Cecil Papers: August 1605, 1-15

Pages 344-374

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 17, 1605. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1938.

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August 1605, 1-15

Lord Chancellor Ellesmere to the Earl of Salisbury.
1605, August 1. Since I wrote to your lordship (upon my conference with Sir Mic. Hicks) I have received your letters directed to my L. Treasurer and me, together with his Majesty's bill signed for prorogation of the Parliament. My opinion therein you see by my former letter. My L. Treasurer upon consideration of the great and important reasons, which you have set down; concurs fully with us.
One thing I observe in the bill signed which of necessity is to be reformed. The day appointed by this bill is 3 November, which falls out to be on the Sunday, which is not Dies Juridicus and so cannot serve for the beginning of the session. The Monday next after being 4 November is the day of our sitting in the Exchequer for naming of Sheriffs and so appointed by an ancient statute. But the Tuesday being 5 November or the Thursday being the 7th may serve fitly for this service. Wednesday being the 6th I omit because it is a Star Chamber day. For reforming of this I have sent again the bill to your lordship.—At Yorke House, 1 August 1605.
Holograph. 1 p. (111. 144.)
Anthony Bodely to the Earl of Salisbury.
1605, August 1. By commandment of the Lieutenant of the Tower, my master, I am enjoined to certify you from time to time of the success of the two young whelp lions now in the Tower. By the report of Mr. Gill, the keeper, the she-lion is so fond of her young ones that she can scarce spare any time to be from them and when she departs for her young, she must have the company of the male lion, otherwise she will not leave the drawer. She daily gives them suck about three and four of the clock in the afternoon and continues with them two hours at the least, the male lion all that while lying before the hovel door.
This day the lioness, after she had given suck to her whelps, brought out one of them in her mouth, the he-lion lying before the door, where she left it playing with the he-lion, who was very fond of it, laying his paw upon it, licking it and turning it over. For the present this is all that I can write, and as other accidents shall fall out, I will not be slow in the performance of my duty.—The Tower, 1 August 1605.
Holograph. ¾ p. (111. 145.)
Postal endorsements:—"The first of August att 7 of the clock att the Tower. Hast, hast, post hast, for liffe. Ant. Bodely for ye lewetenante of the Tower. Holborne past 7 at night. Barnet past 8. Saint Albons at 11. Breckhill at 4."
Ralph Gill to the Same.
1605, August 2. According to your Honour's desire in your letter to Mr. Lieutenant I have here set down so much as I know or can conceive concerning the whelps. First upon Saturday being 27 July between six and seven o'clock at night the lion whelped in the new court in a hovel there made for the same purpose which had fresh straw in it; and when she had whelped one, which I and my man did plainly see through the loop-holes, within one hour after she whelped another. Thus much therefore can I certify you that they are both living and are likely (for anything that I can perceive) to live, for they daily grow in bigness and in strength, and the dam is very natural unto them. As for her diet she wants no things as by your direction should be given her, as hen, pig, lamb and mutton. And further that I might be assured from day to day of the prospering of the whelps I have at convenient time, when I perceived her to have a willingness to come into her old den, let her in, and in the meantime have gone to her hovel and perceive by their growth that there can be no nourishment so good for them as that which they receive from their dam. I suffer no person once to look upon her. The male lion is always with her, for without his company she will never be in quiet. As for my opinion that she should have a free passage out of the new court into her old den I think it not to be the best course, for I have already made trial of it that it is a means to keep her too long from her whelps.—From the Lyons Tower, 2 August 1605.
Signed. Endorsed by the Earl of Salisbury: "Mr. Gill at 3 after dynner." 1 p. (111. 146.)
Sir G. Hervy to the Earl of Salisbury at the Court.
1605, August 2. It pleased God the day of my last being with you to touch me in such measure that I was without hope of recovery, by means whereof my spirits were so numbed and my weakness so increased that I could not as yet give your lordship any feeling of my recovery, and yet I am not without hope but that God will shortly enable me to perform my duties unto his Majesty and others.
Touching his Majesty's exception taken to this word "yet" in my letter it was not meant for any fear or doubt which I had of the whelp but his Majesty's conceit grows out of his love unto the whelp. The well doing whereof his Highness has good cause to affect as the rarest and royalest thing which ever happened to any King of this land. His Majesty seems to doubt the sufficiency of the lioness for giving of milk, in which case his pleasure seems to be that other provision should be made for the whelps. By conference with the keeper I find that no want of milk is to be doubted. Neither is there any fear but that the whelps will prosper until they come to breeding of teeth, in which case even in the very climate where they are bred they often perish. Hitherto the whelps from day to day grow in strength. Until the first of this month they had no strength but only to crawl after the dam and the dam for want of strength in the whelp was driven to carry it from place to place in her mouth, sometimes an hour and a half at a time. For naturally the whelps are strong in their fore parts and feeble in their hinder parts. But yesterday being the first of this month they marched out of their den into the sun and followed their dam and so do yet increase in strength. The dam has a custom departing from her young ones to leave them in her den, laying them cross one over another, which after the shutting up of the old lioness has been found by the keeper.—The Tower, 2 August 1605.
Signed. Endorsed by Salisbury: "Mr. Lieutenant of ye Tower at 3 of clock." 1 p. (111. 147.)
On the cover below the address: "Hast, hast, post hast, for liffe" and in Hervey's handwriting: "2do Augustii 1605 hora tertia post meridiem from ye Tower. G. Hervy locumt. Turr."
Postal endorsements:—"Holborn past 6 in the afternoon. Barnit at 9. Saint Albons past 11. Breckhill at 4."
The Earl of Nottingham, Lord Admiral, to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1605], August 2. I am very sorry to have such a subject to write of, which is that my son Lewson is most dangerously sick and to be much doubted of his recovery. For he is the weakest man that ever I saw and is still in the extremity of the burning fever and now in a very great looseness. There is little hope of him. And as you know my poor daughter, his wife, in what case of weakness she is; and I know how ready men are to seek after such things at his Majesty's hands, and because I know it chiefly concerns your offer, although I know her state is not so weak as by law she can be found so imperfect, yet I would be loth it should come in question being my daughter. Therefore in your love to me prevent it and let me have the custody of my own daughter, that her imperfection which it has pleased God to lay on her may not be so known to my great grief in the end of my years. It is well known what she was till God called her only child away, which her nature and weak spirit could not resist; and with all that, which you know of, her bad father-in-law's dealing with her, whom God forgive for it. If God call him, the King shall lose a worthy servant and myself one that I accounted rather my natural son than a son-in-law. Good my lord, you are a father and therefore you best know my case in this.—Chelse, 2 August.
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed: "1605." 1 p. (111. 149.)
The Same to the Same.
[1605, August] 2. Presently after I had written my letter to your lordship which I sent by Tho. Trevor my servant I received word from Mr. Manaryng and others about my son Lewson that there was no hope of life in him and that the physicians say he cannot live. Sir, I am as much perplexed for the loss of him as ever man was for a man. My nephew this bearer came this instant from him who tells me that there is no hope in this world of his life.—Chelse, this 2 at 2 of the clock.
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed: "Aug. 2. 1605." ½ p. (111. 148.)
The Earl of Salisbury to the Lord Treasurer.
[1605 ? August 2]. His Majesty's reference of suitors for recusants to my report to you, how far he intends his favour, and upon what reservations, draws upon me a great deal of trouble, especially because many persons think they may have them granted in forms agreeable to their own inventions, though they differ from those absolute orders which were set down by his Majesty and his Council, from which to vary I hope nobody can charge me in any of my certificates for any creature living. It is true that this noble lady and her husband have need of help, and his Majesty has been contented to license her to choose 10 recusants, being not heretofore convicted, out of which he is pleased to promise that benefit which shall be reasonable. You have already a certificate of some that she has named, whereof it seems now she is informed to have mistaken some, and therefore for supply sends these, desiring me to certify you, as she has done already; wherein, because I know not what is their state, nor whether any other of his Majesty's servants be interested in them or no by any former certificate of mine, I only send you the paper. I desire you will cause your man to inform you how my letters concur; because I may not wrong one suitor for another.—Undated.
Draft. Endorsed by Salisbury's secretary: Minute to the Lord Treasurer from my L. about the Lady Stewart's business. August 2, 1605 (?). 1 p. (190. 148.)
