Index: F

Pages 569-573

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 7, 1597. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1899.

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Fabry, Melsion, inventions of agricultural tools by, 524.

Faenza, 525.

Fairfax :

Thomas, 415, 416.

Sir William, election for West Riding of Yorkshire, 412–416, 436.

Falcons, 171, 430.

Falkland, 268.

King of Scotland at, 253.

Falmouth, 306.

preparations, &c. against a Spanish attack at, 427, 444.

alarm of Spanish ships lying off, 461.

fortification and defence of, 454, 466, 480.

rendezvous of Spanish fleet appointed at, 472, 487, 494, 495.

Fane (Vayne), Sir Thomas, lieutenant of Dover Castle, 232, 348.

letters from, 3, 160, 174, 231, 244, 279, 284, 287, 348, 381, 403, 479.

Fanshaw, Thomas, 74, 484.

letter from, 254.

Farington, William, 490.

Farmer, Jerome, at Tossester, 304.

Farnando's brick, 428.

Farnham, 358.

Fasting for relief of the poor, 162.

Fatiens, reinforcement of, for the Spanish army, 154.

Fayal, (Fyall, Fioll), 439.

letter dated at, 395.

taking of, 424, 427.

Federiqui, Luis, in Seville, 206.

Fenner, —, captain of one of the Queen's ships, charged with remissness, 109.

Fenton, Sir Geoffrey, 341, 393.

letter from, 193

Fenye, Richard, the pedigree of, 383.

Fenys. See Fiennes.

Ferdinand :

Archduke, 81.

Emperor, 307.

Feria, Duchess of, 474.

Ferne, John, Secretary to the Council of the North at York, letters from, 62, 105, 417, 436, 493, 506.

copy certified by, 514.

Fernehirst, laird of, 241.

Ferrera, —, 253, 524, 525.

Ferrol (Faroll), 6, 7, 14, 15, 33, 137, 457, 487, 494.

rendezvous of Spanish ships at, their number, &c., 53, 122, 123, 136, 152, 158, 159, 164, 224, 229, 261, 339, 361, 371, 386, 389, 422, 427, 433.

distress of Spanish army and fleet in, 144, 176, 177, 201, 252.

necessaries for an attack of, and the difficulties of it, 212, 236, 237.

ships at, retired to Lisbon for safety, 243.

destination of Spanish fleet in, 312, 319.

fortification of, 312.

rumour of capture of, or burning of the Spanish ships in, 399, 403.

cause of the overthrow of the enterprise against, 439.

Fetz and the Moors, king of, fear of, in Spain, and preparations against, 110.

Ffllerston, letter dated at, 354.

Fiages in Guernsey, 249.

Field :

Mr. D., presented to St. Andrew's undershaft, 112.

Richard, 181.

Fielding, Feildyng :

William, a soldier with Sir Francis Vere, 277.

William, Esquire, 508.

Fiennes (Fenys, Fines), Sir Richard, letters from, 87, 309(2), 347, 383.

mentioned, 217.

on German politics, 309.

his son suggested as a page, 347.

Figues, 182.

Filippino, Don, 70.

Finch, Fynch :

Sir Moyle, 135, 508, 546.

Henry, 484.

Mr., 477.

William, merchant in Hampton, 531.

Fines. See Fiennes.

Finisterre, Cape, 116, 368, 369.

the disaster to the Spanish fleet off, 37.

Fioll. See Fayal.

Fishmonger, H. M., 148.

Fitton, Sir Edward, letters from, 327, 430.

Fitzgerald, Sir Edward, letter from, 282, 328(2).

Fitzwilliam, Sir William, 255.

letter from, 244

Flanders (Spanish Netherlands, “the enemy's country”) :

an attack upon, canvassed, 9.

proceedings of the Spaniards in, 21.

state of matters in, 57.

spy sent into, 112.

Spanish Paymaster General in, 206.

mutiny of Spaniards in, &c., 224.

one able to get information in, 254, 255.

influential English Jesuit in court of 363.

provinces of, and the provision for the expenses of the war, 380.

contribution from, to the Queen, 398.

Fleet prison, prisoners in, 2, 8, 22.

a vile place, 188.

the widow in, 347.

letters dated at, 305, 499.

Fleetwood, —, at Wigan, 304.

Flemings :

in the Spanish fleet, 6.

in England, exempted from contributing to the loan of the Queen, 285.

traffic with Sumatra, 336.

gracious in the English Court, 400.

Flemish fly-boats taken as prizes, 275.

merchants, lodging-house, &c., for, in London, 494.

ships forcibly taken into the Spanish service, 14, 15.

ship with Spanish goods taken by Sir John Gilbert, 400, 401, 402, 403, 421.

Flemyng, Thomas, H.M. Solicitor General, 96.

letters from, 128, 185, 300, 322, 353.

Fletcher :

Hugh, condemned for felony, 515, 516.

one, illegally imprisoned at York Castle, 493.

Richard, late Bishop of London, 135.

— petition from children of, 533.

Flint, —, 430.

Florence, 87, 234, 548.

Academia Crusca at, 424.

English merchants feasted at, 101.

Grand Duke of, 87, 101.

