Index: D

Pages 564-567

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 7, 1597. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1899.

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Dackombe, John, 166.

Dacre, Dacres :

Lord, letter from, 250.

Captain, commanding levies from Hertfordshire, 250.

Elinor and Elizabeth, letter from their father to, 396, 397, 401.

Francis, letters from, desiring to return to his allegiance, 397, 401, 402.

Dagleish, cousin of Sir Robert Kerr, slaughter of, 240.

Daillens. See Doullens.

Dallavale, Mr., 71.

Dampre, English forces at, 102.

Daniel (Danyell, Danyells) :

John, letters from, 2, 8, 26, 55, 106, 144, 166, 198, 209, 218, 242, 267, 299.

— arrested notwithstanding a warrant of security, 209, 218.

— in great distress, 483.

— receives the communion, &c., 484.

one, employed for victualling in Flushing, 114.

Danish Ambassador returning home, 390, 403.

Embassy, discontent on account of Her Majesty's gifts, 403.

Dantzic, (Danske, Danswick), 12, 308, 319, 338.

threatened by the Turks, 64.

English trade with, 114.

a ship of, saved at Cales, 317.

a messenger from the magistrates of, 320.

Danvers :

Lady, action to her son's prejudice, 210.

Sir Henry, letter from, 210.

Darcy :

Lord, 416.

Edward, letter from, 181.

Dareyn, Mr., 293.

Darlton, Manor of, 185.

Darrell (Dorell, Dorrell), Marmaduke or Martin, general of the victuals, 61, 72, 81, 337, 338, 339, 358, 440.

letters from, 148, 341, 355(2).

payment to, 460.

Dartford, 174, 231, 264, 269, 287, 381, 404, 480.

Dartmouth, 250, 350, 421, 424, 427.

tax for ships in, 168.

defence of, 342, 480, 482.

letters dated at, 377, 402, 425, 428, 482, 483, 486.

Azevedo, a Portuguese, arrested at, 381, 384.

the Spanish prize at, 462, 473.

— contents of, 486.

— captain of, 487.

Spanish ship surrenders at, 483.

customer, comptroller, &c. at, 486.

barks laden at, 518.

H.M. storehouse built on the customhouse quay at, 518.

prize cargoes of sugar at, 538, 544.

Dauphiné, 360.

Daves, James, master of an English ship, 467.

David's Quintin Nixson, 227.

Davidson, David, 227, 271.

Davis, Davies :

— member of a committee, 477.

Captain, 528.

Mr., 167.

Sir J., 341.

Davison :

— a deputy in the Wood Street Compter, 394.

Mr., service in the Low Countries, 432.

Dawley, Anthony, 292.

Dawney, Sir John, 416.

Dawson, Miles, late seminary priest, conforms, 404.

Dawtrey, Captain, letters from, 148, 302.

Dayala, Signor, Secretary to the King's Finance at Brussels, 253.

Deal Castle, 269, 465.

Dean's lease, the, formalities, 353.

Debt, arrest for, 255.

Deciphered letter, 547.

Dee, Island, 78.

Dee, 33, 321, 387, 517.

De Frenes, Mons., special envoy from the King of France to the Queen, 420.

De la Val, Madame, 70.

De la Vella, Cape, 357.

Deleguidieres, Mons., 141.

Delena, Athony, 344.

Delft (Delphe), letters dated at, 16, 30, 85, 188, 213.

Demayne. See Mayenne.

Demetrius Phalereus, the writer of the story, 424.

Demi-culverin, its working described, 94.

Denbigh Castle, constable of, 185.

Denbigh, co. of, armour for the use of, 185.

Denmark, treaties, &c. with, 76, 77, 78.

Spanish influence in, 77.

English Ambassador to, temp. Henry VII., 78.

Ambassador from, in England.

— intelligence from, 114.

Ambassadors from, desirous of returning, 401.

Chancellor of, 405.

King of, sends an Ambassador to the Queen, 77.

— travels in Italy, visit to Scotland, &c., 247, 252.

— an agent of, in England, 309.

— a man commended by, 401.

Dennis, Sir John, 40.

