Index: F

Pages 695-704

Calendar of State Papers Relating To English Affairs in the Archives of Venice, Volume 22, 1629-1632. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1919.

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Faelmuth. See Falmouth.

Fahr, Farra outside Zurich [Canton Zurich, Switzerland]:
-, despatches dated at, 234, 237, 255.

Falkland, Viscount. See Cary, Henry.

Falmouth, Falmuz, Faelmuth, co. Cornwall, 470, 484.
-, ships with Venetian levies at, 469, 475; ships leave, 477, 482.

Farensbach, Ferenbach, Feremsbec, Ferimsbergi, Sferemsbach, Wolmar von, Swedish ambassador to Gabor:
-, Venice treats with esteem, 28.
-, at Hague, raising levies for Sweden, 406; in England for levies, 414.
-, tries to get French help for Hamilton, 415; seriously ill, 420; regiment in Germany, 422.

Farnese, Odardo, Duke of Parma:
-, made arbiter between Savoy and Mantua, 481.

Farnham, co. Surrey:
-, Charles at, 398n.

Farra. See Fahr.

Ferden. See Verden.

Ferdinand II, Emperor, Cæsar, 41, 119, 176, 226, 230, 383, 472, 509.
-, (1629):
-, office of Scaglia with for Palatine, 5; interest in Palatinate, 29, 57, 69.
-, Savoy mediator with for Italy, 9; Spaniards may refer negotiations to, 26; passport for Lady Wake, 33.
-, sending army to Prussia against Sweden, 10; Sweden means to wage war with, 19, 21, 28, 112, 129; Sweden offers to lead allies against, 75, 194.
-, Wallenstein unfaithful to, 42; assembling naval force in Baltic, 43.
-, hunting in Luxemburg, Eggenberg goes to consult, 59; proposed Catholicleague against tyranny, 64.
-, Mantua affair to be left to decision, 61, 66; effect of reconciliation of Poland and Sweden on, 65.
-, something expected from, about Palatinate, 74; declarations to Grisons, 80.
-, Spaniards do not want to have their places in Palatinate, 93; orders siege of Strasburg, 88.
-, Spaniards prefer to see busy away from their territory, 95.
-, Denmark will not ratify peace with, 100; terms to Denmark, 105; peace with Denmark, 111, 119, 122.
-, Leopold seizes Valtelline in name of, 109; Spain does not want to have Palatinate, 113.
-, Dutch apprehensive of, 117; Sweden may give up idea of war with, 120; will not suffer peace between Poland and Sweden, 131.
-, Italy need not fear, 125; England cannot defend Palatinate against, 137.
-, does not desire pope's intervention, 147; Savoy aspires to command armies, 148.
-, demands of Mantua, 155; Sabran's reply to, 158, 183; forces distracted between Italy and Netherlands, 160.
-, understanding with Spain and France for war of religion, 163; Wake's opinion of operations, 172.
-, contemplates issuing ban against Duke of Mantua, 173; orders advance of forces, 175.
-, Spaniards propose giving their part of Palatinate to, 178; guided solely by offices of Spaniards, 180.
-, Richelieu to send Archbishop of Lyons to, 186; likely to be kept busy in Italy, 191.
-, determined on war, 192; enfeebled by operations in Italy, 195.
-, Odolengo to commend Mantua's interests to, 199; Spanish ambassadors tell French must be driven from Italy, 212.
-, Spaniards stirred against Nevers, 241; troops from Dutch may enter service, 254.
-, maintenance of forces in empire, 255; unlikely to restore Palatinate, 258; Philip sends to about restoring Palatinate, 274.
-, (1630):
-, Spain will act as mediator with, about Palatine, 275; Spaniards adduce respect for, 278.
-, Spanish agreement with, about Palatinate, 293; negotiations at Madrid about Palatinate, 301, 313.
-, Bavaria obsequious follower of, 296; difficulties in east, 302.
-, compact of Princess of Transylvania with, 306; makes Denmark content by restoring state, 307.
-, Spaniards to induce to remove ban from Palatine, 311; difficulty of inducing to relinquish Palatine, 324, 328.
-, grants passport to Rusdorf, 329, 335; Venice fears wrath in Friuli, 344.
-, sends troops to help Savoy, 355; question of Palatine's restoration to favour, 395.
-, Palatine unworthy of favour, 399; at Ratisbon, 400; restoration of Palatine to favour of, 401.
-, Anstruther has audience of, 407; will never give Upper Austria to Bavaria, 418.
-, expected restoration of Palatine to favour, 419, 427; to keep hold on Palatinate fortresses, 423.
-, demands of Palatine, 428; Spaniards to ask to remove ban from Palatine, 431; Spaniards will induce to restore Palatinate, 435, 448; Charles will not hold back from attacking if Palatine not satisfied, 439.
-, wants to transfer Palatinate negotiations to Vienna, 443; Saxony explains reasons for collecting forces to, 444.
-, went to diet intending to exclude Palatine, 446.
-, (1631):
-, makes Parma arbiter between Savoy and Mantua, 481; expectations from, 491.
-, hollowness of Spanish claim to be accessory to, about Mantua, 515.
-, Anstruther has audience of, 517; Anstruther's proposals to, 517–520; may suspect Anstruther, 523.
-, Saxony offers mediation with Sweden, 524; relations to Bavaria, 525.
-, Vane to suggest accommodation with, 526; Vane may be sent to, 530, 538.
-, Savoy will not detach himself from, 533; proposed interposition between, and Sweden, 538, 543, 550.
-, Bavaria shows articles of league with France to, 547; Olivares dissatisfied with treatment of Anstruther, 548.
-, no jurisdiction in Rome, 556; will not give investitureto Duke of Savoy, 558.
-, Palatine to hand over sons to, to be educated, 559; English hope to get rehabilitation of Palatine from, 561.
-, relations of Lorraine with, 565; cannot do anything against Bavaria's wishes, 567.
-, (1632):
-, withdraws to Gratz, 575; proposed mediation of England between, and Sweden, 578.
-, urgent demands for defence of empire, 582; embassies extraordinary to Italy, 604.
-, Anstruther tells of wish to leave, 586; perturbed, apologies for delay, 587.
-, Bavaria declares openly for, 606; not true that Denmark declared for, 610.
-, Sweden can always make accommodation with, 610; reported alliance with Spain about Germany, 616.
-, disposed to gratify Charles, 617; Necolaldi to act as agent for, in England, 620.
-, fears of Lorraine going over to, 621; talk of Venetian troops going to serve, 631.
-, Palatine not gone to bear arms against, 634.

