Warrants, Letters, etc.: 1733, July-September

Pages 448-455

Calendar of Treasury Books and Papers, Volume 2, 1731-1734. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1898.

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1733, July–September

July 9 Royal warrant to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland. To grant half-pay allowance to Captain James de Montrond, a French Protestant officer who served in Piedmont, under the King of Sardinia. Irish Book IX. p. 7.
July 10 Certificate by Thos. Sanderson, deputy receiver in the Alienation Office. Of the receipts, &c. in said office for month of June last. 1 page. Treasury Board Papers CCLXXXIII. No. 22.
July 10.]
Statement of account, certified by Alexander. Wright, deputy comptroller of said duties. Of the produce of the duties on malt mum, cider, and perry in Scotland, 1726–33, Midsummer. 1 sheet. Ibid, No. 23.
July 12.]
Small booklet of four pages and covers. Containing stock or sale accounts of certain Parliamentary papers. 3 pages. Treasury Board Papers CCLXXXIII. No. 24.
July 24 J. Scrope to Excise Commissioners. To supply subsistence money to Lieutenant General Tatton's and Lord Cadogan's regiments. Letter Book XIX. p. 176.
Same to Customs Commissioners, Scotland. With leave of absence to Anthony Norman, deputy comptroller of Customs, ibid. North Britain Book X. p. 464.
Certificate by same - - Of the abbreviate of the yearly expenses and revenues of the University of Glasgow, 1729–30. Ibid, p. 465.
Petition to the Treasury from Edward Burchet. For extension of lease of a messuage called Brooklands in Surrey. Crown Lease Book III. p. 2.
July 25 J. Scrope to the Comptrollers of Army Accounts. With Missing's lists of men victualled at Gibraltar, 1733, April 30 to May 27. Letter Book XIX. p. 176.
July 26 Petition to the Treasury from Thos. Horton and Elizabeth Rogers. Concerning bonds for Mr. Battishill, prosecuted for privately making starch. Reference Book X. p. 10.
Same to same from Sir Thos. and Elizabeth Bond. For extension of lease of a house in Bury Street, St. James's. Crown Lease Book III. p. 2.
Same to same from James Alexander and Philip Hales. For same of same of a house, ibid - Ibid.
July 28 John Watson, receiver of the Derwentwater estate, to the Treasury: dated from Goswick, near Berwick. Concerning his administration of said estate. 2 pages.
—(a.) George Fleming, dean, and two of the Chapter of Carlisle, to [Watson] concerning the leases of the Dilston and Harbottle tithes held of them. Carlisle, 1733, July 21. 1 page.
(b.) An estimate of certain repairs necessary on the estate. 1 page.
Treasury Board Papers CCLXXXIII. No. 27.
[July 28?] Treasury warrant for the execution of a Lord Chamberlain's warrant. For the provision of trunks, &c. for the Removing Wardrobe, to cost 305l. Lord Chamberlain's warrant. Book I. p. 432.
July 30 Royal warrant to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland. For the Commissioners of Revenue to make good the deficiency of the 4,000l. per annum from wool licences. Irish Book VIII. pp. 449–50.
Treasury warrant to the King's Remembrancer in the Exchequer, &c. To discharge forfeited recognizances of Imbert Soleirol, servant to Count Degenfeld.
Prefixing:—Soleirol's petition.
Warrants not relating to money XXV. pp. 53–4.
Petition to the Treasury from Clifford Wm. Philips. For a lease of a mansion house, &c. in Mile End Old Town, St. Dunstan's, Stepney, formerly belonging to Edward Johnson. Crown Lease Book III. p. 3.
Treasury demise to John Selwyn. Of the manor and advowson, &c. of Ludgershall, Wilts, part of the estate of Thos. Albert, seized to the Crown for debt. Ibid, p. 11.
John Russell, late Consul at Tetuan, to [? Christopher Tilson], dated Woolwich. Concerning his accounts and the allowance he craves. 2 pages. Treasury Board Papers CCLXXXIII. No. 28.
July 31 Report of the Barons of the Exchequer, Scotland, to the Treasury. On the petition of Francis Lord Forbes, by Dorothea Lady Forbes, his mother and guardian, for a dispensation for serving and entering heir during minority, and for a grant of the casualties of ward, now entry, relief, and marriage, with the retour duty that falls due during the non-entry 2 pages.
—(a.) Said petition, with order of reference thereon, dated 1733, June 20. 1 page.
