Cecil Papers: December 1597, 16-31

Pages 518-547

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 7, 1597. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1899.

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December 1597, 16–31

Export of Apparel.
1597, Dec. 17. Warrant from the Queen to the Lord Treasurer licensing David Chamberlain to export free of duty 6,000 suits of apparel, consisting of mandyllons, breeches and stockings, for the French King's soldiers. Given under the signet at Westminster Palace the 17th December, 40 Eliz.
Sign Manual. Signet. 1 p. (57. 98.)
Borchart Bruckman to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, Dec. 18. Since my departing from London I have been in great danger. I did understand to have passage in a fly-boat that should be at Margate, which caused me to take a wherry, and, coming about Margate on Thursday last, with great pains I landed there. I travelled by land to Sandwich where I have overtaken the said fly-boat. I shall take ship to night, if it please God. When I shewed to searchers of this port my chest, they found in it about 12l. in money which they would stay for the Queen's use. Having no passport I was forced to partly disclose the cause of my journey, with certain privy tokens betwixt you and me, promising them you would discharge the matter. I thought it needless, not to say negligent, to wait for your answer and so lose so good a passage. Referring always the rest to your discretion, as more at large hath appeared by my last by Tobias Tucker.—Sandwich, 18 Dec. 1597.
A symbol in the margin.
Holograph. 1 p. (57. 99.)
George, Earl of Huntingdon to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, Dec. 18. It pleased you to grant me certain offices appurtaining to the Duchy in Leicestershire, which my late brother had, whereof the town clerkship of Leicester was one. Your warrant was made out according to a particular, but now, the patent being brought me under seal, I find that the clerkship is left out, contrary to your meaning and to the express words of your warrant. I beseech you that this error may be reformed.—From my house in Watling Street, this 18 of December 1597.
Signed. ½ p. (57. 100.)
Richard Carmarthen to Lord Burghley.
1597, Dec. 18. We have no rate in the book for apparel, but in such cases they are rated upon the oath of the merchants or other person that transports them, according to the value as they cost. If they be such as Mr. Babingtone's sorts are, they are to be valued at the price the Queen pays him for them.
The two barks which were laden by me at Dartmouth are now safely arrived and discharged. The goods are well conditioned. I made an end of them yesternight. They are stowed in H.M. Storehouses which Mr. Coap built on Custom House Quay. Do mean to attend your Lordship to-morrow about them.—London, the 18th December 1597.
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (57. 101.)
Henry Locke to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, Dec. 19. You wished me of the House and offered the furtherance to a burgess-ship, which, now the Parliament is adjourned and some places by death void, may be effected. If therefore you think good in time to crave Cole's burgess-ship of Westminster, or any other that is so void, I shall be glad at the next session to be by your Lordship employed and commanded that or any other way. Touching the journey intended me, I rest prepared for it, if your purpose hold. I have a fit pretence (of speaking with a fugitive in those parts) for my colour, and, touching my own particular, rest on your direction, whether I am to find out some such fit particulars so to be craved by me, or to attend your favourable nomination thereof, in such time as my own estate and declining years do crave relief in.—This 19 Dec. 1597.
Holograph. 1 p. (57. 102.)
William Lyllé to the Earl of Essex.
1597, Dec. 20. Since the French hope of Calais there hath nothing happened in these parts. There has no ship stirred hence by reason of storms. I never saw so much nobility, so fair troops of horse and foot, so suddenly ready, nor such an assurance of a thing before it was effected, now returned as a broken flock and mocked both of enemy and friend. Their fail is reputed to Espernon's pride, being a man extremely hated, therefore accounted unfortunate for enterprise and altogether unhonest amongst these Picards. Among these returning a friend of mine. He told me that if the K. had not been in diet, he had been at this enterprise, and that, as soon as they should be returned to the Court, the K. would presently for Brittany, and carry with him force there to make wars, but went with hope of peace, the same being well advanced with Mercury, to and from whom came every day couriers. Besides, it is assured the K. that if he were there in person all the country would obey him, desiring peace, and hating the long and present wars they endure, and the more for that they see the rest of France in peace already, and themselves like thereby to be plunged in a greater misery. He told me withal that universally France required a peace. The enemy General offered good conditions, and that they would take it, and constrain the K. to accord it. They say besides that this army into Brittany serveth to two ends, to cover Mercury's render to him upon constraint by an army in field and so save his honour with the Spaniard, or he refusing to join with the nobility there who offer him much, to make head against him with fury. The gentlemen of these parts, and so generally of all France, protest that, if the K. and princes will not make a peace, that he and they shall go alone to the wars, so as, upon these circumstances, no man here doubteth a peace. The K's. own inclination and Villeroy's will, who propoundeth what he list and concludeth as he will, assureth it. We say here it stayeth upon nothing but Calais, all the rest by the enemy is offered to be rendered. This man told me withal that the K. made now his religion the assuring of the State and the enriching of himself, and that he had now contented those of the religion for a time, and that Mons. de Plessis came shortly to the Court already reconciled to Villeroy. The D. Espernon at his being here inquired after the Prince of Scotland and what had been in the Parliament about him, thinking the assembly thereof to be only for his coming into England. This, and some other purposes about your Lordship's voyages, was most of their table talk all their supper here.—St. Valery's, this 20 of December 1597.
P.S.—Mons. de Vic, governor of Amiens, hath defeated a convoy of victuals sent to Dorlens, the same being at this time in great need, as he and Mons. de la Noue accounted at this day the men fit to conduct an enterprize in France and none else. We have had here some speech by one that passed this way to the K. that the enemy made some preparations, and that doubted for Boulogne, but those are better known to your L. from the Low Countries than from hence.
Holograph. 2½ pp. (57. 103.)
Vincent Skinner to Lady Russell.
1597, Dec. 22. I do return this included to satisfy your good pleasure, though loath to forego so good an evidence of your honourable favour. May it please you to pursue this good motion of your own, as may stand with the good pleasure of my right honourable Lord and Master. I hope that, by your intercession, the office may continue entire, for I have heard it given out that one good part of it should be annexed to the Remembrancer's Office. You will thereby add an increase of benefit, and I should have the means of rewarding the services of those employed in the attendance of the place.—At the Blackfrairs in London this 22 of Dec. 1597.
P.S.—For the hangings, I understand that the principal are stayed for her Majesty, and that my L. of Bu. hath a promise of some other portion. But I will not be forgetful to accomplish your good pleasure therein. I wish your continuance in the good disposition you signified me this afternoon, of accepting my poor house this Xmas.
Holograph. 1 p. (57. 104.)
Richard Topclyffe to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, Dec. 22. It may seem strange that I should sue to have a traitorous friar delivered out of prison to a better lodging or friend. It is to take a traitor tenfold weightier than himself. I do not name the party for secrecy, but let my allegiance be judged two days after Candlemas next. The man whom I wished favoured for awhile was taken by Mr. Justice Young four or five years since—This present Thursday.
I will show you the letter when I have the Lord Keeper's hand to it, and one or two other councillors'. The Lord Keeper liketh of the scheme.
Endorsed with date. Holograph. 1 p. (57. 108.)
The Earl of Essex to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, Dec. 22. I send you back this paper in which I have been bold to make a note or two, and especially have underlined some lines where I am praised for too innocent virtues, where they are active virtues and not negative that should draw on a prince to bestow a Marshal's office. Expedition in this is all, for now the Q.'s times of signing and the shortness of time betwixt this and Xmas. Hoping to meet you above after supper.
P.S.—The conclusion also is merely impertinent and may, as I think, be well left out.
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (57. 109.)
Stephen Le Sieur to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, Dec. 22. Remembering your speeches this day to me, touching my not being her Majesty's natural subject born, and that I made some answer to you thereupon, I have nevertheless presumed once again to put you in mind that though Geneva be the place of my birth it is two and twenty years at the least sithence I became willing, in as much as I might, to be her Highness's faithful subject. In that time, by the special good opinion of me from Mr. Secretary Walsingham, and allowance of others the lords of the Privy Council, I have been employed with authority from her Majesty to the Prince of Orange, Duke Casimir, Duke of Cleves, and Duke of Parma. During my miserable and barbarous imprisonment of two and twenty months in Dunkirk (under the governor that now is here) I did several good services to this estate; and lastly, in the duchy of Gueldred, Utrecht and Overyssel, being there employed in her Majesty's n[ame by] the Lord Willoughby, then her Highness's Lieutenant General, and Sir [Henry Kil]ligrew, her Majesty's councillors in those parts, I did the like.
Since that time, by letters patents of denization and oath of supremacy, I am confirmed her Majesty's loyal subject, and intend, God willing, to live and die in that profession, having to that end by marriage allied myself with Mr. Wardour's daughter here in London. I desire also nothing more than to yield to you all humble service and therefore beseech you that if her Majesty continue in this exception you will acquaint her with this my humble answer; and seeing that your father and you have thought me a fit man for the service and thereupon commanded me to prepare myself, you will persist in that your honourable opinion; otherwise it cannot but redound to my great grief and disgrace.
I hope that God will, to the contentuent of her Majesty and your Honour, bless my service to her Highness if I am employed.—This 22nd of December 1597.
Holograph. Seal broken. Damaged. 1 p. (176. 2.)
