Warrants, Letters, etc.: 1733, January-March

Pages 423-436

Calendar of Treasury Books and Papers, Volume 2, 1731-1734. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1898.

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1733, January–March

Warrants, Orders, Letters. Memorials, Reports, and Entries of minor importance.
Date. Description of Document or Entry. Substance of Document or Entry. Reference.
July 27
Royal warrant Determining and cancelling the Duke of Dorset's salary of 1,500l. per annum as Constable of Dover Castle and Warden of the Cinque Ports and his annuity of 1,100l. per annum. King's Warrant Book XXX. p. 494.
Jan. 1
Duke of Newcastle to the Treasury. Craving 1,000l. for the expenses of the messengers sent abroad. 1 page. Treasury Board Papers CCLXXXI. No. 1.
J. Scrope to Mr. Stainforth - Forwarding (a) as below. 1 page -
Appending:—(a.) Affidavit by Francis Barlow as to Crown lands in Middlethorpe and Dringhouses, co. York, 1731, November 15, with plan of the said lands. In duplicate. 7 pages.
(b.) Report, dated 1731, August 23, by Dr. Exton Sayer on the petition (c) of Francis Barlow on behalf of John Hood, infant. 2½ pages.
(c.) Barlow's petition referred to, with reference dated 1730–1, March 2. 1½ pages.
Ibid, No. 2.
Same to the Customs Commissioners. Concerning baggage of Wm. Finch, Envoy, &c. to the States General, now setting out for Holland. Letter Book XIX. p. 135.
Jan. 2 Edw. Walpole to the Commisssioners. of Revenue, Ireland. Recommending for promotion Jeremiah Symes, of Middleton, Wexford, a riding surveyor. Irish Book VIII. p. 440
Petition of George Naldrett, Sheriff of Sussex, to the Treasury. Concerning the escape of John Stephenson from Sussex County Gaol. Reference Book IX. p. 473.
Jan. 4 J. Scrope to the Barons of the Exchequer, Scotland. Concerning the petition of the Marischall University, Aberdeen, for a farm of the feus of the Crown in the counties of Aberdeen and Kincardine. North Britain Book X. p. 344.
Jan. 4 Treasury warrant to Surveyor General of Crown Lands. To send for a particular of a messuage in Pall Mall, of which Thos. Flower prays a lease.
Prefixing: — Phil. Gybbon's report of 1726–7, February 10, on Flower's petition.
Crown Lease Book II. pp. 447–8.
Same to same To send for same of a house in King Street, of which James Jones prays a lease.
Prefixing:—Same of same of same date.
Ibid, pp. 449–51.
Same to the Auditor of the Receipt. For the distribution and application of the revenue of the Aggregate Fund, 1732, Christmas quarter.
Prefixing:—Statement of said fund.
Money Book XXXVI. pp. 449–50.
Same to same - For same of General Fund. Same quarter.
Ibid, pp. 439–40.
The Commissioners of Customs, London, to the Treasury. Enclosing three accounts (missing of all causes relating to the Customs revenue tried 1729–32, Michaelmas. 1 page. Treasury Board Papers CCLXXXI. No. 6.
Treasury warrant to Auditor of Receipt. To make forth and register 60,000l. in Exchequer bills on salt to complete the credit thereupon. Money Book XXXVI. p. 380.
Jan. 5 Petition of Lieutenant General Wade to the Treasury. For stay of excise prosecution of the officers in Scotland for brewing beer for the soldiers, there being no other drink there but brandy and spirits. North Britain Book X. p. 348.
J. Scrope to Customs Commissioners. Concerning some goods expected by Mr. Dodington from abroad. Letter Book XIX. p. 135.
Jan. 8 Petition to the Treasury from Wm. Steuart. For 943l. 7s. 1d. for fees and incidents, 1732, as Paymaster of Pensions. Reference Book IX. p. 473.
Memorial of Augustus Schutz to the Treasury. For the allowance of the expense, detailed, of the Office of the Robes for 1732, Christmas quarter. Total, 874l. 13s. 5d. with “particulars to whom court mourning are paid.” 2 pages. Treasury Board Papers CCLXXXI. No. 7.
Jan. 9.]
Petition to Sir Robert Walpole from Joseph Woollam, formerly a constable in the neighbourhood of White chapel. Concerning a vexatious suit raised by Thos. and Catherine Jones, concerned in a tumult of disaffected persons in Whitechapel, 1719. 1 page.
—(a.) Release of Jones to Woollam. 1 page.
(b), (c), (d), three extracts of proceedings against Woollam. 3 pages.
(e.) Jones's affidavit. 1 page.
Ibid, No. 8.
Jan. 9 Treasury warrant to Edward Harley, an Auditor of Imprests. To pass Robert Byng's final account as Receiver of the Rights and Perquisites of Admiralty.
Prefixing:—Said account.
Warrants not relating to money XXIV. p. 510–3.
Royal warrants to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland. To exempt from the 4s. per £ tax the Earl of Effingham and Brigadier General Moyle as colonels of regiments in Ireland. Irish Book VIII. pp. 440–2.
Petition to the Treasury from James Peirce, et al. Concerning their surety for Hugh Arbuthnot, intestate, indebted to the Crown. Reference Book IX. p. 474.