Ferdinand, son of Emperor Ferdinand II, King of Hungary and Bohemia:
-, Infanta to join, 66.

Ferdinand of Bavaria, Archbishop Elector of Cologne:
-, fears Dutch invasion, 208; sends Horn on mission to Dutch, 618; question of neutrality, 642.

Ferdinand, son of Philip III, Infant of Spain, Cardinal Infant:
-, to go as governor to Netherlands, 405; to have English escort and to see Charles, 471; passage to Flanders, 511, 522, 525; English may escort, 531.

Feremsbec, Ferenbach. See Farensbach.

Ferens, Ferrens, Colonel:
-, commands forces for Dutch, 131, 139; terms for serving Venice, 245; paid off by Dutch, 249.

Feria, Duke of. See Figueroa.

Ferimsbergi. See Farensbach.

Fernambuch, Fernambuco. See Pernambuco.

Fexxaxa, Pieno:
-, companies of, 88.

Fiat. See Coiffier de Ruzé, Antoine, Marquis of Effiat.

Fielding, Basil, Lord:
-, at Baden on way to Padua, 487.
-, -, William, Earl of Denbigh, 487.
-, not to be confounded with Danby, 36.

Figueroa, Don Gomez Suarez de, Duke of Feria:
-, sent to Barcelona, 66; made general of Flanders, 300; raises difficulties about treaty of Cherasco, 515; assists queen mother, 563.
-, bad faith about treaty, 564; subversive designs of, 569; reports mission of Picinardi, 641.

Finet, Sir John, Master of the Ceremonies, 462.
-, ordered to provide house for Coloma, 213; sent to meet Coloma, 262; states that ambassadors will follow Court, 312.
-, sent to inform ambassadors that banquet private, 464; informs Soranzo of arrival of Scaglia, 541.

Firburgh. See Freiburg.

Firret, Captain:
-, Charles recommends, to serve Venice, 400.

fish, 153.
-, Spanish salt useless for, 307.

fisheries, herring fishery:
-, Scottish deputation to form company for, 453, 457; Venetian help for Dutch over, 463, 472, 482, 495; proposed exclusion of Dutch from, 530.
-, guard necessary for Scottish, 502, 522.
-, commission upon, 530n.
-, value of Iceland, 604.
-, question considered by Council, 612.