The States General.
1605, August 2. "A copy of the States' answer to the proposition made by Mr. Winwood."—"Faict en l'Assemblée des dits Seigneurs Estats Generaux, à la Haye 2e d'Aoust 1605."
French. 3¾ pp. (227. p. 89.)
[Printed in Winwood's Memorials, II, 87.]
The Mayor of Dartmouth to the Earl of Salisbury.
1605, August 3. Upon 30 May last here arrived a ship of Dunkerk called the Elizabeth, which came from the passage in Biskey, whereof one William Johnson is captain, who at the time of his arrival alleged that he was to go speedily from hence unto Dunkerk. Notwithstanding he has here ever since remained and for this time of his being here has victualled himself and his company. Forasmuch as I have heard of his Majesty's proclamation (not yet come to my hands) touching the restraining of all ships of war to victual in those parts and that the captain of the said ship, having had notice thereof, makes no preparation for his departure hence; and for that also it is conceived by most men of this place, that his long stay here is a hindrance of common commerce and trade in this place, I have thought it my duty to advertise your Honour hereof, entreating you to give direction whether those ships of war may be permitted here to remain so long as they themselves shall think fit or only for their relief, being put in by contrary winds and renewing their victuals for the time wherein they are homeward bound.—Dartmouth, 3 August 1605.
Signed: Tho. Gourney, Maior. ½ p. (111. 150.)
The Earl of D[orset] to the Officers of the Works for the building of Ampthill House.
1605, August 3. I have received signification of his Majesty's express pleasure for the building of a fit and convenient house upon the ruins of Ampthill in which he may be lodged, though not in state, yet sufficient to serve for the enjoying of his pleasures of hunting and hawking by the attendance of all such necessary officers and no more as are requisite for his royal person to have. Therein also place must be provided for the Queen and the noble Prince, if haply it shall please his Majesty to desire their coming while he is there, not lodgings of state but lodgings of necessity. And because it may be that some occasion may require the attendance of some of his Council upon his Majesty there, I wish also that some convenient rooms for half a dozen Privy Councillors besides the Lord Chamberlain, the Treasurer, the Controller, Master of the Horse and Principal Secretary be likewise appointed, such as are of necessity, not any of pleasure. Thus much as I conceive it touching the King's pleasure in general.
But touching the particular; first, I require you the surveyor and controller with all speed possible to make your repair to the said house at Ampthill and there view and survey not only the stately place where the old ruins of Ampthill remain but also any other place (if any such be there) which may be found fitter and more convenient in respect of water or any other commodity for the seat of a house there for his Majesty in your opinion; but nevertheless to proceed in making of your present plot upon the ruins of the old house. And yet as I said if you find any other far better, only to be ready to inform his Majesty thereof and then his Highness to take his choice of that which shall be most to his pleasure; but to make the present plot upon your old and to make an estimate of the charge of the said plot. Secondly, I require you the master carpenter that you presently take information of all the King's woods within thirty miles of the place from Mr. Taverner, his Majesty's general woodward on this side Trent; and thereupon that with all speed possible you repair to all the said woods and view the quantity and the several sorts of timber trees fit for this building at Ampthill, whereby when you shall see the particular plot made thereof, you may be the better able to declare whether his Majesty have sufficient timber in his own woods for the finishing of the same. And for more assurance I wish that you also inform yourself of all such other woods of any private person in which any special timber fit for the building may be had with the good consent of the owner. Thirdly, I require you the sergeant-plumber likewise to repair to the said house at Ampthill and taking view of the height to inform yourself of any fit place from whence water may be brought to serve the house within convenient distance and to make an estimate what will be the charge to bring the same in lead. These buildings being so greatly to the contentation of his Majesty, the preservation of his health and the continuation of his pleasures, of all which it is all our duties to take care more than of our own life, I charge you with all your pains and possible endeavours to further to your uttermost. And whensoever you shall need either my advice or help in anything, you shall find me so ready and willing as even with my own person I will come to the place, if need be.—3 August 1605, Dorset House.
In the Earl of Dorset's handwriting: "A true copy of my letter sent to the officers being all written with mine own hand. T. D.
I have written a like letter to a very excellent surveyor Mr. Thorpe who shall not only survey it but make a very fair plots thereof, I mean of the 7 parts at Ampthill. T. D."
Copy, signed and dated by the Earl of Dorset. 1½ pp. (111. 151.)
Dr. Cowell, Vice-Chancellor of Cambridge University, to the Earl of Salisbury.
1605, August 3. We of the University think ourselves bound unto you in so gentle acceptance of a poor degree amongst us, far unworthy of so noble a personage, but as it is we have conferred it with such due respects as our poor discretions could afford.—Cambridge, 3 August 1605.
Signed. Seal. 1 p. (136. 133.)
Sir W. Waad to the Same.
1605, August 3. The carrier of Warwick has brought up two printing presses and a quantity of books, sent from Sir Clement Fisher and Mr. Combes. I have advertised the Bishop of London, that at his repair here they may be delivered to him, according to the Council's order. The gentlemen certify that they must use hereafter Brown the carrier, that brought up the books, in the apprehension of persons known to him; and refer him to your consideration. I have given him 4l. towards his charges, and have promised him the rest at his return a fortnight hence; and send you his bill.
I received a letter yesternight from Sir Edward Conway, Lieutenant and Governor of the cautionary town of Brill, by Captain Carleton, wherein he certifies the delivery of 50 persons of the Graymes by the said Captain and his Lieutenant, and that they have very carefully performed the service. The men are placed in the garrison, and the like number put out of the bands to give place to these. Carleton and his Lieutenant say they received but 10 days' entertainment of the Commissioners at Carlisle; and being short of money and recommended to me by Conway, I am bold to move you for direction whether they shall be paid here or by the Commissioners; and send you a note of their demand. They stay here till they know your pleasure. I have written Mr. Corbett to put you in mind hereof, and to see the letters entered in the Council book.— From my Hermitage at Charing Cross, 3 August 1605.
PS.—I understand by "Vd." [? Udall] that Thomas Harwood is gone over into Ireland, where they now intend to set up new printing presses.
The same party has told me this morning that Mrs. Southwell is received into the Order of St. Clare with exceeding great solemnity, waited of by great ladies and the Bishop, who carried her ornaments and nun's weeds in procession through the town.
Holograph. 2 pp. (191. 1.)
Lord Zouche to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1605, before August 4]. This letter from my Lord Treasurer to the Clerk of the Fines at the Council in the Marches is the cause of troubling your lordship at this time. I am very desirous to keep the place I serve in in as good credit as heretofore, and howsoever it fall out to be opposed more in my time than in any preceding time my heart frees me of any occasion given by me, though it free me not of former fear of future events from the beginning which was the cause of my dry acceptance, as you then termed it, for so honourable a place. If then I could have proved that which my heart foretold me and now is come to pass, God knows I would have held it more honour to me to have lain by the heels all the days of my life than to have sat in so high a seat to the dishonour thereof. Had I not the comfort of a free heart from once desiring the place in thought, and the like in desiring to be freed from it being placed, I should break my heart rather than endure so many disgraces. I know my Lord does not this to cross me, neither would I appeal to any but himself had I not desired only by your means, who I think brought me into this place. to be defended in it or thrown out of it. You know that I, so soon as I came up, acquainted you that I had been so good a husband for the King as that there was 1,200l. beforehand in the Clerk of the Fines' hands and that I would be glad that 1,000l. thereof should be paid where pleased the King. Only my desire was that there might be a privy seal procured to me or the Clerk of the Fines for the payment thereof where the King should direct, and that the Clerk of the Fines should receive such allowances as others did which serve in such places, but that all might not be called for because sometimes there do not arise by the fines such sums as will discharge ordinary allowances. By this I showed my desire that everything might be kept in good order. Before my time there was never auditor but appointed by the President, and I was very willing that her Highness should appoint the auditor. But I never took it that whosoever was auditor there should be auditor as being Auditor of the Exchequer but as Auditor to that Court, and therefore we allowed him fee as we were wont to do when we appointed the auditor. The man appointed to be auditor I confess I liked well. I looked not therefore into the manner of his appointment because I respected him for his integrity, else should I have been a suitor for a particular auditor to have served for that place. For if I deceive not myself much, howsoever that Court now runs into disgrace, it was more absolute under your favour than was the Court of Wards or Duchy, which have their particular auditors, receivers, and other officers, and in this particular pay nothing but by the allowance of the Master of the Wards or Chancellor of the Duchy, except his Highness's command go withal. Believe it what dishonour comes to the place will one day fall upon you, for the world apprehends that you brought me in. And though I acknowledge the good to you and the evil to myself, yet can it not be accounted mine that am kept in when all the world knows I desire nothing so much as to be freed from thence. And yet my idleness is no cause, for if I leave labour or life to do his Highness service in whatsoever I can apprehend to be within my element, then let me receive the condign punishment of a faithless man. I send you herewith my Lord Treasurer's letter to the Clerk of the Fines, the copy of the Clerk of the Fines' bond at the Council of the Marches; you have a copy of my instructions. You have also power to command the sight of many things, which may direct the trial of this and other difficulties which I cannot obtain by love or favour. I beseech you therefore to deal in it as shall please you. Agree it to belong to the Exchequer, it shall be paid in without threats from my Lord Treasurer or pursuivants. For if I walked within that element I could direct myself in, I would as willingly obey as others should command. I beseech you therefore make an end hereof as for one who depends upon you. But respect him so far as that he may either live in the place with the honour due thereunto or be freed from it.—Undated.