J. Scrope to John Watson Concerning the management of the Derwentwater estate. “It will be prudent and safe for you to negotiate your money affairs with regard to your office by the Bank of England.” Letter Book XIX. pp. 137–8.
Jan. 9 Statement, certified by Anth. Norman, Custom House, Edinburgh. Of the net produce of the duties on tobacco imported into Scotland, 1724, September 29, to 1731, September 29. 1 sheet. Treasury Board Papers CCLXXXI. No. 9.
The Commissioners of Trade to the Treasury. Forwarding accounts of the incidental charges of the Office of Trade, 1732, Christmas quarter. 1 page.
— (a.) Said accounts. 7 pages.
Ibid, No. 10.
Jan. 10 Petition to the Treasury from John Clayton, Attorney General in Virginia. For increase of salary Reference Book IX. p. 474.
Jan. 11 Same to same from John Gregory, et al. For leave to make post entries of brandy and rum above proof. Ibid, p. 475.
Memorial to same from Nicholas Paxton. For 2,000l. to pay the clerks in courts' bills in all His Majesty's causes for 1732, and the expenses of the Charitable Corporation. 1 page. Treasury Board Papers CCLXXXI. No. 11.
Royal warrant to Thos. Foley, an Auditor of Imprests. To allow 4,658l. 4s. to the Earl of Wilmington for rewards and charges and 253l. 3s. 2d. for fees on his final accounts as Paymaster General of the Forces. King's Warrant Book XXXI. pp. 10–3.
Jan. 15 Petition to the Treasury from Sir John Thompson, et al. For a noli prosequi to the information for not duly navigating the “Clement.” Reference Book IX. p. 475.
Jan. 16 Treasury warrant to the Clerk of the Pipe or his deputy. For a lease of one-third part of the escheated estate of John Blandford, Essex, to three sisters of said Blandford.
Prefixing:— Constat of the premises, in Latin, rated by T. Walker
Crown Lease Book II. pp. 451–4.
Surrender by Robert Byng, in the form of letters patent. Of his office of Receiver General of the Rights and Perquisites of Admiralty. Warrants not relating to money XXIV. pp. 513–4.
Petition to the Treasury from Francis Stevens, hosier. Concerning his surety for Thos. Kennedy, late collector, Exeter port. Reference Book XIX. p. 475.
Same to same from Rice Vaughan, a collector of Excise, late of Wales, Middle Collection. Concerning remittances to London lost bills drawn by Wm. Stanier and Thos. Jones, woollen drapers in Salop, on Richard Prestland, their partner in London, who absconded. Ibid, p. 474; Treasury Board Papers CCLXXXI. No. 11.*
Jan. 17 Same to same from Samuel Artis. Concerning his bond for Wm. Pacey, late receiver general for part of Norfolk. Affairs of Taxes IV. p. 14.
Same to same from Edmund Rolfe and John Bagge. Concerning their bond for Wm. Allen, late same. Ibid, p. 15.
An account certified by R. Parsons, Controller General, Custom House, London. Of the gross receipt, payments, and net produce of the duties on tobacco, Christmas, 1724, to Christmas, 1731. 1 sheet. Treasury Board Papers CCLXXXI. No. 12.
Jan. 18 Petition to the Treasury from Nicholas Pollexfen. Concerning the estate of his grandmother-in-law, the late Dowager Lady Coleraine. Reference Book IX. p. 475.
Jan. 19 J. Scrope to the Taxes Commissioners. Concerning Thos. Albert's debt to the Crown as receiver of land tax, co. Worcester. Letter Book XIX. p. 140.
Jan. 22 Memorial to the Treasury by Francis Whitworth, Surveyor General of Woods. Concerning estimates for repairs at Hampton Court House Park, and Greenwich Park, and other demands. 2½ pages. Treasury Board Papers CCLXXXI. No. 14.
Jan. 23 Treasury warrant to King's Remembrancer or his deputy. For stay of process against Wm. Pacey's sureties. Prefixing:—Taxes Commissioners' report. Affairs of Taxes IV. p. 16.
Same to same - For transmitting said Pacey's bond to Ireland to proceed against his estate there.
Prefixing:—Samuel Artis's petition with the Attorney General's report thereon.
Ibid, pp. 17–8.
Same to same - - For a particular of the extended estate of Wm. Allen. Ibid, p. 18.
Same to Thos. Foley, an Auditor of Imprests. To allow 943l. 7s. 1d. to Wm. Steuart for incidents in his account as Paymaster of Pensions, 1732. Warrants not relating to money XXIV. p. 515.
[Jan. 23?] C. Tilson to the Customs Commissioners. To pass the baggage of the Elector Palatine's minister on his arrival. Customs Book XIII. p. 359.
Treasury warrant to same - To alter the allowances to weighing porters, London port.
Prefixing:—Commissioners' proposition for same
Jan. 24 Petition to the Treasury from John Duke of Montagu. For extension of lease to 50 years of certain pieces of ground in the Privy Garden. Crown Lease Book II. p. 455.
Same to same from Frances, widow of Rev. Philip Egerton. For a lease of the hundred of Broxton, Chester held by her late husband from the Crown. Reference Book IX. p. 476.
