Cecil Papers: September 1605, 1-15

Pages 410-423

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 17, 1605. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1938.

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September 1605, 1-15

Sir William Selby to the Earl of Salisbury.
1605, Sept. 1. The Scottish commissioners having appointed a justice court (that is, a gaol delivery), to be held at Hawick for trial of felons, amongst which were divers English, especially Tindale and Riddsdale men sent in by the Earl of Dunbar to answer Scottish complainers; did by letters entreat me to be present that I might see the English have equal justice; which I did, carrying in with me the said Tindale and Riddesdale men and some others accused to have committed felonies in Scotland since the happy conjunction.
At a conference before the holding of the court, we differed in opinion upon the points following. Some of them held that by the general commission the English were authorised judges in their justice courts, and they in our gaol deliveries (for which end they urged us much to sit with them), that we had power to deal in civil causes and in bills and debts due before the King's entry. We were not of their mind, but at last after much conference we concluded the articles following, as well for clearing the said points, as for better directing the commanders of the horsemen in the execution of their office, to the end none should be apprehended without good probability of their offences, nor stolen goods seized but in good form; of which articles the double is herewith. I do likewise send you the form of proceeding in their courts, with some observations which I noted much differing from ours. The Earl of Dunbar caused this court to be held, whose presence and advice have given great furtherance to the service. Mr. Edward Gray was likewise in Hawick at this court.—Baremore, 1 Sept. 1605.
Signed. Seal. 1 p. (112. 51.)
Viscount Lisle to the Same.
[1605, before Sept. 2 ?]. After I had written the rest, I spake with one who was on Thursday last in the army, which is near to Deventer, where they begin to make some works. The 20 companies which went out of these quarters arrived there that night. Count Moris purposes when he has his troops together, to draw near to Spinola, and to fight with him if he can be within 3 or 4,000 as strong as he; and Spinola on the other side seems as desirous to fight, who yet was afore no place. Coverden and Bertangle are thought to be assured for this year, because of the coming on of the winter; for they are both in marshes. Count Moris has sent men to Lochum, Bredevorde and Groll. Spinola it is thought will winter in those parts. The Governor of Linghen walks up and down as a prisoner. But it is thought he will justify himself, laying the fault upon some officers of the States, who did not in time supply his wants; for the place it seems was lost for want of munition. Here is some speech of assistance to come to Count Moris from the Landgrave of Hess and other princes of Germany, but I know not what to affirm in it.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "5 Sept. 1605." (fn. 1) 1 p. (191. 43.)
Viscount Lisle to the Earl of Salisbury.
1605, Sept. 2. According as I wrote to the Council and to you, I made my best speed in settling the Sergeant Major to command, in the absence of me and of Sir William Brown, and in providing shipping. Once I was at sea and was driven back by foul weather. At the last I got a good passage, and came hither yesternight, and trust to be at London to-morrow. For indeed I have never a good leg, neither can well abide a boot upon either of them. As soon as I am at London I will advertise you, and expect further order. —Canterbury, 2 Sept. 1605.
PS. When I came from Flushing the opinion there of the best sort was that the Marquis Spinola was dead of sickness. There were no news came from Count Moris since his being at Ommen.
Holograph. 1 p. (191. 39.)
William Udall to the Same.
1605, Sept. 2. Acknowledges the intolerable wrongs he has done Salisbury, and does not deserve his favours in suffering him to be at liberty and in sparing to inflict just punishment. Has sought to show his sorrow for his foul committed errors. Has spoken with Mr. Thomas Strange, from whom proceeded the original of his greatest miseries, in order to yield satisfaction, and has delivered some of Strange's letters to be showed to Salisbury; also particulars Strange has discovered to him about two books to be printed in France, concerning the late Queen and Lord Burghley. There is jealousy conceived that the letters are not in Strange's writing, and that no such books are intended; and this jealousy makes him forbear offering other important matters. If Salisbury will entertain what is offered by Strange, he will find everything performed. As yet he but entertains opportunities, until either by Salisbury or the Lord Chief Justice he may be directed further. If these letters be not Strange's; if the other particulars proceeded not from Strange himself; and if he has ever been found to deal haltingly; he disclaims all favour whatever.—Holborn, 2 Sept. 1605.
