Index: D

Pages 362-365

Calendar of State Papers Relating To English Affairs in the Archives of Venice, Volume 37, 1671-1672. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1939.

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Dalmatia [Czecho Slovakia]:
-, Arlington asks Alberti about, 43.

-, force of, to help Dutch, 269.

-, Relief lost in, 121.

Darington, Darinton, Daringhton. See Dodington.

Dartmouth, royal navy, in squadron at the Nore, 219n.; in Mediterranean convoy, 315n.

Davalos, Andres, prince of Montesarchio:
-, not yet at Cadiz, 90; discussion in Council about despatch of to W. Indies, 95; refuses to go unless has presidency of Guatemala, 100.

Deal, co. Kent:
-, Lynch sails from, 88n.; fleet anchored off, 208; queen goes to, and sees enemy fleet, 212; Dutch unable to injure without risk of loss, 217.

Delfzyl [Prov. Groningen, Netherlands]:
-, Dutch E. India fleet reaches, 267.

-, supremacy in Sound acknowledged, 6; English relations with, 70.
-, joined with Dutch and France against England, 154.
-, treaty with ratified, 200, 205, 239.
-, mission of Richmond to, 205.
-, alliance with emperor, 251, 308.

-, king of. See Christian V.

-, prince of. See Frederick.

-, ships of. See ships, Danish.

Deptford, co. Kent:
-, court martial held at, 158n.

Deuninghen. See Downing.

Dieppe [Seine Inférieure, France]:
-, English troops embark for, 171; Monmouth to join regiment at, 197; Monmouth leaves for Paris, 200.

Digby, Capt. Francis, of the Henry, killed at Solebay, 231.

-, George, second earl of Bristol: 68.

mission to French fleet at Brest, 197.

-, countess of Sunderland, daughter of, 114.

Dillon, Wentworth, earl of Roscommon, Roskaman, Roskomon:
-, goes to France to arrange levy, 87; returns with excellent terms from king, 89; does not get many men, 101.
-, sends quantity of cloth to France, 101.

Dodington, co. Somerset, 175n.

-, Darington, Darinton, Daringhton, Dorinton, Sir Francis:

services of, to the king, 175.

-, John, English resident at Venice, 134, 249, 310:

reply to memorial of, 8, 9; office of Surian with, 11.

Alberti and, 16, 19, 37, 50, 133; not thought of highly at Court, 19; Arlington not convinced of good faith, 37.

complains of disparaging treatment, 19, 28–9; Arlington and, 22, 37; warned by Arlington and will not press claim, 42.

action about money taken from Gascoigne and Clifford, 21; and Pendarvis case, 26.

Mocenigo reports interview with, 28–9.

presents memorial on Fustinoni case, 35, 39, 40; instructed by king to ask for despatch, 36; reply to, 39; presents further memorial, 41–2.

project of, about currants, 42; office about currants, 81.

complains of treatment over bread allowance, 47–8, 53; case of the bread boat, 77, 84, 86; justification of, 97n.

accused of using bread concession for private gain, 48; Alberti to complain of conduct, 86; Alberti's office about, 97; his memorial about, 99, 100.

reply to about Vivian, 80, 82–3, 87, 110; memorial upon, 82, 95; further offices upon, 87, 94.

office about standing, doge's assurances to, 94; Alberti to watch for reports of, 103, 112.

Arlington asks for charges against, 97; likely to have sharp letter, 98; ill, 129.

informed Arlington of harsh treatment of English, 97, 99.

report on memorial about victualling, 121–2; reply to about vice consul, 125, 147.

office in Collegio about viceconsuls, 127; and memorial upon, 128.

complains of extortions from merchants, 127–9, 136; defends his conduct, 129, 130.

Senate professes complete satisfaction with, 128, 136; advised not to make complaints, 156n.

fear of having given offence, 133; office read to in reply to memorials, 136.

reply to about grievances of merchants, 136; reply of to office read to, 137.

Alberti forwards letter from, 141; Alberti sees Arlington about, 146, 148; on slippery ground if Arlington does not support, 156n.

sends articles for commercial treaty to Arlington, 148.

office in Collegio, presents four memorials, 149–53; against advocate Manenti, 150, 161; on debts due for Vivian and Relief, 151; on Pendarvis, 151–2; on boxes at theatres, 152.

office read to, 152; reply to about memorials, 158.

Senate complains of manner of his offices, 155–6, 161; Alberti to complain about, 170.

alleged misrepresentations about viceconsuls, 155; appoints viceconsuls, 160.

presents fresh memorial, about Pendarvis, 159.

plumes himself on success of methods, 161n.; Alberti interviews Arlington about, 175–6; Alberti's paper on satisfaction given to, 176–7.

Arlington disposed to reprimand, 176; king will recall for misdemeanours, 203.

office in Collegio for Galilee, 178; account produced by for Relief, 180.

king displeased with, recalled, 209; reasons for recall too prejudicial to the king, 220.

presents memorial about attack on a friend, 211–12; reply to, 213.

Senate notes that can ignore representations of, 216; Alberti's attitude about approved, 222.

York never approved of mission, 220; sent to keep away from London, 221.

waiting to hear of successor, 234; removal in order to cultivate friendly relations, 238; Alberti pleased with his reserve about, 239.

would claim to have suffered for standing up for English interests, 238.

presents king's letter, informs Collegio of recall, 240; presents memorials, against extortion at Zante, 241; for Pendarvis, on harsh usage of English at Zante, 242; for protection of Guerra, 242–3; and for Tidiman and Galilee, 243; replies given to, 247–9; office read to, and response, 254.

