Index: C

Pages 328-345

Calendar of State Papers Relating To English Affairs in the Archives of Venice, Volume 30, 1655-1656. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1930.

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Cadducke, —, commander of the Dragon, 220.

Cadiz [Andalusia, Spain], 288:
-, warning sent from, to plate fleet, 34; ship with despatches at, 57.
-, offered to Blake for repairing ships, 65, 127; Blake sailing towards, 69, 71; Blake sails away from, 74.
-, English abandoning hurriedly, 71, 87; preparations for defence at, 74, 85.
-, plate galleons warned not to enter, 74; Blake's object in approaching, 83, plate fleet expected at, 91.
-, merchants of, offer ships and soldiers, 74, 81; Dutch ships at offered to Philip, 78.
-, Blake refused offer to careen ships at, 84; concern at Naples about Blake leaving, 87.
-, few merchantmen enter, 84, 88; trade of port stopped, 92; Blake's instructions about admitting ships to, 99.
-, Blake returns in sight of, excitement in 92; reconnoitres again, 96.
-, Blake speaks derisively of squadron equipping in, 96; fleet sails out from, 99.
-, Medini Celi returns to take charge, 108; Contreras constantly receiving refreshments from, 114.
-, customs at suffer from loss of trade, 117; two ships of plate fleet reach, 131; plate fleet said to have reached safely, 144; news of plate fleet at, 189.
-, Bañuelos leaves to arm Dutch ships, 168; gentlemen at flock to prevent landing, 216.
-, measures for defence, 168; fleet said to be going to, 204, 208; intention to attack, 210; will not be easy to take 214.
-, fleet takes up station at, 213, 215, 227; goes to water and returns to, 229.
-, port blockaded by fleet, 216; fleet does nothing at, people jeer, 221, 230, 257; few ships off, 230, 232–3.
-, munitions of war for, on Dutch ship wrecked, 218; goods for, taken overland, 229; traffic on land side free, 230.
-, Dutch ships for will not pass Strait, 233; Sanson stopped with cargo for, 245; Blake stops Dutch ships off, 245, 247.
-, fleet idle before, 228: fleet powerless to take, 240.
-, fleet leaves, 239; fleet returns to station off, 245; supplies sent to fleet before, 277.
-, fleet of galleys collected against English at, 257; ordered out to save galleons, 265; arming proceeds very slowly, 281.
-, fight of English with galleons in sight of, 265, 271; Peñaranda offers to go in person to, 271.
-, Blake remains off, 280; powerful squadron to join Blake at, 296.
-, English consul at. See Wilson, James.
-, governor of. See Cerda, Antonio de, duke of Medina Celi.

Cairo, Egypt, proposed depot in Barbary for trade with, 57.

Calais [Pas de Calais, France]:
-, landing at would begin bitter war, 11.
-, Sagredo avoids route of, 111; frigate sent to, for Bordeaux, 198.
-, Protestants to leave chapel at, 176.

Calissa. See Kalisz.

Calthorp, James, knighted, 298.

Calvinist, Charles I. professed to be, 299; one of numerous sects in England, 308.

Cambridge, co. Cambridge, Cromwell chosen member for, 311.

Campbell, Archibald, lord Lorne, Monk has arrested, 295.

Campion, Henry, English consul at Zante, informs Bendish of action at Porto Farina, 49.

Campo d' Occhi, in Venetian squadron of ships, 41.

Canada, Bordeaux asked to hand over, 10; English demand total abandonment of, 32.

Canary Islands:
-, ship sailing to, 67n; Cromwell might seize, for capture of plate fleet, 85.
-, English ships seized in, 134; fleet to fetch wine from, turns back empty, 143; fear of English attack on, 159.

Cantales, Cantil [Malaga, Spain], Cape, 82.

Canterbury, archbishop of. See Laud, William.

Cape of Good Hope, S. Africa, talk of Penn going to, 12.

Caracena, Marquis of. See Benavides, Don Luis de.

Cardenas, Cardines, Don Alonso de, Spanish ambassador in England, the Catholic ambassador:
-, will not be pleased about peace with Portugal, 9; watches Anglo French negotiations with anxiety, 33.
-, reports English fleet ready to sail, 10; sends word of sailing, 24; distress at attack on Indies, 29.
-, confirms coming of Lede, 33; announces him as ready to cross, 53.
-, prevented letters of marque with difficulty, 34; money placed at disposal to satisfy merchants, 51.
-, money sent to for mitigating claims, 34; Condé's services offered to Cromwell through, 39.
-, Fiesco never met, 40; answers for Barrière, threatened with arrest for debt, 49; Paulucci visits, 103.
-, tries hard to mollify Cromwell, 51; renews appeal to be relieved, 65, 85; expected to leave soon, 69; indignant at Cromwell's conduct, 103.
-, Spaniards hope will stop attack, 74; to reaffirm king's friendliness, 78; government waiting to hear from, 81.
-, says self interest sole guide to government's action, 103; Spaniards fear may be molested, 108–9, 114; ordered to leave London, 111, 114, 125.
-, notified of decision to sequestrate English goods, 111; religious protected by, seek asylum with Sagredo, 128.
-, preparing for departure, 119; withdrawal considered act of hostility, 125; suspected of trying to get himself detained, 129, 137.
-, great experience of England, bought late king's furnishings, 125; Sagredo calls on, remarks on situation, 129–30.
-, cannot get audience of leave or passport, 128; remonstrates at treatment, preparing to go, 134; withdrawal to Flanders, 135; leaves amid severity and scorn, 149, 309.
-, efforts to bring about adjustment, 137; detained at Dover and baggage searched, 140.
-, prompts merchants to petition against war, 137; recall confirms breach, 152; withdrawn because of attack on Indies, 159.
-, absence of causes Catholics to flock to Venetian embassy, 167; Sagredo arrived soon after departure, 309; Sagredo's chapel crowded after departure, 310.

Carignan, Prince of. See Tomaso of Savoy.

Carisbrooke castle, Isle of Wight, co. Hants, Vane sent prisoner to, 264.

Cartagena [Prov. Murcia, Spain]: galley from, gets into Cadiz with gunpowder, 216; Dutch ships unload at, for Cadiz, 233.

Cartagena [Colombia, S. America]:
-, Montealegre arming galleons at, 90; plate fleet waiting for orders at, 108; English land near, 174.
-, man from, confers with Cromwell, 190; designs against, 250.

Cascaes, Cascaris [Estremadura, Portugal], Blake at, having ships careened, 117, 120.

Casimir, king. See John II., Casimir, king of Poland.

Castaños, Castagnos, Don Juan, Spanish admiral, alone keeps watch on Blake, 110.

Castel Rodrigo, marquis of. See Moura y Corte Real, Francisco de.

Castellamare [Prov. Napoli, Italy], descent of Guise upon, 2n.

Castelli. See Dardanelles.

Castile, Spain, not safe if Portuguese acting with Cromwell, 209.

Castillo, Didacus del, bishop of Badajos, leaves attitude to English doubtful, 209.

Castrillo, conde de. See Avellando y Haro, Don Garcia de.

Catalonia, Spain, Mazarin's undertakings in, 56; main effort will not be made in, 197.

