Index: G

Pages 573-575

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 7, 1597. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1899.

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G., the matter for, 410.

Gabrielle, Madame. See Estrées, Madame d'.

Galicia, in Spain, 6, 53.

necessity of spies in, 21.

Gall, Francis, 459.

Galway in Ireland, 311.

beer to be exported to, 531.

mayor of, mentioned, 2.

Gaming, losses at, 528.

Ganford, Sir E. Fitton's house at, 430.

Gardener :

Henry, 181.

Thomas, a teller of the Exchequer, debt to the Queen, 23.

Gardiner, Sir Robert, 152, 181.

Gares, Seigneur del, 131.

Gargrave, Richard, 412, 413, 414.

Garnet, Father, 474.

a servant to, 204.

Garrawaye, Thomas, 22.

Garret, John, escaped from the Tower of London, 417. See also Geratt.

Garrett, Sir Thomas, letter from, 358.

Garrisons, preachers in, 286, 287.

Garter, order of the, candidates for, 309.

Gasparo, Signor, 71.

Gate House, the, letter dated at, 406.

Gawdy, Mr. Justice, 294.

Gates, John, Esq., a justice of the peace in Yorkshire, 300.

Geffrey, Thomas, prisoner at Calais, 21, 106.

Gelderland (Gueldres, Guilderland), 75, 521.

States of, slow about their contributions, 44.

troops collected in, for an enterprise, 188, 192.

town of, mutiny afoot, 138.

Gell, Francis, letter from, 419.

Geneva, 173, 521.

letter dated at, 102.

Genibelli, Frederico, letter from, as to inventions by, 508.

Genoa and Genoese, 110.

maritime disasters of, 38.

financial relations of the King of Spain with merchants of, 110.

news from, 109, 165.

gold for the Spaniards arrived at, 110.

galleys for Spanish service, 229.

alienated from Spain, 478.

Senate of, 500.

Geordie of the Fauld, Will's, 227.

George, a, 536.

Gerard, Gerrard, Gerrerde :

Daniel, 147.

Sir Thomas, 327.

— in command of levies, 179.

a priest in prison, 224.

Geratt, a prisoner in the Tower, 260. See also Garrett.

Geringe, Peter, letter from, 139.

German, a, suitable as a messenger to the Emperor, 507.

Germany, 1, 21, 141.

agent in, from the King of France, 85.

English trade prohibited in, 429.

levies in, for the Cardinal, 73, 109.

merchants of, trade of, 159, 160, 544.

merchant adventurers settle in, 307.

— princes of, 209.

— inaction of, 170.

— politics, 309.

— a letter from the Queen to, referred to, 516.

toleration of religion in, 364.

Gertrudenbergh (Gyttryngberg, St. Gertrudenberg), 20, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 31, 32, 46.

Geta, the saying of, to the Emperor Severus, 364.

Giammemo, Signor, 71.

Giapone [Japan ?], King of, enmity against Spain, visit of his sons to Rome, &c., 234.

Gibbone, Watt, his father and son, 27.

Gibson :

Alexander, 158.

Robert, 181.

Gifford, Sir George, letters from, 374(3).

hurt in a fray, 517.

Gilbarne, John, 351.

Gilbert :

Bartholomew, arrested in connexion with a diamond, 521.

Doctor, 356.

Mr., 242, 329.

Lady, opposition to Sir John Gilbert, 357.

— and aunt, in London, 456.

Sir John, 370, 382, 470.

— ships under, 342, 350.

— letters from, 356, 357, 379, 398–401, 456.

— on naval service on the coast of Brittany, &c., 398, 399, 400, 401, 403, 421.

— a Flemish prize captured by, 400, 402, 544.

— discharged from his employment, 401.

Gilliati, Swiss regiment of, 39.

Gillsland, pledges in, 227.

Gilpin, George, at the Hague, 12, 68, 80, 125, 130, 211, 216, 380.

letters from, 19, 26, 43, 60, 72, 84, 120, 169, 199, 216, 219, 248, 481.

suggestion as to manner of repayment of Palavicino's debt, 398.

Giron, Don Fernando, in the Spanish Fleet, 131, 488.

Girton, John, keeper at Northale, 33.

Giustiniano (Justinianye), Giovanni Battista, 125, 216.

a financial dispute of, 24.

Glas, Nicasius de, letter from, 254.

Glass making, 530.

Gloucester, 279.

Abbot of St. Peter's of, a question of a forged lease, and a book of his leases referred to, 289.

Glover, Timothy, 22.

Goa, Portuguese Viceroy in, proceedings of, 336.

Goare, Captain, 348.

Goare End, 490.

Godmanchester, parsonage of, lease of, 42, 169, 279.

Godolphin, Sir Francis, 205, 341, 454, 472.

letters from, 118, 160, 466.

Godolphin, letter dated at, 161, 467.

Godoy, Francis, a Spanish captain, examination of, 487.

Godwicke, letter dated at, 334.

Goffe, John, a cloak-maker, arrests a debtor, 255(2), 256.

Goldingham, H., Controller of Ipswich, 3.

Golfo Dulce, letter dated at, 159.

Golson, John, 181.

Gomond, James, letter to, 396.

Gondi, Girolamo, master of the office for passports at Rouen, 70.

