Index: B

Pages 322-328

Calendar of State Papers Relating To English Affairs in the Archives of Venice, Volume 30, 1655-1656. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1930.

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Badajos, Spain, bishop of. See Castillo, Didacus del.

Baden, Bada [Baden, German Empire], peace between Swiss made at, 190; fresh troubles likely to be started at diet of, 200.

Badiley, Bodiley, Richard, commands second squadron of fleet to south, 220.

Bagni, Niccolo, papal nuncio in France, awaiting reply from Spain, 145; gives reasons for Bordeaux's stay, 183; Lockhart unable to meet, 215.

Bagnolo. See Bañnuelos.

Baia [Prov. Napoli, Italy], English ships going to, to careen, 3; Viceroy goes to, to hasten repair of ships, 29.

Baillie, James, lord Forrester, Monk has arrested, 295.

bailo. See under ambassadors.

Ballarino, Giovanni Battista, Venetian Secretary at Constantinople, reported peace negotiations of, 159.

Balt (?), Colonel, takes Cromwell's letter to king of Spain, 34.

Baltic Sea:
-, Dutch fear Swedes may exclude them from, 100; fear heavy tolls in, 155, 170; and Swedish predominance in, 156.
-, Dutch fleet for, 170; to support Dutch rights against Sweden in, 178; Dutch asked to hold back. 219.
-, Swedes impose toll on ships in, 175; Swedish ships plundering in, 202.
-, Cromwell asked for ships to assist Sweden in, 186, 190; granted, 190.
-, Dutch squadron to contest Swedish dominion in, 231; uneasiness in England about, 234; task of English squadron to help Swedes in, 249.
-, Dutch fleet committed to, renders helpless against England, 247; Dutch recall best ships from, 269.
-, ship takes gunpowder for Sweden to, 284; Dutch ships captured in at beginning of the war, 304.

bank, Fiesco proposes establishment of, in London, 23.

Bañuelos, Bagnolo, Manuel, marquis of Ontiveros, Spanish admiral, leaves Cadiz to arm Dutch ships, 168.

Barbados, W. Indies, 34:
-, news from, 228.
-, Penn to take troops on board at, 18; Penn probably beyond, 20; Penn embarks troops at, 33, 38; 5,000 men taken from for attack on Indies, 309.
-, Penn's ships driven back to by storm 37, 39; possession favours holding of S. Domingo, 80.
-, prisoners removed to, 72; talk of sending fleet to, 110.
-, news from of disaster at S. Domingo, 91; English from Jamaica withdraw to, 167; increase of sugar cultivation at. 309.
-, loose women from London sent to, to make good population, 184, 309.

-, governor of. See Searle, Daniel.

Barbary, N. Africa, 67.
-, English fleet expected to go against, 37; to cruise along coast, 8; Blake says he is going to, 11; Sarotti to discover Blake's plans about, 13.
-, Penn may also go to, 12; Blake sailing for, 19, 21, 33; Blake's victory off, 49, 59.
-, Levant Co. considers making depot in for Eastern trade, 57.
-, Blake to remain off coast of, 58–9; Blake may leave for Villefranche, 63; Blake still off, 69.
-, Blake will receive reinforcements from 103; English alliance with, 223.
-, pirates of cruising with audacious licence, 221; appearing off Spanish coasts, people fear more than English, 257.
-, reported reverse to fleet at, 227; squadron goes for release of English slaves in, 256.
-, Dutch ships to go from Baltic against, 270, 286, 292–3; Venice encourages idea, 277, 285.

-, ships of. See under ships.

-, See also Algiers; Tripoli; Tunis.

Barchster. See Barkstead.

Barde, M. della. See La Barde.

Barkman, Barchman, —, Swedish secretary in England:
-, to be left as resident, 153, 180, 200, 250; Bond kept for purpose, 159; Bond presented to Cromwell, 250.
-, cannot obtain audience, 270, 277, 286; buys gunpowder for king and sends to Baltic, 284; only deals with matters of commerce, 286.

Barkstead, Barchster, Sir John, lieutenant of the Tower, reported death, 272.

Barlenga island, near Lisbon, Blake reported off, 104, 123.

Barrière, seigneur de. See Taillefer, Henri de.

Basing, frigate, state ship, Overton brought to, London in, 15.

