Index: G

Pages 704-712

Calendar of State Papers Relating To English Affairs in the Archives of Venice, Volume 22, 1629-1632. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1919.

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Gabor, Bethlen, Prince of Transylvania, 300.
-, cares little about Hungary, 29; expected help against imperialists, 42, 44, 75; union with Sweden, 94, 126.
-, Sweden gives up idea of junction with, 129; Wyche and Haagen have understanding about, 208.
-, sick, 212; family of, inclined to seize reins, 302.
-, Turks decide in favour of brother, 306.

Gaceau, Martin:
-, contract to supply English lead to Venice, 158.

gales. See weather.

Galicia, Spain:
-, English power of harassing, 123; Cottington's arrival in, 248.

Gallard, Jean de, Baron de la Rochebeaucourt et de Brassach, French ambassador at Rome:
-, complains of pope's changes of mind, 450, 451.

Gallas, Galla, Count Matthias, imperialist commander, 89.

Galli, Bernardin Pietro, merchant, 244.

Gandia, Candia, Duke of, chief steward of Queen of Spain:
-, fetches Cottington to swearing of peace, 451.

Gandolfo, Giovanni Francesco, Bishop of Ventimiglia, Vintimiglia:
-, waiting for orders from Duke of Savoy, 5; says Scaglia will soon be at Madrid, 274.

Garde des Sceaux. See Aubespine, Charles de l', Marquis of Chateauneuf; Marillac, Michel de.

Garnasie. See Guernsey.

Garnier, M., husband of queen's nurse:
-, goes to fetch midwife for queen, 315; captured by Dunkirkers, 316.

-, conferred on Weston, Lindsey and Exeter, 331; conferred on Hamilton, 432; celebration of, 617.

Gartz, Pomerania:
-, victory of Gustavus Adolphus near, 457n; imperialists abandon, 469.

Garzo, 124.

Gaston, Duke of Orleans, Monsieur, brother of Louis XIII:
-, wants to go to England, 50; Chateauneuf does not think much of rebellion, 180; Odolengo refers to, 199; Richelieu alludes to, 203.
-, Chateauneuf considers revolt serious, 233; command in Italy offered to, 246.
-, to be offered command in Champagne, 250; affairs accommodated, 272.
-, reconciliation with Louis, 337; has letters from Conflans about peace, 360.
-, sends congratulation on birth of Charles, 410; falls out with Richelieu, 470.
-, Charles says Louis persecuting, 490; sends M. della Rame to England, 493.
-, hints at coming to England, 494; Scaglia may go to, 504; disturbs good understanding with England, 512.
-, Wake said to have raised money for, 537; English turn backs upon, 543.
-, Savoy suspected of connection with, 563; Bouillon said to have money from, 564.
-, queen mother may join in Lorraine, 568; fear of Spaniards assisting, 569.
-, accommodation with not difficult, 576; expected at Brussels, 585.
-, reception at Brussels, 589, 596; Spaniards make much of, 603; under Spanish protection, 606.
-, Infanta grants troops to, 607; marriage with Margaret of Lorraine said to be consummated, 609.
-, intrigues with Lorraine, 622, 632; leaves Lorraine, 624, 626; favours of Infanta to, 626.
-, joins forces with Lorraine, 627; enters Burgundy, 632, 633; Louis has nothing to fear from, 635, 644.
-, proposal to convene estates for decree against, 643; Valencay to make diversion in interest of, 645; revolt of followers in Languedoc, 646.
-, understandings at home and abroad, 647.
-, chancellor of. See Coigneux.
-, secretary of. See Monsigot.

Gazzoldo, Gazuolo [Prov. Mantova, Italy]:
-, imperialists take, 216.

-, Candale going by, 234; Fleming sent as resident to, 236; Fleming visits, 255.
-, alarm in at French demand to restore church property, 440, 453; French designs on, 454.
-, ordinary of, 543.
-, Fleming unable to get help from, for Palatine, 576.

