Index: P

Pages 652-659

Calendar of State Papers Relating To English Affairs in the Vatican Archives, Volume 2, 1572-1578. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1926.

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Pacification, Edict of, revocation of, difficulties in the way of, 43.

-, alluded to, 290.

Padua, Bishop of. See Ormanetto.

-, documents at, 242.

-, physicians in, 211; plague in, ibid.

Palamos, 382, 418.

-, disturbance at, among the Corsican and Siennese soldiers, 436.

-, townsfolk of, ibid.

-, travellers at, 414, 416.

Palatinate, the, smiths sent from to France, 90.

-, -, administrator of. See Palatine, John Casimir, Count.

Palatine, [Frederick] Elector, visit of Count Retz to, 65, 78.

-, -, death of, 288.

-, John Casimir, Count, brother of the Elector, 78, 184.

-, -, troops raised by, 65.

-, -, as administrator of the Palatinate, 530.

-, Louis. Elector, son of Frederick, 288.

Palavicino, Horatio, 507, 536.

-, -, in relation to arms for Ireland, 558.

Paliotti (Paleoto), Cardinal, letter to, alluded to, 483.

Palmiero, Bernardino, a Siennese gentleman, 436.

Palo, entertainment to the Pope at, 375.

Pandolf, Legate Apostolic in England, temp. John, 241.

Papal bulls, lack of obedience to, in Avignon, 63.

-, Legate, demanded for Ireland, 546.

-, Legates. See Legates.

-, Nuncios. See Nuncios.

Papal or Ecclesiastical State, 402.

Pardailhan (Perdilcan) [Jean de Ségur, baron de], slain in the St. Bartholomew, 41.

Pardieu, Valentine, Seigneur de la Motte, Governor of Gravelines. See La Motte.

Pardo, the, King Philip's hunting box, near Madrid, 68, 232, 233.

Paris, Bishop of. See Gondi, Pierre de.

Paris, the Prince of Navarre's marriage to be at, 8.

-, the Spanish ambassador at, 43.

-, Cardinal Orsino arrives at, 71.

-, Don John in, unrecognized, 287.

-, books issued at, 210.

-, courier from, 450.

-, English embassy at, secretary to, at Mass, 83.

-, gates of, closing of, 174.

-, Huguenots in,during the massacre of St. Bartholomew, 36, 41 et seq.

-, Huguenot chiefs marching towards, 265.

-, keeper of the King's munitions at. See Davelourt, Sebastian.

-, King's Council at, 503.

-, letters dated at, 1, 14, 29, 32, 33, 35, 42, 45, 47, 52, 54, 56, 59, 61, 65, 68, 70, 71, 75–83, 86, 89–95, 116, 120–122, 128–131, 143, 150, 151, 169, 174–180, 183, 198, 200, 202–204, 211–215, 232, 234, 243, 252–254, 265, 268, 269, 274, 346, 351, 357, 362, 384, 387, 388, 394, 396, 398, 408, 428, 431, 442, 448, 452, 457, 459, 461, 463, 468, 472, 479, 483, 488, 490 (2), 503–506, 512, 514, 518–520, 523, 529, 531, 533, 537, 539, 541, 543.

-, -, alluded to, 25, 42, 423.

-, massacre in. See St. Bartholomew.

-, news from, 8, 92, 450.

-, news-letters from, 10, 11, 26, 100, 101, 119, 151, 168, 172, 197, 211, 213, 233, 237, 259, 336, 349, 442.

-, depositions, &c., taken at, 215–230.

-, Official and Judge Ordinary at, depositions taken before, 215 et seq.

-, Parliament of, 133.

-, -, declares the Queen Mother regent, on Charles IX.'s death, 175.

-, -, President of. See Birague, Réné.

-, people, residents or townsfolk of, 177, 215 et seq., 218, 219.

-, -, Catholic and devoted to their King, 34.

-, -, zeal of, against the Huguenots, 95.

-, -, money granted to the King by, 169.

-, Sandalled Friars of. See Sandalled Friars.

-, seditious persons in, 143.

-, travellers to, 70, 395.

-, the Queen Mother at, 175.

-, the King going to or from, 149, 485.

