Index: A

Pages 317-322

Calendar of State Papers Relating To English Affairs in the Archives of Venice, Volume 30, 1655-1656. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1930.

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Aberdeen, co. Aberdeen, Scotland, gunpowder sent to, as soap, intended for Charles. 239.

Acher. See Lockhart, William.

Adamists, one of English sects, 308.

Adams, Adam, Thomas, commander of the Maidstone, 219.

-, -, alderman, chosen member for London, but not admitted, 257n.

Admiralty, Court, advises against granting reprisals against Spain, 29.

Adrianople, Turkey, news from, 10.

Adriatic Sea, the Gulf:
-, pope's fear of English entering, 218.
-, defence of, affair of Venice, 218.

Advice, frigate, state ship, sent to Dieppe for Fiesco, 3; action with Dunkirk admiral. 234n.

Africa, Blake talks of steering for coast of, 71; Blake sends ships to coast of, 92; English designs on Spanish possessions in, 223; fleet goes to, for water, 229, 233.

agents. See under ambassadors.

Alcock, Alcoch, Sir Thomas, plot to kill Charles, suicide, 208.

Alegre, Alegres, M. d', councillor of state, sent to London for signing of treaty, 101; expected, 113.

Aleppo, Syria, attacked and sacked. 179.

Alexander VII (Fabio Chigi), pope:
-, election of, 26n; effect on English government, 53; plans of may have aroused apprehension in England, 55; English apprehensive of efforts for peace between the two crowns 141; agent sent to Rome to find out plans, 143; distracted by so many exigencies, 182.
-, attack on Italy would throw into arms of Spaniards, 164, 172; anxious to settle Swiss troubles, 166; sends money to Swiss Catholics, 182; no belief in peace there, 183.
-, urged to detach Portugal from France and England by recognition, 173; asks particulars of English fleet, measures for defence against, 198; confers with Maculano about defence of Civita Vecchia, 202; concern about fleet, 205, 218.
-, may hold back galleys, 205; holds them back because of English, 218; promises galleys shall sail when danger removed, 218–9.

Alexandria [Egypt], 95.

Alexius, Tsar of Muscovy, the Muscovite, Polish minister appeals to Cromwell against, 46; Sweden secured in Poland by correspondence with, 181.

Alfonso, Prince of Portugal, question of marriage to Infanta of Spain, 196.

-, king of Portugal, well disposed to England, 294.

Algarve, Algarves, Portugal, 209:
-, Blake's ships being careened in, 84: Blake takes stations off, 90; fleet sails past, 213.

Algiers, N. Africa:
-, reported release of English slaves by pirates of, 5; weather prevents Blake going to, 21; Blake on way to, 23, 26, 49; Blake honoured at, 53.
-, pirates of, take English ship, 39; Blake to insist on releasing slaves, 58.
-, remainder of Barbary fleet at, 49; report of Blake's engagement with, 61; ships may reinforce Blake, 103; desirable that fleet should go against, 206.

-, See also Barbary.

Alicante [Prov. Alicante, Spain], goods to be unladed at and forwarded overland, 229; English ships enter port, but driven off, 230.

Almirante, of plate fleet. See Concepcion.

Almirante di Cartagena, reported capture by Blake, 74.

Amalteo, Cavalier, master of Louis XIV in Italian, 138.

ambassadors, agents, bailo, envoys, foreign ministers, papal nuncios, residents, secretaries:
-, can only do business through Thurloe, 26; collection for Vaudois made from, 76; nobility will not attend reception of, 93.
-, Bond entertains, to celebrate victories, 101; banquet to at French embassy to celebrate peace, 151.
-, postal packets may be sent by order of, 106; presents to, 121, 215, 260, 312n.
-, no business with because Cromwell ill, 128; question of precedence of Dutch, 151–2, 154.
-, Cromwell employs spies in place of, 143; has none except at Constantinople, 159.
-, invited to banquet to celebrate birth of Swedish prince, 184–5; Bordeaux asks to postpone visits, 203.
-, stoppage of chapels of, for Catholics, 185; letters not exempt from inspection, indignation of, 212; have difficulty in obtaining audience, 270, 289.
-, Coyet first to receive present from Cromwell, 215; Lockhart does not visit, 224; news of Venetian victory communicated to, 257.

-, etc., names of:

Brandenburg, to England. See Schlezer, Johann Friedrich.

Condé, to England. See San Stefano, Marquis of; Taillefer, Henri de, seigneur de Barrière.

Curland, to England. See Struch, Rudolph van.

Danish, to England. See Petkum; Rosenvinge, Henry Wilhemsen.

Danish, to Charles II. See Jeestein, Count Hannibal.

Dutch, to England. See Beverningh, Jerome; Nieuport, Willem.