Flanders, 16, 26, 57, 171, 181, 235, 267, 383, 400, 405, 478, 492, 512, 556, 580, 583, 625, 645.
-, news from, 614.
-, feebleness of Spaniards in, 85; gains in Italy valued more than losses in, 195.
-, Marquis of Aytona goes to, 209; Spanish losses in, 211; Spaniards fearful about, 212.
-, value of English trade in, 275; Dunkirkers plunder ships going to, 290.
-, Feria made general of, 300; German regiments in disbanding, 446.
-, trade of, in currants, 376, 377.
-, importance of Palatinate to, 423.
-, proposed English levies for, 453.
-, Spaniards place Italy before, 459; Spanish remittances to, 468, 471, 481, 491, 504.
-, journey of Cardinal Infant to, 471, 511, 525.
-, Cottington arranges course of exchange for, 491.
-, Spaniards hope for English support in, 500; German troops for, 508; landing of Dutch in, 516.
-, messengers from, about queen mother, 536; queen mother not satisfied with treatment in, 544.
-, bad news from, 552; Scaglia to pass through, 571; preparing succours in, 575.
-, Monsieur may command army of, 589; troops in ill paid and people discontented, 590.
-, Count of Emden may be recalled to, 591; danger of separation from Germany, 602.
-, possible French invasion of, 607, 620; Spanish forces to be recalled from, 628.
-, Cordova's arrival opportune for, 633; French do not prevent Spanish troops passing from Germany to, 635.
-, Council of:
-, Rubens made secretary to, 81.

Flangino, Flangini, Jeronimo, Venetian merchant, 48.
-, goods on Jonas, 144, 165.

fleet. See navy.
-, of France. See France, fleet of.
-, of Spain. See Spain, fleet of.

Fleetwood, Flituuit, Colonel George:
-, has leave to raise levies for Sweden, 615.

Fleming, Oliver, Oliviero, Mr. Oliver, 440, 454.
-, asks to go as agent to Swiss, 138; sees Soranzo, 201.
-, arrives at Zurich, 234; presents letters of credence and welcomed, 236; served Carlisle, 237.
-, conversation with Scaramelli, 255; unwilling to meet Bassompierre, 286.
-, efforts to prevent French levy of Swiss, 343, 352.
-, calls on Scaramelli with Lord Fielding, 487.
-, ill success in moving Swiss for Palatine, 576; to encourage Swiss to support Grisons, 603.

-, ships at Leghorn, 234, 376, 395.
-, currant trade in Ionian Islands, 323.
-, arrested for plot against Calais, 411.
-, bargain with King of Persia about silk, 474.
-, new duties imposed on, for silk at Smyrna, 579.
-, See also Flanders; Netherlands.

Fleury en Brie, Flori [Seine et Marne, France]:
-, Richelieu receives Venetian ambassadors at, 203.

Flituuit. See Fleetwood.

Florence, Italy:
-, Turks want trade with, 266.
-, satin and damask of, damage Venetian trade in Levant, 326.
-, Jerome Weston's mission to, 634, 638, 641.
-, ambassadors at Madrid, 451.
-, despatches dated at, 234, 395, 447, 571, 573.
-, Venetian instructions to representatives at, 12.
-, Grand Duke of. See Tuscany.

Flori. See Fleury.

Flushing [Prov. Zeeland, Netherlands]:
-, Vane sails from, 467, 478.

Foix, Henry de, de la Valette, Duke of Candale, Candalles, Candales, 374.
-, Fleming meets at Basel, 234; Venetian terms with, 245; Venice expects force of, 300; fight with imperialists, 346; sends account of his action, 366.

Fonseca, Azvedo, Zuniga y Ulloa, Manuel de, Count of Monterey, Monterei, Spanish ambassador at Rome:
-, counsels war, 41; says Anglo-French peace not established, 99; question of precedence with Prefect of Rome, 556.

Fontainebleau [Seine et Marne, France]:
-, peace sworn at, 189.

Fontenay Mareuil, Fontane, Marquis of. See Duval.

Force, La. See Caumont.

Foreland, the North, co. Kent:
-, ship wrecked off, 434n.

Foscarini, Piero, Savio alla Mercanzia, 377.

