Index: Q, R

Pages 659-663

Calendar of State Papers Relating To English Affairs in the Vatican Archives, Volume 2, 1572-1578. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1926.

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Quemerford [or Comerford], Dr. Nicolas, alms refused by, 450.

Quesnoy (Chenoe), town or fortress of, reports concerning, 450.

-, -, to be given up to Don John, 487.


Ragusa, reports from, 385.

-, ships or galleys of, 385, 401.

Rambouillet [Charles d'Angennes], Cardinal de, French ambassador to the Pope, 9, 12, 17, 18, 40, 49–51.

-, -, as ambassador to England, 490.

-, -, his three brothers sent on missions by the French King, 479.

-, -, brother of. See Poigny, M. de

Rammekens (Remequin, Remechin, Ramech), castle of, in Zealand, taken by the rebels, 124, 125; Spanish fleet lying off, 124.

-, prisoners in, 385.

Ramsay, Cuthbert, brother of Lord Dalhousie, deposition by, 223; citation of, 230.

Randolph or Randal, Thomas, ambassador of Elizabeth for Scottish affairs, sent to France, 134; audiences and return of, 136.

-, -, special mission of, in Nov., 1573, alluded to, 177. (fn. 1)

-, -, goes to France, to assist at the peace, 259, 267– (fn. 2) 269.

-, -, in Scotland, tries to mediate for Morton, 394, 398.

-, -, the Prince's speech made to, or in presence of, 403, 404.

-, -, is desired to depart, 404.

Raphoe, see of, 152.

Rassenghien [Maximilien Vilain de Gaud], Seigneur de, Governor of Lille and Douai, 182; intermediary between the Spanish and rebel parties, 201.

Ratcliffe, Egremont Castremonte Rotclef, execution of, 543.

Rathmore, Lord, co. Meath, 153.

Ratisbon, city of, imperial mandate to, 557.

-, Abbacy of, persons craving, 273.

-, Bishop or Prince Bishop of. See Kölderer, David.

-, monastery of St. Augustine at, 556.

-, -, the Scots monastery or abbey of St. James at, 183, 273, 274, 280; Provost or Abbot of, 271, 272, 273.

-, -, proposal to use, as a College for Jesuits, 271, 272, 274, 277, 280.

-, -, the Senate seize the property of, 273, 277.

-, -, reception into, 389.

-, -, memorial concerning, 555, 556; vacant by death of the Abbot, imperial mandate for, 557.

-, -, Dean of. See Moroni,

-, -, new Abbot of. See Vinzet, Ninian.

-, Papal Legate at. See Moroni.

-, Bishop of, 273, 280.

-, Lutheran Senate of, 273, 274, 277.

-, Senate of, protest against the proceedings of, 555–557.

-, letters dated at, 234, 274, 277.

-, travellers to, 237.

Ré (Retz), Isle of, salt from, 336.

Requesens, Don Luis de, “Commendador Mayor” of Castile, going to Flanders as Governor, 125:

-, -, arrival of, announced, 138, 144.

-, -, sends envoys to Franec, Germany and England, 138.

-, -, succours Middelburg, 145.

-, -, troops from, asked for Ireland, 172.

-, -, at Brussels, 178.

-, -, orders Englishmen to be released, 179; Mendoza with, 181; at or going to Antwerp, 182, 183.

-, -, edict by, 200.

-, -, gives leave to English Catholics to arm ships, 213.

-, -, military doings of, 215.

-, -, believed to be about to treat with the Prince of Orange, 235, 237.

-, -, in relation to the making of peace, 243, 249.

-, -, sends Champagny to England, 245, 247.

-, -, reported offer to put Breda and Flushing into the hands of, 247, 248.

-, -, death of, 259.

Retz (Res), Count and Maréchal de, visit of, to the Counts Palatine, 65, 78; in Paris, 90; reported killed before La Rochelle, 98.

-, -, his audience of the English Queen, 129; returns to France, 129. 133; negotiations of, alluded to, 134, 136.

-, -, visit of, to England, alluled to, 177.

-, Isle of. See Ré.

Reulx (Reus), Count of, 28.

Rheims, Cardinal and Chapter of, the English seminarists recommended to, by the Pope, 435.

-, Archbishop of. See Lorraine. Louis de.

-, Cathedral Church of, 435.

-, the English Catholic community has migrated to, 398, 435, 487, 559.

-, -, now left unmolested, 506.

-, the Court is going to, for the new King's sacring, 179.

-, Dr. Allen at, 435.

-, letter dated at, 398.

Rhine, the, troops crossing [in 1562], 131.

-, Frederick, Count Palatine of, death of, 288.

-, Louis, Count Palatine of, is said to conform to the Confession of Augsburg, 288.

Rhineland, the, dearth and fear of disturbance in, 77.

Rhone, the, in Dauphiné, the Huguenots masters of, 105.

Richardot, Francis, Bishop of Arras, letter to, from the Pope, 119.

Ridolfi, Robert, the Florentine, plot of, alluded to, 1–3.

-, -, method of, for reducing England to the obedience of the Pope, 81.

