Index: M

Pages 585-588

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 7, 1597. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1899.

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Mabel, Lady, 282.

McCarthy, Florence, letters from, 236, 290.

Machiavelli, “Matchaviliam” practices, 461.

Machin, Mr., keeper of one of the walks in Enfield park, 302, 321.

Mackery End, letter dated at, 393.

Maclean, Maclayne, —, in Scotland, offering his services to the Queen, 246.

in command of a force at the Queen's disposal for Ireland, 253.

companies in the Queen's service on the Borders, 288.

Macquherry, John, Jesuit, 253.

Macshaune, Maurice, 137.

Mademoiselle, the proposed marriage of, 183.

Maderas, islands of, 387.

Madox, Richard, debt of the Queen to, 157.

Madrid (Madrill), 4, 21.

time necessary for intelligence to pass from London to, 250.

English fugitives at, 260.

Maestricht, 179.

Magdeburg, 516.

Prince of, 78.

Maimed soldiers, charitable provision for, 160.

Mainwaring, Christopher, 486.

Mainz (Mayentia), 516.

Maîtres du camp, 20.

Majorca, regiment raised in, 201.

Makehewe, Fervgh, an Irish traitor, his head brought into England, 395.

Malaga, 33, 137, 138.

Malbey or Malbie :

Henry, 280, 281.

— letter from, 530.

Captain, a statement against, 534.

Mrs. Katherine, letter from, 329.

Malins, Estates of, 380.

Mallorye :

John, 415, 416.

Sir William, 416.

Mandyllons, 518.

Mangerton, laird of, 226.

Manners :

Lady Bridget, baptism of, 326.

Mr., 303, 359.

— dilapidations caused by, at Enfield, 458.

John, 483.

Roger, 508.

— letters from, 121, 266, 303, 507 (2).

Sir Thomas, daughter of, husband of, 404.

Mannyng, Randall, merchant, St. Swithin's Lane, 87.

Mansfelt or Mansfield, Count of, 30, 47.

Mansfield :

Jo., 415.

Mr., a license signed by, 294.

Ralph, 90.

Mantua, Duke of, 37, 38, 101.

Manwood, Peter, 537.

Marbles, John, 181.

Marcus Antonius, Emperor, quoted, 364.

Mare, river, plan to take possession of the passages of, 75.

Marenco, Jacomo or Giacomo, letters from, 119, 201, 213, 495, 497.

Margate or Margate Road, 510, 518.

Mariana, Dona, 475.

Markham :

Sir Griffin, prisoner in the Fleet, letters from, 2, 8, 18, 22, 23, 55.

Thomas, connected with the forest of Sherwood, 302.

Markland, a seminary, 300.

Marmalade mentioned, 121.

Marriage, negotiations for a, 244.

after divorce, growth of, 453.

without consent of parents, 453.

articles of the sacrament of, 539.

Marseilles (Marsiles), relations with the Duke of Tuscany, 423.

Marshall :

John, 369.

Roger, letters from, 255, 517.

—, arrested for debt, 256.

Marshalsea, letters dated at, 2, 517.

Martel, Fontaine, 129.

Martin, Martyn, Martyne :

Cuthbert, 22.

a “Docktor Comenser” at Cambridge, candidate for church preferment, 252.

one, a notorious traitor, 517.

Father Peter, 475 (2).

Sir Richard, 40, 517.

—, letters from, 252, 256, 356.

William, of Exeter, 220.

Martine, James, a Dutch merchant, 538.

Martingo or Martinengo, Andrya, 90, 223.

Martyn. See Martin.

Mary, Queen of Scots, the charge of, 333.

one who had dealings with, 363.

Mason :

Mr., clerk of the Parliament, 299.

Mr., parson of Woodhorne in Northumberland, death of, 354.

Ralph, letter from, 71.

Massam, William, contractor for wheat, 22, 102.

Masterson, Captain Henry, 108, 229, 245.

letter from, 213.

Matheo, Cardinal, patron of the Irish, 87.

Mathias, Archduke, 81.

Matthew :

Mr., 393, 394.

Tobias, bishop of Durham, letters from, 405, 451.

— on the state of the Borders, 451–453.

— methods recommended by, against recusants, 452.

Maugherline, 313.

Mauleverer (Mawliverer, Mallyverer), Sir Richard, 412, 416.

Maurice, Count. See Nassau.

Maxie or Maxey, Edward, customer of Portsmouth, 72.

letter from, 118.

