Warrants, Letters, etc.: 1733, April-June

Pages 436-448

Calendar of Treasury Books and Papers, Volume 2, 1731-1734. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1898.

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1733, April–June

April 2 Same to same from Edward Loton, of Hampton Wick. For 140l. 8s. 2d. for works performed at Hampton Court Park, Datchet Bridge, and Richmond New Park. Ibid, p. 5.
Treasury warrant to the Commissioners of Revenue, Ireland. For the free import of clothing for the officers of Col. Hamilton's regiment. Irish Book VIII. p. 443.
J. Scrope to Customs Commissioners, Scotland. For accounts of (a) Customs revenues and drawbacks from premiums or bounties, 1716–32; (b) tobacco imports and exports, 1721–32; (c) same of wines, 1711–32. North Britain Book X. p. 389.
Account certified by Antho. Norman, Assistant Comptroller General, Custom House, Edinburgh. Of the quantities of tobacco imported to and exported from Scotland, 1721 to 1731, Michaelmas. 1 page. Treasury Board Papers CCLXXXII. No. 15.
April 3 Treasury warrant to the Surveyor General of Woods. To meet works and repairs, detailed, in Bere Forest, Southampton, out of wood sales there. Warrants not relating to money XXV. pp. 23–4.
Same to Commissioners of Revenue, Ireland. For free import of clothing, &c. for regiments of Cols. Wentworth, Cornwallis and Hargrave. Irish Book VIII. p. 442.
J. Scrope to the Customs Commissioners. Concerning the seizure of the “Dragon Volant.” Letter Book XIX. p. 154.
Treasury warrant to Auditor of the Receipt. To distribute and apply the revenue of the General Fund, 1733, Lady Day quarter.
Prefixing:—Statement of said fund.
Money Book XXXVI. pp. 490–1.
Same to same For use of same of the Aggregate Fund, same quarter.
Ibid, pp. 491–2.
Memorandum from M. Chavigny [to the Duke of newcastle?]. Concerning the seizure by the Customs officers of the “Dragon,” Captain Dapre, Mr. Grandin, of Calais, owner. French. 2 pages. Treasury Board Papers CCLXXXII. No. 17.
April 3 Charles Carkesse to John Scrope, dated Custom House, London. Forwarding account as below. 1 page -
Appending:—(a.) An account of the quantities of tobacco imported into and exported from England, with the gross and net duties thereon, 1716, Christmas, to 1731, Christmas. 3 pages.
Treasury Board Papers CCLXXXII. No. 18.
April 9 Petition to the Treasury from John Ham. Concerning his bond for Johathan Smart Affairs of Taxes IV. p. 28.
April 10 The Commissioners of Customs, London, to the Treasury. Forwarding account (a). 1 page - -
Appending:—(a.) An account of the seizures of tea, coffee, cocoa nuts, and chocolate, by the Excise officers, 1724, Christmas, to 1732, Christmas, certified by Samuel Snelling, Accomptant General, Excise Office. 1 sheet.
Treasury Board Papers CCLXXXII. No. 22.
April 11 Petition to the Treasury from Joseph Slater, salt collector, Lymington. Concerning his debt from the dishonouring of bills on John Stevens. Reference Book X. p. 3.
J. Scrope to Customs Commissioners. Concerning the letter from Ph. Comte de Kinski to Lord Harrington, as to the certificate of his new character of ambassador. Letter Book XIX. p. 156.
April 12 Petition to the Treasury from Thos. Gundry and two others, Acting Commissioners for Land Tax for Eastern Part of Blandford Division, Dorset. Praying that the town of Blandford may be discharged of a deficiency of 197l. 8s. 10d. the town having been burned to ashes on the 4th June 1731. Affairs of Taxes IV. p. 27.
J. Scrope to Customs Commissioners. With leave of absence to John Mersh, a tide surveyor, London port. Customs Book XIII. p. 364.
Same to same Concerning two cases arrived by the “Catherine” with wearing apparel and plate for the Spanish Ambassador's lady. Letter Book XIX. p. 154.
Same to the clerk of the Council in waiting. Concerning the Earl of Leicester's bills as Constable of the Tower for guarding prisoners there, and for contingencies. Ibid, No. 155.
Statements of accounts as follow, certified by Antho. Norman, Assistant Comptroller General, Custom House, Edinburgh. (a) Of the quantity of tobacco imported into Scotland, and how much of same was re-exported to foreign parts, 1720, Michaelmas, to 1724, Michaelmas. 4 pages.
(b.) Of the gross and net duties arising from tobacco imported into Scotland for the same period. 4 pages.
Treasury Board Papers CCLXXXII. No. 23.
April 13 Treasury warrant to the Auditor and other officers of the Receipt. To innovate three lost tallies for annuities, 1704 and 1705, in the name of Henry de Vic, for 40l. each. Warrants not relating to money XXV. p. 19.
Same to the Surveyor General of Woods. To carry out works and repairs, detailed, at Hampton Court House Park. Ibid, pp. 24–5.