Bastide, M. de la, secretary of the French ambassador:
-, sent to France for ratification of treaty, 138; return delayed. 141; back in London, very secretly, 144.
-, Bordeaux leaves in charge. 156, 159; goes to meet Bordeaux, 198; left in charge in London, 259.

Baydes, Baydex, marquis of. See Zuniga, Francesco Lopez de.

Bayly, Dr. Thomas, Cromwell selects for mission to Rome, 53, 143; report of, at Naples, 84.

beer, excise increased on, 194.

Benavides Don Luis de, marquis of Caracena, governor of Milan: sends troops towards Modena, 33; visits Charles at Antwerp, 226.

Bendish, Sir Thomas, English ambassador at Constantinople:
-, charged with misdemeanour for granting ships to Turks. 29; informed of action at Porto Farina, 49; reported demonstration against, 77.
-, not a minister but a merchant, 159–60; Venice desires opposition to use of ships by Turks, 278, 291.
-, advantage of friendly relations with Venetian minister at Porte, 291.

benevolence, privy seals:
-, proposal to raise money by, 230.

Beren Bourne. See Bourne, John.

Bernardi, Francesco, resident of Genoa in England, confirms offer of port to English, 217, 229.

Berne, Switzerland, canton of, invites Palatine to join league with English, 182; peace concluded by, 190.

-, town of, Pell's stay at, 188.

Bette, Guillaume, marquis of Lede, Leide, Leidem, Leyde, governor of Dunkirk:
-, would be ambassador to England, 10; expected, in London, 24; Cardenas confirms coming, 33; ready to cross, frigate sent for, 53; arrived at Dover, 56.
-, conjectures about mission, 54; leaves Brussels, objects of mission, 56, 64.
-, public entry, first audience, 58; second audience, Cromwell rejects proposals, 60; far from hopeful, 63; gets little satisfaction, 66.
-, Paulucci calls upon, 59; Cardenas asks to be relieved because of arrival, 65,
-, departure announced, 66; leaving soon, 69; takes leave, ill pleased, 73; leaves London, frigate for, 76.
-, Spaniards hope will stop attack, 74; to reaffirm king's friendliness, 78; government waiting to hear from, 81.
-, Sagredo as well received as, 121, 310; entertained longer than, 122.

Beverningh, Jerome, Dutch ambassador to England, suspended from office of Treasurer General, 7; mission to England during war, 305.

Biddulph, Theophilus, chosen member for London, but not admitted, 256.

Bilbao [Prov. Vizcaya, Spain], English merchants withdraw from, 71.

Biscay, Biscaya. See Vizcaya.

Bizerta, Biserta [Tunis. N. Africa], measure dealt out to. 71.

Blagge, Blay, Edward, commander of the Fairfax, 219; sent to recover Cullen, 248n.

