Index: L

Pages 581-585

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 7, 1597. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1899.

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La Barlotte (Labberlott, La Burlotte), Mons., Colonel of Walloons in Spanish service, 25, 28, 29, 32, 360.

La Boysière, 98.

La Buhe, Mons., 96.

Lacey, Lacie, John, 137, 412, 413, 414.

Lachenlade, 301.

Lacke, Mr., 493.

Ladbrooke, Jonas, 347.

Ladd, John, of Yarmouth, 3.

Ladylands, laird of, raid of, frustrated, and himself drowned, 246, 253.

La Fere, taken by the French, 192.

La Fertel, English forces in, 40.

La Fontaine, Mons. de, French envoy, 52.

letter from, 51.

matters in charge, 176.

letters to, 407–409, 418.

the Queen's disdainful reception of, 429.

La Gard, regiments de, 144.

Laguna, Ciudad dé la, 285.

Lake :

Mr., 135, 148, 431.

Lancelot, a bailiff of the co. of York, 413.

Thomas, 224.

Lalore, Mons., deputy lieutenant of Normandy, visit to England, 35.

Lambert, —, pilot to the Spanish fleet, 137.

La Mote's old regiment, 32.

La Mott, Mons, 284, 407.

Lampine, Mr., 536.

Lancashire :

reception of Lord Derby in, 327.

parliamentary election for, referred to, 425.

justice of the peace for, 496.

Lancaster Castle, 490.

Lancaster, Duchy of :

order of court, 490.

township in Northumberland belonging to, 491.

offices pertaining to, in Leicestershire, 518.

Lancaster, Thomas, bearer of a letter, 298.

Landgrave, the. See Hesse.

Lane :

George, son of one George Lane, of Rickmansworth, certain information by, 259.

John, 395.

John, examination of, 33.

Sir Ralph, one of the Privy Council at Wars in Ireland, letter from, 310.

— plan of campaign by, 311.

Robert, 508.

Sir William, at Horton, 304.

William, letter from, 508.

Langdale, Thomas, 514.

Langrydge, John, 385.

Langstone, 35.

Langton, Richard, 166.

Langust, 277.

La Noue, Mons. de, 520.

Lanyld, Francis, 224.

Laredo in Biscay, 21, 250,

La Rue, Spanish attack upon, 173.

Lascelles, Tho., 415.

Lathom, letter dated at, 344.

Lathome, Captain John, 215, 313.

Latin Secretary, the appointment of, 517.

Latin verses by Lady Russell, 441.

La Tremouille, Mons. de, 360.

letter endorsed by, 170.

intended marriage, 482.

Laune, M. Isaac de, doctor of medicine, of the reformed religion, outrage on the corpse of, 165.

Laverall, Count of, 29.

Law, actions at, notes of, 479.

Lawrence, Thomas, 347.

Lawson, Mr., 546.

Layton, letter dated at, 468.

Lea :

Captain, in charge of the fort at Radrum, 340.

Robert and Alice, petition of, 546.

Leak, Leake :

Mr., illegal killing of the Queen's game by, 321, 322.

Edward, 372.

John, 22.

Leakes, the, 538.

Le Cokill, Mons, 29.

Lea :

Francis, 484.

Sir Henry, 536.

— letters from, 310, 402, 420, 501, 517.

John, letter from, 293.

— letter to, 288.

Captain Thomas, 395.

Leeds, a contribution from, towards setting out a ship, demanded, 203.

Lees, Mr., 516.

Le Fort, François or Francis, 19, 73, 147.

folly of, 59.

a petition of, referred to, 74.

letter from, 285.

Legate, the Papal, part taken by, in the negotiations for peace, 420.

Legatt (Legat, Legate, Legete), Captain John, commanding a cruiser, letter from, 6.

payment for his charges, 6.

mentioned, 7, 21, 62, 378.

sent out to gain intelligence, 58.

Legerson (or Segar), Martin, his ship sunk, 462, 463.

Legge, Dr., Master of Caius College, Cambridge, 406.

Leghorn (Legorno, Livorno), 235.

supplies of grain from, 101.

Le Grand, Mons., 51.

letter from, 126.

Leicester, a preacher at, 87.

town-clerkship of, pertaining to the Duchy of Lancaster, 518.

Leicester, Earl of, mentioned, 419.

Leicester, George, losses in the Queen's service, 113.

Leigh, Walter, bishop of Killaloe, 137.

Leighton, Sir Thomas, letters from, 305, 402, 441.

his wife at Court, &c., 441.

Leister, —, 532.

Lennox, Duke of, to be sent in embassage to the Queen, 247.

signing articles for delivery of pledges, 268.

Lerma, Don Pedro di, commanding galleys from Sicily, 201.

Lesdiguieres (Lesdigeres, Ladiguere, Desdiguieres), François Bonne de, French general, 130, 141, 173, 409.

letter from, 56.

in Sancy, 360, 423.