Genoa and Genoese, 299, 422n.
-, news from, 321.
-, Savoy's pretences against, 5; English corn ships sent to, 15; money, sent to from Spain, 26.
-, French likely to march on, 28.
-, resident in Spain, 30.
-, English consider proposals for a trick, 55, 56; galleys to take troops to Milan, 59.
-, apologies accepted, 66; grain at, for Milan, 80; troops from Naples and Sicily landed at, 109.
-, get no satisfaction from England for ships seized, 115; proposal to sound about reprisals, 116.
-, French foresee fall of, 125; King of Spain protector of, 164, 193; Sabran goes to, 167.
-, Spinola at, 172, 173, 175; French will not stop grain going to, 180.
-, ships from go to Archipelago for wheat, 237, 261; arming privateers, 405.
-, Spain not making financial arrangements with, 471, 491.
-, Scaglia has powers to treat with, 521; Savoy's designs against, 533, 558, 564.
-, merchants of, 48.
-, Nelli to represent, 27; Admiralty to settle case, 32; goods confiscated, 143, 164, 165, 193.

George William, Margrave of Brandenburg:
-, commands imperial army against Swedes, 10; arranges armistice, 23, 42; will interpose between Sweden and Poland, 25.
-, claims in Prussia, 132; will not go to diet at Ratisbon, 371; very weak, 440.
-, at Hamburg, 507.
-, to be proscribed, 524; Vane to make overtures to, 565.

George. See ships, names of.

Gerbier, Balthasar:
-, Rubens lodges with, 84; charged with message from Coloma to Fontenay, 485.
-, sent as agent to Brussels, his standing, 515; reports likelihood of a treaty, 530.
-, courier sent by, 538; reports effect of Palatine joining Sweden, 565.
-, reports Monsieur expected at Brussels, 585; reports difficulties of government, 590.
-, reports uneasiness in Flanders, 614; reports effects of Cordova's arrival, 633; views upon effect of fall of Maastricht, 636.

