Index: E

Pages 567-569

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 7, 1597. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1899.

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East country merchants' ships arrested in the Sound, 114.

East Grinstead, election of burgesses for Parliament for, 385.

East Indies, ships from Flushing trading to, 336.

East Meon, 358.

Easter Weemes, Laird of, desiring a passport through England, 288.

Eaton, Thomas, Surveyor of the Queen's Rasses, &c., letter from, 438.

Ecclesiastical Commissioners, the, mentioned, 264.

Edelmeton. See Edmonton.

Eden :

George, letter from, 406.

Mr., 426.

Edes, Dr., appointment for, 147.

Edgecombe, Piers, letters from, 233, 333, 353.

Edinburgh, 90, 241, 242, 268, 269, 389.

churches in, and in the neighbourhood of, preachers for, 246.

Killough's house in, 247.

letters dated at, 226, 242, 247, 248, 253, 257, 263, 288, 370.

Edmonds, Captain, a Scotchman, commander of a troop of horse in Flanders, 29, 32.

Edmondes (Edmonds, Edmond, Edmon), Thomas, English Ambassador in France, 56, 169, 170, 174, 176, 178, 208, 210, 243, 398, 418, 480.

embarkation for France, 160.

return of, 211, 214.

letter from, 316.

his expenses following the French king, 316.

negotiations with the King's mistress, 495, 496, 497.

Edmonton (Edelmeton), 321.

woods at, 134, 522.

Edward, a protégé of Sir H. Palavicino, 11.

Edward Fortunatus, Marquis of Baden, 120.

Edward, Sir,” 233.

Edward, William, letter from, 458.

Egerton :

Sir J., 341.

Sir Thomas, Lord Keeper, 119, 302, 344, 377, 477.

— letters from, 112, 298, 306, 307, 359, 386, 425, 437.

— letter to, 264.

— an instance of his special care, 334.

—, offer of a present of pearls to the Queen, 500.

— son of, bill in favour of, 387.

Egyptians (gipsies), 514.

Elbe, River, 544.

trade by way of, 77.

Elbing, English ships trading to, methods to be pursued, 114.

Elizabeth :

Queen. See Queen.

Madame, a sister of the French King's mistress, 30.

Elkinton, Wm., 22.

Elliatt, Thomas, mayor of Salisbury, letter from, 334.

Ellott :

Archie, son to Martyne, 226.

Will., of Lareston, 226.

Will., of the Steele, 226.

Ellyott, Robert, disloyal proceedings of, off the coast of Brittany, 398.

Eltham, 331.

Ely :

as a place of confinement for priests, 224.

Isle of, 534.

Embden, 182.

Merchant Adventurers' settlement in, 307.

Emperor, the, 111, 271, 272, 273, 390, 478, 516.

Thomas Arundell's dealings with, 193, 230.

Agent of the King of Spain with, 273.

proclamation against English merchants referred to, 429.

campaign against the Turks, 468.

a suitable messenger from the Queen to, 507.

Empire, the :

trade with, 77, 542.

negotiations with the princes of, recommended, 78.

Enclosures, speech in Parliament against, 541–543.

Enchusen. See Enkhuzen.

Enfield :

letter dated at, 303.

Chase, a traitor's head found in, 395.

House, dilapidation of, 458.

Park, 48, 294.

little Park, hunting in, 303.

Engelstedt, Lodowick, 228.

England, paper in Italian on the state of, 167.

Engleby alias Jefford, David, a Jesuit, 300.

Engrossers of corn, &c., 410, 496.

Enkhuzen (Enchusen, Ancusan), in Holland, 182, 443.

a man of, long an inhabitant of China, 336.

Enslow Hill in Oxfordshire, 50.

Epernon, Duc d', 136.

refuses to assist at the King's Council, 173.

forces brought by, 237.

characterised, 478, 519.

Ephorus, 315.

Ernest, Archduke, 229.

Errol, Francis Hay, earl of, effort to retain him in the Catholic faith, 253.

Esdan. See Hesdin.

Espernon. See Epernon.

Essendine Park, alleged abuses in, 223.

Essex, co. of, levies raised in, 179, 200, 215.

— superintendent of, 215.

Lord Lieutenant of, letter to, 215.

or Hertford, sheriffs and gentlemen of, desirous of attending the Queen at Theobalds, 370.

Essex, Frances, countess of, desiring news of the earl, &c,, 386.

letters from, 409, 442.