Sir Anthony Ashley to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, Dec. 23. Since the writing of our letters this day delivered your Honour I have by good chance taken hold of Bartholomew Gilbert, who was wonderfully appalled upon the questions which I ministered unto him and hath betrayed some further matter than was known before. Howbeit he refuseth to answer particularly to the matter of the great diamond, by reason of his bond to his partners How and Tinvey, but prayeth he may be spared till the bond be had in by commandment of her Majesty or otherwise. Then he promiseth not only to disclose everything yet unknown concerning the great diamond, but other matters also, as yet little thought on. I have him at this present in my house till your further directions. It is needful that some others that cannot yet be come by be presently sent for by warrant, especially one William Wyles of Ratcliffe, mariner, who hath withdrawn himself suddenly since this examination began, and is the party that purloined the green velvet purse.—This 23 of December 1597.
P.S.—The bond is conditioned that the said Bartholomew shall not disclose nor do any act to the prejudice of his partners, and How hath confessed it to be that Bartholomew should not reveal to any of H.M. Privy council.
Signature. 1 p. (57. 110.)
Lord Burghley to Mr. Necton.
1597, Dec. 23. Directions as to his woods at Edmonton.—23 Dec. 1597.
Signed. 2 pp. (204. 60.)
Dr. Thomas Crompton to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, Dec. 24. I have attended Mr. Dr. Caesar for the case against Captain Bredcake, wherein your Honour is interested, and notwithstanding by the customs of Normandy and the Admiralty of England, the resistance and taking by force in this case, is cause of confiscation of the whole goods, yet, for that there is now made direct proof that the wines appertain to the demandants, and some better appearance for 17 chests and 8 half chests of sugar than at the first, I do not perceive, for that the Judge hath told me that your Honour is not disposed to stand upon advantages, but that he hath a purpose to take order for restitution of the goods aforesaid. There are 5 great vats of sugar, as I take it, without controversy due to your Honour, and, albeit it doth appear by the testimony of some of the Truelove, that divers sums of money have been disbursed on provisions for the ship taken, yet it appeareth that divers wines and sugars were taken out in Barbary, and since, to a great value (let Captain Bredcake answer it as he can), and it is thought hard to lay the burden of the charges on the merchants and leave them only their action against Bredcake. I have done my best to give the cause a more convenient end. May I advise that you should signify to the Judge that he proceed no further till you have conferred with Mr. “Carou” [Carew.] Upon speech with whom you may receive more content, and the merchants rest better satisfied.—This 24th of December 1597.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (57. 111.)
The King of Scotland to the Queen.
1597, December 24. Your silence hath been so long, and I have so long awaited upon your breaking thereof, that I am forced now at last to remember you again by these few lines. I have written three letters unto you and have never as yet received answer of any of them either by word or writing; which moves me to think that my letters never came to your hands, especially my last wherein I wrote as plainly and as lovingly unto you as I could. What can I think except that either you have been by some greatly abused or else in other weighty affairs greatly distracted. Howsomever it be, I am sure you could not have taken a greater trial of my patience. But presupposing that my letters never came to your hands yet could you not be ignorant of the subject of them, as well by Buccleugh's detaining in Berwick as by Robert Joussies endless detaining there. As for Buccleugh, I thought the great care and pains that all this year I had taken in the Border matters, together with his delivery, had given as much proof of my goodwill as deserved at least an answer (if not thanks). For my part I am ready to perfect the entry of the whole pledges; but if that course like you not (as it appears by your long delay), I would likewise know it; and as for Robert Jowssies errand, it is turned from an honourable annuity to a voluntary uncertainty almost after long begging, and now at last to as much worse than nothing as there is time spent in the seeking of it. I pray you, Madam, excuse my impatience in this. It is no wonder I weary to be a longsome suitor as one who was not born to be a beggar but to be begged at. A short refusal had less displeased me than an answerless and disdainful delay. Remember that as I am your kinsman so am I a free prince. The disdaining of me can be no honour to you. The use of tempting your friends so sore can turn you to no advantage. If you think my friendship worthy that annuity, remember qui cito dat bis dat. Let not the uncertainties of the giver disgrace the gift, for I weary to be a suitor, and for your pleasure I will promise never to challenge that debt any more if you will not be content as freely to pay it as freely you promised it. I must once again pray you to excuse my impatience for there cannot a greater grief come to an honest heart than to be “lightled” by them at whose hands he had deserved so well as my conscience bears me upright record I have ever done at your's. My fault is the less that I complain of you to yourself, and I will yet hope that you will give forth a just sentence in my favour and “appardon” my free speaking in pleading my just cause. And thus, Madam and dearest sister, I commit you to the tuition of the Almighty.—Holyrood House, 24 December 1597
Copy. 1 p. (133. 176.)
The Warden and Fellows of All Souls College, Oxford, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, Dec. 25. It hath pleased her Highness by your letters to signify her pleasure that we should choose John Brooke to be our tenant in the parsonage of Lewknor, as being our tenant in the same and as having deserved favour. The informations which Brooke has given to further his suit are false. He never was our tenant unless by intrusion without our consent requisite under the late Thomas Whitton's lease. We beg that we may be allowed to fulfil our promise to Mr. Christopher Hovenden, not long since of our society, by choosing him.—From All Souls College in Oxon, this 25th of December.
Traces of Seal. 1 p. (57. 112.)
James Hudson to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, Dec. 26 The Master of Montrose, eldest son and heir to the Earl of Montrose, has arrived here. He is bound to France, and was, with great danger by extreme weather, landed at Yarmouth. He is something sickly by torment of the seas, and his coffers are post forward with the ship, whereof he is very sorry, as otherwise he would have been a suitor to have kissed her Majesty's hand. He left Scotland after the death of Mr. Bowes, who was his good acquaintance. He wishes for a passport for himself and for two gentlemen, his servants, and hopes on his return to make a longer abode here.—London, the 26 of December 1597.
Holograph. Seal. ¾ p. (57. 113.)
Filippo Corsini to Lord Burghley.
1597, Dec. 26. This letter shall be presented unto your Honour by Virginio Corbizi and Francis Betti, gentlemen of Florence and subjects to the Grand Duke of Tuscany. They were taken prisoners and brought into this country by the ship David, and thank you most humbly for what you have done for the recovery of the money and goods, of their own and of their friends, which they had on board. Most of it was sequestered in the hands of Sir John Harte; for the remainder Mr. Doctor Cæsar, Judge of the Admiralty, is making diligent enquiry. The gentlemen desire that her Majesty's should appoint Commissioners to hear their cause summarily, and that full restitution and damages be awarded them. Were it not that I am not all free of my sickness, I would have waited on you in their company.—London, the 26th of December 1597.
Signed. Seal. ½ p. (57. 114.)
Sir Ferdinando Gorges to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, Dec. 26. I have sent herewith such letters as I understand to be of most import, that were written by one of the Spanish prisoners to have been privily conveyed into Spain. For the time I have severed him from the rest, and examined him upon the letters. His excuse is that he seeks his liberty.
Twelve of them on Thursday night last brake prison out of Trematon Castle by advice of one Crosse, one of the keeper's men. They went aboard a small pinnace that lay at Saltash, ready victualled to set sail for the coast of Spain, but, being repulsed by some of the company aboard, they came ashore again and ran into the country. They have all been recovered, and the keeper's man is in gaol.
There is yet no order far the pay and apparel of the soldiers, who are very discontented thereat. Mr. Stallenge has made shift for their weekly lendings up to now, except for one week.—From the fort by Plymouth, this 26 of December 1597.
Signed. Seal. ¾ p. (57. 115.)
Agricultural Inventions.
1597, Dec. 26. Letters patent of the French King, granting to Melsion Fabry and his seven sons exclusive right for 15 years to three inventions of agricultural tools : (1) for digging and working the ground with such economy that 2 horses can do as much as 4; (2) for economising carriage; (3) for treading corn in the fashion of Provence, Languedoc and other places, so that 2 horses shall do the work of 4.—St. Germain en Laye, 26 Dec. 1597.
Note at foot that the privilege is registered, for the space of 12 years only, “a Paris, en Parlement,” 17 Jan. 1598.
French. Contemporaneous copy. 2 pp. (66. 104.)
Henry Cuffe to Mr. Savile.
1597, Dec. 27/1598, Jan. 6. Scommunica against Don Cesare I enclose, which I had dispatched with my last, but that I hoped to adjoin his protestation against it; which however is not yet ready, though I have seen the principal points of it exhibited in the Consistory at Rome. I therefore sent off these enclosures without waiting, they being of themselves so great a packet that perhaps (were it not for some notable absurd branches thereof) the charge of carriage is more than their worth. The mother Church which has been long with child of Ferrara begins now to fall in labour, and as you may gather by these her cries, she stands in fear of a sore travail. To hear of excommunications in these parts is no dainty, every light offence against the Romish hierarchy being able to procure a heavy censure. Notwithstanding this present against this poor prince is of all men thought the most terrible that ever was denounced. No imputation of heresy or schism, only upon a private controversy touching a small corner of the Exarchate of Ravenna, of little worth before it was beautified and enriched by the singular industry of the house of Este, to thunder and threaten so freely amazes our Italians and makes them fear a small flame, which once kindled may not be quenched without the ruin of the ambitious clergy. How it will stir the loyalty of the Ferrarese, is not yet known. The general opinion is that they will remain constant in their faith. Howbeit Signor Montecatino, secretary to the late Duke Alphonso, (the author of the treatise on Aristotele's three first books of Politics) is secretly stolen to Rome, where on hope of great service he is already preferred to an office of good worth, and fed with hope of a Cardinal's hat. This fact is held very dishonourable both to him and to the Court of Rome; in so much that our Florentines are bold to resume the words of their countryman Petrarch and cry “Vide di tradimenti.” Some three days since we heard from Rome that the Duke of Urbino has obtained a suspension of this censure until the end of this month. Some add that the town shall be consigned to him until the deciding of the title. This I hold very improbable, both because Don Cesare would be loath to lose the present advantage of his subject's affection which time and other occurrences may alter, and because the Duke being a man whole at the Pope's devotion Don Cesare can hardly look for indifference at his hands. Thus you see little by little we provide for making the world believe that somewhat will be done here this next spring. At present Don Cesare is fortifying Lugo and other places on the frontiers of the territory of the church. Cardinal Aldobrandino gathers daily more forces, quartering them between Faenza and Bologna; where the Pope himself, if this action go forward, means to preside with the greatest part of his court.—Florence, 6 January, stilo novo.
