whelp I brought up in my house with a purpose to make it tame, and for the better accomplishment thereof I brought up a young dog of the same growth to be his play-fellow, which were as familiar and loving, as one whelp can possibly be with another, and as gamesome with myself and my children as any spaniel could be; until such time as he growing up to further strength, which was about some 3 months after, he contrary to all expectation, considering his former affection, violently fell upon the dog and killed him, and withal grew so fierce that afterwards he bit one of my servants. Whereupon not daring to make further trial, I was constrained to turn him into the den. Yet notwithstanding what course you shall think fit to be done shall be most carefully performed. The greatest danger which I most feared, namely their breeding of teeth, I hope is past, for each of them now has 3 or 4 teeth. I cannot as yet perceive that the male lion has offered to leap the female.—From the Lions' Tower, 27 August 1605.
Holograph. 1 p. (112. 39.)
Sir Lewis Lewkenor to the Earl of Salisbury.
1605, August 27. I received last night a letter from your lordships which this morning I imparted privately to the Count of Villa Mediana, who, calling presently for the other Ambassador, told me that Dr. Taylor had formerly from your lordships brought him other direction, and therefore demanded by what authority I intimated to him any such message. I told him by letters from your lordships, which he required to see, otherwise he would hold him to the first message, delivered him by Dr. Taylor; which was that he might freely pass Lord Arundel over with him in his ship. I read the letter to him in Spanish, every point whereof he set down in writing; which done, he entreated me to withdraw, and after some private consultation with the new Ambassador, he sent for Lord Arundel, who is in this town, with sundry gentlemen and captains attending him. After long debate, Lord Arundel going out, he sent for me, telling me he would write to the King and your lordships, requesting me to see the same sent. He is now busied thereabout. I find both him and the other extremely perplexed; letting escape many speeches of great passion, of which I doubt not his letters will savour, which he now sends. I cannot draw from him what he intends to do, the speeches being very irresolute, and his apprehension of this matter more feeling in my opinion than needs, drawing things to very strange constructions, some altogether frivolous. I will attend his better appeased humour, and as I shall draw certainties from him will acquaint you. I understand Lord Arundel determines, not receiving any direct prohibition, to adventure himself in this passage, with certain gentlemen that follow him; which how he will determine, upon better deliberation, I know not.
The Ambassadors both this night lie at Sir John Roper's house, whence to-morrow Don Pedro de Cuniga returns to London, and the other onward on his journey to Sandwich; for to Dover he will not by any means go, in regard, as he says, of some distastes he has received thence.—Gravesend, 27 August 1605.
Holograph. 1 p. (191. 32.)
R. Cocks to Thomas Wilson.
1605, Aug. 28/Sept. 7. Seven days past I wrote you from this town of Bayon, hoping it would have come in time to have gone with the same conveyance that my former of the 25th ult. went by; but by the negligence of somebody it was left behind, and I make account comes along by this same conveyance. These country people are still of the opinion that an army is making ready in England, and now they say it is to come against this town of Bayon, and that which makes them to believe it the more is a report of a Spaniard taken at the Paw who has discovered great practices against France, and that the king of England should have a hand in the matter. Also it is reported that Mons. de la Furça, Viceroy of Byeen, has taken many gentlemen prisoners, as is done with many others in other parts of France about attempts against Norbona, Montpiller, and other towns. And now there is flying speeches that some are discovered that thought to have made an attempt against a town called Lyborne near unto Bordeaux, with a castle thereunto adjoining, the principal author whereof should be the brother of the Marshal Beron [Biron]. It is a world to hear men's opinions, for you know the fashion of these country folk, that they are no niggards of their tongues to speak freely whatsoever they think. That which made me to laugh the other day was, in walking on the bridge of Bayon in company of Fle[mings], we met with certain mariners of Cap. . . . ton, who began to rail against the Flemings, calling them thieves and villains. In fine, they have pilfered two or three ships of this country, coming from Newfoundland and out of South Spain, and it is said there are 30 or 40 sail of them upon the coast of Spain, so that no man dare look out, and a bark which is come into Bayon verily thinks that they have met with the King of Spain's galleons which went out of the Passage, which if they have it will go hard with them. If any matter of importance be offered you shall hear from me, but you must not marvel if it be not so often as you expect, for passage per sea is not every day at pleasure, and that which is a great hindrance is the sickness at Bourdeaux, for now it is so hot that there is no conveyance of letter per that way, neither per consequence per Rochell.—Bayon, 7 Sept. 1605.