Fossez, Marquis of, M. di Fosse. See Vallée, Gabriel de la.

Francandal. See Frankenthal.

France and French, 17, 56, 148, 257, 492, 556, 630.
-, (1629):
-, news from, 251, 262, 310, 422, 441, 453, 456.
-, Dutch relations with strained, 2; designs of Spaniards to hurt, 4; Spain proposes alliance with, against England, 15.
-, Savoy's hopes of closer union with, 6; England urges Savoy to reconciliation with, 12; adjustment with Savoy, 27.
-, Charles complains that show contempt for him, 9, 10; miscalculation in England about, 9; English want to arouse suspicion, 25.
-, privateers ordered to abstain from injuring, 18, 30, 36; Digby takes ships, 48.
-, revival of English trade with, 19.
-, Contarini tells Charles of action in Italy, 28; turning attention to Italy, 35.
-, peace considered certain, 49; a characteristic of armies in, 55; Louis goes to pacify, 58.
-, need of Wake going to, 51; Wake writes of position in Savoy, 61; Wake mistrusts, 87.
-, Spaniards fear peace in, 60; Cordova's fear of, 65; northern powers losing confidence in, 68.
-, need of internal peace, 82, 84, 90; important for Spaniards to keep Louis busy in, 89.
-, damage of war against Huguenots to, 94, 99; unseasonable stir about Huguenots in, 95.
-, will not give up pass into Italy, 96; Spaniards mean to drive from Italy, 100, 147, 155.
-, Danish peace blow to, 113; power to stop Spanish peace negotiations, 114, 126.
-, seize English ships, 114, 115; Dutch ask for levies, 126.
-, Savoy and Wake encourage mistrust of, 117; Sweden can help by diversion, 132.
-, English want to force to fight Spain, 143; Wake on Savoy's relations with, 145.
-, Magno's proposals only to make relax efforts, 158; risings in over salt gabelle, 163.
-, not ready to commit selves against Spaniards, 169; need stimulus for co-operation, 171.
-, Wake's maxim to render uneasy, 172; Spaniards hope to detach Savoy from, 175.
-, need of succour for Italy, 176; Wake casts doubt on intentions in Italy, 186, 187.
-, Savoy wants to gratify resentment against, 179; Mantua will not desert, 197.
-, attack on St. Christopher, 192; causes irritation in England, 194.
-, favourable opportunity to break with Spain, 203; count on English weakness, 206.
-, Spain decides for war with, 209; Savoy needs to be sure of, 210; Wake less ready to discredit, 211.
-, Spaniards mean to drive out of Italy, 212; fight with at St. Christopher, 213.
-, promise resolute action, 215; proposed joint naval action with England, 217.
-, question of English co-operation with, 219, 221, 239; dilatory in making proposals to English, 220.
-, strength at sea, 224; English lack of confidence in, 226.
-, do not want war in Italy, 230; help needed for Italy, 232, 239; Dutch will act vigorously if make war on Spain, 234.
-, excuses for slowness, 240; imperialists hope to cool, 246; English jealousy of, 251, 310.
-, raid Monferrat, 250; Mantua expects help from, 254.
-, Vane makes Dutch adjustment with, difficult, 252; desirability of alliance with Dutch against Spain, 253.
-, Fleming expresses mistrust of, 255; Soranzo doubtful of sincerity, 259.
-, (1630):
-, Palatine gets no support from, 262; Carlisle's ill-will against, 271, 277, 410.
-, expected help for Mantua, 274, 288.
-, danger of Anglo-Spanish accommodation to, 278; Spaniards encourage English mistrust of, 281.
-, Wake's mistrust of, 282, 352; Weston encourages suspicion of, 291; Wake less fierce against, 299.
-, force to help Venice, 289, 335; grain requisitioned by, 300.
-, Dunkirkers prey on ships going to, 290; need to hold balance in Germany, 296.
-, hope that may recover Palatinate, 293; operations in Italy, 302, 316, 318.
-, Coloma resents assistance to Dutch, 305; strained relations with England at sea, 312.
-, provides England with salt, 307; threat of measures against English in, 309.
-, Savoy begins hostilities against, 308, 313, 316, 319, 320; reported defeat in Italy, 310.
-, claim right to trade with Spain, 315; English like to hear disparaged, 321.
-, Dutch hope to see committed to war, 325; forces move on Savoy, 327; likely to be kept busy in Piedmont, 340.
-, trade in Levant, 326; attach no importance to England, 352, 379.
-, question of alliance with Dutch, 334; English and Dutch want declaration from, 347.
-, suggested mediation by England with Savoy, 340, 342, 361, 363.
-, mean to succour Casale, 342; English hope to see checked in Italy, 343; Savoy hard pressed by, 365.