Treasury Board Papers CCLXXXIII. No. 29.
Alured Popple to John Scrope [from the office of the Commissioners for Trade], Whitehall. For 100 copies of the Act of the last session for the better securing and encouraging the trade of the sugar colonies in America. 1 page. Ibid, No. 30.
The Commissioners of Taxes to the Treasury. Concerning the duplicates wanting for the duties on houses in London, Middlesex, and Westminster, in order to the passing of Sir Robert Baylis's accounts of same. 1 page. Ibid, No. 31.
Memorial from Wm. Corbett, for Viscount Torrington, to same. For remission of taxes on officers of the Navy and Victualling Office. 1 page. Ibid, No. 32.
Report from the officers of the Board of Works, Whitehall, to same. On the petition of Fryer Walker for his bill for lighting lamps at the Houses of Parliament. 1 page.
—(a.)Said petition, with order of reference, dated 1733, June 29. 1 page.
(b.) Said bill. 1 page.
Ibid, No. 33.
Petition to the Treasury from John Earl of Loudoun. For extension of lease of his house in Privy Garden, Whitehall. Crown Lease Book III. p. 3.
July 31 [and later] Warrants to the King's Remembrancer or his deputy. To take securities of the various Receivers General, detailed, for land tax and house duties for the various counties, &c. on the report of the Taxes Commissioners. Affairs of Taxes IV. pp. 44, 49–53.
Aug. 1 J. Scrope to Mr. Auditor Farrington. For account of debentures charged on and unanswered by Sir Humphry Howorth. Letter Book XIX. p. 177.
Same to Mr. Basket - - To send to Mr. Popple, Secretary to the Board of Trade, 100 copies of the Act of last session for encouraging the trade of the sugar colonies in America. Ibid.
Aug. 2 Same to the Commissioners for Hackney Coaches. For Thos. Seaber to have the next vacancy of a number for a chair. Ibid.
Aug. 6 Statement of opinion by the Attorney General. On a case submitted concerning the importation of turmerick from the East Indies under the Act of Navigation. 4 pages. Treasury Board Papers CCLXXXIII. No. 35.
Aug. 7 Memorial to the Treasury from Thomas Farrington, Auditor of Wales. Praying the same power of granting leases of cottages, &c. of under 50s. in Wales, as granted to Sidney Godolphin, Esq. late auditor.
Endorsed with minute as under date 1733, August 7, supra, p. 395. 1 page.
:—(a.) Copies of the said authorisation to Godolphin by royal warrant and warrants of the Lord High Treasurer. 1705, August. 2 pages.
Ibid, No. 36.
Aug. 7 J. Scrope to Excise Commissioners. To supply subsistence money to Col. Montagu's regiment of foot quartered at Bristol. Letter Book XIX. p. 178.
Treasury warrant to the Surveyor General of Crown Lands. For a particular, &c. of lands, tolls, heriots, and mines in the lordship of Cantermelenith, co. Radnor, of which Edward Harley prays a lease.
Prefixing:—Surveyor General's report on Harley's petition for same.
Crown Lease Book III. pp. 27–9.
Petition to the Treasury from the Copper Miners' Company, England. For a cutter and two dabs for the delivery of copper to the Mint. Reference Book X. p. 11.
Treasury warrant to Edward Harley, an Auditor of Imprests. To pass the accounts, detailed, of Augustus Schutz, Master of the Robes, for two years ended 1731, June 24. Warrants not relating to money XXV. pp. 56–7.
Aug. 8 Petition to the Treasury from the Keeper of Waltham Forest. For reward for arrest of deer stealers - Reference Book X. p. 11.
Aug. 9 Royal warrant to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland. To place on half-pay as reduced captains of foot, Michael Smith and Hercules Courtenay, and to restore Thos. Wight to half-pay as a cornet of horse. Irish Book VIII. pp. 450–2.
Aug. 10 Same to Wm. Stewart - - For the pension of 200l. per annum to Col. Villiers's children to be paid through the hands of the Earl of Orkney, husband of Lady Orkney, deceased. King's Warrant Book XXXI. p. 140.
Treasury warrant to the Barons of the Exchequer, Scotland. To repair Holyrood Palace, applying thereto 3,000l. out of the fines in Excise. North Britain Book X. pp. 480–1.
Duke of Newcastle to the Treasury, from Hampton Court. Concerning the allowance to Joseph Day for his employment concerning the demolition of Dunkirk. 2 pages. Treasury Board Papers CCLXXXIII. No. 40.
