Index: N, O

Pages 588-590

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 7, 1597. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1899.

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Namur, 75.

mutiny of Spaniards in, 224.

Nangle, Peter, an Irish friar, 218.

Nantes River, 399.

Nanton, Mr., or Dominus, 392, 510, 528.

Nantwich, 327.

Napier, Sir Robert, 255.

Naples, 110.

wars in, 50.

soldiers levied in, 101, 110, 165.

galleys of, go against the Moors, 110.

— for the Spanish fleet, 137, 138, 201, 548.

Narrow Seas, H.M. fleet in, 311, 342, 343.

Narve, the, 338.

Nassau :

Count John of, and his son, 104.

Count Ludovic (Ludowick, Ludovyck, Ludiwicke, Louis) of, 1, 20, 236.

— letters from, 141, 208, 293, 548.

— ready to follow Essex, 163.

— the father of, letters from, mentioned, 163.

Count Louis Gunther of, at the Court, 104.

Count or Graf Maurice of (“his excellency”), 34, 68, 73, 119, 120, 140, 147, 163, 170, 219, 398, 401.

— letters from, 28, 85.

— attack on Turnhout projected, 9.

— victory over the Spaniards at Turnhout, 24, 26, 28, 29, 31, 45–47.

— invited to a conference at Dieppe, 27.

— sends Count Verras's corpse, 43.

— plans and movements of, 43, 44, 61, 71, 85, 144, 219, 482.

— people of, make courses to the gates of Antwerp, 70.

— desirous to reduce Bercke, 75.

— the subject of letters to the Queen from, 84.

— illness of, 176.

— failure to surprise Venlo, 200, 201, 205.

— besieging Berck, 361.

— a German traitor brought to, 517.

Count Philip of, letter from, 508,

Count William of, 20, 27, 85, 294, 482.

Justinus de, Admiral of Zealand (“the Admiral”), 156.

— letter from, 136.

— enterprise upon Gravelines, 163, 164.

Navarrois, le. See King of France.

Navy, H.M. :

cordage for, 12, 484.

estimate of cost of ships, 206, 314. See Ships.

Neale, auditor, 22.

Neapolitans in the Spanish service, 25, 28, 224.

Necton, Mr., 298.

letter to, 522.

Negro, Octavio, 202.

Nelson, Ralph, a prisoner in York, 514, 515.

Nemours, Duc de, 141.

Netherham, letters dated at, 319.

Netherlands, the Spaniards in the, 61. See Low Countries.

Nets wrought with gold and silver, 259.

Nevill (Nevell) :

Dr., Master of Trinity, &c., 252, 395.

Edward, Lord Abergavenny, lands of, 496.

Henry, 477.

Sir Henry, letter from, 534.

Thomas, 539.

Newborne, Northumberland, 451.

Newcastle, 204.

letter dated at, 115.

dearth of corn in, 295, 296.

Mayor of, and customer of, 208.

refitting of a ship at, 208.

men travelling to, murdered and robbed, 251.

Newfoundland :

fishery, 123.

arrival of fishermen from, purchase of the fish, 385.

Newgate, 537.

underkeeper of, 371.

Newhaven, fear of attack on, 152.

Newkark, John, Spanish Ambassador to the Senate of Lubeck, 271.

Newnton, letters dated at, 347, 383.

Newry, 311.

New Spain, 14.

Newton upon Darwen or Derwent, 411, 514, 516.

Newton, one, taken in Scotland, condemned to death, a woman bearing a petition on behalf of, 254.

Newton St. Lowe, particulars of manor of, 496.

Nicholas, Mr., keeper of the Wood Street Compter, 393, 394, 453.

Nicholson, George, servant to Mr. Bowes, 389.

Nieuport (Newport), 272.

Nimeguen (Nimueghen), 26.

Nisbet, 388.

Nixson :

John, of the High Ashes, 226.

Quintin, David's, 227.

Norburie, John, letter from, 17.

Norden, John, descriptions of the shires of the realm by, 459.

Norham, 234, 262.

West Ford near, place of delivery of pledges, 271, 274, 276.

Norfolk :

Duke of, attainted, lands of, 130.

grain from, 526.

Suffolk, and Cambridge, receiver of, 507.

Normandy :

threatened by the Spaniards, 97.

glass, 530.

Norreys, Norris, Norrys, Norries :

Henry, Lord, an attack upon his house intended, 50.

—, letters from, 174, 434, 435.

—, house at Charing Cross, 435.

Mr., 339.

Sir Edward, Governor of Ostend, 212, 398, 529.

—, letters from, 22, 57, 73, 119, 124, 131, 154, 187, 221, 305.

—, stuff belonging to, seized at Sandwich, 90.

—, a cousin of, 119.

General, 166.

— decease of, 388.

Henry, son of Lord Norreys, 434, 435.

Sir Henry, sent back to Ostend, 469, 470.

Sir John, 286, 470.

— letter from, 473.

John, in Ireland, 230.

