Appendix: Miscellaneous 1597

Pages 547-548

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 7, 1597. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1899.

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Miscellaneous 1597

[J. Guicciardini] to the Earl of Essex.
1597, June 4/14. My last unto your L. I sent about a fortnight since by Mr. Henry Archier, who likewise can inform your L. particularly of all our occurrents here. I will only add this that there are come at this instant from some persons of credit advertisements to [symbol] that the soldiers of [symbol] by commission from [symbol] determine this summer to attempt the surprising of some port in [symbol], with intention only for the present to fortify there, and at some other time to go through with the enterprise, for the effecting whereof they expect no small aid from [symbol], and do already consult about the entitling [symbol] to the crown of [symbol], and moreover do seek with great vehemency and industry to conclude [symbol] between [symbol] and [symbol]. There passed lately by Civita Vecchia 19 galleys of Naples and Sicily, with 13 companies of Italians and one of Spaniards, most of them little better than bisoigners; and their galleys, save only that they have great store of biscuit and other victual, and some few pieces for battery, are otherwise very ill-provided. It is here affirmed that they are to serve for their enterprise against England; but what their intentions are I doubt not but your L. is more certainly advertised by other means.—14 June, 1597.
Endorsed :—“Mr. Guicciardine.”
Portions in italics are cypher in original.
1 p. (52. 12.)
J. Guicciardini to the Earl of [Essex].
1597, Dec. 22/1598, Jan. 1. I have of late had little to write about and have myself been so troubled with tedious suits as to have no leisure for other things. I have now come to an end of them, but upon so hard conditions that I know not whether to count it good or bad fortune. I have of late abidden divers assaults touching the matters I told you of on my arrival two years since at Florence. Owing to my agreement with my adversaries they give me now some intermission; yet I assure myself the sore is only salved up, and fear it will break out yet more dangerously; and have determined to leave these parts and come to England; this I mention in case you wish to use my leisure here before I leave. I enclose a bundle of papers delivered me by a friend of yours here.—Pisa, 1 Jan. 1598. Holograph. Seal.
pp. (58. 74.)
The Vidame of Chartres to the Earl of Essex.
1597, Dec. 28/1598, Jan. 7. Your favour is the dearest of my treasures; henceforth I must cry “peccavi,” for I cannot show my gratitude for your services and kindness. It would take an age to tell you the misfortunes that have nearly overwhelmed me, and how Heaven saved my father and mother and myself; these storms have been violent and lasting, and God alone saved us from shipwreck. But all the family is recovering and ready to serve you in its humble way. You will think me ungrateful not to have paid you the money I owe you. I have written to “M. de Stafort” for whom I have to pay nearly 2,000 crowns to ask him to pay you, which I feel sure he will do. You cannot oblige me more than by commanding me. Monsieur de Beauvoir is also your friend. He is in good health.—Paris, 7 Jan. Holograph. French. Endorsed with a list of French names. 2 seals.
2 pp. (58. 92.)
Count Louis of Nassau to [the Earl of Essex].
Dec. 31, 1597/Jan. 10. 1597 8.—Protests his desire to serve him. Expected to have been able to do so in this last voyage of his Excellency, but his father and brother decided for him to go to Hungary, which journey also has been broken off because of his wound. Does not write the news since Mons. Regemortus promises to wait upon his Excellency at once.—La Haye, 10 Jan. 1598.
French. Addressed : “A Son Excellence.” Endorsed : “Count Ludowic, Jan. 10, '97.”
Holograph, 1 p. (48. 86.)