Holograph. 2½ pp. (112. 60.)
Commissioners for the Borders.
1605, August 28. Orders agreed upon at the Convention held at Hawick on 28 August 1605, of the King's Commissioners, viz. Sir William Selbie, Sir William Seton, Convener of the said quarter, Sir Patrick Chirnesyde, Sir John Charters, Sir Gedeon Murrey and Mr. Edward Graie, for the regulation of the trials of English and Scottish crimes and civil offences.
1 p. (191. 33.)
Sir Thomas Edmondes to the Earl of Salisbury.
1605, August 28. The day after the receipt of Salisbury's letters of the 12th instant he procured audience of the Archduke and let him know that his Majesty had yielded at the instance of their Ambassadors to mediate with the States for the licensing of the Spaniards at Dover to pass into the ports of Flanders. He told him also the answer his Majesty had received from the States, of which he had sent Edmondes a copy, containing their humble excuse for not assenting to the request which they judged to be of too important inconvenience to the state of their affairs [see above, p. 348]; that his Majesty, thereupon finding that persuasion could nothing prevail with them, knew not how to proceed further in the matter but prayed him to take in good part his goodwill, and that he was sorry he had to deal with a people who so little respected their honour and so much their apprehension. The Archduke acknowledged great thankfulness to his Majesty for the testimony of his favour and hoped there would be other means found for the withdrawing of the Spaniards. In no other sort neither the Archduke nor any other with whom Edmondes had conference showed to be sensible of that denial being unexpected by them. He told the Archduke further it was a great mistake to conceive his Majesty would undertake in proposing a liberty of trade to Antwerp by Lillo to induce the States also to consent to the like toleration for the ports of Flanders. The Archduke said he knew not wherein it could import more interest to admit trade as well into those parts as to the other place and he hoped his Majesty would not do himself the wrong to suffer his subjects to be debarred by them of their trade. Edmondes answered that his Majesty never promised to undertake more than for the freedom of his own ports and the States persisting as they did to withstand the trade into these countries, his Majesty was not to be further pressed in that enterprise. President Ricardott further complained that the Hollanders were suffered to besiege his Majesty's ports in contempt of his proclamations; but Edmondes told him he was misinformed for order was taken to defend the King's jurisdiction.
Spinola has attempted nothing since the taking of Lighen (sic) but uses great care to make that place the seat for his plantation there. Because his army diminishes by the forces he leaves in the garrisons, besides the new levies which he makes in these parts, three regiments are to be sent to his re-inforcement, whereof one is the regiment of the English, another of Spaniards commanded by Don Alonso de Luna and a third of Liegeois. It is said he has used a further liberality to the soldiers since the taking of Linghen, first allowing a pound of flesh a day to a footman and the double thereof to a horseman. but since reducing it to a daily allowance of money. 2 sols to a footman and 4 to a horseman, to entertain the soldiers in the better affection towards him and to contain them from committing excesses upon the country. It is conceived that he is doubtful now what to undertake since he finds that Count Maurice has now prevailed for the placing of strong garrisons in the towns and he desires nothing so much as to engage the Count to fight.
It is said that Le Terrail secretly prepares to make shortly a new trial of the surprising of Bergen of Zoone, supposing to find those of that town not expecting so soon to be visited with new alarums. It is said that an Englishman is of the party, which remained long in that garrison. Understands other projects are in hand for some enterprises upon Ardembourg, in which courses only Count Frederick seeks to exercise the troops under his charge without being able to undertake any great actions with them.
The Archduke and the Infanta having little business are gone some nine leagues hence in devotion to the Lady of Sichem, which has the reputation amongst them here of doing great miracles. After their return they intend to spend some time at a house of pleasure of theirs called Biens near Mons in Haynolt.
Mistress Southwell of whom Salisbury writes in his last letters has not yet addressed herself to this place. There came hither some ten days since one Mistress Morgan, sister to Sir Matthew Morgan, with two other English maids with her. They are in hand to be received into the English nunnery of this town which is of the Order of St. Benedict. Sends a relation of the last advertisements out of Germany and Italy.—From Bruxelles, 28 August 1605.