Dutch, to France. See Boreel, William.

Dutch, to Savoy. See Ommeren, Rudolph van.

English, to France. See Lockhart, William; Morrel, Hugh; Petit, M.; Pickering, Sir Gilbert.

English, to Germany. See Whitelocke, Bulstrode.

English, in Netherlands. See Dorislaus, Isaac; Meadowe, Philip; Rosin.

English, at Porte. See Bendish, Sir Thomas; Salway, Richard.

English, to Portugal. See Maynard, Thomas; Meadowe, Philip.

English, at Rome. See Bayly, Dr. Thomas.

English, to Savoy. See Downing, George; Moreland, Samuel.

English, to Spain. See Ascham, Anthony; Balt, Colonel.

English, to Sweden. See Rolt, Major Edward; Whitelocke, Bulstrode.

English, at Zurich. See Pell, John.

French, to England. See Alegre, M. d'; Bastide, M. de la; Bordeaux Neufville, Antoine de; Boussecate.

French, at Porte. See Harlay, Philippe de, count of Cesy,

French, to Savoy. See Servien, Abel.

French, to Spain. See Lionne, Hugues de.

French, to Swiss. See La Barde, Jean de, marquis de Marolles; La Rochefoucauld, Francois due de.

French, at Venice. See Argenson, M. d'.

Genoese, to England. See Bernardi, Francisco; Fiesco, Ugo; Spinola.

Imperial, in Spain. See Lamberg, John Francis, count of.

Imperial, in Sweden, See Lisola, Frances Paul, freiherr von.

papal nuncio, in France. See Bagni, Niccolo.

Parma, in France. See Villere, Leonardo.

Polish, in England. See Bye, M. de.

Portuguese, in England. See Rebello, Francesco Ferrero; Sa e Menezes, Joao Rodriguez, count of Peneguiao.

Savoyard, in France. See Rovere, Abbé de la.

Spanish, to England. See Bette Guillaume, marquis of Lede; Cardenas, Alonso de.

Spanish, in Germany. See Moura y Corte Real, Francesco de, marquis of Castel Rodrigo.

Spanish, in the Netherlands. See Gamarra, Estevan de.

Spanish, at Venice. See Fuente, marquis de la.

Swedish, in England. See Barkman; Bond, Christian; Coyet, Peter Julius; Fleetwood, George.

Swedish, to France. See Tot, Count.

Swedish, in Netherlands. See Appelboom, Harald.

Swiss Protestant Cantons, to Pinerolo conference. See Bonstetten, Charles von; Hirzel, Solomon; Socin, Benedict; Stockar, John Jacob; Weiss, Gabriel.

Transsylvania, to England. See Schaum, Constantine.

Tuscan, to England. See Salvetti, Amerigo.

Vaudois, to England. See Stoupe, Jean Baptiste.

Venetian, in England. See Giavarina, Francesco; Paulucci, Lorenzo; Sagredo Giovanni; Zonca, Francesco.

Venetian, at Florence. See Sarotti, Giovanni Ambrosio; Vico, Thadio.

Venetian, in France. See Giustinian, Francesco; Morosini, Michiel; Sagredo, Giovanni.

Venetian, in Germany. See Nani, Giovanni Battista.

Venetian, at Naples. See Rosso, Andrea.

Venetian, at the Porte. See Ballarino, Giovanni Battista; Contarini, Alvise.

Venetian, at Rome. See Giustinian, Girolamo.

Venetian, in Spain. See Quirini, Giacomo; Zane, Domenico.

Venetian, at Zurich. See Negri, Antonio di; Sarotti, Paolo.

America, Cromwell far from satisfied with results in, 106; English claim same rights as Spaniards in, 140.

America, South:
-, Penn sailing for, 22, 26; Lede's mission will not divert Penn from, 33; arrival of English fleet published throughout. 79.
-, designs in delay ratification of French peace, 101; man from Cartagena tells Cromwell best places to attack, 190.

Ames, Amer, Joseph, commander of the Winsby, 220.

Amity, state ship, sent home by Blake, 101; in fleet for south, 220.

Amsterdam [Prov. N. Holland, Netherlands]:
-, outcry in, over Penn's seizure of Dutch ships, 56, 61; concerned in Ruyter's convoy, 210.
-, ship of, taken by English frigates, 67n; ship at, with news of China, 154.
-, mortality from plague at, 134.
-, Manasseh Ben Israel from, 160n.
-, coal for, from Newcastle, 228.
-, losses of, in war with England, 304; embassy sent from to England, 305.
-, merchant of, 167.

-, share in Wildman plot, 4; pamphlets of, with grievances against Cromwell. 102; discontent threatens division in army, 113.
-, Harrison leader of, 4; one of the numerous sects, 308.
-, Cromwell wishes to weed out of army, 102; Cromwell trying to weaken party of, 114; Cromwell originally professed to be, 307.

