Index: H, I

Pages 575-580

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 7, 1597. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1899.

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Hadham, 533.

letter dated at, 465.

Haffina, 78.

Hague (Haghe, La Haye), the, letters dated at, 2, 9, 20, 26, 28, 34, 44, 45, 49, 61, 73, 76, 80, 84, 85, 117, 121, 139, 163, 170, 172, 192, 200, 212, 216, 217, 219, 222, 223, 225, 228, 237, 293, 464, 489, 548.

feeling at, about the siege of Calais, 205.

fear at, of peace between King of France and Spain, 293.

resolution taken at, in 1581, 380.

Hainault, 9.

a great ease to, 109.

war on the frontiers of, 420.

Estates of, &c., correspondence with the Archduke Albert, on his marriage, 501, 502.

Hales, Charles, letter from, 417.

Halfepennie, Serjeant Thomas, 181.

conductor of levies to Chester, 247.

Halifax, a contibution from, towards setting out a ship, demanded, 203.

Hall :

tenant of a garden by Clement's Inn, 265.

Arthur, 387.

John, of Gressonfield, 227.

Nicholas, clerk of the county of York, 414.

Ralph, of the Syckes, 226, 271.

Rob, younger, of Moncreeth, 227.

William, of Heavyside, 226, 271, 539.

Halliwell, letter dated at, 431.

Hallyday :

Leonard, 22 (2).

Norman, 189.

William, 22.

Hallye (Halitz), captured by the Turks, 64.

Hamburg, cloth trade to, 159.

the merchant adventurers, 307.

Hamden, Mr., 254.

wardship of, 273.

Hamman, James, clerk of the warrants, deceased, 210.

Hammon, tenant of a garden by Clement's Inn, 265.

Hamoaze (Hammose), Plymouth, 443.

Hampden, Mistress Elizabeth, letters from, 231, 278.

Hampshire, unpreparedness of the forces in, 451.

Hampton. See Southampton.

Hampton Place, 425.

Hance, 30.

Hancock, one, a scrivener in the Strand, 358.

Handen, Mr., 223.

Hangings stayed for the Queen, &c., 520.

Hanse Towns, character of the traders, 77.

proposals from Spain to, and answer, 271, 272, 273.

infringements of privileges of, &c., 307, 320.

Hanses, Steeles of the, 405.

Hanwell, 304.

Hanworth, 118.

Harbert. See Herbert.

Harborne, Lord, a marriage for, proposed, 267.

Harcourt :

Mr., 402.

Mr., of Shalton, in Buckinghamshire, arrested, 420.

— examined, 432.

Harding, Dr., letter from, 546.

Hare :

Mr., clerk of the Court of Wards, 294.

Hugh, charges against, 540.

John, explains his speech in Parliament, 489.

Hargues, Adan de, merchant of St. Jean de Luz, a complaint on behalf of, 16.

Harlakinden, Roger, letter from, 514.

Harley, Thomas, petition of, 258.

Harlington, 515.

Harmar, Mr., 112.

Harper, Harpur :

Sir J., 341.

Captain, 21, 53, 81, 88, 91.

— return from his voyage, 15.

— prize sent in by, 61, 62.

John, 477.

Thomas, keeper in the gaol at York, 514.

Harrington, Sir Henry, letter from, 340.

Harriot, Thomas, letter from, 285.

Harris :

Christopher, of Plymouth, 6, 7, 79, 88.

letters from, 438, 441.

Mr. Dr., public preacher at Colchester, 299, 332.

Harrison :

George, heir of, 491.

Nathaniel, captain of a ship with the Essex Expedition, 421, 425.

Harryson, Robert, 22.

Hart, Sir John, 484, 524, 525.

Hartford Bridge, 169, 206, 210, 338, 350, 377, 445.

Hartgrave, one, in Antwerp, 223.

Hartwell, Robert, 508.

Harvye, Captain Roger, 215.

Harvey, Sir Gerard, 479.

Haseley, Great, Oxon., parsonage of, 546.

Hastings :

Sir Edward, 477.

Sir Francis, 477, 484.

Hatton, Sir Christopher, a pamphlet written to, 420.

Havana, 357.

open to attack, 235.

Harvard, —, 396.

Haverfordwest, letter dated at, 466.

Havering, 361.

Court at, letter dated from, 370.

Haverington, Little Geordie, of Broomhill, 227.

Havola, Don Alfonso d', 71.

Hawarde, Sir William, 477.

Hawes, William, 347.

Hawkesworth, an imprisoned priest, 224.

Hawkins :

Mr., 79.

Richard, a prisoner in Tercera, letter from, 438.

Hay, Paul de la, letter from, 464.

Haye, Alex, 158.

Hayes :

Robert, letter from, 281.

Thomas, 22.

Hayn, Father John, Scotch Jesuit at Antwerp, 490.