Catholic ambassador. See Cardenas, Don Alonso de.

-, king. See Philip IV., king of Spain.

Catholicism, Roman; popery:
-, must be put down, 1; proclamation to prevent spread of, 55.
-, government intention to root out of Ireland, 63, 83.
-, check at St. Domingo not unmixed evil for, 91; boastful talk in England of extirpating, 97.
-, would make headway in England, but for persecution, 114; Southworth's death brings converts to, 129.
-, would have suffered from English success in Indies, 116; contemplated union to detriment of, 143; government desires complete reduction of 185, 190, 200, 223.
-, defeat of Swedes needed by, 206; danger to, if Cromwell adds power of gold to that of iron, 309.
-, reported conversion of Charles II. to, 263; Charles I. belonged to, at heart, but renounced on scaffold, 299.
-, English people, bitterest enemies of, 263, 299; excepted from Cromwell's plea for liberty of conscience, 266.
-, likely to triumph by war between English and Dutch, 305.

Catholics, Hugenots appeal to Cromwell when ill treated by, 310.

Catholics, English Roman, papists, recusants:
-, proclamation for enforcing laws against, 54; intention to reduce to greater straits, 55.
-, persecution of Vaudois, stirs feeling against, 63, 69.
-, form a fourth of population, 115; government takes goods, but allows to hear masses, 129.
-, arrest of, after attending mass at Venetian embassy, 167, 176; and at Portuguese embassy later, 185; fuss raised about attending embassy, 310.
-, unlikely to take oath abjuring Stuarts, 276; money to be raised for sailors by confiscating property of, 279, 281.
-, method of evading requisitions adopted by, 280; unlikely to be discovered, 282; pay two-thirds of property to purchase liberty of worship, 306.

cavaliers. See royalists.

Centurion, state ship, in fleet for south, 219.

Cephalonia, Ionian Island, memorial on wrongs of Levant Co. at, 64; Levant Co. has monopoly of currant trade of, 95; duties on currants at, 104.

-, Proveditore of, 95.

-, Rectors of, 104.

Cerda, Antonio de, duke of Medina Celi, governor of Andalusia and general of the Ocean, governor of Cadiz:
-, friendly offer to Blake, 65; refuses Blake's request for fort Puntales, 71; refused to grant place for repairs, 94.
-, objections to commanding naval force against English, 74; sends patache to observe Blake, 78.
-, ordered to be amiable to Blake 78; received him courteously, 83.
-, obtains confessions from renegade of Blake's bargain with Turks, 85.
-, returns to Cadiz to take charge, 108; talks valiantly, wants English to land, 213; reports to exalt valour of, 221.
-, Baydes' daughter coming to marry son of, 274.

Ceremonies, Master of the. See Fleming, Sir Oliver.

Cesy, count of. See Harlay, Philippe de.

chaplain of Venetian resident, salary, 164.

Charles I., king of England, king of Great Britain:
-, sale of property declared valid, 1; fire considered judgment for treatment of, 40.
-, Bendish sent by, 29; Sovereign of Seas built for, 36.
-, parliament employed militia against, 40; troops who served disbanded, 45.
-, Richmond broken hearted at death, 52; Cardenas in England at death and bought furnishings. 125.
-, France suspect from connection with heirs of, 56; all who served cause to leave London, 86.
-, foundation of laws and civil life died with, 132; imprisonment at Carisbrooke, 264; lion roars at anniversary of death, 301.
-, causes of unpopularity, 299; strong forces went out from London against, 300.
-, clemency in war, surrender to Scots, sold, 300.
-, question of execution, disputed, 300–1; trial and execution 301; Cromwell arranged death should be by sentence of parliament, 302.
-, at death, all government rested with parliament, 303; those who pitied fall rejoiced at dissolution of parliament, 305; Independents in majority in parliament that passed sentence on, 307.

Charles II., king of England, king of Great Britain, king of Scotland:
-, 1655:
-,-, commissions signed by found in private houses, 22, 28; report of, coming to England unfounded, 40.
-,-, supposed to have gone to England, 30, 33; has more courage than patience, 30; proposed to cross to Hull, 33; Cromwell's measures to prevent landing, 36; contradictory reports of movements, 38; fruitless enquiry as to whereabouts, 41.
-,-, only hope is general insurrection or corrupting army, 38; sudden move causes anxiety, 39.
-,-, insurgents at Salisbury declare for, 38; receives constant advices, watching course of events, 41.
-,-, resentment at money supplied to by king of Poland, 40, 46; representations to Dutch about harbouring, 41.
-,-, said to be at Telingen, 41, 44; sister has no news of, 44; informs mother that back at Cologne, 46; at Cologne, 153, 192.
-,-, no importance attached to report of coming to England, 44; prisoners deny having taken up arms for, 47.
-,-, royalist rising did more harm than good to, 45; convinced that being betrayed by followers, 46; mother distressed at disappointment, 47; sorry plight of cause, 52.
-,-, led Mazarin to expect another civil war, 45; Spaniards think of using against Cromwell, 75, 78.
-,-, left Gloucester in Holland, Gloucester leaves Holland to join, 59; Rupert confers with at Cologne, 90.
-,-, reconciliation with Rupert, 90n; Rupert acting in interests of, 156; to be set up by joint efforts of Spaniards and Dutch, 166.
-,-, supposed understanding with ex queen of Sweden, 91; at Frankfort waiting for her, 123.
-,-, Spaniards in negotiation with, 111; Spaniards will have forces of, 119; may be called to Flanders, 125.
-,-, health drunk in private houses, 115; Scotland and Ireland attached to, 143.
-,-, Spaniards likely to support, 149; Spaniards offer asylum in Flanders, 153.
-,-, close watch to suppress movements in favour of, 157; Manning a spy on, 168–9; has him put to death, 169.
-, 1656:
-,-, mission from Denmark to, at Cologne, 165, 170; States of empire ready to help against Cromwell, 166; to be leaving Cologne for Flanders, 191.
-,-, Scottish rebels expect help from, 167; Cromwell's pre-occupation to stamp out party of, 187; and crush all attempts, 191; fear that may stir disaffected in England, 198.
-,-, wants to go to Dunkirk, not permitted by Spaniards, 192; rumours in England about, 195, 198.
-,-, arrives at Brussels, 196; goes to Bruges, 199; conference at Brussels, returns to Cologne, 199, 200, 202, 203, 205, 207.
-,-, powerlessness of, doubtful if Spain can profit by, 196; distressed by multiplicity of difficulties, 199.
-,-, Englishmen take patents for privateering in name of, 199; fear of ships stealing away to join, 200.
-,-, rumours at Paris about, 199; uneasiness of government at presence in Flanders, 200, 204, 211, 224, 236.
-,-, arranging to live in Flanders, Bruges may be assigned to, 200; at Brussels in seclusion, 204.
-,-, encourages rising in Ireland, 201; fear of Irish in France going to serve, 207; gunpowder sent to Scotland for service of, 239.
-,-, Spaniards will give support and pension to, but no alliance, 202; satisfactory arrangements with Spaniards, 204; excessive demands referred to Spain, 205, 211; awaiting reply from Spain, 228, 232, 243.
-,-, sends to Paris for York, 207; at Bruges, going to Antwerp, 211, 215; going to live at Bruges, 212.
-,-, plot of Alcock to kill, 208; York would join in Flanders to fight Cromwell, 214.
-,-, would make large offers to secure Blake, 216–7; parliament called to stop movements in favour of, 226.
-,-, Medici attach importance to negotiations with Spaniards, 219.
-,-, Dunkirkers fly flag of, 222; endeavouring to cause England as much anxiety as possible, 232.
-,-, sees Caracena at Antwerp, to see Don John at Brussels, 226; well received by Don John, 229.
-,-, returns to Antwerp, going to Bruges, 228; staying at Bruges, 243; waiting for brother at Dunkirk, 273.
-,-, persons coming from abroad to be registered because of, 236; agents in London sounding likelihood of rising for, 246; fire smouldering in favour of, 249.
-,-, sends partisan to London to raise money from merchants, 239; constant efforts to stir up trouble in London, 246, 253.
-,-, London merchants keep supplied with money, 239; merchants not willing to continue this, 246; loss an annoyance to, 284.
-,-, hoping for provision from Spain for maintenance, 243; ratification of treaty with reaches Flanders from Spain, 251.
-,-, letters of intercepted, showing designs against state, 261; expectation of disturbances fomented by, 262; hopes to do something with Spanish help, 263; war justified by Spanish help to, 271.
-,-, statements made to rouse feeling against, 263; Vane mortal enemy of, 264.
-,-, Cromwell has spies about and knows plans, 263; royalists tortured to discover relations with, 264.
-,-, misfortune that all designs discovered, 264; parliament passes act condemning designs of, 266.
-,-, taxation endured as security against invasion by, 265; troops kept on march for fear of invasion by, 272.
-,-, hopes with nobles and troops to be more formidable to enemies, 273; beating up troops for, in Rhine lands, 275; Spanish ministers seeking money for projects, 278.
-,-, parliament requires people to abjure, 276; plot to restore discovered in London, 294–5; regular correspondence with gentleman in London, 295.
-,-, York tries to draw Irish from French service to, 279.
-,-, raising troops, plan to cross water, 280; short of money through Philip's mishap, 281; projects languish as Spain can contribute little to, 287.
-,-, nobility and merchants prevented from helping by Cromwell's activity, 284.
-,-, war between English and Dutch would suit, 293; Dutch feel more kindly to and may assist, 297.
-,-, sent arms to Scotland for a rising, 295; Spaniards alone cannot ensure success of plans, 297.
-,-, Highlands kept up sort of war for, 303; self interest unites enemies and leaves little hope for, 307; hostile feeling for France because of relation with, 309.