Alberti suggests thanking about Leonessa, 253; question of behaviour, 267.

office about abuses over currants, does not want Proveditori censured, 254–5, 272; reply upon read to, 260, 262.

asks for pardon of Bertan, 255, 263, 265; replies to, about, 260, 265, 270; Senate means to let matter drop, 267; renews appeal, 270–1, 273; did not write to Arlington about, 294.

Arlington approved moderation shown by, 276, 279; Falconbridge disapproves of methods, 322.

sends memorial on scheme of trade with Venice, 280; sends fresh projects, 327, 329.

did not explain captains' grievances clearly, 287; and consulage, 290.

leave taking of, 310–3; present of gold chain to, 311; complains about, 324–5.

letter of recall, 310–12.

-, secretary of, 152:

at the Collegio, 21, 53, 133.

Doncaster, earl of. See Scott, Charles.

Dordrecht, Dort [Prov. S. Holland, Netherlands]:
-, Cornelis de Witt arrested at, 263.

Douglas, Duglas, Lord George:
-, levying Scots for French service, 87n.

Dover, co. Kent, 52, 328.
-, despatch dated at, 213.
-, French army has to get supplies from, 46.
-, Montagu embarks at, 101; Sunderland sails from, 126.
-, journey of duchess of Orleans to, 139, 167.
-, Ruyter advances to, 212; Dutch remain off, 213; English fleet works up to, 215.
-, yachts escape into, 212; Alberti eight days at, to see York, 215; he saw Dutch fleet off, 217.
-, English not disturbed by Ruyter's appearance off, 217.
-, Dutch ship from Guinea seized at, 264, 268.

-, castle. Alberti sees Dutch fleet from, 213.

-, -, lieutenant governor of. See Strode, Col. John.

Dover, royal navy:
-, damaged in action, under repair, 229.

Downing, Deuninghen, Douninghen, Doving, Downingh, Duninghen, Sir George:
-, on currant duty, 8.
-, appointed commissioner of the customs, 108n.
-, king sends to Hague, 113; to pick a quarrel, 114n.; not started, 116, 122.
-, choice of considered ominous, 118; ministers encourage king to send, 131.
-, to insist on satisfaction from Dutch, 131; result of negotiations awaited, 135, 137; nothing known of negotiations, 147–8.
-, has done nothing, may meet with obstinate resistance, 143; entry only reported, 146.
-, reports despatch of fresh instructions to Grotius, 147; believes Dutch trying to propitiate France, 162.
-, long memorial of, unanswered, 157; sets down demands in writing, 162.
-, Spain advises Dutch not to refuse demands of, 164.
-, negotiations broken off, preparing to leave, 165; king displeased with, sent to Tower, 168; true reason for, 169, 170.
-, imprisonment encourages Dutch to renew negotiations, 171; released, 189.
-, Meerman sent to reply to memorial of, 183.

Downs, the, 207–8, 213.
-, fleet to take station in, 204, 206.
-, queen going to, 209, 212.
-, Dutch fleet makes quick passage to, 212; they miss chance of surprising English in, 217.
-, Narborough leaves, with convoy, 315n.

Doyley, Sir William, farmer of the customs, 108n.

drinking glasses:
-, Buckingham's privilege for making, 299.

drugs: quantity imported at Venice, 298–9.

Duglas. See Douglas.

Dunbar, viscount. See Constable, Robert.

Duninghen. See Downing.

Dunkirk [Nord, France]:
-, news from, 49.
-, Louis announces intention to march to, 4; stir in Commons over, 21; Colbert going to report to king at, 35, 44.
-, Charles unconcerned by presence of Louis at, 41; journey to causes great stir in England, 43, 46.
-, Ragny leaving for, 48; Louis entertains Monmouth at, 51; and Buckingham, 53.
-, fortifications nearly complete, 51–2.
-, king unlikely to exchange, 52; Clarendon facilitated sale of, 65.
-, squadron of, required to protect Dutch shipping off Cadiz, 235.
-, Monmouth leaves regiment at, 269.
-, proposed as site for conference, 285.

Duquesne, du Cane, Abraham, French naval officer:
-, Estrées blames for failure at Solebay, 233; York taxes with lack of courage, 235.

Duras, Louis de, marquis de Blanquefort, Blansfort, captain of duke of York's guards:
-, arrives from France, 190; to give assurances to Louis about Innsbruck match, 318.
-, to command troop of horse guards in France, 321.

-, allowed to return home, according to treaty, 220–1.
-, Charles invites to settle in England, 230–1, 253.
-, rich families leaving country, 230; some go to Hamburg, 231.

-, See also Netherlands.

Dutch war the second:
-, Chatham fortifications extended after, 46; English driven from coasts of Africa in, 59.
-, waged to remove injury done to trade, 61; Rupert distinguished himself in, 63; Clarendon largely responsible for, 65.
-, fleets from Indies and Smyrna escaped Ruyter in, 268.

Duteil, du Tel, Jean Baptiste:
-, made knight of Windsor, 89.
-, appointed to command galleys built at Genoa and Pisa, 89; not yet provided with funds, 108.
-, at Florence for launch of galleys, supposed secret business, 210.

Dykveldt, sieur de. See Weede, Everard de.