Holograph. 1½ pp. (191. 40.)
Sir William Monson to the Same.
[1605, Sept. 3]. I arrived this day, being the 3rd of September, with the Conde de Villia (sic) Mediana at Graveling, it being the third day after his embarking at the Downs, the wind being so contrary as I could not safely put him ashore sooner. Upon his arrival he was met by my Lord Arandall, who reported that he passed over by the way of Callis, but examining the matter more particularly I found that he embarked himself secretly in the Adventure, naming himself a servant of the Lord Lisle's, who meant to travel from Graveling to Flushing by land. I understood before how much it was against your will he should pass in any of his Majesty's ships, and to prevent it I gave strait charge to the captain of the Adventure that he should in no case take either passenger or follower of the Ambassador's aboard him without my warrant, for I meant to see and be acquainted with all men's going over. He notwithstanding received him aboard, as your lordship has heard, and therefore if there be offence in his manner of going I desire the blame may light upon them that have deserved it. Capt. Bradgate pretends ignorance in that he knew not who he was, but he cannot excuse himself in disobeying my command, and is therefore worthy of blame, which I refer to your consideration.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "3 Sept. 1605." 1 p. (112. 52.)
Postal endorsements:—"Graveling the iiijth of September 3 a clok in the morning. At Cant. the 6th of September at 5 a cllock of night. Seattingborne the 6th of September halfe on ouer past 8 a clocke at night. Rochester at 10 aclocke at night. Darford past 2 in the night the same day. At Stanes . . . . of the clock the vijth of . . . . [incomplete.]"
[Printed in extenso under date 4 Sept. in Monson's Tracts, III, pp. 335, 336 (Navy Records Society).]
Edward and Thomas Hayes to the Earl of Salisbury.
1605, Sept. 4. Vouchsafe at some leisure to peruse our conceit presented herewith, which imports many respects, as may be desired in a project of piety, charity, profit, opportunity, honour, concerning God, people distressed, King and commonweal, the time and person that will vouchsafe to patronise it. Notwithstanding we dare not be justified the authors but to your lordship alone, yet if this project be looked into, it will appear as a spacious field, out of which small grasses may be picked to load a wain and never be seen. Our country is strangely annoyed with idle, loose and vagrant people. The State has wisely in parliament sought redress. The infection nevertheless has widely increased and might seem desperate, were it not that by accident a motion for inference of small copper moneys offers opportunity of perfect reformation. The suit of these moneys is grounded under pretence of commonwealth, yet if it might be diverted to so public a cure, good success may that motion have and happy should we be, the ancientest movers.—From the Lady Scott's house in Clerkenwell Close, 4 Sept. 1605.
PS. We are not ignorant the Queen makes the copper moneys her suit, whose profits may also be enlarged upon this honourable course.
Signed. Seal. Endorsed: "Two Heys to me wth a Project of Bee Hives." 1 p. (112. 53.)
The Earl of Dorset, Lord Treasurer, to the Earl of Salisbury.
1605, Sept. 4. I forbore to come in to you because ceremonies should not trouble you. I have nothing but to tell you that your letter for the lease of St. John's in Oxford is according to my desire, with a most effectual and just answer, such as if that satisfy not the party, nothing will. I go now to Horseley, thence to Knol, where I was not but only in the first beginning all the year. Thence for 3 or 4 days to Buchurst, where I was not these 7 years. I will not fail to be at Hampton Court; but to be at Windsor I hope I need not, only my hope in you is that except there be necessary cause I be not sent for; and if there be, willingly upon your letter I come at midnight.—Dorset House, 4 Sept. 1605.