-, secretary to. See Nicholas, Sir Edward.

Charles X., king of Sweden:
-, special envoy expected from, 20; desires measures for defence of religion, 93; ambitious projects of, 97; declared champion of Protestant faith, 100.
-, Venetian nobles at court of, 97.
-, success in Poland, 100, 157; celebrated in London, 101; Bond informs Sagredo of victories, 130, 133; English consider victories as own, 141.
-, Sagredo suggests attacking Turks, 130, 133, 145; hopes that will carry attacks into Germany, 141; expected to attack house of Austria, 146.
-, objects in granting levies to, 143; perfect harmony with England, 160; supposed alliance with England, 165.
-, proposed Dutch embassy to, 154; Dutch fear will impose tolls at Baltic, 155–6; imposes toll there, 175, 178.
-, establishing dominion in Poland, 160, 181; congratulations on birth of heir, 166; celebrations, 184.
-, offers treaty to Denmark, 165; will help turn scales in favour of Lutheranism, 178.
-, will help Cossacks to raid Turkish states, 179; Sultan shows his respect for, 179; glory to be won by attacking Turks, 181; Sagredo moved to fight Turks, 192, 206.
-, summons Coyet back, 180; Whitelock to go on embassy to, 191.
-, Bond asks fresh levy for, 186; royalists allowed to serve and enlist eagerly, 187.
-, desire to further future designs of, 187.
-, Cromwell asked to grant ships to, 190; levy of Scots for, 194, 210; Cromwell selects one of best regiments to send to, 274.
-, Bond sends to for instructions, 200; can attack Turks if secures Poland, 206.
-, reported defeat and death, 206; Bond's display to show report false, 218; Dutch belief in defeat resented, 231.
-, courtesy to Rolt reciprocated, 215; Cromwell sending ambassador to, 251.
-, letters of Cromwell to urging peace with Poland and opportunity of humbling Papacy, 232.
-, Cromwell sends present of horses to, 260; close union of interest and religion with, 262.
-, adjustment of Dutch with, 269; gunpowder bought for and sent to Baltic, 284.

Charles, prince of Sweden, birth of, 166; celebrated by banquet, 184.

Charles Emanuel II, duke of Savoy:
-, sympathy with Protestants in dominions of, 63; envoy sent to, with remonstrance, 66, 68; Cromwell wishes France to support representations to, 70.
-, publishes ban against heretics of Lucerne, 68; may have reason to repent action, 76.
-, Weiss goes to inform of coming of Swiss delegates, 73; insists settlement shall be advantageous for him, 76–7; Swiss deputies have not yet seen, 90.
-, Vaudois petition for clemency, 77.
-, another envoy sent to (Downing), 93; English and Dutch deputies to demand compensation and security from, 99; they object to settlement made with, 135.
-, ill usage of Vaudois moved all Protestant powers, 172; forced to receive back heretic subjects, 310.
-, suspected of supporting Swiss Catholic Cantons, 188.

Charles Louis, elector Palatine of the Rhine, Zurich and Berne invite to join league with English, 182; Rupert reports serious quarrels with, 289.

Chatham, co. Kent, Bond embarks at, 260n.

Chatillon, duchess of. See Montmorency Bouteville, Isabel Angelique de.

Chauny, Scioni [Aisne, France], despatches dated at, 90, 101, 232.

Chigi, Fabio, elected pope, as Alexander VII., 26, 53.

Chilminischi. See Kmielniski.

China, reported conquest by Tartars, 154.

Christina, ex queen of Sweden, Count Tot brings compliments from, 56; supposed understanding with Charles, 91; Charles and others at Frankfort to see, 123.

Christina of Bourbon, duchess dowager of Savoy, may have urged persecution of Vaudois to please sister, 63.

Christmas, celebrated in spite of permission to work, 5.

church, alienation of property to remain in force, 1.

Church, States of the, Papal States:
-, ill provided against attack from English, 182; measures of defence, 185, 198, 202.
-, alarm in about English, 205; fear of English landing in, 218.

-, galleys of, papal galleys, suggested rise against English, English, 199; not likely to be kept back for this, id.; promise to send to Levant, 202, 219; pope may delay despatch, 205; kept back for fear of English, 218.

Churland, duke of. See James, duke of Curland.

cinnamon, cargo of, 175.

City of Amsterdam, Dutch merchantman, wrecked at mouth of Tyne, with munitions for Cadiz, 218.

Civita Vecchia [Prov. Rome, Italy], measures for defence against English, 198, 202.

Clarke, Robert, commander of the Unicorn, 219.

