Index: E

Pages 365-370

Calendar of State Papers Relating To English Affairs in the Archives of Venice, Volume 37, 1671-1672. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1939.

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Eagle, fireship, royal navy, at Bougie, 78.

East India Co., the Dutch:
-, high handed methods of, 59; heavy drop in value of shares, 230.
-, ship of captured by English, 271; fleet from gets safely to Texel, 274.
-, assigns fund for payment of troops, 321.

East India Company, the English, 57, 282.
-, nature of, 58; suffers from methods of Dutch, 59.
-, three ships of, arrive safely, 220; ten ships of arrive in Thames, 264.
-, Dutch capture ship of, 268, 271.
-, king's bargain with, 315, 323.

East Indies:
-, English possessions in, 55–6; trading company formed for, 57.
-, English trade with inferior to Dutch, 58; Dutch ascendancy in, 59.
-, English obtain spices from, 58.
-, cause of disagreement with Dutch, 70; Dutch fleet to protect ships from, 220.
-, ample spoils accorded to England in, 134.
-, Dutch fleet from awaited, not yet near home, 236; English hope to capture, 250; York lying in wait for, at Texel, 257, 264, 271.
-, Charles ready to harbour fleet from, on payment of duties, 257.
-, Dutch fleet from at Delfzyl, 267; small hope of taking, 268; unlades safely in Ems, 271.
-, passage from America to. See North West passage.

Edgar, son of the duke of York, duke of Cambridge:
-, ill health of, 23, 26; no worse, 28; near death, 38; counted as dead, 44; survival unlikely, 63; death of, 79; mourning for, 92, 100.

Edwards, Talbot, keeper of the Jewel House, 49.

Ehrensten, E., ambassador extraordinary of Sweden:
-, arrival and first audience, 308; disposes king to listen to negotiations, 313; has state audience, lodged in palace, 314; takes leave, going to Hague, 317.
-, at the Hague, 326; ill received, 329.

Elboeuf, duke of. See Charles III, duke of Lorraine.

-, Mademoiselle d'. See Maria Eleanora.

Eleanor, the empress, widow of Ferdinand III:
-, Charles asks to forward Innsbruck match, 252; Gascoigne relies on infraence of, 328.

Eleanora Magdalen, daughter of duke of Neuburg:
-, a possible bride for York, 203.

Eliot, Thomas, captain of the York, killed at Solebay, 232.

Elizabeth, queen of England:
-, measures to promote trade, 57.
-, objection raised, at Venice, to religion of, 141, 150.

-, daughter of James I, queen of Bohemia, 63.

Rupert refuses to restore jewels of, to brother, 64.

Emmerich [Rhenish Prussia, German Empire]:
-, despatch dated at, 227.

emperor. See Leopold.

empire. See Germany.

empress. See Eleanor; Margaret Theresa.

Ems, river:
-, Dutch E. India fleet reaches, 267; small hope of taking them, 268; Dutch unlading safely in, 271; they leave for Texel, 274.