Holograph. 1 p. (191. 41.)
Captain Henry Pepwell to the Same.
1605, Sept. 4. You gave me warrant to receive 20l. for my charges in bringing letters from the Ambassador Leger in Spain. The expenses of the posts and my charge of diet amounts to 50l. I submit myself to your discretion. I have delivered to your secretary, Mr. Brereton, a note under the Spanish Ambassador's hand of what is allowed to every courier in like case.—London, 4 Sept. 1605.
Holograph. 1 p. (191. 42.)
Viscount Lisle to the Same.
1605, Sept. 5. I am come hither this evening, having used the favour you gave me, not to take great journeys for the sparing of my legs, which now begin to grow somewhat better. I beseech you to let his Majesty or my Lords of the Council understand that here I will stay till I receive further directions.—At London, 5 Sept. 1605.
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (112. 84.)
The Same to [the Same].
1605, Sept. 5. Although I hope to see your lordship very shortly, yet because by letter you make me see that you rest unsatisfied of somewhat which in a letter of mine seemed doubtful, I choose also rather by letter to give you satisfaction. For as I think it a very unworthy part, especially for a nobleman, not to make good what either he had directly said, or what when he spake covertly he were guilty to himself he did mean, and would rather for mine own part venture any course than to do it; so on the other side I think it as far from honour or true valour not to give satisfaction when justly a man may, and that he is in good manner (as now I am by your lordship) called unto it. It is true therefore that I said, and shall ever say, that I defy all the world and every man in it that will say they can charge me with any disloyalty towards the King, and in that would not except my brother, if he were alive. And in protestations of this nature general terms must be urged, lest the avoiding of some might imply the unclearness towards any, and anyone that could justly accuse me were sufficient testimony against me. Besides, I spake to your lordship and could not therefore well speak of you. For, I said, I spake to a great councillor, a principal nobleman, and my honourable friend, all which may argue that I meant some that might speak to you, not that you should speak of me to any. Indeed, my Lord, I was disquieted in mind, seeing a present disgrace undeservedly laid upon me, and a future danger to which I saw the way made for me; and that perhaps might out of the bitterness of my heart make me speak with less circumspection than otherwise I would have done. But in this and like matters probabilities are not expected, but plain and direct answers. I can say, therefore, and can say it justly, that in using the words afore-written, wherein you demand satisfaction, I did no way particularly mean your lordship, nor any action of yours. I did not think of you further than as writing to you, nor had no conceit that you made any question of my loyalty. And this I do say and will not go from, and I trust it will give you satisfaction, for my purpose is to do it because I know I may do it justly. If it do not, I beseech you let me be further charged, and I will further acquit myself.—London, 5 Sept. 1605.
Holograph. 3 pp. (112. 54.)
Sir Francis Vere to the Earl of Salisbury.
1605, Sept. 5. I have received your exceeding favourable letter of the 27 August, by which I gather that as there is no necessity of my going over to my government in respect of his Majesty's service, so my being there will be no hindrance to the same, which for public respects makes it indifferent whether I go or stay; to either of which, as my affection shall incline, your lordship assures me of your favour. The reasons which in my particular make it necessary to go to my charge are very many and important, with the discourse of which I will not trouble you; I am not carried away with any vain hopes, but stirred up with a true zeal to repair in some sort by an honest life in that charge my reputation, which partly through my folly, and much more by the malice of my enemies, has been blemished. Neither have I spleen to any in that State to transport me to indirect courses to the disservice of the same, but I shall go with a resolution so far as I can to procure the good and prosperity of it, and I doubt not that the States will take any exceptions against me, when they perceive I go over with his Majesty's gracious favour. I therefore very humbly renew my suit to you to move his Majesty for my leave, if it may be obtained, submitting myself to that course you shall think fittest.—Tilbury, 5 Sept. 1605.
Holograph. Seal. 1½ pp. (112. 56.)