-, cargo of for Barbary, 49; cargo of, at Leghorn, 232.
-, ship takes to Naples for English merchants, 98; English, seized at Naples, 127.
-, Cromwell presents to Bond, 260; Dutch make by mixing English and Spanish wool, 294.

-, Dunkirkers take ships with, off Thames, 191; rise in price through capture of colliers, 194.
-, hostmen of Newcastle demand increased lighterage for, 210–1.
-, taken to Amsterdam from New-castle, 228n.

coinage, new to be made out of Spanish plate, described, 276.

Colchester, Kolchester, state ship, 219n; in fleet for south, 220.

Cologne [German Empire]:
-, Charles went to live at, on leaving France, 30; Charles leaves, for England, 30, 36; Charles back at, 46, 59, 153, 192; Gloucester joins Charles at, 59; Gloucester leaves, 212.
-, Rupert at, 90; Danish mission to Charles at, 165, 170.
-, Manning goes to Charles at, 168; Charles to leave for Flanders, 191; Charles leaves for Bruges, 199.
-, Charles returns to, 199, 200, 202, 205; Don John of Austria at, 211.

-, Archbishop Elector of. See Maximilian Henry of Bavaria.

Colon de Portugal, Pedro Nuño, duke of Veragua, enjoys title and revenues of Jamaica, 111.

Columbus, Christopher, Jamaica first island possessed by, 111.

commissioners of the Council:
-, resume negotiations with Bordeaux, 2, 8; steady negotiations, 22; hitch in, 58; repeated and lengthly meetings, 60.
-, negotiations with Nieuport for naval treaty, 234, 259.

Committee, set up for affairs of Indies, 252.

Compiegne [Oise, France]:
-, despatches dated at, 142, 146, 224, 226, 255, 267, 271.
-, Court goes to, 223.

Concepcion, Almirante, admiral of Spanish plate fleet, news of capture by English, 265.

Concord, Concordia:
-, in Venetian squadron of ships, 41.
-, Cromwell wrote to Venice about, 152; Venetian desire to satisfy Cromwell about, 179, 194; decision promised about, 205.
-, question settled, letter to Cromwell about, 221; letter on sent to Giavarina, 226, 237; letter on presented, 243; thanks for, 244.

Condé [Nord, France], queen and Mazarin occupied with siege of, 121.

-, Prince of. See Bourbon Condé, Louis II. de.

conscience, Cromwell pleads for liberty of, 266.

conspiracy. See plot.

Constant Warwick, state ship, Nostra Senora del Socorro taken by, 220n.

Constantinople, Turkey:
-, news from 270.
-, ship from at Leghorn, 9; tainted because of plague, 10; present to Blake for release, 14.
-, talk of mission from, for ships, 34; chiaus from to ask naval assistance of Tunis, 49.
-, news of affairs at Porto Farina sent to, 49; Levant Co. sending ambassador to, 57.
-, Blake referred to by Tunis, 50; Blake waiting for action of, 76.
-, danger of Turks seeking revenge on English at, 66; fear of confiscation at, 311.
-, no precautions against infection at, 134; report of peace negotiations at, 159.

consuls, English, in Turkish dominions. asked to oppose use of English ships by Turks, 291.

-, names of:

English, at Cadiz. See Wilson. James.

English, at Leghorn. See Longland, Charles (parliament agent).

English, in the Morea. See Hyde, Henry; Middleton. Richard.

English, in Portugal (consul general). See Maynard, Thomas.

English, at Venice. See, Hobson, John.

English, at Zante. See Campion, Henry; Simonds, Thomas.

Venetian, at Leghorn. See Armano, Giuseppe.

Contarina, in Venetian squadron of ships, 41.

Contarini, Alvise, Venetian Bailo at Constantinople, one of referees about Cesy's debts, 20.

-, Carlo, doge of Venice, reply to Spanish ambassador, 128; letter of Cromwell to, 135.

Conti, Don Innocenzo, reports unsatisfactory state of Civita Vecchia to pope, 198.

contraband of war, defined in Anglo French treaty, 150.

Contreras, Pablo de, Spanish general at Cadiz:
-, preparing force to go out against English, 92–3; instructed to go out and uphold flag, 96; fleet mingled with Blake's, asks for reinforcements, 108.
-, returns to station off St. Vincent, 114; keeps his station, 117, 123; short of food, 123.

Cony, George, refusal to pay tax, case of. 62.

Coppin, —, commander of the Langport, 220.

Coppleston, John, sheriff of Devon, knighted by Cromwell, 70n.

Corfu, Ionian island, despatch dated at, 104.

Cornwall, raid of Dunkirkers in, 236; troops sent to, 237.

corsairs. See pirates.

Corso, Cape, Corsica, 5.

Coruña, La Corugna, Galicia, Spain, Cromwell expected to attack, 189: eight frigates sent to watch passage of, 288.

Cossacks, Sweden will help to raid Turkish dominions, 179; obedience of general to Sweden, 181.

-, general of the. See Kmielniski.

Council of State:
-, 1655:
-,-, powers in taxation, 2; oath to be taken by, 11; new taxation by advice of, 25.
-,-, peace with Portugal signed by, 9.
-,-, busy investigating conspiracy, 11; advises banishment of royalists from London, 86.
-,-, Cromwell appoints 20 supporters to, 19; some members absent themselves since dissolution, 27.
-,-, consults London merchants about Fiesco's proposals, 20n.
-,-, Skippon a prominent member of, 32; Penn and Venables arrested after consultation with, 118.
-,-, delays granting audience to Bordeaux, 44.
-,-, Cromwell studies to preserve regard of, 60; at prayers for rain and fleets, 105.
-,-, informed of disaster at S. Domingo, 91; capture of Jamaica restores courage of, 97.
-,-, invitation from city a device of, 99; has Col. Dory arrested, 160.
-,-, watch over affairs, control of post, 106; proposal to send poorer royalists to Virginia, 148.
-,-, recommends Galilee's case to Venice, 115–6; Cromwell will consult about helping Venice, 136, 149.
-,-, Cromwell speaks of Spanish insults in, 137; Montagu a member of, 178; Desborough member of, 180.
-,-, question of admitting Jews discussed before, 161; intentions about Catholics attending Venetian embassy, 167, 176.
-, 1656:
-,-, reported method of choosing successor to Cromwell, 174; greatly agitated by number of things requiring attention, 224.
-,-, Bond has long and secret conferences with, 178.
-,-, lawyer member of to go to Portugal, 195; relations of some with Cromwell not cordial, 231.
-,-, orders coal to be laded at usual rates, 211.
-,-, Cromwell breaks down in, when discussing raising of money 222; decision to call parliament, 226, 240.
-,-, applies every method for keeping people in order, 224; unable to carry out projects for raising money, 233.
-,-, Cromwell's differences with, about raising money, 230, 233; Cromwell gives way to representations of, 233.
-,-, unable to come to conclusion, 237; beginning to grow tired, 238; sharp words exchanged, 240.
-,-, members of parliament to be approved by, 240, 268; busy designing instructions for parliament, 253.
-,-, power to nominate successor, 241; likely to exclude members chosen for city, 256; accompanies Cromwell to opening of parliament, 266.
-,-, complaint to, of Dutch outrages in Indies, 260.
-,-, exclusion of members by, 274.
-,-, question of ships serving Turks to be discussed with, 291; nothing said to about, 294, 296.
-,-, Cromwell retained to keep up appearance of republic, 305; members nominated and promoted by him, 306.