Same to same To cut 20 oaks out of Cookham and Bray, for the town of Maidenhead, for repair of their bridge. Ibid, p 25.
Same to the Woodward of the New Forest. To raise 300l. by wood sales for 1 year's salary to the officers, &c. of said forest. Ibid, p. 26.
April 13 Treasury warrant to the Clerk of the Pipe or his deputy. For a lease to the Duke of Bolton of mines, specified, in Carmarthenshire.
Prefixing:—Constat of the premises rated by Thos. Walker, Surveyor General of Crown Lands.
Crown Lease Book II. p. 474–5.
Same to Surveyor General of Crown Lands. For a particular of houses in Duke St. and Bury St. of which John Jackson and Francis Jackman respectively pray leases.
Prefixing:—Surveyor General's report on the petitions for same.
Ibid, pp. 476–7.
Same to the Clerk of the Pipe or his deputy. For a lease of three messuages in Pall Mall to George Clarke.
Prefixing:—Particular of the premises rated by T. Walker.
Ibid, pp. 478–81.
April 16 Memorial of the Court of Assistants of the Governor and Company of Copper Miners in England to the Treasury. Concerning their tender for supply of copper to the Mint, and asking for preference on account of losses incurred under the previous contract. 1 page. Treasury Board Papers CCLXXXII. No. 24.
April 17 Treasury warrant to the Surveyor General of Crown Lands. For a particular of the hundred of Broxton, Cheshire, of which Frances, widow of Rev. Philip Egerton, prays a lease.
Prefixing:—Surveyor General's report on the petition for same.
Crown Lease Book II. pp. 477–8.
Edw. Walpole to the Customs Commissioners. About two pieces of silk of Lady Charlotte Scot, lately seized. Letter Book XIX. p. 157.
April 18 Petition to the Treasury from Samuel Artis. For extraordinary allowances to Wm. Pacey on account. Affairs of Taxes IV. p. 28.
Treasury warrant for execution of a Lord Chamberlain's warrant. For 120 ozs. of gilt plate to Lord Glenorchy on the christening of his child, as a gift from the King. Lord Chamberlain's Warrant Book I. p. 420.
Edw. Walpole to the Customs Commissioners. To re-admit John Frith to the command of the “Shoreham” sloop. Letter Book XIX. p. 157.
April 19 Treasury warrant to the King's Remembrancer in the Exchequer. To take John Conduitt's security for 40,000l.
—Report of C. Taylor, deputy King's Remembrancer, as to sufficiency of said security.
Warrants not relating to money XXV. p. 28.
Same to Surveyor General of Crown Lands. For a particular of the common bakehouse in Macclesfield of which Sir Charles Duckenfield and Roger Roydon pray a lease.
Prefixing:—Surveyor General's report on the petition for same.
Crown Lease Book II. p. 446.
Same to same For same of the hundred of Wirral, in Cheshire, of which John Glegg prays a reversionary lease.
Prefixing:—As above.
Ibid, p. 482.
April 20 Treasury warrant to King's Remembrancer or his deputy. To stay proceedings against the Acting Commissioners for Land Tax, eastern part of Blandford Division, Dorset.
Prefixing:—Taxes Commissioners' report.
Affairs of Taxes IV. pp. 28–9.
April 24 Petition to the Treasury from Thos. Robinson, of Daventry, Northants. For payment of moneys levied on Elizabeth, widow of Robert Wake. Reference Book X. p. 6.
April 25 J. Scrope to the King's Remembrancer in the Exchequer or his deputy (letter re-called). To restrict the fees on the Master of the Mint's security to 30l. Letter Book XIX. p. 158.
Same to the Customs Commissioners. Concerning a complaint of M. Chavigni as to the capture of the “Dolphin” and the “Dragon,” two French vessels, on suspicion of smuggling. Ibid.
April 26 Same to Mr. Elstob and Mr. Watson. For an account of the proceedings had in collecting, &c. rents of the Derwentwater estate, and of arrears, &c. and of payments therefrom into the Exchequer. Ibid, p. 159.
Same to the King's Remembrancer or his deputy. Concerning Elstob's and Watson's security as receivers of the above estate. Ibid.
Same to Mr. Carkesse - Concerning his account of the importation, &c. of tobacco. Ibid.
April 27 Representation to the Treasury from Edw. Carteret, Postmaster General. Concerning the case between himself and Samuel Foster, guardian of John Fish, an infant, with respect to part of the house belonging to the General Post Office. 3 pages. Treasury Board Papers CCLXXXII. No. 27.
April 28 J. Scrope to Auditor Harley For a state of the late Earl of Ranelagh's final account as Paymaster General of the Forces under Wm. and Anne. Letter Book XIX. p. 160.
April 30 Royal sign manual to the Clerk of the Signet attending. To discharge Lord Waldegrave of white and gilt plate, valued at 2,499l. 7s. 8d. presented to him as Ambassador, &c. to France. King's Warrant Book XXXI. pp. 76–7.