Germany and Germans, the empire, 3, 137, 160, 232, 400, 595, 600, 619, 623.
-, news from, 293, 306, 446, 492, 524, 547, 556, 590, 611, 627, 629.
-, (1629):
-, Scaglia suggests granting territory in to Palatine's son, 5; advantage of Italian diversion to, 19, 27.
-, troops sent from to Italy, 6, 59, 110, 155, 182, 196, 197, 267, 274; levies in for Spaniards, 26; Sweden's plans in, 28.
-, English hope French will attend to, 17; French preparations for, 39.
-, union of Protestant princes forming in, 63; Spaniards send money to, 66.
-, great provision being made in, 80; Spaniards want to come to terms in because of Italy, 85.
-, Rubens says Spain has nothing to do with affairs, 93, 95; England should use Italian diversion for profit in, 96.
-, Leopold's troops cannot be supported in, 109; deterioration in truthfulness, 119.
-, Baugy suggests league for relief of, 122; Spaniards send money to, for troops, 124, 135.
-, custom of troops to live on country, 125; Chateauneuf's views upon, 126.
-, Roe represents plight, 131; Sweden can make useful diversion for, 132; Austrians fetter, 134.
-, Italy does not stay operations of Austrians in, 140; proposed defensive league for, 154.
-, France wants England to attend to, 157; Spinola cannot prevent troops entering Italy, 175, 182.
-, France ready to help England for relief, 176; troops enter Milan, 189.
-, Odolengo going to, 199; Spaniards awaiting issue in, 209; Wallenstein sees danger near, 211.
-, operations in Italy, 215, 216, 226, 230, 246, 261, 278, 286; fear of Durante, 246.
-, Charles will attend to, 239; Louis ready to help, 250.
-, Dutch pay off levies of, 246; Cussaii fought in, 257.
-, want German prince in Palatinate, 253; proposed league in, 255.
-, (1630):
-, raise siege of Mantua, 276; troubles increase in, 286; Duke of Mantua defeats cavalry, 300.
-, Denmark and Sweden should co-operate about, 277; Spinola sends Sforza to, 283.
-, France wants to know what England will do for, 294; English want Charles to interest himself for, 295.
-, France should uphold balance in, 296; plight of, 302; Louis guards against, 329.
-, troops for Rhetia, 308; all preparations against Italy, 327; reinforcements for Spinola, 335.
-, conferences about imperial forces in, 361; Sweden promises diversion in, 379.
-, advance in Italy may affect English interests, 380; electors determined Spain shall abandon acquisitions in, 407; Venice defended Mantua against, 412.
-, Farensbach to command troops in, 414, 422; French too occupied with Italy to think of, 432.
-, Dutch watching turn of events in, 433; Sweden will not make peace unless liberty guaranteed, 434.
-, little hope of negotiations in, 443; Cottington may be sent to, 454.
-, presence at Mantua no advantage to Spaniards, 460; Spanish remittances for, 468.
-, English will not neglect any offices in, 479.
-, (1631):
-, pirates prey on ships of, 482; cloth trade with, 483; Hamilton obtaining cavalrymen from, 487.
-, Spaniards hope to secure English support in, 500; Charles giving up hope of satisfaction in, 502.
-, Scaglia to treat for quiet of, 504; fears about Hamilton in, 508; Venice hopes to get information from Anstruther about, 512.
-, conditions for stable peace for, 520; Hamilton to take troops to, 525, 529.
-, English get scant satisfaction from, 538; Bavaria does not want Spaniards to have footing in, 547.
-, league between France and Bavaria for maintaining status quo in, 560.
-, success of Sweden in, 561; Spaniards send to, for men, 564.
-, Palatine's proposed journey to, 565, 570, 577, 588; Soranzo discusses with Carleton, 568.
-, internal troubles may cool French enthusiasm for, 569; Spaniards can get little from, 575.
-, (1632):
-, Burlamachi ready to make provision for, 578; Wallenstein's defence of, 582.
-, Charles discusses affairs of, with Council, 588; Louis will not remain on frontier, 596.
-, difficulty of sending despatches through, 593; English hopes of increase, 601.
-, Spaniards prepare for war in, 602; Dorset discusses with Gussoni, 606.
-, Dutch diversion to help, 607; reported league between emperor and Spain about, 616.
-, Swedish conquests in, 625, 639, 646; Spanish forces returning from, 633, 635.
-, French policy in, 642–644; absorbed in siege of Maastricht, 645.
-, Princes of:
-, advantage in upsetting Danish peace, 172; resentment among, 191; Vane to take letters of credence to, 526.
-, Venetian instructions to representatives in, 12, 63, 483.

Ghent [Prov. E. Flanders, Belgium]:
-, Infanta proposes to move to, 633.

Ghiradadda, Giradada, Italy:
-, German troops to enter, 182.

Giamiro, Antonio:
-, goods in Jonas, 144.

Giar, Chevalier di. See Rochechouart, Francois de, Commandeur de Jars.

-, news from, 354.
-, Strait of, the Strait, 33, 152.

Gillingham forest, co. Dorset:
-, punishment for cutting down woods in, 298.

Giona. See ships, names of, Jonas.

Giradada. See Ghiradadda.

Girardi di Nicolo, captain of the Black Eagle, 61.

Girlanda de Riose. See ships, names of.

Giustinian, Angelo:
-, action against Driver, 462.

Giusuf, Turkish minister, 208.

-, Rowlandson asks leave to export from Venice, duty free, 419.

Gluckstadt [Prov. Schleswig Holstein, German Empire], 139.
-, successful sallies from, 119; Morgan's troops in, 120; convoy to fetch Morgan from, 128.
-, Anstruther and Roe at, 355.

Godwin Sands. See Goodwin Sands.

Goito [Prov. Mantova, Italy], 274, 348.
-, imperialists attack, 236; capitulates, 238, 249; governor of imprisoned, 246;
-, did not help Germans, 261; imperialists fortify, 267, 286; Mantua gets fodder near, 278.
-, imperialists increase at, 283.

Golden Cock. See ships, names of.

Gomez, Francis Mendez, merchant:
-, goods on Jonas, 166.

Gondomar, Count of. See Sarmiento.