-, danger to Spain of England uniting with, 370; English disposition unfriendly to, 372.
-, reported league with Sweden and Dutch, 383; feared machinations against at Madrid, 400.
-, Orange blames, 402; danger from Anglo-Spanish understanding, 405; Lorraine on bad terms with, 410.
-, Venice fulfilled obligations of alliance with, 412; English desire to thwart, 416.
-, Wake anxious to proceed to, 417.
-, ill will between and England, 421, 441, 444; attach importance to Canada, 425; Bavaria playing with, 426.
-, unlikely to listen to Spanish proposals, 432; peace of Italy may injure, 434; Olivares hoping to get better of, 438.
-, not accepting peace signed at Ratisbon, 440; English would take advantage of, 446.
-, state of English relations with, 450; Anglo-Spanish peace outweighs advantage of Dutch alliance with, 452.
-, (1631):
-, approve of Dutch reply to Vane, 459; countermine against English, 460.
-, presence at Pinerolo no advantage to Spain, 460; want to persuade Dutch to war, 461.
-, English negotiations with curious, 462, 463; Chateauneuf's influence in, 464.
-, negotiations upon differences with, 481, 486, 512; Dutch campaign depends on, 484.
-, Hamilton gives up hope of help from, 489; jealous of close relations between English and Dutch, 493.
-, Olivares hopes to stir up trouble in, 500; English jealousy of, 503; Scaglia to arrange league against, 504.
-, Wake advises Savoy to leave Pinerolo in hands of, 505, 508; Savoy's wish to harm, 513.
-, strongly support Bavaria, 509; English suspicion of diminishing, 511.
-, English attitude to advices from, 515; designs of Scaglia against, 521, 528; may attempt recovery of Canada by arms, 522.
-, strong party in Scotland, 523; jealousy of Hamilton's levies, 527.
-, Palatine considers offer useless, 525; English fear may join Dutch, 529.
-, English resent criticism of, 530; Wake wants joint operations with, 533.
-, English hope for credit with, about queen mother, 542; Scaglia blames, 549.
-, league with Bavaria, 547, 560; reprisals in against English, 552.
-, would prefer Gustavus to turn to Silesia, 555; English resent taking of Pinerolo, 557, 560.
-, talk of assisting Savoy, 558; Bavaria tries to get Sweden to recognise neutrality, 561.
-, Palatine sends to, 562; English suspicions of, 564; behaved badly about Orange, 565.
-, want to see balance in Germany, 569; want Bavaria chosen King of Romans, 571.
-, (1632):
-, English fear opposition about Palatinate, 575, 604; English suspicions of, 588, 595, 603.
-, proposed Spanish attack on, 576, 589; proposed silk duty for, 579, 594; Scaglia dislikes influence with Savoy, 580.
-, declaration of Lorraine for, 590; Swedish concessions to please, 591, 596; despatches sent by, 593; Lorraine mistrusts, 609.
-, Bavaria likely to deceive, 595, 604, 612; agreement with Bavaria, 600; Bavaria alienated from, 606.
-, Weston complains that do not pay money due, 596, 597; Infanta gives Monsieur troops against, 607.
-, dissatisfaction with Scaglia, 597; mission of Vosberghen to, 600; Scottish cavalry in pay of, 609.
-, scanty help to Sweden, 611; attack feared in Flanders, 614, 620; delay of subsidy to Dutch, 618.
-, support to Dutch, 621; fears for Calais, 622; impending attack on Lorraine, 624.
-, Spaniards fear offensive alliance with England, 621; understanding with Dutch, 625.
-, troops at siege of Maastrecht, 631.
-, evil intentions of Lorraine against, 632; Lorraine plucked by, 635; reunion with Lorraine, 638.
-, secret negotiations with Dutch, 635; arrangement with Sweden about Palatinate, 639, 642.
-, mission of Weston to, 641, 644; talk of convoking estates, 643.
-, party under protection, in Germany, 644; departure of best regiments from Germany, 645.
-, fleet of:
-, offer to co-operate with England against Spain, 217, 254; preparations cause misgiving in England, 263, 280, 281, 285.
-, enters Mediterranean, 354; English suspicions of, 523; given up because England will not suffer, 542.
-, Garde des Sceaux. See Aubespine, Charles de l', Marquis of Chateauneuf; Marillac, Michel de.
-, King of. See Henry IV; Louis XIII.
-, marshals of. See Bassompierre; Blanchefort de Crequy; Caumont, Marquis of La Force; Maille, Urban de, Marquis of Brézé; Marillac, Louis de; Neufville, Nicholas de, Marquis of Villeroy; Ornano, Jean Batiste d'; Schomberg.
-, merchants of. See merchants, French.
-, Queen of. See Anne of Austria.
-, Queen Mother of. See Mary de' Medici.
-, Venetian instructions to representatives in, 536, 611.