May 1 Petition to the Treasury from John Cooke. Concerning Thos. Albert's debt to the Crown as late Receiver General of Land Tax and House Duties for town and county of Worcester. Affairs of Taxes IV. p. 29.
Same to same from Thos. Missing. For 810l. for victualling Placentia and Annapolis Royal, 1732–3, January 1, to 1733, March 81. Reference Book X. p. 7.
J. Scrope to the Customs Commissioners, Scotland. For a Customs sloop to take stores from the Tower for the works in the Highlands. North Britain Book X. pp. 433.
Same to the Comptrollers of Army Accounts. With Missing's list of men victualled at Gibraltar, 1732–3, February 5 to March 4. Letter Book XIX. p. 160.
May 2 Petition to the Treasury from Francis Fane, Esq. For extension of lease of tenements in Taunton. Crown Lease Book II. p. 487.
Treasury warrant to the Surveyor General of Crown Lands. For a particular of several small pieces of waste ground and buildings thereon in the Privy Garden in Whitehall, of which the Duke of Montagu prays a reversionary lease.
Prefixing:—Surveyor General's report on the petition for the above.
Ibid, pp. 488–9.
Same to same - For same of lands and pastures in Melsa, alias Meaux, co. Yorks, of which William Heathcote prays a lease.
Prefixing:—As above.
Ibid, pp. 489–90.
Report by the Comptrollers of Army Accounts. On the memorial of Thos, Missing for extraordinary charges for repairs and hire of warehouses for preservation of the provisions of Gibraltar garrison. 8 pages. Treasury Board Papers CCLXXXII. No. 28.
May 2 Royal warrant [to the Commissioners of Revenue, Ireland]. To allow 7,702l. 17s. 9d. being exceedings on the heads of Concordatums, Military Contingencies and Barracks, Ireland, anno 1732. Irish Book VIII.pp.443–4.
May 3 Treasury warrant to Wm. Lowndes, auditor of land tax, Norfolk. To make extraordinary allowances in the accounts of Wm. Pacey, late Receiver General of Taxes, ibid.
—Taxes Commissioners' report.
Affairs of Taxes IV. p. 30.
Same for execution of a Lord Chamberlain's warrant. For a gift of christening plate to the Duke of Kent, to cost 115l. Lord Chamberlain's Warrant Book I. p. 421.
Same to the Board of Works To execute works at the roof of Somerset House chapel, to cost 653l. Ibid, p. 422.
Treasury warrant - To discharge John Mist, et al. of a bail recognizance estreated into the Exchequer. Appending:—Mist's affidavit. Warrants not relating to money XXV. pp. 30–1.
Same to Edward Carteret, Postmaster General. To renew contract with Richard Hall, present agent for the Pacquet service at Dover, and for a subsistence to Mr. Lovell, late agent there.
Prefixing:—Carteret's report on same.
Ibid, pp. 34–5.
May 4 Same to Salt Commissioners To allow Joseph Slater, collector of salt at Lymington, 450l. by setting same in super on his remitters who failed.
Prefixing:—Salt Commissioners' report on the case.
Ibid, pp. 32–3.
May 7 J. Scrope to the Commissioners of Revenue, Ireland. Recommending Thos. French for employment. Irish Book VIII. p. 444.
Neil Campbell (“Campell”) to [John Scrope?], dated from College of Glasgow. Enclosing (a). 1 page -
Appending:—(a.) A state of the revenue of the University of Glasgow for 1727 and 1728. 1 sheet.
Treasury Board Papers CCLXXXII. No. 29.
Petition to the Treasury from Bennett Martin, of St. Anne [Soho], Middlesex, surgeon. Concerning his bond for Edward Randolph, of London, tobacco merchant. Reference Book X. p. 6.
Same to same from Henry Talbot. For payment of moneys recovered on an outlawry of Samuel Somerland. Ibid.
Same to same from Charles Duke of Grafton, Warden of Whittlewood Forest. For repairs at the lodges, ringmounds and sloughs in the highways through the said forest. Ibid.
Same to same from Frances, widow of Charles Wither, late Surveyor of Woods. Concerning works done by her late husband which cannot be vouched for want of sufficient warrants. Ibid.
Same to same from James Mahew, et al. For leave to reduce brandy and rum to proof or to make post entries. Ibid, p. 7.
May 8 Christopher Tilson to the Customs Commissioners. Concerning a hogshead of French wine lately arrived from Holland for Baron Sparre. Letter Book XIX. p. 160.
Treasury warrant to the Clerk of the Pipe or his deputy. For a lease of St. John's Wood, Chipping Wycombe, Bucks, to Richard Mead, timber merchant, of that parish.
Prefixing:—Particular of the premises by Auditor W. Lowndes, rated by T. Walker, Surveyor General.
Crown Lease Book II. pp. 490–2.
Same to same - For same of two messuages in Bury Street and Duke Street, St. James's, to John Jackson.
