Index: F

Pages 370-376

Calendar of State Papers Relating To English Affairs in the Archives of Venice, Volume 37, 1671-1672. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1939.

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Fagel, Caspar, made pensionary of Holland, 278.

Fairfax, Farfaix, Thomas lord, alive and in retirement, 67.

-, -, daughter married to Buckingham, 67.

Fairfax, royal navy, flagship for Mediterranean convoy, 315n.

Falcon, royal navy:
-, encounter with Venetian ship off Civita Vecchia, 110; behaviour at Civita Vecchia, 124–5.

-, East Indiaman, captured by privateers, 268, 271.

Falconbridge, Fauconbridge, viscount. See Bellasis, Thomas.

Falmouth, countess of. See Berkeley, Mary.

-, earl of. See Berkeley, Charles.

farthings, new issue of, 265, 280.

fast, ordered for Divine aid in war, 188, 195.

Faversham, Feversham, co. Kent, 213.

Ferdinand Charles, of the Tyrol, archduke of Austria, 38n.

-, -, daughter of. See Claudia Felicitas.

-, -, widow of. See Medici, Anne de'.

Fernandez de Castro, Pedro conde de Lemos, viceroy of Peru:
-, said to have recovered Panama, 90.

Fernandez de la Cueva, Francisco, duke of Alburquerque, Albucherque:
-, informs Contarini of proposals made by French and British ambassadors, 172.

Fernan-Nuñez, conde de, Spanish ambassador in Sweden:
-, to urge justice of claims in Flanders, 3.

Feversham. See Faversham.

Fez, Morocco:
-, Gayland marching on, 322.

Fifth Monarchy men, 61.

Finch, Heneage, earl of Winchelsea:
-, motion in Lords about Lucas speech, 32n.
-, at garter investiture, 75.

-, Sir John, English resident at Florence:

gives news to Valier, 20; has audience of Grand Duke about demands, 45.

preparing departure, 45; takes leave, present to, 48; departs, 50; journey of, 51n.; returns to London, 103.

takes presents for queen, 50.

-, -, ambassador to the Porte:

ready to sail with Levant fleet, 319.

-, William, lord Maidstone, killed at Solebay, 232.

Findel, —, 94.

fire of London:
-, stone replaced wood in rebuilding after, 55; city rebuilt with greater magnificence after, 120.

-, Dutch reliance upon, 217; use of, at Solebay, 223–4; ten lost, 229.
-, with squadron at the Nore, 219n.

-, cause of difference with Dutch, 70.

-, See also herring fishery; herrings.

Fitzroy, Henry, natural son of Charles:
-, marries Arlington's daughter, 269; and made earl of Euston, 270n.

-, incident over in the Sound, 6; Danish claim to salute, 102; secret article about in Danish treaty, 239.
-, incident with Dutch and Merlin, 100, 103–4, 107, 109, 116; a pretext for war, 167.
-, treaty of Breda inconclusive about, 104; Dutch accused of breaking treaty over, 119.
-, French will support English claims about, 120; question of, settled with French, 181.
-, Dutch reply about, through Boreel, 165; Dutch offer to strike to, if peace guaranteed, 183, 186.
-, Dutch refusal to recognise a pretext for war, 185, 210; England to get satisfaction about, 245.