Essex, Earl of, sister to, 234.

mentioned, 92, 243, 474.

letters to, passim.

letter from, to the Scotch ministers, 10.

other letters from, 57, 115, 189, 196, 211, 229, 249, 250, 252, 256, 263, 264, 267, 269(2), 275, 277, 278, 335, 337, 341, 345, 346, 348, 349, 350, 352, 386, 437, 445 (2), 446, 479, 520, 526–528.

holograph letter of, 439–441.

a letter from, referred to, 317.

and his Council of War, letters, &c. from, 291, 346, 369, 371.

purchase of horses for, 27.

the Queen requested to send him to France, 27.

rumours of “another journey,” 31.

testimony to Sir Francis Vere's services, referred to, 75.

a present for, 86.

two Florentines' “conceit” sent to, 101.

kindness to Count Louis of Nassau, 104.

his Spanish hostages, 112, 303.

persons recommended or volunteering for military employment under, 119, 124, 183, 184, 188, 192, 193, 199.

controls all matters of war, 156.

an examination by, 167.

forces available at the Hague for, for siege of Calais, 172

relations with the Cecils, 210, 332.

agents abroad holding correspondence with, 214.

application to Cecil for aid to his sister, &c., 249.

list of debts, &c., 283, 375.

minute of a letter from the Queen to, 314.

a postscript in the handwriting of, 335.

paper of directions from, 338.

arrangements for defence of the Western Coasts, 341, 342.

“a worthy commander,” 345.

desires to have copies of his letters, 348.

forbidden to attack the fleet in Ferrol, in person, 349.

appeals to Cecil, for friendly aid, 349, 350.

lease of sweet wines, 350.

disputing in the rain with his master and his mates, 350.

sends his colleagues to rest, and writes the despatch, 352.

makes a posting journey from Plymouth to the Court, 361.

state of finances of, 376.

scandal about, 392.

“that noble gentleman,” 420.

the Queen's instructions to, 433, 439.

authorised to take measures to repel the Spanish attack on the coast, 448, 451, 466.

instructions for, 449.

to have supreme command in Ireland, 449.

effect of his famous voyages, 478.

illness of, 479.

answers by, to queries of Sir B. Cecil, 480.

a prey to melancholy owing to the Queen's displeasure, 506.

corrections and alterations of his patent as Earl Marshal, 520, 526, 527.

expedition under the command of, against Spain, preparations for, 73, 211, 212, 247.

— progress or mention of, 264, 267, 269, 277, 278, 279, 287, 291, 306, 307, 319, 326, 329, 331, 334, 337, 338, 339, 341, 345, 346, 349, 350, 352, 353, 355, 358, 359, 361, 362, 365, 368, 369, 371, 379, 385, 386, 387, 389, 390, 399, 403, 422, 424, 425, 433, 437, 438, 439, 443, 444, 445, 447, 453, 458, 461, 462, 481, 492, 510, 528.

— volunteers for, 80, 212, 213(3), 220(2), 222(2), 228, 229, 245(2).

— aid from the States General for, 219, 222.

— English soldiers withdrawn from Holland for, 221, 222, 225.

— pay and victualling of troops from Holland, 248, 249.

— Dowager Lady Russell's opinion of, 282.

— the Queen's declaration with regard to, referred to, 287.

— fear in Spain caused by, 312.

— “cassing” of the land army sanctioned, &c., 349.

— prizes taken, 447.

— its results summed up, 450.

— disposal of the booty, &c., 454.

Este :

Don Cesare de, 87.

singular industry of the House of, 525.

Estington road, slaughter of soldiers on, by Sir Robert Kerr, 239.

Estrées, Madame Gabrielle d', (“Madame la Duchesse”), mistress of the King of France, 130, 478.

negotiations for obtaining information from, 495, 496, 497.

Eure :

Francis Lord, letter from, 354.

Ralph Lord, 71, 226, 529.

— letters from, 79, 88, 90, 276, 325.

— sickness of, 80.

— a commissioner for Border Causes, 241, 274, 275.

— failure in delivery of pledges, 269.

— dispensation from attendance in parliament, 422.

Ewens (Ewers), Mr. Baron Matthew, 252, 504.

letter from, 162.

Exeter, 168, 205, 279, 350, 445, 461.

collectorship of, 347.

mayor of, 386.

letters dated at, 220, 324, 406, 421, 473.

bishops of, 135, 137.

— ecclesiastical preferment in hands of, 349.

— proposed appointment, &c., 359, 376, 406.

dean and chapter of, letters from, 382, 422.

— letters from Cecil delivered to, 386, 387.

— finances of, arrangements connected with, 422.

Eyre, Mar, 300.