Index: A

Pages 549-552

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 7, 1597. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1899.

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Abbeville (Abvell), 38, 76, 88, 102, 104, 135, 187.

rendezvous of the French army near, 100.

letter dated at, 245.

conspirators taken at, 517.

Abdy, a draper, 376.

Abrahall, a youth in Lord Shrewsbury's service, 365.

Abrezzo, 51.

Absom, in Devonshire, proposal to send unserviceable wheat to, 102.

Academia Crusca, 424.

Achinross, John, 246.

Adams :

servant to Edmund Brome, charge of poaching against, 174.

Henry, 175.

Adderley, Thomas, merchant of London, 358.

Adelantado (Delantado, Lantatho), the, of Castile (Don Martin de Padilla) :

proceedings in connexion with the Spanish fleets, &c., 4, 6, 7, 14, 15, 37, 131, 132, 159, 165, 212, 243, 351, 369, 386, 455, 457, 488, 494, 495.

rumour of his death, 15.

sickness of, 53.

his titles, 83.

passport signed by, 83.

cause of the sending out of the fleet under, 110.

reported to be a prisoner, 177.

a commission signed by, 472.

the eldest son of, with the Spanish fleet, 131.

Adingbroke, builder of a little gunpowder house by the turnstile, St. Clement's Inn, 265.

Adkins, Thomas, 181.

Admiral, Lord High. See Howard, Charles Lord.

Admiralty Court or causes, 157, 525.

prize ship recovered in, 81.

Adriani, Marcello, son to John Baptista Adriani, of Florence, 424.

Aerschott, See Arschot.

Aersen, —, signs letter from the States General, 117.

Agents abroad for obtaining information. See Correspondents and Spies.

Agricultural tools, inventions of, 524.

Aguilar, Don Juan de l', a prisoner at Blauet, 399.

Aguira y Vergara (Aguirre, Aguirrez), Juano de (Friar John Aguirre), offers his service to the Queen, &c., 143, 295, 317, 334.

Ailsa, Island and house of, in the Clyde, an attack upon, frustrated, 246, 253.

Airaines (Herengues), 102.

Alabaster (Alablaster) :

Thomas, letters from, 11, 334.

William, chaplain to Lord Essex, writes a tragedy against the Church of England, &c., 394.

— committed close prisoner, 395.

— conversion of, 474, 475.

Albert of Austria, Cardinal Archduke, Governor of Flanders, &c. (“the Cardinal”) :

movements, plans, &c., 1, 4, 8, 9, 21, 23, 25, 26, 43–45, 48, 64, 71, 73, 74, 81, 98, 100, 109, 120, 121, 125, 144, 155, 158, 164, 165, 178, 179, 183, 188, 204, 219, 222–224, 237, 243, 336, 339, 360, 361, 388, 409, 420, 468, 473, 477, 482.

popular outcry against, 57.

at Brussels with a great court, 61.

rumours of his wants, 85.

his bills of exchange refused in Italy, 110.

a nobleman of great fame come from, to the King of Spain, 123.

leaving Brussels, 131.

necessity of diverting the forces of, from France, &c,. 199, 200.

proposal to the Hanse towns, 271, 272.

project of marriage with the Infanta, &c., 362, 373.

letters announcing his intended marriage, 367, 501, 502.

Aldersey, 152.

Aldobrandino, Cardinal, gathering military forces, 525.

Aldrich, (Aldryche, Alldridge), Sir John, with the English troops in France, letters from, 40, 126, 141, 184, 219, 242.

mention of, 153.

claim made by, 232.

left in command in France, 238.

illness of, 256.

rumour of the death of, 269.

Alexander, Mr., 402.

Algrembeau, a strong place near Poitiers, 360.

Allemagne, a quarrel d', 129.

Allen :

Cardinal, said to have an Italian serving him, skilful in poisons, 95.

—, calumnies against the Queen's government, 406.

John, 481.

Pieter, 396.

Captain Thomas, 247.

Mrs., 96.

Alley, Captain, at Dartmouth, 350.

Allison, Robert, taken prisoner by the Spanish, 292.

Allt-yr-ynys (Allterenys, Alterhennys, Alteronys), letters dated at, 170, 195, 250, 366.

Almains (German soldiers) in Spanish service, 25, 28, 32.

great levies of, 119.

mutiny of, 138.

Alms, licence to gather, 529.

Alnwick Castle, 452.

Alphonso, Duke, secretary to, 525.

Alport, letter dated at, 362.

Alport, Thomas, 347.