— ships belonging to subjects of, 277.

letters or news from, 37, 101, 111, 423, 424.

letters dated at, 38, 95, 204, 424, 525.

relations with Spain, 478.

trade in, 38.

two gentlemen of, made prisoners, 523.

Florentine :

causes, prisoners committed for, 525.

messenger, 145.

Florentines' “conceits” sent to Lord Essex, 101.

Flores (Flowres), Island of, 386, 422, 439.

Fludd :

Sir Ro., 341.

Sir Thomas, 130.

— treasurer of the Low Countries, pay of himself and clerks, 92, 93.

— his place of paymaster, 180 (2).

— memorandum by, 132.

William, clerk to his father in Middleburg, 132.

Flushing (Vlissing), 93, 114.

letters dated at, 12, 13, 44, 54, 56, 63, 69, 81, 109, 115, 116, 119, 132, 134, 140, 156, 158, 164, 176, 178, 180, 193 (2), 201, 208, 210, 211, 213, 244, 245, 248, 249, 313, 336, 476, 492, 495, and see Sir R. Sydney's letters.

governor of. See Sir Robert Sydney.

— his control of shipping at, 59, 65–69.

lieut.-governor of, 13, 54.

gunners at, unpaid, 18.

the “band” of, 32.

troops from, at the engagement of Turnhout, 46.

attempts upon, feared, 62.

the impossibility of arresting certain vessels laden with corn at, 67, 108, 109.

an instance of the furious temper of the people of, 68.

its defective fortification, 69.

Sir Thomas Sherley's company at, its disposal, 130.

lack of ordnance and munition at, 133, 134, 156.

trade to, 159.

Sir R. Sydney absent from, 217, 225.

the question of the defence of, 199, 207, 225.

troops for Essex's expedition, 222, 225.

— difficulties in connection with their pay and victualling, 248, 249.

— arrival off Dover, 269.

— return of, asked for, 475, 492.

commissary at, 435.

Folkestone, 160.

Folyer, Elizabeth, 3.

Font, Mr., 266.

Fontainebleau, 479.

Footpasses to chimneys, 262.

Fordington, 332.

Foreign wares, restraint of, 545.

Foreland, South, 275.

Forget, —, signing King's letter to the Huguenot deputies, 318.

Forrest, Anthony, letter from, 217.

Forsland, Andrew, 22.

Forster :

Sir John, letter from, 202.

Rowie, of Carsop Foot, 227.

Fortescue :

Sir John, Chancellor of the Exchequer, 46 (2), 215, 295, 368, 377.

— letter to, 2.

— letters from, 91, 115, 119, 147.

— a suitor to the Queen, 125.

Mistress, house of, searched for priests, &c., 138.

Th., 486.

Foster :

Dr., 391.

Sir Humphrey, 484.

Fouchers, the, 109.

Founes, Humphrey, mayor of Plymouth, 7.

letters from, 53, 61, 121, 134, 141.

Fountenelle, —, successes of, offers of the French King to, &c., 399.

attacks Conquett, 399.

his company of ships, 469.

Fouquerolles (Foucquerolles, Fuquerolles, Fougeralles), Mons. de, sent on a mission to the English court, &c., 126, 127, 128, 139, 151, 176, 210, 360.

letter from, 153.

Fowey, 342, 350.

a bark of, takes a Flemish prize, 421.

letter dated at, 443.

Fowler, Serjeant, letter to, 537.

Fox, Samuel, letter from, 491.

Foyle, Lough, 311, 313.

Fraciotti, Horatio, 260, 278.

France, French, and the French :

Alliance with England and the United Provinces, 180.

ambassador or agent from :

in Germany, 85.

in England, 210.

to the States General, 464.

ambassadors, conference with commissioners mentioned, 534.

army of, character and condition of, &c., 38, 39, 130, 144.

— numbers of, 99.

— apparel for the soldiers from England, 518.

Assembly of, 30, 38.

the campaign in, particulars of, 153, 154, 155, 157, 208.

condition or state of the country, 110, 135, 144, 164, 170, 173.

Constable of, 39, 130, 140, 141, 480.

— sore against Englishmen, 63.

dearness of living in, 43.

English ambassador in, objections to, request for his recall, 41.

English soldiers serving in, question of appointing an agent for repayment for, 10, 11.

— position, movements, &c., described, 30, 39, 40, 45, 69, 70, 76, 80, 100, 102, 103, 125, 144, 183, 184, 204, 219, 232, 360, 418, 420, 479.

— accounts connected with payment of, 128, 129, 293.

— distress for want of money, &c., 129, 256.

— question of the chief command of, on Baskervile's death, 232, 238.

— relief of returned soldiers, 157.

English traders to, suggested incorporation of, 63.

Huguenot or Protestant party in (“the Religion”), 41, 172, 173, 237, 360, 421.

— relations with the King, 129, 145, 420, 421.

— outrage upon the body of a French protestant, 165.

— Spanish intrigues against, 214.

— deputies of, assembled at Châtelherault, deputation from, to the Queen, 285.

— —, letter to, 317.

— —, proceedings of, 407.

