Index: H

Pages 712-718

Calendar of State Papers Relating To English Affairs in the Archives of Venice, Volume 22, 1629-1632. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1919.

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Haagen, Cornelius van, Dutch ambassador at the Porte, ambassador of Flanders:
-, Kuffstein takes leave of, 166; lack of credit, 187; understanding with Wyche about Gabor, 208.
-, deeply offends Caimecan, 237; asks for arrest of More, 474, 497.

Hague, Netherlands, 22, 43, 71, 113, 214, 344, 384, 477, 493.
-, news from, 141, 223, 555.
-, despatches dated at, 2, 12, 16, 25, 34, 49, 58, 65, 72, 80, 100, 110, 117, 123, 131, 132, 139, 146, 154, 167, 172, 188, 229, 235, 238, 245, 246, 248, 249, 253, 257, 258, 260, 262, 283, 286, 287, 293, 313, 322, 327, 329, 333, 334, 337, 365, 383, 387, 395, 402, 406, 413, 418, 423, 427–429, 433–435, 439, 443, 445, 448, 452, 455, 460, 461, 465, 471, 479, 482, 484, 487, 488, 497, 500, 511, 513, 514, 525, 529, 533, 537, 546, 547, 553, 559, 562, 566, 569, 570, 572, 573, 577, 578, 581, 583, 587, 589, 594, 600, 607, 608, 611, 613, 615, 619, 624, 631, 634, 635, 640, 646.
-, instructions to Venetian representatives at, 12, 235, 299, 302, 306, 308, 313, 318, 327, 329, 335, 337, 341, 342, 346, 349, 355, 361, 365, 371, 378, 391, 396, 403, 404, 406, 408, 409, 412, 416, 420, 439, 440, 447, 455, 458, 462, 466, 482, 483, 486, 487, 526, 601.
-, Randuich and Pauw back at, 1; Charles urges sister to leave, 42; Viscount Dorchester at, 123; Roe reaches, 130.
-, alliance with France made at, 281; Orange returns to, 413, 433; levy arranged at, 418.
-, Hamilton going to, 529; Vane to go to, 529, 538, 555; Ragotzky arrives at, 533; queen mother sends to, 544.
-, Rubens at, 570, 575; Palatine leaves, 581, 584, 599; Scaglia may go to, 600.
-, French secret negotiations at, 617, 618.

Hainem. See Arnheim.

Halberstadt [Saxony, German Empire], 302.
-, Wallenstein beating for levies at, 246; Tilly at, 469; Tilly reported buried at, 558.

Hales, Anthony, Wake's secretary:
-, sent to England, 73; back at Turin, 117; passes through France for England, 277; arrives in England, 292.

Halle, Hall [Saxony, German Empire]:
-, Tilly said to have been taken to, 555.

Hals, Giovanni, merchant, 244.

Hamburg and Hamburgers, German Empire, 224, 244, 284.
-, news from, 25, 42, 69, 112, 119, 335, 444, 469, 494, 500, 531, 610, 619.
-, merchants cannot send copper to Spain, 28; Anstruther arranging accommodation with Denmark, 355; and Roe also, 379.
-, Anstruther still at, 383, 472, 479.
-, pirates prey on ships of, 482.
-, Electors of Saxony and Brandenburg at, 507.
-, help Tilly to take Magdeburg, 524.
-, Leicester to perform offices for, 614.
-, deputy of, in England, negotiations, 637, 647.
-, - Company:
-, promises to trade and pay duty, 75.

Hamilton, James, Marquis of, 434.
-, represents Palatine at christening of Prince Charles, 369; raises levy for Sweden, 411, 414, 439, 441; means to go, 457.
-, asks help of Venice, 414, 415, 420; memorandum to Venetian ambassador, 422.
-, Charles confers Garter on, 432; Charles should help, 468; Charles grants permission for levy, 494.
-, report on levies, 487; expected to go to Scotland about levies, 489; Charles wishes to hasten levy, 497.
-, Soranzo to cultivate, 498; old captains refuse to go with, 503; goes to Scotland, 508.
-, news makes departure urgent, 511; beating up of levies for, 516, 526; difficulties of, 523.
-, Palatine advised of departure, 525; charge of treason against, 526, 527.
-, Camerarius complains of delay of levies, 529; embarks, 531–533; ships convoying, 534, 535n, 545.
-, reported arrival at Stralsund, 537, 538; asks for more levies, 545.
-, ordered to Silesia, 550; causes Charles to take deeper interest in Sweden, 557; victory in conjunction with Horn, 559.
-, money asked for troops, 561; English make much of expedition, 568, 642; rumours of death, plague among troops, 584.
-, not to command any but English troops, 630.
-, English want troops to garrison Palatinate, 643.