Prefixing:—Constat of the premises, rated by T. Walker.
Ibid, pp. 493–5.
May 9 Secretary of the Treasury to Mark Frecker, Robert Manning, Richard Hamond and Edward St. Hill. To take in and certificate 203 lottery tickets. Letter Book XIX. p. 117.
C. Tilson to the Auditor of the Receipt. For an account of payments into the Exchequer from the profits of the Derwentwater estate. Ibid, p. 161.
Petition to the Treasury from Thos. Missing. For 487l. 18s. 10d. for insuring 32,529l. 13s. 10d. provisions for Gibraltar, 1731, December 13, to 1732, December 10. Reference Book X. p. 7.
May 10 J. Scrope to the Commissioners of Revenue, Ireland. Concerning the information of notorious frauds in the Customs in Ireland, especially as to wool and woollen goods. Irish Book VIII. p. 445.
Petition to the Treasury from John Smith and Wm. Leslie. For 339l. 5s. 3d. for striking tallies as Chamberlains of the Exchequer for 3,392,655l. 11s. 6d. paid in by the Receiver General of Customs. Reference Book X. p. 7.
Same to same from the Duke of Montagu. For lease of a waste piece of ground contiguous to his house in the Privy Garden. Crown Lease Book II. p. 493.
May 11 Same to same from Joseph Smith. For a lease of the same piece of ground in the Privy Garden petitioned for by the Duke of Montagu and now made use of by passengers for indecent and offensive purposes. Ibid, p. 496.
Same to same of Henry Pelham. For a lease of a piece of ground in Scotland Yard, Whitehall. Ibid.
Same to same from James Lemon, starchmaker. For reward for services in discovering the great frauds among the starchmakers, which led to an Act of Parliament to prevent same. Reference Book X. p. 7.
May 12 Treasury warrant to Excise Commissioners, Scotland. To deliver up bonds of John Stewart, et al. as sureties of David Stewart, late collector of Excise, Scotland.
Appending:—Report of Excise Commissioners, Edinburgh, to the Treasury, and three affidavits on the case.
North Britain Book X. pp. 435–8.
May 15 J. Scrope to Mr. Delafaye - Concerning M. Chavigni's memorials as to the seizure of the “Dolphin” and “Dragon.” Letter Book XIX. p. 162.
May 16 Treasury warrant to the Clerk of the Pipe or his deputy. To allow in the account of the Sheriff of Lincoln 50l. to recompense the inhabitants of Holbeach for a fine imposed on them to the Crown. Warrants not relating to money XXV. p. 37.
May 17 Petition to the Treasury from Sir Thos. Franklyn. For extension of lease of a piece of ground in St. James's Place. Crown Lease Book 11. p. 496.
May 21 J. Scrope to Customs Commissioners. Renewing leave of absence to John Mersh, tide surveyor, London port. Customs Book XIII. p. 364.
Same to same Transmitting, for their perusal and observations, a bill for enlarging the time for exportation of tea, brought into the House of Commons this session. Letter Book XIX. p. 162.
Certificate by Thos. Sanderson, deputy receiver of the Alienation Office. Of the receipts in said office for March and April last. 1 page. Treasury Board Papers CCLXXXIII. No. 3.
May 22 J. Scrope to the Governor of Gibraltar. Concerning Missing's demands for hire of magazines, repair of victualling office, and damage to provisions, &c. there. Letter Book XIX. p. 163.
Same to the Customs Commissioners, Concerning a memorial from Jousouf Cogia, Ambassador from Tunis, concerning the delivery of his baggage. Ibid.
May 23 Petition to the Treasury from Wm. Marsden. Concerning his bond for Thos. Blease, late of Liverpool, tobacco importer, deceased. Reference Book X. p. 7.
J. Scrope to the Auditor of the Receipt. For a certificate of the deficiency on malt duty, 1731, to answer the Exchequer bills charged thereon. Letter Book XIX. p. 162.
The Excise Commissioners to the Treasury, With an account of the killing of Samuel Alexander, a watchman who had arrested some smuggled tea. 1 page. Treasury Board Papers CCLXXXIII. No. 4.
May 24 Same to same Concerning the violent rescue by smugglers of some tea seized near Colchester. 1 page. Ibid, No. 5.
May 25 Petition to the Treasury from Wm. Hucks. For reversionary lease of alehouses and messuages, detailed, in the bailiwick of St. James's. Crown Lease Book II. p. 496.
May 28 Royal signature - For a grant of the land of Pitkeathly in Dunbarney parish, sheriffdom of Perth, to George Murray, M.D. at Perth, lawful son of Sir Patrick Murray, of Ochtertyre. North Britain Book X. pp. 447–53.
J. Scrope to the Secretary at War. For troops for Chelmsford and Colchester, against the smugglers in Essex. Letter Book XIX. p. 163.
Same to Mr. Tilson - To publish in the “Gazette ”an advertisement from the Excise Commissioners. Ibid, p. 164.