-, clerk of. See Jessop, William.

-, Latin Secretary to. See Meadowe, Philip.

-, President of. See Lawrence, Henry,

couriers, 211.
-, robbed, 185, 226.
-, allowance to resident for, 164.

Coyet, Peter Julius, agent of Sweden in England:
-, has audience, 48; exchanges visits with Paulucci, 49; recalled to join king in Poland, 180; bids farewell to Bond, promises to move king against Turk, 181.
-, leaving for Poland, 214, first to receive present from Cromwell, 215; Cromwell knights, further honours, 218.

Cranstoun, William lord, charged to raise levies for Sweden, 106.

Crete, island of, Turkish efforts to reduce, 136, 290.

Croce d'Oro, in Venetian squadron of ships, 41.

Cromwell, Anne, wife of John Sewster, 33n, 215n.

Cromwell, Henry, no aptitude or inclination for affairs, 35; appointed viceroy of Ireland, sets out thither, instructions, 83; arrives, received with respect, 95; Cromwell knows incapable of guiding state, 284, 312.

-, Jane (Mrs. Desborough), death of, 280.

Cromwell, Oliver, the Protector:
-, Beverningh to justify secret clause made with, 7.
-, Charles expelled to please, 30; Cardenas puts forward pretensions of, in Spain, 149.
-, Payne Fisher a sort of laureate to, 283n.
-, advocated the king's death, 301–2; induced Fairfax to sign the warrant, 302.
-, influence in parliament, 303; rise by military successes, 303; manner of discrediting and then dissolving parliament, 304; action approved, 305.
-, manner of ending Dutch war, 305; keeps hold on army, 306; discipline of troops, 307.
-, achieves supreme power, attitude to royal title. 305–6; revenue raised by, 306.
-, interests lower orders in his maintenance, 307; lives in perpetual mistrust, 312.
-, changed religion according to interests of state, 307; suffers pulpit attacks from persons of no consequence, but punishes others, 308.
-, foreign powers bid against each other for favour, 308.
-, reasons for beginning Spanish war, danger if adds power of gold to that of iron, 309; chief and protector of reformed church, 310.
-, after breach with Spain turned to France, of one mind with Mazarin, 309; Huguenots appeal to, forces Mazarin to remove grievances, 310.
-, Sagredo tried to mollify about Venetian recognition, 310.
-, personal characteristics, 311–2; personal appearance, 312n; change likely to come after death of, 313.
-, 1655:
-,-, parliament discussing establishment of authority, 1; to take oath to summon parliament, 2; wishes end of parliament, 4.
-,-, forgets oaths when suits purposes, 2, 11; suggests taking royal title, 4; seat likely to remain unstable, 5.
-,-, orders resumption of negotiations with Bordeaux, 2; Neuchese drinks to health of, 6; Blake has no orders from to attack French fleet, 6.
-,-, representation about numbers and pay of troops, 2; wishes to keep troops employed, 5; will keep power while united with army, 18.
-,-, vote for palaces kept for use of, 2; project for declaring king, 7; prudence over, 15; denies desire for title, 17.
-,-, has information of plot, brings Harrison to London, 4; knows mischief brewing, 8.
-,-, fails to prevent Christmas celebrations, 5; has guns brought and placed before residence, 7.
-,-, tenor of letter to Grand Duke, 6; signs peace with Portugal, 9; Grand Duke had to placate wrath, 309.
-,-, precautions taken by, 8; busy gathering information about conspiracy, 11; anxiety caused by, 12.
-,-, barges and coaches for Fiesco, 9; Fiesco has audiences of, 12, 40; alleged demands of Grand Duke a fiction, 14.
-,-, Spaniards encouraged by friendly disposition, 10; more curiosity about employment of Penn's fleet by, 11; Penn within call of, 16.
-,-, bills to be presented to, for consent, 11, 14; presence not to be required, 14; gets authority recognised by parliament, 15.
-,-, to decide upon release of Constantinople ship, 14; owners of Anne Bonaventura threaten to appeal to, 23.
-,-, will not willingly submit to another parliament, 15; handled parliament with tact and dissimulation, 15; will suppress account of acts of parliament, 19.
-,-, seems to desire breach with France, 15; recalls minister from France, 18; more in favour of adjustment with France, 20.
-,-, domineering speech to parliament, 17; dissolves it in wrath, id.; appoints supporters to Council, 19.
-,-, dissolution will increase number of enemies, 17; abused by late members, 19; accused of dissolving to secure absolute power, 21.
-,-, troops from Ireland devoted to, 18; brings veteran troops to London, 25.
-,-, Gage gives information about W. Indies, 18; merchants urge to grant letters of marque against Spain, 22.
-,-, vigilance makes all plots against miscarry, 20, 22; circulates statements justifying proceedings, 22.
-,-, insists on repayment of Cesy's debts, 20; wants to keep French negotiations on foot without coming to agreement, 27.
-,-, refrains from returning compliment of embassies, 20; Pell waiting for orders from, 31.
-,-, sends for merchants about Fiesco's proposals, 20; will not grant reprisals against Spain, 29; letter to king asking for satisfaction, 34, 51, 96.
-,-, reinforces garrisons, Hull defies orders, 22; orders seizure of horses, 25, 36; orders no one to leave country without leave, 37, 43.
-,-, Cardenas reports intention to send fleet to W. Indies, 24; will act according to reports from Penn, 26.
-,-, resentment against for dissolution, 24; manifesto to justify, 25; feels way cautiously, 27.
-,-, imposes extraordinary tax for army and navy, 25, 28; justification of 25; proposes militia for London, 27; commander will always be creature of, 28; city thanks and agrees to proposal, 32.
-,-, army presents demands to, will pay out of own pocket, 26.
-,-, efforts to find out about plot, 27; has leading men arrested and others examined, 31.
-,-, Blake will not show captains contents of letters, 29; means to enjoy present without troubling about posterity, 35.
-,-, respects nothing but army, 30; measures to check evil designs, 31, 45; and to prevent disturbance on Shrove Tuesday, 32; measures prevent upheaval, 35, 42.
-,-, at Hampton Court to honour wedding of niece, 33; envoys from Portugal and Poland to, 40.
-,-, a sincere friend to Venice, 35; Condé's services offered to, 39.
-,-, measures to prevent Charles landing, 36, 38; enemies powerless to resist forces, 39; enemies dispersed by, 44.
-,-, alarmed by rising in West, 37; danger if does not nip in bud, id.; sends troops, 38.
-,-, reported recall of Blake, 37; meant to keep him in Mediterranean, 46, 53.
-,-, confirms militia officers chosen by city, 37; sends son and coaches to review of militia, 40.
-,-, representations to Dutch about asylum afforded to Charles, 41.
-,-, disturbed by Wildman's address, tries to find authors, 42; declaration of Wildman against tyranny, 44.
-,-, extra guard at palace for, 43, Fairfax may cause anxiety to, 43.
-,-, does not satisfy troops with whole of pay, kitchen raided by them, 43; behaviour over makes popular, id.; goes to Hampton Court weekly for recreation, 82.