— thinking of taking refuge in England, 384.

— liberty enjoyed by, 407.

— loans on behalf of reformed churches, 505.

Irish in service of, 506.

King Henry IV. of (“le Navarrois”), letters to the Queen, 16, 175.

— letter from the Queen to, 52.

— letters to, 143, 151.

— proceedings and movements of, &c., 30, 45, 70, 80, 98, 99, 102, 103, 104, 105, 124 (2), 129, 141, 143, 144, 145, 155, 183, 184, 187, 232, 237, 256, 400, 418, 420.

— offers to come to Dieppe for a conference, 1.

— his views as to the Queen holding Calais, 8, 41.

— question of peace with Spain, 8, 60, 90, 201, 213, 214, 293, 318, 408, 529, 538.

— question of the Queen's repayment for troops sent and money lent, 21.

— request for the earl of Essex to meet him at Dieppe, 27.

— the advantage of the Queen granting aid to, urged, 48, 49.

— his lieutenant in Italy, 50.

— a letter of recommendation from, mentioned, 58.

— a porte-manteau from, 60.

— a proposal to, for a campaign in Flanders, 75.

— report of his wife's death, &c., 81.

— blamed for his retiredness, 97.

— letter to Essex on the loss of Amiens, &c., 127.

— conduct criticised, 130.

— his necessities, &c., 135, 136, 149.

— return to Paris from Picardy, 140.

— ill and in ill favour, 158.

— obliged to refuse prayers of the people, 170.

— plans and policy of, 170, 171, 464, 519.

— perplexities of, and policy urged upon, 172, 173, 175, 176, 214.

— a man hired to assassinate, 178.

— the question of giving aid to, against Spain, 199.

— slackness in the campaign against Amiens, 205.

— letter to Essex from, 210.

— rumour of his death, 218.

— in camp before Amiens, 219.

— his mistress, popular cries against, 103.

— — her influence, and necessity of paying court to her, 234, 235.

— —, a great triumph before, 360.

— —, approached for information, 495, 496, 497.

— concedes the Queen's demands concerning Calais, 243.

— advances money to the English forces, 256.

— ordnance, &c., allowed to be purchased for, 284.

— letter to the Huguenot deputies, 317.

— good news relating to, communicated to the Queen, 385.

— offers made to Fountenelle by, 399.

— his views with regard to the Huguenot mission to the Queen, 407.

— personal characteristics, 407, 409, 477.

— to send a special envoy to the Queen, 418.

— relations with the Huguenot party, 420.

— entertains the English commander at Fontainebleau, 479.

the Leaguers on the Spanish side in, 105.

letters of marque against Englishmen, granted, 63.

merchants in London, 467.

money possible to be carried out of, without a passport, 70.

news of events in, 38, 158, 388, 519.

pamphlets out of France referred to, 420.

people of, their character discussed, 149, 423.

— views of, with regard to the King's position, 408.

— their desire for peace, 519.

plague in, 30.

poorest and most miserable country of Christendom, carrying on the war alone against Spain, 209.

question of peace with Spain, 20, 30, 44, 64, 97, 99, 104, 105, 138, 149, 234, 477, 478, 482.

rainy weather in, effect on the campaign, 409, 418, 420.

sermons preached in towns of, in praise of King of Spain, 158.

ship arrested, 35.

ships in Spanish service, 55.

the Spaniards in terror of, 97.

— progress in the towns, 164.

— successes against, 192.

subjects of, the King's views as to depredations on, 16.

toleration of religion in, 364.

truce with, 24.

Francis :

Duke, marriage of daughter of, 38.

Don, of Tuscany, 423.

Franciscans, General of the, negociating peace on behalf of the King of Spain, 213.

Franclyn, Thos., 22.

Frankfort-on-the-Maine, 308.

Fransson, Jacques, a Flemish merchant, 494.

Fraunces, Roger, 181.

Frederic :

King, 79.

Duc, of Brunswick and Luneberg, 157.

Fredvile, 304.

Freeke, Bishop, 135.

Freeman :

George, a merchant of London, 2, 106.

Wm., 22.

French, one, 79.

Frenchman in prison at Plymouth on suspicion of being a spy, 53, 121.

Frenye, Marquis of, colonel of the Italians in the Spanish service, 29.

Friar Capuchin, alleged design against the Queen's person, 116.

Friar set to catch a traitor, 520.

Friars, General of the, at Brussels, 529.

Friesland, 75.

Frizell, Laird of Esterton, 226, 271.

Froddeswall, manor of, 185.

Fuentes and Juara, Count de, general of the Spanish Army, 74, 81, 132.

to go general into Brittany, 109.

created Conradd of the infantry in Spain, &c., 110.

Fulham, 391.

Fuljambe, Sir Godfrey, first husband to Lady Bowes, 170.

Fullam alias Phelan, Richard, 506.

Fullerton, James, letter from, 151.

Fundawharpe, Captain, 96.

Furner, Mr., 196.

Fynch. See Finch.

Fyning, William, letter from, 281.

Fynton, Sir Edward, letter from, 508.

Fyntry, Young, design upon Yarmouth, 390.

Fysher, Sir Cl., 341.