Flanders, Low Countries, Spanish Netherlands, 131.
-, news from, 28, 135, 313.
-, Spanish representations to Venice about, 2; money and troops sent from Spain to, 10.
-, a bulwark for England, 5; English efforts for, 12; Spain not satisfied about English support for, 17.
-, Monterey raising troops in and preparing defence, 7, 18, 35, 99, 105; will not be left in same consternation as before, 99.
-, stir in Commons about French march on, 21; Molina raises alarm of French designs on, 25.
-, no escape for, if Dutch defeated, 22; Charles certain to observe French proceedings in, 27.
-, Monterey gets fresh subsidies from, 35; he will not let people rest, 119.
-, Bellasis sent to compliment Louis in, 44.
-, Clarendon would not have guaranteed, 65; Trevor looked after interests of, 68.
-, England contributed to save for Spain, 70; England bound to intervene if France attacks, 169.
-, no certainty of peace, fear of French attack, 105; Arlington says England will intervene if French attack, 105, 107.
-, Oñate exposes French designs on, 105, 109; Spain considers Dutch necessary bulwark for, 117.
-, Southwell's mission to considered ominous, 118; his report on return from, 158.
-, French expected to attack, 148; exposed to French attack if Dutch overwhelmed, 157, 164; Spain endangers by helping Dutch, 256.
-, Louis will invade if Monterey helps Dutch, 174; war with Dutch likely to end with bloodshed in, 175; real object of France, in Dutch war, 178.
-, France will not attack for mere help from Monterey, 197; queen mother will not suffer detriment to, 245.
-, Prince Charles of Lorraine appointed governor of, 199; Monterey continues to direct affairs of, 201.
-, Gelson brings Capt. Holland over from, 220n.
-, Louis covets and against Dutch for holding part of, 256.
-, Monterey occupies Dutch fortresses in, 256; Dutch may surrender to French in exchange, 262–3; France likely to break peace to secure, 285.
-, Monmouth leaves regiment in conquered territory in, 271.
-, courier from Spain reaches, 275; Spaniards stop letters from, 329.

-, governor of. See Haro, Juan Domingo Mendez de, conde de Monterey.

-, ships of. See ships, Flemish. fleet. See navy, the royal.

-, Dutch. See Netherlands, fleet of.

-, French. See France, fleet of.

-, Spanish. See Spain, fleet of.

-, Venetian. See Venice, fleet of.

-, Monterey stirs up, to get money, 101, 107.
-, pessimistic about situation, 148.

Florence [Prov. Firenze, Italy]:
-, despatches dated at 20, 34, 45, 48, 51, 144, 149, 210, 330.
-, Thomas Clifford dies at, 51n.; Gascoigne at, 144; Duteil at for launch of galleys, 210.

-, goods of withdrawn from Amsterdam, for safety, 170; losing silk trade through deterioration of quality, 310.

Florida, N. America:
-, part held by England, 55.
-, industry introduced into, 60.

Flushing Sands:
-, Dutch retire to, 229.

Fonseca, Manuel de, Spanish consul in London:
-, misleading reports sent by, 188; much disliked at Court, 328.

foreign ministers. See under ambassadors.

Foscari, —, owner of two Venetian ships, 283n.

Foscarini, Girolamo, senior councillor:
-, replies to Dodington, 159.

Foscolo, Antonio, Avogador di Comun, 37.

-, —, Venetian Captain General at Sea, 83.