Alps, the, 56.

Alsop, John, 22.

Alterhennys. See Allt-yr-ynys.

Alteronys. See Allt-yr-ynys.

Alton, 358.

Alton, Wm., letter from, 288.

Alva, Duke of, an incident of the time of his occupation of Flushing, 68.

Amasia, son of, 510.

Ambassador's expenses, 316.

Amiens, surprised and taken by the Spanish governor of Doullens, afterwards besieged and re-taken by the French, particulars connected with these events, their results, and other references to them, 88, 97–100, 102–105, 109, 119, 120, 124(2), 127, 129, 135, 140–144, 149, 153–155, 157, 164, 172, 173, 183, 184(2), 187, 204, 219(3), 237, 243, 360, 361, 388, 389, 400, 408, 409, 420, 477, 496, 497.

number, &c., of forces gathered before, 237.

lack of provisions in, prices, &c., 205.

the camp before, letters dated from, 205, 220, 233, 238, 242, 256, 318, 361.

governor of, 520.

Ampthill, muster of soldiers at, 247.

Amsterdam, a sailor of, 37.

trade to, 159.

Amyas, 95, 96.

Ancenis (Aucenix), France, 409.

Andaluzia, lances promised by the people of, their character, 110.

Anderson, Lord, 210.

Andersone, Hen., 22.

Anderton, James, 490.

Andover, 169, 206, 338, 350, 445, 461.

Andrewe, Thomas, 508.

Andrewes :

Anthony, letter from, 392.

Lancelot, 279.

—, letter from, 377.

Andrews, Mr. Dr., likely to be preferred, 315.

Anesley, Ralph, of Clithaugh, 226.

Angell :

Mr., H. M. fishmonger, 148.

William, letter from, 102.

Anger, Master, suspected murder of, by his son, 392.

Anglesey, archdeaconry of, 263.

Angus, Earl of, effort to retain him in the Catholic faith, 253.

Angyer, Mr., 477.

Anhalt, 516.

Anies, a prisoner in the Tower of London, 417.

Anlahy, one, a seminary, 230.

Annandale, map of, 547.

Anonymous letters, 363, 540.

Anslowe, Mr., 435.

Ansty, Sir Matthew Arundell's house at, 266.

Anthonius, Christian, letter from, 331.

Anthon's Edward Armstrong of Wilzeton, a denounced outlaw, 227, 251, 257, 263.

offers himself as pledge, 274.

Anthony, the trumpeter, 189, 190, 191, 197.

Anton, James. See Antony.

Antonie, James, 211.

Antonio, Signor, 201.

Antony or Anton, James, provider of soldiers' apparel, 196, 200, 531.

Antoyne, Don, 304.

Antwerp (Andwarpe), 37, 73, 125, 206, 272, 545.

letter from, 70, 71,

a friar forbidden to preach in, 71.

informer from, sent over by Sir R. Sydney, 116.

news from, 81.

secret correspondent or spy in, 223, 231.

the whole of the provinces of the Low Countries assembled in 1578 at, 380.

fortifications at, 384,

Jesuits' College at, 490.

Golden or Gilded Head at, 490.

Apparel, proclamation for reformation of, 279, 298, 302.

waste of, 113, 114.

export of, &c., 518.

Appleby, William, condemned for felony, 514, 515.

Apsley :

Henry, letter from, 396.

Mr., a justice in Sussex, 401.

Apthorpe, letter dated from, 387, 411.

Aquis, 121.

Arambull (Arom), Marco, commanding a squadron of the Spanish fleet, 455, 456, 494, 495.

place of birth, &c., 494.

Aramburo, Marco di, Spanish fleet of provisions under, 495.

Arbitration, a matter to be settled by, 24.

Archbishop's Court, articles for relief of the poor mentioned, 162.

Archier, Henry, 235, 547.

Arden :

John, eseaped from the Tower of London, 417.

Mr., 289.

Arden's case, 236.

Ardier, Henry, from Florence, 204.

Ardres (Ardes), near Calais, 477.

mutiny in, afoot, 138.

the surprise of, 409.

Aremberg, Comte d', 179.

Aristotle's Politics, author of a treatise on, 525.

Armada (English), the, 11.

Armagh, 311.

primate of, killed in Connaught, 218.

Armstrong :

Anthon's Edward. See Anthon's Edward Armstrong.

Jock, Kinmowth's Jock, 226.

John, of Hollas, 226.

Symie, laird of Mangerton, 226.

—, young laird of Whithaugh, 226.

