Pages 650-652
Calendar of State Papers Relating To English Affairs in the Vatican Archives, Volume 2, 1572-1578. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1926.
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O'Beirne (O'Berryn), a lord of Connaught, 162.
O'Brien, the, in old days King of all Munster, and sometime of all Ireland, 160.
-, Baron of Inchiquin, 160.
-, Conor, Earl of Thomond, 160.
-, -, banishment and restoration of, 160, 161.
-, -, castles of, 160.
-, Lord Donald, a noble of Thomond, 160.
O'Briens, the, said to be of Spanish descent, 153.
Obuill, Cornelius, priest, document signed by, 450.
O'Byrne (Obreyn), a lord of Leinster, 156.
O'Cahan (Ochain), an Ulster chief, 152.
O'Callaghan (Okeallachain), a lord of Desmond, 158.
O'Carroll (Okearrull), Lord, “of the Spanish nation,” 158.
O'Conor (Ocononocahour) Alli, a lord of Leinster, 156.
O'Conor (Ochonochour) of Corcomroe (Corchomorno), 160.
O'Conor Don (Lord Oconochour doyn), 162.
-, -, Roscommon Castle seized and surrendered by (in 1567), 161.
O'Conor Kerry (Oconochour Kerry), 158.
O'Conor Rus, 162.
O'Conor Sligo, 162.
O'Cush (Okist), 158.
O'Dempsey (Odyniosa), a lord of Leinster, 156.
O'Doherty (Odochoro), an Ulster chief, 152.
O'Donnell, [Hugh MacManus], a chief of Ulster, 152; Tyrconnel held by, ibid.
-, -, “Prince,” joins the Earls of Desmond and Connaught against the English, 168.
-, -, invites Fitzgerald to Ireland, 362.
-, -, a most potent chieftain, in insurrection, 396.
-, -, one of the nobles of Ireland withstanding the English, 464.
-, -, called “Prince Odo,” 508.
-, -, brief for, alluded to, 534.
O'Donnells, the, said to be of Spanish descent, 153.
O'Donoghue angleanna (Odonochou Ingleana), 158.
O'Dowd (O'Dudo), kinsman of the Earl of Connaught, 162.
O'Doynes, the, said to be of Spanish descent, 153.
O'Driscoll (Odrischcol), Dowyn (donn), 158.
-, Feyn (finn), 158.
-, Ruadh (ruo), 158.
O'Dunne (Oduyn), a lord of Leinster, 156.
O'Dwyer (Oduyr), Lord, 158.
Oéiras (Overes), troops at, 436, 437, 478.
O'Farrelly (Oferally), an Ulster chieftain, 152.
O'Flahirty, kinsman of the Earl of Connaught, 162.
O'Gallagher, Redmund, Bishop of Killala, 508, 566.
Ogilvy, James, Baron Ogilvy, goes to Prince James at Stirling, 398.
O'Grady (Ograda), a lord of Thomond, 160.
O'Hanlon (Ohailon), an Ulster chief, 152.
O'Hart (O'Hairt), kinsman of the Earl of Connaught, 162.
O'Hely, Patrick, Bishop of Mayo, in relation to the conquest of Ireland, 286, 287.
-, -, aid promised to, 347.
-, -, in Spain, 311, 317, 425.
-, -, in Italy, 369, 373.
-, -, desires all succours to be given to Fitzgerald, 448.
-, -, warning sent by, 488, 511.
-, -, at Lisbon, 513.
-, -, letters from, 350, 395, 456; alluded to, 354.
-, -, letters to, 449, 452, 485.
-, -, letters to be sent to, 449.
O'Herlihy, Thomas, Bishop of Ross [in Desmond], a prisoner in England, 161.
O'Kelly (Okealli), kinsman of the Earl of Connaught, 162.
O'Kennedy don (Okenedydoyn), 158.
-, finn (Okenedyfeyn), 158.
Olgiati, Signor Bernardo, Depositary General of the Pope, payment by 366
-, -, letters from, alluded to, 317.
Oliver, John, prebendary of Worcester Cathedral, in exile and poverty, prays for relief out of the Pope's fund, 97.
Ollainville (Olinville), the French Court at, 408, 518.
O'Loughlin (Olochlin), a noble of Thomond, 160.
O'Meagher (Omeacchir), a vassal of the Earl of Ormond, 158.
O'Melachlin, Lord, co. Meath, 153.
O'Molloy (Omoluua), Lord, co. Meath, 153.
O'More (Omoro), a lord of Leinster, 156.
O'Mulryan (Omolrian), 158.
O'Neill, Turlough Luineach, a chief of Ulster, 152: land of Tyrone held by, ibid.
-, of Spanish descent, 153.
-, “Prince,” joins the Earl of Connaught against the English, 168.