Statement certified by Antho. Norman, Assistant Comptroller General, Salt Office, Edinburgh. Of debts due to the king from the several late collectors of the old duty on Scotch salt on the 24th June 1733. 1 page. Ibid, No. 41.
Aug. 11 J. Scrope to Mr. Watson - Concerning the management of the Derwentwater estate. Letter Book XIX. pp. 179–80.
Aug. 14 Treasury warrant to the Master of the Jewel Office. For jewels for Wm. Duke of Devonshire as Knight of the Garter. Lord Chamberlain's Warrant Book I. p. 432.
Same to Customs Commissioners. To discharge linens seized on a new entry of them by James Henckell of London, merchant. Customs Book XIII. p. 398.
Same to the Surveyor General of Crown Lands. For a particular, &c. of two messuages, &c. in Pall Mall, of which John Walworth and Henry Sheppard pray separate leases on a surrender.
Prefixing:—Surveyor General's report on petition for same, with a plan.
Crown Lease Book III. pp. 29–33.
Same to the Clerk of the Pipe or his deputy. For a lease of a messuage in Bury Street to Jonathan Hensby.
Prefixing:— Constat of the premises, rated by the Surveyor General.
Ibid, pp. 34–6.
Aug. 14 Treasury warrant to the Surveyor General. For a particular, &c. of several old houses in Richmond, of which George Smith prays a lease.
Prefixing:—Surveyor General's report on Smith's petition for same.
Crown Lease Book III. pp. 37–8.
Same to John Conduitt - To deliver a cutter and two dabs to the Copper Miners' Company, England.
Prefixing:—Conduitt's report.
Warrants not relating to money XXV. pp. 58–9.
Same to the Auditors of Imprests. To allow to the Duke of Chandos in his account as Keeper of the Hanaper, 400l. per annum for office expenses &c. from 1728, July 30 to 1732, September 29. Ibid, pp. 59–60.
Petition to the Treasury from Benjamin de la Fontaine, executor of Thos. Missing. For 819l. for victualling Placentia, Annapolis Royal, and Canso, 1733, April 1 to June 30. Reference Book X. p. 11.
Aug. 16 Certificate by Thos. Sanderson, deputy receiver in the Alienation Office. Of the receipts in said office for July last. 1 page. Treasury Board Papers CCLXXXIII. No. 42.
Aug. 18 Treasury warrant to the heirs and executors of Thos. Missing. For determining Missing's contract for victualling Annapolis Royal and Placentia. Warrants not relating to money XXV. p. 64.
Royal warrant to the Treasury, and Treasury warrant to Thos. Farrington, Auditor of the Revenues of North and South Wales. For said auditor to make leases of small tenements in Wales of or under 50s. per annum as formerly. King's Warrant Book XXXI. pp. 144–5.
Aug. 20 J. Scrope to Mr. Somers - With six months' leave of absence from Scotland. Letter Book XIX. p. 180.
Treasury warrant to Customs Commissioners. To liberate on bond Thos. Sim and seven others, late of Allonby, Cumberland, smugglers.
Prefixing:—Said Commissioners' report on the cases.
Customs Book XIII. pp. 399–401.
Same to same and to Attorney General. To accept smuggling composition and to non pros. information against Nicholas Martindale and four others, Cumberland. Ibid, pp. 401–2.
Same to same - To stay of prosecution against John Brown and John Hodder, of Topsham, mariner, for smuggling, with a cancelled warrant for entering satisfaction in the case of the latter. Ibid, pp. 403–4.
Same to the Surveyor General of Crown Lands. For a particular of some messuages in Taunton, of which Francis Fane prays a reversionary lease.
Prefixing;—The Surveyor General's report on petition for same.
Crown Lease Book III. pp. 38–40.
Same to same For same of two houses in St. James's Place, of which Sir Thos. Frankland prays a reversionary lease.
Prefixing:—As above.
Ibid, pp. 40–2.
Aug. 22 Petition to the Treasury from Roger Lacy. Concerning his bond for Robert and Joseph Hetherington. Reference Book X. p. 11.
J. Scrope to Comptrollers of Army Accounts. With a draft of the new contract with Thos. Revell for victualling Gibraltar garrison, for report. Letter Book XIX. p. 181.