Same to same from John Glegg. For same of the hundred of Wirral - Ibid.
Same to same from Thos. Ingoldsby. For a lease of the site of the manor of Ingoldsby, called Ingoldsby Hall. Ibid.
Same to same from Edward Jackson, Deputy Ranger of Richmond New Park. Concerning works and repairs needed in park. Ibid.
J. Scrope to the Taxes Commissioners. For accounts of (a) arrears of house duty at Christmas last, with receivers' names, &c.; (b.) Same of land taxes. Letter Book XIX. p. 141.
Same to Auditor of Receipt - For a new plate for Exchequer bills on malt, 1733, the present plate being worn out. Ibid.
Jan. 25 Petition to the Treasury from Thos. Stone, yeoman. Concerning the action against him for tithe of land at Shepperton, part of the manor of Halliford (“Hollingford,”) and held of the Crown. Reference Book IX. p. 476.
Same to same from William Cramlington. For stay of prosecution for smuggling Ibid, p. 477.
Jan. 26 Royal warrant to the Earl of Wilmington. To pay to the present Paymaster of the Forces 171l. 17s. 5d. arrear of pay due to tho late James Bruce as a Comptroller of Army Accounts. King's Warrant Book XXXI. p. 18.
J. Scrope to the Customs Commissioners. Concerning the Venetian Ambassador's luggage, lately arrived. Letter Book XIX. p. 141.
Jan. 27 Petition to Sir Robert Walpole from Abram Frecker, dated from Gosport. Proposing to greatly improve and preserve New Forest on grant of the office of “weederer and planter.” 1 page. Treasury Board Papers CCLXXXI. No. 15.
Jan. 29]
Detailed statement by Joseph Ashton, Deputy Warden of the Mint. Of expenses in prosecutions of false coiners, &c. 1731–2, January, to 1732, Christmas, with Treasury order for payment of same, dated January 29, and Ashton's receipt, dated February 9. 11 pages. Treasury Board Papers CCLXXXI. No. 16.
Jan. 29 Treasury warrant to John Conduitt and the Auditors of Imprests. Allowing 373l. 9s. 4d. the account of Joseph Ashton, deputy under Sir Andrew Fountain, Warden of the Mint, for prosecutions of coiners, 1732. Warrants not relating to money XXV. pp. 1–10.
Jan. 31 Petition to the Treasury from John Fletcher. For allowances on land taxes and house duties for 1727–30, as Receiver General for Cumberland and Westmorland. Affairs of Taxes IV. p. 15.
Same to same from Wm. Carter. Concerning estate of Henry Nash, late Receiver General for Suffolk. Ibid, p. 19.
Same to same from Mary Kirshaw. Concerning her late husband's bond for Charles Wilkinson, late same for York. Ibid.
Treasury warrant to King's Remembrancer or his deputy. For stay of process against Wm. Freke, et al. sureties of John Shermer. Ibid.
J. Scrope to the Salt Commissioners. For an account of the salt duties since their revival to Christmas last. Letter Book XIX. p. 142.
Jan. — Royal sign manual to the Attorney General. To discharge the baronet fee of Sir Gilbert Heathcote, alderman of London. King's Warrant Book XXXI p. 21.
Feb. 1 Petition to the Treasury from George Clarke. For extension of lease of three houses in Pall Mall. Crown Lease Book II. p. 455.
Feb. 1]
Statement of account On money annually given for half-pay to sea officers between 1712–3, January 1, and 1732, December 31. 1 sheet. Treasury Board Papers CCLXXXI. No. 17.
Feb. 2 Treasury warrant to Customs Commissioners. To liberate, conditionally, Francis Stevens, a surety of Thos. Kennedy, late collector of Exeter. Prefixing:—Said Commissioners' report. Customs Book XIII. p. 374.
Memorial to the Treasury from the officers of Bere Forest, Southampton. Concerning repairs to the lodge house in the West Walk there. Reference Book IX. p. 477.
J. Scrope to the officers of the Mint. Concerning the Copper Mines Company's memorial as to supplying the Mint with copper. Letter Book XIX. p. 142.
Feb. 3 Certificate by Thos. Sanderson, Deputy Receiver in the Alienation Office. Of the receipts, payments, and remains in said office for three months ending January 31 last. 1 page. Treasury Board Papers CCLXXXI. No. 18.
Feb. 4 Petition to the Treasury from Mary Castle and nine others. For proclamation reward for arrest of Wm. Swift for robbery in St. James's, Clerkenwell. Reference Book IX. p. 477.
Same to same from Symbal Conyers and 11 others. For same for same of John James, alias Eaton, alias John the Grinder, Thos. Piggot, and Mathew Flood, for robberies. Ibid.
Feb. 5 Treasury warrant to Customs Commissioners. To discharge the ship “Clement,” John Russell, master, from St. Petersburg, and cargo, under seizure under the Act of Navigation. Customs Book XIII. pp. 272–3.
Feb. 6 Report to the Treasury by Nicholas Paxton. On the petition of George Gerrard, concerning a debt due from John Gover, late of Castle Cary, Somerset. 2 pages.
—(a.) Said petition, with reference, dated 1732, June 28, 1page.