-, Queen Henrietta domiciled in, 62; Clarendon's leaning to contributed to fall, 65; Trevor served in, 68.
-, alliance with Dutch against England, 154.
-, 1671:
-,-, policy with England, 1; hostility of English parliament to, 4; proposal to exclude manufactures of, 5.
-,-, forces occupy Lorraine, 3; emperor in danger from, if joins allies, 11; emperor will want support against, 14.
-,-, Dutch measures against trade of, 5.
-,-, Molina thinks triple alliance will check, 7; neighbouring powers alarmed by, 24; Molina fears attack in Flanders, 25.
-,-, Spain hopeful of recovering lost from, 7; guarantee in case of attack from, 9; Spain wants England to join against, 11, 12.
-,-, England alarmed about rupture with Dutch, 10; English suspect Spain and Holland of secret understanding with, 17.
-,-, uncertain about English policy, 12; Spain suspects England of understanding with, 20; Alberti convinced that no secret treaty with, 20, 23.
-,-, English suspicion of, 24; danger to England of breach with, 30.
-,-, Molina fears may attack allies singly, 25; Molina suspects secret understanding of England with, 41, 44; Molina ordered to proceed to, 46, 135.
-,-, preparing for new conquests, England chief obstacle to, 31; English dislike of a bar to French bride for James, 38.
-,-, Arlington and Ormonde said to be in pay of, 33; England will not break with, 46.
-,-, York's leaning to, a show, 38; desire of English nobility to show civility to nobility of, 46.
-,-, Boreel hints at Dutch union with, 39; Colbert says Dutch all for war with, 46.
-,-, Spanish policy to criticised, 49; Molina and Boreel say England being deceived by, 51.
-,-, Finch travelled home by, 51n.; Molina without instructions for going to, 99.
-,-, English trade with requires cash, 59; Mocenigo's account of English relations with, 69.
-,-, Cabal policy to balance against Spain, 66; tries to win Arlington, 68.
-,-, English dislike of aggrandisement of, 71; England courted by, 74.
-,-, Molina says has got its way, 75; Boreel believes does not want war, 78.
-,-, Van Beuningen urged England to declare against, de Witt wanted to keep open ear, 77; reports of adjustments with Dutch, 80.
-,-, report of adjustment with Lorraine, 78; English view of policy, 85.
-,-, England unwilling to break with, and then be abandoned by allies, 80; timely declaration by England would have checked, 84.
-,-, England urged to war by, 85; efforts of to break triple alliance, 113.
-,-, levy of troops granted to, by England, 85, 87; Roscommon sends quantity of cloth to, 101.
-,-, Dutch retract advances made to, 91; Dutch negotiations with only to make England jealous, 96.
-,-, Spain expects fresh demands from, but will yield nothing more, 93.
-,-, Montagu returning to, 101; England ready to attack if breaks peace, 106–7.
-,-, service in unpopular, 101; wines of, prohibited in Holland, 111, 118; Monterey inclined to follow example, 111.
-,-, Spain and Dutch want England to arm against, 106; Oñate reports plan to attack Flanders, 105, 107.
-,-, attack of, on Valdivia, 107, 109.
-,-, Charles ready to stand with, but subjects ill disposed to, 112; subjects will not follow king in joining, 116–17.
-,-, Dutch negotiations with a provocation to England, 113, 115, 119; Spain fears attack by on Dutch, 118.
-,-, money advanced to England by, 113; Alberti sceptical about, 116.
-,-, suspicion that English understanding with, of long date, 115, 118; Charles disposed to favour policy of, 120.
-,-, English fear of triple war with, 117; Arlington says Dutch hoped to get England to make war on, 119, 137.
-,-, disputes in Council about aggrandising, at expense of Holland, 119; England wishes to make sure of, 126.
-,-, Sweden espouses cause of, 121; part of duchess of Orleans in smoothing relations with, 139.
-,-, subsidy to England to be paid in instalments, 122–3; coolness between England and encourages Dutch, 131.
-,-, Molina accuses Charles of too great partiality for, 125; York's daughter resided in, 138.
-,-, believed to have bid high for support of England, 134; appears to have won over England to war, 137.
-,-, Cologne afraid of incurring wrath of, 135; Cologne said to have declared for, 138.
-,-, princes of Westphalia ready to resist encroachments of, 135.
-,-, Arlington explains policy with, 137; show of resentment with only to deceive parliament, 139.
-, 1672:
-,-, will attack Spain if moves to help Dutch, 142; Spain thinks can reject proposals of, 145.
-,-, some members of parliament favour, but majority against, 145.
-,-, settlement with Cologne favourable to, 145; doubtful if Neuburg has yielded Juliers to, 148.
-,-, de Witt had powers to conclude reconciliation with, 147; Dutch efforts to conciliate, effect on English policy, 156, 162.
-,-, Spanish alliance with Dutch upsets tactics of, 147; Molina says England not joined with against Dutch, 155.
-,-, expectation of attack on Flanders by, 148; threatens attack on Spain, if not neutral, 155.