-, buildings or places in:—

Bois de Boulogne, castle in. See Madrid, castle of.

Louvre, the, palace of, 10, 14, 16, 82, 88.

-, Huguenots in, turned out and put to the sword, 36.

-, tennis court at, 40. churches of, princesses going to, 93.

-, St. Germain Auxerois, 14, 220.

-, St. Germain [le Pres], 86; baptism of infant princess in, 88, 89.

-, St. Mary's, 93, 221.

Church of the Capuchins, 175.

Cloister of S. Germain, 37.

Faubourg St. Germain, 36.

Hotel d'Anjou, 259.

Hotel de Ville, 169.

House of Capuchins, near, 503.

Palace of the Tuileries, 14, 175.

Rue Simon François, 221.

suburbs of, rue de la Seine in, 215.

University of, College of St. John Lateran in, resident in, 219.

Parker, Charles, letter from, 34.

-, Henry, Baron Morley, Grand Marshal of Ireland, an exile, going from Spain into Italy, 204.

-, -, letter from, 205.

-, -, wife and children of, in prison, 204.

Parliament, the English, King John's resignation of the kingdom to the Pope not legal without consent of, 241.

-, And see England, Parliament of.

Parma, Bishop of. See Farnese, Ferrante.

-, Alexander Farnese, Prince of. See Farnese, Alexander.

-, Margaret, Duchess of, 353.

-, -, time of her government alluded to, 313, 314.

Parr, William, Marquis of Northampton (1570), 554.

Passevino, Father, has gone to England, 541.

Paul III., Pope, arms of, 372.

Paul IV., Pope, erects Ireland into a kingdom, 241.

-, -, document sent to, 242.

-, -, times of, alluded to, 307.

Paulet, Sir Amyas, ambassador to France (Sept. '76–Dec. '79), 518, 520; “ado” made by, on the seizure of English ships, 337.

-, -, has sent the Queen a report of his nephew, Thomas Stucley's proceedings, 390.

Percy, Anne, Countess of Northumberland, appeal of, to the Pope, 63.

-, -, the Pope's recommendation of, 202.

-, -, goes to Flanders with Lord Seton (1570), 551, Appendix.

-, -, letters from, 63, 93, 119, 127.

-, Thomas, Earl of Northumberland, insurrection of, alluded to, 155; as custodian of King Edward VI., allusion to, 404.

-, -, flees from Scotland (1570), 551; will never be reconciled to Elizabeth, 552–3.

Perez, Antonio, Spanish Secretary of State, 66, 174, 279, 292, 302, 311, 316, 379, 425, 494, 514, 515 (2), 525.

-, -, in relation to the English and Irish enterprises, 246, 257, 260–262, 266, 267, 277, 281, 283, 285–288, 349, 351, 352, 362, 391.

-, -, in relation to the League, 280.

-, -, in relation to Fitzgerald, 367, 519.

-, -, in relation to Stucley and the African voyage, 427, 428.

-, -, visits the nuncio, 365.

-, -, letter to, 291; alluded to, 297.

-, -, news from, 360.

Perpignan, inquisitor desired for, 247.

Perrenot, Frederic de, Seigneur de Champagny (Sampagni, Champigny, Sciatoné), Governor of Antwerp, “accord” made by (Nov. 1575), 243.

-, -, mission of, to England, 245, 247–249, 252.

-, -, return of, to Flanders, 260.

-, -, information from, 353.

-, -, desires no preaching to be tolerated save of the Catholic religion, 488.

-, -, regiment or terzo of, to guard Antwerp, 334; defeated, 341.

Perrott (Parot), Sir John, President of Munster, truce made by, and withdrawal of, from Ireland, alluded to, 152.

Persia, information concerning, said to be given to the King of Spain, 279.

-, rout of the Turks by, 526

-, Sophy or Soffi of, to be incited against the Turks, 271, 293.

-, -, envoy to, from Spain, proposed, 286, 289, 293, 311.

-, people of, proposal to arm, against the Turks, 193.

-, Portuguese ambassador in, 294.

Personne, M. de la, sent to England by the Huguenots of France and Duke John Casimir, to pray for a loan, 315.

Peter's pence, in England. See England.