-, -, sent by the Grand Duke to Madrid, 260.

-, -, “memorial” probably intended as instruction for, in his mission to Spain in 1571, 549, 554–5, Appendix.

Rio, Agustin de, secretary to Sir Thomas Stucley, 272; sent to Spain, 292, 295, 297, 448.

-, Antonio del, imprisoned at Rammekens, 385.

Ripa, Bishop of. See Sega.

Ripetta, sack of, alluded to, 307.

Robles, Gaspard de, Sieur de Billy, 399.

Rocca Nuova, Castellan of, 371, 372.

-, artillery at, 372.

Roccatagliata, Simone, at Cadiz, 410.

Roche, Ruadh (Ruo), David, Lord, 158.

Rochefoucauld (Rosciafucaule), La, [François, Comte de], killed in the St. Bartholomew, 36, 41.

-, -, his young son reported to be killed, 36; but falsely, 41.

Rochelle, La, leaders in, 91.

-, insurrection at, and siege of, 52 et seq.

-, the King may take without difficulty, 73, 76.

-, army for reduction of, 78.

-, news from or concerning, 80, 93, 98, 101, 102, 104–106.

-, reasons for expected recovery of, 81.

-, Montgomery's fleet off, 107.

-, quarrel of the Princes before, 113.

-, the Queen Mother inclined to a composition with, 114.

-, stubborn defence of, 114.

-, accord made with, 119.

-, treaty discovered at, 141.

-, Montgomery said to have been tardy in succouring, 148.

-, plot discovered at, 150.

-, Condé said to have offered, to Elizabeth, 331.

-, ambassadors sent from, to England, received no promise of help from the Queen, 80.

-, ambassadors from, at the French Court, 189.

-, army investing. See Anjou, Henry, Duke of, enterprise of, against

-, English merchants allowed to trade at, 15.

-, English ships detained at, 342.

-, fleet equipping at, 18; fleet going to the aid of, 98.

-, aid for. See Montgomeri.

-, a fort of, called the Gospel, 101, 102.

-, fort built against, called the Epistle, 101.

-, attempt to succour, failure of, 101–103.

-, people of, demand the observance of their privileges, 52.

-, -, aid from England, requested or hoped for by, 74, 80 et seq.

-, -, prepare ships whereby to escape if they cannot hold out, 82.

-, -, succour for, if needed, 86.

-, -, sallies made by, 96, 98.

-, -, said to be about to come to terms with the King, 197.

-, -, have sold all their salt to England, 196, 198.

-, -, mistrust Condé, 331.

-, ambassadors from, 194.

-, Alençon said to be in custody at, 248.

-, Isle of Ré in the power of, 336.

-, pirates of, 346, 347.

-, port of, blocked, 100.

-, ships going to, taken, 74.

Roermond, reduced to the obedience of the Catholic King, 138.

-, siege of, 532.

-, German mercenaries in, 320.

-, skirmish near, 372.

Roermunde (Ruremonde), Bishop of, defence by, against charge of negligence, 560.

Rœulx (Rotehers), Alençon means to possess himself of, 506.

Rœulx (Reus), Count of, 28.

-, -, conspiracy at Ypres crushed by, 100; is guarding the coast of Flanders, 106.

Rogers, Daniel, “the Queen's other ambassador” with the Prince of Orange, 243.

Romagas, See Lesent [qy Lescut], Maturin. (fn. 3)

Romagasso See Wyse, Sir Andrew

Roman archives, papers in, reference to, 241.

-, documents found in, 242.

Roman State or State of the Church, town in. See Amelia.

Romans, new King of, election of, 262.

-, Italian soldiers said to have died like, 510.

Rome, despatches sent to, 68.

-, citation to, desired, 123.

-, has need of a Scipio, 139.

-, Lord Seton going to, 143.

-, Sir Thomas Stucley at, 196.

-, -, English exiles going to or in, 200, 258, 293.

-, Jubilee at, 202.

-, English Catholic going to, 212, 214.

-, Consistory held in, 214.

-, castle of St. Angelo in, documents preserved in, 242.

-, English Hospital or College at, 244, 258, 425, 505, 524, 542.

-, Holy Jubilee at, 244, 245.

-, languor in, as to the English business, 249.

-, Collettoria of, payment from, 253.

-, money to be received in, 266, 272.

-, second German College founded in, by Pope Gregory, 244, 256, 307, 375.

-, -, students in, 232, 272.

-, money to be sent to, 278.

-, ambassador going to, on behalf of the Estates of Flanders, 314.

-, German mercenaries in, 320.

-, bills of exchange sent from, 323.

-, foreigners in, living on the Pope's charity, 375, 376.

-, bakers of, distribution of wheat to, 385.

-, Irishmen sent from, 432.

-, Englishmen from, in Stucley's expedition, 478.

-, Portuguese in, 485.

-, Ara Celi in, 488.

-, an Irish apostate expected at, 488.

-, an establishment of Irish priests in, desired, 503

-, no more troops or money can be sent from, for Fitzgerald's expedition, 512.