Lady Margery, letter from, 230.

Sir Thomas, 290, 386.

William, 33.

William, of Dartmouth, who conveyed prisoners from Rochelle, 421.

North, Council of the :

examiners of witnesses before, the office and holders of it, 106, 127.

secretaries of, 106, 127.

H.M. Attorney before, the office of, 162, 252.

— named, 506.

lacking a president, &c., sitting appointed, 383.

letter relative to the Yorkshire election, 417.

letter of thanks to, suggested, 418.

instructions to, with regard to the Yorkshire election, 426.

action of the justices at Westminster with regard to, 492, 493.

letters from, 492, 506 (2).

North :

Lord, 294, 302.

—, letter from, 298.

R., letters signed by, 339, 448.

Richard, 181.

North Cape, the (coast of Spain), 319, 338, 372, 379,

Northall, 33.

Northampton, 304.

Northaw, letter dated at, 135.

Northayer, Northaye, Ralph, Bailiff of Colchester, letters from, 299, 332, 354.

Northumberland :

Earl of, letter desiring to be excused from having to repair to the North Borders, 322.

my lady of, jointure of, 91.

Essex's sister of, 249.

co. of, Sheriffwick of, 71.

— ravages of the Scots in, 530.

— gentlemen of, and the Border service, 451.

Norton :

Dudley, letter from, 280.

one, of Paul's Church Yard, 377.

Richard, High Sheriff of Hampshire, 35.

Norway, 247.

Norwich, 27.

Nottingham, 488.

justices of, 294.

Earl of. See Howard.

Noun-adjective natures,” 370.

Nowell, Dr. Alexander, dean of St. Paul's, letter from, 134.


Oade, a ship's lading of, 427.

sowing of, contrary to law, 429, 468.

O'Connor :

Cale, 137.

brother of, 506.

Octavio Negro, 202.

Odell, Roland, 22.

Odiham (Odyame), letter dated at, 18.

O'Donell, —, 311.

emissaries sent by, to Scotland, 246.

O'Donnell's country, 344.

Offalye in Ireland, 282.

Ofleye, Thomas, 22.

Ogle :

Cuthbert, Lord, 529.

Luke, deceased, 491.

William, convicted for felony, 515.

Oils sold at Plymouth, 147.

Okeover, in Staffordshire, letter dated at, 5.

Oldenberg, 529.

Oldfielde, Roger, 22.

Oldsworth, —, 350, 477.

Oley, Thomas, a Dutch felon, 331.

Olivares, Count d', the deciphering of the letter of, disclosing the Spanish invasion, 96.

Onaght, land in Ireland, 290.

Orange :

Prince of, 30, 521.

late Prince of, daughter of, intended marriage, 482.

Princess of, departure for France, 482.

Orchies, 367.

Ordinaries of London, Nottingham, &c., 488.

Ordnance, 228.

licences to export, 83, 147, 284.

Master of the, 199, 541.

Office of, instructions for, referred to, 119.

Ordnance and projectiles, new devices, 93, 167.

Orgarsabal, Martin, 428.

Orme, Humphrey, mercer of Cheapside, letter from, 281.

Ormond, Earl of, corn bought from, 113.

general of the army in Ireland, 449.

Ormond, Earldom of, claim to, 533.

Ormond and Ossory, house of, in Ireland, state of, 106, 107.

Orosa, Don, 455.

O'Rourke, 311.

Ortingall, Cape, 368.

Osborne, Osburne :

Mr., messenger from the earl of Essex, 371, 386, 403, 421, 438.

Robert, 508.

Ostend, 23 (2), 93, 114, 336, 392, 460, 469, 479.

letters dated at, 24, 57, 74, 119, 131, 154, 187, 221, 222, 305, 473.

threatened attack on, 71, 73, 74.

rejoicing at, 131.

soldiers from, for Essex's expedition, the command of, &c., 221, 222.

intelligence, 224.

report of treason in, 339.

siege of, 468, 469, 473.

ships of, taken, loss to the burghers, 529.

fortification of, &c., 529.

Ousley, Young, a competitor with E. Reynolds, for an office, 332, 333, 459.

Outlaw, Richard, of York, 493.

Overall, one, 394.

Overyssel, 521.

Owen :

John, J. P. for Merionethshire, letter from, 485.

Mr., 95.

Mrs., aunt of George Chamberlayne, 474.

Thomas, justice of the common pleas, 146.

— letters from, 290, 294.

Oxford, Oxenforth, 304, 397, 474.

the late bishop of, 135.

colleges at :

All Souls, letter from warden and fellows, 523.

Balliol (“Baylife”), 174.

Christchurch, the choice of scholars, 170.

Germans at, 309.

a letter from, 506.

Queen's Hebrew reader at, 546.

Oxford :

Countess of, a petition against, 48.

Edward, earl of, letter as to a complaint against his wife, 17.

— mention of his marriage, 17.

— mention of, 327.

Oxfordshire, rebellion in, 49, 236.