At the foot: "This letter was received 4 August 1605."
Holograph. Seal broken. Endorsed: "1605." 2⅓ pp. (111. 152.)
Thomas Straunge to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1605], August 5. Having of late enjoyed both his life and liberty at Salisbury's hands, acknowledges the obligation of presenting himself to him. Hears that Salisbury has been informed of his dealing in state matters, and in particular of some misdemeanour towards him. Dares not think of excusing his last going into France without leave, yet his poor estate bleeding by reason of his absence in those parts presumed so just an occasion might in time plead his excuse. If he has otherwise carried himself than becomes his Honour's most obliged servant, let him make satisfaction with his dearest blood. Attends Salisbury's commandment.—The fifth of August.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1605." ½ p. (111. 154.)
Lord Zouche to the Earl of Salisbury.
1605, August 5. Having received letters from the deputy lieutenants of the county of Carmarthen that not only the town of Carmarthen, which is the especial place of meeting for most business of that county, is grievously infected with the plague where most of the store armour lies, but also that 24 other parishes within that county are infected, requiring my advice what were fit to be done in that case; and thinking it not convenient that there should be any meetings within that precinct, have advised to stay mustering until I had acquainted my Lords of the Council withal. Hoping that I shall not be condemned for that advice, I beseech you to acquaint my Lords herewith that I may know their pleasures, whether notwithstanding the said infection it be thought good to proceed in the mustering of that county.—From the Bathe, 5 August 1605.
Holograph. Seal. ¾ p. (111. 155.)
The Mayor and citizens of Gloucester to the Same.
1605, August 5. His Majesty's letters require them to grant to Robert Browne a lease of the demesnes of the Abbot's Barton, parcel of the possessions of the city, being more than half their revenues. To do so is contrary to their oaths, and would be the overthrow of the whole state of their city. They have framed a petition to the King, and crave Salisbury's aid in the matter.—Gloucester, 5 August 1605.
Signed: Henry Hassard, Mayor; Luke Garvons; Tho. Machen; John Tayler; John Jones; Henre Darby; Robert Petifer; Christopher Caxley; Thoms. Riche; Lawrence Wilshere; John Brawstar; Nicolas Langforde. 1 p. (191. 2.)
The Earl of Salisbury to Lord Zouche.
1605, August 5. Though you still remember me of my being a cause of your undergoing the great place you held in the Queen's time, wherein I am neither sorry to remember as much as I did, considering how great good it did, nor likewise any act of mine since, wherein I might show either care of you as a great and public magistrate, or as one so much esteemed as my friend: yet your letters about these crosses can procure from me no more than I find myself bound to do in discretion and friendship, unless I would make myself President, to attend the occasions incident to place and person, and, whenever my betters or inferiors use any course that likes you not, intrude myself into the business. If they be such as you should endure, I have no power to divert them; if otherwise, and done by my betters, then neither undervalue yourself nor overvalue me. Because you delight in a private life, and yet hold a public place, which I persuaded you not to keep or take for my private, so whilst you hold it I know you will not transfer your own properties to my prosecuting. Therefore, make your own exceptions known to my Lord Treasurer, who loves your person, and will less than any meaner officers intrude upon any man's right; and he will satisfy you. So shall you neither show distrust in him, nor make me do that which I would not interpret well in another to me. I know his Majesty's necessities infinite, that when you had the place the moneys, rising by casualties and not any standing revenues, were provided for, to be better paid than they had been; and for that purpose the King's Auditor was authorised as he is. Now whether you should be written to or no, I know not, neither have I your instructions here; but if you return any answer to the Lord Treasurer how it should be demanded, so the Receipt have the money paid, which is his office to call for as High Treasurer, I am sure he will yield you your due. Being sorry still to receive melancholy apprehensions, and to be remembered of that I deserved well for, when I cannot remedy others' actions, I end.—5 August 1605.
Contemporary copy. Endorsed by Salisbury: "My letter to my Lord Zowch." 1½ pp. (192. 28.)
Viscount Lisle to the Earl of Salisbury.
1605, August 6. The wind these 8 or 10 days has stood so at the north east, that the bark which carries my provisions has not fallen down from the quay, neither if I had been at the seaside could I have done any good. Notwithstanding as I was beginning my journey, the unfortunate accident of the ungracious boy, my son, was brought to me, which has made me stay to see what would become as well of himself as of him that is hurt; and having no service from the King committed to me, I thought my stay upon so reasonable an occasion for a few days would have no great exception. I understand that upon the untrue relation of the manner of it to the King, whereby I cannot complain if his Majesty did show himself to be greatly offended, you promised your favour to the boy, for which I acknowledge myself very much bound, and for the favour it shall please you to show him I will answer that he shall sincerely deserve it. When you understand the truth of the matter, you will conceive that he may claim pity if not justice, which I, who would have been the severest judge against him, am forced to say; the boy being brought by the unjust relations of his schoolmaster, and the hard and over hasty censure of the world, into those terms that he was in question, not only of his fortune with the Prince, but of his life also. But I am told that it pleases the King to deal graciously by him. For my own part, I should not have presumed to have made any suit for him; the man (as I hope he will) recovering of the hurt; neither will I offer him again till the truth of the matter leave the King and the Prince also fully satisfied of his disposition, not only in this accident, but in other of his actions heretofore, which now falsely are cast upon him. You are a father, and I trust will not forget what a father owes to a son. My Lord of Pembroke and my Lord of Mountgomery I trust will acquaint you with all particulars. To-morrow I purpose to go on with my journey, and will take my son with me.—London, 6 August 1605.
Holograph. 2 pp. (191. 3.)
Viscount Lisle to the Earl of Suffolk.
1605, August 6. [Of the same tenor as the preceding letter.] Thanks him for the favour he promises his boy. The report of the matter was made by Goodiere to the King; who has filled the Court with the like tales. Goodiere's relation was altogether false, as he will make appear if he return. Such a course was taken at Nonsuch by the malice of some, and the ignorance of others, as if they would have brought him to the gallows if the man had died. He means to carry him with him to Flushing; for till he be commanded, he will not presume to offer him again to the Prince's service.—London, 6 August 1605.
Holograph. 1 p. (191. 4.)
Chief Justice Popham to the Earl of Salisbury.
1605, August 6. I acknowledge myself most bounden to his Majesty for his gracious favour towards me, being an aged, decaying body, unable to perform that service unto him as in duty I ought, and in heart I most desire. Next I may not be unthankful unto yourself, to whom I find I am so much beholden, though absent; which I wish it lay in me in any measure to acquit. What you write touching Butler, God willing I will see effected.—Litlecott, 6 August 1605.
Holograph. 1 p. (191. 5.)
Sir Richard Gifford to the Same.
1605, August 7. Being warned by last year's experience that you desire to see your hawks flying with the "rathest," I have now so provided that some of mine are already upon their wings. I only wait to know the time when you begin to follow those sports that with the first I may be at hand to attend. I am not so well furnished as I wish and had been if my ill fortune had not lately crossed me, whereby I lost a very choice falcon, of whom I often boasted to myself that I had a hawk to serve your turn. Your tassel's case all this winter was desperate but is now revived and will be presently ready to show you an ambitious flight. Some others I have exceeding towardly, yet not good enough to be entitled yours.—From Somborne, 7 August 1605.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (111. 156.)