Haynes Hill, letter dated at, 184.

Hayward or Harward, Thomas, condemned in the Star Chamber to lose his ears, 353.

Head, Mr., 527.

Heale, Sergeant, money due to, 375.

Heath :

Henry, examination of, 33.

Richard, 50, 347.

Heaton, John, 22.

Heckington, 139.

Heddinge. See Hesdin.

Hedley, Alan, of Hatherweike, 227.

Hedom. See Hesdin.

Hedon, Sir Chr., 27.

Heham, letter dated at, 72.

Heile, P. Van, letter from, 157.

Heldyard, William, justice at York, 515.

Helston in Cornwall, 454.

Heneage :

Sir Thomas, 40, 405.

Mr., 499.

Henewer, 26.

Henriquartville (Henery Carville, Haurequartville), 58.

town offered by the French King for English traders, 51, 63.

Henry IV., King of France. See France.

Henry VII., King, grant by, 42.

treaty with Denmark, 78.

Henry VIII., King, grant by, 42.

punishment of misdemeanours towards the game by, 322.

Henry, Lord, 266, 276.

Herbert, Harbert :

a priest taken, 33.

Mr. Dr., 145, 544.

—, gift promised to, for furthering a suit, 393.

Charles, of Hadnocke, 536.

J., notes by, 157, 258(2), 438.

William, Lord, letter from, 374.

Hereford, co. of, Lord Lieutenant of, 250.

levy of soldiers in, 250.

receivership of, 508.

Herengues [Airaines], seven leagues from Amiens, 102.

Herenthals (Herentaulx), 20, 24, 26, 28, 32.

Heron, Samuel, 539.

Hertford, letter dated at, 290.

Castle suggested for place of custody of Buccleugh, 433.

co. of, levies in, 179, 200, 250.

Hesdin (Esdan, Hedom, Heddinge), in France, 30, 103, 141.

troops lying about, 183.

Heset, Edward, letter from, 319.

Hess, 516.

Hessen (Hesse Cassel, Hassia), Landgrave of, 17, 78.

bows and arrows for, 287.

letter from, 287.

jealousy of the Duke of Wirtemberg, 309.

sons of Chancellor of, at Oxford, 309.

Hesketh :

Mr., 425.

Sir Thomas, Attorney of the Wards, 493.

Heth, Austen, lieutenant in a company at Flushing, 229.

Hewet, John, 372.

Heworthe Moor, near York, election taking place at, 413.

Hexham, a preacher supported by voluntary benevolence at, 354.

letters dated at, 80, 89, 91, 276, 326, 354.

Hexte, Mr., 477, 484.

Hicks (Hickes) :

Mr., Secretary to Lord Burghley, 111, 113.

—, letter from, 293.

Baptist, 347, 477, 484.

Hicksford, Sir John, 508.

Hide, Mrs. See Hyde.

Higgs, William, 22.

Higham :

Arthur, removed from the office of Commissary at Flushing, 434, 435.

Sir Clement, 27.

Higham Ferrers, 507.

letter dated at, 430.

Hikman, Walter, 406.

Hildyard :

Sir Christopher, 416, 516.

William, 416, 493.

—, Justice of the Peace, examination made before, 514.

Hill :

Jo., 368.

John, of Stonehouse, a prisoner at the Groyne, confession of, 123, 134.

— sent up to London, 141.

John, auditor of the exchequer, letter from, 365.

Hilles, Dr., letters from, 335, 362.

Hilmselroy, Jasper, citizen of Antwerp, 490.

History of the Times in Latin by a foreigner, contents indicated, 406.

Hobby, Hoby :

Sir Edward, 403, 484.

— letter of condolence to Cecil, 39.

— house in Channon Row, 40.

— letters from, 186, 431, 436, 448, 458.

— and the export of iron, 431, 432, 433.

— said to have preferred a bill against northern cloths, 436.

— proceedings in the House of Commons, 489.

Sir Thomas Posthumus, 412, 415, 416, 417.

— letters from, 418, 517.

— reason of opposition to, in Yorkshire, 436.

Hoddesdon, Christopher, chief factor of the Muscovia Company at the Narve, 338.

Hodges, Richard, 238.

Hodson, Mr., at Cambridge, 406.

Hogley, Thomas, examination of, 515.

Hohenlo, Hohenlohe, Philip, Count, 20, 85.

at the battle of Turnhout, 26.

desirous of employment, 44.

letter from, 85.

Holausen tenyne, an inn called, in London, 397.

Holborn, 33.

letters dated at, 265, 301, 335, 528.

Lady Cobham's house in, 54, 203.

Up, 537.

Holborn Bridge, letter dated at, 139.

Holdcroft or Holdcraft, Mr., 507 (2).

Holland :

Commissioners from, mission to England, 11.

design to attack, 21.