-, balance of trade in favour of, 5; acknowledges supremacy of Denmark over Sound, 6.
-, Clarendon's policy to keep neutral, 65; new policy to hold balance of power, 66.
-, Spain allowed assistance of to Portugal, 173.
-, 1671:
-,-, guarantee given to, in case of attack by France, 9; Spain watching closely, considered keystone of alliance, 21; advantage of alliance to, 23.
-,-, Vienna suspicious of sincerity of, 10; not prepared to act in Germany for sake of emperor, 14.
-,-, Spain wants to join in war against France, 12; Colbert complains of uncertain attitude of, id.
-,-, Colbert sounds ministers about alliance with Holland, 14, Spain suspicious of policy with Dutch, 17, 20.
-,-, Alberti does not credit any secret intrigue against Dutch by, 20, 23–4.
-,-, Charles thinks Spain wishes to make catspaw, 22; Molina agrees not to be blamed for reserve, 30.
-,-, preparations in hastened, fear of landings in Ireland, 24; incapable of any great undertaking and will not risk war, 46.
-,-, complaint in Lords of heavy taxation of, 24.
-,-, free talk in, of change of government, 25; time conquers the strongest opposition in, 26.
-,-, watching to see if money spent on fleet, 27; Molina comments on credulity of in being deceived by king, 47.
-,-, necessary for Dutch to know real intention of, 46; no need for arming, policy will not be altered, 47.
-,-, Spaniards, being joined with emperor and Dutch, will not run after, 46; Boreel urges declaration from, 52.
-,-, Boreel hopes to force to declare herself, 47; not concerned with disputes at Cologne, 49.
-,-, Molina and Boreel say being deceived by France, 51; Dutch fear secret arrangement with France, 53; courted by France, desires to maintain status quo, 74.
-,-, Dutch mistrust, will not be first to abandon alliance, 74; no fresh negotiations with Dutch, 75.
-,-, Boreel allows that right to maintain peace, 74; Louis pleased at securing neutrality of, 79, 80.
-,-, does not mean to break with France and be left in lurch, 80; beginning to have better understanding with France, but wants quiet, 83–4.
-,-, Spain tried for permanent agreement with about America, 81.
-,-, timely declaration of, would have checked France, 84; averse from war does not believe in stability of allies, 90.
-,-, matters improving for, will take advantage of influence she possesses over events of Europe, 91; will not abandon arbitration if parties concur, 93.
-,-, the more the Dutch harassed the greater their dependence on, 94; Dutch negotiations with France only to render jealous, 96; Dutch reduced to parley with, 99.
-,-, Boreel says trusts too much to fair words of France, 98; attitude to Dutch relations with France, 102; Dutch withdrawing from engagements which render them dependent on, 108.
-,-, Arlington says will go to war with France, if breaks peace in Flanders, 105; French aggression not sufficient to induce to draw the sword, 106.
-,-, Arlington's declaration wins great repute for among allies, 107, 109.
-,-, alarm in at cancelling of customs contract, 109.
-,-, provoked by Dutch negotiations with France, to make war, 113, 115; policy also secures against France, 113; will not follow king in union with France, 116–17.
-,-, Charles sends Downing to make Dutch war plausible to, 114n.; expects to obtain advantages from Dutch by force, 116.
-,-, danger of Portuguese precedent to, 115; Spain's chief interest in proceedings of, 117–18.
-,-, Arlington thinks Dutch want peace with, 117; advantage to of Franco-Dutch war, 119.
-,-, king could reduce pride of by getting money from outside, 117.
-,-, keeps hands free, 121; awaiting decision of the Dutch, 122; Dutch unlikely to submit to demands of, 126.
-,-, distrust caused by French decision to pay subsidy in instalments, 122–3.
-,-, need of Charles to get fresh supplies from, for war, 126.
-,-, inducements offered by France to, to join against Dutch, 134; desire to preserve from war at any cost, 138.
-,-, Dutch to ask for levies in, 135.
-, 1672:
-,-, likely to be the arbiter in the coming war, 143; intentions of heard with amazement in Spain, 154.
-,-, detestation of French alliance in, 145; reported intention of Dutch to stir up people of, 162.
-,-, York says Dutch sole rivals of, 145; Dutch alone dispute greatness of, 156.
-,-, Sunderland gives reasons for war with Dutch, 154.
-,-, Venetian desire for good correspondence with, 156.
-,-, Boreel assured States of neutrality of, 161.
-,-, irritation caused in by Dutch-Spanish alliance, 162; Fresno cautious because of, id.; Spain astonished at policy of, 174.
-,-, Spain in dilemma about policy of, suggests that Dutch shall grant demands of, 164; influence of Dutch-Spanish alliance on policy of, 171.
-,-, fortresses to be consigned to, as security, 165; France counts on help against both Dutch and Spain, 174.
-,-, irritation in at Dutch disputing right about flag, 165.
-,-, Seignelay credited with confirming alliance with, 167; alliance not likely to last, 168.
-,-, bound by treaty to resist French attack on Flanders, 169; would not change policy for sake of Austrian connection, 175.
-,-, Spanish threat to stop trade with in the event of war, 173; Fresno to represent the injury this would cause to, 174.
-,-, Fresno to try and make trouble in, 174; king no longer has conndence in people of, 218.
-,-, Fresno tries to get declaration that will not break peace with Spain, 174.
-,-, Venetian desire for best relations with, 176–7.
-,-, alliance with France unlikely to be stable, 179; Spain believes France can be separated from, 182.
-,-, arrangement with France for Dutch war, 179, 194; precise share in war uncertain, 188.
-,-, Dutch trying to make war unpopular in, 183, 186; efficient arrangements for war in, 208.
-,-, excitement in over declaration of indulgence, 186.
-,-, Spanish threat to stop trade with in event of war, 193.
-,-, desire to keep peace of Spain, 195; claim to have deserved well of Spain, 199; good understanding with Spain revived, 208.
-,-, disastrous effect of Clarendon's policy on, 202; king's intentions for firm government of, 202–3.
-,-, not perturbed by Dutch appearance off Dover, 217; king convinced Dutch hatred for is hereditary, 244.
-,-, king unable to trust people, who bitterly hostile, 218; suspicion of king's intention to revive Popery in, not so imminent as feared, 225.
-,-, re-establishment of Popery in not impossible, but king must make himself absolute first, 226.
-,-, Spain hopes to use Innsbruck match to moderate sentiments of, 228; Fresno says will have, eventually, to declare for France or Spain, 237.
-,-, disapproves of war and would clamour at disgraceful issue, 236.
-,-, Dodington recalled for too zealous advocacy of interests of, 238.
-,-, every new thing is opposed in, 238; Jesuits say appointment of a bishop would redouble hatred of Catholics in, 246.
-,-, Dutch offers suppressed, for fear of exasperating further, 244; attitude of Orange to, 255; Orange rejects offers of, 263, 266.
-,-, de Wit irreconcilable enemy of, 244; hopes of advantage from defeat of Dutch, 250; to do her part to ruin them, 268.
-,-, alarmed by extent of French success, 245–6, 251; object of, in treating with Dutch, 261.
-,-, Charles means to restrain excessive liberty of, 246.
-,-, false reports in of disturbances in Ireland, 252; sensitiveness to reports in press, 258.
-,-, naturalisation of aliens would be highly beneficial to, 253; Venetian merchants object to paying double duty in, 270.
-,-, regret at continuance of war because of risk of disturbance in, 263; dissatisfied at lack of success in war, 268.
-,-, Orange hopes to detach from France, 269, 273; Charles will persevere in alliance for sake of prestige of, 272; Charles says Orange will find well disposed once the de Witt party destroyed, 273.
-,-, feeling against Dutch extreme in, 273; coasts infested by privateers, 274.
-,-, fear of irritating by war with Spain, 279, 316; regret at Spanish policy in, 282; quiet of depends on keeping peace with Spain, 314.
-,-, irritated by appearance of Dutch fishermen off coast, 281.
-,-, reasons for success in trade, 282; suggested export of raw Venetian silk to, 316.
-,-, payment of fleet cannot be delayed for fear of rebellion in, 292n.
-,-, discontent greater in because of Dutch war, 301; Spanish consul tries to stir trouble in, 328.
-,-, Spanish policy to detach from France by threat of war, 313; unlikely to declare against Spain, 323.
-,-, Portugal will not act against Spain without, 326.
-, account of, by Mocenigo, 54–73.
-,-, naval power, natural wealth, London, Scotland and Ireland, colonies, 55; Tangier, forces, fleets, 56; trade, companies, 57; Levant and E. India, 57–8; Guinea, Muscovy, etc, 59; America, parliament, sects, 60; fanatics, the king, 61; his revenues and charges, the queen, ambassadors' chapels, 62; duke of York, Orange, Rupert, 63; Richmond and Monmouth, Clarendon, 64–5; Buckingham and Arlington, 66–8; other ministers, 68; foreign relations, 69–72; trade, 72–3.