-,-, Bordeaux pressing for audience, 43; delays granting, 44; Mazarin thought civil war would distract attention from France, 45; allows ships seized to sail, 46.
-,-, royalist rising does more good than harm to 46, 47; Charles convinced that betrayed by followers to, 46–7; personally examines prisoners, 47.
-,-, attacks de Bye for Polish help to Charles, 46; Dutch get rid of Gloucester to avoid offending, 59.
-,-, Levant Co. petitions to make Garway ambassador to Porte, 47; despatches from, to Blake, 57.
-,-, has 1,000 names of those concerned in rising, 48; keeps London in awe by display of force, 50.
-,-, Huguenots have never failed to appeal to, 48; Cardenas tries hard to mollify, 51.
-,-, realises importance of strength at sea, 48; objects of Lede's mission with, 54, 56.
-,-, secures judgment against conspirators, 50: may be moved to lenience by defence, 53; has list of suspected persons, hesitates about death penalty, 55; remits it, 58.
-,-, authority to levy taxes disputed, 50, 62, 65; doing it more and more, 57.
-,-, considers appointment of body to impose taxes, 51, 53; measures to conciliate Council, 60.
-,-, France makes haste to come to terms with, 52; marquis of S. Stefano to urge to attack France, 56.
-,-, selects envoy to go to Rome, 53, 84; proclamation to check spread of Catholicism, 55.
-,-, sends frigate for Lede, 53; plays with Bordeaux while awaiting Lede's proposals, 58.
-,-, London fires said to be due to, 54; knights some who have served well, 70, 73.
-,-, courted by both France and Spain, 56; envoy from Portugal with gifts for, 66.
-,-, pressure on to take royal title, 57, 60; pros and cons of question, 57–8, 60.
-,-, Lede has first audience of, 58; rejects Lede's proposals entirely, 60, 63; Lede takes leave of, 73.
-,-, imprisons parties in Cony's case, 62; proposal to give legislative powers to, 66, 68–9; consults lawyers about, 71.
-,-, strengthened by failure of conspiracies, 62; constantly engaged in unearthing plots, 69.
-,-, sympathy with Vaudois, 63, 66; sends remonstrance to duke, 66, 68, 76; orders fast and collection, 69, 72.
-,-, Blake informs of success at Tunis, 63; promises protection to Levant Co. but bound to support Blake, 66.
-,-, Levant Co. threatens to lay grievances before, 63; has persons of rank arrested, 72, 75, 79. 82, 91.
-,-, Pauluzzi to inform of Sagredo's appointment, 64; letter of Senate to, 64–5.
-,-, present of wine for, from Grand Duke, 67; horses for, from Naples, 67, 98; Schaum pays respects to, 70.
-,-, independent attitude with regard to crowns, 67; de Haro's opinion of intentions, 78.
-,-, Spaniards uneasy about intentions, 68, 81; Spaniards preparing trouble in Scotland for, 75; Peñaranda upholds sincerity, 81.
-,-, wishes representations to Savoy to be supported by France, 70; may use money of collection for other projects, 76, 87; renews appeal, 88; but suspicion of, 89.
-,-, practically decided to assume legislative powers, 72; people ready to carry out orders blindly, 75.
-,-, leading judges hand in resignations to, not disturbed, 72; gives special authority to new judges, 75.
-,-, embassy from Sweden to, 73; ambassador to Porte not confirmed by, 76; sends to greet Bond, 92.
-,-, neglects no precautions to consolidate authority, 75; has some important plan to have absolute power over laws, 79.
-,-, Paulucci to announce Sagredo's appointment to, 78, 80, 82; Paulucci informs, 84–5.
-,-, demands oath of allegiance, means to ruin nobility, 79; people must contribute to render rule of permanent, 83.
-,-, entertains judges and other nominees for devising measures about legislative powers, 80; army officers refuse to grant such powers to, 109.
-,-, gratified by news of S. Domingo, 80; means that English merchants shall have compensation from Spain, 85.
-,-, Peñaranda and de Haro sure of friendliness, 81; Spanish money said to have passed into hands of, 84; Peñaranda's opinion of changed, 90.
-,-, Thurloe the soul of his body, 82; ready to take money where he can get it, 85.
-,-, Bordeaux to leave if unwilling to sign agreement, 83; long conference with Bordeaux, suspends letters of marque, 89.
-,-, orders to Henry about Ireland, 83.
-,-, objects to alterations in treaty with Portugal, 83; has news of Blake, 94; concessions obtained from Portugal, 114.
-,-, sorry to have sent fleet so far away, 85; eager for news of fleet, 87; reverse a blow to prestige, 91.
-,-, banishes royalists from London, 86; unmoved by outery about, but some concessions, 88; arrests made from suspicion of Swedish forces, 91.
-,-, Sagredo's need to appear suitably before, 89; may be acting in connivance with French Court, 101.
-,-, Morland waiting for fresh orders from, 90; proposes to send mission to France, Savoy and Venice, 92.
-,-, belief that French treaty arranged with, 92; not ratifying the articles, for own advantage, 100.
-,-, withdraws English consul from Cadiz, 92; English at Naples waiting for orders from, to leave, 95.
-,-, cordial reception of Bond, 93; sends off agent to Sweden, 94; Bond has second audience of, 98; has him at Hampton Court, 100.
-,-, wants Vaudois matter settled, to dispose of money, 93; Spaniards tried hard to embroil with France, 142.
-,-, condemned for disaster at S. Domingo, 94; capture of Jamaica restores courage, 97; knows of situation at Jamaica, 102.
-,-, Scotland and Ireland reduced to accept terms of, 95; orders troops from Scotland to W. Indies, 102.
-,-, question of title to address, 98; attends prayers for fine weather and the fleets, 105.
-,-, instructs Blake that does not mean to break peace in Indies, 99; Blake's move makes succours from difficult, 104.
-,-, reports of proposed invitation from city, for change in government, 99; measures to control posts, 106; Manning employed by, 168–9.
-,-, unlikely to summon parliament willingly, 99–100; preacher at Hampton Court accuses of tyranny, 109.
-,-, long conferences about prisoners, army and navy, 100; takes advantage of Swedish levy to reduce and purge army, 101–2; strict discipline of army under, 112–3; sends most disaffected troops away, 113.
-,-, pamphlets with Anabaptist grievances against, 102; libel against received through post, 106; efforts to weaken Anabaptist party, 114.
-,-, Cardenas indignant at ungrateful conduct of, 103; danger of Swedish levy represented to, 106.
-,-, makes best of situation at Jamaica, 106; has Penn and Venables arrested, hesitates about punishing, 118.
-,-, indisposition, abstains from business, 109, 128; attack of colic, 124.
-,-, supports and joins Presbyterians, 114; particulars of appearance, 124; show of religious zeal, preaches to soldiers every Sunday, 136, 312.
-,-, sequestration of goods in Spain bitter news for, 116; no enemy to Spaniards, only attacked Indies for money, 117; merchants appeal to for protection, 119.
-,-, Moreland leaves Geneva to advise, 118; extravagant reports of, at Naples, 123.
-,-, obtains trading mart in Holland, 118; asks for English to trade in Indies and be free of Inquisition, 129.
-,-, wants to repair losses and re-establish prestige, after S. Domingo, 122; counted on success, 125.