Denniston (Deneston), Robert, Conservator for the Scottish nation in the Low Countries, passport, 288.

Denny :

Lady Ma., letter from, 377.

Sir Edward, 396, 546.

Sir John, letter from, 244.

Thomas, 291.

Mr., on service in Ireland, his debt to the Queen, 377.

De Plessis, Mons., 519.

Deptford, 484.

letters dated at, 332, 382.

Derby :

college in, 411.

the burgesses for, on a parliamentary committee, 476.

county of, Jesuits in, 300.

Countess of, or lady, sickness of, 171.

— deed for jointure of, 327.

— her journey to Knowsley, &c., 327, 339, 344.

— illness of, 329.

— reported intrigue with Lord Essex, 392.

— sickness at Knowsley, &c., 430.

Dowager Countess of, letter from, 341.

— lands descended to her daughters, 341.

Earl of, his reception on his return to Knowsley, 327.

— his jealousy of the Countess, steps taken by his officers, &c., 339, 344.

the Earl and Countess of, letter from, 362.

Desdiguières. See Lesdiguières.

Desmond, E., Countess of, letters from, 186, 212, 245, 355, 378.

question of marriage of herself or daughters, 213, 245.

Desmond's woods, 531.

Develyn. See Dublin.

Devon, county of :

proposal to send unserviceable wheat to, 102.

tinnors of, refuse to pay ship-money, 168.

ships sent from the ports of, contributions for, 168.

levies in, 205.

tenths of prizes arriving in, 284.

defence of coast of, 341, 342.

Devorox, Richard, of Limerick, news from Spain brought by, 136.

Devreux, Edward, 428.

Dewhurst, Barnard, 514.

Dewrance, John, of Enfield, 395.

Diamond, the, from the carrack, enquiry concerning, 504, 507, 521.

Dieppe, 1, 135, 172, 396, 479.

proposed meeting place for a conference, 9, 27.

Queen's munition shipped from, freight, &c., 63, 64.

governor of, 124.

— sale of the castle of Arques by, 64.

enterprise upon, 129.

letters dated at, 179, 278.

Diest, 20.

Digges, —, death of, referred to, 184.

Dijon (Digeon), siege of, 209.

Dillenburgh in Westphalia, 20.

letter dated at, 104.

Dimmock in Gloucestershire, mortgage on, 283.

Dirhame, Baldwin, 22.

Ditchley, letter dated at, 517.

Divorce, 539.

Dobson, Thomas, 22.

Dobye. See Dovey.

Dockwray, Sir H., 446.

Docly, Mr., 185.

Docquindeguy, seigneur, of St. Jean de Luz, 104.

Doctors' Commons, letter dated at, 371.

Docwra, Captain Henry, letters from, 45, 228.

Dod :

Henry, letter from, 87.

John, 87.

Doddes, one, keeper at Enfield, 48.

Doddington, 139.

Dodington's case, Mr., 500.

Dodson, Mr., 220.

Doncaster, Mayor of, 28.

Corporation of, sued, 28.

Recorder of, 29, 442.

High Steward of, 442.

the question of the election of parliamentary burgesses for, 442.

Dorchester, 332.

Doria, Prince, 158, 201, 229.

Dormer, Sir Robert, 475.

Dorset, County of sheriffs for, 536.

Douarnenez, Douarnenys, Dournenis, siege raised, &c., 399.

Douay, 367.

Douglas :

Archibald, Ambassador from Scotland, letters to, 2, 40, 97, 150, 335, 362, 369.

—, letters from, 158, 248.

—, drafts of letters in handwriting of, 388–391.

Richard (“Mr. Richard”), 241, 369, 389, 390.

Doullens (Dorlens, Dourlan, Daillens, Dorlans, Dorlance), 124, 125, 144, 149, 184, 388, 482, 520.

capture of Amiens by Spanish Governor of, 99, 100.

siege of, 102, 400, 409.

—, abandoned on account of the rain, 418, 420.

campaign around, 153, 155.

Dove, Robert, 505.