Philip II., King of Spain:—
-, English courier robbed by order of, 1.
-, views of, concerning Ridolfi's plot, 3.
-, orders arrest of English ships, 9.
-, governed by his Council, 18.
-, has the gout, 26; indisposition of, 123, 304; recovery of, 124, 144.
-, Bishop of Padua's discourse with, 71.
-, audience given by, 38, 148, 174, 246, 247, 345, 379, 419, 514, 515.
-, States in the hands of, 56, 58.
-, preparations of, for war, 68.
-, proposals of the nuncio said not to be accepted by, 79.
-, and Charles IX., rivalry between, for possession of England, alluded to, 91.
-, reasons against making him Emperor, 113.
-, in relation to the Duke of Alva, 115.
-, suggested visit of, to Italy, 118, 142, 148, 149, 401, 526
-, Irish priest accredited to, by the English exiles, 119, 126.
-, belief that he will make peace with his rebels, 134.
-, difficult position of his affairs, 135; his need of money, 282, 511; his great expenditure, 142, 148, 266, 495.
-, match negotiated by, for his nephew, Sebastian of Portugal, 199.
-, will receive Sir Henry Cobham, 231, 232; purposes to attend to the “Irish business,” ibid.; receives Cobham, 233; dismisses him, 238.
-, movements of, 118, 268, 289, 401, 428, 514.
-, moneys sent by, for Italy, 275.
-, is exhorted by the Pope to wrest Ireland from the English, 286.
-, professes to have told the nuncio “one of his secrets,” 296.
-, action of, against the Duke of Alva, 304.
-, result of his leaving England, 308.
-, gift and good words given by, to the English ambassador, 317.
-, irresolution of, 321.
-, reported league of, with the Pope, against England, 323.
-, treasure brought to, from the Indies, 329.
-, irresolution of, 337; hope that he will “wake up,” 341; is sending a despatch to the Pope, 360; sends Mendoza to England, 403; lethargy of, deplored, 433.
-, revenues of, claims upon, 406.
-, new subsidy craved by, from the Pope, 494.
-, complaint made to, 514.
-, is bent on maintaining the Catholic faith, 549.
-, gives licence for wine for the English College in Rome, 505.
-, in regard of the succession to Portugal, 512.
-, King of England as husband of Queen Mary, 46, 91, 92; but the people refused to crown him, 46; England lost to the House of Austria by his being “ousted thereof,” on her death, 308.
-, in relation to the Archduke Matthias, 352.
-, in relation to Don John, 38–40, 278, 309, 334, 364, 434, 495.
-, -, orders sent by, to him, 68.
-, -, resolves to supersede him, 339.
-, in relation to Elizabeth, 309, 369.
-, -, accord or capitulation with, reported or alluded to, 54, 56, 62, 81, 121, 152, 356, 448.
-, -, urged to convert her, 115, 116, 118.
-, -, speech of, to the Nuncio, concerning, 117.
-, -, credentials from, to her, alluded to, 132.
-, -, does not think it well to show himself her open enemy, 174; has no desire to molest her, 179, 388; necessity obliges him to keep on good terms with her, 187.
-, -, promises or offers made to, by Elizabeth, 203, 239. And see Elizabeth.
-, -, his dismissal of her ambassador, 239, 317.
-, -, is sending da Silva to, 283.
-, -, is urged to put off the mask in his dealings with her, 322.
-, -, answer of, to her ambassador, 387.
-, in relation to England and English affairs, 19, 21, 62, 68, 71, 81, 84, 91, 92, 116, 117, 123, 134, 190, 192, 234, 235, 240, 407.
-, -, and to the proposed enterprise upon England, 22, 78, 171, 172, 246, 256–270, 275, 277–279, 281–285, 287, 290, 300, 302, 308–311, 316, 323, 326, 334, 336, 338, 340–342, 345, 355, 360, 369, 374, 383, 385, 386, 406, 418, 425, 429, 483, 539.
-, -, doubt whether at present he could accomplish it, 91, 92, 94, 288, 512.
-, in relation to English exiles, 63, 119, 134, 135, 180, 204 292, 297, 350.
-, in relation to France and the French King, 17, 24, 38, 71, 111, 339, 502.
-, -, proposed league between, 101, 181, 188, 352.
-, -, warns the French King to stay his brother from the Flanders enterprise, 451.
-, -, can no longer put up with his fictions, 525.
-, in relation to the Irish and the proposed enterprise upon Ireland, 22 et seq., 53, 106, 164 et seq., 174, 188, 190, 192, 240, 246, 286, 287, 311, 312, 337, 344, 346, 355, 361–364, 367, 369, 370, 391, 394, 397, 400, 401, 407, 419, 425, 426, 545, 546.