(b.) Certificate of Gover's outlawry. 1 page.
(c.) Gerard's affidavit. 1 page.
(d.) Same of James Willis of Ringwood, Southampton. 1 page.
Treasury Board Papers CCLXXXI. No. 19.
Feb. 7 Representation to same from George Wright, deputy to late Mr. Auditor Godolphin. Concerning certain businesses and accounts in the office of said Godolphin requiring despatch. 1 page. Ibid, No. 20.
J. Scrope to Auditor Harley. Concerning Lewis Elstob's accounts as agent for part of the Forfeited Estates. Letter Book XIX. p. 143.
Same to the Comptrollers of Army Accounts. With two lists of Thos. Missing of men victualled at Gibraltar. Ibid, p. 144.
Same to Mr. Paxton - - To attend the Attorney General concerning surveys of manors, &c. part of the joynture of the late Queen Dowager. Ibid, p. 146.
Feb. 8 Petition to the Treasury from Sir Richard Lane. Concerning proceedings against his son Richard, Receiver General for Worcestershire, for 6,755l. arising from the failure of Messrs. Jenkins, bankers. Affairs of Taxes IV. p. 20.
Same to same from Col. Joshua Guest. For 858l. 0s. 11d. for incidents, 1732, as Barrack Master General in North Britain. North Britain Book X. p. 367.
Same to same from Rice Vaughan and his securities. For stay of process on Excise money lost by Priestland's bills of exchange. Reference Book X. p. 1.
Same to same from Henry Wilkes. To have his bond, for being engaged in smuggling, vacated. Ibid.
Feb. 8
and 9
Papers of accounts, certified by John Oxenford, Assistant Inspector General Custom House, London. (a.) Gross and net produce of the subsidies, &c. on coffee, 1716–31, Christmas. 2 sheets.
(b.) Same of same on cocoa-nuts, same date. 2 sheets.
(c.) Same of same on tea, 1716–24, Christmas. 1 sheet.
Treasury Board Papers CCLXXXI. No. 21.
Feb. 9 Petition to the Treasury from Wm. Heathcote. For extension of lease of lands and pastures in Melsa, alias Meaux, county Yorks. Crown Lease Book II. p. 455.
J. Scrope to Salt Commissioners. For a list of persons under their employ, and an account of the whole charge of the management and incidents of that revenue, 1721, Michaelmas, to 1732, Michaelmas. Letter Book XIX. p. 144.
Same to Customs Commissioners and Excise Commissioners. For similar list and account Ibid, p. 145.
Feb. 10 Same to Excise Commissioners, Scotland. For accounts of (a.) Excise revenues and drawbacks on bounties or allowances, 1716–32; (b.) value of seizures same period; (c.) quantity of tea, coffee, cocoa-nut, and chocolate duties from commencement to 1732. North Britain Book X. p. 367.
Same to same - For same of persons employed in the Excise revenue, Scotland, and whole charge of management and incidents of same, 1721–32. Ibid.
Feb. 10 J. Scrope to Customs Commissioners, Scotland. For list of persons employed in Customs revenue, and charge of management and incidents for England and Scotland respectively, same period. North Britain Book X. p. 368.
Edward Bangbam, deputy to Auditor Edward Harley [to John Scrope?]. Giving an account of the progress made with the accompts of Lewis Elstob as agent for part of the Forfeited Estates.
Endorsed:—“The account to be prosecuted with all expedition,” and Minuted as under, 1735, June 26. 2 pages.
Treasury Board Papers CCLXXXI. No. 22.
Feb. 12 Report to the Treasury from John Conduitt, Richard Morgan, Deputy Warden, and Charles Smith, Deputy Comptroller of the Mint. On the memorial from the Company of Copper Miners concerning their contract of 1729 for supply of copper to the Mint.
Minuted:—If the Mint officers state that this company should have the preference “my lords will agree with them; if not, they will advertise as usual.”
Together with copy of advertisement of 1732–3, February, for a fresh contract for copper for the Mint. 4 pages.
—(a.) Said memorial, dated 1732–3, January 9. 1 page.
Ibid, No. 24.
Feb. 13]
Memorial to same from Samuel Calverley. In behalf of John Hawes, rector of Berwick, Sussex, cousin german and nearest relative to the late Admiral Francis Hosier, and a claimant for his estate, against a person who claims to be the widow of the said Admiral. 1 page. Ibid, No. 25.
Feb. 13 Petition to the Treasury from Henry McCulloch and David Kitcherill. Concerning duties on hops housed in the warehouse. Reference Book X. p. 1.
Royal sign manual to the Attorney General. To discharge Sir John Heathcote, Bart. of the baronet fee for the dignity conferred on his father, Sir Gilbert Heathcote. King's Warrant Book XXXI. p. 30.
Report to the Treasury from Nicholas Paxton. On the petition of Cudworth Bruch, of Wallingford, Berks, apothecary, and Peter Shenton, of same, draper, concerning the charge of unlawfully imprisoning Jane, wife of Daniel Atkins. 4 pages.
—Said petition, with reference, dated 1732–3, February 9. 2 pages.
Treasury Board Papers CCLXXXI. No. 26.