Blake, Blach, Robert, General of the Mediterranean fleet:
-, Neapolitan gentlemen remark on reserve of, 3; feted by Grand Duke, 9–10.
-, welcomed at Naples, stores granted to, 3; arrives at Leghorn, 5; letters brought by, 6.
-, good news expected of, 5; going to Barbary, 7; supplies for, 15.
-, instructions about dealing with French, 5–6; Neuchese drinks to health, 6: expected to attack French fleet, 9; intentions regarding French fleet, 16.
-, talk of Penn joining, 8, 12, 21; conjectures about intentions, 11; Neuchese escaped, 21.
-, at Leghorn, taking French ships, 9–10; and Spanish also, 13; sails from Leghorn and returns, 14.
-, disregard of sanitary regulations, 9; gives assurances about, 10.
-, very touchy and particular, severe disciplinarian, 10; present to, for release of ship. 14.
-, offers ships to Grand Duke, 11, 13; alleged demands of Grand Duke untrue, 14.
-, Sarotti instructed to visit and compliment, and discover plans about Barbary, 13; but prevented by illness, 16.
-, reports friendly reception by Grand Duke, 15; may remain some time in Mediterranean, 31.
-, sails in easterly direction, 19; left Leghorn for Barbary, 21, 23, 26; ships from, at Naples, 67.
-, character and habits, 19; all announcements full of cunning, 24; great secrecy observed by, 29, 34.
-, reported agreement with Spaniards for ships, 24; Spanish ministers becoming doubtful about, 29; denied entry to port of Sicily, 33; reported near Tunis, 39.
-, Rosso to observe and report on, 34; reported recall, 37; Cromwell inclined to keep in Mediterranean, 46, 53.
-, engages and takes French ships, 39; to watch French, in concert with Spaniards, 59.
-, account of action at Porto Farina, 49; to remain off Barbary and insist on demands, 58.
-, answer to demands for slaves, 50; well received at Algiers and Tunis, 53; Rosso to observe proceedings, 62.
-, ship at Cadiz with despatches for, 57; operations did good turn to Venice, 63.
-, satisfaction at success, 61; letters informing Cromwell of Tunis affair, 63; further particulars of success, 66.
-, may sail against Savoy ports, 64; reported orders to go there, 68; sails from Gibraltar to Cadiz, refused admission to Puntal, 71.
-, enters Cadiz, Medina Celi offers Cadiz to for repairs, 65; talk of uniting with Spanish forces, 68.
-, Cromwell declares necessity of supporting, 66; waiting to see how Porte takes action of, 76.
-, leaves Cadiz, without any courtesies, 74; said to be near Strait, 76; Medina Celi sends patache to observe, 78; off coast of Portugal, 81, 108, 123.
-, Medina Celi ordered to be amiable to, 78; courteous reception of, 83; concern at Naples about leaving Cadiz, 87.
-, particulars of fleet under 82; Spanish ambassador's state. mens about, 127.
-, supposed designs on plate fleet, 83–4, 89; will have fresh orders to keep on track of, 91; lying in wait for plate fleet, 103, 113.
-, promises English merchants in Spain shall receive compensation, 84–5; has Hamburg ships searched, 88.
-, reported bargain with Turks against Spaniards, 85; said to have taken ship in advance of fleet, 92.
-, sends six ships back to London 88; large vessel reaches with supplies, 96; frigate with orders to recall, 104.
-, sails back in sight of Cadiz, reconnoitres and returns to Portuguese coast, 92; instructions to about ships for Cadiz, 99.
-, expresses disgust at treatment received from Spaniards, 94; private instructions that England does not intend breach of peace in Indies, 99.
-, prepares to fight Dutch, confers with Dutch general, 96; abandons position before Cadiz, 104.
-, frigates from arrive in Thames, 98, 101.
-, no indication of direction taken by, reported off Lisbon, 104; comes closer in shore, 110; goes to Lisbon, well received, 114; off Portuguese coast, 119.
-, expecting succour from London, 108; 9 or 10 ships sent to join, 110.
-, at Cascaes, sending ships for repair, 117, 120; energy about supplies, 117; sudden return, 125.
-, remains on board, fearing arrest, 126; plate galleons escape, 131.
-, received well in Naples and Sicily, 129.
-, glory won by, at Tunis, 139; but restrained by considerations of trade, 145.
-, to command fleet in Mediterranean, 176; joint commander of grand fleet with Montagu, 178, 180; Montagu placed over, disgust of, 216, 235, 238; reason for dividing fleet, 244.
-, danger of offending, 216–7; spoken unfavourably of, charges against, 238; Spanish talk of having won over, 253.
-, Naseby flagship of, 219; sending heavy ships back to England, 232.
-, reported capture of Dutch ship with Spanish plate, 224; in Portugal, makes alliance, 232.
-, asks instructions about treatment of Dutch ships taken with plate, 245; sends them to England, 247; to fight Ruyter if helps Spaniards, 296.
-, sends out squadron to recover Cullen, 248; takes ship with quicksilver, 286.
-, reports capture of galleons and treasure, 271–3; Montagu leaves in sole command, 280: reinforcements sent to, to lie in wait for second fleet, 283, 288.
-, supplies sent to every week, 286, 296; squadron to join, to ensure victory, 296.

Blake, Robert, junior, commanding the Newbury, 219.

-, —, commanding, the Colchester, 220.

Blay. See Blagge.

Bodiley. See Badiley.