States of, and the arresting of corn ships, 65.

— their improved situation and resources, 68.

question between it and Zealand, 121.

preparing for war, 138.

ships from, ready to join with the Queen's army, 176.

English and Scotch regiments in, 188, 482.

ships for Lord Essex's expedition, 228, 245, 248, 264, 267.

— admiral of, returns with his ships without taking leave, 461, 462, 463.

trade of the Hanse towns with, 272.

stopping of a fleet from, 343.

Hollanders with corn at Newcastle, 296.

Holliday, Mr., alderman of London, 54.

Hollis (Holles, Holch), Sir John, tenants of, in Clement's Inn, 265.

a “lewd saucy” letter to the Lord Treasurer from, 270.

his apology, 488.

Hollock (Hollox, Holloc), Count, movements of, 1, 27.

at the battle of Turnhout, 25, 29, 31, 32, 46, 47.

Hollywater of the Court, 362.

Holstein (Holst, Holse), Adolphus, Duke of, licence to export cloth, 82.

marriage connexions of daughter of, 114.

letter to, 150.

ordnance and falcons for, 150.

Holt, the Jesuit, 87.

his influence in the Court of Flanders, &c., 363, 364.

Holt forest, 385.

Holyrood House, letter dated at, 523.

Home, Sir George, of Wedderburne, a Scotch Commissioner for settling Border causes, 268, 271, 274, 275.

Hongers ducats, 504.

Honiton, 168, 205, 350, 445, 461.

Honywood, Robert, 537.

Hopton, a priest, 95.

Horde, Captain Thomas, letter from, 143.

Horne :

John, 50.

Thomas, joins a rising in Oxfordshire, 50.

Horrolds Park, letter dated at, 369.

Horseman, Abraham and Paul, 546.

Horses, mention of, 135.

export of, 35, 181.

Horsey :

— 434.

Jerome, 477.

Sir Ralph, letter to, 434.

Horsheo, Rodrigo de, 83.

Horton, 304.

Hoskyns, —, 366.

Hospital house for poor men, 410.

Hottingaff, Johan van, 180.

Houghton, Roger, letter from, 262.

Hounslow, letters dated at, 303, 304.

Hourne, a flyboat of, taken, 399.

Household, H.M., officials of, 281.

Hovenden, Christopher, 523

How, —, having a pretended property in a diamond, 507, 521.

Howard :

Charles, Lord, afterwards Earl of Nottingham, Lord High Admiral of England, 92, 167, 168, 295, 504.

—, letter of condolence to Cecil, 39.

— other letters from, 59, 72, 98, 250, 291, 306, 317, 370, 425, 448.

— letters to, 173, 180, 205, 275, 292, 355, 379, 393, 398–401, 427, 438, 525.

— instructions from, for a voyage to Barbary, 82.

— and the Spanish hostages, 112.

— his tenth of prizes, 81, 88, 220.

— certain prize salt, 238.

— a debt of, paid out of his first tenth by reprisal, 251.

— his daughter's case, 362.

Lady Katharine, letter to, 406.

Lord Thomas, 306, 346, 349, 369, 371, 373, 471, 479, 482.

— letters from, 283, 329, 336, 346, 450, 454, 461, 462, 472, 533.

— a debt of, 283.

— minute signed by, 291.

— with his ships at the North Cape, 319, 326.

— return to Plymouth, 361.

— with Essex at Pontalgado, 440.

Sir William, 477, 484.

Howland, Giles, 22.

Hubberd :

Edmund, 484.

Henry, 484.

Hudson, James, letter from, 523.

Hue and Cry, the bill for, 482.

Huet, John, letter from, 411.

Huffer, Edward, 50.

Hugh, butler to Mistress Fortescue, 138.

Huguenots. See France.

Hulcuppe, Jacob, a keeper of Shotover Forest, 174.

Hull (Kingston-upon-Hull), town of, ask for aid against the Dunkirkers, 95.

Mayor and Aldermen of, letter from, 203.

question of the quays or staiths at, 203.

means for capture of Jesuits at, 300.

burgesses for, on a Parliamentary committee, 484.

Hulst in Brabant, 23, 71.

the matter of, 44.

loss of ordnance at, 147.

Duke of. See Holstein.

Humber, the, Jesuits in the neighbourhood of, 300.

Humphrey, Thomas, petition of, 415.

Hundredth penny, the, in soldiers' pay, 93.

Hungary, 116, 194, 195, 208, 548.

a voyage to, 40.

wars in, 73.

a French gentleman from the wars in, 201.

news from, 423.

the Turks in, 468.

Hungerford :

John, a charge against, 174.

Lady, in exile, applies to Sir R. Cecil, 262.

Anthony, 262.

Hunsdon, George, Lord, lord chamberlain, 339, 507.

servants of, &c., in the Strand, 295.

letters from, 385, 450, 469(2), 533.

