Index: J, K

Pages 580-581

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 7, 1597. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1899.

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Ja., Sir, 248.

Jackman, Mr., 477.

Jackson :

Henry, 347.

J., 413.

John, of the Inner Temple, 162.

John, candidate for office of attorney to the Council of the North, 252.

Mr., 474, 477.

Jacques, —, 218.

James (Jame), 389.

Mr. Dr., 431.

Mark, one of the commissioners of Portsmouth, 72.

Sir Thomas Baskerville's servant, 286.

Japan (Giapone), 234.

Java Major, called Sumatra, 336.

Javorine, Hungary, siege of, 423.

Jeanes, William, convicted of murder, 319.

Jeekes, Thomas, 181.

Jeffe, Mr., a merchant of London, 289.

Jefford. See Engleby.

Jegon, Dr. J., application for deanery of York, 406.

Jenkins, Henry, 416.

Jenney, Edmund, collector of Ipswich, 3.

Jeoffray, Mr., at Dieppe, 172.

Jermyn, Sir Thomas, 446, 447, 450.

sent on by the Earl of Essex, 437.

instructions for, 439.

Jerneam, Sir N., 341.

Jeronima, captain of the Spanish prize at Dartmouth, 487.

Jersey, 113.

defence of, 185, 186, 480.

Jesuits and seminaries, 87, 298, 300.

alleged to have hired an assassin, 178.

crucified, 234.

in Scotland, 253.

an English Jesuit arrested at Rhynberck, 484, 485.

English, in the Spanish fleet, 488.

Scotch, 490.

Jewel purloined from Sir R. Cecil, 356.

Jewels of State pledged for a sum of money issued out of the Receipt, 432.

Jobson, John, daughters of, marriages, 534.

Joell, Mr., his connection with Smallman, 197.

John of Nassau, Count, letter to Essex, 104.

John, King of Denmark, 78.

John, King of Sweden, death of, referred to, 114.

Johnes, William, 181.

Johnson, Johnesonn :

G., letter from, 248.

Jane, 515.

Thomas, 372.

Johnston, David, of the Reedhawe, 226.

Johnston's pledges on the Scottish side, 274.

Jokye, Nich., 162.

Jolles, John, 532.

Jones, William, a servant of George Gilpin, 43.

Jonson, John, bearer of letters from Francis Dacres, 396.

Josinslies,” the, 390.

Jowssies, Robert (Borders), 522.

Jubilé, the, at Amiens, 99.


Kaye, Robert, 413, 414.

Keeper, Lord, mentioned, 119.

Kelly, one, a west country merchant, in a suit in Paris, 182.

Kemiste :

Edward, 536.

Richard, 536.

Kempe the thummer, 186.

Kempt, Mr., 27.

Kemys, Captain Lawrence, letter from, 208.

Kennedy :

Hugh, 142.

John, 158.

Kennel, Chr., 245, 248.

Kent, county of, the defence of, 133.

levies from, 200, 459, 461.

sheriffs for, 537.

Kent, Earl of, 303.

—, lord lieutenant of the county of Bedford, 181.

—, letter from, 247.

Susan, countess of, letters from, 258, 268, 289.

Kerr :

Sir Robert, 90.

—, settlement of Border matters 238–242.

William, of Ankoram, 239.

Key, Anthony, 22.

Keynell, Ch., letter from Flushing, 248.

Kildare :

Earl of, 282.

— base daughter to the father of, 343.

Lady, 273.

— warrant for payment to, 168.

Killan (Scotch Borders), outrage at, 226.

— bill of pledges for, &c., 239, 240.

Killigrew, Mr. or Sir Henry, 42, 148, 163, 285, 286, 333, 459, 521, 527.

letter from, 505.

Killough's house, Edinburgh, near Holyrood House, 247.

Kilulto, 313.

Kilwarline, 313.

King :

Alexander, 368.

— Auditor of the Exchequer, letter from, 365.

Captain, of the Tremontaigny, 357, 401.

— charged with remissness, &c., 109.

Thomas, 181.

Kingesbury, manor of, Warwickshire, 545.

King's Bench, Justices of, proceedings with regard to the Council of the North, 493.

King's Bench Prison :

prisoner in, 17.

letter dated from, 254.

Kingsmill, Mr., 386.

Kingston-upon-Hull. See Hull.

Kinmowth's Jock, 226.

Kirkby Knowle, a house full of secret passages, &c., 105.

Kirkham, Kyrkham :

Edward, letter from, 170.

Robert, scholar, 170.

W., letter from, 425.

Kirknewton, 90, 91.

Knebworth, letter dated at, 396.

Knevet, —, 409.

Knight, a certain, referred to by T. Fanshawe, 254.

Knight, T., chaplain to Sir Robert Cecil, letter from, 315.

Knighting, a restriction with regard to, 186.

Knighteleye, Sir Richard, 508.

Knightley, Valentine, 508.

Knockfergus, 313.

Knollys, Knowles, Knoles, Knolls :

Mr., 392, 393.

— uncle to Lady Essex, 409.

— a brother of, 403.

Robert, 41.

— sent from the fleet by Essex, 368, 384, 385, 386, 389, 439.

Sir William, 93, 308.

— letter signed by, 448.

Knowsley, 327, 430.

letter dated at, 340.

Knox, Andrew, minister at Paisley, 246.

Knyvett :

Sir Henry, 93, 375.

— letter from, 261.

Thomas, 93.

Komar, the Turks at, 167.

Kylborne, letter dated at, 108.

Kynersley, Henry, 347.

Kyngesland, Hereford, manor of, grant of the lease of, 258.

Kyrkham. See Kirkham.