Goode, John, 385.

Goodman, the, of the Moote, 227.

Goodman, Gabriel, Dean of Westminster, 279.

letters from, 163, 169, 182, 411.

Goodyeare, William, of Powlesworth in Warwickshire, 206.

Gordoun :

James, Jesuit, 253.

John, of Newtoun, 253.

Gore, Mr., 196, 474.

Gorge, Mr., discharged from the Fleet prison, 22.

Gorges :

Arthur, 331.

—, letters from, 143, 166, 347, 395.

Edward, letter from, 331.

Sir Ferdinando, captain of the forces, &c., at Plymouth, 6, 7, 15, 79, 88, 261, 342, 346, 352, 359, 400, 443(2), 444, 445.

—, letters from, 7, 53, 58, 61, 205, 403, 428, 438(2), 441, 461, 472, 524.

—, sends out a bark to gain information, 179.

—, objection to serve under, 213.

Sir Thomas, 251, 395.

Goring, George, letter from, 192.

Gosci, Captain, leader of a band of robbers in Flanders, 70.

Gosforth, a pinnace of, 152.

Goston, Francis, auditor of the Exchequer, letter from, 365.

Goughe, John, Sir Thomas Fludd's clerk, 132.

Gourdelupo. See Guadalupe.

Graciosa (“Feradiosa”), island of, 439.

Graeve, Philip, a Dutchman in Cecil's service, 258.

Grafton, Mr., 2.

Charles, 529.

—, conveyance of letters to, 489, 490.

Graham :

— letter from, 369.

Arthur, of Netherby, 227.

John, of Westlinton, 227.

Will, Clothman's Willie, 226.

Grahams (Grames), Scotch Border family, 89.

Grame, David, 254.

Gramont, —, Governor of Bayonne, 104.

Grand Bay, 335.

Grant, Mr., appointment for, 147.

Mr. Dr., 411.

Grante, Edward, 279.

Gravelines (Graveling), 272.

the surprise of, attempted, 156, 163.

Gravesend, 214, 223.

letter dated at, 153.

Gray, Lady, a reversion after, 267.

Gray, Master of, redemption of jewels of, 150.

Graye, Hu., 539.

Greek, an instance of the utility of a little knowledge of, 424.

Greencloth, the, 294.

Greene :

one, paymaster of the chamber and stables under the Cofferer, 281.

John, 280, 281.

Greenhead, laird of, 90.

Greenwell, Wm., 22.

Greenwich, 217.

the Court at, 276, 314.

letters dated at, 230, 258, 284, 287, 289, 530.

Greeves, the, committed for examination, 319.

Gregory XIII., Pope, 234.

Gregory, Arthur, pensioned engineer, 22.

letters from, 117, 125, 238.

device for fire ships, 167.

Grene, John, examination of, 515.

Gresham, Mr., 463.

Greville (Greveyl, Grevyll) : cousin to Earl of Essex, 527.

A., 371.

Sir Fulke, 468, 477.

— letters from, 217, 284, 369, 370, 382.

—, present at a council of war, 291.

Grey, Thomas, Lord, 243, 444, 468, 470.

his presence in the fleet unknown to Essex, 369.

letters from, 374, 476, 499.

Greystock, Graystocke, parsonage of, 55, 126.

Griffith, John, pilot in the Spanish Fleet, 137.

Grifters, 107.

Grimstone, Marmaduke, Esq., 412, 414–416.

Grinel, Mr., keeper of the deer in Wedgnor Park, 495.

Grobendencke (Grobendonck), 25, 32.

his cornet of horse, 47.

Groll (Grool), 398.

capture of, 144.

Groningen, letters dated at, 141, 208.

Groote, Mons. d', 194.

Gropton, William, 181.

Grosman's cornet of horse, 47.

Grosso, Francesco, 510.

letter from, 497.

Grove, Mr., master of the Lyon, 337, 338.

Groyne, the, in Galicia [Corunna], 2, 159, 428, 445, 457, 487, 494, 495.

visit to, 6.

proposed spy at, 8.

Spanish galleys at, 21, 123, 140, 152, 187.

necessaries for attack on, 212.

rumour of an attempt to be made on, 389.

Grymes, Thomas, 22.

Guadalupe (Gourdelupo), 292.

Guard, H. M., captain of, 238.

Gubbyns, house of, near Westminster Abbey, 33.

Guernsey, isle of, 113.

concealed lands and rents or fiages in, inquiry concerning, 249.

letters dated in, 305, 403, 441.

fortification, &c., of, 441, 480.

Guest, Bishop, 135.

Guevarra, Don Pedro de, general of the artillery of the Spanish fleet, 456, 488, 495.

Guiana (Guiona), the journey into, 331.

Guicciardini, J., 424.

letters from, 95, 109, 111, 204, 235, 547, 548.

Guise, Duke of, 423.

enriched by shipwrecks, 173.

journey into Italy, 243.

Gulson, William, 366.

Gurley or Gurlyn, Thomas, a claim of, against the Earl of Oxford, 18.

letter from, 48.

Guzman, de, 25, 32.

Gwyllame, the Queen's coachman, a monopoly granted to, 166.

Gylbert, Thomas, searcher of Sandwich, letter from, 89.

Gylpyn, Mr. See Gilpin.