Signed “C.”
Endorsed by Reynolds : “Mr. Cuff to Mr. Saville 6 Jan. 97.”
Holograph. 1 p. (58. 91.)
Dr. Julius Caesar to the Earl of Nottingham, Lord High Admiral of England.
1597, Dec. 28. I crave pardon for my long absence, and for not attending your lordship this day according to your appointment. I have an extreme cold that has possessed me full seven days in great extremity, and has broken out in my face in such sort, as that I neither dare venture out into the open air, nor am fit to present myself till I be in some sort amended. I have been examining the prisoners whom I have committed for the Florentine causes, and have, according to your direction, caused all such moneys and silks as are forthcoming, to be delivered into the hands of Sir John Hart, knight. I hope ere many days to bring together the moneys which have been distributed amongst many hands. I have already discovered about 5,000 pieces of eight, and “cichinos” of gold which were missing, and have caused some part thereof which is extant to be delivered to Sir John Hart, to be kept with what he had before. For that which is missing, I keep them in prison who had it, till they restore it, or bring in other money in lieu thereof. I doubt not but that the Italians shall find cause to commend the speedy and careful carriage of this business.
Concerning the part of your letter which touches Mr. Young and myself. I sent for Mr. Young thereabouts, and I think he has satisfied your Lordship therein. If not, at my next coming abroad I will attend you.—St. Catharine's, 28 December 1597.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (57. 116.)
Thomas Raynold and William Turner, Bailiffs of Colchester, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, Dec. 28. The general want of corn overspreading this realm, is now entered into our town, abounding with so great multitude of poor people as without some present provisions numbers must perish, notwithstanding the excessive charge wherewith each man's best liberty is already burdened. For their better relief, we have procured certain of our Corporation to provide in countries of more plenty with ready money some four hundred quarters of grain, which they have already provided in Norfolk to be conveyed by sea to our said Corporation, to the great rejoicing and expectation of the poor commons. We humbly beseech your Honour to give the bearer your private warrant, or to obtain for us from the Council a licence to bring the same to our town.—From the Moot-hall in Colchester, this 28th of December 1597.
Signatures. Seal broken. ¾ p. (57. 117.)
The Earl of Essex.
1597, [Dec. 28]. Draft of portion of letters patent creating the Earl of Essex Earl Marshal of England : with corrections by Cecil.
Latin. 1¼ pp. (176. 10.)
Sir Thomas Sherley to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, Dec. 30. Against my will I am driven to complain of the most unnatural and cruel dealing of Anthony Sherley towards me. Two jewels of his had been pawned for his own debt for 551l. He did exceedingly urge me to procure means to redeem them, promising to see the money satisfied again within 10 days. I made means for it even of such friends as give me means to live and without whom I have not means to eat. He has repaid only 120l. and, after promising to pay the other 431l. on Wednesday last, when my man came to him in the evening, he put him off till the morrow, being yesterday. When my man called then, Anthony had gone out of town, we hear, with purpose to go beyond seas, but whether with the Queen's licence, or not, I do not know. After wounding my estate by his voyage he has now the more undone me in my present desperate state by thus cozening me of money which I am no way able to repay. He cannot be far gone as he was seen in London after 9 o'clock yesterday. I pray you, whether he have licence or no, let him be stayed till he has made delivery either of the money or of the jewels. For this indeed is wickedness to add to the affliction of his poor aged parents.—This 30th of December 1597.
Holograph. 2 pp. (57. 118.)
The Earl of Essex to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, Dec. I return your letter as you desire. This morning is so cold as a man that puts his arms out of the bed as I do, will conclude only with thanks, and rest
Your affectionate friend.
Endorsed with date.
Holograph. Seal. ¼ p. (57. 120.)
The Earl of Essex to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, Dec. I send you hereinclosed certain ill-written notes. You see by them when I am bidden to come myself I will fare well, and yet I reach at nothing to which I lay not a true claim. I pray you restore mine own notes when you have made use of them.
Holograph. Remains of Seal. ½ p. (57. 121.)
The Earl of Essex to the Queen.
1597, Dec. Deal so justly with your unfortunate servant (most Excellent Sovereign) as to believe that this letter is written not of presumption to importune your Majesty or any impatient desire of mine own. But because I have received your Majesty's gracious messages by my cousin Greville and Mr. Killigrew, wherein your Majesty assured me you would have the injurious letters patent altered; and because, when by Mr. Head your Majesty sent me the very words of the alteration, I perceived that the stop was non quia fremuere gentes, but because one man only stormed at it, I did then and do now humbly beseech your Majesty to give me leave to prove that he hath all this while imagined a vain thing. And since in these cases all proofs are civil or martial, I do first offer unto your Majesty civil proofs, which of your Majesty I think will be best liked, which is by testimony. And I not being able to produce all my witnesses, that is to say, 5,000 soldiers and more than that number of mariners, at once, I do first humbly beseech your Majesty that those of the council of war may first, in each our hearings that are in contradiction, be commanded to deliver the truth. And then I know they must avow in all things my information and disprove the contrary. And if it please your Majesty afterward to go downward to the colonels, captains, and all persons of quality that served by sea or land, I persuade myself no Christian can be so wicked, subject so undutiful, or man so impudent, as to deliver an untruth to your Majesty of which a whole army by land and sea can convince him. And yet if any such should be found I must appeal to your Majesty's justice that I may show how weakly he will be able to defend so false a contestation, and I doubt not but, when I shall be with any such champion apart, I shall quickly bring him to your Majesty confitentem reum. This was then my humble answer to Mr. Head, and this is my suit now. For which give me leave to remember unto your Majesty what are the circumstances that move princes and just judges to grant expedition; when the party grieved doth offer open and demonstrative proof, is out of possession, and hath nothing left him but that which is in controversy. All which I do plead for me. For my offer of such proof was sent by Mr. Head and is now renewed. I am, as your Majesty knows, out of possession; and I have nothing else before me, my stay of body and fortune being overthrown in your Majesty's, and my mind by my strange destiny sicker than either of them. Therefore I hope your Majesty will not think me impatient or presumptuous if I desire an end.
Endorsed :—“My Lord to Her Majesty, Dec. 97.”
Holograph draft. Unsigned. 2 pp. (58. 1.)
Thomas Arundell to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, Dec. Having been twice at your house without finding you I write to tell you of my repair to London, where I am wholly at your service. A little before my last departure from London one of your servants in your name desired to buy the lease of the house wherein I dwelt. I had sold it to Captain Davis, who dwells in it, but I have dealt with him so that the house is now at your disposing on reasonable notice.—My house next to Bake House in Holbourne.
Endorsed :—“December, 1597.”
Signed. Seal. 1 p. (58. 2.)
Thomas, Lord Scrope to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, Dec. Having applied Christmas [?in] gaming and thereby lost my money, whereby I want to make an end thereof, my money coming out of the country being not possibly to be received until the beginning of the next term, makes me thus to make bold with you, praying that you will lend me 300l. in gold, which shall be (God willing) without fail repaid at the beginning of Candlemas Term; and the rather for that I have tried to take up money in this town, but find it so dear to obtain it, that without great loss I may not get it by those means.—P.S. I pray, Sir, if you can spare it to send it by this bearer, because I must pay a part thereof this day.
Holograph. 1 p. (58. 3.)
The Earl of Essex.
[1597, Dec.] I most humbly beseech her Majesty to resolve : To what place her ships at Plymouth shall go? Where the marines shall be paid? How the sick men shall be satisfied at Plymouth? What shall become of the Low Country companies and what order taken for their pay and victuals? Whether the Low Country ships shall be dismissed and with what testimony of their service? Whether the letter to the States shall give any hope that they shall have a share in the prizes? Whether the prizes shall be unladen and what done with them?
Undated. Unsigned; in Essex's hand. (58. 19.)
Antonio Perez to the Earl of Essex.
[1597, Dec.] Si haec fides et haec constantia in te amando tuamque gratiam reliquis anteponendo non moverent, moveat te fluctuatio animi mei ad te tendens, et status meus jam suspectus his pro vestro amore istiusque corone commotumque de novo judicium aliquorum de te erga eos. De his non plura commisi Domino Nantono omnia que circa hoc subjectum tua notitia digna et nostri debiti tibi scribenda judicavimus. Illud saltem considera non futurum aequum nee vobis honoficum (sic) me deserere nihil a vobis ambientem preter protectionem et quietem securam, saltem ne alii extimescant periclitari et pro vobis pati. Memineris tuorum verborum que his per me scripsisti, in particulari, Sansio ipsi, scilicet si Ant. Pz. male tractaveritis, remittite eum ad nos dixi. Iterum vale. A. Pz.