Dover, 98, 160, 284, 287, 348, 381, 396, 404, 480.

corn ships embargoed in the harbour, 3.

letters dated at, 120, 124, 157, 174, 460(2), 461, 465, 471.

Mayor and Jurats of, letter from, 156.

dearth of corn in, charges upon the town, &c., 156, 157.

the foot-post of, mentioned, 244.

Earl of Essex at, 459.

readiness of the town for provisioning of soldiers, &c., 470.

Dover Castle, lieutenant of, 4, 232, 284.

—, letters from, 160, 174.

letters dated at, 174, 231, 245, 280, 285, 287, 348, 404, 480.

Dover Road, the Earl of Essex with his fleet in, 269, 275, 279.

Dovey (Dobye) in Cardiganshire, 466.

Dowdall, Sir J., 341.

Dowley, William, 50.

claiming as patentee the measurage of corn, &c., on the Thames, 301.

Downall, Downhal, William, letter from, 27.

letter to, 107.

Downs, the, letters dated from, 275, 277, 278, 279.

Essex's fleet in, 279.

Doyly, Doyley :

Dr., 409.

John, 304.

Thomas, letter from, 386.

Dragör, Island, 78.

Drake :

Mr., 91.

—, letter from, 125.

Sir Francis, 281.

—, voyage to the Indies, mentioned, 58.

—, prisoners in Spain from fleet of, 232.

—, pinnace taken at Gourdelupo, 292.

Richard, prize taken by a ship belonging to, 544.

Draper, renting land in St. Clement's Inn, 265.

Drewe, Serjeant Edward, 252, 385.

letter from, 162.

Droukesfourd, 112.

Druell, Sir Humphrey, letters from, 187, 189, 197, 202.

his relations with Smallman, 189, 190, 191, 197.

Drumfenning woods, 531.

Drury Lane, fields about, 190.

Dublin, 3, 280.

letters dated at, 31, 193.

Trinity College. See Trinity College.

Ducat (the Spanish), value of, compared with sterling, 326.

Duchesse, Madame la, K. of France's mistress. See Estrées.

Duck, the way maker at Theobald's, 378.

Duckett, Thomas, licence to travel, 290.

Dudley :

Edmund, Esq., 298.

Richard, the Elder, 298.

Richard, the younger, a prominent seminary, 298.

Robert, customer of Newcastle, 208.

Dudsbury, Mr., 252.

Duffel near Mechlin, 43.

Duffyeld, Benjamin, 385.

Duke, Sir Henry, Knight, of Dublin, 411.

Dundalk, 311.

Dundee, ministers for the churches at, 246.

Dunenuoird and Woud, John de. See Duynenvoord.

Dungeness, the fleet off, 287, 292.

Dunkirk, 4, 21, 98, 272.

dangerous to the Cinque Ports, 115.

descent upon, proposed, 209.

Admiral of, takes Ostend ships, 529.

governor of, a prisoner at Dover and elsewhere, 429, 434, 435.

ships, hostile action of, 55, 95.

Dunsany, P., Lord, a servant of, arrested for papistry, 33, 58, 59.

letters from, 58, 284, 328, 344, 476.

a kinsman of, a suitor, 284.

Duport, Dr. John, letters from, 288, 365.

Durant, George, deceased, 481.

Durham, 279.

Bishop of, attendance in Parliament, 422.

County Palatine of, question of nomination of burgesses of, 405.

Durham House, 59.

letter dated at, 285.

Dutch :

Church at Sandwich, 331.

ship, wheat taken from a, 7.

ships, money taken out of, by the Queen's fleet, representations on behalf of the merchants interested, 116, 117.

ships for Essex's expedition, arrival at Dover, &c., 269, 275.

— arrive in England, &c., 422, 439, 440.

—, return home, 461, 462, 463.

Hanse towns, complaints of, 307.

merchants, petition from, 538.

Duynenvoord, Admiral John, in command of the Dutch ships with the Earl of Essex's expedition, 180, 219.

return to the Hague, &c., 481.

Dylle, Leonard, 181.

Dymmock, Mr., 361.

Dymocke, —, hostility to the Earl of Lincoln, 366.