The Count of Villa Medina, Spanish Ambassador, to the Earl of Salisbury.
1605, Sept. 5. I set out this morning from London towards Dover, and sensible as I am of the honour which you have shown me in everything, I would have you know that my most lively desire is to serve you in as great a measure as my obligations demand. I am sending to Spain some trifles for the King my master, accompanied by 3 English servants. I pray you let me have a passport by this bearer.—London, 5 Sept. 1605.
PS. With my horses goes a Spaniard called Pedro de Verascigni, servant of Sr. dos Pedrod de Cuniga, for whom I desire a passport to enable him and his servant to return to this country.
Signed. French. 1 p. (112. 57.)
News from Venice.
1605, Sept. 6/16. News letter containing dispatches from Milan, Vienna, Antwerp, Cologne and Rome and relating to the wars in Hungary and the Low Countries, and other European news.—Venice, 16 Sept. 1605.
4 pp. (112. 49.)
Sir William Monson to [the Lord Admiral.]
[1605, Sept. 6]. I love not to aggravate matters against a man that hath run himself into those troubles Captain Bradgate hath done, though in honesty and duty I am bound to deliver a truth of all accidents that shall happen. And I must tell you that when I seemed to reprove Bradgate for this act of my Lord Arundel's, as also my Lord Arundel himself, by whose instigations I know not, though I have cause to suspect some, to wreck their malice against me, informed the Ambassador upon the stay of his barks at Dunkirk that I had betrayed them to the Hollanders, and if I did not engage his Majesty's ships presently in fight, without further deliberation or examination of the cause of their stay, I was absolutely concluded either for a traitor to the Ambassador, or imputed a coward. If I had not found the Ambassador very honourable not to credit reports, and discreet in disliking my Lord Arundel's courses, my reputation had been in question. I cannot justly accuse Bradgate to be the author of these practices, and therefore I humbly beseech your lordship they may not be laid to his charge, but that such informations were made against me you shall hear by others. I have sent Captain Bradgate in company of Captain Hawkridg, my lieutenant, who is able to say as much touching my Lord Arundel's coming aboard the Adventure as any other, because he was aboard the Adventure himself when he came aboard disguised with a false beard and raggedly clothen, and put into the gunner room port because he should not be seen. It appears he came in company of Bradgate from Dover, and was secretly hid at Waymore, until Bradgate sent his boat for him as the ship passed by. He thought to embark at Deal, but spying Captain Hawkridg in the boat at his coming thither, he waved unto him to go to Waymore. This is as much as the company knows, and this did Captain Hawkridg see, as also his taking into the ship, besides divers other circumstances which I refer unto Captain Hawkridg's report. I have committed the charge of the Adventure unto your servant Captain Humfray Renals, a man discreet, valiant and well experienced, one that for his life would not commit so foul a crime. I am now ready to set sail with the Ambassador's baggage, but doubt I shall not be able to put it in unless it be by force, which I am resolved not to offer, but to return back again and acquaint you.—Undated.
PS. Bradgate called my Lord Arundel cousin aboard the ship, and by the name of Greene.
Holograph. 1 p. (114. 90.)
[Printed under the date 6 Sept. 1605 in Monson's Tracts, III, 336 (Navy Records Society).]
The Earl of Salisbury to Viscount Lisle.
1605, Sept. 7. If you shall read again your letter, you shall find that I had reason to return you a profession conditional, considering your challenge was general, and no way of necessity to be made at this time, when by the manner of my Lords' writing you saw how respectfully they cleared provisionally any doubts that might have arisen in you that any apprehension, much less any imputation, of crime or practice was so much as in embryo. And where you seem to conceive I had no cause to take any part to me because you used honourable attributes to me, in your first part, I will only at this time thus far justify my cause to be doubtful, because that which followed came in so abruptly as it inferred you were not sure whether you were suspected of practice or corruption, or no; which being so, I am sure the sense must carry this conclusion, that to those, or to me in particular, that thought so, you were ready to offer a defiance. But, my Lord, we spend too long time in this which I perceive by your letter is reconciled from any exception that can arise, where a disposition or intention is not to rake up dead ashes or kindle new coals, both which are to my nature so contrary and to all my courses public and private so adverse, that I do hereby conclude that you shall find your own heart altered before you shall do yourself right to misjudge mine, and you shall give me a ground (avowed just by your own untransported friends) before you shall receive either public or private cause to hold me other than ready to embrace your professions.—From Windsor, 7 Sept. 1605.