Ralph Gill to [the Earl of Salisbury.]
1605, August 7. I have observed since the last post was here the increase and well-doing of the whelps and the natural love that the male and female lions have towards them. She will continue in the hovel with them at the least four hours, at which time the male lion lies at the mouth of the hovel not daring to rise until she come forth. Sometimes the male lion will go into the hovel and there lies with the whelps when the female is gone out. And I have at several times observed it that the male lion will play with the whelps till she return again into the hovel. If the male lion stay longer time away from her than she thinks fit, she will go to him and bite him. Sir Walter Cope was with me last night at 7 o'clock, where he did see under the platform through the loopholes the male and female lions and by chance one of the whelps came to the mouth of the hovel. I have no further matter of accident at this present to inform your lordship.—From the Lion Tower, 7 August 1605.
Signed, with countersignature of Sir G. Harvye. 2/3 p. (111. 157).
Lord Chancellor Ellesmere to the Same.
1605, August 7. I have sent you by this bearer a new commission of lieutenancy for Hertfordshire according to the last privy seal. The proclamations for proroguing the Parliament are in hand and shall be speedily dispatched. The reasons contained in your letter for Topclyffe's pardon give me full satisfaction and therefore if it be called upon I will seal it and send it to you as you require. I give you most hearty thanks for your kind remembrance of me to his Majesty.—At Yorke House, 7 August 1605.
Holograph. ½ p. (111. 158.)
Noel de Caron to the Same.
1605, August 7. I have now received the answer of the Estates to the dispatch I had written them by my clerk Brouxsaux. I am grieved with all my heart to see that their affairs do not permit a better resolution upon his Majesty's proposition. I hardly doubted that this time we should have carried out his Majesty's desires but I cannot conceive in what they have sent me the least hope of a free agreement upon this, for, as my said clerk assures me even after the news that the enemy had entered with very great forces into the lands of the United Provinces they were trying to get the Spaniards at Dover passed on to Flanders. So moved is the people that some have ventured to cry insults against the Estates with threats that they will deserve to be thrown into the water if they consent to this. These are great extremities, to be expected always from our enemies, for it can well be believed that they are trying to put us upon this test (touche) to cause danger amongst ourselves or at the least to disgrace us with his Majesty. But I rely on his admirable wisdom to receive their answer kindly, which if it had been such as I was expecting I should have brought it myself to your lordship, as I had promised. But this time I hope you will believe that I have communicated sincerely and roundly to your secretary, Mr. Levinus [Munck], everything that Brouxsaux has brought me, with my prayers to him to make the most favourable report of it to your lordship as you can wish; and I beg him for the love of God to relate it so that it may be received by his sacred Majesty with his accustomed graciousness and good nature. So, if he thinks I ought to have done more in this respect than I have done, I can assure him I have worked in this last dispatch with all my five senses to anticipate (prévenir) the desired resolution; and this I am certain (let me say it once again) has only not been in accordance with the good will of several principals of the estate because we had heard that the enemy was advancing with a royal army into their own estate and with another which he had left in Flanders was holding up seven or eight thousand men of the Estates from joining their army which they had sent against the enemy's. The thing in itself, to tell the truth, is little, but a state like ours cannot be received with the same healthy intention of this great and wise monarch, who, I am assured, would have conducted it to its greatest good and advantage. Sed hinc ille lacrime, which makes me often regret that I cannot yet retire with honour into private life (à mon particulier). In conclusion I will assure your lordship once again that death even cannot make me recoil from the firm resolution I have taken to obey this great King in everything as he will command me.—Suyth Lambet, 7 August 1605.
Holograph. French. 2 pp. (191. 6.)
Frances, Lady Harvey, to the Earl of Salisbury at Court.
1605, August 8. I am sure the weak estate my husband is in is not unknown to you, the physicians having already given him over. God may work a miracle but I greatly fear before the receipt hereof he will be past recovery, which, when it shall happen, I shall not only lose a kind husband but likely to be undone, if you give me not comfort. I doubt not but much suit is made for the Lieutenant's place. My humble request is that my son-in-law, Sir Nicholas Coote, may execute that office if it may be but until Michaelmas next, for that having goods and much money laid out by Mr. (sic) Hervye for the prisoners, a stranger succeeding I shall absolutely lose all. My son Coote's sufficiency is well known unto my Lord Carewe.—The Tower, 8 August 1605.
Signed. Seal. 1 p. (111. 159.)
Ralph Sneyde to the Earl of Salisbury, Master of the Court of Wards and Liveries.
1605, August 9. According to the contents of your Honour's letter to me directed I have acquainted the Mayor and burgesses of the town of Newcastell with your desire. But their answer was that presently upon the death of Sir John Bowyer they had given their promise unto a gentleman, whose name is Rowland Cotton, to elect him for their burgess. The gentleman's father dwells in London in Canninge Street at the sign of the Logge. I cannot by any means prevail that you may have the nomination of their burgess as most willingly I would, except the gentleman would be persuaded to yield the place, for the Mayor and burgesses stand very much upon their promises past. They have denied my Lord Treasurer's letters sent to them to the like effect, which I know to be true. Therefore I know no other means for you to prevail herein as it now stands other than to procure the gentleman to surcease his suit, when I presume I can satisfy your desire.—Keele, 9 August 1605.
Signed. ⅓ p. (111. 160.)
Sir Benjamin Berrye to the Council.
1605, August 9. Captain Dounton's ship riding at an anchor in the Road without the command of the Artillery of this place, I sent upon the receipt of your lordships' letter Capt. Ersfield, Mr. Payn the patentee, and the searcher of this town with your letters to have affected your pleasure therein. But the Captain being not there, the mariners would not suffer them to come aboard. At their return I also sent Capt. Ersfield and Mr. Payn with the letter to his house, where they also missing of him, I might not in duty but acquaint you of it with all expedition. His dwelling is without the liberty of this government, and therefore if he purpose to keep himself out of the way, I shall not (as I would) be herein able to accomplish your commands.— Portesmouthe, 9 August 1605.
Holograph. 1 p. (111. 161.)
Letters of Thomas Wilson.
1605, August 9–23. (1). To the Earl of Salisbury. The opportunity of this messenger with the occasion of sending this enclosed from Sir Mi: Hicks makes me trouble you with this paper. Yesterday I received letters from my friend at the Spanish Court, having wondered long of his long silence, but he tells me of a just reason, he having been by extreme sickness deprived not only of the use of his writing but almost of his speech and life, but now being upon amendment he promises to continue his long continued course, but for the present refers me to the [letters] which he delivered to a kinsman of mine, who now serves our Ambassador there, whose letters I have not yet received. My business here in your service goes on apace, and if it grow tedious I take recreation in beholding the going forward of your building, where I may see labourers work as lazily as myself, whose art in close loitering requires a surveyor with as many eyes as Argus: they creep about their business so like snails, that I am afraid the house will not be ready by the time appointed. The state it stands at at this point is this. The foundations have got the mastery of the earth where it is highest and is ready to receive the first floor. The side next my Lord of Worcester's is grown up as high as was the wall his predecessor. The two ends which set their foot upon the garden walk are come to the base of the first windows, and make the house already to represent the lower part as I image it will do the other above hereafter. The stone pillars from the arches on the garden side already show half their beauty, confronting one another at best man's height. In sum everything by the view represents to the fantasy an idea of what it will be, a building apt to give the eye contentment, wherein if there happen any inconformity or fault it will be for the absence of your lordship's eye whilst it is in framing, which I am assured would have been the best architect.—From your house in Strand, 9 August 1605.
(2). To Mr. Osborne. I have slept long since the acceptation of your virtuous courtesy. It was not carelessness of so worthy a friend that make me do so, neither is it any new use I mean to make of his friendship that awakens me now. Your sudden departure and long stay have drawn this bear, my pen, to the stake, and I may well say, si per labores sola via morti immortalis ero.—23 August 1605.