Undated. Endorsed.—“Sor A. Perez. Sor Morenco. Vivagio Viviano.” Seal. 1½ pp. (175. 140a.)
[Sir Robert Cecil] to John Wheler.
1597, Dec. I received your letter of the 22 of November, and the minute of Moore's to you, whereby I perceive his request and your suspense till my mind known therein. I would have you, therefore, forthwith direct to him a passport, to desire him to repair to you by the last of December, by which time he should there meet with one to confer with him from Charles Grafton, of many things which by letter cannot be so well done. If any impediment should be that he could not come to Midelborow so soon, to send you word before the 5th of Jan.: and his peremptory day of arrival with you, which I wish before the 25th to receive from you, which if I do not I will hold the (15 erased) last day to be the day of his arrival, and will send by that day directions to you accordingly.—Court.
P.S.—I send you also his letters lest you have forgotten his directions for convey.
Draft with corrections in Cecil's hand. ¾ p. (57. 38.)
Advice out of the Low Countries.
1597, Dec. The Admiral of Dunkirk with 7 ships lay three days before Ostend and hath taken two ships of Ostend with 1000l. so that the poor burghers are almost undone.
The Lieutenant Governor sent out 300 soldiers to enlarge the contribution, which went very far into the country and spoiled the town of Messene. But at their return they were laid wait for by 500 foot and two cornets of horse, yet it pleased God that our men overthrew them and killed many of them and pursued them to the very gates of Oldenberg, and killed some upon the very bridge, to the great terror of the whole land.
The last tempest hath greatly endangered the ravelin before Bridges [Bruges] port, but, God be thanked! it is remedied and will shortly be stronger than ever.
The mutiny of Calais, by the good provision which the Governor hath made, is appeased, having drawn the country about to pay every soldier 12d. a day until they be paid the whole count and reckoning. The States have changed the old companies which were in Ostend and have sent others in their places. There is no speech in all the land of any Spanish fleet, nor of anything but of peace.
That there is an agreement made with the merchants to pay the Cardinal five millions within one year, the first payment to begin next month. That the General of the Friars is come out of France to Brussels, and that the Admiral of Arragon, Don Fernando de Carillo, the president Richardot, and the “Veador” Taxis do return with him to St. Quintin's, there to meet with commissioners from the French King to treat and conclude a peace.
The States do daily send overseers to advance the fortifications of Ostend, sparing no charge, fearing some great attempt against it this next summer. That all is well at Ostend and very good correspondence held betwixt the English and Dutch and the inhabitants.
Endorsed by Essex's secretary :—“Dec. 97. Sir Ed. Norris.”
Holograph by Sir E. Norris. 3 pp. (176. 3.)
1597, Dec. Note of bills passed in Parliament, Dec. 1597.
1 p. (204. 61.)
Licence for Alms.
1597, June 3. Order of the Council, addressed to Justices and others. They are certified by Ralph Lord Eure, Lord Warden of the Middle Marches of the North Parts, Cuthbert Lord Ogle, and others, that the bearer John Steele had his house in Northumberland burned and wasted by the Scots, who carried away his goods and cattle, and left him very sore hurt, to his utter undoing. They therefore grant him these letters of licence to gather alms in churches and elsewhere.—Greenwich, 3 June 1597.
Contemporary copy.
1 p. damaged. (217. 10.)
[1597?] Paper, setting out the miserable condition of Portugal for eighteen years under the King of Spain, and shewing to “votre Excellence” how little it would cost “Sa Majesté” to set the country at liberty.
French. 1½ pp. (20. 107.)
He[nry] Malbie to the Earl of Essex, Earl Marshal of England.
[1597]. Reminding him of his promise of employment, etc. Had been unluckily absent at this time to give some contentment unto his wife, lately delivered, far hence, of a child and in some danger.
Signed. Undated. Endorsed :—1597. ½ p. (24. 71.)
Glass Making.
[1597.] Petition of George Longe who first brought to pass making of glass in Ireland, to the Queen.
In 9 Eliz. certain strangers came to England and obtained a privilege for making of Normandy glass, Burgundy glass and coarse drinking glass, on condition they should pay customs as if it were transported and teach Englishmen the mystery. These conditions were in no part performed, and besides, the privilege, being for twenty-one years only, is expired.
Ever since, certain strangers, no subjects and not denized, neither licensed nor forbidden, have and do (as it were by intrusion) continue the trade, to the great prejudice of the realm, wasting timber for want of underwoods in divers parts of the realm, her Majesty nor any subject reaping commodity. His suit is that it may please her Majesty to perform the humble suit of George Stone, her footman, concerning a privilege for Ireland, as also to suppress such strangers in England as are not licensed.
This will be beneficial :—
To her Majesty, who for thirty years has had no custom for an infinite number of glass made and used here, whereas, being made in Ireland and transported hither, it will yield custom.
To the Commonwealth, in this that the timber and woods in England shall be preserved and the superfluous woods in Ireland to better use employed, being now a continual harbour for rebels. Many idle people will be set to work to cut wood, burn ashes, dig and carry sand, clay, &c. Much trade and civility will increase in that rude country by inhabiting those great woods, and the passage to and fro of ships for transportation of the glass.
It shall not be prejudicial, for England may be served of better glass than can be made here at so low a price or rather cheaper, neither in Ireland shall any timber be wasted, there being such mighty places and underwoods that impossible it is to spoil them continually growing again. For example, I have kept ten years in the end of Drumfenning woods, a glass house; there is no sign of waste, only the ways more passable. In end of the Desmond's woods the seneschal lay in it when five hundred men durst not attempt to pass that way. Patrick Condy can witness it. By difference of the price of wood, farm, victuals, &c., honest gains may be had to perform this without preying upon the commonwealth.
Signed. Undated. 1 p. (37. 22.)
Captain Chamberlain to Mr. Reynolds, Secretary to the [Earl of Essex], Earl Marshal.
[1597.] Your accompanying the Frenchmen made me forget to speak to you at my last being at Court. Let me entreat you to move my lord [of Essex] to put his hand to a licence for transporting 100 tons of beer for Galway in Ireland for William Finch, a merchant in Hampton, who had the like the last year from the lords. If you effect it I will see you thankfully remembered.—Craynford, this Thursday morning.
[P.S.]—Let no man be secretary to the Court of Wards but yourself, for my father bid me tell you it will be worth you 400l. a year besides my lord's gifts.
Endorsed :—“Capt. Chamberlen.”
Holograph. 1 p. (47. 118.)
William Stafford to Mr. Waad.
[1597.] According to your command I have set down a statement; it is plain that if I am tried, I could only be found guilty of incontinency of body, which I think no treason. The Duke of Somerset in Edward the Sixth's reign was quit of high treason, but condemned for felony, but if I should be quit of those charges and be condemned for incontinency, it were a hard precedent.
Undated. Holograph. (57. 61.)
[1597.] Remembrances how and where the companies shall lie. What captains shall go. Powder to be distributed and accounted for. Three last to be sent to the Fort. Allowance for Sir Nicholas Parker. His authority and instructions. Answer to the Venetian Ambassador for the ships in the Mediterrane Sea. How the commission shall be made. That the powder be paid for. In Cecil's own hand. (58. 4.)
1597. Counties requiring some colonels or special directors to instruct the forces provided to repair to the landing places. A list of names; and a list of 17 counties.
Endorsed :—“1597. Principal captains to be muster masters.”
1 p. (58. 6.)
James Anton's Offer.
[1597.] If it suit the pleasure of the Queen and Council, I will undertake, (1) to provide for the garrisons and forces in the Low countries at the rate of 5l. 12s. for each gentleman and 4l. 2s. for each common soldier, the same to be according to the pattern in Her Majesty's Wardrobe, the money for such provision being paid to me in the usual manner. (2) I will supply the footmen with armour, and their two six months allowances, being allowed the usual sums for the same. (3) I will supply the horsemen with all necessary provisions, being allowed the same sum as was paid to Sir Thomas Sherley. (4) I will in the same way furnish the Queen's forces in France. (5) When time shall serve I will provide here in England victuals for the Queen's garrisons and transport them (with the like favour that Becher and Leister had), viz., yearly 4,000 tons of beer and 4,000 quarters of wheat custom free.
All this I am ready to perform, holding it from the Queen as Becher, Leister and the rest did from Sir Thomas Sherley. And as I understand about two years past one John Jolles offered to pay the Queen 2,400l. yearly more than was formerly paid, if 5,000 men were kept in the Low Countries, I will on the same terms pay 2,500l. on condition that I may have the same business so long as the garrisons are in the Low Countries, in proportion to the number of men there. And I will give as good or better security than was given before.
Signed. 1 p. (58. 7.)
Memoranda from Sir Robert Cecil to the Lord Treasurer.
[About 1597] For the matters of Ireland your Lordship, who made the last dispatch, did fully answer all things then considerable, and for the other which arrived since that time, it is not yet agreed what shall be answered.
But the book of all Irish despatches, which have passed, I leave behind me, ready to be seen at your Lordship's pleasure.
For Scotland the last dispatch contained only a direction to Sir William Bowes and Mr. Carye to deliver Buccleuch upon cautions set down, which appear by the same.
What answer the Queen's letter to the King shall have is yet in expectation.
Undated. In the hand of Cecil's Secretary. ½ p. (58. 10.)