-,-, and trade with Venice, 150.
-,-, English naval and military forces to act with, 156; England pledged to join forces of, 161.
-,-, suggested that Spain may be left to bear brunt of attack by, 157; difficulty of Spain granting neutrality to, 164.
-,-, English fear of need for definite alliance with, 157; terms of treaty with England kept secret, 165.
-,-, occupies Cologne with troops, 162.
-,-, union with England formidable to Dutch, 164; English regiment preparing to cross to, 165; English companies to be armed in, 171.
-,-, Seignelay gets credit of sealing alliance with England, 167; alliance not considered durable, war will be a heavy drain on, 168.
-,-, English fear of being left in lurch by, 168–9, 171; English antipathy for, permanent alliance with unlikely, 179.
-,-, England bound to intervene, if attacks Flanders, 169; likely to follow up Dutch war with attack on Spain, 175.
-,-, not responsible for punishment of Downing, 170; Dutch considered as rebels of, not of Spain, 179.
-,-, much surprised by Dutch-Spanish alliance, 171; Spain suffered help given by, to Portugal, 173.
-,-, plan to share spoil with England, 173; Charles hopes for great concessions from Dutch with help of, 175.
-,-, Fresno to make a point of arming being done with money of, 174.
-,-, real object to attack Flanders, 178; auxiliaries in war with Dutch, 179.
-,-, unlikely to upset English alliance by attacking Spain, 180; Spain hopeful of separating English from, 182; claim that England protected Spain against, 189.
-,-, Monmouth preparing to go to, 184–5; his regiment sails for, 196.
-,-, English believe Dutch war made for benefit of, 186; criticism in, of attack on Smyrna fleet, 187.
-,-, English offer to preserve peace between Spain and, 191; Spain deprecates English taking up quarrels of, 193; English treaty with said to favour Spain, 199.
-,-, help for Portugal did not lead to rupture with Spain, 193; will not attack Flanders for succour to Dutch, 197–8.
-,-, arrangements with England kept secret, 194; English objects in alliance with, 202.
-,-, advised of Swedish neutrality, 196.
-,-, Montagu expected from, 205; Louis has to consider possibility of disturbance in, 250.
-,-, Spain may leave Dutch to contend with alone, 206; English say they have not served England better than they did Holland, 233.
-,-, Dutch did not expect Charles to join with, 221; king silent about Dutch offers for sake of alliance with, 244.
-,-, Charles fears Dutch submission to, 244; he thinks wants to reduce Dutch to vassalage, 245.
-,-, De Witt's policy favoured attachment to, 244; Van Beuninghen distrusted in, 256.
-,-, de Witt accused of betraying towns to, 256; Arlington fears de Witt will make terms with, 262.
-,-, English envoys to discuss peace with commissioners of, 256; England treats to dispose to quiet more easily, 261.
-,-, will effect counter diversions in empire, 256; Swedish alliance with ratified, 274.
-,-, Dutch will prefer to get, out of their vitals, 262; attacks of will consolidate Dutch, 266.
-,-, Orange rejected offers of, 263, 266; earnestly desires to establish possession of the conquered territory, 269.
-,-, will employ all her strength to injure Dutch, 268.
-,-, Orange wants to detach England from, 269, 273; England will stand by, if assured of good faith, 272.
-,-, Charles haunted by dread of sinister results from alliance with, 272; alliance with likely to continue, 273, 313.
-,-, Charles says Orange will find well disposed once the de Witt party is destroyed, 273.
-,-, Spain believes Charles egged on by, 277; Monterey dare not advise rupture with, 278.
-,-, count de la Gardie going to, 279, 282; efforts to get Portugal to join alliance, 308.
-,-, England complains of Spain risking a breach with, 282; Charles determined not to separate from, 291; Charles paid by, for war, 292, 296.
-,-, Sweden preparing to change sides against, 282, 285, 309; English concern about policy of Sweden with, 317; Swedish attitude to uncertain, 318.
-,-, consuls of, and consulage, 289.
-,-, Arlington says desire for peace cooled by intervention of allies, 301; unwilling to attack Spain, 304.
-,-, may fear secret arrangements between England and Austria, 304.
-,-, Venetian interest in English alliance with, 307.
-,-, Spanish policy to detach England from by threat of war, 313; union of England and Spain against unlikely, 317.
-,-, difference between Arlington and Buckingham about alliance with, 313, 316; Arlington attacks Buckingham for acting solely in interests of, 314.
-,-, Arlington fears giving offence to, 318; Monmouth betrays dislike of serving, 326.
-,-, Charles sends further assurances to, 318; reinforcements sent to English troops in, 321.
-,-, Monterey unlikely to do more against, 325.
-,-, Portugal will not act against Spain without, 326; Vienna hopes to break English union with, by marriage, 327.
-,-, drinking glasses made in, 330.