(3). To the Earl of Salisbury. I have of late received order from you in two matters, the one by Mr. Levinus for delivery of a book of my late Lord's life and death to Mr. Claphame, which I did according to my warrant; the other, this morning by a note from Sir W. Cope to seek up all the letters of Sir W. Lawson for two years past. I was confident in my memory at the first hearing thereof that there was none such, yet have I reviewed all the packets of late letters and suits to your lordship, and those of elder date to my late Lord, but I find not one. It may be that in the late avoidance of frivolous papers they were all discarded. Sure I am that since my time there has not one paper gone out of the room. Those that I find useless in my judgment I reserve notwithstanding, especially the acknowledgments of obligation, protestations of devotion, proffer of service, or such like. If any there be, they are in packets that I have not yet searched, nor cannot without making confusion. I understand Sir W. W[aad] is preferred to the lieutenancy of the Tower, whereby if you please one of those reversions of the place from which he is advanced will come into ordinary, an occasion which haply in my life will not happen again. My ambition aims at no further bound than your service, and in the granary where to my great content I sever seeds from grain I desire to spend and end my days; yet if your lordship shall haply conceive that in such a place I may one day be fit to do you service after many years of better desert than yet I can challenge, I desire that you will either think of me now or reserve it for me till I have made further trial of my sufficiency, provided that it can be no way a hindrance to this service that I now do you.—14 August 1605.
Drafts. 3 pp. (112. 2.)
The Bishop of Hereford to the Earl of Salisbury.
1605, August 9. I have received your letters touching a burgess in the Parliament. I have laboured in it with all my might, and am sorry so hard an answer is returned to me, that the Mayor and Aldermen of this city have, besides their public oath, a special oath not to choose any man but an inhabitant and member of their city. They affirm that the late Earl of Essex, in his best fortunes and High Stewardship of the city, could not prevail with them to nominate Sir Herbert Crofte, whom they otherwise would gladly have chosen. Being thus, it is a supersedeas to all endeavour to persuade them. If there had been conscience or possibility to persuade them, I could have dealt with Sir John Scudamore, who is now here, to have used his authority over them.—Hereford, 9 August 1605.
Signed: Ro. Hereford. ½ p. (191. 7.)
The Same to the Same.
1605, August 9. I am doubtful whether to make an apology for myself, or complaint against some other. I have done my service in repressing the riots and furies of Popish recusants in these parts with all fidelity, and spared neither pains nor charge. The effect has been such as no good man can malign, for above 200 have submitted and conformed. Yet by practice of their favourers, or other cross humour, their great offences are extenuated, and my service hardly censured. Reports were raised that the Earl of Worcester had given me and all the justices a check for sending up such untrue suggestions. Secondly, Rice Griffithes, a priest, gave out that my Lord of Canterbury had persuaded the King that all those tumults were nothing but a broken head or two. For our defence I have sent herewith the brief of their names and detections, and the proceedings at the Assizes, upon sight whereof you will not think it meet to correct so great offenders with a plume of feathers. It was high time to prevent a great mischief, and they are not so innocent as is pretended. Such carriage of matters is the next way to make men cold in future service. I will never leave the service unpursued; yet the adversaries of the Gospel glory that they are in sort justified, and I, poor man, am had in scorn as defeated of my purposes. Judge me not by the affectionate report of one, but by the judicious testimony of many. I received letters from the Council and the Lord Chief Justice, and have followed their direction to apprehend and bind them over to the Assizes. If the conclusion be not correspondent to the premises, I am free from blame.
A second thing there is wherein a wrong imputation may be laid unto me. The Archbishop of Canterbury recommended unto me Rice Griffithes, whose name is George Williams, as a priest who had submitted, taken the oath, abjured his priesthood and promised special service, to give him access to my ear and his liberty. You also wrote me letters to the same effect 2 years since. He has made semblance of service, but of late I have found him a perfidious man, a sycophant to me, and a mere agent and spy for the Papists; as appears by depositions I purpose to send, containing matter of his saying mass, seducing the people, reconciling, confessing, marrying, assuring the priests and recusants of a toleration, disclosing my purposes, hindering service, bringing more priests into these parts, and such like. For these matters I apprehended and committed him. At the Assizes came letters from the Archbishop that the judges should forbear him, and transmit him to him, and he is dismissed upon bond to appear in the King's Bench next term: to the great applause of Papists and great appalling of well affected men. He never did service worth the least thanks, nay all the increase of priests and recusants here has proceeded from his treachery; and as often as I have admitted him to my chamber, so often have I been exposed to danger of my life; and he never spared words of railing against me among his complices. Some may think his offences may be tolerated, so it be to do service; but I hold it a bad policy to permit a man to commit a blasphemous act (as the mass is), to the end to do another service. He has neither wit nor will for worthy employment; besides Smith accuses him of great lewdness of of life. I may be maligned for committing him, but I have done a necessary service, and I beseech you to let the truth be known where it may concern me most, and take care that so dangerous a miscreant and instrument for Rome be not admitted to his Majesty's presence, as of late he did, exhibiting a petition. He walks abroad triumphantly, and I and others mourn to see so good beginnings have so evil conclusion. John Smith has done his best for Griffithes, and promises to do for other what he may, but they are jealous of him, and he is perplexed, but hopes to recover his credit with them.—Hereford, 9 August 1605.
Signed: Ro. Hereford. 1½ pp. (191. 8.)
The Mayor of Chester to the Earl of Salisbury.
1605, August 10. I received your lordship's letter to me addressed 26 July last, together with a letter to the Lord Deputy of Ireland, and a commission enclosed in a box, the which I forthwith delivered unto one Glegg, an owner of this port, to be conveyed unto his lordship with all convenient expedition. He put to sea 27 July, and arrived at Dublin in safety the 30th of the same, at which time the Lord Deputy was departed thence and gone towards Loughfoile. Notwithstanding (as I am credibly informed) there was present course taken for the sending away of your lordship's letter and the commission.— Chester, 10 August 1605.
Postscript:—I have this 12 August since the writing of this letter received your letter directed to the Earl of Derby, the which I have dispatched away unto his lordship immediately.
Signed: Edward Dutton, mayor. 1 p. (101. 109.)
Postal endorsements: "At Chester 12th August 1605 at xjen of the clocke in the morning. At Namptwiche at iiij. At Stone paste ix halfe a nower. At Litchfeild past j° in the morninge. At Coleshull past iiij° in the morninge. At Coventrye . . . . . 6 in . . . morning, the 13th of August."
Sir William Waad to the Same.
1605, August 10. Not long after I received your favourable letters, to which I made humble acknowledgment of your great goodness on the present, Udall came to me and told me that in my absence from London he had conference with Strange, who left with him the enclosed letter to you whereby you will perceive the offer he makes. Whether it be to procure your consent to give ear unto him, or that Udall conceives it so, he does constantly affirm that Strange will discover the whole plot entertained amongst them when they were fellow-prisoners. Strange further has told him that there is a book set forth in French, and ready to go to the press by consent of these vipers they call the Fathers, but done by a Frenchman and to be printed at Rome. This libel is invective against your honourable father, whereof he will deliver the heads. They accuse him to have supported or given counsel to the maintenance of those of the religions in France against the King, and to be author of the amity we have with the Turk, and, as he says, insert into this pamphlet counterfeit letters fathered upon his lordship. If the information be true order might safely be taken to have stay made thereof, that no such scandalous thing be printed in that King's dominions to the slander of this state. He further told me that Richard Newgent, brother to the last baron of Delvin, and one Boothe that married the widow of Goghe of Dublin and dwells at Drom Conrathe, a mile from Dublin and a half, have undertaken the printing of papistical books, now that the presses have been taken here and the most broken, whither Tho. Harwood is gone. If discreet means be used to look into their doings, they may be discovered and apprehended when opportunity shall best serve. My Lord of London has received the books sent up hither, both out of Warwickshire and from Staffordshire, and two printing-presses, wherein he desires to know his Majesty's pleasure. The prints may be sold and converted to good use, and the money made of them to recompense such as have been used in these discoveries. The books are fit only for the fire and the sooner they are burnt the better.—From the Ermitage at Charing Cross, 10 August 1605.
PS. I find great scandal taken that Abington and Parrham, and such other notorious recusants, having no express leave for themselves carry men over to the Archduke. If the last statute were executed against them by course of law, it would restrain others, for otherwise unknown recusants by this means will avoid the statute.
Holograph. Seal. 2 pp. (112. 4.)
Capt. Anthony Ersfield to the Council.