Le Sieur, Stephen, birthplace, history, &c., 521.

Lesingham, 139.

Lespeur, Guillaume, 181.

Lester, Mr., business relations with Sir T. Sherley, 563.

Letters of Marque, 338.

Levantiscoes, 487.

Levett, Mr., Mayor of Doncaster, 28.

Levies of soldiers in various counties, 179, 200, 247, 250, 459, 461, 463.

Leviston, William, 142.

Lewisham, 435.

Lewknor, Edward, 484.

Lewknor, parsonage of, question of tenancy of, 523.

Lewson, Sir John, 477, 484.

Lewyer, William, of Abergavenny, 536.

Ley, Leye :

Mr., a former searcher of Bristol, 289.

Sir Henry, 289.

Robert, mayor of Torrington, 92.

Roger, 87, 103.

Licence for alms, 529.

Liddesdale, or Marches of, 79.

pledges of, 226.

invaded, and reprisals made, 241, 242.

outrages committed by men of, under Buccleuch, 250, 251.

men of, refuse to deliver pledges, 274.

map of, 547.

Liege, 364, 365.

Lifford, River, 344.

Liftenzook, 4.

Lille, intercepted letters from, 155.

Lilly, Lillye. See Lyllé.

Lilton, Mr., 304.

Limehouse, 341.

letters dated at, 314, 339.

Limerick, 136, 312.

advised as a place to attack, 137.

Bishop of, letters to, 138, 139.

mayor and citizens of, loyal letter to the Queen, 52.

Lincoln, Earl of :

letters from, 16, 356.

the Council's letter to, on behalf of his daughter-in-law, 375.

Lincolnshire, Jesuits in, 300.

Lindley, Linley, Lynley :

Edward, convict at York, 516.

Henry, a servant of the Earl of Essex, 275, 303, 350, 376, 477.

—, letters from, 283, 376.

Lines, Edward, 181.

Linghen, 482.

Linlithgow (Lithguhoe, Lithgow), the King of Scotland at, 239, 247.

Lion Hales in Herefordshire, mortgage on, 283.

Lisbon (Lisborne), 7, 21, 58, 109, 487.

news from, 4, 136, 137, 158, 177, 427.

Spanish preparations at, &c., 53, 55, 56.

— ships retired to, for safety, 243.

fear of the Queen's fleet going to, 261.

East India carricks arrived at, 422.

ordnance from an English ship landed in, &c., 467.

river of, 494.

Lisman :

Mr., 319, 404.

conduct towards Mr. Beal, 405.

Livermore, John, mayor of Exeter, letter from, 386.

Lizard, the, Spanish fleet sighted off, 443.

Loan raised by the Queen, exemption from, 285.

Loccoram, William, of Lyme Regis, mariner, news from Lisbon brought by, 427.

Lock (Locke, Lok) :

Henry, 422.

—, letters from, 146, 236, 254, 347, 406, 519.

—, desiring a post connected with the revenues of Exeter Cathedral, 382.

—, dispute of Venetian merchants with, 202.

Zacharias, letter from, 94.

Lockwood, Alexander, 347.

Lodge, —, 369.

Loftus, Adam, Lord Chancellor of Ireland, letter from, 31.

Loie, Mons. du, visit to England, 4.

Lok. See Lock.

Loman, Mr., a solicitor, 298,

Lombard infantry for Spanish service, 165, 229.

L'Omeny, M. de, letter endorsed by, 170.

London, 174, 304.

letters dated at, 147, 149, 178, 180, 216, 218, 221, 224, 231, 238, 252, 261, 271, 278, 279, 280, 284, 285, 292, 294, 295, 302, 314, 320, 333, 339, 351, 356, 365, 368, 373, 377, 392, 396, 401, 403, 420, 430, 434, 435, 453, 475, 484, 494, 507, 508, 518, 523, 524.

cause depending against the Cinque ports, 217.

cheesemongers of, 3.

evidence of conservancy of the Thames, 300.

dearth of corn in, 148.

full of discomfortable news, 307.

knights and citizens for, on a parliamentary committee, 476.

lances and horsemen furnished by, 341.

levies from, 200.

liberties about, as the Friars, 43.

lodging-house for Flemish merchants, &c., in, 494.

Lord Mayor of, death of, 2.

—, letter from, 148.

—, cause against Lord Rich, 429.

pinners and needlemakers of, 545.

port of, customers of, 159.

post to Madrid from, 250.

prentices, rising of, mentioned, 49, 50.

priests in, 33.

society of the Hanse towns in, 273.

London places :

Bearbinder Lane, 351.

Channon Row, 40.

Cheapside, market for jewels, 504.

Fenchurch Street, 351.

Finsbury Fields, 504.

Gray's Inn, fields about, 190.

— a suspected murder in, 392.