Feb. 14]
Statements of account, undated and uncertified. (a.) Accounts of services incurred, anno 1732, and not provided for by Parliament. 1 page.
(b.) Same of payments made out of contingencies to Mr. John Gilman, contractor for victualling the forces at Minorca. 1 page.
Ibid, No. 27.
Feb. 14 Treasury warrant to Edward Harley. To allow 440l. 17s. 8d. to Henry Selwyn, in his accounts as Receiver General of Customs for fees on 1,580, 245l. 14s.d. paid into the Exchequer, 1732. Warrants not relating to money XXIV. pp. 516–8.
Same to Francis Whitworth, Surveyor General of Woods. To execute works in Old Windsor Wood and Windsor Forest, left unexecuted by Wither. Ibid, p. 519.
Same to same For works in Greenwich Park to be paid out of wood sales. Ibid, XXV. pp. 10–12.
Same to same For same of works in Hampton Court House Park. Ibid, p. 12.
Feb. 14 John Conduitt to the Treasury Inclosing the report (wanting) of the King's Deputy Remembrancer upon Conduitt's additional securities as Master and Worker of the Mint. Prays that said Remembrancer's fees of 6s. 8d. per 100l. may be limited to 30l. as in the case of Customs receivers. 1 page. Treasury Board Papers CCLXXXI. No. 28.
Feb. 15 J. Scrope to the Auditor of the Receipt. For an account of moneys remaining in the Exchequer of the produce of the Sinking Fund disposable by Parliament. Letter Book XIX. p. 146.
Same to the Commissioners of Customs and Commissioners of Excise. Concerning the form of the accounts required as to foreign brandies and low wines. Ibid, p. 147.
Feb. 16 Statements (a. and b.) dated Hawkers and Pedlars' Office, and certified by W. Luke and C. Wyvill. (a.) List of the persons, with their employments and salaries, concerned in the collection of the revenue under the Commissioners for Hawkers and Pedlars. 1 page.
(b.) Account of salaries, incidents, and whole charges of management of said revenue, from 1721–32, Michaelmas. 1 page.
Treasury Board Papers CCLXXXI. No. 29.
Similar statement, dated Hackney Coach Office. Of persons employed in the revenue under the Commissioners for Licensing Hackney Coaches, and of whole charge of management and incidents for above period. 2 sheets. Ibid, No. 30.
Feb. 17 Petition to the Treasury from Theophilus Lane. For allowance on land tax and house duties, 1724–30, as Receiver General of Brecon. Affairs of Taxes IV. p. 20.
Same to same from Benjamin Wall. Concerning his bond for Jonathan Smart, late receiver for Hertford. Ibid.
The Commissioners of Excise, London, to the Treasury. 1 page. Enclosing (a) accounts of the gross and net produce of the Excise revenues, England, with an account of money paid on drawbacks on exportation or other allowances from 1716 to 1732, June 24. 16 sheets. Treasury Board Papers CCLXXXI. No. 32.
Feb. 19 Royal warrant to the Attorney General. For stay of process against Cudworth Bruch and Peter Shenton for imprisoning wife of Daniel Atkins. King's Warrant Book XXXI. p. 35.
Petition to the Treasury from Elizabeth, widow of Joshua Hayward. Concerning proceedings rising out of a debt to Benjamin Blundell, late Receiver General of Land Tax for co. Leicester. Affairs of Taxes IV. p. 20–1.
Feb. 21 Same to same from Cuthbert Constable, alias Tunstal, of Burton Constable, in Holderness, York. Concerning his interest as residuary legatee of Lady Mary Radcliffe, of Durham, deceased, sister to Edward Earl of Derwentwater. Reference Book IX. p. 477.
Feb. 22. Same to same from John Eyre, smuggler. For release - Reference Book X. p. 2.
Report from the Barons of the Exchequer, Scotland, to the Treasury. On the petition of Andrew Burn, minister at Anstruther Wester, Fife. 2½ pages.
—(a.) Said petition concerning decay of fishing, &c. with reference dated 1732, October 6. 1½ pages. (b.) Extract from the proceedings of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland, Edinburgh, 1732, May 12. 1½ pages.
Treasury Board Papers CCLXXXI. No. 34.
Feb. 22 Report from the Barons of the Exchequer, Scotland, to the Treasury. On the warrant for conveying to George Murray, M.D. ¾ths of the lands of Pitkeathly, sheriffdom of Perth, upon the resignation of Lawrence Oliphant, &c. 1 page. Treasury Board Papers CCLXXXI. No. 35.
Same from same to same - On the representation of the Moderator and Remanent Members of the Presbytery of Dundee on behalf of the ministers of of Abernyte and Benvie within that Presbytery. 2 pages.
—Said representation. 3 pages.
Ibid, No. 36.
Same to same from same Concerning the warrant for the grant to Sir James Campbell, of Ardkinglass, the lands of Gargunnock, and others in the sheriffdom of Stirling and Argyll, on his resignation and that of Lord Elphinstone and others. 1 page. Ibid, No. 37.
Feb. 23 Petition to the Treasury from Susannah Slater. Concerning damage to the lodge near the ring in Hyde Park, inhabited by her ancestor for 100 years, caused by the inundations of the great basin lately made there. Reference Book IX. p. 477.