Gonzaga, Charles, Duke of Nevers, Duke of Mantua, 289.
-, defensive league with, 11; French help for, 25, 100, 176, 180, 276, 448.
-, plot of Cordova and Montbrun against, 66; opinion on Anglo-French peace, 79.
-, treacherous designs against, 96, 124, 138; ready to submit to emperor, 125; emperor's demands of, 147, 155.
-, Venetian help for, 101, 111, 218, 239, 240, 252, 265, 267, 283, 303, 388, 554.
-, sends son to pay respects to Charles, 158; Sabran goes to confer with, 167.
-, proposal to issue ban against, 173; reply to Mazarin, 195; efforts to separate from allies and to despoil, 197.
-, Gaston aspires to become mediator for, 199; defence of Mantua, 216, 226, 230, 236, 239, 249, 254, 261, 267, 286.
-, reported to have taken refuge at Venice, 239; Spaniards stir up emperor against, 241.
-, punishes governor of Goito, 246; obtains fodder, 278.
-, Venice and Savoy express intention to help, 292; Venice will secure full restitution, 294.
-, defeats German horse, 300; French delay in helping, 321; French send gentleman to treat with, 348.
-, takes refuge at Venice, 393; proposal to give red hat to, 437; France wants to put in possession of dominions, 481, 482.
-, governor of Milan bullies, 564; gives Casale to French, 569.
-, -, -, son of Nevers, Duke of Rethel:
-, proposal to invest with Mantua, 437.
-, -, Ferdinand II, Prince of Guastalla:
-, Spaniards will not abandon, 26; Spaniards trade with claims to Mantovano, 42; dies before can fulfil orders about Palatinate, 605.
-, -, Count Ferdinando:
-, mission to England, 158.
-, -, -, Duke of Mayenne:
-, attempt to kidnap, 124, 160, 180.
-, -, Maria:
-, Gaston will not be allowed to marry, 180; Gaston's project to marry, 199.
-, -, Scipio, Prince of Bozzolo:
-, tries to persuade Mantua to show respect for emperor, 226.

Gonzales, Don. See Cordova, Gonzales de.

Goodlack, Nathaniel, master of the Peter and Andrew of London, 369n.

Goodwin Sands, Godwin Sands, le Duyne:
-, Three Kings wrecked on, 430, 434.

Gordin, Viscount (? Grandison):
-, goes to meet Fontenay, 300.

Gordon, George, Lord, Sig. di Gurdon:
-, Fontenay asks for, 608.

Gorz, Goritz:
-, gathering of troops at, 110.

Governolo [Prov. Mantova, Italy], 226.
-, imperialists take, 216.

-, gathering of troops at, 110.

grain. See corn.

Granada, Spain:
-, merchant of, 164.

Grange, Jacques Louis de la. French ambassador in Germany:
-, searchings of heart over, 642.

Grano, Antonio:
-, letter of, 86.

Gransenaer, John, captain of the Nightingale, 61.

Gratz, Graz [Prov. Styria, Austria-Hungary]:
-, emperor withdraws to, 575.

Gravedona [Prov. Como, Italy]:
-, proposed conference at, 183.

Gravelines [Pas de Calais, France]:
-, inspection and repair of fortifications, 620.

Gravesend, co. Kent, 625.
-, Rosencranz embarks at, 74; royal barges to meet Preaux at, 97, 107.
-, Soranzo reaches, 121, 122; Soranzo fetched from, 128; Coloma fetched from, 263.
-, Gussoni at, 580, 583; Gussoni leaves, 581.
-, despatch dated at, 122.

Gravora, Don Ninigo di, Count of Oñate, Count of Ognat:
-, meeting at house of, attended by Cottington and Scaglia, 400.

Graz. See Gratz.

Gre, Colonel. See Mackay, Donald, Lord Reay.

Great Britain, King of. See Charles I; James I.
-, Queen of. See Henrietta Maria.

-, in garrison at Goito, 249.

Greenwich, Grenovici, co. Kent:
-, queen at, 62; French peace announced at, 68; Contarini has audience at, 81.
-, Court at, 106; Court going to, 329; suspicion of plague at, 322.
-, arrest of Scots at, 523; Charles leaves for Oatlands, 531n.
-, Gussoni at, 581; king and queen leave for, 621n; Charles returning to, 636.
-, letter dated at, 549; despatch dated at, 583.