Hunt :

Francis, 481.

William, letter from, 467.

Huntar, William, 389, 390(2).

Huntingdon :

Countess of, or Lady, letter from, 117.

— a woman bred under, 268.

George, Earl of, letter from, 518.

Huntington near Chester, letter dated at, 503.

Huntley, Earl of, effort to retain him in the Catholic faith, 253.

brother of, in the Low Countries, 253.

Husborne, lease of, 334.

Hutchen, William, 181.

Hutton :

Dr. James, English ambassador to Denmark, 78.

Matthew, archbishop of York, 506.

— letters from, 383, 404, 417, 435, 436, 492.

Huxley, George, 22.

Huyt, Mr., the house of, 184.

Hyde (Hide) :

Mrs. Lucy, question of the grant of a lease to, 42, 163, 169, 182, 279, 326, 327.

Lawrence, 477.

Hynde, Mr., 392.

Hyndley, Edward, convict in York castle, 514.

Hythe (Hethe), 160, 381.


Ibell, Roger, 50.

Iceland, fishing off, 78.

Idiaquez (Iddiquez), D. Juan St. Martin D', 260.

Indian fleet :

for Spain, 390.

instructions for capture of, 433.

how it was missed, &c., 439, 440, 443.

Indies, the :

treasure from, 56.

Sir F. Drake's voyage to, mentioned, 58.

Indies hides, 428.

Indigo, prize, 473, 483.

Infanta, the. See Spain.

Informers from Antwerp and Brussels sent over, 116.

Inglebye, Inglebee :

David, a notorious recusant in the north, 105, 106.

William, Esq., 412, 414.

Inglewood on the Scottish Borders, 547.

Inglis, one, a Scot, a minister in the Blackfriars, 353, 354.

Ingolsby, Thomas, 50.

Ingram, Thomas, bailiff of Colchester, letters from, 299, 332, 354.

Inventions, 22.

Iphicrates, a saying of, quoted, 270.

Ipswich :

port officers of, 3.

searcher of, difficulties of, in discharge of his duties, 3

Ireland :

alarm of Spanish attempt on, 9, 52, 212, 445, 449.

H.M. army in, ships to be sent with grain for, 31.

— soldiers sent to, from Bedford, 247.

— its weakness, &c., 311.

— list of sureties of the apparel for, 347.

— pay of soldiers, 411.

H.M. auditor of, mentioned, 244.

a bishop of, with the Spanish fleet, 131.

defence of, 480.

disbursements on account of, 368.

distempered state of, 175.

examination of a cause in, 255.

famine in, 340.

a friar sent on a mission to, 218

glass-making in, 530.

information concerning, offered, 139.

Lord Deputy of, 148.

— a letter of, mentioned, 278.

— his intended journey for Lough Doyle, discussed, 311–313.

— letter to, 361.

— his privilege of knighting, 362.

— death of, mentioned, 449.

news from, 387, 388.

priests alleged to have been sent to, 95.

prise wines of, grant of, 107.

rebellion in, chief causes of, referred to, 303.

revenue from, &c., condition of, 63.

Spanish fleet supposed intended for, 462, 465.

transport of munition into, 382.

victuals sent into, 503.

war in, a suggested plan of campaign, 311–313.

wars in, loss and spoil by, 282.

Ireland, Irland :

Thomas, of Gray's Inn, 261.

Mr., the lawyer, 327, 339.

Irish :

bishop escaped, 204.

soldiers in the Spanish fleet, 456, 487.

Irishman :

proposed as spy abroad, 2, 8, 56.

prevents the taking of Montreuil, 136.

Iron :

export of, a new trade, customs duties, forfeiture by statute, &c., 430, 431, 432, 436.

plates in a prize ship, 80.

Isham, Ensebye, 508.

Isle of Dogs, the, a seditious play, 343.

Islington Fields or Islington, 180, 203.

Italian :

discourses sent by Lyllé, referred to, 129.

ships in Spanish service, 37.

Italians :

in the Spanish service, great slaughter of, 30.

difficult of acquaintance, 217.

jealousy of the Spaniards, 399.

Italy, 478.

mercenaries raised in, 1, 71.

numbers of English fugitives in, 10.

King of Spain's footing in, 37.

disorders amongst the merchants of, through the action of Spain, 38, 110.

wars and parties in, 50.

reinforcements for the Spanish army from, 119, 154, 179, 494.

states of, furnish ships for King of Spain, 187.

a letter to King of Spain's ministers in, intercepted, 201.

intelligence from, promised, 500.

news of events, &c., in, 524, 525.

Itchingham, Mr., 310.

Ivry (Yvry), taken by the French, 192.

Ivy, Paul, 460, 461.

Ivy Bridge, letter dated at, 483.