Same to same from Thos. Kennedy, late collector of Customs at Exeter. For release from imprisonment on composition. Reference Book X. p. 2.
Feb. 26 The Commissioners of Excise, London, to the Lords of the Treasury. Forwarding an account of the quantity of tea, coffee, cocoa nuts, and chocolate, with the amount of the duties received and charges of collecting, 1724 to 1732, Midsummer. 1 page.
—Said account. 1 sheet.
Treasury Board Papers CCLXXXI. No. 39.
Feb. 27 Petition to the Treasury from Wm. Cheshire, of Liverpool. Concerning his surety for Thos. Devias, of Liverpool, merchant. Reference Book X. p. 3.
E. Walpole to the Customs Commissioners. For an account of the imports and exports of silk, flax, and pott ashes, from 1727, from Italy, France, Russia, and the East. Letter Book XIX. p. 147.
J. Scrope to same - For Arthur Russell to have superannuation allowance from the day he was succeeded by Peter Nicholas as waiter and searcher at Mostyn and Flint. Ibid.
[Before Feb. 28.] Petition to Sir Robert Walpole from Mary Joly de Chadignac and 12 other Huguenots. Praying a renewal of the bounty, in all 240l. which they received by royal warrant of 1731–2, February 28, they being in great distress and necessity. 1 page. Treasury Board Papers CCLXXXI. No. 42.
Feb. 28 J. Scrope to Customs Commissioners. To pass the baggage of Monsr. Von Johnn, Resident from the King of Denmark, and just now arrived here. Customs Book XIII. p. 376.
[After March 1.] Representation [? to the Treasury] of Thos. and Wm. Corbett. For salaries for their places of secretary and paymaster of pensions to the widows of sea officers. 1 page.
—Note of resolutions at a court of assistants for managing the charity for navy officers' widows. 1 page.
Treasury Board Papers CCLXXXII. No. 1.
March 2 Treasury warrant [to the Stamp Commissioners]. Allowing the table of rates and prices for parchment and paper, as detailed on a printed list, ibid, for the year 1733. Warrants not relating to money XXV. p. 14.
J. Scrope to Robert Parsons, Comproller General of Customs. Concerning items in the account of tobacco duty receipts, &c. 1724, to Christmas, 1731. Letter Book XIX. p. 148.
March 3 Petition to the Treasury from Edmund Rolfe and John Bagg. Concerning their bond for Wm. Allen, late Receiver General of part of Norfolk. Affair8 of Taxes IV. p. 21.
J. Scrope to the Auditor of the Receipt. For an account of money remaining in the Exchequer on arrears of former land taxes. Letter Book XIX. p. 149.
March 5 Royal warrant to the Attorney General. For George Gerard to receive from the Sheriff of Somerset moneys received on an outlawry of John Gover. King's Warrant Book XXXI. pp. 46–7.
March 6 Treasury warrant for execution of a Lord Chamberlain's warrant. For furniture for keepers of the Council Chamber, to cost 36l. 10s. Lord Chambeilain's Warrant Book I. p. 419.
Edw. Walpole to the Customs Commissioners. With leave of absence to William Richards, a deputy King's waiter, London. Customs Book XIII. p. 376.
Treasury warrant to the King's Remembrancer or his deputy. For stay of process against Mary, widow of Samuel Kershaw, surety for Charles Wilkinson. Affairs of Taxes IV. p. 22.
Same to same - For same against Wm. Carter, surety for Henry Nash. Ibid, p. 23.
Same to same - For same against Benjamin Ball, a surety of Jonathan Smart. Ibid, p. 24.
Same to same To advertise an extended estate of Wm. Allen, late Receiver General for part of Norfolk. Ibid, p. 25.
Same to Surveyor General of Crown Lands. For a particular of three messuages in Pall Mall, of which George Clarke desires extension of lease.
Prefixing:—Surveyor General's report on Clarke's petition.
Crown Lease Book II. p. 456.
Same to same - For same of a messuage in Piccadilly, of which Daniel French prays a new lease.
Prefixing:—As above.
Ibid, pp. 457–8.
Same to Excise Commissioners. To permit John Gregory and others to reduce brandy and rum to proof. Warrants not relating to money XXV. p. 15.
Same to the Surveyor General of Woods. To defray the charges of repairs, &c. detailed, in Windsor Forest and Great Park. Ibid, pp. 16–8.
March 7 Petition to the Treasury from Thos. Billings. Concerning his bond for Charles Wilkinson. Affairs of Taxes IV. p. 21.
Same to same from Richard Hall. For a contract with the Post Office as Agent of the Pacquet boats between Dover, Ostend, and Calais. Reference Book X. p. 2.
Royal warrant to the Treasury and Treasury warrant to Francis Whitworth, Surveyor General of Woods. To raise 1,300l. by wood sales out of Wychwood, Bere, and Alice Holt Forests, for repairs in Hampton Court House Park and Greenwich Park, &c. King's Warrant Book XXXI. pp. 47–9.
March 8 Treasury warrant to the King's Remembrancer or his deputy. To stay process against Richard Lane, Receiver General of Worcestershire. Affairs of Taxes IV. p. 25.