Copy. 1½ pp. (112. 58.)
The Earl of Nottingham to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1605], Sept. 11. I had been with you this day, but that now, the first coming of the Court hither, I am loth to be away, for it brings at the first much disorder. I send you here enclosed a letter to me from Sir W. Monson, and as soon as Capt. Bridgat comes, I will either bring him myself, or send him to you, but I think to be myself in London to-morrow.—11 Sept.
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed: "1605." ½ p. (112. 62.)
The Enclosure.
Sir William Monson to the Earl of Nottingham, High Admiral. —Since my letter the 6th of this month here is arrived the barks from Dunkirk, who received as evil usage by the Hollanders at their coming out as at their going in. The English master who brought the Spaniards out of Spain to Dover went over with the Ambassador to have a dispatch of his business, and coming out in one of the said barks is taken out of her and sent to the States in Holland, and how they will use him I know not, but I fear very ill. The hoy which is behind and indeed is of more value than all the rest the Hollanders have intelligence of and are resolved to seize upon her; and therefore to avoid the danger I have caused all the trunks and fardels to be taken out of her and brought by land to the Downs, and there I embark it in the Vanguard and mean to send it in my boats to Graveling, if I can do it with safety; if not to return it again for England, and acquaint you withal. If I had sent it by water from Sandwich to the Downs, the Holland pinnace which lies in Sandwich haven was resolved to take it and throw the men overboard. Duncume which came away with Bream's bark from the Isle of Wight is returned to Flushing with a Brazil-man of 400 chests of sugar. There are likewise 2 other English barks bound thither, with each of them a Brazil-man. English sailors come daily from serving the Hollanders, but at their parting can get no satisfaction for their services, so that many of them are behindhand a day's pay. I desire to know your pleasure about Cap: Muckell. The merchants which owed [owned?] the goods he took from under the Isle of Wight are willing to discharge him, and if your lordship intend him any good, it must be done before other matters come against him; for though he was innocent both in this and other matters, yet before his company did other things which may endanger him.— Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "7 Sept. 1605." 1 p. (112. 59.)
Postal endorsements:—"Abord the Vanguard the 7th of September 8 a clok at night. At Sandwich the 7th of September past 9 of the clocke at nyght. At Cant. past a 11 at night. At Sittingeborne at 2 of the cloke in the nite. Rochester past 4 a clocke in the morninge. Darford after 6 of the clocke in the morninge the 8 of September. . . . . . . . . . . . ."
[Printed in extenso in Monson's Tracts, III, 338, 339 (Navy Records Society).]
Chief Justice Popham to the Earl of Salisbury.