May 29 Treasury warrant to the Auditors of Imprests. To allow the Paymasters of Exchequer bills 95l. 16s. 6d. for fees, &c. in their account for year ended, 1733, March 25. Warrants not relating to money XXV. p. 38.
Petition to the Treasury from John Parker. For extension of lease of a house in Pall Mall. Crown Lease Book II. p. 496.
May 30 Treasury warrant for execution of a Lord Chamberlain's warrant. For delivery to Richard Fitzwilliams, Governor of the Bahamas, of plate, detailed, for the use of His Majesty's chapel there. To cost 80l. Lord Chamberlain's Warrant Book I. p. 417.
Same for same - For furniture, detailed, for the “Carolina ” yacht, to cost 1,250l. Ibid, p. 427.
Same for same - For a rich purse to Viscount Lonsdale, Lord Privy Seal. To cost 21l. Ibid.
Same for same For allowance of bedding to the Clerk of Robes and Wardrobes. To cost 57l. Ibid, p. 428.
Same to Taxes Commissioners. To enlarge from the Fleet Prison, Diana widow of Vice-Admiral Hosier.
Prefixing:—Said Commissioners' report.
Affairs of Taxes IV. p. 32–3.
May 31 Same to the Auditors of Imprests. To allow in Conduitt's accounts the charges on enlarging his security in the Exchequer. Warrants not relating to money XXV. p. 29.
June 1 Petition to the Treasury from Thos. Lloyd. Concerning his accounts for 1706–8, as receiver for house duties for Cheshire, Flint, and Denbigh. Affairs of Taxes IV. p. 31.
Same to same from Thos. Robinson. Concerning goods seized in his ship “ Thomas and Dorothy,” Wm. Masterman, master, at Newcastle. Reference Book X. p. 8.
June 1 J. Scrope to Mr. Carkesse - Concerning the baggage of the Envoy from Tunis. Letter Book XIX. p. 164.
Same to Customs Commissioners. With a letter from A. B. concerning the discoveries of frauds in the Customs. Ibid.
Certificate by Thos. Sanderson, deputy receiver of the Alienation Office. Of the receipts, &c. in said office for May last. 1 page. Treasury Board Papers CCLXXXIII. No. 9.
Jane 4 J. Scrope to the Customs Commissioners. With Count De Degenfeldt's letter on behalf of Baron Voit, Envoy to His Majesty from the Margrave of Anspach. Letter Book XIX. p. 165.
Same to same - Concerning a box from Portugal for Mons. De Campos. Ibid.
Same to same - Concerning Edward Randolph's petition for release from the King's Bench. Ibid.
June 5 Petition to the Treasury from Swift Albert. Concerning Thos. Albert his father's debt to the Crown as late Receiver General of Worcester. Affairs of Taxes IV. p. 33.
June 5.]
Report to the Treasury from Sir Wm. Strickland, Secretary at War. On the memorial of Col. Richard Kane, Governor and Commander in Chief of Minorca, for an additional 20s. per day pay. 1 page. Treasury Board Papers CCLXXXIII. No. 10.
June 6 Treasury warrant to the Surveyor General of Crown Lands. For a particular of a piece of ground in Scotland Yard, of which Henry Pelham prays a lease.
Prefixing:—Surveyor General's report on Pelham's petition, with plan.
Crown Lease Book III. p. 1.
Petition to the Treasury from Robert Cosin, smuggler. For release from Lincoln Gaol - Reference Book X. p. 11.
J. Scrope to Mr. Watson Concerning the Derwentwater estates Letter Book XIX. pp. 166–7.
June 7 Petition to the Treasury from James Smyth. For a reversionary lease of the forest and manor of Exmoor, in Devon and Somerset. Crown Lease Book III. p. 2.
J. Scrope to Christopher Rhodes. With leave to come to England - North Britain Book X. p. 453.
R. Fitzwilliams, Governor of the Bahamas [to John Scrope]. For preparation of the Privy Seal for his salary of 400l. per annum from the death of Woodes Rogers. 1 page. Treasury Board Papers CCLXXXIII No. 11.
June 8 J. Scrope to the Customs Commissioners. With Captain Cocart's representation concerning frauds in the Customs here and in Ireland in tobacco, wool, worsted, tea, and other India goods. Irish Book VIII. p. 445; Letter Book XIX. p. 167.
Same to the Taxes Commissioners. To attend the Treasury on the appointing receivers of land tax, 1733. Letter Book XIX. p. 168.
June 11 Petition to the Treasury from Swift Albert. Praying allowances on non-producible receipts on his father's Thomas Albert's accounts. Affairs of Taxes IV. p. 33.
J. Scrope to the Secretary at War. For the continuance of dragoons in Sussex for aid against smugglers. Letter Book XIX. p. 168.
Same to Mr. Carkesse - Concerning copies of reports sent to the Secretary at War. Ibid.
June 12 Petition to the Treasury from John Hobs, merchant. Concerning working tools in his custody, he having been employed in Woods' copper coinage. Reference Book X. p. 8.