Copy. 5¼ pp. (227. p. 93.)
[Original in P.R.O. State Papers For., Flanders, 7.]
Sir William Waad to the Earl of Salisbury.
1605, August 29. Before the receipt of your last letters, with which I received one for Mr. Gill, I satisfied you for the strength and in what plight those two royal beasts are. The dam, when they come abroad will not only play with them herself, but brings them to the male, to disport himself with his little ones, which he does with more gravity, wallowing on his back; and when the female thinks they have been long enough abroad, she takes them in, in most heedful manner. Your lordship shall note a discreet care, more than for a dumb beast, the which I noted in the dam. There is at one end of the court a cistern lately made to hold water for the old lions, but goes steep down, so that at the end it is some 4 ft. or 5 ft. deep. Because of the little ones it is kept dry, and one of these got to the side of the cistern; the dam foreseeing the danger that it might fall down, which no man could have prevented, runs down into the cistern, and with her head kept back the little whelp from falling in, making a mourning noise, until she had removed it, then came up again and got it away. I have been bold to draw a letter to the Commissioners [of] Sewers concerning the town and Tower ditch, according to your instructions, which as yet has not been sat on, until this day we have appointed a meeting, whereof it may please you to have consideration, that it may be sent presently unto us; the Lord Mayor and Aldermen seeming to me to take no knowledge of these courses so suddenly taken to bring all the soil of the suburbs into the Tower ditch, which will poison us all. There is not any commissioner here for the county but myself. therefore I was bold to add a clause in the letter to advise the Commissioners to an indifferency, for naturally they bear no good will to the Tower, and yet they bear me in hand of better concurrence than heretofore.—From the Tower, 29 August 1605.
Holograph. Seal. 2 pp. (112. 40.)
The Council to Viscount Lisle.
1605, August 30. We have received a letter of yours bearing date 25 August in answer of ours of the 20th, wherein we observe your readiness to obey his Majesty's commandments, which we did ever expect in you and approve; and because it seems that you conceive that our proceedings have been with more severity than your case requires, we think it not amiss to answer you in these few words, referring further circumstances until you shall present yourself before us. That which was written to you was grounded upon your own actions, and not upon men's intentions, which require more time to be discerned than in this case was to be attended, further than in that proportion which his Majesty afforded you; which was to call, and not to condemn you, unless his Majesty or we his councillors should have been more curious to preserve your private than careful to prevent those doubtful constructions, to which your journey has exposed him and his actions. For as the conclusion of your voyage could not be foreknown to us, before you now advertised it, so the beginning could not be unsuspected by others, whom rules of state and amity cannot deny the liberty to observe the proceedings of other princes especially those between whom there are more than general conditions of amity and friendship. And therefore, as we did at the first lay before you many important considerations, which moved his Majesty directly to inhibit your further progress into the Archdukes' countries, not so much because he could then conceive no just occasion thereof, but because he heard from diverse persons at the same instant, that you had declared to Mr. Noel Caron, and other ministers of foreign princes, that you would send for his Majesty's Ambassador to meet you at Antwerp (a course seldom used in our experience by any person, without privity of the State, when there was no employment concurring, nor no desire to make use of that opinion for some public consideration), so we have thought fit to let you know by this, that there is no cause for the present to return you any other answer than is above-mentioned, saving only in this point, that where you have declared how ill you are provided of a sufficient deputy when you shall come over, considering Sir William Browne's absence, besides some indisposition of your own at the receipt of ours, his Majesty is now pleased to dispense with you for leaving that place until Sir William Browne shall be arrived; after which we shall expect your repair according to our former letter.—From the Court at Oxford, 30 August 1605.
Copy. 1½ pp. (112. 41.)
The Council to Viscount Lisle.
1605, August 30. From the Court at Oxon, 30 August 1605.
Draft of the preceding letter, with corrections by Salisbury. 1½ pp. (191. 36.)
The Earl of Salisbury to the Same.