Franchendal, Franchental. See Frankenthal.

Franchi, Genoese merchant, 47.

Franconia [Bavaria, German Empire]:
-, Gustavus overruns, 561.

Frankenthal, Franchendal, Francandal, Franchental [Rhenish Bavaria, German Empire]:
-, held by Spaniards, 402, 574; Gustavus besieges, 580; relief force for, 583.
-, proposed deposit of, 583, 584, 594.

Frankfort, Frankfurt, on the Oder:
-, imperialists withdraw to, 469; Sweden takes, 503, 507.

Frankfort on Main:
-, proposed diet at, 524.
-, Gustavus proceeds to, 561; Palatine at, 634.
-, news from, 611.

Frederick V, Elector Palatine of the Rhine, King of Bohemia, 123, 331, 568, 612.
-, (1629):
-, Spaniards deceive English with hopes of restoring, 2; Scaglia's negotiations for, 5.
-, Soranzo offers condolences to, 15; Vane sounds about peace with Spain, 24, 29, 44; talk of accommodation with Spaniards, 34.
-, suggested leaving Netherlands, 49.
-, Charles will not make peace except to satisfaction of, 57, 465; sentiments about Anglo-French peace, 58.
-, Vane to induce to accept moderate terms, 65; household sure Rubens treating for peace, 72; leaves for army, 100.
-, Spaniards propose to give pension, 131, 214; Austrians keep down, 134.
-, could put fortresses in hands of French, 137; Vane to learn views about Spanish negotiations, 141.
-, should limit demands upon Bavaria, 143; must resign himself to England's policy, 146.
-, Gussoni warns against Vane, 172; Soranzo to point out danger of ruin, 173.
-, Weston regardless of interests, 178; will work hard for sake of Palatinate, 200.
-, to be included in Anglo-Spanish peace, 209; wants Dutch to include him in peace, 216.
-, at Rhenen, with family, 229, 413; opinion of Dutch truce, 235; negotiations hopeless for, 238.
-, interests to be included in peace negotiations, 245, 248, 254, 273, 287; Leopold to have part of dominions, 253.
-, England to secure reinstatement, 255; can get nothing from France, 262.
-, (1630):
-, Spaniards hold out Palatinate to, 267; will have to accept anything, 275; Spaniards want to shut out for ever, 283.
-, England's neglect of, 293; pope would rather see Bavaria elector than, 296.
-, Spaniards sell rights to Bavaria, 297; Spaniards wish to see satisfied, 307, 326, 328.
-, Chateauneuf considers restoration hopeless, 311; Carleton sees about Spanish negotiations, 313.
-, hostility of princes to, 324; Anstruther to represent at diet, 332; passports asked for agent of at diet, 335.
-, Vane and Rusdorf to represent, 337; Vane to sound about peace with Spain, 344.
-, may attend christening of Prince Charles, 349; difficulties in way of coming to England, 350.
-, asks for rejoicings at birth of Prince Charles, 355; does not trust Spaniards, 364, 365.
-, Hamilton represents at christening of Prince Charles, 369.
-, efforts to get imperial ban against withdrawn, 378, 396; expects nothing from diet of Ratisbon, 382.
-, Charles will not come to terms with Spain unless dominions restored, 383, 439.
-, no peace unless satisfied, 387; proposals of diet upon, 399; to be represented at diet, 400.
-, English to ask for restoration at diet, 401, 411, 412; English neglect interest, 402; Vane ashamed at abandonment of, 406.
-, asks pardon of emperor, 407, 411, 412; Cottington sanguine about restoration, 413.
-, Spaniards hold out hopes of reinstatement, 418, 459; commissioners deputed for case, at Ratisbon, 419.
-, promises money to Hamilton, 422; difficulties raised about restoration, 423.
-, confidences to Gussoni, 426; left out of Anglo-Spanish peace, 431, 438.
-, question of removing ban from sons, 432; little hope for, at Ratisbon, 442.