-,-, reception of Sagredo, compliments, 124; Sagredo appeals to for help against Turks, 136; reply, 136, 149.
-,-, Galilee to be paid, to gratify, 126; letter to Venice commending Paulucci, 135; Sagredo has discharged duties with well, 144; but no hopes from, 145.
-,-, Spanish complaint of treacherous behaviour, 127; Cardenas writes to, for passport, 128; desire at Vienna to give trouble to, 156.
-,-, Cardenas speaks of ambition, 130; supporters sound army leaders about change of title, 132; proposal not well received; 132.
-,-, reasons for deciding on attack on Indies, 133; declaration justifying war with Spain, 140.
-,-, representations of merchants to, about losses through Spanish war, 134, 137; reply to, 137.
-,-, instructions to Sagredo upon dealings with for help, mediation with Spain and relations with Sweden, 139; Sagredo to avoid offending by protecting Catholics, 142.
-,-, thought it more to advantage to make war on Spain than on France, 142, 146–7; Bordeaux sees for signing secret articles of treaty, 148; signed them alone with Bordeaux, 156.
-,-, will want understanding with France against Flanders, 142; danger to France if sets foot in Flanders, 146.
-,-, Sagredo to try and get squadron from, 145, 149; his efforts with, 152, 159, 163.
-,-, agents of Galilee thank, 147; writes to doge about ship, 152.
-,-, Haro speaks of fierceness and pertinacity, 149; Dutch alarmed at overwhelming power of 153.
-,-, warns Holland to leave off treating with Spain, 156; help to Swiss makes pope uneasy, 166.
-,-, Dutch apprehensive of union with France, 156; sending fleet to Indies, 168.
-,-, superintendence over Protestants, increased prestige by treaty, 157; would condemn English ship serving Turks, 162–3.
-,-, gives audience to Schlezer and Bond, 157; ambassador at Porte confirmed by, 160.
-,-, no one can go abroad without pormit of, 158; book denouncing cunning and fraud, 160.
-,-, replaces ministers of the laws, 158; attitude about Catholics attending Venetian embassy, 167, 176, 310.
-,-, advances of Jew to, 160–1; refers question of admitting Jews to divines, 161.
-, 1656:
-,-, empire will contribute to help Charles against, 166; Manning reports universal hatred of, 168; Manning spies on Charles for, 168–9;
-,-, Bond says must not abandon Protestant Swiss, 166; will not leave them in lurch, 172.
-,-, Sagredo to inform of Giavarina's appointment 168; Giavarina not presented to, 177; but informed of him, 177, 181.
-,-, offers 40 ships to Sweden, 170, 176.
-,-, payment to by France, under treaty, 171; military and naval arrangements with France, 176; great sums claimed from France, 183.
-,-, French fear Spanish intrigues with 171; avoids any ostentatious move for Swiss, 178; money of being spent at Zurich, 188.
-,-, illness, 174, 185–6; arrangements about succession, 174; assembly called about increasing title and powers, 183; Giavarina to express regret about illness, 197.
-,-, capture of plate fleet darling project of, 174, 189; man from Cartagena confers with 190.
-,-, Sagredo takes leave of, 177, 188; Venice wishes to satisfy about Concordia, 179; Giavarina tells about, 194.
-,-, cost of fleet to, 178; pleads necessity to merchants complaining of impressment, 180.
-,-, will exact vengeance for English property plundered at Aleppo, 179.
-,-, means to seize port in Mediterranean, 181; Morrel took letter to Louis, 183n.
-,-, relations with Swiss heretics distasteful to pope, 182; Bond tries to obtain fresh levies from, 186; allows royalists to enlist for Sweden, 187.
-,-, Lambert envious of, will try to thwart plans, 183, 227; interest in building of Naseby, 191; heavy cost of fleet to 194.
-,-, remonstrates with Nieuport for selling of ships to Spain, 184; bitterly denounced at Madrid, 190.
-,-, sending extraordinary embassy to Sweden and German princes, 186; said to be stirring Vaudois against Savoy, 188; grants war ships to Sweden, 190; levy granted by to Sweden, 194.
-,-, Brandenburg desires alliance with 187; Giavarina to cherish confidential relations with, 188; ambassador to be treated like those of crowned heads, 192.
-,-, assistance promised to Swiss Protestants, 189; will send them money, 190.
-,-, Brienne says no alliance concluded with, 189; Bordeaux returning to, 189; on arrival may be subjected to pressure, 190.
-,-, overwhelming authority renders attempts by Charles difficult, 191.
-,-, takes up negotiations for Danzig, 192; Bond has long audience of, 194.
-,-, Grand Duke thinks Spaniards and Dutch should join against, 193; Spain's declaration of war on, 196.
-,-, assistance of ships and men to France, 193; Bordeaux returning to establish alliance with, 201.
-,-, remonstrance with French for letting York remain, dismisses Barrière, 195; grants passport to Barrière, 218.
-,-, Spaniards laugh at, over fleet, 197; Spaniards think alliance with Charles would render accommodation with more difficult, 202.
-,-, remonstrates with Nieuport about capture of ships for Portugal, 198; proposes alliance to Dutch, 202; and induce them to declare against Spain, 204.
-,-, outcry against measures futile, 198; royalist plans aimed against, 201.
-,-, Charles hopes to force to defend self at home, 199; takes steps to put down rising in Ireland, 201.
-,-, Bordeaux has private audience of on return, 203; confidential correspondence with Mazarin, 207.
-,-, wants to hire warships from Dutch, 204; Nieuport to see about, id.; Dutch complain to about search, 223.
-,-, ducal missives for 205, 208: Giavarina asks audience of, 209, 213, 216; has audience of, 243–4.
-,-, allows Thurloe to go away for private affairs, 205; ordered dismissal of Barrière, 207.
-,-, promises to move in favour of Venice, 206; Cardinal Medici says rule is enchantment, 235.
-,-, arrangement with Alcock to kill Charles, 208; difficulty of getting access to, 213.
-,-, Bordeaux brings agreements and remittances to, 208; Lockhart sent to keep up good relations with France, 210.
-,-, Spain menaced if Portugal in agreement with, 209; all doubt about vanished, 213.
-,-, exempts Londoners from increased duty on coal, 211; numerous affairs delay business, 216; has no moment to call his own, 221.
-,-, claims to resell church lands sold by parliament, 211; in great need of money, 221; so disturbed that weeps in Council, 222.
-,-, hope to buy consent for York remaining in France, 212; Bordeaux to ask for, 214.
-,-, Schlezer cannot get audience of, 213; Coyet has passport from, 214; presents from, at leave taking, 215; knights Coyet, 218.
-,-, grants Bordeaux levy in Ireland, 214, letter to about Concord, 221, 226, 237, 243; thanks for, 244.
-,-, Spaniards fear may seize Ivica, 216; despatches from fleet reach, 231, 238.
-,-, puts Montagu over Blake in fleet, 216; may have to recall fleet, 222; would have to reinforce fleet if defeated in Barbary, 227.
-,-, Lockhart honoured as nephew of, 220; pleased about Lockhart's reception, 225.
-,-, clamour to, for parliament, 222, 224; in consultation with Council and Major Generals, decides to call parliament, 226, 230, 235.