[1605, August 30]. If I could conceive, that in the carriage of this late accident of yours there had anything passed from my Lords of other nature than the case required for the good of his Majesty's service, or if I did not expect your own return in short time, I would have answered your private letter to me at greater length, because you wrote so to me in yours of the 25th, besides that to my Lords, and also because I am at all times desirous to satisfy all men of the reasons of my actions in this kind. Only in respect of a doubtful clause in your letter to me, wherein you defy all the world for anything they can charge you with of ill intention, I think it not amiss to say shortly this, that if you intend that to those only that have censured you so, it neither belongs to me to answer it, for anything done as a councillor, nor as a private man. But if I thought your lordship remained doubtful of me for passion or practice, either out of your own imagination, or by the factious reports of others, it is all the answer that I would make, to wish you to believe what might best serve your turn, for I confess I am not so desirous to appear clearly that which I profess to those that have honour in them, but I should be as careless to satisfy others, who would so far descend from true virtue as to judge worse of me than they do of themselves. Thus much, my Lord, I answer, not as thinking your challenge other than most just in itself, but as a man acquainted with the darts of ill tongues, and one of whom I hear it is conceived that I am aptest to do good offices where I am oftenest suspect.
Draft unsigned. Endorsed: "1605, 30th Aug." 1½ pp. (112. 42.)
News from Venice, etc.
1605, Aug. 30/Sept. 9. Newsletter containing dispatches from Milan relating to the proceedings of Fuentes and the siege of Orange by Lesdiguières; from Vienna and other places reporting the progress of the war in Hungary. Also news from various parts of Italy and from Constantinople. News from Antwerp and Cologne of Spinola's proceedings in the Low Countries. The Roman intelligence contains news from France.—Venice, 9 Sept. 1605.
4 pp. (112. 47.)
Henry Ramelius, Danish Ambassador, to Viscount Cranborne (sic).
1605, August 30. Requesting him to find him a lodging and to announce his arrival to the King.—On board ship, 30 August 1605.
Signed. Latin. ¾ p. (191. 34.)
Magistrates of Hamburg to the Earl of Salisbury.
1605, August 31. Letter of credence for their secretary, Bernhard Tegius, sent on a mission to England.
Seal. Latin. 1 p. (191. 36.)
Sir George More to the Council.
1605, August 31. Since the receipt of your letters commanding me to cause all those, which having received letters of privy seal for the loan of money within the county of Surrey have not paid the sum required of them, to make present payment, or to show that they have lent in London or some other county, and thereof making default, to appear before your lordships; I have written to them all, from whom having received little money, but either certificate of lending in other counties, or the same answer of disability to lend which they formerly have made, I have paid the money and send unto you herewith a certificate of their answers returned unto me—This last of August 1605.
Signed. Seal. ½ p. (112. 44.)
The Enclosure.
1605, August 31. "A certificate of the names of such persons as having received his Majesty's letters of privy seal for the loan of money within the county of Surrey, excuse the notpayment thereof, or make no answer":—
100l.—William Mills esq. was assessed to pay 50l. only, for which he received a new privy seal.
25l.—The Lady Allet, widow, Gerard Gore, gent., William Bonde, gent., Henry Haward, citizen, James Chibell and Raphe Pratt, that they have lent in the city of London.
25l.—Philip Connesly, knt. disables himself as before, in regard of his small living etc.
25l.—Richard Bostock, esq. that he is of great years etc.
25l.—Matthew Dale, that he has no land.
25l.—William Harman, knt. that he is willing but unable to lend.
20l.—John Dryland returns no answer, but that he is in debt.
20l.—Robt. Quennell, that he lent at the last loan to her Majesty, and is unpaid, and having given the greatest part of his living to his son, he now is unable to lend.
25l.—Sir Matthew Carew, that long since he removed out of the shire, and a privy seal in Middlesex.
25l., 20l., 20l.—William Gresham, knt., Henry Dorrell, esq. and Humphrey Covert, gent., have promised to procure a discharge long since, or to bring the money, but do neither.
25l., 25l., 20l.—William Mynne, knt., Thomas Muschamp, knt., and John Cotten, gent., his Majesty's servants in ordinary, that they are willing, but unable to lend.
20l.—Edward Waterhouse, knt., that he is his Majesty's ward.
25l.—William Ratclif, gent., that being unpaid the money which he lent to our late sovereign, he is altogether unable to lend.
25l.—Edward Peacock, knt., that he received a privy seal for Middlesex.
25l.—The Lady Weston, that her estate is much decayed.
50l.—Sir Edward Randell has made promise to pay, but does not.
Of the Clergy.
20l.—Michael Rabbet, parson of Stretham, that being unpaid the last loan, prays to be spared, the rather for that he is now employed in the translation of the New Testament, which is cause unto him of extraordinary charge.