Same to same from James Henckell, of London, merchant. Concerning a wrong entry of a chest of linen. Ibid.
J. Scrope to Mr. Delafaye - Concerning the baggage of the Envoys from Tunis. Letter Book XIX. p. 169.
Same to Auditor Lowndes - Concerning Mrs. Wither's accounts of her husbands works, &c. as Surveyor General of Woods. Ibid.
Report to the Treasury from T. Walker. Surveyor General of Crown Lands, &c. On the petition of Joseph Smith for lease of a small piece of ground adjoining his house in Privy Garden. 1 page.
—(a.) Said petition. 1 page.
Treasury Board Papers CCLXXXIII. No. 12.
Same to same by Nicholas Paxton. On the petition of Henry Talbot concerning a debt from Samuel Somerland, of London, gentleman. 1 page.
—(a.) Said petition, with order of reference, dated 1733, May 7. 1 page.
(b.) Certificate of the distraint on Somerland's outlawry. 1 page.
(c.) Talbot's affidavit of the debt.
Ibid, No. 13.
June 13 Petition to the Treasury from George Crowle. For a lease of the manors of Barton, Barrow, and Goxhill. Reference Book X. p. 8.
Same to same from Thos. Missing. For passing his accounts for victualling Placentia and Annapolis Royal from the beginning of his contract to 1729, June 30. Ibid.
J. Scrope to the Comptrollers of Army Accounts. With Missing's list of men victualled at Gibraltar, 1732–3, March 5 to April 29 following. Letter Book XIX. p. 169.
June 14 Treasury warrant to the Attorney General. To discharge Joseph Woollam of a fine of 66l. and imprisonment for an assault on on the wife of Thos. Jones. Warrants not relating to money XXV. p. 39.
Same to Wm. Lowndes, auditor of land tax and house duty for Worcestershire. To make 750l. extraordinary allowances to Swift Albert in his father's accounts as Receiver General of Worcester.
Prefixing:—Taxes Commissioners' re- port.
Affairs of Taxes IV. pp. 34–5.
Same to Charles Shelley and Thos. Farington, auditors of land revenue for counties of Chester, Flint, and Denbigh. To discharge an item of interest on moneys on Thomas Lloyd, formerly Receiver General of House Duties for said counties.
Prefixing:—As above.
Ibid, pp. 35–6.
Same to King's Remembrancer or his deputy and the Taxes Commissioners. To release from prison Thos. Billings, a surety of and deputy to Charles Wilkinson.
Prefixing:—As above.
Ibid, pp 38–9.
Same to Customs Commismissioners and Attorney General. To accept compositions for, and to non pros. the informations against, John Weeks, for smuggling. Customs Book XIII. pp. 386.
Same to same Commissioners To liberate Bennett Martin, surgeon, of Radclif, Middlesex, a surety for Edwd. Randolph, of London, tobacco merchant.
Prefixing:—Said Commissioners' report on the case.
Ibid, pp. 386–7.
June 14 J. Scrope to the Customs Commissioners. For Edward Gilbert's instruction in the affairs of the Customs, London port. Letter Book XIX. p. 171.
Treasury warrant to the Surveyor General of Crown Lands. For a particular of the manor of Sheen, Richmont, alias Richmond, Surrey. Crown Lease Book III. p. 4.
June 15 Petition to the Treasury from the ministers and elders of the French church in the Savoy. For a further lease, without fine, of the ground on which the chapel is built. Crown Lease Book III. p. 2.
J. Scrope to the Barons of the Exchequer, Scotland. For an account of the surplus of the malt duty, Scotland, 1726–33, over the 20,000l. granted for the service of each year, and the charges of management. North Britain Book X. p. 453.
Petition to the Treasury from Francis Lord Middleton and Annabella Bridges. Concerning an annuity granted by Charles II. to Sir Henry Barnard, to which they are entitled. Reference Book X. p. 8.
June 16 Same to same from Anthony Leech. For stay of proceedings against him for assisting smugglers at King road, Bristol. Ibid, p. 9.
June 18 Same to same from Mrs. Jane Lowther. For extension of lease of a piece of ground in the Privy Garden, Whitehall. Crown Lease Book III. p. 2.
June 19 Same to same from Thos. Eyre. For extraordinary allowances in 1729–31 accounts of taxes for counties of Chester, Anglesea, Carnarvon, Merioneth, Denbigh and Flint, of which he is receiver. Affairs of Taxes IV. p. 40.
Treasury warrant to the Clerk of the Pipe or his deputy. For a lease of lands in the lordship of Melsa or Meaux, county Yorks, to Wm. Heathcote.
Prefixing:—Particular of the premises by Auditor W. Lowndes, rated by the Surveyor General.
Crown Lease Book III. pp. 6–8.
Same to same For same of a piece of ground in Scotland Yard to Henry Pelham.
Prefixing:—Constat of the premises rated by same.
Ibid, p. 9.