[1605], August 10. According to your letter directed to Sir Benjamin Berry and me, the officers of the customs and I went to Capt. Downton's ship, where by his men we were denied to go aboard, he being not there, as they said. As soon as we returned to Portsmouth, we sought him at his house, where we missed of him, his wife affirming she had not seen him in fortnight before. I find by the postscript of your Honours' letter, that I am thought to have neglected my duty for refusing to go aboard this ship before I received these letters, having seen his Majesty's letters patent and your hands. I am much wronged in the information, for the ship lies in the main sea without all command of his Majesty's forts and castles, yet I offered, if I had warrant and means to go into the open road, I would do it, though with the hazard of my life. But to go farther than the limits of his Majesty's ports and harbours, under correction, I find it not warrantable in the patent or by your former letters. I beseech you think me as far from being an instrument of ill precedents in his Majesty's service, as he or they that have injured me by this imputation.—Portsmouth, 10 August.
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed: "1605" 1 p. (112. 5.)
Sir Gawen Hervy to the Earl of Salisbury.
1605, August 10. His father died this morning. The King has lost a loyal servant, Salisbury a faithful friend, and he all his earthly comfort. He will look to the prisoners and the safety of the place till he has directions to deliver them up to a new Lieutenant. He does not know whether Sir William Worlyngton will bring him up the keys, but will demand them. Begs Salisbury to entreat the new Lieutenant to treat "us" well till they can remove their stuff into the country; also that what money his father has laid out for the prisoners may be passed into his account for this quarter. His father did the like to Sir John Payton. The troubles of this office have hastened his father's end; and he has left the writer in poor estate, the reputation of his place requiring that which the allowances of the office would not countervail; he hopes therefore that Salisbury will procure the King's favour to him in some suit. The lion whelps daily prosper and increase in strength.—The Tower, 10 August 1605.
Holograph. 1 p. (191. 9.)
David Murray to the Same.
1605, August 10. The Prince is in very good health, though he has had great riding these 4 days past; for he has been at Sir Robert Wroth's, where he lay 3 nights, and hunted 2 whole days together, till we were all weary. I do not care much how few the Prince makes of these hunting journeys, now in his tender and young years, for it may well do him great hurt, but he shall never receive any good thereby. I could allege many reasons in this argument, but refer them till meeting, when I shall show you the special points of my meaning. I do not make any question that the care you have of his health is not second to any man's, and of that his Highness has been sufficiently informed and rests fully resolved thereof, and I hope shall continue so as long as I shall be in company with him.
I crave your favour in this small suit enclosed. If you think it fit, let it go through; if not, there shall be no more of it. It will hurt his Majesty nothing, and I am assured some man will have it. The Prince is to set forward the 19th of this instant, and if I be not prevented by any other, I will crave this suit of his Majesty myself, with your assistance, which I am assured he will not deny.—Nonsuche, 10 August 1605.
Holograph. 1 p. (191. 10.)
Sir Fulke Grevyll to the Same.
[1605], August 10. He inquires of Salisbury's health, and reminds him that he has a poor friend living. Begs him to honour this little cottage and cottager with his presence. He holds it by Salisbury, and has no other means of tendering his homage. It is 22 miles from Grafton, and but 12 from Sir Anthony Cope's. He begs the company also of the Lord Chamberlain, who was of Salisbury's own naming.—Wedgnocke Park, 10 August.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1605." 2 pp. (191. 11.)
Sir George Reynell to the Earl of Salisbury.
1605, August 11. Understands Salisbury's displeasure continues towards him by reason of his letter to the King. In it he neither named nor intended Salisbury; but only desired that the riots and outrages committed by Mr. Tirrell, under colour of Salisbury's decree, might be considered, without that charge which since, by prosecuting them, they have both been put to. He did not intend to oppose the decree, as his accompanying petition witnesses. Begs Salisbury to receive him again into favour, and to satisfy the King and Queen, who, by Salisbury's complaint only, are displeased with him.— 11 August 1605.
Holograph. Endorsed: "Sir George Reynell," and the following list of names: Sir G. Reynell, Sir W. Read, Sir H. Palmer, Sir Jho. West, Sir Jho. Foster, Sir R. Marten, Sir H. Wyvile, Sir G. Trencher, Sir Bapt. Hickes, Sir R. Steward, Sir R. Osburn, Sir G. Beeston and Sir Ja. Cromer. 1 p. (191. 12.)
The Earl of Salisbury to Sir Thomas Edmondes.
1605, August 12. I understand by my servant Levinus that he advertised you last week of the substance of the States' answer to his Majesty's proposition concerning the transporting of the Spaniards into Flanders; which being, as it is, negative and grounded upon so many reasons importing the safety of their State, his Majesty hath no further occasion to press them in it, considering (as he always told the Ambassadors) that he never meant for any denial of theirs to enter into further action against them but to content himself with it, though it would have pleased him better to have received satisfaction, especially the matter being (as it is indeed) of so small consequence in itself, howsoever the apprehensions amongst the States do improve it to the uttermost, to apt it the better to their natural jealousies and suspicious humours. I do send you here both the proposition itself made by Mr. Winwood, and the States' answer, as the sent [sic: ? same] is paragraphed unto us: there remaining nothing more now but that some convenient means be found to provide for the Spaniards' transportation into Spain. Wherein if it be objected (as it is not unlikely but it will be) that his Majesty might have further stretched his authority upon the Hollanders, who will now interpret it as a courtesy they receive at his Majesty's hands to be no further pressed in it; first, it is to be remembered that since the concluding of the peace his Majesty knoweth not of any extraordinary courtesies he hath used towards the States whereof the like hath not in a far greater proportion been yielded to the Archdukes. For his Majesty hath not suffered any person of blood or quality to go to the States' service as he hath done on the other side in the person of the Earl Hume, an ancient nobleman of Scotland, to take a public charge to conduct a new regiment of soldiers to their service; and the Lord Arundel of England to do the like, a person who by his late advancement to his barony carrieth the marks of his Majesty's extraordinary favour as may be thought to be so graced of purpose for that employment. So as for the matter of courtesy unless the Archdukes would merely be too partial to themselves they have no reason to stick or repine at any thing, how it may be construed abroad, seeing whatsoever his Majesty doth in his particular proceeds out of the present consideration of his estate, and be it courtesy or otherwise needs not to except against it as long as therein he doth not contrary directly or indirectly to the prescript rules and profession of the treaty. In which point I doubt not but you will amplify his Majesty's sincerity and his external show of respect every way.
Concerning the point of trade to Antwerp whatsoever hath been propounded by us hitherto is by way of overture on our parts, without any resolution had before from the States, whom we doubt not but to find as averse and misliking of it as the Archdukes do: and therefore whatsoever hath been spoken of our ships going to Antwerp or of their staying at Lillo is but by discourse and proposition, as the Baron of Hoboq can best witness. But for that which was alleged unto you of the like liberty of trade upon the other parts of Flanders, there is some apparent mistaking in it, for that it was never mentioned by us to be now agreed, neither do we see any reason to be able to induce the States to it, but rather it was used as a thing which was not unlike to follow by consequence, after practice of the former.
As soon as we shall receive the States' further answer you shall be acquainted with it; and how far we are like to stand upon for all other matters, they are all at a good stand (thanks be to God) without any apparency of change. Here is a bruit that Mistress Southwell, sometime maid of honour to her late Majesty, who lately withdrew herself from hence without her friends' privity in the company of Sir Robert Dudley, should now become a professed nun of the order of St. Clara at Brussels, and there received with all the solemnity that may be, bringing with her letters of recommendation out of England both from the Spanish Ambassador and the Baron of Hoboque. I pray you inform yourself somewhat particularly of it and let me know the truth. I do suspect the bruit the rather because you have not so much as touched any one word of it in your letters to me.—12 August 1605.
PS. Concerning the Duke of Aerschot and the Marquis of Havré his Majesty hath received their letters and is pleased in respect of his alliance with them to honour them with some token from him after the solemnization of the marriage, whereof you may assure them both.
Copy. 3 pp. (227. p. 81.)
[A draft of the above, except the postscript, is in the Public Record Office, S.P. For., Flanders, 7.]