20l., 20l.—John Studley, parson of Ockham, and John Reeve, parson of Stoke Daborne, that they are unpaid the money which they lent at the last loan.
20l.—Mr. Day, that through many losses he is unable to lend.
20l.—Mr. Cawson, parson of Oxsted, that his living is small, and he in debt.
20l.—Francis Taillour, parson of Godalming, that he has but a poor vicarage, that he dwells amongst many poor, by whom he loses much of his living, that he has many children, and has had a long sickness.
20l.—Mr. Dawson, parson of Redreth, has paid in London.
20l.—Mr. Cordell, parson of Sutton, that he is in debt and without money.
Mr. Binyon, parson of Crawley, and Mr. Word, parson of Bedington, return no answer.
I conceive Sir William Harman, Sir Philip Connesly, Sir William Gresham, Richard Bostock, Matthew Dale, William Ratclif, Robt. Quennell most fit to be spared, and of the clergy, Michael Rabbet, John Studley, Robt. Cordell, Francis Taillour, Mr. Cawson and Mr. Day.
Signed: George More. 1½ pp. (112. 43.)
The Earl of Thomond to the Earl of Salisbury.
1605, August 31. If there had been any news in this kingdom worthy the advertising, I would not have been so long silent. There is never a lord in Ireland or England that more loves and honours you, except it be my good friend, Sir George Carew, lord of Clopton. What hard success I have had in my grant, and the ward that I had under the broad seal being left out of the establishment, I have desired him to acquaint you withal, and wish that I had never made that suit. I have sent your lordship a goshawk, for that I had never a falcon this year, in respect my man by negligence suffered them to be "forered," myself being at Dublin. If you next year send a man of yours hither, he shall have the command of the long winged hawks and short that I shall have, who will use them better than my man can.—Bonratty, the last of August 1605.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (112. 45.)
Chief Justice Popham to the Earl of Salisbury.
1605, August 31. I received this last night from Sir Rowland Morgan a letter by which I understand he has apprehended David Butler and committed him to Cardiff gaol, where he remains until you give further directions. The examination which charges him I sent you enclosed in my last letter.—From Lytlecot, the last of August 1605.
Holograph. 1 p. (112. 46.)
Sir Lewis Lewkenor to the Same.
1605, August 31. I have deferred writing, expecting the return of Dr. Taylor, whose message will either appease or yield more matter to the passionate humour of the Ambassador, inclining already to very strange apprehensions, imputing things that fell out casually to have been done in contempt of him; as after having been contested withal at Gravesend for carriage and excessive prices demanded (no endeavour of mine being able to do anything with that obstinate people); coming thence to Rochester, and being furnished by the constable with horses for the cart wherein his own best things went; one Mr. Richard Lee of St. Margaret's in the hundred of Rochester attended the horses out of the town, and setting upon the Ambassador's servants with pitchforks and staves, took them away violently; the news whereof coming to the Ambassador, moved him so far that he would presently have written thereof to his Majesty, had I not used great instance to dissuade him, with assurance that I would acquaint you therewith; and in truth the matter deserves examination and punishment.
Tuesday night he came to Sir John Roper's house, where he received a letter from Lord Northampton endorsed to Dr. Taylor, and in his absence to the Count himself, which he opening, found that the mariners and surgeons of Dover had complained to my Lord of his embarking at Sandwich, which they imagined should be to avoid such promises as had been made unto them that at his departure he should at his passage from Dover see them all satisfied. This also infinitely distempered him, saying that the mariners had done nothing but that they were well paid for, and as for the surgeons, they rather deserved punishment than reward. As for his going to Sandwich in any such regard, he took it heinously that there should be any such surmise.
At length coming to Sandwich, thither repaired unto him Don Pedro de Sarmiento, Colonel of the Spaniards at Dover, with sundry captains of those companies, who publicly at the table, in the presence of Sir John Roper, myself and other gentlemen, exceedingly inveighed against the Mayor of Dover and government there, and the hard, extreme usage which they have there received alleging injuries offered them, of which the Count de Villa Mediana said that in a meeting at my Lord Treasurer's house with your lordship he had made complaint, and that my Lord Northampton being present had promised correction for the abuses passed, and prevention of those to come; but neither the one nor the other had been done. They have framed a letter to Lord Northampton, very large and expostulatory. Dr. Taylor's stay causes the delay of the Ambassador's embarking, so that I, understanding the Ambassador of Denmark to be now at Gravesend, intend to take my leave presently of the Count of Villa Mediana, and to be at Gravesend this night, leaving here Sir Thomas Vane and Sir William Munson, who are both very careful to give contentment to the Count. At my last departure from him he used very temperate speeches, acknowledging great obligations to his Majesty, and desiring me to recommend his service to you.