— letters dated at, 403, 442, 514.

Holborn, 33, 54, 203, 537.

Holy Lamb in Shoreditch, 277.

inn called “Holausen Tenyne,” in St. Catherine's, 397.

Mark Lane, letters dated in, &c., 48, 60, 214, 351.

“Mayden Hedd” at Yeeld Hall Gate 118.

Milford Lane, letter dated in, 374.

Minorites, the, letter dated at, 196, 469.

Moorfields, builder of tenements in, 366.

St. Clement Danes Parish, rents of grounds, buildings, &c., 265.

St. John Street, letter dated at, 244.

Great St. Bartholomew's, 475.

— letter dated at, 357.

— liberty of, building in, 428.

Savoy, the, 507.

— letters dated at, 299, 507.

Serjeant's Inn, Fleet Street, letters dated at, 162, 483, 496, 504.

Strand, the, 190, 295.

— letters dated at, 231, 293, 394, 402, 422, 433.

—, the Swan in, 180.

— Lord Burghley's house in, 196, 286.

— Sir R. Cecil's house in, 262, 266.

— suspected persons in, 358.

— barber and coachman in, 358.

— the sign of the Black Boy in, 358.

tailor's house at the sign of the Shears, 295.

Walbrook, 186.

Warwick Lane, 254.

Watling Street, 518.

West Cheap, 253, 257.

Whitecross Street, 340.

Whitefriars, 333, 353, 384, 468, 470, 505.

London, Bishopric of, appointment to, 147.

Bishop of, 536.

— letter from, 377.

— as censor of a history of the times, 406.

Long, Captain, fined, &c., 243.

Longe, George, first glass maker in Ireland, 530.

Longuepré, 100.

Lonsdale, stewardship of, 490.

Loon, Captain, letter from, 484.

Lopez, Lopaz, Jeronimo, 253, 260, 278.

proposed marriage of his daughter, 253.

Lorraine, Duke of, daughter of, 38.

a secretary of, in Brussels, 224.

the house of, in France, 183.

Los Rios, Me de, 285.

Louis Gunther, Count, of Nassau, at the Queen's court, 104.

Louvain, 95, 253.

great levies in, 119.

letters dated at, 262, 490.

Scot's College at, 490.

Lova, Don John de, 455.

Low, Alderman, 24.

Low Countries, the :

advice out of, 529.

cloth trade to, 543, 544.

Conservator for the Scottish nation in, 288.

decline of the Spanish power in the, 98, 110.

dowry of the Infanta, 362.

effect of Spanish successes in France upon affairs in, 119.

English garrisons and forces in, money due for payment of, 101.

— provider of apparel for, 196, 200 (2).

— proposals for payment, clothing of, &c., 531.

— Treasurer or paymaster for, pay of himself and clerks, 92, 93.

— — amount of surety, &c., 197, 200.

— the survey of Sir T. Shirley's account for, 228.

— accounts of disbursements for, 368.

pitiable condition of, 509.

Spanish. See Flanders.

squadron from, for Essex's expedition, arrival at Sandwich, 264.

— the Admiral sent back, 386.

— returns to Holland without the privity of the English commanders, 461, 462, 463 (2), 472.

troops with Essex's expedition, 458.

— should be retained in England, 480.

— disposition of, 482, 528.

wares and merchandise of, 544.

Lowe, Thomas, 22.

Lowell, provisions at, 415.

Lowestoft, molestation of Yarmouth by, 540.

Lowman, Thomas, 181.

Lowther :

Mr., minister of Greystock, 55.

L., letter from, 97.

Leonard, a base brother of the other Lowthers, holding certain benefices, 126.

Lubeck, Senate of, negotiations of Spain with, 271, 273.

trade by way of, 77.

Luc, Mons. de, movements of his army, 70.

Lucan, a quotation from, 10.

Lucca, a letter from a gentleman of, referred to, 260.

Lucton [Loughton], letter dated at, 388.

Lucy, Sir Thomas, 256, 468.

letter from, 429.

Ludovic, Count. See Nassau.

Lugo, being fortified, 525.

Lullingden, Thomas, bailiff of East Grinstead, 385.

Lumley, Lady (“My Bess”), 370.

Lord, letter from, 370.

Luna, —, maestre del campo in the Spanish fleet, 488.

Luxembourg, 154.

new regiments gathering in, 43.

the Spanish marching towards, 192.

Lyllé (Lilly), William, with the English forces in France, letters from, 38, 50, 69, 97, 99, 103, 129, 149, 157, 172, 183, 204, 237, 360, 477, 479, 519.

mentioned, 200.

a secretary (Italian) giving information through, 129.

Lyme or Lyme Regis, 114, 380, 427, 469.

Lyndesey, Lyndesaye :

Francis, 372.

John, 388.

Lynley. See Lindley.

Lyons, 213.

Lytton, Rowland, letter from, 396.