-, army:

obliged to get supplies from Dover, 46; discomforts of decide king to return to Paris, 49.

Buckingham and Monmouth said to be going to join, 142.

troops sent to protect Cologne against Dutch, 193.

passage of through Spanish territory, 198–9, 206; Dutch unable to withstand, 230.

Monmouth's regiment given precedence in, after guards, 227.

Monterey not afraid of surprise by, 320; reported attacking a Spanish fortress, 329.

-, chancellor of. See Seguier, Pierre.

-, Council of, does not want war, 78.

-, fleet:

Spain seeks to alarm England over, 7; English watch growth with jealousy, 69.

Dutch might unite with, 39; in Channel, 41.

made formidable by addition of English, 120; making great show, 134.

York to command in chief, 145, 181.

arrangements for joint action with English, 181; thirty ships to join English, 184.

fitting out, strength of, 197; question of junction with English, 199; news of awaited, squadron to meet, 201.

Charles sends pilots for, 204; arrangements for, 204–5; Charles means to visit, 207.

arrives at Portsmouth, 209; Charles goes to see, 212, 214, 218; he criticises design of, 218.

Dutch fail to prevent junction with English, 212, 214; York advised to await junction with, 217.

arrangement about salutes, 213; Alberti sees and reports on, 215.

Ruiter missed chance of routing, 217; in sight of the Dutch, 219.

assisted York's red squadron at Solebay, 223; share in action, 228; action criticised, but Charles shows no resentment, 233.

might object to Rupert as commander, 233.

doubt and suspicion about behaviour of, York's attitude, 235.

sailing delayed by lack of supplies, 243; in need of hands, provisions and stores, 277.

crews invalided from lack of fresh water, 281.

reinforced by five ships, 281; which brought money for England, 296.

withdraws to Brest but made ready for sea, 323–4; Spragge to arrange about joint operations with, 326; squadrons to unite off Portugal, 328.

-, king of. See Louis XIV.

-, queen of. See Maria Theresa.

-, ships of. See ships, French.

Franche Comté:
-, Spanish claims to, 12; king abandons, 52.
-, exchange for Flanders, 70; queen renounced counter claims for, 93.

Frederick IV, Elector Palatine of the Rhine, 63.

Frederick, prince of Denmark, birth celebrated, 123; Richmond goes to be sponsor for, 205.

Frederick Magnus, prince of Salm the Rhinegrave, governor of Maastricht:
-, Dutch deputy to Flanders, 148, 157; arrives at Brussels, 162.
-, Fresno confers with, 166, 169.

Frederick William, margrave of Brandenburg:
-, princes of Westphalia choose as general, 135; reported march to help Dutch, 237; declaration of, expected, 263; forces to help Dutch, 269.
-, Lockhart's negotiations with fruitless, 237.
-, will not stir without ready money, 273; Louis decides to march troops against forces of, 275.
-, alliance with emperor, 308n.; envoy of, in England, 314.

Fredericksburg [Gold Coast, W. Africa]: news from, 103.
-, arrest of some, at Brussels, 28; released, 35.
-, numbers cross to London, treated with great civility, 46.
-, populace accuse of attempt to steal crown jewels, 49.
-, take part with buccaneers in attacking Spaniards, 86.
-, recover Royal Katherine, taken by Dutch, 223.
-, troops, passage allowed by Spaniards, 35. See also France, army of.

Fresne, marquis de. See Lionne, Hughes de.

Fresno, marquis del. See Tovar Velasco, Pedro Fernandez de.

Friedland [East Prussia, German Empire]:
-, letters of credence dated at, 314n. Friesland, Province of, Netherlands:
-, attitude about prince of Orange, 162.

-, imported from France, 5.

Fuente, marquis della. See Teves, Tello y Guzman, Gaspar de.

Fürstenberg, Furstembergh, Wilhelm von, envoy of France to Cologne:
-, Dutch suspicious of negotiations with Munster, 35; frustrates efforts for adjustment at Cologne, 135.

Fustinoni, Fustignoni, Rocco:
-, suit of Hailes against, 35, 50, 52, 54, 90; acknowledgment of debt, 36; memorials upon, 39, 41–2.