Bond, Christian, Swedish ambassador extraordinary to England:
-, appointed and started, 73; arrives at Gravesend, 89; entry postponed, 92; public entry of, 93; Paulucci pays respects to, 96; tells him of victories in Poland, 97.
-, shadows dissipated by appearance of, 91; Cromwell receives cordially, asks for special audience, 93; progress in Cromwell's confidence, at Hampton Court, 100.
-, celebrates victories against Poland, 101; difficulties over levies, 106, 163: obtains levy of Scots, 143, 150.
-, may go on to Portugal, 107; will leave on completion of levy, 153; levy reduced, 157.
-, Sagredo as well received as, 121, 310; visits Sagredo, 130; informs him of victories over Poles, 133; office with approved, 145; tells Sagredo of diversion for Turks. 179
-, confidential relations with, 141, 143; gives Nieuport title of excellency. 152, 154.
-, visited Paulucci, 152; leaving soon, 159; informs Sagredo of birth of prince, 166.
-, long audience about Polish affairs, 157; Schlezer to observe proceedings, 160.
-, negotiations of slight consequence, 160; urges Cromwell to support Swiss, 166.
-, long and secret conferences with the Council, 178, 180; goes to see fleet, 180.
-, shows letters of Sultan to Charles X., 179; banquet to celebrate birth of prince, 184.
-, to leave when current negotiatoins ended, 180; asks for ships, 186, 190; granted, 190.
-, urges Coyet to move king against Turk, 181.
-, trying to get fresh levy, 186 Venice informed about 192; Venice wishes to hear of any negotiations, 209.
-, long audience of Cromwell, 194; to effectuate what arranged, 200; Senate wishes to know about audience, 205.
-, not pleased at Swiss peace, 200; mourning for queen mother, 218.
-, Giavarina impresses with need to move against Turks, 206
-, tries to mollify officers charged with levy, 210; doles out money slowly, 214.
-, display in city to show falsity of report of defeat, 218.
-, negotiations with completed, alliance arranged, 231; about to leave, 249; leave taking, entertained and knighted, 250.
-, three audiences after leave taking, 254; long audience, keeps out Giavarina, 257.
-, presents to, departure, 260; detained in river by contrary wind, 262.

Bonstetten, Charles von, deputy for Berne to Pinerolo, 73.

-, three appear against government, 160.
-, poem on Venetian victory in Dardanelles, 283, 289.

-, See also “Protector Unmasked.”

Booth, Sir George, protest against exclusion of members, 268–9.

Bordeaux [Gironde, France], English ships for need not unlade guns, 150.

Bordeaux Neufville, Bordeos, Antoine de, French ambassador in England, 66:
-, negotiations with resumed, 2, 22; secret conferences with commissioners, 8; no sign of success in negotiations, 12.
-, reports lead French to take defensive measures, 6; begins to speak plainly, insists on decision, 15; firmness improves negotiations, 18.
-, asked to hand over Canada, 10; Mazarin hopeful of success of negotiations, 21; sends express to king, 32; express reaches from king, 48.
-, promises to pay money for Cesy's debts, 22; said to be going, 39, 44; pressing for audience, 43; put off, 44.
-, courier of, arrested for a brawl, 49; couriers to and from, 51.
-, urges attack on W. Indies, 52; continues to treat, but no conclusion, 56; threatens to break off, persuaded to continue, 58.
-, to sign peace quickly or to leave, 83; long conference with Cromwell a good omen, 89.
-, ministers sent to sign treaty with, 101; changes to more costly residence, 107; signed secret articles with Cromwell only, 156.
-, secret treaty made with, 113; uses Spanish embroilment to press on treaty, 122, 134.
-, visits Sagredo, 130; gives Nieuport title of excellency, 154.
-, sends secretary to France for ratfication of peace, 138, 141; ordered to exchange ratifications of peace, 148; banquet to celebrate, 151.
-, leaving for France, 153; to discuss tightening bonds with England and Sweden, 156–7.
-, arrived in Paris, opinions about, 158; to return to England with orders from Mazarin, 164.
-, Catholics attending chapel of, 167; Giavarina to find out commissions, 173; and to watch proceedings, 188.
-, still at Paris, secret conferences with Mazarin, 171, 176, 188; opinions about delay of, 175, 183.
-, causes suspicion, 180; return expected soon, 185, 195.
-, returning but only to attend to affairs on the spot, 189; Cromwell may be subjected to pressure, on arrival, 190.
-, taking large remittances of money and establishment of the alliance, 189; starts for England, 196.
-, Venice curious about negotiations at return, 192; secretary goes to meet, Reserve sent for, 198; return to London, 200; entry postponed, 203.
-, Venice wishes to be informed about, 201–2; Giavarina visits, 203–4; arrival will afford Giavarina material. 209.
-, private audience of Cromwell, 203; apparently doing nothing, 210.
-, brings large sum for Irish levies, 207; large remittances brought by, 208; gets permission for Irish levy, 214.
-, Giavarina to return courtesy of, 212; Sagredo's chapel crowded after departure, 310.
-, expecting delegates to settle claims, 214; two secret audiences of Cromwell, 248.
-, to ask for York to remain, 214; Lockhart observes same formalities as, 215.
-, probably asking for help, 248; cash remitted to for Irish levies, 250.
-, not negotiating, away in country, 259; returns, secret audience of Cromwell, 265.