Herbert Croft to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597. The purpose of this letter is to ask you to make us understand whether the Queen were likely to grant a suit to myself and my uncle, who hath long served her with but little taste of her bounty, and if this be so to beg you to further the same. The suit is that the Queen should bestow on him the benefit of such fine and rent as shall come out of the lands of young Baskervile, which are now by my trouble and expense recovered to the Queen. She shall thus bestow only what I have gained for her, and not all of that. For I have drawn back the tenures of 56 manors in that one county depending upon the same title, which had otherwise been utterly withdrawn; and this by my efforts in searching of records in the Tower, and pedigrees among the Heralds. So that I think my request not unreasonable. The Queen has long professed a willingness to do somewhat for him, but his place yields him no opportunity to sue for himself. This suit is offensive to nobody, nor the Queen as yet possessed of what she shall give, though greatly benefited by my service in this cause, which, if you would bring to her notice, I should esteem myself yet further bound to you.
Holograph. Undated. 2 pp. (58. 12.)
Children of [Dr. Fletcher], late Bishop of London.
[1597,] Petition. The late bishop was translated from Worcester to London within two years and so entered into fresh first fruits before he had fully paid the old; so that in three years he paid into the exchequer 1,458l. He also bestowed in allowances to divers attendants on the Queen since his preferment to London no less than 3,100l. He also was at great charges in repairing the houses at Wickham, Hadham, London, and Fulham, hoping, as he would say, after the end of the Queen's displeasure to see her in his house at Fulham. He also spent much on hospitality and all other duties of his place. He has satisfied the error of his late marriage with his death, caused specially by his conceipt of the Queen's displeasure. He has left behind him eight children, some very young; his debts to the Queen and others are about 1,400l. He hath but one house, whereof the widow claims her third. His plate is worth 400l. and his other stuff 500l. or so. Wherefore they pray to have remitted 300l. of her Majesty's debt and competent time to pay the rest at the rate of 150l. a year.
Undated. Unsigned. 1 p. (58. 23.)
Lord Thomas Howard to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1597]. Beloved Sir, I have written to her Majesty, directed by so good a spirit as I hope well of the good acceptance, and leave the care of the delivery of it to him who can better tell how to use it than myself. Your favours increase my bonds, but they can not my love. But I leave compliments. I desire you not to limit my affection by them, but to allow me the place in your good conceit amongst them who will ever be all yours.
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (58. 27.)
Lord Hunsdon, Lord Chamberlain, to the Queen.
[1597]. Through the present weakness of my joints not able to bend by knee before you, I beseech you to pardon my writing about my suit, where means of speaking are denied me.
How long the suit has depended between Lord Rich and others and myself respecting your due and birthright, you know, and how great the charges on my estate; but now finding that there are only two means to raise my loss and expense, either a peremptory command from your Majesty for a speedier proceeding in the cause, or that you should transfer your right to me, and leave to my industry to perform the trial thereof. Considering the fear to offend and the private partiality of those that should do justice I think the second the better course, wherein you shall pass nothing whereof any wise you are possessed, or by the course now held are ever likely to enjoy; and should I succeed I dare assure your Majesty a most honourable present from the fruits of my efforts.
My first proceedings were by the advice of the best learned in the law, and that I am now grown tired proceeds from the law's delays and the cunning of my adversaries.
Furthermore, three years since it pleased you to promise the reference and hearing of my claim to the Earldom of Ormond to your Judges and learned counsel, which claim I put forward to disprove the reproaches which the adversaries direct against the house of which you are descended by the mother's side. And I may not neglect to seek what in right and honour descends upon me.
Lastly, I humbly pray you to signify your pleasure to Mr. Secretary, lest I trouble you with further demands than agree with your liking.
Signed :—“G. Hunsdon.” 1 p. (58. 28.)
Clement Medeley to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1597.] Enclosing a statement of his case and requesting Cecil's countenance.
Undated. Holograph. ½ p. (58. 33.)
Enclosure. Clement Medeley's statement.
Four years ago I grew acquainted with Captain Malbye, who understanding that I had a little land come to me from my elder brother, drew me on to cast a liking to his wife's sister, one of the daughters of Mr. John Jobson, assuring me that I should have with her at lease £100, whereof part was in the hands of her grandmother the Lady Savage. According I married the gentlewoman, whom in regard of herself and her disposition I have no cause to dislike. After my marriage I received by the sale of a lease in the Isle of Ely money enough to pay my brother's debts and £200 in surplusage, whereof £50 in bonds, all which money came to my brother Malbye's hands. Thereupon he, finding that my mother had for life of the little land befallen me, told me not to care about my present maintenance; for he being in the Queen's service in Ireland, and having (besides lands there) his pay and allowances, would not let me want. Upon which understanding my wife and I went over with his wife and himself to Ireland, where I did the Queen some service, and had a younger brother slain in that service. Moreover, having £310 owing me from my uncle Mr. James Morice, Esqre., I made at Mr. Malbye's suggestion a letter of attorney to one Captain Bodnam to receive the money, taking from Mr. Malbye a bond for repayment of the same and a promise of consideration for the use of it. But when I have demanded a reckoning of this money, Captain Malbye falls to jars and hard words, and tells me that of the first £200 he owes me nothing, having been at great charges for my board in Ireland and elsewhere. And for the £310 he refers me to Captain Bodnam, who only received the money in discharge of a debt of Captain Malbye's. And the bonds I had entrusted to Mrs. Malbye my wife's sister, who says that they are lost. Whereof, unless I may have redress, I am utterly undone with my wife and children.
Undated. Holograph. 1 p. (58. 32.)
Pierre Beauvoir and others to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1597]. Sureties for Gruillaume Michelot. Beg that his case may be brought to a conclusion.
French. Undated. Signed. ½ p. (58. 34.)
Sir Henry Nevill to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597. Although my health did not permit me to be present at the conference between the French ambassadors and the commissioners, I have yet made bold to enclose my poor opinion on two of the points, whereupon they differed.
Undated. Signed. ½ p. (58. 37.)
[The Lower House of Parliament] to the Queen.—Address.
1597. We well remember, what puissant forces were for some years brought against this realm, our country, with resolution to make a bloody conquest of it under a miserable yoke of foreign potentates, and how that perilous attempt was defeated. We have therefore just cause to doubt that the time now approaches near, when those capital and dangerous enemies will again renew their settled purpose with greater strength than before. For after considering those great and high matters of state, which your Majesty in most gracious trust towards us vouchsafed to open towards us (touching the plots of the same enemies), we perceive that these enemies are endeavouring not only to impoverish the crown and realm by interrupting our commerce, but also to ruin the confederates in France and Scotland and to obtain possession of the fittest places whence to invade these dominions. So that we rest persuaded that such extraordinary revenue is necessary as may be proportionable to the peril. Moreover we know that because of long wars with the greatest lords of treasure of the world, and in spite of your Highness' inclination to moderate expense of treasure, great portion of the revenue has been expended for our ease, to which we owe the incomparable benefit of God's true religion planted and publicly professed among us, and our happy peace and freedom from invasion, &c.
Undated. Unsigned. An unfinished draft. In the hands of one of Cecil's Secretaries. 3½ pp. (58. 41.)
[Address to the Queen.]
1597. When we consider the benefits that by your Majesty's care we now enjoy, we can but feel a vigilant jealousy of the disturbance of the present state, wherein we experience the spiritual benefit of God's true religion planted among us, the restitution of the Imperial crown of this realm to the ancient preheminences, and a happy inward peace of many years, with clemency and justice at home, compassionate relief of common grievances, our land a haven for distressed states, and a bulwark against the tyrannies of usurping potentates; for all which we lift up our hearts in thankfulness to God and to your Majesty.
But when we consider the implacable malice of our mighty enemies preparing to make a bloody conquest of this realm, our country, we do then find another reason than thankfulness, to make us think all too little that we can yield for our preservation.
And lastly, when we consider God's blessings on your Majesty's prudent counsels, in the breaking of so many hostile attempts, and the exhaustion of your treasure—since we had any opportunity to yield any demonstration of our duty—by the maintenance of extraordinary armies in Ireland to repress the rebellion fed there by the King of Spain, by the assistance given to the French King and the Low Countries, and above all by the setting forth of the navy and army to the seas, thus saving this land from the miseries inseparable from foreign invasions, and inflicting them on our enemies; and when we consider her Majesty's trust here vouchsafed to let us know how far onward their dangerous attempts against the kingdom had proceeded, and what to the uttermost of his power is daily laboured with all the princes and states whom he can infest against this kingdom, we do confess that these thoughts have deeply imprinted in our hearts our imminent peril and your infinite care, and made us know that no ordinary remedies can be proportionate to these swelling mischiefs; but that the defences of this realm must be maintained, as well by increasing and repairing the navy, which is truly termed the walls of this kingdom, as by placing your Majesty's coffers in measure to afford supplies against sudden accidents. To the effecting of which we do beseech your Majesty (as a pledge of our zeal and duty to be further shown hereafter) to accept of this offered, wherein we do with all duty and affection present to your Majesty three entire subsidies.
Draft. In the hand of one of Cecil's Secretaries with corrections by him.
Endorsed :—“Minute to the Queen presenting three entire subsidies, 1597.” 5 pp. (58. 43.)
1597.—A draft of the above. Undated. Unsigned. Endorsed “To the Q.”
3 pp. (58. 39.)