-, -, Stucley recommended to, by the Pope, 327.
-, -, reasons for his carrying out the enterprise, 308, 310; not to be made in his name, 308; cares little about its success, 424.
-, -, succour given by, for the Irish journey, 389, 390, 417, 429.
-, -, in relation to Fitzgerald, as leader of the enterprise, 317, 337, 359, 364, 525, 541; Fitzgerald recommended by, 329; said to be totally abandoned by, 369.
-, in relation to Flanders, 21, 89, 249, 282, 284, 296, 302, 311, 334, 344, 348, 364, 377, 433, 506, 512, 539.
-, -, suggested visit of, to, 85, 93, 101; little chance of his going, 142.
-, -, towns reduced to the obedience of, or declaring for, 138, 408.
-, -, must reconcile the hearts of the people, or will have ever fresh rebellions, 138.
-, -, great cost to, of the war in, 142.
-, -, said to be about to despatch troops thither, 169.
-, -, negotiations between the rebels and, 201; asks the Duke of Savoy to be surety for his observation of the articles, ibid.
-, -, demand made to, to withdraw Spaniards from, 212.
-, -, said to be dissatisfied with Requesens, 249.
-, -, must curb them by a strong Spanish garrison, 309.
-, -, affairs of, prey much on his mind, 329.
-, -, is desired to confirm the appointment of Archduke Matthias as Governor, 360, 372, 377, 378, 387, 407.
-, -, preparations of, for continuing the war, 361.
-, -, is about to tackle matters in earnest, 407.
-, -, army of, news from, 43, 44; commissaries of, 199.
-, in relation to Holland and Zeeland, 71, 245, 260, 452.
-, and the Low Countries, means taken to weaken his power in, 313; cause of, favourers of, beheaded, 392.
-, in relation to the League, 33, 57, 59, 60, 71, 77, 84–86, 92, 94, 125, 271, 279, 280.
-, in relation to the Pope, 17, 18, 46, 77, 495.
-, -, interview of Sega with, 531.
-, in relation to the Prince of Orange, 200, 235, 239.
-, in relation to Scotland and the Scottish enterprise, 423, 432.
-, -, and to the Queen of Scots, 74, 78, 83, 84, 89, 109, 244, 555; memorial to, on her behalf, 138.
-, -, to the King of Scots, 128.
-, in relation to Stucley, 291, 306, 319; and the African voyage, 420, 427, 428, 516, 535, 536.
-, in relation to the Turk, 1, 112, 240, 385, 526.
-, -, sends Don John with a fleet to the Levant, 33, 72, 165.
-, -, warlike preparations of, against, 92, 174, 175, 302, 303.
-, -, false report of peace with, 316.
-, assurances of his goodwill to Venice, 279.
-, agent of, in Paris, 503.
-, to. See Wolf, David.
-, allowances by, alluded to, 523.
-, ambassador of, at Lisbon, 429.
-, -, to the Pope, 429, 495.
-, confessor of, 126.
-, Council of War of, 400.
-, courier sent from, 569.
-, deputies of, at Breda, 204.
-, discourse sent to, 338.
-, edict published in the name of, 198.
-, information for. See Memorials to.
-, letters from, 264; alluded to, 252, 279, 514, 552; summary of, 264; intercepted, 365.
-, letters to, 19, 26, 119, 287, 291, 295, 399; alluded to, 341.
-, licence from, for wines, asked for, 425; granted, 505.
-, -, for the English College, obtained from, 524.
-, major-domo of. See Fuensalida.
-, memorials to, 22, 545, 554.
-, messenger sent to, 448.
-, minister of, order given by, 315; ministers of, money cannot be got from, 391.
-, money of, detained by Elizabeth, 549, 550.
-, monks maintained by, 479.
-, news received by, 148.
-, orders of, alluded to, 34.
-, rebels of, to quit England and Flanders, 200, 201.
-, pensions granted by, 196, 251; not paid, 276, 280, 289, 346; in arrear, 251, 479.
-, secretaries of, 84.
-, servants of, at the French Court, 441.
-, states of, harm to, 9; Elizabeth's rebels in, are to quit, 197.
-, treasurer of. See Garnicca.
-, former wife of, Elizabeth of France, mother of his daughters, 56.
-, daughters of, marriage projects for, 30, 31, 33, 46, 48, 54, 56–58, 66, 69, 72, 73, 78, 85, 185, 529.
-, Isabella, eldest daughter of, suggested marriage of, to the son of the Emperor, 33; to the Duke of Anjou, 46, 54–61.
-, 2nd daughter of, suggested marriage for, 46, 66.
-, bastard brother of. See Austria, Don John of.
-, sister of. See Portugal, Isabella, Princess of.