-,-, pre-occupied about raising money, 224; differences with Council about way of raising, 230, 233; relations with not cordial, 231.
-,-, applies every method to keep people under control, 224; incitements of Charles cause anxiety to, 227.
-,-, proposes to make Fleetwood general of army, 227; to select for parliament one of two named by Major Generals, 234.
-,-, goes to Hampton Court, 231; has little enjoyment, need to concentrate on so many things, 235.
-,-, little moved by merchants' outery about Dunkirkers, 232; orders registration of foreigners entering country, 236.
-,-, insists on right of search against Dutch, 232; asks Nieuport why States arming, silenced by reply, 234.
-,-, urges Sweden to make peace with Poland, 232; impatience to know if has obtained satisfaction from Portugal, 238; Portugal's payment to, 240.
-,-, decides to renew monthly tax of 60,000l., 233; to put down risings by force would be very distasteful to, 235.
-,-, new parliament would consist entirely of creatures of, 233–4; unable with Council to come to definite conclusion, 237; growing tired, 238; sharp words used, 240.
-,-, demands if Dutch mean to bo with him or Spain, 234; Blake asks for instructions about treatment of Dutch, 245; orders detention, 246.
-,-, Senate's letter to on Gran Prencipe, 236, 239; informed of victory in Dardanelles, 247, 256, 258.
-,-, would punish merchants for assisting Charles, 239; sentiments of parliamentarians not calculated to consolidate rule of, 253–4.
-,-, York driven from France by demands of, 240; defeat at Valenciennes may check designs against Dunkirk, 246.
-,-, parliament needed to decide succession to, 240; settlement will redound to glory of, 241; disturbed by libels in city, 252; occupied with instructions for parliament, 253.
-,-, parliament expected to confer legislative authority on, 241; likely to be made king, 244; will replace unpalatable members and dissolve parliament if refractory, 248.
-,-, threatens Portugal if treaty not made, 242; anxious about Meadowe, 254.
-,-, Venetian regard for, 243; reciprocates, 244; thinks of sending Fleming as envoy to Italy, 251.
-,-, reasons for not desiring to be king, 244, 277; plotters against punishable with death, 253; talk of royal title for, 269, 277, 286–7.
-,-, says that fleet has fought Spaniards, 244; unlikely to weaken rule by sending troops to Flanders, 246.
-,-, orders Dutch ships stopped by Blake to be sent to England, 247; accuses Dutch of letting ships be taken, demands compensation, 260.
-,-, Nieuport gets to order restoration of four ships, 247; Dutch said to have treated letter with contempt, 269; States give full satisfaction to, 272.
-,-, Bordeaux has two secret audiences alone with, 248; promised levy to France, 250; Bordeaux has long secret conference with, 265.
-,-, Bond takes leave of, knights him, 250; means to send ambassador to Sweden, 251; Bond goes thrice to audience of, after leave taking, 254.
-,-, control of army makes independent of parliament, 254, 261; parliament completely engrosses attention of, 257.
-,-, holds up pay of troops till meeting of parliament, 254.
-,-, Westminster refuses to accept nominees of, 254; elections proceed by order of, some members likely to be excluded by, 256; list of members submitted to, 259.
-,-, delight at Venetian victory, 257; letter on Principe di Toscana presented to, assurances to Venice, 258; congratulations on victory, 281.
-,-, Bond at long audience of, 257; presents portrait to Bond and horses for king, Bond gives own horses to, 260.
-,-, orders Fleming to make search about forms of government, 259; thinks self in peril with meeting of parliament, 261.
-,-, petition to on Dutch outrages in Indies, 260.
-,-, idea of sending envoy to Italy, 260; supposed recall of Lockhart by, 271; dislikes York's stay in France, 275.
-,-, steps to secure a favourable parliament, 261; anxious for parliament's approval of war with Spain, 266; parliament promises means for, 271.
-,-, has guards reinforced and Tower garrison increased, 261; care to secure against sudden strokes, 262.
-,-, diligence and spies of thwart intrigues of enemies, 261–2; has spies about king and informed of all his plans, 263, 287.
-,-, informs mayor of danger, 263–4; and army leaders, 264; has arms in city removed to Tower, 267.
-,-, issues proclamation expelling royalists from London, 264; regret at death of Barkster, precautions to protect Tower, 272.
-,-, speech at opening of parliament, 266; parliament proceeding in harmony with, 274.
-,-, orders no one to be admitted without ticket, 266; defends action, approved, 268.
-,-, France takes necessary precautions with, over negotiations with Spain, 267.
-,-, delight at capture of plate galleons, 271; new coinage for, from Spanish plate, 276.
-,-, has review of London regiments, sends one of best to Sweden, 274; confirms Lord Mayor, 280.
-,-, tribunal set up to keep eye on plots against, 276; goes to parliament to give assent to bills, 288.
-,-, representations to against ships serving Turks, 278, 285, 290–1; offering help to Sultan, 279; will promise resistance to Turks about ships, 285, 286; reply upon, 291.
-,-, parliament wishes to make Protectorate hereditary in house of, 282; deputation to him, 283; declines with thanks, 283–4, 287; stops proceedings on 288; still opposes, 295.
-,-, displeased at release of Spanish prisoners, 282; they disclose plans and weak spots to, id.
-,-, activity prevents nobility and merchants from helping Charles, 284.
-,-, in bed with a cold, 285, 289; third anniversary of rule celebrated, 297; knights Lockhart and others, 298.
-,-, Curland asks to be included in treaty with Sweden, 286.
-,-, Giavarina asks audience of, 289; has audience of 290–1; would like to help Venice, 291; Giavarina sends reminder to, 296.
-,-, asks Venice to obtain releuse of English prisoners, 291–2; anxious to satisfy Venice but does nothing, 294.
-,-, issues proclamation forbidding sale of wool to foreigners, 294; can dissolve parliament when pleases, as time expired, 297.
-,-, Lockhart confers with daily, 295; supposed objects, 296.

Cromwell, Richard, no aptitude or inclination for affairs, 35; succession to be given to, 241; Cromwell knows incapable of guiding state, 284, 312.

Crucciata, offers warships to king of Spain, 120.

Cuba, West Indies:
-, Penn's fleet reported near, 39; Spaniards fear English landing in 65; can be attacked from Jamaica, 228.
-, news from, 79.

Cullen, supply ship for Blake, captured by corsairs, attempt to recover, 248.

Cunningham, William, earl of Glencairn, Glencarne, arrest of, 172; Monk has arrested, 295n.

Curland, Churland, duke of. See James, duke of Curland.

-, ships of. See under ships.

-, trade in at Zante, 23; grievances of Levant Co. in trading for, 64, 104–5, 108.
-, enquiry ordered about duty on, 87; assignment allowed to Hobson on quantity exported, 95; desire for re-establishment of trade at Zante, 139.

Curtesen, —, commander of the Newcastle, 220.

Cyprus, island of, contemplated occupation of, 137.