Maximilian :

Emperor, 307.

the Archduke, brother of the Emperor, 81.

brother of the King of Spain, 73.

May, Maye :

—, servant of Sir R. Cecil, 82, 124.

one, draper, dispute about a debt with Lady Russell, 296.

(or Mey), John, bishop of Carlisle, letters from, 126, 298.

Sir Joseph, letters from, 159, 223, 273, 277, 282.

Mayenne (Demayne), Duc de, 232, 237.

characteristics of, 478.

attempts to take possession of Châtelheraut, 421.

keeping up proposals for peace, 538.

Mayentia [Mainz], 516.

Mayes, Thomas, 181.

Maynard, Henry, secretary to Lord Burghley, 102, 148, 426.

letters from, 231, 266, 293, 378, 433.

sum of money promised to, for furthering a suit, 393.

Mayne, Joseph, 254.

a “maign monster yoman” of Lord Burghley, violent conduct of, 444.

Measles, the, an attack of, 184.

Mechelburg, 516.

Medburne, in Leicestershire, letters dated at, 288, 366.

Medina Sidonia, Duke of, 81.

Mediterranean Sea, 531.

Medly, Medeley :

Mr., 373, 374.

Clement, statement of the case of, 534.

William, letters from, 206, 330.

Medway, river, jurisdiction over, 301.

Meideublick, 67.

Melbourne, manor of, 411.

Melcombe Regis, letter dated at, 332. See also Weymouth.

Mellys, an English seaman, taken prisoner, 399.

Melvin, Sir Robert, 268.

Memorency. See Montmorency.

Mercer, Richard, 33.

Merchant Adventurers, fellowship or company of the, 159, 178, 200.

the emperor's proclamation against, 307, 308.

petition from, 543.

Mercœur (Mercurio, Mercure, Mercury), Duke of, 4, 70, 360.

his demands granted, 140.

relations with the King of France, 418, 420.

negotiations with, 519.

Meredith, Mr. W., H.M. paymaster for the Low Countries, 178, 196, 200, 248, 305, 426.

Merionethshire, mines royal of, 233.

Vice-Admiral of, 486.

Spanish ship off the coast of, efforts to capture, 485, 486.

Merrett, John, the pursuivant, 322.

Mervyn, Sir J., 341.

Merwall manor in Warwickshire, mortgage on, 283.

Messene, town of, spoiled, 529.

Metz, castle at, holding out against the town, 121.

Meverell :

Francis, a person of unsound mind, 128.

—, lands of, &c., 185.

Robert, 182, 185.

Mey, John, bishop of Carlisle. See May.

Meyrick, Merrick, Sir Gelly or Gilley, 27, 306, 462, 482, 486.

letter from, 444.

Meysy, Mr., a lieutenant at Flushing, 192, 193.

Micheli, Signor Buonaventura, in Antwerp, 71.

Michellmore, —, cousin to Sir A. Sherley, 159.

Michelot, William, French merchant in London, information against, 467, 534.

Michelotte's case, 433.

Micipsa, king of Numidia, quoted, 364.

Middelburgh (Midleborrow), 24, 27, 57, 71, 93, 112, 159, 224, 288, 379, 489, 529.

mariners of, ready to aid those of Flushing, 68.

English clerks at, 132.

letters dated at, 83, 131, 136, 248, 490.

Middleham parks, mortgage on, 283.

Middleton (Midleton), manor of, Warwickshire, 545.

Middleton :

Mr., 58.

Thomas, 215.

—, letter from, 214.

Mienke, captain, 155.

Milan, 101, 110, 363, 484.

governor of, his designs upon Brescia, 129.

King of Spain's estate in, 38.

soldiers levied at, 110, 201.

Milbourne, Rowye, 227.

Mildmay :

—, 437.

Sir Anthony, English ambassador in France, letters from, 64, 99, 143, 145, 182, 209.

—, letters from, after his return, 357, 387, 411.

—, reconciled with Sir Thomas Cecil, 411.

—, lease of Higham Ferrers, 507.

Sir Thomas, letter from, 215.

Sir Walter, executor of, 500, 501.

Milford Haven, 446.

customer of, 228.

Spanish designs against, 427.

defence of, 466.

Miliner, the, of York Castle, 514.

Millbrook, Plymouth, 365.

Milles :

Mr., chief customer of Rochester, 214.

William, clerk of the Star Chamber, 351, 536.

Millet, Marguerin, French prisoner in London, 51.

Milmay, Mr., 10.

Milner, Gre., 539.