F. Poe to E. Reynolds, Secretary to the Earl of Essex.
1597. I beseech you join with Mr. Temple to write a letter to my Lord of London, according to the enclosed, wherein Mr. Smith has promised to join. My wife is sick in bed with grief for this unfortunate man, her brother, which moves me to burden you with this suit. If Mr. Temple will once more solicit my Lord, I trust that with your letters, and the mediation of Dr. Cowell and Mr. Lampine, (who proves the precontract) the poor man shall have a merciful end. For the state of his “lineage” I have taken some order, and if he had his liberty he might follow it to his liking.
Undated. Holograph. Addressed.
Seal. ½ p. (58. 50.)
Elizabeth Lady Russell to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597. Sir Henry Lee asks me to make his excuses for leaving Windsor without seeing your father and yourself. His pain alone prevented him [margin]. He takes most kindly my Lord's favour in sending a George from his own neck. P.S.—I pray you command my daughters not to come to me, till I send for them. My business in law is such that I cannot entertain any, nor would I hazard all my Lord Russell's riches in a boat, the weather being so unconstant and cold, with roughness of tide and wind.
Undated. Holograph. Signed. “Your poor Aunt, Elizabeth Russell, dowager.”
1 p. (58. 53.)
1597. Cornwall. Mr. Hannibal Vyvian not to be chosen sheriff, because he has a lawsuit of 25 years' continuance, has many children, and is Captain of St. Mawes Castle. Dorset. Mr. Thomas Uvedall has not thirty pounds land per annum, testified by Sir Matthew Arundell, and has not been a Justice of the Peace more than one year. Monmouth. Mr. William Walter of Norton, Esquire, Charles Harbert of Hadnocke, Esquire, and William Lewyer of Abergavenny, Esquire, are offered as men indifferent in the case of Mr. Cooke, though the undernamed are in the bill. John Arnalt, the party to the suit, Edward Kemiste and Richard Kemiste, his friends. Staffordshire. Mr. Walter Baggott, not to be sheriff, because it is but a year and a half since his father died; his mother has the third of his lands, he owes his younger brother and sister eleven hundred pounds. Kent. These names not in the bill are sent for the Queen to chose in the place of any excepted against : “Sir Henry Cutts, Robert Honywood, Roger Twissenden, Esquire, John Smythe, Peter Manwood.”
(58. 55.)
Lady Southampton to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597. Yesterday's storm filled my heart with sourest thoughts. I purpose to send presently to him, whereto I beg a warrant for post horses for my trusty servant Smyth his better speed. P.S.—I purpose on Thursday to thank the Queen for her favour, and hope you may have some fresh news for me then.
Undated. Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (58. 58.)
William Stafford to the Queen.
1597. I beg that in lieu of lawful course not granted you will enquire into the cause of your poor innocent prisoner, as God did unto the cry against Sodom and Gomorrha; craving likewise your liking of this fabric, impressed so deeply in my head that I have on the backside of a little book with a pin renewed the platform, as in part I acquainted Mr. Wade withal. Whom entreating to beseech your Highness on my behalf the benefit of a subject, I found most wise, and yielded to his reason that in these cases before public trial matters must be ripened; which I am well assured will like a medlar be ripe and rotten in the same moment. And lest my uncouth style offend your blessed ears, I now leave writing.
Undated. Signed. 3 pp. (58. 59.)
William Stafford to Serjeant Fowler.
1597. Mr. Fowler, hearing of your unsettled mind in extremity, which was the sole cause of Parry's death, as himself confessed, I could not choose but make known unto you my first “effection,” wishing in my very heart, for your better recovery of your invaded “palmestrye,” that the law were of force to be burned in both hands, and then no inward herpego should go uncured by your Worship's good example and precedent. I hear of some your friends one half promised you shall not to Tyburn before you come forth of Newgate. Another, hearing that you fear the Star Chamber, promises that the holding up of your hand at Newgate will expel all fines of that high Court, which you tremble to hear named. For my own part it were pity of my life, in respect of your wife and children, if I wished not you as I ought, and that is, I know not any better fortune could befall either than the dispatch of so wicked a head; for counsel this I advise you, that against the time of visiting Doctor Story's “curtell” you bethinke yourself of some overture, seminary of Jesuit, which for the time may receive you; my horse shall be ready to do you service, but I fear though you return yet at the next Sessions your worship shall be placed again in the vanguard. Our trouble shall be to sing the 25th Psalm twice, which especially for so good a friend shall be no great grievance to stretch my voice, and having achieved up Newgate, up Holborne, up Tyburn remaineth to [be] perfected all in good time.
Undated. Copy. Endorsed. “1597, copy of letter from William Stafford to Sergeant Fowler. Up Tiborne.”
1 p. (58. 61.)
J. Stileman to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597. For the Leakes' hunting in the wood I trust they will not drive; but if they may hunt at all, as they have done, they will leave but few deer in that walk. I have stayed those bucks, which should have been served into the Court on Saturday. But the keepers had, upon the officer's letters to them, delivered certain bucks to some others without my knowledge. As to what you say of the countenance of the Ranger, I would gladly be there always, and as it is I am there every second day. Those who call my man beggarly or a horse stealer, malign him.—From my house at Theobald's, this Saturday.
Holograph. 1 p. (58. 62.)
Mr. Thornburrowe to the Queen.
1597. Praying, for various considerations set forth and in view of his losses in her service, the former and present advowsons of twelve several parsonages and vicarages, that he only may present fit clerks to them, when they be next vacant.
Endorsed :—“Mr. Thornburrowe.”
Undated. Unsigned. 2 pp. (58. 63.)
Dutch Merchants to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597. Petition setting forth that about 9 months ago a flyboat called Black Eagle of — Holland, Master John Wilkinson, was freighted from Middleburgh to the Canaries by James Martine, a Dutch Merchant, and that during her return with a cargo of sugar she was captured by the Truelove, a ship belonging to the Lord High Admiral of England, and sent into Dartmouth; and praying that the ship and cargo may be savely preserved, until the matter can be properly tried.
Unsigned. Undated. 1 p. (58. 64.)
[Duc de Bouillon] to [Queen Elizabeth.]
1597. I waited to write to you until I had something certain to say. On reaching the King yesterday I found the despatch which you will have received ready to start. You will know how to examine the designs revealed in it and provide for them. Your enemies still persist in their purposes, and your goodness and kindness will not make them less eager. Some of the King's Council are opposed to war between the two kingdoms; some think it be best chance of safety to occupy the enemy at home, and so gain opportunity to unite ourselves better with you, in which last respect the good intentions of both are discredited. There are some who are anxious to prevent our paying you back the services we received from you in our need. But you will know how to support the authority of those, who always try to please you; for it is the chief cause of opposition to you here that you sunder your cause and plans from ours and draw nearer to the Papists, and so men say that so far from helping us against Spain, you are now taking away the help you once gave, and that we ought to learn from you how to secure this country by aiming at a reconciliation with the Pope and Spain. The party opposed to war are of this mind and will draw the others to them. You will not take this language in bad part, as I only act on your request in speaking freely.
M. de Mayenne always keeps up proposals for peace, but with conditions disadvantageous to the King; still when two things wish to come together, it will not take very long. I hope to return in ten days' time, having come here to find means to keep up the army which I command, wherewith I hope to do you some service.
Endorsed :—“1597. D. of Bouillon.” Followed by the first few lines of an erased letter.
French. Undated. Unsigned. Copy. 1½ pp. (58. 72.)
The Master and Fellows of Trinity College, Cambridge, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597. Craving that Her Majesty, forasmuch as the suitor himself is moved to relent, will not demand a lease of the parsonage of Arrington to be granted to Robert Wright, one of her servants and some time Fellow of their house. The lease is of small value to benefit Mr. Wright according to his worth, and yet of very special use to their poor College, towards certain buildings now in hand, for the honour of her father and relief of an ancient Fellow of their house.
Signed :—Thomas Nevile, Jer. Radcliffe, John Sledd, Richard Wright, Gre. Milner, William Hall, Samuel Heron, Hu. Graye, Nathanael Cole.
1 p. (136. 61.)
(1597.) “Articuli de Sacramento Matrimonii per Theologos disputandi”—
Divided into four classes, viz.:—
1. Marriage not a divine but a human institution; and contracted without consent of parents to be void.
2. Divorce an error except causa fornicationis; Christians and plurality of wives; the prohibition against marriage during certain times of the year a mere superstition.
3. Matrimonium non esse post vendum sed ante ferrendum castitati, et Deum dare . . . conjugibus majorem gratiam quam aliis.
Permissible for priests to contract matrimony who have not the gift of chastity.
4. Degrees of consanguinity and affinity described chiefly in Lev. xviii. alone to be prohibited. Impotence and ignorance of the contract. Matrimonial causes to belong to secular princes.
Endorsed :—“1597, articles of Matrimonye from ye Trent.”
Latin. 1 p. (139. 69)
1597, “Exceptions against the subscription that is obtruded unto the Ministers in Scotland.”
Endorsed :—“1597.” 4½ pp. (139. 70.)
A Retrospective Bill in Parliament.