1605, Sept. 11. I have received your letters of 9 Sept., wherein I find questions moved of greater difficulty than I would anyway of myself have entered into. But upon your letters, they are for some of them, both for the law of such difficulty, and for matters of state of such moment, as would require very exact and sound considerations before they were resolved on. Nevertheless in that you require it, as so short a time and as the state of my body (which lately was such as I thought I should never see London again) will permit, I will acquaint you with some points I have heretofore conceived concerning these matters. First, for the trade into the territories of the Grand Seignior, I hold it no question but that his Majesty may by law incorporate a company for it, with such conditions as shall be fitting. But for that of France and Spain I would ask to be further advised before I set down my conceit therein. But this much I must say that I have always found (what pretences soever the merchants make to draw themselves into companies) they ever have in it their private ends, and all those take their ground from the Merchant Adventurers, and yet their cases may haply differ. I dare affirm, if that company should be permitted to do that which they pretend to have power to do by their charter, and have often attempted to put in practice (but have been put from it chiefly by your father's means in his lifetime), they might within few years have enriched themselves infinitely, and impoverished the State and whole commonweal extremely; and what may grow of this in after ages I know not, but I may fear. This I hold as a principle, that it is not convenient that merchants have such power passed over unto them that they may govern the estate of things both at home and abroad as they list, and they not to be curbed therein by the State, but that if they should be they might say as myself have heard them in time past, they have been wronged. But for the matter of drawing the trades of France and Spain into companies, I fear me it will overthrow all the towns, shipping and mariners of the West parts, because the young merchants of those parts begin with very small stocks, and cannot deal here upon such credit as young merchants may do in London, and their stocks and wealths have increased by their often returns; and by that means they make more of 100l. in the year than the merchants of London do of 200l. Now if they be barred of their often returns, they can hardly raise benefit sufficient to support their estates, much less to increase it, and then must both their shipping and mariners decay in those parts. Haply it will be answered that those shall trade as they have done. But when their patent is once passed, and the trade somewhat settled, then must those men be complained of as interlopers and overthrowers of the merchant-like trading into those parts, and either it must be taken away or the chief of this new company fail of their purpose. Some of the principal merchants westward may be drawn to like of this course, for so were some when the first corporation for Spain was passed in the late Queen's time; but it was no sooner put in practice, but both they and all the rest of the western merchants found out the drift of the merchants of London that followed it; whereupon they so much repined at it, that they were resolved to petition against it, but that the breach fell out presently between England and Spain, which interrupted it. I know you have well observed the general course of merchants heretofore in matters concerning their trades, wherein they aim still at their own present good, without respect unto the State. The event of this in my opinion concerns the State, all men that live on their revenue or husbandry, and a multitude of artizans so deeply as will appear when it shall come in dispute, that I doubt not but there will be very good considerations had both before it pass and in passing of it.— At Lytlecott, 11 Sept. 1605.
PS. [In Popham's hand]. I know your lordship both will and can look farther into matters of this kind than myself, and therefore do submit what I have said to your better judgment. I doubt not but that France would if they might upon any correspondence with their neighbours' countries shake off foreign manufactures, and thereof it grows the French King takes such hold of the falsity used in the making of our clothes traded that ways; which firstly surely must be reformed, otherwise I see not how the inconveniencies (which by that means we draw on ourselves) can be avoided. No doubt but upon just occasion, as this now in question, the King may for a time forbid his subjects to trade to any country, and who that breaks that injunction is to be punished by the State. And to discern the true purpose of those which design these companies, it may please you to will them to set down the manner how they would have the trades ordered, and thereby it will soon be discerned what they earned in it. My paper will give me leave to write no more.
Signed. 3 pp. (112. 63.)
The Earl of Dorset to the Earl of Salisbury.
1605, Sept. 11. I am ready here to attend all public services. Sir Walter Cope will tell you of the meeting of merchants yesterday. If this trade of Turkey were settled, it would be most profitable for the crown and commonwealth, for then all the imposition of currants and consequently all other impositions were settled for ever. I will be at Whitehall at 4 of the clock.— 11 Sept. 1605.
Holograph. ½ p. (112. 65.)
The Earl of Salisbury to Sir Thomas Edmondes.
1605, Sept. 12. I have lately received your letter of 28 August, by which I find how well you conceived your directions and in what humour those Princes are. But when I consider that the Count of Villa Mediana is there (who has been so warm a pursuer of his desire concerning the transport of the Spanish soldiers into Flanders) I think it necessary both to give you some information of those things wherein he is most likely to deal with the Archdukes forasmuch as touches the Spanish, as also of some things else wherein he was an actor.