Mines Royal, of Cornwall and Merioneth, 233, 333.

Minorca, regiment raised in, 201.

Minstrels, the company of, 54.

Mintroile. See Montreuil.

Mo., Tho., 162.

Modbury, letters dated at, 168, 213.

Mohun, Renauld, 546.

Mole, Mr., 76.

Molle, —, 286.

Molyneux, Molineux :

Amery, letter from, describing ordnance invented by, 93.

Sir Richard, 327.

— letter from, 496.

Molyns, Sir Nicholas, letters from, 146, 233.

Momfort's advices, 87.

Mompesson, William, 314.

Mondragon, Don Alonzo de, 25, 32.

Mondragon's cornet of horse, 47.

Monforde, Thomas, 279.

Monmouth, co. of, sheriffs for, 536.

a bailiwick in, desired, 464.

persons alleged unfit for office of sheriff, 487.

Mons, 224.

Monsy, Jan de, French “courier ordinaire,” 178.

Montague :

Lady, action with regard to her brother, Francis Dacres' letters, 396, 397, 401, 402.

Lord, letter from, 329.

— married to Lord Buckhurst's daughter, 402.

Montceaux, Madame de, 172.

Monteagle, Lord, 496.

Montecatine, Signor, secretary to late Duke Alphonso, 525.

Montez, Father, 475.

Monthullin, 44.

Montmartin, Monsieur, letter from, 169.

Montmorency (Memorency), Henri de, Constable of France, 39, 63, 130, 140, 141, 480.

the house of, influence of, 172.

Montpensier, Duc de, 99, 360.

Montreuil, Muntrell, Montroyle, Mountruel, Mountroll, Mintroile, 38, 44, 104, 136, 183, 237.

devoted to the king, 136.

English forces quartered at, 418, 420.

Montrose, Master of, eldest son of the earl, on his journey to France, 523.

Mool, Monsieur, 178, 179, 232.

Moore :

—, 528.

Francis, 477.

— letter from, 260.

Hugh, 356, 510.

John, 493.

Mr., practising at the bar in York, 506.

Robert, at Louvaine, 490.

Sir William, 477, 484.

Moores in Galizia, 7, 15.

Moors, fear of the, in Spain, 110.

Moote, the Goodman of the, 227.

Morcocke, Richard, 22.

More (or Mowe), Ralph, of Mowe, 227, 271.

Morenco, Signor, 528.

Morgan :

Captain, in Flanders, 32.

Sir Matthew, 245.

—— letter stating his services, &c., 335.

Morgans, the, of Monmouthshire, 487.

Morice :

James, 534.

William, vice-admiral of Merionethshire, 486.

Morison :

Captain P., 115.

— letter from, 213.

Mr., from Constantinople, 40.

Morlaix in Brittany, 250.

Morler, Anthony, 22.

Morley :

Mark, 347.

Peter, 347.

Moro, D. Cristofero de, 260.

Morral, Hugh, 22.

Morrey, Colonel, 163.

Morrice, Edward, 175.

Morrison, Morysyn, Sir Charles, 401.

letter from, 468.

Morus, Robertus, letter from, 490.

Moscrapp (Moscropp), Patrick, 389, 390(2).

Motcombe, 267.

Mount Edgcumb, 233.

Mountjoy, Charles Lord, 72, 319, 346, 369, 371, 446, 471, 479, 482.

letters from, 146, 152, 344, 373, 443, 450, 461, 470, 472.

message from the Queen for, 315.

return to Plymouth, 361.

signs a minute of a council of war, 291.

deputy to, at Portsmouth, 395.

a servant of, 466.

Mountrell. See Montreuil.

Mountrem, name of a gate at Amiens, 100.

Mouray, —, commanding a regiment of Scots in the Low Countries, 31.

Moustreil's Horse, 88.

Mouy, M. de, 170.

letter from, 211.

Mowe :

laird of, 90.

Ralph, of Mowe, 227, 271.

Muchie, John, the post, 26.

Mullinax's brass pieces, 167.

Mulvedro wines, 428.

Munster, chief justice in, the place of, 231.

Mure, — 236.

Murions, 53.

Muschamp, Mr., 71.

Muscovia, See Russia.

Muskham, North, 315.

Muster Masters, 531.

Myddelton, Mydylton :

Richard, 416.

Thomas, letter from, 185, 214.

Mydhall, Robert, 22.

Mylar, Edward, letters from, 339, 344.

Myllner, Richard, convict at York, 506.