Here are in this town at least 40 English gentlemen attending to go over with him, and whether the Baron Arundel be here privately or no I know not, but I think he is, for which I have great presumptions. The Count of Villa Mediana intends to embark this night.—Sandwich, last of August 1605.
Holograph. 2½ pp. (191. 37.)
Postal endorsements: "Hast hast post hast hast post hast hast, Lewes Lewkenor. At Cant[erbury] the 31 of August at 6 a Clock in the aftear none. Seattingborne the 31 day of August hallfe on ouer past 8 a Clocke at night. Rochester past 10 aclocke at night. Darford paste 2 in the night the 31 of Auguste."
[The Earl of Salisbury] to [the Lord Chief Justice].
[1605, ? August]. The first preface which I will use shall be to excuse myself for making no answer by your first messenger at Oxford; we courtiers being then so far in love with disputations as we could not attend any other business. I am sorry you have so ill a companion as the stone, though I doubt not but you will be soon eased thereof, which I wish, and as much good else as your heart can desire. For the matter . . . . . the spirit that wrote the letter to be full of poison; and therefore he were well worth the apprehension; for which purpose I conceive you may do well, seeing David Butler is apprehended, and the suspicion truly gathered by you that he is rather a factor for priests than for wares, to cause him to be sent up unto you to be strictly examined about him by you, whose dwelling is near to the place of his apprehension; that upon conference with him, or upon certificate of his behaviour, you may either dismiss him or else take bonds of him to appear here. This I write because we cannot now be so severe as to punish the carrier of letters, peace being concluded with all nations, except it appear that they be receivers of them from ["known priests" struck out] those that they know to be offenders, or privy to the contents of such stuff as is contained in them.
Our news are here not great, only those after which I know you hearken most are such as you would desire; for his Majesty with all his continues in perfect health; and for foreign things they are as you left them; saving that there is now newly arrived an Ambassador from Denmark, whose principal errand is to be installed for the King his master; which shall be done with great solemnity on Sunday at Windsor; from whence within 3 days after the King intends to remove, and leave the Q[ueen] till Michaelmas at Hampton Court, intending to spend some time about Waltham and Savill during most part of that time. I did not forget [to] recommend your duty and your excuse to his Majesty, both which he took in very good part, and willed me to say that he were weary of you, yet he would wish you to live as long as himself, assuring for conclusion that you are not meanly seated in his Majesty's gracious favour; to which if I can make the least addition, you shall be sure of my best offices.—Undated.
Draft. Endorsed: "1605. Minute to the Lord Chief Justice from my Lord." 3½ pp. Damaged. (114. 119.)
[The Earl of Salisbury] to the [Deputy Lieutenants of Hertfordshire].
[1605 ? August]. Draft apparently of a circular letter, informing his correspondents of his appointment as Lord Lieutenant of Herts. and nominating each of them as a Deputy Lieutenant. Encloses their deputation, with transcript of his commission and copy of letter from the Council to him.— Undated.
In hand of Salisbury's secretary. Endorsed: "1605. Copy of my Lord's letter to the Deputy Lieutenants of Hertfordshire." 2½ pp. (192. 22.)
Town of Hertford.
[1605, ? August]. Particular of things not granted in the Hertford charter, that were petitioned for.—Undated.
Endorsed: "1605." ½ p. (214. 53.)
[The Earl of Salisbury] to [Lord Arundel].
[1605, before Sept.] He is informed that Arundel purposes to travel into foreign parts, the better to enable him for the King's and country's service; and that he is parting with some of his jennets and mares "belonging to your race," which have been chargeably bred and maintained. If this be so, begs him to reserve him 3 or 4, and let him know the price.—Undated.
Draft in Levinus Munck's hand. Endorsed: "1605. Lord Arundell." ½ p. (113. 123.)