The Earl of Northumberland to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1605], August 13. He that has observed your courses towards friends or enemies in matter of commodity will free you of being ruled by the penny. The world knows the good you have done to both, and your breath was never noted to be saleable. But as you have maintained your principle not to deny your friend to be good, and have given yourself contentment to do according [to] your spirit; so is not my principle for all this overthrown, to be mannerly, not to be grating of a friend. And since we have tossed principles as kind tokens, one more I must send you; never believe much of his worth that is not tender in racking your power or credit; for either is he base to prefer lucre before satisfaction of his own mind, or he is dishonourably politic, to make his harvest of you whilst the season is proper. For it is a pain for a noble mind to be beholding, when he has no means to requite; and yet again to be so nice as not to be beholding to a friend, has a mixture of indiscretion with honour. I know thanks and a grateful mind is (sic) often a sufficient return for him that gives, but not enough for him that receives, if his heart be framed of the true mould. Therefore for the present I cannot tell how to give up a more feeling thanks for your noble favour than a bare thanks. Other protestations are as easily expressed under the pen of him that means it not, as of him that means it. Therefore I will say no more. For my brother thus much I will add; this may be the foundation of raising another house of the Percys, a desire I have long nourished, a thing begun by this act of yours, and a thing I will second to my power; so as if ever hereafter he shall not acknowledge with the best service he may do you, I will brand him with the mark of ingratitude. For the dealing charitably with the ward this satisfaction I must return you. I know very well how careful you have ever been to make this burden light upon whose shoulders this disaster falls: you only shall have the blame and curse, if extremity be showed, and if your friends will not be as careful for your honour as you are frank to them, I know my censure. If by this means I can procure my brother this marriage, that was the thing I aimed at; if not, then is it not for him, neither the ward in his mercy, but for you to dispose of as it pleases you, for gain was not my end.—Syon, 13 August.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1605." 2 pp. (191. 13.)
Sir William Waad to the Earl of Salisbury.
1605, August 14. I protest to your lordship I receive not that pride of the place his Majesty has bestowed upon me, as I take unspeakable comfort of his royal favour in vouchsafing to remember one now grown old in service of the State. I have some cause to know the place of Lieutenant of the Tower, having had recourse thither this 22 years; and as it is of trust and credence, so it is not void altogether of those accidents, that are incident to the like charge. Prisoners under restraint will attempt anything, therefore he that is in my place shall never have his most watchful care without a good portion of fear. And being preferred by you, in whose house I had long since my bringing up and challenge hereditary observance, I have so many strong bonds to tie me, as I hope my painful endeavour shall show the true intent of my heart and thoughts. I have many years served the state under your good father and yourself, so give me leave to rely from time to time upon your advice and direction, whereof I shall stand in more need now than heretofore. My poor name have served almost three score and ten years as Clerks of the Council and Secretary to the Council at Callis, and by his Majesty's favour now first is removed to a higher form.—From my Hermitage at Charing Cross, 14 August 1605.
PS. My Lord Treasurer has appointed to be here to-morrow at noon. My Lord of Devonshire is looked for to-morrow. The rest of the Lords, to whom his Majesty's letters are directed, are gone into the country.
Holograph. Seal. 2 pp. (112. 6.)
Duplicate of the foregoing letter with some variations and the omission of the postscript.
Holograph. Seal. 2 pp. (191. 15.)
Sir Thomas Smith to the Same.
[1605], August 14. It pleased your lordship not only to grant my suit lately at Court, but also presently to dismiss me from attendance for such direction as you would give to the party whom you would choose to be the instrument of your favour in christening my poor little child. I doubt I have committed an error in not desiring some good friend of mine among your servants to intimate the remembrance thereof unto you, considering your many and great businesses. And therefore I must pray your direction to some such person as you shall be pleased to appoint. Sir Walter Cope is going immediately into Oxfordshire; few others are here; the surest man to be found is Sir William Waad, howbeit I do not presume to mention any unto you, otherways than to refer it to your good pleasure. If I have played the kind husband in hastening my return from the Court too soon at this time, I will make amends another time by diligent attendance, when this business, wherewith I have not by any former experience been acquainted, shall be past.—From my house in Westminster, 14 August.
PS. I have been bold to join with your lordship my Lord Knollys and my Lady Francys Chandois, my wife's aunt, and if your direction may come time enough, I would be glad to hold the appointment of Sunday next.
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed: "1605." 1 p. (112. 7.)
Sir Fulke Grevyll to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1605], August 14. Expresses his thanks for Salisbury's resolution to honour him with his presence. Assures him of his health, all those unmannerly pains being passed. He has written earnestly to invite my Lord Chamberlain, and hopes that Salisbury's company will work that he shall not refuse. He has also written to my Lord of Northampton. His care is only to have Salisbury see with what mind he receives him, and he is confident all other unworthinesses shall be pardoned. Sends a footman by whom he begs Salisbury will give him notice what day he means to be here.—Wedgnocke, 14 August.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1605." 1 p. (191. 14.)
Sir Thomas Edmondes to the Same.
1605, August 14. As soon as Spinola had finished his fortifications upon the Rhine, where he had settled his bridge, he left Buquoy there with 3,000 foot and some companies of horse, and himself marched with diligence towards Freezland. In his way he took Oldenzeld, called a town but for its strength reputed no better than a village, and thence went to besiege Linghen. By their next letters they expect to hear of the rendering of this town. Afterwards it is said they desire before they pierce further into Freezland to turn down into the country of the Vellow [Yssel] and to seek to reduce the towns in those parts, hoping of the greater facility therein for they understand the principal towns thereabouts, namely Deventer, Swoll, Campen, etc., would not be brought to receive garrison, and if they can procure a good footing there they hope not only to interrupt the passage between Holland and Freezland but also to make way with time to the port towns on that coast, whereby to draw some of their shipping from Dunkerk thither to trouble the States' trade in those seas.
It is believed here that Count Maurice is now at Arnham much troubled in dealing with the said towns for the receiving of garrisons to prevent the foresaid inconveniences. The Marquis aims at nothing more than to seek while his army is now in its principal strength to engage Count Maurice to fight, because he apprehends that if he be forced to undergo the difficulties of long and painful sieges in those hard countries the sharpness of the winter will soon decay his army.
The Archduke is now persuaded that the news in a letter from Cullen received three days since of the defeat and capture of Count Henry with 4,000 men and eight cannon in an ambuscado by some forces of Spinola is not true for it is not better verified.
The French captain, Le Terraile, on Sunday morning last with the assistance of some of Count Frederick's troops, attempted the surprising of Bergen op Zoon by "pettars" [petards], but the enterprise failed. At the same time the like enterprise was to have been performed by the governor of Boileduc upon Breda, which received like success.
There have been lately apprehended on the frontiers of Luxembourg some eight or ten Frenchmen who went up and down the country and by "pettars" attempted the spoiling of divers gentlemen's houses there. Some of them also confess they had sought likewise to discover how to surprise the Castle of Charlemont. This discovery serves them in Brussels for a good subject to recriminate for the late practices alleged to have been entertained in Spain upon the towns of Languedock.
The Marquis of Havré is gone to solicit the towns of these parts to yield some extraordinary contributions for the war, now that they are settled, as they persuade themselves, in a course likely to have good success. Indeed Spinola pays the army duly every twenty days a third part of their month's pay, which in the year's calculation makes eight months and it is reckoned that the soldier's daily allowance of bread makes a month and half more in the year; and the use being also to allow the soldier a suit of apparel at the year's end and also commonly to make them a whole month's pay at their going into the field and as much at their withdrawing thence into garrison, it is reckoned Spinola will remain nothing at the year's end in the King's debt. It is said the King of Spain has designed a large proportion to run particularly for the entertainment of English voluntaries.
The Emperor's Ambassador at his return out of England prevented Edmondes's visit by coming first to him. He acknowledged great thanks for his honourable entertainment from his Majesty. Edmondes told him the contrary had been bruited in Brussels, which himself said did in no sort proceed from him. He has been feasted by the Archduke and others of the nobility and reckons to stay here as yet these four or five days.
The death of Peter Sebure at Dover was no unwelcome news for they say he was a very "brouillon."
Brussels has been exercised this week in great devotion upon the receipt of the Jubilee sent from Rome for the contributing of prayers for the better success of the wars of Hungary. The enclosed advertisement contains a good relation of the present state of matters there.
Sends a packet of letters from Sir Charles Cornwallis brought to his hands after it had wandered some time up and down this town.—From Bruxells, 14 August 1605.