1597. Paper endorsed, “1597, The Argument”, and headed “Jesus,” consisting of an argument to show, “That it is lawful and expedient to entertain the branch of looking back in 'this' bill.” The writer cites as precedents Stat. 31 Hen. 8 in the case of monasteries; 1 Edw. 6 touching chantries; 13 Eliz. against fugitives; 29 Eliz. in the case of traitors; and 27 Eliz. against covinous conveyances. “And if we had fewer precedents hereof, yet I would think it expedient to look back in this Act, in consideration of the foulness of the fact in deceiving of our sovereign in the matter of her revenues.” For it is a great sin to deceive any man in the matter of money committed to his trust, and it is a greater sin to deceive a natural father herein; but this sin groweth and swelleth exceedingly when it is committed against the parent of our country, being the nursing mother of church and commonwealth, “and verily I remember not that a greater and more dangerous theft than peculatus or robbing of the Prince's treasure falleth out within the compass of the 'weale-publike.'”
The inconveniences ensuing hereupon be neither few nor small, for :—
1. These men, so much as lieth in them, take from her Highness ability to exercise the most royal virtue of bounty in rewarding of welldoers, one of the two means which Solon put down for the preservation of a commonweal.
2. They similarly take away the strength of her estate, since treasure is the sinews of war, both offensive and defensive.
3. They hazard the breeding of discontentment and heartburning in the subject against the prince, for as in the natural body, the head is supported by the shoulders, so the head of the commonwealth must be held up by the shoulders of the subjects, but now experience teacheth that Rex egens est calamitas populi. What punishment then can be sufficient for so heinous offenders who make a needy prince and consequently woful subjects?
Therefore like as for a knotty piece of timber we provide an hard wedge, and like as a biting humour must be removed by a bitter ne, so this extremity of inconveniences must be rent withal by a most svere and back-looking law.
Neither do I think otherwise of the land purchased and houses built with the Queen's money thus embezzled than of shameless monuments of notorious robbery meet to be condemned, if not to the very anathema, yet at the least to be liable to the payment of her Majesty till the utmost penny be satisfied.
Unsigned. Undated. 2 pp. and 2 lines. (139. 134.)
1597. “The reasons whereon are grounded the humble suit of the town of Yarmouth for the continuance of our ancient liberties against the molestation of Lowestoft.”
1 p. (141. 182.)
Sir John Savile.
1597. Charges against Sir John Savile and Hugh Hare, made by Edith Rither and her three sisters. The charges are maintenance, practising to procure a false verdict, riotous entries without authority, &c.
1 p. (141. 183.)
— to the Queen.
[1597.] With a book he has caused to be written showing the popery and heresy in Salop, which he prays may be remedied.
1 p. (141. 195.)
Sir George Carew.
1597. Draft of a Commission for taking the accounts of Sir George Carew, Master of the Ordnance, in the two voyages southwards, 1596 and 1597.
6 pp. (141. 196.)
Cobham Hall.
1597. Charges of 12 persons' diet at Cobham Hall.
1 p. (145. 191.)
1597.—Charges of 12 servants, 2 coach horses and the geldings at the Court. [? Lord Cobham's.]
1 p. (145. 192.)
1597. Note of Bills passed in the Lower House of Parliament : also of the Bills passed in the Upper House and sent down and passed in the Lower House. The titles of the Bills only are given.
3 pp. (176. 56.)
Mons. de Biron to the Earl of Essex.
[1597 ?] Sends the bearer to inform him of their news. Much regrets having lived so long without seeing him, and will be glad of any occasion to do him service.
Holograph. Two seals over yellow silk.
French. 1 p. (176. 7.)
1597. Document beginning, “If it please you, Mr. Speaker,” possibly a speech in Parliament, upon the subject of enclosures, from which the following is an extract :—“But now, as if all these wrongs should be redressed and all the cries and curses of the poor should be removed, it hath pleased you, Mr. Speaker, to exhibit this Bill to our second view as a complete remedy. I will not say it is worse than the disease, but this I may truly say, it is too weak for the disease. Three things I find exactly and providently respected; first, that this law is general, without exemption, drawing in the purchaser as well as the first offender, whereat howsoever some may shake their heads as pressed with their own grief, yet is there no new imposition charged upon them but such as is grounded upon the common law. For being without contradiction that this forcing of the earth to sloth and idleness, whereby it cannot fructify to the common good, is the greatest and most dangerous nuisance and damage to the common people, the law hath provided that the treasure of wickedness shall profit nothing, but that the nuisance shall be reformed in the hands of the feoffee that comes in upon the best consideration.
And therefore there is a writ in the Register, and the case fell in experience in 4 Edw. 3, 150, and so hath the law continued ever since, that if a house or other commodity be erected upon the soil and sold to another, if it be a true eyesore to the next neighbour it shall be abated and removed in the hands of the purchaser.
And 26 Eliz. in the Exchequer, in Clerpole's case, an information was exhibited upon the statute of 4 H. 7 against a purchaser for converting of tillage into pasture, and adjudged good though the purchaser were not the converter but only a continuer of the first conversion. So as this new law tends but for an instruction and explanation of the old, that every one by the eye may be informed what ought by his hand to be amended. Nay, though it be not fit, Mr. Speaker, to be published among the ruder sort, who if they were privy to their own strength and liberty allowed them by the law, would be as unbridled and untamed beasts; yet is it not unfit to be delivered in this place of counsel, that is; that where the wrong and mischief spreads to an universality, there the people may be their own justices; as in 6 Ed. 2 and 8 Ed. 3, Ass. 154 and 447, it is adjudged that if a wall be raised atraverse the way that leadeth to the church all the parishioners may beat it down; and 9 E. 4. 35, if the course of a water that runs to a town be stopped or diverted all the inhabitants may break it down. Are the people thus interested in the church wherein their souls are fed, and shall we not think them to be as deeply interested in the corn and increase of the earth that feeds and maintains their bodies? Therefore most wisely hath the gentleman that penned this law pressed this case upon the purchaser, that he plough, lest the people plot to circumvent him.
The second thing so well provided is, in the composition of the parts of this bill, that it turns one eye backward to cure the ancient complaints and old festered disease of dearth and scarcity that hath been so long amongst us, and turns the other eye forward to cut out, as it were, the core that might draw on hereafter mischiefs of the same nature : wherein the gentleman that framed this bill hath dealt like a most skilful chirurgian, not clapping on a plaster to cover the sore that it spread no further, but searching into the very depth of the wound, that the life and strength which hath so long been in decaying by the wasting of towns and countries may at length again be quickened and repaired. The third thing most politely respected is the intercourse and change of ground to be converted into tillage, keeping a just proportion. For it fareth with the earth as with other creatures that through continual labour grow faint and feeble hearted, and therefore, if it be so far driven as to be out of breath, we may now by this law resort to a more lusty and proud piece of ground while the first gathers strength, which will be a mean that the earth yearly shall be surcharged with burden of her own excess. And this did the former lawmakers overslip, tying the land once tilled to a perpetual bondage and servitude of being ever tilled.
But this threefold benefit I find cross and encountered with a fourfold mildness and moderation fit to have a keen wedge and sharpness set upon it, wherein I acknowledge my master that drew this project to have shewed himself like a tender hearted physician, who coming to a patient possessed and full of corrupt and evil humours, will not hastily stir the body but apply gentle and easy receipts. But surely, Mr. Speaker, a desperate disease must have a desperate medicine, and some wounds will not be healed but by incision.
The first moderation I mislike in this law is that the most cunning and skilful offender shall altogether slip the collar : for if a man have decayed a whole town by inclosure, and hath rid his hand of it by exchange with her Majesty, taking from her ancient enclosed pastures naturally yielding after the rate that his forced inclosed ground can yield upon such corrupt improvement, and to justify the true value shall take a lease back again of the Queen, this man is an occupier within the words of this law. But by your favour, Mr. Speaker, not within the intent of this law to plough this new enclosure, because her Majesty is in reversion, and this law doth not extend neither to her nor to her farmers. And therefore that none might escape it were good that all of this kind might be enforced either to a contribution toward the poor, who are chiefly wronged, or to the breaking up of the grounds he received from her Majesty because they come in lieu of the former.
The second moderation would be amended is in the imposition of the pain, which is but 10s. yearly for every acre not converted. By your favour, Mr. Speaker, it is too easy; and I will tell you, sir, the ears of our great sheepmasters do hang at the doors of this house, and myself have heard since this matter grew in question to be reformed, that some enquiring and understanding the truth of the penalty, have prepared themselves to adventure 10s. upon the certainty of the gain of 30s. at the least. The third moderation is in the exception that exempts grounds mown for hay to be converted into tillage. And if it please you, sir, the first resolution our enclosed gentlemen have is to sort and proportion their grounds into two divisions, the one for walks wherein their sheep may feed in the fresh summer, the other for hay whereon their sheep may feed in the hard winter; so that these grounds that carry hay have been as oil to keep the fire flaming and therefore no reason they should be shielded and protected from the ploughshare.
The fourth moderation is that after this re-conversion there is no restraint, but that every one may keep all the land ploughed in his own hands; whereupon will follow that as now there is scarcity of corn and plenty of such as would be owners, so then there will be plenty of corn, but scarcity of such as can be owners. For unless our gentlemen that now enclose much, and then must plough much, shall meet with more compassion toward the poor than they have done, their share will be as small as it hath been. And then every one will be either an ingrosser under a false pretence of large housekeeping, or else a transporter by virtue of some licence he will hope to purchase. And therefore it were good that every one should be rated how much he should keep in his own hands, and that not after the proportion of his present estimation; as if a man hath lifted up his countenance by reason of this unnatural and cruel improvement after the rate of a gentleman of a thousand pounds by year, where the same quantity of land before would yield but a hundred pounds by year, I would have this man rated after his old reckoning.”