Greifenhagen, Griffenhagen, Pomerania:
-, victory of Gustavus Adolphus near, 457n, 469.

Grenada, Spain, 47.

Grenoble [Isere, France]:
-, Richelieu at, 288, 344.

Grenovici. See Greenwich.

Griffenhagen. See Greifenhagen.

Grillo, dragoman, 174.

Grimani, Bernardo, Savio alla Mercanzia, 288.

Grisons, Switzerland, 201.
-, emperor's declaration to, 80; troops passing through, 87, 88; Merode's troops in, 92, 93, 100, 110, 124.
-, subjection of, 114, 147, 155, 167; French can pass by, 125; Milan supports troops in, 135.
-, Charles interested about, 146; imperialists will not discuss withdrawal from, 155.
-, Louis committed to, 184; reinforcements pass through, 246; liberty of, offered, 283.
-, France and Venice determined on restoration, 294; Bassompierre urges recovery of passes, 300, 306, 313.
-, proposed treatment of, 481, 482; Spaniards want to keep up divisions in, 564.
-, Rohan going to, 576, 580; Fleming urges Swiss to support, 603; possible fresh designs on passes, 604.

Griswell, Grisbol, English merchant:
-, Five Savii to deal with case, 408.

Gritti, Pietro, Venetian consul at Aleppo, 247, 266, 462.
-, despatch, 472.

groom of the Stool. See Fullerton, Sir James; Hay, James, earl of Carlisle.

Guanil, Guaniel, merchant, 244.

Guarets, M. des:
-, sent by queen mother to Queen Henrietta, 372.

Guast. See Quast.

Guastalla, Prince of. See Gonzaga, Ferdinand II.

-, Dutch success in, 628, 629, 633, 638; Cordova arrives on frontier, 635.

Guernsey, Carnesei, Garnasie, Channel Islands:
-, troops from to help Dutch, 114, 120, 123, 128, 131, 162; English fear of French designs on, 503.

-, comes out of Milan, 286.

Guiche, John Francis de la, Sieur de St. Geran, San Giran:
-, rebellion of, 643.

Guienne, France:
-, particulars of Huguenots in, 91; superiority of troops of, 92.

Guise, Duke of. See Lorraine, Charles de.

Gulf, the. See Adriatic.

gumlac, 244.

gunpowder, powder:
-, Spinola takes to Italy, 173; Venice wants to buy in England and Holland, 197; probable cost, 225.
-, Venice introduces into Mantua, 249; Sweden sends to Scotland, 415.

gunpowder plot, 363.

guns, ordnance, artillery, 242, 254, 291.
-, Charles supplies to Dutch for jewels, 157, 179, 248, 262.
-, cast at Mantua, 267; Bassompierre urges Swiss to provide, 300.
-, total of, in armed merchantmen, 522n.

Günther, Gunter, Frederick, Danish secretary in the Netherlands:
-, taking leave, 552.

Gurdon, Sig, di. See Gordon, George, Lord.