-, king of. See Charles I; Charles II; Henry VIII; James I.

-, merchants of. See merchants, English.

-, queen of. See Catherine of Braganza; Elizabeth.

-, queen mother of. See Henrietta Maria.

-, ships of. See ships, English.

-, special favour accorded by Venice to, 16, 19, 21, 23, 37, 40, 134, 136; Barbaro promises to carry out instructions about, 31; desire for good treatment of, 125; ill usage of, 130, 242.
-, stirred by approach of Louis to Dunkirk, 43; but pleased that French army has to get supplies from Dover, 46.
-, would acclaim birth of prince of Wales, 62.
-, Louis wants levies of, 80, 87; not well disposed to France, 112, 179.
-, Proveditore to stop extortions from, 136.
-, favourable bias of Venice towards, 146, 149, 220, 248; orders for good treatment of, 147, 276.
-, Dutch war acclaimed by, 195; blind courage of, but will always win against Dutch, 236.
-, Charles suprises by arming without asking help from parliament, 202.
-, corrupted by zeal of sectarian chiefs, 225.
-, criticise king for visiting French flagship, 243.
-, danger to France of installing on continent, 250.
-, lack of perseverance in face of difficulties, 285; grand designs of easily vanish, 291.

English troops:
-, in France, given precedence after guards, 227; Louis dissatisfied with, 269.
-, embarked for landing in Holland, 243.

-, -, See also army.

English frigate, merchantman:
-, chased by a corsair, 331.

English Channel:
-, French fleet in, 41; Dutch will only acknowledge flag in, 165.
-, privateers likely to infest till fleet puts to sea, 197.
-, French fleet to join English in, 201; not thought necessary to meet them in, 204.

envoys. See under ambassadors.

Escorbiac, M., wounded at Solebay, 232.

essences and quintessences:
-, presents of, from Florence, 50.

Estrées, Caesar d', bishop of Laon:
-, promotion to cardinalate, 227n.
-, French ambassador at Rome:
-, pope complains to, of not being informed of indulgence, 247.

-, Jean comte d', count of Etre:

command of, in allied fleet, 181; succeeds in effecting junction with English, 214.

carries vice admiral's flag, strength of squadron, 215.

blames Duquesne for failure at Solebay, 233; said to be ordered not to run risks, 235; ordered to withdraw, 281; takes all ships into Brest, 323.

king criticised for visiting ship of, 243; complains of lack of fresh water, 281.

expected to be off Portugal and joined by Martel, 328.

Estremadura, Spain:
-, troops taken from garrisons of, to form army, 82; heavy cost of war of, 308.

Euston, co. Suffolk:
-, king's intimacy with the Keroualle, at Arlington's house at, 172n.
-, letters reach Newmarket from, 304.
-, Court goes to, 306.

-, earl of. See Fitzroy, Henry.

Evelyn, John, describes state of sick and wounded, 277n.

Evertson, Eveiz, Dutch vice admiral, killed at Solebay, 259.

-, fall in Dutch, 230.

-, closed, 98; suspension of payments from, 146, 148, 202; term extended, 326.
-, allowances to Sunderland for Spanish mission, 121.
-, goldsmiths ruined by closing of, 239; no merchant failed in London since closing of, 295.

Experiment, merchantman, captured by Dutch, 284.