Ancona [Prov. Ancona, Italy], pope's fear of English landing at, 218.

Andalusia, Spain, Medina Celi wants English to land in 213.

-, governor of, 81.

-, -, See also Cerda, Antonio de, duke of Medina Celi.

-, Lower, price of commodities in, halved by English action, 120.

Andrew, Andrea, state ship, in fleet to south, 220.

Anjou, duke of. See Philip, duke of Anjou.

Annapolis [Nova Scotia, Dominion of Canada], Hamburg appointed arbitrator upon, 151.

Anne of Austria, Queen Mother of France, presents portrait to Sagredo, 121; leaves Paris with king, 223.

Anne Bonaventura, claim on Venice for hire of, 23; paid off, payment promised, 34; instructions on received, 49.

Annibale. See Hannibal.

Antwerp [Prov. Antwerp, Belgium]:
-, Sagredo's correspondent at, 112; Jew from, 160–1.
-, plague not severe at. 134.
-, Cromwell at, 160; Charles going to, 211; Charles to confer with Don John at, 215.
-, concerned in Ruyter's convoy, 210; Venetian despatches missing at, 223.
-, Charles visited by Caracena at, 226; Charles returns to from Brussels, 228.

-, Venetian correspondent at. See Malo, Luigi.

apparition, sentry frightened to death by, 12.

Appelboom, Harald, minister of Sweden at the Hague, representations against sending Dutch fleet to Baltic, 219.

apprentices, fear of disturbances by, 5; measures to prevent rioting by, on Shrove Tuesday, 32.

Aquila Coronata, in Venetian squadron of ships, 41.

Aranjuez, Ranjuez [Prov. Madrid, Spain], king at, 209.

Argenson, M. d', French ambassador at Venice, asks about title given to Cromwell, 98.

Arignola, Spanish renegade, reveals under torture agreement of Blake with Turks, 85.

Armano, Armeno, Giuseppe, Venetian consul at Leghorn, letters to Resident Vico, 232, 240.

Armenian, living at Leghorn, owner of English ship in Turkish fleet, 71.

Armourer, Nicholas, back in Paris, thinks poorly of royal cause, 52.