-, Spanish offers to, at Ratisbon, 443; emperor meant to exclude, 446.
-, Charles blamed for neglecting, 447; Spanish promises for delusive, 448, 449.
-, (1631):
-, Charles informs of Anstruther being sent back to Vienna, 472; Rusdorf goes to England to advise Charles about, 479, 491; calls on Gussoni about mission of Rusdorf and Mauritio, 488.
-, hopes to benefit by Anglo-Spanish peace, 484; offices to keep up hopes, 492; agents leave England hurriedly, anticipated results, 493; Rusdorf and Mauritio go to Rhenen to see, 497.
-, scant hope of obtaining satisfaction in Germany for, 502; Philip promises to interpose for, 512.
-, English hope to help through Spaniards, 513; emperor's terms to, 517, 518.
-, advantage of clemency to, 520; considers French offer useless, 525.
-, prospects of Anstruther's efforts for, 526, 539; union between France and Bavaria may prejudice, 547, 556, 560.
-, French may help with Bavaria, 548; negotiations about reopened with Anstruther, 552.
-, Spanish requirements of, 559; English desire to obtain rehabilitation of, from emperor, 561, 595.
-, Sweden invites to take field, 559; Sweden hopes to reinstate, 560.
-, talk of commanding troops of William of Nassau, 561; eagerly awaiting Vane, 566.
-, presses England for help, friendly reply of Dutch to, 562; proposes to take army to Germany, 565, 568.
-, anxious about attitude of England, 569, 570; receives unsatisfactory reply from England, 572.
-, Dutch ready to help, 570.
-, (1632):
-, decides to go to Gustavus, 573, 579; awaiting Slavata, 577; has permission of Charles to go, 578.
-, English believe Gustavus will hand over Palatinate to, 575; Fleming can get nothing from Swiss for, 576.
-, hopes from England, 577; fears of Brézé's negotiations injuring, 578; fears of Louis injuring, 582, 604.
-, leaves for Swedish army, 580, 588; visits sons at Leyden, reaches Wesel, 581.
-, Swedish efforts for depend on assistance from England, 584; English sure of relief by Swedish arms, 601.
-, Vane urges help for, 587; gifts of Dutch and Orange to, 588; English interest in journey, 590, 592.
-, Charles to hold Frankenthal in deposit for, 594; Dutch mean to support, 596, 600, 607.
-, safe arrival with Swedes, 595, 598; reported defeat of escort, 597; French ambassadors take no notice of arrival, 599.
-, Spaniards try to deludo English about, 602, 605; English concern for, 606.
-, Louis promises to work for restoration, 609; courier from reaches London, 611.
-, unlikely to get help from England, 613; Louis favours interests, 615; hints at delay in helping Sweden, 616.
-, emperor renews offices to restore, 617; negotiations with Sweden for, 618; Vane unsuccessful over affairs, 624.
-, benefits by Dutch arms, 625, 628; fears of prejudice by accommodation between Sweden and Bavaria, 627, 630.
-, fresh overtures for, at Vienna, 629; Charles tired of waiting for restoration, 633.
-, Anstruther's negotiations for, 634; Nethersole has letters from, 639.
-, Sweden's regard for, 640; England's neglect of, 642, 643.
-, brother of. See Louis Philip.
-, children of. See Henry Frederick; Gustavus Adolphus.
-, councillor of. See Rusdorf.

Frederick II, King of Denmark, 569n, 613n.

Freiburg, Firburgh [Prov. Hanover, German Empire]:
-, garrison of Stade capture, 619.

French. See France.

Friendship. See ships, names of.

Fries, Duke of. See Velasco.

Friesland, Netherlands:
-, levies for Venice to go through, 334.
-, agent of, in Spain, 400.

-, constant alarms in, 135; Venice fears emperor in, 344.

Fugger, Fuccheri, Fucari, Count, 274.
-, Tilly unites with, 561.

Fullerton, Sir James, groom of the Stool:
-, death of, 478; and burial, 479n.