Philip, Don, Augustinian Canon, 359.

Philipstown. See Dingen.

Picardy, 348.

-, the frontier of, in arms, 11.

-, devoured by Alençon's troops, 504.

-, people of, have been well-disposed towards Don John, 451.

-, seaport in. See Abbeville.

“Picklerin,” Master, going with troops to Normandy (in 1562), 130.

Piedmont, 345.

-, a gentleman of, 348.

Piles [Armand de Clermont, seigneur de], killed in the massacre of St. Bartholomew, 36, 41.

Pisa, Captain Ercole dal Mastro da, 382, 432, 436, 444, 480; a captive in Africa, 510.

-, -, letter from, 443; alluded to, 516.

Pius IV., Pope, time of, alluded to, 81.

Pius V., Pope [ob. May 1, 1572], appointment made by, 4, 5; sorrow of, for the confederacy between France and England, 9.

-, his bull of excommunication and deprivation of Elizabeth, alluded to, 30, 48, 60, 95, 135, 151, 188, 257, 351.

-, -, questions touching, 140.

-, (as the late Pope), money given by, for the English enterprise, 147.

-, And see under Philip, King of Spain; Chas. IX., King of France.

-, aid given by, to the Queen of Scots (1570), 555.

-, mandates of, to be fulfilled by the Scots (1570), 551.

-, would fain reclaim England and Scotland (1570), 554.

-, letters from, 6; alluded to, 9.

-, letters to, alluded to, 18, 34.

-, time of, alluded to, 32, 42, 196, 199, 255.

-, a usage of, restored, 107.

Placentia, Piacenza, see of, money granted from, 391.

-, Bishop of. See Sega, Philip.

Plague, the, in Venice and Padua, 211.

-, in England, 231.

Plunket, Patrick, 3rd Baron Louth, 153.

Plunketts, the, of Killeen, family of, 153.

Plymouth, ships arriving at, 231.

Poigny (Pugni), M. de, brother of Cardinal de Rambouillet, French ambassador at Rome, 210.

-, -, sent by the French King to the Emperor, 513.

Poissy, letters dated at, 138, 141, 142, 144.

Poitiers, 7.

-, letters dated at, 327, 331, 332, 337.

Poitou, the English Queen has some pretensions in, 148.

-, insurrection in, 150.

-, La Noue in the field in, 171.

-, forces in, to deliver it from, the Huguenots, 180.

Poland, 212.

-, crown of, one of the Emperor's sons a claimant for, 95.

-, King of, forthcoming election of, 35, 37.

-, King Elect of. See Henry, Duke of Anjou.

-, journey to, of the King Elect, 124.

-, Frenchmen in, 130.

-, affairs of, the French King preoccupied with, 131.

-, true worship of God in, 133.

-, traffic of English merchants with, alluded to, 136, 137.

-, attempts to retard King Henry's departure from, 179.

-, King Henry's return from, alluded to, 203.

-, throne of, expected election of the Emperor to, 262.

-, affairs of, ill result of delays in, 282.

-, ambassadors from, in France, 133.

-, Queen of, moneys due to, 311.

-, King of [1575]. See Bathori, Stephen.

Pole, Mr. John, 194.