Same to same - For same against Edmund Rolfe and John Bagge, sureties of Wm. Allen. Ibid, p. 26.
Same to Surveyor General of Crown Lands. For a constat or particular of certain woodlands, called St. John's Wood, Chipping Wycombe parish, Bucks, of which Wm. Town and three others pray a new lease.
Prefixing:—Surveyor General's report on the petition of Town, et al.
Crown Lease Book II. pp. 463–4.
Petition to the Treasury from the Earl of Oxford, guardian of Thos. Duke of Leeds. For a reversionary lease, in trust for said duke, of lands, detailed, in Deptford, East Peckham, East Farleigh, Southwark, Richmond, Bexhill, Sussex, Beds, Cheshire, and Yorks. Ibid, p. 455.
Same to same from Samuel Cousens, smuggler. For release from the sheriff's ward, Dorset. Reference Book X. p. 3.
J. Scrope to the Attorney and Solicitor General. Concerning the manner of passing grants to purchasers of French lands in St. Christopher. Letter Book XIX. p. 149.
Same to Mr. Paxton - - As to same - - - Ibid.
Same to Customs Commissioners. For an account of the receipts, &c. on the duties on tobacco for seven years to 1731, Christmas. Ibid.
Same to the Comptrollers of Army Accounts. With Missing's list of men victualled at Gibraltar, 1732–3, January 8, to February 4. Ibid, p. 150.
March 9 Petition to the Treasury from Henry Fox. Proposing sureties as Receiver General, along with Richard Bateman, of His Majesty's land revenues in South Wales. Reference Book X. p. 2.
March 12 Report from the Commissioners for Taxes to the Treasury. On the petition of Eleanor, widow of Joshua Hayward. 4 pages.
—(a.) Said petition, with order of reference, dated 1732–3, February 19. 1½ pages.
Treasury Board Papers CCLXXXII. No. 3.
March 13 Petition to the Treasury from Wm. Tower, owner of the “Union.” Concerning forfeiture of his plantation bond in case of sale of some worthless tobacco saved on the stranding of his vessel on the French coast. Reference Book X. p. 3.
March 14 Certificate by Thos. Sanderson, deputy receiver in the Alienation Office. Of the receipts, payments, and remains in said office for 1732–3, February. 1 page. Treasury Board Papers CCLXXXII. No. 4.
March 16 J. Scrope to the Auditor of the Receipt. For a state of the National Debt, provided or unprovided for by Parliament, as it stood 1731, December 31, and 1732, December 31. Letter Book XIX. p. 152
Same to the Auditor of the Receipt. To examine two bills of Lord Leicester's for safe keeping prisoners in the Tower, as Constable of the Tower. Ibid.
March 17 Petition to the Treasury from Samuel Edwards. For extension of lease of lands and premises in Duke Street, Westminster. Crown Lease Book II. p. 455.
Petition to the Treasury from Francis Harrison. For stay of prosecution for using false stamps and raising a mob against the Excise and peace officers. Reference Book X. p. 3.
Same to same from Thos. Allen and Samuel Browne, of King's Lynn, merchants. Concerning salt bought at Dysart in the interim of the taking off the salt duties and delivered after their revival. Ibid,pp. 4–5.
March 19 J. Scrope to the Auditor of the Receipt. For engraving a new plate for Exchequer bills on land tax for 1733. Letter Book XIX. p. 152.
Same to Gilbert Fleming For an account of proceedings had by him in selling the French lands in St. Christopher. Ibid, p. 153.
Petition to the Treasury from the Duke of Somerset. With plans, &c. for rebuilding the fallen lodge nearest to Kingston Bridge, belonging to Hampton Court little park. Reference Book X. p. 4.
March 20 Treasury warrant to the Surveyor General of Crown Lands. For a particular or constat of mines in Carmarthenshire, of which the Duke of Bolton prays a lease.
Prefixing:—Surveyor General's report on the duke's petition.
Crown Lease Book X. p. 465.
Same to same For same of the site of the manor of Wiscot, in Barrow, and other lands in co. Lincoln, of which Edmund Lamb prays a reversionary lease.
Prefixing:—As above.
Ibid, pp. 466–7.
Same to same - For same of five houses fronting Broad St. Giles's and High Holborn, of which Edward Owen prays a new lease.
Prefixing:—As above.
Ibid, pp. 467–9.
Same to same - For same of a piece of ground in Jermyn Street, St. James's, of which Ann Bowes prays a reversionary lease.
Prefixing: —As above.
Ibid pp. 469–70.
Same to the Clerk of the Pipe or his deputy. For a lease of a messuage in Piccadilly to Thos. Norton, of the Six Clerks Office, London.
Prefixing:—Constat of the premises rated by Ed. Sayer, 1731, July 3.
Ibid, pp. 471–4.
Same to the Auditor and other officers of the Receipt. To innovate lost tallies in the names of Launcelot Burton and Wm. Dawson. Warrants not relating to money XXV. p. 19.
Same to same - For a new debenture for paying the Duke of Newcastle 100l. in lieu of one lost for one quarter's patent salary.
Prefixing:—Affidavit by Daniel Prevereau, of the Duke of Newcastle's office, of the loss of the debenture.