army, military, soldiers, troops:
-, carried out what parliament decided, 303; quarrel with parliament, 304.
-, successes of Cromwell as leader, 303; leaders of object to hereditary Protectorate, 305; interests of bound up with Cromwell, 307.
-, Cromwell leaves post of lieut.-gen. open to retain control of, 306.
-, cost, of through increase of pay, 306; marching of troops replaces refinements of court, 308.
-, regularly paid and strictly disciplined, 306; troops live as precisely as brotherhood of monks, 307.
-, disaffected troops sent to Indies or remote parts of kingdom, 307; Lambert has greatest credit with, 312.
-, 1655:
-,-, paper against interference in religion, 1; share in Wildman conpsiracy, 4.
-,-, parliament measures to please, 1; parliament decision about pay of, 2; parliament accused of reducing pay, 17.
-,-, troops hurried to London, 4. 8; large forces kept in London, 18, 28; veterans brought to London, 25; London patrolled by troops of horse, 158.
-,-, Cromwell's policy to keep employed, 5; act regulating number of, to be presented by parliament, 11; Cromwell obliged to keep in good humour, 25.
-,-, Cromwell's efforts to keep well disposed, 8,; Cromwell increased power by support of, 11; he will retain power while united with, 18.
-,-, will be incensed by dissolution of parliament, 17; some officers arrested for conspiracy, 35.
-,-, troops brought to Scotland from Ireland, 18; troops sent to Salisbury, 37–8; reinforced in various parts of country, 42.
-,-, new tax for support of, 25, 28; demands pay, Cromwell may satisfy from own pocket, 26; London militia will save cost of, 28; Cromwell respects nothing but, 30; obedience enforced by. 67.
-,-, officers required to take oath to Cromwell, 35; fear of keeps country quiet, 38.
-,-, Charles's only hope to sow dissension in, 38; muster of, many disbanded and colonel replaced, 45.
-,-, not diminished on account of London militia, 43; heavy taxation for, 113.
-,-, Cromwell defers complete pay of, some raid his kitchen, 43; his tact over makes popular with, id.; government maintained by power of, 112, 115.
-,-, parade in London on Easter Sunday, 50; royalists and gentry fleeced for support of, 83.
-,-, Cromwell might devote himself exclusively to, 51; alone can give Cromwell legislative powers, 68.
-,-, will decide question of Cromwell taking royal title, 57, 60; council of officers to offer Cromwell legislative power, 66, 68; he will take, with support of, 72.
-,-, opposition in, to royal title, 69; Cromwell must be careful not to alienate, 102.
-,-, delegates supposed to represent wishes of, 80; Cromwell has secret conference about, 100.
-,-, question of reducing numbers, 100; Swedish levy an opportunity to reduce and purge, 101–2; discontent over disbanding and reduction of pay, 106.
-,-, outcry of old soldiers at purging, 102; might break up from differences over religion, 109, 113.
-,-, troops ordered to W. Indies from Scotland, 102; disaffected troops sent away, 113.
-,-, officers refuse to give Cromwell legislative powers, 109; emperor of Great Britain would be chosen by, 132; proposal not well received by, 132.
-,-, plate fleet needed for support of, 110; royalists forced to bear cost of, 141.
-,-, particulars of discipline of, 112–3; country kept in subjection by, 158.
-,-, Anabaptists strong in, 114; Cromwell preaches to every Sunday, 136, 312.
-,-, troops from Indies promised share of booty, clamour for pay, 116; Cromwell attacked Indies to get money for, 117; strength of forces in Jamaica, 118; Spaniards might drive out, while weak, 122, 125.
-,-, Cromwell fears irritating by punishing Penn and Venables, 119; inducements to serve in fleet, 164–5.
-,-, troops being raised for Indies, 137; expedition to Indies to find employment for, 133; war there not popular with, 147; picked troops for fleet, 171.
-,-, charged to collect taxes. 158.
-, 1656:
-,-, while obedient all risings will be suppressed, 172; officers called to London about increase of Cromwell's titles and powers, 183; Cromwell will never let out of his hands, 244.
-,-, troops of horse paraded in London, 198; general muster of all troops, 246.
-,-, church lands resold to pay for, 211; heavy burdens for maintenance of, 214.
-,-, 3,000 picked men to go to Jamaica, 224; picked men selected for blockade of Dunkirk, 246.
-,-, 5,000 men embarked secretly on fleet, 225.
-,-, not satisfied about general, proposed appointment of Fleetwood, would prefer Lambert, 227; to take out of Cromwell's hands only reason for making him king, 244.
-,-, pay in arrear, complaining, 233; troops collected secretly in London, for fleet against Dunkirk, 236; curious method of enlistment, id., Giavarina to watch, 244.
-,-, guards sent to Cornwall against Dunkirk raiders, 237; dangers of sending to Flanders, 246; troops to put on board fleet, 248.
-,-, general muster of all the troops, 246; reviews of horse and foot held daily, 248.
-,-, new recruits to till up places of men for fleet, 248–9.
-,-, guarantees Cromwell against thunders of parliament, 254, 261; guards and garrison of Tower increased, 261, 263, 267; troops sent to coast, 263.
-,-, pay held up till meeting of parliament, 254: assignment for pay made to, 264; to defend country from invasion, 264–5.
-,-, Cromwell calls a council of officers, 251; he warns leaders of danger, 264.
-,-, whole army of Scotland brought to London, 263; men without employment forcibly enlisted, 267.
-,-, conditions do not permit weakening of to help France, 265; constantly on march throughout country from fear of invasion, 272.
-,-, opposition in, to making Cromwell king, 269; Cromwell will have to give up command of, if becomes king, 277.
-,-, Cromwell reviews all troops in London, 274.
-,-, regiment selected to go to Sweden, 274; patents to raise strong force for Flanders, 280.

Ascham, Anthony, parliament ambassador to Spain, no satisfaction obtained for murder of, 140; reference to murder, 254.

Asia, Turks weakened by revolt in, 181.

Assurance, frigate, state ship, takes drafts and supplies to Blake, 96; in fleet to south, 220.

Atlantic, the Ocean, 304:
-, talk of Cromwell assuming title of emperor of, 60; English claim to mastery of, 100; provisions for trade in, in Anglo French treaty, 150.

Augier, Réné, 18n.

Augsburg [Bavaria, German Empire], Sagredo at, 212.

Austria, Archdukes of. See Ferdinand Charles; Leopold; Leopold William.

-, Don John of. See John, Don, of Austria.

-, House of:

suspected intrigues of Modena against, 33; Portuguese contemplate hostilities against, 107; talk of alliance of France, Sweden and England against, 122; England and Sweden will wish to counterpoise, 130, 155; union of England and Sweden directed against, 182, 186.

threatened with ruin, 146; Sweden strongest bulwark against, 310.

Avellando y Haro, Don Garcia de, conde de Castrillo, viceroy of Naples:
-, Blake's reserve towards, 3; informed of French plans against Naples, 24.
-, welcomes Blake, grants him stores, 35; goes to Baia to hasten repair of ships, 29.
-, refuses English permission to trade, 154, 162; alarmed about English, asks for 600 Germans, 202.

Avesnes, Avennes [Nord, France], French march towards, 226.