Aug. 22 Treasury warrant to the Auditor and other officers of the Receipt. To place 250,000l. in Exchequer bills on land tax, 1733, as so much cash in the office of the Tellers at the Receipt. Money Book XXXVII. p. 130.
Aug. 23 Same to same - To take in loans on the land tax, 1733, at 3 percent. not exceeding 150,000l. to register after 250,000l. in Exchequer bills already issued on same. Ibid, p. 129.
Aug. 24 Same to the Board of Works To restore aqueducts at Coombe, which cause want of water at Hampton Court Palace. Lord Chamberlain's Warrant Book I. p. 436.
Aug. 28 Petition to the Treasury from the sureties of John Cowper. Praying allowances on his accounts Affairs of Taxes IV. p. 53.
Aug. 30 Same to same from James Hatch, et al. For leave to reduce brandy and rum to proof. Reference Book X. p. 11.
Aug. 31 Royal sign manual to the Attorney General. To discharge the baronet fee for Sir Wm. Heathcote of Hursley in Southampton. King's Warrant Book XXXI. p. 148.
Petition to the Treasury from Nathaniel Smith. For some appointment for his services when collector of Liverpool. Reference Book X. p. 12.
Joseph Iles and others owners of the “Iles,” pink to—. Concerning the bond for said ship for rice carried south of Cape Finisterre. 1 page. Treasury Board Papers CCLXXXIII. No. 44.
Sept. 3.]
Petition to the Treasury from Thos. de Grey, Comptroller of First Fruits and Tenths. For allowance of the interim salary from July 3, the death of John Harbord Dod, the last comptroller. 1 page.
—(a.) Statement of his case. 2 pages.
Ibid. CCLXXXIV. No. 1.
Sept. 4 Henry Kelsall to Customs Commissioners. About a small box of Count Kinski at the Custom House warehouse. Letter Book XIX. p. 181.
Treasury warrant to Excise Commissioners. To permit James Mathew, et al. merchants, to reduce brandy and rum to proof.
Prefixing:—Said Commissioners' report.
Warrants not relating to money XXV. pp. 65–6.
Same to same - To discharge from Lincoln Gaol, Robert Cosin, maltster, for a debt to the Crown on malt duties.
Prefixing:—As above.
Ibid, pp. 66–7.
Petition of John Anstis, Garter Principal King of Arms. For repair of a small tower in the lower ward of Windsor Castle. Lord Chamberlain's Warrant Book I. p. 436.
Treasury warrant to the King's Remembrancer or his deputy. For further stay of process against Richard Lane. Affairs of Taxes IV. p. 25.
Sept. 5 Certificate by Wm. Moore, Muster Master General, Ireland, dated Muster Office, Dublin. Of the establishment of the Hillsborough fort. 1 page. Treasury Board Papers CCLXXXIV. No. 3.
Sept. 7 M. Frecker to Customs Commissioners. For an account of bounty money paid for wheat exported for one year last past. Letter Book XIX. p. 181.
Petition to the Treasury from Henry Cartwright, Receiver General of Stamp Duties. Concerning the debt arising from the deficiency of his late chief clerk, Jabez Hughes. Reference Book X. pp. 15–16.
Same to same from Samuel Davies. For an allowance on bonds for tobacco forfeited in 1711. Ibid, p. 16.
Sept. 11 Memorial to the Treasury from Edward Thompson, a Commissioner of Revenue, Ireland. For allowances for services in a general survey of province of Munster for the discovery of the manner of exporting wool and woollen goods. 1 page. Endorsed:—“My Lords agree to this memorial.” Treasury Board Papers CCLXXXIV. No. 6.
C. Tilson to Excise Commissioners. To supply subsistence money to Brigadier General Churchill's dragoons, in the counties of Lancaster and Chester. Letter Book XIX. p. 182.
Sept. 12 Petition to the Treasury from William Williams. For stay of proceeding for running goods out of the “Stretham,” from India. Reference Book X. p. 12.
Sept. 15 Christopher Tilson to Custom's Commissioners. Concerning immediate delivery of Count Kinski's box. Letter Book XIX. p. 183.
Sept. 18 Petition to the Treasury from Robert Arthur, of White's chocolate house. For allowance of duties on chocolate burned in the fire at his house. Reference Book X. p. 12.
Sept. 19 Same to same from Thos. Kennedy, late collector of Customs at Exeter. Concerning his debt to the Crown and for release. Ibid, p. 13.