Ibid, p. 21.
Same to Excise Commissioners. To release on bail John Eyre, in the Fleet for running brandy. Ibid, pp. 21–2.
Same to the King's Remembrancer in the Exchequer. To take Henry Fox's security as Receiver of South Wales.
Prefixing:—Report on sufficiency of same by C. Taylor, deputy King's Remembrancer.
Ibid pp. 22–3.
March 21 Mark Frecker to the Customs Commissioners. To pass the baggage of Baron Bunau, Envoy Extraordinary from the Elector of Saxony. Customs Book XIII. p. 377.
Petition to the Treasury from John Wyatt, Richard Bankes, and Wm. Wigan. For expenses incurred under their commission from the Prerogative Court to take an inventory of goods, &c. of Richard Norton, of Southwick, Hampshire. Reference Book X. p. 4.
Same to same from Edward Hill. For payment of money recovered on the outlawry of Mordecai Dalmeid. Ibid.
March 21 Petition to the Treasury from Wm. Townshend. For 119l. 11s.d. for necessaries supplied to the Exchequer Bill Office. Reference Book X. p. 4.
J. Scrope to the Board of Ordnance. For an account of the disposition, &c. of lands, &c. purchased at Portsmouth, Chatham and Harwich for fortification purposes, in accordance with Acts of 7 & 8 Anne. Letter Book XIX. p. 153.
Same to Surveyor General of Crown Lands. For account as to same - Ibid.
Same to the Auditor of the Receipt. For an account of payments into the Receipt on the tobacco duties, 1717–32, Christmas. Ibid, p. 154.
Same to Customs Commissioners, Scotland. For an account of quantity of tobacco imports and exports, Scotland, 1721–31. North Britain Book X. p. 373.
Royal signature - For a grant of the lands of Seytown, et al. detailed, to Col. John Middleton of Seytown. Ibid, pp. 374–89.
Same - For same of the lands of Gargunnock Sheriffdom of Sterling, detailed, to Sir James Campbell, of Ardkinglass, Bart. with many remainders specified. Ibid, pp. 390–410
March 22 Treasury warrant to King's Remembrancer or his deputy. To stay proceedings against the Acting Commissioners of Land Tax for part of Norfolk, and Wm. Pacey and Robert Say, late receivers, ibid, and their sureties. Affairs of Taxes IV. p. 27.
Royal warrant to the Earl of Scarborough. Putting the royal stud under his care as Master of the Horse for a year from 1732, October 1. King's Warrant Book XXXI. pp. 53–4.
Treasury warrant to the Auditor and other officers of the Receipt. To take in loans on malt, 1733, at 3 per cent, to the value of 100,000l. to be registered and paid in course after the 580, Exchequer bills already chargeable on same. Money Book XXXVI. pp. 486–7.
Commissioners of Excise, London, to the Treasury. Will to-day lay before the House of Commons an account of the seizures by officers of the Excise within the bills of mortality, 1716–32, Midsummer. 1 page.
— (a.) Said account. 1 large sheet.
Treasury Board Papers CCLXXXII. No. 5.
March 23 J. Scrope to the Board of Works. Concerning the allowance to be made to the Chelsea Waterworks Company for water at Kensington. Letter Book XIX. p. 151.
Petition to the Treasury from George Drummond. For allowance of his account of expenses, detailed, on renewing his commission, dated 1714–5, February 10, as a Commissioner of Excise, Scotland. 2 pages. Treasury Board Papers CCLXXXII. No. 8.
Memorial to same from Augustus Schutz. For 728l. 6s.d. to clear the services of His, Majesty's Robes for 1733, Lady Day quarter, with “particulars to whom court mournings are paid that are for six weeks or a longer time.” 2 pages. Ibid, No. 9.
Statement of account, uncertified. Of the produce of the duty on salt made in Scotland from 1732, March 25. 1 page. Ibid, No. 11.
March 26 Alexander Wilson to John Scrope, dated from Queen St. Westminster. Desiring free importation into Ireland of arms and furniture for regiments of Cols. Thos. Wentwortb, Stephen Cornwallis and Wm. Hargrave. 1 page. Treasury Board Papers CCLXXXII. No. 12.
March 27 J. Scrope to Comptrollers of Army Accounts. With Missing's list of men victualled at Gibraltar, 1732, December 11, to 1732–3, January 7. Letter Book XIX. p. 155.
March 28 Petition to the Treasury from John Stile, of Uxbridge. For an allowance to Benjamin Wright, late of London, merchant, of freight on the ship “Revolution” under seizure. Reference Book X. p. 5.
March 29 Same to same from George Deval and John Mist. Concerning their bond for the appearance of Samuel Bovier for killing Edward Greenway, of London, waterman. Ibid.
The Privy Council, St. James's, to the Treasury. Requesting the issue of the usual allowance of 200l. to the under clerks of the Council for writing letters and orders to the lords lieutenants, sheriffs, and public offices, for one year to Christmas, 1732. Treasury Board Papers CCLXXXII. No. 13.
March 30 Petition to the Treasury from Thos. Missing. For 828l. for victualling 360 men in Placentia and Annapolis Royal, 1732, October 1 to December 31. Reference Book X. p. 6.