Gussoni, Vicenzo, Venetian ambassador in the Netherlands, 120, 220, 430, 444.
-, despatches to Senate, 80, 100, 110, 117, 122, 123, 130–132, 138, 146, 154, 167, 172, 188, 194, 202, 214, 216, 229, 235, 237, 238, 245, 247, 249, 252, 256, 257, 260, 262, 283, 285, 287, 293, 313, 322, 326, 327, 329, 333, 334, 337, 355, 364, 375, 380, 383, 387, 395, 401, 405, 406, 413, 417, 418, 423, 426–428, 433–435, 438, 442, 445, 447, 452, 455, 459, 461, 465, 471, 472, 479, 482, 484, 487, 488, 497, 500, 511, 513, 524, 526, 529, 533, 537, 546, 547, 552, 559, 562, 566, 569, 570, 572, 577.
-, instructions to, 58, 65, 80, 92, 100, 110, 124, 147, 155, 158, 167, 172, 175, 182, 189, 195, 196, 203, 211, 215, 216, 226, 230, 238, 246, 249, 254, 261, 267, 274, 278, 283, 286, 288, 475.
-, communications with Soranzo, 156, 170, 188, 194, 200–202, 271, 273, 292, 293, 314, 317, 335, 408, 409, 414, 418–420, 423, 425, 429, 436, 437, 441, 446, 467, 490, 493, 495, 513.
-, communications with colleagues in France, 214, 229, 234.
-, conversations with Roe, 130, 132, 139; Soranzo to keep in touch with, 135.
-, efforts to get levies for Venice, 245, 249, 257, 327, 329, 333, 404, 406, 427, 428.
-, agreement with Swinton, 334, 342; remittances to Soranzo, 387; money sent back to, 458.
-, takes leave, 577; Orange tells of intention to take field, 589.
-, Venetian ambassador in England, 591.
-, despatches, 582, 583, 587, 590, 592, 595, 597, 599, 601, 603, 605, 608, 609, 611, 613, 615, 617, 619, 622, 623, 625, 627–629, 632, 634, 635, 637, 638, 640, 642–644, 646.
-, communications with Contarini, 597.
-, selected to succeed Soranzo, 526; provision for, 529; reaches England, 580, 595; proceeds to Greenwich, 581.
-, passage of, 582, 583; entry into London, 583, 584; Fontenay visits, 585; first audience, 587; visits, 590.
-, efforts in affair of Golden Cock, 609, 610; Carlisle calls on, 613; Nethersole calls on, 616.
-, urges sending ambassador to Venice, 614, 620; attends Garter ceremony, 617; Jerome Weston calls on, 641.