-, rising or expected rising of, against the Queen, 390, 547.
-, understanding of, with Sir Henry Sidney, 546.
O'Neill, Shane Oge, “Earl of Tyrone,” letter to, from the Pope, 203.
-, a brief for, alluded to, 534.
O'Neills, the, said to be of Spanish descent, 153.
Onofrio [Vigili], secretary to Cardinal Orsino, 53.
-, -, letters from, alluded to, 63, 64.
Oporto (Portus), Irish clergyman at, 498.
Orange, Prince of. See Nassau, William of.
O'Reilly (Oreyn), an Ulster chief, 152.
Orkneys (Orquenaz), the, Bothwell's flight to, alluded to, 225.
-, the, abbot of. See Robert.
-, Protestant Bishop of. See Bothwell, Adam.
Orleans, the late Duke of, 31.
Orleans, Huguenots at, killed after the St. Bartholomew massacre, 41.
-, journey of the Queen Dowager to [in 1562], 131.
-, Governor of. See Entragues.
Ormanetto, Niccolo, Bishop of Padua, nuncio in Spain, 45, 90, 205, 236, 244, 277, 285, 288, 338.
-, -, warned to be on his guard, 55.
-, -, has spent much time in England, 92.
-, -, the Pope solicits the King through, 170.
-, -, good offices done by, gratifying to the Pope, 252.
-, -, the matters of Flanders and England put before King Philip by, 284; illness of, ibid.
-, -, Stucley prays the Pope to write to, 292.
-, -, Stucley recommended to, 326.
-, -, death of, 344.
-, -, letters from, 38, 45, 51, 55, 66–69, 71, 78, 83, 91, 106, 109, 110, 114–117, 120, 123, 124, 134, 135, 142, 144, 147, 148, 169–174, 180, 186–192, 204, 214, 230–240, 246, 249, 256, 258–271, 274, 277–284, 288–290, 294, 296, 302, 311.
-, -, -, alluded to, 61, 74, 77.
-, -, letters to, 35, 37, 38, 47, 59, 61, 62, 71, 94, 99, 101, 118, 121, 125, 126, 148, 172, 185, 186, 190, 231, 234, 236, 250–253, 259, 270, 272, 275, 279, 283, 285, 292, 293, 297, 300, 311, 321.
-, -, news from, 79.
-, -, secretary to. See Clementino.
Ormond, a part of Munster, 107.
-, Bishopric in, 161.
-, lords and towns of, 157, 158.
-, the lord of, country formerly belonging to, 448.
-, (Vormunde), Earl of. See Butler.
O'Rourke (O'Royrck), is in insurrection, 396.
Orsini, Paolo Giordano dei, aid given by, to Stucley, 372, 373, 376, 379.
-, -, to be Captain-General of the English enterprise, 386.
-, -, in relation to the enterprise, 393, 397, 400–402, 406, 418, 436, 437.
-, -, men of, ill behaviour of, 381.
-, -, vassals of, 382, 383.
Orsino, Flavio, Cardinal, going as legate to France, 38, 50.
-, -, no news of his arrival, 55.
-, -, matters to be negotiated by, with the French King, 56, 61, 62.
-, -, is stayed by the King, 66.
-, -, in relation to the marriage question, 67.
-, -, arrival of, in Paris, 70, 71.
-, -, audience of, with the King, 72, 75.
-, -, departure of, from the French Court, 82.
-, -, actions of, watched by the English there, 82, 83.
-, -, James Irving goes to, 145, 146.
-, -, letters from, 48, 52, 54, 63, 64, 70, 75, 77, 79, 80.
-, -, letters to, 42, 60, 64.
-, -, certificates by, 479, 527.
-, -, draft or minute by, 435, 439.
-, -, secretary of. See Onofrio.
-, Ludovico, 393.
-, Virginio, brother of the Cardinal, 63.
O'Shaughnessy (Oshachenassa), kinsman of the Earl of Connaught, 162.
Osmar, Jesuit father, going to Germany, 335.
Ossory, Bishopric of, 156.
-, Bishop of, a heretic. See Gaffney, Chris.
Osterlings [ships]. See Easterlings.
Ostia, Bishop of. See Moroni, John.
-, Castellan of. See Amasei.
O'Sullivan Beare (Biarra), 158.
O'Toole (Othuotill), a lord of Leinster, 156.
Owen (Oeno), Robert, an English Catholic, recommended by the Pope, 119.
-, -, going to Rome, 212.
-, -, returns to France, 267.
-, (Audoenus), Thomas, 242.
Oxford, pestilence in, called a miracle, 340 (2), 350.
-, University of, feud between Cambridge and, as to the hospital at Rome, 244.
-, Earl of. See Vere.