-, Cardinal Reginald, legation of, 241.

-, -, death of, alluded to, 242.

-, -, documents sent to, ibid.

-, -, in relation to the English Hospital at Rome, 244.

-, -, Thomas Wilson said to have been imprisoned at the instigation of, 307.

Poles, the, benefit of English trade to, 129.

Polweiler, Colonel, commander for the King of Spain at Roermonde, said to be made prisoner, 356.

-, -, his surrender of Deventer, alluded to, 532.

Pomerania, reiters levied in, 215.

Pope, the. See Gregory XIII.

Popes, former, alluded to, see Alexander III.; Paul IV.; Pius V.

Porte, M. de la, sent by Alençon to England, 243; returns to France, 253.

Port' Ercole, Italy, 372, 374, 414.

-, letters dated from, 379 (2).

-, proposed embarkation at, 361, 364.

-, Stucley sails from, 383.

-, troops at, 436.

-, ship's voyage from, narrative of, 559.

Portia, Protonotary, nuncio in Germany, letters from, 177, 181, 189, 192, 198, 205, 347, 363, 377, 387, 432.

Porto Palamos, letters dated from, 381, 383.

Porto Salo (Salo), travellers to, 414

Porto Sta. Maria, travellers to or from, 414.

Portsmouth, proposed occupation of, by the Spaniards, 19.

-, troops to embark at i [in 1562], 130.

Portugal, 344, 395.

-, Albert, Cardinal Infant of, 512.

-, Catharine, Queen Dowager of, sister of Charles V., grandmother of King Sebastian, 198; obsequies of, 562.

-, King of. See Sebastian.

-, Isabella, Princess of, sister of Philip II., 199.

-, Cardinal Henry of, uncle of King Sebastian, 199; arrives in Lisbon, 491.

-, -, the government accepted by, provisionally, 491.

-, -, as King, 509, 520.

-, -, gives permission for Stucley's goods and chattels to be consigned to the Commissary of the Pope, 521.

-, -, should be induced to redeem the prisoners at his own expence, 522.

-, -, letter to, 399.

-, Admiral of. See Aveiro, Duke of.

-, ambassador of, in England, 411; at Rome, 294, 446; going to serve in France, 517; successor of, see Castillo, Antonio; to the Pope, see Silva

-, ambassador to. See Borgia.

-, army of, in Africa, almost annihilated, 489, 491. And see Arzila.

-, Barons of, mischief made between the King and, 198.

-, Collector Apostolic in. See Fontana, Robert.

-, Council of State of, 433.

-, fleet of, captured by the Gueux, 26, 29.

-, Indies of, 165.

-, Irish Catholic in, 187.

-, Jesuits in, 198, 328.

-, kingdom of, to make amends for thwarting the Irish expedition, 498; no compensation can be claimed from, 512.

-, letters from, alluded to, 499.

-, ministers of, 521.

-, nuncio in, 521. And see Caligari.

-, Spanish fleet going to, 286.

-, travellers to or from, 90, 99, 293, 298, 367, 395, 451, 532.

-, young Fitzgerald in, 191.

Portuguese, or Portugals, 509, 560; in Rome, 485.

Prada, —dal, secretary to Don John, 353.

Prœmunire, law of, in England, “most bestial,” 242.

Prague, letters dated at, 300–302, 508, 515, 540.

-, news-letters from, 301, 513.

-, Scottish monasteries at, patents for, despatched, 515.

Prainer, John, the Emperor's cup-bearer, mission of, to England, 301, 327.

Prats [Pratz, Etienne], Secretary of the Council, imprisoned at Rammekins, 385.

Preston, Christopher, Viscount Gormanstown, 153.

Prince Dauphin (d'Ofino) at the French Court, 13

Privy Council, the Queen can come to no important decision without consulting, 129.

-, matter treated of by Marshal de Retz “ventilated” in, 136.

-, said to be against giving aid to the Prince of Orange, 271.

-, member of. See Wilkes

Protestant Princes, probable allied policy of, 112.

Provence, Governors of See Carces, M. de; Suze, M. de.

-, Huguenots in, have refused the peace, 348.

-, Queen Mother going into, 518.

Puritans, “a new sect called,” in England, 205.