Ends :—“We sit now in judgment over ourselves : therefore, as this bill entered at first with a short prayer, 'God speed the plough,' so I wish it may end with such success as the plough may speed the poor.”
Endorsed :—“1597. To Mr. Speaker, against Inclosures.”
pp. (176. 11.)
Governor and Company of the Merchants Adventurers.
1597. Petition to the Privy Council, stating that the Company were lately inhibited by the Emperor's mandate, to use any trade within the countries of the Empire; and yet, notwithstanding, have charged themselves at this present time with great quantities of cloths, kerseys, and other woollen commodities to the end that the clothiers having eased their hands of their said cloths should have no just cause to complain of any intermission or want of sales : which cloths and other commodities they were determined to transport to the Low Countries, but that the late answer from the States General to their demands for their residing within those countries being indirect and very ambiguous, they are enforced to defer their lading. Whereupon certain straggling merchants are now in hand to ship cloths and other commodities for the river of Elve (Elbe) and some other parts within the Empire, regarding only their own private gain, without respect of the commonwealth or her Majesty's most wise and honourable design now in hand for redress of that wrong done to her Highness in the said mandate : in respect whereof, and for that by this means not only that company shall be greatly endamaged for want of sales within the Low Countries but the prices of cloth will be greatly abased in foreign parts, being distracted by such straggling and unskilful merchants, who observing no rule in the sale of their cloth and carrying the same to the buyers' own doors are forced to sell and utter the same at very low rates, whereby the company shall be likewise compelled to sell their cloth at the same low prices or else not at all : they pray that restraint may be made that no English cloth nor other commodity may be transported out of this realm into any part beyond the seas, nor any foreign commodities be brought into this realm from betwixt the Skaw in Denmark and the river of Seine in France, save only to and from such mart town or towns where the said company shall be residing. By which means the merchants of Germany shall not only be forced to repair to the place where the mart is kept to furnish themselves of our English commodities and to make sale of their own, but farther within short time shall be compelled to conform themselves and to be suitors to the Emperor for the revocation of the said mandate.
1 d. (176. 15.)
The Low Countries.
[1597?] “Wares and Merchandise of the Low Countries,” arranged alphabetically under the heads of “superfluous” and “necessary,” e.g., under letter R : Superfluous, roundboxes; Necessary, rape oil, red lead, rods small and great.
4 pp. (176. 20.)
The Maria : Prize.
1597. Petition of sundry Merchant Strangers interested in a ship called the Maria of Middleburgh, and her lading of sugars, lately taken at sea by Sir John Gilbert, knight, and a ship of Mr. Richard Drake's, Esq., and others, and brought to Dartmouth. The said knight and Mr. Drake, before petitioners had knowledge of the taking of the said ship and goods, have obtained a sentence in her Majesty's High Court of Admiralty and thereby gotten possession of the same into their own hands and dispose thereof at their pleasure, so that petitioners are void of remedy for seizing or arresting their own goods daily seen before their eyes to the value of 9,000l. As her Majesty has granted commission under the great seal to Mr. Dr. Herbert, Mr. Dr. Cæsar and others for the examination and summary hearing of such spoils, and the commissioners have taken upon them the ordering and determining of the said cause, petitioners crave the Council's letters to the commissioners, to have a special care to accept of none but very sufficient sureties to answer petitioners' action in that cause.
1 p. (176. 22.)
1597. Draft of an agreement with the Earl of Essex and the Lord High Admiral for ransoming the Spanish prisoners taken at Cadiz. The sum when agreed upon is to be deposited at Antwerp; and the convention made at Cadiz is to be cancelled. Spanish.
Endorsed :—“Avisi, 1597.” 1½ pp. (176. 24.)
The Pinners and Needlemakers of London to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597. Your godly care of the commonwealth encourageth your suppliants to pray your aid for restraint of foreign wares, pins and needles, the bringing in whereof is the cause that so many idle persons perish and miscarry for want of work; for in foreign lands the poor are so provided for as the hospitals there find unto them meat, drink and clothing, and the artists have their works only for instructing them. And in this land, for that there is no such provision for the poor, your suppliants, using that trade, cannot live to sell their wares at so low rate as foreign wares; which if they were restrained, many thousands should be daily set on work and made commonwealth's men that now die in the streets. The premises considered and for that there are above forty thousand pounds worth of pins and needles yearly brought into the realm, which are nothing so good or wel wrought as those are which are made and wrought within the land, land the restraint of bringing them in will be the means of setting many thousands of our poor on work, for that lame soldiers and children though they have no legs may work on that trade; may it please you to give your furtherance for reviving a statute for restraint of foreign wares of 3 Ed. 4. 4: 1 Ric. 3. 12; 5 El. 7: 14 El. 11.
Endorsed :—“1597. The humble petition of the Pinners and Needlers of London for relief of the poor.” (176. 25.)
1597.—Petition for a page's place in the pantry.
Endorsed :—1597. ¼ p. (480.)
Thomas Browne to —.
[1597.] List of livings in the Queen's gift upon the preferring of Dr. Bancroft, one of which he prays may be granted to his son-in-law, Walter Stephens.—Undated.
½ p. (835.)
The Lady Wharton.
[1597.] Three documents :
1. Report as to the value of the wardship [of the youngest daughter of Sir Francis Willoughby], and of the lease of the Queen's part of the lands during the minority. Gives some particulars of the disposal of Sir Francis's lands.—Undated. (2126.)
1 p.
2. “Reasons against Mr. Percival Willoughby's unjust seeking to have from the mother, the Lady Wharton, a lease of her child's land.”
His ingratitude to Sir Francis, who gave him 40,000l. worth of lands, and he by plots sought to gain the rest. His inhumanity to the Lady Wharton, when great with child. His stratagems to defeat three of Sir Francis's daughters of their portions in the manors of Midleton and Kingesbury, Warwick. Reasons why the wardship should be granted to Lady Wharton.—Undated.
2 pp. (2128.)
3. “A remembrance of my Lady Wharton's suit concerning the office in Dorset after the death of Sir Francis Willoughby.”
She prays that as the Queen is entitled to the wardship of the heir, the commission for finding the office may be stayed, and that the feodary be ordered to survey the land, and the certificate be inserted into the schedule of grant.—Undated.
pp. (2192.)
Renauld Mohun.
1597. Particular of the suit of Renauld Mohun, for the reversion after the death of Agnes Wydeslayd, of certain lands in Cornwall, late the inheritance of John Wydeslayd, late attainted of treason for rebellion in the West parts, and then appointed to Mohun for his services and for certain spoils of his goods and chattels committed by Wydeslayd and the other rebels.
Endorsed :—“1597.”
pp. (2473.)
Dr. Harding to the Queen.
1597. The patronage of Great Haseley, Oxon, was leased by the dean and canons of Windsor to Abraham and Paul Horseman, who assigned the lease to Mr. Lawson, who has presented petitioner, the Queen's Hebrew Reader in Oxford. The dean and canons now proceed against their own act, and present Dr. Robinson, who labours to remove Harding. He prays the Queen to confirm him in possession.
Endorsed :—“1597.”
1 p. (2488.)
Mr. Throckmorton.
1597. Reasons to persuade that Mr. Throckmorton is as well to be received as others by the general act.
The relief sought is connected with actions brought by Sir Moyle Finch against him, with regard to the manor of Raunston, Bucks.
Endorsed :—“1597.”
1 p. (2495.)
Robert and Alice Lea.
[1597]. Petition of Robert and Alice Lea to the Queen and Council. Have been long withheld from their right in certain lands by John Sheemelde and others. That Thomas Packer, son of the Clerk of the Signet, by procurement of William Milles, clerk of the Star Chamber, detains an injunction which they obtained. Pray for redress.—Undated.
½ p. (P. 93.)
Parliament : Bills or Acts.
1597. (1.) The Bill against indirect passing over of statutes, recognisances, &c.
Endorsed by Cecil :—“Sir Edward Denny.” (141. 180.)
1597. (2.) Objections against the bill for the increase of people, and answers to the same. Deals with the decaying of houses by the division of land from them.
1 p. (141. 193.)
1597. (3.) An Act that lessees may enjoy their leases against all patentees, their heirs and assigns, notwithstanding any default of payment of their rents during the time that the reversion and inheritance remain in the Crown. Followed by reasons in support of the Act.
2 pp. (141. 258.)
1597. (4.) “Provided always that this Act shall not extend to the sale, conveyance or assurance of any lands, tenements or hereditaments for any debt being installed, or in any of Her Majesty's Courts decreed to be installed, and for or as in part of the which her Majesty hath accepted any satisfaction or assurance of during such the time as the portion so stalled and accepted or decreed shall be duly paid, according to the meaning of the said instalment and assurance or decree.”
Endorsed :—1597. Draft, corrected.
½ p. (2241.)
1597. (5.) Copy of a proviso in an Act of Parliament regulating the expenditure of the Receiver of the Court of Wards.
Endorsed :—1597.
½ p. (2472.)
1597. (6.) Proviso to an Act of Parliament, proposed by the Receiver General of the Court of Wards, excepting him from the Act in the same manner as the Treasurer of the Chamber and others are excepted : with reasons for the same.
Two papers. Endorsed :—1597.
2 pp. (2472.)
The Borders.
1597. Map extending from Liddesdale on the north to Bowrgh and Inglewood on the south, and from the boundary of Northumberland on the east to Annendale on the west.
Endorsed : The debatable ground between England and Scotland. 1597.
1 sheet. (225. 11.)