Same to same from George Earl of Cholmondeley. For extension of lease of the manor and messuage of Thornton Bridge. Crown Lease Book III. p. 3.
Sept. 20 J. Scrope to the Auditor of the Plantations. Enclosing a letter from Wm. Gooch, Lieut. Governor of Virginia, of July 13 last together with the accompanying accounts. Letter Book XIX. p. 184.
Same to Customs Commissioners. Leave of absence to John Bowdidge, Customs surveyor, Bristol port. Customs Book XIII. p. 406.
Treasury warrant to same To enlarge John Hodder from the county gaol in Devon for smuggling. Ibid, p. 407.
Sept. 22 Treasury warrant to Customs Commissioners. To release Thos. Newman, prisoner in Horsham Gaol for smuggling.
Prefixing:—Said Commissioners' report on the case.
Ibid, pp. 424–5.
Sept. 24 Statement of account by Edmund Britiffe in the absence of Lord Hobart, dated Treasurer of the Chamber's Office. The Treasurer of the Chamber's account of bills and warrants due at Midsummer, 1733. 1 page. Treasury Board Papers CCLXXXIV. No. 8.
Same by same in absence of same, dated ibid. Of the bills for the messengers of the Great Chamber for half year ended same time. 1 page. Ibid, No. 9
Sept. 25 Petition to the Treasury from James Brittan. For a lease of Leeston's Grove, in Waltham Forest. Crown Lease Book III. p. 3.
Treasury warrant to the Clerk of the Pipe or his deputy. For a lease of a piece of ground in Pall Mall to John Wallworth.
Prefixing:—Constats of the premises, rated by the Surveyor General, with a plan.
Ibid, pp. 57–61.
Same to same - For same of two houses in St. James's Place to Sir James Frankland.
Prefixing:—Particular, in Latin, and memorandum by Auditor Lowndes, and ratal by the Surveyor General.
Ibid, p. 61–5.
Same to same - For same of lands in Taunton to Francis Fane.
Prefixing:—As above.
Ibid, pp. 67–73.
Sept. 25 Treasury warrant to the Clerk of the Pipe or his deputy. For a lease of messuages in Richmond to George Smith.
Prefixing:—Particular of the premises.
Crown Lease Book III. pp. 73–6.
Same to same - For same of a messuage in Pall Mall to Henry Sheppard.
Prefixing:—Constant of the premises, rated by the Surveyor General.
Ibid, p. 76–9.
Same to same - For a lease of the manor of Sheen, alias West Sheen, alias Richmond, to the Earl of Cholmondeley.
Prefixing:—Particular, partly in Latin, and memorandum of the premises by Auditor W. Lowndes, Treasury warrant for rating same, and ratal of same by the Surveyor General.
Ibid, pp. 12–16.
Same to the King's Remembrancer or his deputy. To take a new security of James Gee, Receiver General of York, for land tax, 1733.
Prefixing:—Taxes Commissioners' report.
Affairs of Taxes IV. p. 66.
Royal sign manual to the Attorney General. To discharge the baronet fee of Sir Edw. Turner, of Ambrosden, co. Oxford. King's Warrant Book XXXI. p. 152.
J. Scrope to Customs Commissioners. Leave of absence to Newland Reynolds, collector at Cowes, for a year, during his office as mayor of Newport. Customs Book XIII. p. 406.
Sept 27 Treasury warrant to Customs Commissioners. To admit free of duty nine casks of flints for the Ordnance from France, on board the “Providence,” of Caen. Ibid, p. 407.
Sept. 28.]
Petition to the Treasury from Alexander Davie. For the position of Secretary to the Salt Commissioners, held by his brother Edward Davie, now a lunatic.
Minuted:—Agreed to. Letter writ appointing him secretary to the said Commissioners, September 28, 1733. 2 pages.
Treasury Board Papers CCLXXXIV. No. 10.
[After Sept. 29.] Statement of account - Of the produce of the duty on Portland stone, viz. 4d. per ton for the craneage of said stone, for the seven years ended at 1733, Michaelmas. 1 sheet. Ibid, No. 12.
Sept. 30 Treasury warrant for the execution of a Lord Chamberlain's warrant. For a livery, for 1733, for Mrs. Alice Bell, herb-strewer to His Majesty: to cost 1l. 10s. Lord Chamberlain's Warrant Book I. p. 437.
Same for same - For same for Robert Mason, master of His Majesty's bargers, and 48 watermen for same year: to cost 342l. Ibid.