Treasury warrants - For allowing in the accounts of James Duke of Chandos, for 1729 and 1730, as Clerk or Keeper of the Hanaper in Chancery, 40l. and 40l. for expenses of passing same. Warrants not relating to money XXV. p. 40.
Petition to the Treasury from John Drover, et al. Concerning the case against him for smuggling. Reference Book X. p. 9.
Royal warrant to the Attorney General. For Thos. Robinson to receive from the Sheriff of Northampton moneys levied on Eliz. widow of Robert Wake, late of Booking, Essex, clerk. King's Warrant Book XXXI. p. 101.
Same to same - For Edward Hill to receive same from Sheriffs of London, levied on Mordecai Dalmeid. Ibid, pp. 102–3.
J. Scrope to Mr. Josiah Burchet. For an account of money paid for interest on navy and victualling bills, 1723, Michaelmas, to 1732, Christmas, together with the amount of such bills remaining at interest at 1732, Christmas. Letter Book XIX. p. 171.
June 19 Edward Thompson to the Treasury, from Cork. Concerning his examination into the frauds in the Customs, particularly with respect to wool and woollen goods. 1 page. Treasury Board Papers CCLXXXIII. No. 15.
June 20 Petition to the Treasury from Dorothea Lady Forbes. For a special dispensation for serving and entering her son as heir to his father in several ward lands in county Aberdeen before his majority, and for a grant of his Casualties of Ward, Non-entry,Relief and Marriage dues on the said lands and markets, and the Rectour duties of other lands. North Britain Book X. p. 454.
[June20?] Treasury warrant for execution of a Lord Chamberlain's warrant. For allowance of clothes to Samuel Howard, late a child of the Chapel Royal. To cost 10l. Lord Chamberlain's Warrant Book I. pp. 434–5.
June 21
Petitions to the Treasury from Abstinence Poughfer, et al. detailed at: length. To be appointed Receivers General of duties on houses or land taxes, or both, 1733. Affairs of Taxes III. pp. 44–8.
June 21 Treasury warrant to Customs Commissioners. To liberate Edward Randolph, tobacco merchant, in the King's Bench Prison, on surety to surrender. Customs Book XIII. pp. 388–9.
Petition to the Treasury from the Duchess Dowager of Marlborough. For payment of moneys recovered on the outlawry of Richard Young. Reference Book X. p. 9.
J. Scrope to the Barons of the Exchequer, Scotland. Transmitting for report the petition of Norman Macleod. North Britain Book X. p. 461.
Memorial of Nicholas Paxton to the Treasury. For the issue of 1,200l. for the purchase money of Mrs. College's title to lodgings in Whitehall. 1 page. Treasury Board Papers CCLXXXIII. No. 17.
June 22 Petition to the Treasury from Patrick Dunbar. For a grant of ultimus haeres of arrears of pay due to Captain Ronalds, in the Foot Guards, and Lieutenant Stephney, in Col. Cunningham's and Lord Cardross's regiments. North Britain Book X. p. 460.
June 23 Same to same from Robert Christin, commander of the “Hyam” sloop. Concerning Campeachy cochineal imported from Holland and seized. Reference Book X. p. 9.
June 24.]
Memorial of the Stamp Commissioners to the Treasury. For 1730, Midsummer quarter's salaries for the officers for money given with clerks and apprentices. 1 page. Treasury Board Papers CCLXXXIII. No. 18.
June 25 Petition to the Treasury from Julius Martindale, et al. For leave to compound for smuggling Reference Book X. p. 9.
Memorial of Lord Hobart to the Treasury. Craving the usual allowance in his accounts as Treasurer of His Majesty's Chambers, 1731–32, September 29, of the 50l. per annum for Edmund Britiffe, his chief clerk. 1 page. Treasury Board Papers CCLXXXIII. No. 19.
June 26 Treasury warrant to the Clerk of the Pipe or his deputy. For a lease of a piece of ground in the Privy Garden, Whitehall, to the Duke of Montagu.
Prefixing:—Constat of the premises rated by the Surveyor General.
Crown Lease Book III. pp. 10–11.
Same to Excise Commissioners. To allow taxes, 1733, to Excise officers of under 100l. salary. Warrants not relating to money XXV. pp. 40–1.
June 26 Royal warrant to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland. To place Richard Lowndes on half pay as a reduced lieutenant of foot. Irish Book VIII. p. 448.
June 27 Treasury warrant to Charles Shelley, auditor of the house duties, county Lincoln. To make extraordinary allowances in account to Edward White, executor of Mary Chamberlain, administratrix of John Manby, late Receiver General for part of Lincoln.
Prefixing:—Report from Taxes Commissioners and land auditors' certificates.
Affairs of Taxes IV. pp. 40–3.
Same to the Auditor and other officers of the Receipt, et al. To accept Thos. Tomkyns' composition for his debt to the Crown as a late Commissioner for Hawkers.