Boreel, William, Dutch ambassador in France:
-, representations to, against granting warships to Turks, 10; urges Giustinian to forward peace between France and Spain, 146.
-, Sagredo treated Nieuport in same way as, 151; Giustinian will copy treatment of Lockhart, 215.

Bouchain, Bucoim [Nord, France], French march towards, 226.

Bourbon, Louis de, duke of Mercœur, arrives in Provence with orders to fit out fleet, 21.

Bourbon Condé, Louis II. de, Prince of Condé:
-, offers services to Cromwell, with 10,000 men, 39; sends S. Stefano to urge Cromwell to attack France, 56.
-, Hocquincourt disposed to hand over Peronne to, 148n; Barrière to rejoin in Flanders, 195, 207, 218.
-, Charles confers with, 199; victory at Valenciennes, 246.

Bourne, John, Beren Bourne, commander of third squadron of fleet to south, 220.

Boussecate, M., councillor of state, sent to London about signing treaty, 101; arrival expected, 113.

Brabant, Spanish Netherlands, Dutch carrying plate intended for, 247.

Bracamonte, Gaspard de, count of Peñaranda, Pegnoranda:
-, presents paper to king defending Cromwell, 81; king asks if still of same opinion, 90.
-, blamed for disaster to galleys, offers to go to Cadiz, 271.

Braganza, duke of. See John IV., king of Portugal.

Bramston, Lt. Col., force of Scots sent to Jamaica under, 238.

Brandenburg [German Empire], Dutch mission to, 154, 171; Dutch settlement with, 192.

-, duke of, margrave of. See Frederick William.

Brazil, Bresil [S. America]:
-, Dutch seek compensation for loss, 7; Dutch sending fleet to recover losses in, 44.
-, Portugal shows mistrust of English about fleet from, 84; English gain free navigation and trade with, 114.
-, Portuguese fleet from, designs on, 204, 213; fleet not to molost, 217, 244; expected at Lisbon, 243, 245.

Brest [Finistere, France], English prizes taken into, 16.

Bretons, sailors on Patience of Amsterdam, 67n.

Bridgewater, Bridgewatter, state ship, in fleet to south, 220.

Brienne, comte de. See Lomenie, Henri Auguste de.

Bristol, co. Gloucester, Lambert made governor of, 60.

Bristol, Bristowl, state ship, sent for marquis of Lede, 53, 56; in fleet for south, 219.

Brittany, France, ship from, taken by English frigates, 66.

Bromhall, Brumhal, John, tax paid by virtue of sentence obtained by, 64; as agent of Levant Co., 104; currants purchased by, contrary to orders, 105.

Brown, Browne, Nathaniel, commander of the Taunton, 219; to take Bond to Hamburg, 260.

-, Richard, chosen member for London, but not admitted, 256.

Bruer, Erasmus, commander of the Marie of Ostend, 234n.

Bruges [Prov. W. Flanders, Belgium], 297:
-, Charles offered asylum at, 153; Charles said to be going to, 191; Charles reported at, 195, 199.
-, likely to be assigned to Charles as residence, 200, 212; Charles at, 211, 215, 232.
-, Gloucester to join Charles at, 212; Charles returning to, 226, 228.
-, Cromwell has spies about king at, 263; Charles continues to raise troops at, 280; nobles and merchants send excuses to, 284.

Brumhal. See Bromhall.

Brussels [Prov. Brabant, Belgium]:
-, envoys leave for London, 56; Jeestein to go on to, 165.
-, plague at very slight, 134.
-, Charles reported going to, 191; Charles reported at, 195–6; Charles leaves for Cologne, 199.
-, Charles staying at, incognito, 200, 204, Charles confers with Spanish ministers at, 202–3, 205, 207.
-, Charles goes to see Don John, at, 226, 228; Dutch complaint to about capture of escort, 234.

Buckingham, duke of. See Villiers, George.

Bucoim. See Bouchain.

Bye, M. de, minister extraordinary from Poland to England, arrival, expected to ask help against Muscovites, 40; complains of Muscovites to Cromwell, sharp reply to, 46; negotiations at a stand, 54.