Armstrongs of Whithaugh, outrage committed by, 251, 263.

Army :

horsebands in the Low Countries, pay of captains, 178.

pay defaulted from soldiers by commanders, &c., 286 (2).

preachers in garrisions, 286, 287.

requisition for light horse, 347.

muster-masters, 531. See also Levies.

Armyn, —, 366.

Armytage, John, 413.

Arnalt, John, 536.

Arnheim (Arnham), 120.

meeting of the States in, 73.

Chancery Court at, letters seized by, 485.

Arno, river, overflowed, 38.

Arnold :

John, base son to Sir Nicholas, of Monmouthshire, 487.

William, lieutenant in Sir Thomas Sherley's company, 132.

Arques, castle of, government of, purchased, 64.

Arragon, admiral of, 529.

Arras, 143, 200, 360, 409.

attempted surprise of, &c., 124, 125, 129, 155.

Arrington, parsonage of, 539.

Arschot (Aerschott), duke of, letter to, 501.

Artois (Arthoys), 9, 26.

Spanish magazine of victuals in, 74.

news brought by a prisoner of the Spaniards in, 103.

a great ease to, 109.

Aruba, island of, 357.

Arundel, letter dated at, 207.

Arundel, Anne, countess of, letters from, 327, 428.

Arundel House, 327.

Arundell :

Lady Mary, 189, 190, 197.

— her condition, 194.

— fallen sick, by reason of her grief, 228.

— letter from, 457.

Sir Matthew, 536.

— letters from, 36, 266.

— letters to, 229, 250, 276.

— his displeasure with his son's wife, 266.

— a present for Sir R. Cecil from, 268.

— oversight of his son Thomas, 268, 276.

Thomas, his father's views with regard to him and his wife, 36.

— letters from, 74, 92, 194, 228, 266, 527.

— a paper concerning new devices found in his chamber, 167.

— relations with Smallman and others, 189, 190, 191, 193, 197.

— his dealings with the Emperor, 193, 194, 195.

— his religion, 194.

— question of his title, 195.

— arrangements connected with restraint of his liberty, his new offence, &c., 228, 229, 230, 266, 267, 276.

— house of, in Holborn, 528.

Arwemech castle, Falmouth, 466.

Ascough, —, 366.

Ashburton (Aishbur[ton]), 168, 205, 350, 445, 461.

Ashe, letter dated at, 125.

Ashley :

Sir Anthony, letters from, 4, 182, 221, 251, 434, 504, 507, 521.

— a late clerk to, in the expedition to Cales, hostile action of, 251.

Ralph, 22.

Ashton, Sir Edmund, letter from, 171.

Aske, Mr., burglary at house of, 506.

Askott (Aeschott), Pedro de, Colonel of Almains in the Spanish service, 29, 30.

Assencourtt (Assincourt, Achicourt), Baron or Count d', 25, 28, 32.

regiment of, 47.

Aston :

Edward, petitions, 491.

Roger, letter from, 101.

Astrology and the Queen, 61.

Asturias (Sturias), 6.

Aswell, Henry, 181.

Athlone, 311.

Atkinson :

Anthony, customs searcher at Hull, 203.

— letter from, 300.

the priest, escaped to Spain, 204.

one, father of the priest, 264.

one, a felon, 515.

Attorney General, the, mentioned, 22.

letter from, 49.

Atye, Arth., letter from, 107.

Aubrey, William, 139.

Aucenix. See Ancenis.

Audeley, Thomas, letter from, 391.

Augsburg, Diet or Reichstag at, 273, 307, 308.

Augustus Cæsar's example cited, 364.

Auliste, captain of a squadron of the Spanish fleet, 488.

Aumall, 30.

Aumale, D[uc] D', 98, 224.

Aumbry, the, 483.

Austen :

—, an old keeper at Enfield, 321.

John, 372.

Austin, Mr., master of the St. Matthew, 449.

Austria :

Archduke Albert of. See Albert, Cardinal Archduke.

the house of, 316.

Autramley, Michael, French merchant in London, 467.

Auvergne, Count d', discontented, 205.

Avano in the Indias, 224, 232.

Averna, letter dated at, 125.

Avernies, Count d', 237.

Aviles, 83.

Ayeres, Anthony, a Dutch felon, 331.

Aylesbury, 501.

Aynesley, Ralph, of Clythaugh, 271.

Azevedo or Azevado, Francis de, arrested at Plymouth or Dartmouth, 376, 377, 382, 384, 387, 395, 421.

Azores (Zoares), the, 389.