-, a bishop sent from, in Lisbon, 513.

-, directions from, asked for, 516.

-, pensioners of Queen Elizabeth in, 527; suggested education of the Prince of Scotland at, 529; belief at, concerning English Catholics, 552.

-, couriers to or from, 519, 564, 569.

-, money from or at, 346, 381.

-, travellers to, 99, 180, 183, 191, 202, 204, 232, 239, 246, 295, 508.

-, -, allusion to, 395.

-, -, and persons at, passim.

-, travellers from, 304, 317, 346, 362, 481, 523, 524, 540.

-, letters from, 4, 7, 10, 35, 38 (2), 43 (2), 48, 50 (2), 60, 62, 64, 65, 69, 71, 96, 99 (2), 100, 101, 107, 118–128, 132, 141, 148, 149, 168, 170–172, 176, 178, 186, 190, 193, 197. 202–204, 209, 213, 232, 235, 236, 243–245, 250, 251, 259, 270–280, 283–287, 292–294, 297–299, 301, 304, 311, 319, 322, 324–327, 330, 338, 341, 344, 346, 350, 355, 358, 360, 361, 364, 366, 367, 369–371, 374, 376, 380, 383, 386, 389, 397, 399, 416, 418, 424, 425, 435, 439–441, 445, 446, 448–450, 452, 453, 455, 456, 465, 479–482, 486, 487, 492–494, 499, 500, 504, 513, 517, 520, 522, 527, 532, 535, 536, 538, 541, 544, 545, 547.

-, letters sent from, noted, 558.

-, -, to, noted, 558–560.

-, -, alluded to, 519.

-, St. Peter's, letters dated at, 465 (5), 466 (3), 474, 479, 527.

-, St. Mark's, letters dated from, 19, 26, 125 (2), 126 (2).

-, letters sent to, 344.

-, news-letters from, 5, 7, 41, 71, 133, 180, 185, 214, 248, 316, 323–325, 331, 332, 336, 343, 375, 385, 402, 427, 469, 474, 485, 538.

-, Venetian ambassador to. See Soranza.

Romero, Julian, 212.

Roquetaillade, M. de, sent to the Queen Mother, 536, 537.

Roscommon, a very strong castle in Connaught, 161.

Ross, in Desmond, Bishopric of, 161.

-, Bishop of. See O'Herlihy, Thomas.

Ross (Rosches), Scotland, Bishop of. See Leslie, John.

Ross, a walled town, 157.

Rossano, Archbishop of. See Castagna.

Rouen, English merchants allowed to trade at, 15, 74.

-, English merchants at, fear to be slain by the townsfolk, 96.

-, siege of (1562), 175.

-, arms said to be sent to, by the King, 171.

-, arrested persons brought to, 189.

-, Cardinal Archbishop of. See Bourbon-Vendôme, Charles de.

-, Huguenots of, fly after the massacre, 41.

-, -, harassed by the Cardinal, 276.

Rubiano, alias da Fano, Giovanni, letter from, 444.

Rudolf, son of Maximilian, as King of the Romans, 273.

-, becomes Emperor, 289; congratulations sent to, by Elizabeth, 300.

-, his reception of the English ambassador, 301.

-, in relation to affairs of the Low Countries, 377.

-, said to be sending an ambassador to Spain, 378.

-, hope of bringing, into the Papal League, 385.

-, the Bishop of Ross sent to, by the Pope, 515, 538.

-, gift of, to the Bishop of Ross, 523.

-, ambassadors from, to Flanders, 319, 543. And see Liége, Bishop of.

-, mother of. See Mary of Castile.

-, sisters of, 301.

-, cupbearer of. See Prainer, John.

-, letters from, alluded, to, 352.

Ruremonde. See Roermunde.

Russell, Francis, Earl of Bedford, “a great lord of England,” 203.

-, -, a Privy Counsellor, 554.

-, Sir William, son of the Earl, at Venice, 203.

Russia, Feodor, Emperor of (the Muscovite), suggested attack by, upon Turkey, 263, 271.

-, -, proposal to send Shelley to, to incite him against the Turk, 293, 311.

Rusticucci, Jerome, Cardinal Bishop of Sinigaglia, letters to, 2, 3, 4.

-, -, letters from, 4.

Rutland [Henry Manners, 2nd Earl of], to command troops going to Normandy (1562), 130.

Ryan, Cornelius, Irish Bishop of Killaloe, despoiled by pirates, 346, 347.

-, -, goes to Madrid on behalf of Fitzgerald, 355, 359, 362, 367.

-, -, has not yet had audience of the King, 379.

-, -, is about to embark for Ireland, 389.

-, -, at Lisbon, 408, 410, 413, 417, 429, 443.

-, -, gives tidings of Fitzgerald, 430.

-, -, letter to, alluded to, 492.

-, -, complains that Stucley will not discuss Irish affairs with him, 566

-, -, believes that Stucley's force is too small to do any good, 566.

-, -, letters from, 402, 508, 521.

-, -, document signed by, 450.

-, -, information from, 517.

Rye (Rea), the, troops to embark at [1573], 130.