Prefixing:—Report on Tomkyns' petition by Nicholas Paxton, dated 1732, June 21, copy of the Act of Parliament for his composition, certified by Wm. Brown, cler. parl. and Tomkyns' affidavit.
Warrants not relating to money XXV. pp. 44–8.
Same to the Surveyor General of Woods. To meet works and repairs, detailed, at Richmond Park out of wood sales. Ibid, pp. 49–50.
Petition to the Treasury from executors of Dr. Hugh Chamberlain. Concerning a mortgage of 3,000l. on the Derwentwater estates. Reference Book X. p. 10.
Royal warrant to the Attorney General. For Henry Talbot to receive from the Sheriff of Warwick moneys levied on Samuel Somerland, of London port. King's Warrant Book XXXI. p. 124.
Treasury warrant to Auditor of Receipt. To distribute and apply the 1733 Midsummer quarter's money of the General Fund.
Prefixing:—Statement of said income.
Money Book XXXVII. pp. pp. 66–7.
Same to same - For game of same of Aggregate, Fund
Prefixing:—-Like statement.
Ibid, pp. 76–7.
Same to Stamp Commissioners. To repay land tax, 1733, to Stamp officers of under 100l. salary. Ibid, p. 98.
J. Scrope to Customs Commissioners. To allow Richard Kelsall, land surveyor at Liverpool, salary during his absence about a law suit. Letter Book XIX. p. 174.
June 28 Royal sign manual to Thos. Foley, an Auditor of Imprests. To allow Edmund Britiffe 62l. 10s. in the account of Lord Hobart, Treasurer of the Chamber, as his chief clerk. King's Warrant Book XXXI. p. 128.
J. Scrope to Excise Commissioners. To supply subsistence money to the Earl of Stair's regiment of Dragoons now at Hereford, Tewkesbury, Gloucester and Cheltenham. Letter Book XIX. p. 173.
June 29 Same to Customs Commissioners. As to petition of Anne, relict of Henry Crouch, late a clerk in the Comptroller's office in the Custom House, as to his merits in composing and publishing a book of rates and the loss sustained in not being permitted to deliver to subscribers a book he composed called A Complete Guide to Collectors. Ibid.
Same to Auditors of Imprests. Concerning Mrs. Wither's passing her late husband's accounts. Ibid, pp. 174–5.
Same to Mr. Paxton - Enclosing petition of Wn. Noake, late Sheriff of Berks. Ibid, p. 175.
Same to Customs Commissioners. Enclosing Thos. Hewitt's proposal to prevent clandestine importation of teas, &c. Ibid.
June 29 Treasury warrant to Customs Commissioners. To deliver to the owners the ship “Hyam,” Robert Christian, commander, seized for having five scrooms of Campeachy cochineal on board as not importable from Holland. Customs Book XIII. p. 394.
Same to same - To remit to Wm. Marsden interest on his bond for Thos. Blease, late of Livepool, deceased, insolvent, for tobacco dues.
Prefixing:—Said Commissioners' report on the case.
Ibid, pp. 395–6.
Petition to the Treasury from Fryer Walker. For 202l. 10s. 4d. for lighting the lamps for both Houses during last session. Lord Chamberlain's Warrant Book I. p. 431.
J. Scrope to Customs Commissioners. Renewing leave of absence to John Mersh, tide surveyor, London port. Customs Book XIII. p. 364.
Treasury warrant to auditor Wm. Lowndes. To allow 65l. 0s. 3d. to John Hinxman, woodward of New Forest, in his account for felling navy timber. Warrants not relating to money XXV. pp. 48–9.
Same to the Surveyor General of Woods, To meet works and repairs, detailed, in Whittlewood Forest out of wood sales there. Ibid, pp. 51–2.
Petition to the Treasury from Dorothea Lady Forbes. To be appointed, with Jonathan Ewar, of London, merchant, attorneys for three shares in the Navigation of the River Kennet, fallen to the Crown by an extent against Wm. Martin, Jacob Wyan, and John Medford. Reference Book X. p. 9.
Same to same from Charles and Edward Boehm. For bounty on naval stores imported from America. Ibid, p. 10.
Same to same from Christopher Heron, Sheriff of Kingston upon Hull. Concerning the escape of Richard Woodwark, smuggler, from the town gaol. Ibid.
Same to same from Robert Latimer and James Pierce. Concerning their bond for Hugh Arbuthnot for tobacco duties. Ibid.
Same to same from Mary, executrix of Francis Lyon, Esq. late treasurer to the Commissioners for Sick and Wounded in the late war. Concerning his accounts, 1712, March 25, to 1715, April 10, when the said office was incorporated in the navy. Ibid.
June 30 J. Scrope to Customs Commissioners. Enclosing letter of James Stear, Commander of the “Walker,” sloop, Weymouth, concerning a smuggling vessel from Ostend. Letter Book XIX. p. 175.
Same to the Excise Commissioners, Scotland. Concerning the suit against Wm. Murray, senior, of Ochtertyre, et at. sureties of James Freebairn. North Britain Book X. p. 464.