Copy. 4½ pp. (227. p. 75.)
[Original in P.R.O. State Papers Foreign, Flanders, 7.]
Sir Thomas Edmondes to the Earl of Salisbury.
1605, August 14. Since his last sent away this morning news is come to the Archduke from Spinola of the rendering of Linghen which held out only seven days and yielded upon composition, there issuing out of the town to the number of 1,000 men. It is said Count Maurice was not above seven leagues thence at the time of the rendering.
By the same messenger the Archduke was advertised of news of contrary effect touching an encounter which the Count of Sores received in his journey; who going to treat with some of the neutral princes in those parts and being accompanied only with the band of horse of the Baron de la Chaulx, son-in-law to President Ricardott, fell into an ambuscado, which defeated the troop of horse and hurt both Sores and the Baron, the latter so grievously as it is not thought he can live. Notwithstanding, being well horsed they saved themselves from being taken. This latter news is wisely dissembled and a loud Te deum sung for the other.—From Bruxelles, 14 August 1605.
Copy. 1 p. (227. p. 80.)
[Original in P.R.O. State Papers Foreign, Flanders, 7.]
The Earl of Salisbury to Sir Thomas Smith.
1605, August 15. I am not ignorant what occasion you have to withhold you, and yet am loth unnecessarily to allege it to the King. I send you by this messenger, therefore, some instructions for the draft of a letter to the King of Denmark, the occasion whereof is derived from a proposition made to the King by the Archduke's Ambassador, the substance whereof is to entreat his Majesty in the name of the Archduke to employ his best friends in the Empire in favour of the house of Austria, that one of them may now be chosen King of the Romans at the next diet, which is shortly to be called in the Empire for their cause, considering in how ill terms affairs stand for lack of some better and more able and more martial head than they have. To this proposition his Majesty has made a temporising answer, not only in regard of the matter itself, which has so many considerable circumstances, but in respect of the correspondence which he is to hold with other princes, that would make ill constructions of his so particular participation of his best means for the greatness of that house. For mine own opinion I conceive it will with very good reason take his lighting place upon some of that house, both in respect that they are possessed of the territories which front upon the Turk, and of the fitness to engage a prince of great potency and already in more open terms of hostility than any other monarch of his quality. But to come to the point which causes this letter, you shall understand that the King intends to acquaint the King of Denmark with the proposition by a private letter of this effect, whereof I pray you send me a minute according to the instructions following, not tieing yourself to the phrase, but to the matter. First that "such is the inward and dear obligation of friendship between them, as whensoever any third person shall come in question for a proof of this affection, it shall not only appear to the King of Denmark, but be made notorious to all the world, how great a difference he ever means to make between them. Out of which affection he could not forbear to advertise him of an overture made him, because he knew not how it might relate to any counsels or actions of his, though he acknowledges him to be one of the kings nearest his own condition for standing in even and indifferent terms toward all the princes and states of Europe." In which consideration you may write, that the King being lately dealt withal as aforesaid in the name of the Archduke did only hear his overture and make reply, that as the matter in itself was great, as that whereon depended the good of all Christendom, for defence whereof neither king nor private man should be more ready upon just ground to employ both life and fortune; so was it newly propounded, and thereby himself the more ignorant what reasons to lay unto himself either one way or other, having in very truth never greatly intruded into particular contemplation of that state, the rather because his Majesty is in effect at the highest of his ambition, by being possessed of all those estates and countries, whereof he knew himself by the law of God to be the lineal and lawful successor. And therefore [he] was desirous to attend, until he might hear further of the disposition and conjunction of all the princes and electors of the Empire, to what resolution they found cause to decline, before he should engage himself for any particular house, more one than another; lest thereby he might show a kind of suddenness in a matter subject to great deliberation, and wherein, whensoever he should engage himself, he would be sorry to lack success. Hereunto you may add this conclusion, that now that he has put off the remonstrance upon good terms, he cannot but resort to him as his dearest brother and friend, and thereby not only observe those strait rules of correspondence which tie princes of such dearness to a mutual participation of all things of weight which may concern either the public or their own private, but also to draw from him the advice of a wise prince, how he should proceed in this, in respect of the public, or whether the King will show himself to have any purpose for himself or any of his. In which case he desires by some speedy answer to be thoroughly satisfied of his disposition, to the intent his Majesty may hereafter carry himself accordingly. —From the court at Ashby this 15 Aug. 1605 [erased].
PS. You may to this add some ordinary conclusion to advertise him of the well-doing of his sister and his nephews and nieces, and of his desire to hear well of him etc.
Corrected draft, with note by Salisbury: "I send God's blessing to my godson." 2¼ pp. (112. 8.)
Sir Thomas Smith to Sir Michael Hicks.
[1605], August 15. I humbly thank his lordship for his remembrance of me, and am glad that he has chosen so kind a friend as yourself to be the instrument of his favour. For the which I can but vow him mine own service, and my little one to be his, when I am gone. Because I did not hear of my Lord's direction all this week, I made bold to send yesterday unto the Court, and the rather because I thought that my Lord would make choice either of you or Sir Walter Cope; and I understand that Sir W. Cope was presently to go out of town, and it was made doubtful upon enquiry whether you were so near as at your house. Howbeit I have understood since from himself that he would rather stay his journey than I should be disappointed, so much am I beholding to him for his kindness. I crave your presence here on Sunday in the afternoon, of which time I have given notice unto the others that are to do me the like favour, but I shall be glad to see you here at dinner, not for any good cheer I will make you, but I suppose it will not be inconvenient for your own case.—From my poor house at Fulham, 15 Aug.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1605." Seal. 1 p. (112. 10.)
David Butler, a Recusant.
1605, August 15. Declaration of George Escot, taken before Sir John Popham, knight, 15 Aug. 1605:—He dwelt at Bridgwater and was master and part owner of a ship called the Speedwell of Bridgwater, which being freighted at Cardiff ready for Portingale, examinate set forth upon Tuesday last was ten weeks or thereabouts; one of the merchants in the same ship named David Butler being requested to come to prayer, which they commonly used twice a day, refused to come, whereupon examinate, suspecting him not to be well affected, after they arrived at Mongey in Galitia (being set there by a contrary wind), made search in his chest, and there amongst other things found a letter now delivered to Sir John Popham. He returned with the said ship and landed at Minehead and came to Bridgwater, and not knowing Sir John Popham to be in the country made the letter known to the portreeve of Minehead, who being made privy with Butler's then being in the town, thought it fit to forbear to apprehend him or to do anything till Sir John Popham might be informed thereof. Further, Butler had said in the presence of Davye Kech and Robert Quirck of Minehead, that there were 200 persons within 3 or 4 miles of a place in Wales that refused to come to the church, but met at an old chapel near.
Examined (signed): J Popham. 1½ pp. (112. 36.)
The Bishop of St. Asaph to the Earl of Salisbury.
1605, August 15. According to your letters, I enclose an advowson to Mr. Whiteakers to the use of Mr. Rainsford. Because I would show my readiness to do you service for your undeserved favour showed to me, poor wretch, I have likewise sealed and delivered a patent of the Registership to Mr. Bellot your servant. If you command me in anything you shall find me truly devoted.
I durst not presume to trouble you with my simple letters, else I had been bold ere this to acquaint you with the unfortunate and ungodly increase of Papists in my diocese, who within the last 3 years are become near thrice as many. In my predecessor's visitation in 1602 there were presented about seven score recusants; and in my visitation about 400. With their number their courage is increased. They little fear the words, until they feel the smart of the laws.—St. Asaph, 15 August 1605.
Holograph. 1 p. (191. 16.)
Sir Walter Cope and Sir Henry Mountagu to the Same.
1605, August 15. Since receiving his letters, signifying the King's pleasure to have a lottery promoted, and the benefit thereof to be charitably employed, they have informed themselves of the reasons and objections for and against it; as also of the course offered for the well managing of it. They perceive it to be his care, though profit be pretended, yet that such a course be settled as may bring least offence to the public.
They detail at length the reasons and objections, and the course proposed to obviate the latter. The undertakers are confident, both to free the device from the common scandal of lotteries, and by the rent employed according to his Majesty's charitable purpose, that more shall be relieved than any way damnified.—15 August 1605.
Signed. Endorsed: "Sir Walter Cope and the Recorder of London." 2 pp. (191. 17.)