Gustavus Adolphus, King of Sweden, 331, 499.
-, (1629):
-, admires zeal of Venice for cause, 7; thanks Venice for treatment of Farengbus, 29.
-, means to wage war on emperor, 19, 21, 28, 112; plans of, 21, 22; will keep imperialists busy, 42.
-, makes truce with Poles, 10; raising levies in England, 31; conference and arrangement with Denmark, 43, 75; Denmark pledged to, 44.
-, Roe to go on embassy to, 57; importance of Baltic to, 63; to be asked to join Protestant league, 64.
-, proposed reconciliation with Poland, 65; offers to lead allied forces, 75; high spirit, 81.
-, Roe's views upon, 94, 95; levies for, in England, 96.
-, disgust may make give up war against emperor, 120; dissension with Gabor, 126.
-, Charnassé wants to introduce Jesuits, 129; Dutch deceived by, 131; in Prussia, 132.
-, difficulties in way of accommodation with Poland, 139; Venice wants to confirm friendliness to common cause, 155; can assist cause greatly, 173.
-, Chateauneuf suggests English subsidy for, 184, 294, 295; Wallenstein fears will help Mecklenburg, 211; Wallenstein wants to prevent coming in, 255.
-, has no ambassador in England, 224.
-, ready to attack Austrians if France and England help, 238; Venetian representations to, 254.
-, (1630):
-, quarrel with Denmark, 289, 302, 306; urges Swiss to move, 300; arming to invade Germany, 313.
-, asks for help, 373, 379; difference with Dutch about Baltic tolls, 382.
-, reported repulse, 393; Palatine accused of intrigues with, 399.
-, need to follow example, 402; successes of, 404, 406, 410, 415, 444, 457, 468, 469.
-, asks Dutch for help, 413; Hamilton's force to help, 414, 422, 432, 441, 471; Dutch treat to renew alliance with, 415.
-, English help for, 427, 442, 444; talk of English alliance with, 444.
-, will only accept peace on terms favourable to Germany, 434; retires from Pomerania, 437.
-, (1631):
-, alliance of Dutch with, 457; Venice asked to help, 461, 472.
-, promises restitution of Palatinate, if helped, 478; Coloma tries to stop English help for, 472.
-, defeats Tilly, 482; Charles wants to know what will do for Palatine, 486.
-, effect of example, 489; reports of success, 494, 500, 509, 557.
-, proposed alliance with England, 497; takes Frank-fort-on-Oder, 503, 507.
-, hastens to save Magdeburg, 511; reported retirement to Stralsond, 516.
-, England will not desert, 517; Hamilton's advices from, 523; Hamilton to serve, 525, 533, 537.
-, Saxony offers emperor mediation with, 524; reported attack of Poland on, 527.
-, Spanish efforts to prevent English help for, 526; Dutch send munitions and arms to, 529.
-, ambassador in France waives ceremony, 530.
-, successes over Tilly, 531, 541, 555, 558, 560.
-, hopes to retake Magdeburg, 535; Vane to mediate between, and emperor, 538, 543, 550, 578.
-, Poland wants interposition of Charles with, 541, 545; Muscovy sends embassy to, 542.
-, Hamilton wants to be only one serving, 550; Charles more interested in, because of Hamilton, 557.
-, question of English help for, 558, 566, 569; invites Palatine to take field, 559.
-, further successes, 561, 565, 574; Palatine sends to, 562; influence of success on French, 564.
-, Craven wishes to raise force for, 565, 568; Anstruther accused of partisanship for, 567.
-, English demand restoration of Palatinate by, 568, 575; takes Prague, 569.
-, Vane's first audience of, 570; expected conference of Louis with, 571.
-, (1632):
-, Palatine decides to go to, 573, 578, 579, 580; but delays, 577; cordial reception of Palatine, 595, 598.
-, demands of England, 573; question of English help for, 574, 582, 584, 590, 606.
-, proposal to give Bohemia to, 575; offer of English subsidy to, 577, 592, 605, 606, 619, 626, 630, 633, 640.
-, effect of French approach on, 580; supposed arrangement with French, 582, 584, 592, 596.
-, will not make any accommodation without including Palatine, 581; English desire closer union with, 588, 620.
-, probable nature of English help for, 589; may repent of concessions to French, 591; does repent, 606.
-, English hopes of reinstating Palatine, 601; ministers advocate waiting policy to, 602.
-, growing cordiality with France, 604; Leicester to assist, 614; Fleetwood to raise levies for, 615.
-, bad relations with Denmark, 604, 610; does not trust Vane, 608; imperialists object to Palatine joining, 617, 629, 634.
-, invades Bavaria, 610, 611; takes Donauwerth, 611, 612; progress in Bavaria, 615, 619, 622, 623.
-, wants good relations with Denmark, 616; coldness of England to, 618; Danish ambassadors to, 619.
-, Vane's mission to, a failure, 624, 626, 640; profits by Dutch arms, 625, 628.
-, English interest in progress, 625, 646; talk of treaty with Bavaria, 627, 642; younger Vane reaches, 631.
-, urges Charles to recall Anstruther, 628; Nethersole urges help for, 636.
-, arrangement with France about Palatinate, 639.
-, -, -, son of the Palatine:
-, birth, 578, 579; christening, 581.

Guzman, Gaspar de, Count of Olivares, the count duke, conde duque:
-, hastens military preparations, 26;
-, upset by Anglo-French peace, policy ruinous to Spain, 79.
-, feebleness of arrangements disclosed, 133; will arrange everything with Cottington, 169.
-, at meeting at palace, discussing policy, 209; harassed, 254; machinations of, 267, 278.
-, fetes Cottington, 267, 273, 285; commissioner to treat with Cottington, 296.
-, intrigues of, 307; remark to Cottington about peace, 311; proposals to Cottington, 355.
-, hints at sending English ambassador to diet, 333; remonstrates about Venetian levies in England, 364; to decide about attacking Venice, 375.
-, Cottington urges Mocenigo to see, 376, 383; secret negotiations, 400.
-, complains of way things done at Ratisbon, 413; desires peace with England, 438.
-, Cottington tries to please, 439; sends for Cottington to sign peace, 440.
-, celebrates peace with England, 451; at banquet to Cottington, 461.
-, supposed to be concocting plot with England, 492; counts on stirring up trouble in France through England, 500.
-, highly dissatisfied at emperor's treatment of Anstruther, 548; sends Wake copy of alliance between France and Bavaria, 556.