You shall understand that when the Ambassador parted his Majesty was content to promise him that if the Spanish soldiers would go into Spain he would take a course to convey them safely. If otherwise they would be resolute still as not to accept it, but (as he gives it out) to hazard their passage in the dark nights, his Majesty would not be the author of it, but would be content to suffer them to hire any of his vessels or other equipage necessary to transport them. Whereunto when the Ambassador replied that he should hardly procure any ships or mariners, not only because the owners of the ships would fear the Hollanders' violence but because they should also offend (being his Majesty's subjects) if they did assist the transporting of soldiers contrary to the ordinances of the treaty in which the neutral party was interested; it was answered again that forasmuch as concerned the offence of his own subjects to him (the extremity of the case considered) his Majesty would secure any owners of ships in that point; but for any other course that he should take to answer their fears of the Hollanders' force, it must either be the power of the golden pistolets that must cure fear and create courage in them, or else he must resort to some other counsel of his own, for his Majesty could go no further. What the Ambassadors will do therein you may peradventure sooner learn than we, the matter being to his Majesty indifferent here, who wishes them in Spain or elsewhere safe, though he intends not to press the States further, or to deceive them by protecting their passage. And truly so for mine own judgment I think if they were resolute men they might easily in the winter and the dark nights recover their coasts; and so much for that point.
It now remains for me to inform you of another accident concerning the Lord Arundel at the departure of the Count of Villa Mediana, whereof his Majesty is very sensible; for as his going at this time, in this manner, contrary to commandment raises bruit of contempt, so it has falsified his Majesty's word given to the States' agent. For when the Count of Villa Mediana was upon his departure the King sent for Sir Noel Caron, to let him know that he expected so good observance in the States' proceedings towards him in this case, relating to the safe passage of an ambassador, that no interruption should be offered unto him or any belonging to him. Wherein he replied that he had received order from his superiors to observe his Majesty's command; only in one particular, concerning the transport of the Lord Arundel, general of the English forces, they presumed his Majesty would not so declare himself as to enjoin them to allow it, seeing that were in effect as much as an employment of the Lord Arundel, when he should be countenanced or protected in or by his Majesty's ships. In which respect he desired in the States' behalf, only that for his person going as a voluntary they might be left to their own fortune and hazard as towards a private man: still urging to his Majesty that his voyage was in such bravery with his captains and others his followers, all lying at the seaside with all their equipage, as it was impossible for him to contain the admiral of their fleet from using some violence by any new or single direction of his, whose commission had his limits how far to direct them, and they how far to obey him: concluding, in case his Majesty would by his word secure that point, he would undertake that no hair of the Ambassador's house or any belonging to him should be touched. Hereupon, because you may be fully edified of this matter and so with more reason justify the commission you have to the Archdukes about this, I think it fit to let you know that his Majesty understanding the Lord Arundel to be on his way towards Dover and in the form beforementioned, his Majesty commanded some of his Council to write from Oxford to the Count of Villa Mediana upon such plain and honourable terms as are used in those cases, to require him for the causes abovementioned to forbear in any case to carry him over; adding notwithstanding as an argument, that it was not out of any end absolutely to stay him, or to disappoint the Archduke of his service, that his Majesty promised him that the Lord Arundel should within some few days after not only be permitted to pass, but the matter should be so ordered as he should be secured from any violence in his passage: only in respect his Majesty had given his word he did entreat him to satisfy himself with this promise, as from that Prince in whom he had found no fraud or guile. Now Sir, when his Majesty had sufficient assurance in his own mind that this would content, and had caused the course to be imparted to Sir Noel Caron truly, which he immediately advertised, news is come that he has by the lewdness of Captain Bredgate whom he corrupted procured his passage in the Adventure, being the Vice-admiral to the Vantguard wherein the Ambassador went, directly contrary to the knowledge of his Majesty's pleasure, and without the privity of the Count Villa Mediana himself, for so he declared when he met him upon the shore at landing. Wherein whether the Ambassador have dealt clearly or no I know not, always it is sufficient to make Arundel's fault the greater, by whose example other contempts in this State would grow common. And therefore when you have well observed these circumstances as they lie you must represent also to the Archdukes how far the King is touched both to a foreign State towards whom he will never (so long as he is in friendship) pretend one thing and do another: as also how it touches his Majesty in the point of his own sovereignty over his subjects, which in the beginning of all princes' reigns is to be observed. You shall let them know that his Majesty appeals to them whether this proceeding be not full of prejudice to his Majesty's honour, without any advantage to their service, which forces his Majesty to do something for repair of the same. And yet because it may appear how careful the King is to show respect to them, you may deliver unto them that where his Majesty in true course of state could do no less than presently to have revoked him here to receive punishment: yet because it might be interpreted accidentally prejudicial to their services his Majesty forbears to take any other course of proceeding than by virtue thereof to authorise you as his Majesty's Ambassador to command him, that, after he shall have put in order the troops under his charge and ended with them the summer service, towards the end of November he fail not to come hither to render his person before his Council, and so to abide his Majesty's further censure. With which resolution you are commanded to acquaint the Archdukes, in the equity of whose judgment he assures himself the same shall be approved to be carried with more respect to them than of his Majesty's own honour and government, whereof the reputation shall be thereby so long suspended.
Having now sufficiently delivered all the circumstances of this cause I leave it to you to digest your own relation into the form which seems good to your discretion, being careful to set down as clearly as I can the particularities of all things here which have any reference to your charge: which if they come to you some time by common pens before mine you can well distinguish that "novellants" think they do well when they write that they hear be it true or false; where those that have the charge that I undergo are and ought to be held sufficiently careful when they yield satisfaction to public ministers agreeable to truth in matters of importance, leaving matters of less weight to such convenient opportunities which men are able to find which have more than one or two to satisfy. In which kind your own diligence in his Majesty's service deserves so well, besides your particular profession to myself, as I have thought it not amiss to touch my extraordinary care of you and others in your charges, as a thing which next the service of God I most affect and wholly attend as I hope it appears by my course of life, which is employed in enjoying itself as little as any man's days [sic] that lives in this time.—Salisbury, 12 Sept. 1605.
Copy. 5 pp. (227. p. 103.)
Dr. John Rainolds to the Earl of Salisbury.
1605, Sept. 12. After he refused to subscribe to the 3 articles, the Lord Treasurer by the King's command willed D. Abbot his Vice-Chancellor to set him a certain day within which, unless he subscribed, he should be expulsed from the University. Abbot urged him to read some authors on the "Apocryphaplaces," his chiefest scruples, to prove he stood not obstinate in his own conceit; and also to write his reasons for refusing to the Archbishop of Canterbury. This he condescended to. No time was mentioned within which to subscribe. Whether he had not just cause to gather hence that such a person, being charged to set him a day, and yet forbearing to do it upon his promise to write, had notice given him it was the King's pleasure (whose prerogative therein the Conference at Hampton Court before had taught him) he should write so; or, refusing it, have a day set him; he leaves to be judged by men of understanding. He fears that the showing to the King of that letter as indited against the constitutions ecclesiastical of the late Synod, established by the King's authority, has provoked more the King's displeasure against him. He has lain afflicted with a most heavy disgrace, besides a number of weeks, 4 days at his Majesty's being here. His loyal affection, devoted to him before he was his sovereign (as many can witness, by his showing them the speech of King Henry the 7th in Polydore Virgil, Hist. Angl. lib. 26, touching succession) continues still the same. He begs Salisbury to intercede for him. He hopes his suit will not seem importunate to the King, whose mildness, thinking religious men of moderate spirits may be borne with for disobedience to the lawful ceremonies of the Church, promises him more favour that is obedient thereto, and wishes others also to yield to conformity.—Oxford, 12 Sept. 1605.
Holograph. 1 p. (191. 44.)


  • 1. Probably the date of receipt.