Hamilton, Colonel:
-, commands troops for King of Sweden, 375.

Hampton Court:
-, king staying at, 432.

Hanolt. See Anholt.

Hanoni. See Annoni.

-, Spaniards wish to remain free, 93; proposed share in subsidy to Sweden, 94.
-, loan to imperialists, 105.
-, mission of Roe to, 131, 132.
-, Wallenstein fears may restore Mecklenburg dukes, 211; Spaniards hope to obtain ships and sailors from, 336.
-, deputies of, at Hamburg, 507.

Harienda, President of, 504.

Harlay, Philip de, Count of Cesy, French ambassador at Constantinople:
-, compliments to Kuffstein, 166; neglects duty for private affairs, 187; Caimecan despises, 237.

Harlingen, Harlinghen [Prov. Friesland, Netherlands]:
-, Swinton's levies to sail from, 334.

Harmestain. See Ehrenbreitstein.

Harvie, Daniel, merchant:
-, letters of credit on, 342; refuses to meet letters of credit, for Venice, 356, 357; suit at Venice, 394.

Harwich, Aruich, co. Essex:
-, ship with Venetian levies wrecked near, 485, 490.

Hassan, Assan Pasha, Captain of the Sea:
-, bribed to release English ship, 535.

Hauterive, Altariva, Colonel:
-, speaks highly of Swinton, 333; does not bring money expected, 481, 486; goes with Estrées, 643.

Havana, Cuba, 306.
-, Spanish fleet of, reported lost, 602.

Hawkins, John:
-, payment to, for gift to Scarnafis, 511n.

Hay, Hey, Sir George, Lord Chancellor of Scotland, 327.
-, -, -, son of, Colonel:
-, negotiations with for serving Venice, 327, 329, 333.
-, -, James, Earl of Carlisle, 138, 505.
-, between two stools, 9; unlikely to cause trouble to peace, 28; will write to Wake about French embassy, 35.
-, Weston does not want party strengthened, 62; first to entertain Rubens, 84.
-, Senate enquires about activities, 118.
-, commissioner to treat with Chateauneuf, 128n; tells Chateauneuf king does not want him to go, 168, 169, 185.
-, tells Chateauneuf Cottington's commissions to be shown to Joachim, 170; Chateauneuf twits with lack of influence, 177.
-, interest in St. Christopher, 193, 242; Fleming dependent of, 201, 237.
-, wants parliament as financially embarrassed, 205; reports taking of Mantua, 240.
-, rivalry with Holland, 263, 271, 276, 282; intimacy with Chateauneuf, 265.
-, Spanish leanings of, 264; hopes from Coloma's coming, 279.
-, quarrel with Venetian minister, 268; Chateauneuf blames, 272; Chateauneuf tries to conciliate, 277.
-, reconciled to Holland, 281; makes known granting of passports by Coloma, 291.
-, entertains Coloma, 291; expects to go to Spain to conclude negotiations, 292.
-, prompts Coloma's actions, 296; Soranzo speaks to Charles against reports, 298.
-, publishes reports disparaging French, 343; disparages Venice, 344, 363.
-, smoothes way for Coloma, 350, 357, 399; discourtesy to Soranzo, 367, 368.
-, visits Fontenay, 368; takes king's message to Duchess of la Tremouille, 373.
-, goes out of way to visit Lorraine envoy, 410; fetches Coloma for swearing to peace, 448.
-, made groom of the Stool, 479; commissioner for trial of Scots arrested, 523.
-, Spaniards want to help ruin Richelieu, 536; entertains Scaglia, 549.
-, declares emperor will never give investiture to Savoy, 558; calls on Gussoni, 613.
-, Gussoni tells of accommodation with Rome, 632; assisted efforts of Valencay, 640.
-, -, -, Viscount Doncaster, Carlisle's son:
-, staying at Hague, 123.
-, -, Lucy, Countess of Carlisle:
-, loses queen's favour and dismissed Court, 264, 271; returns at king's intercession, 281.

Hayman, Sir P., member of parliament for Hythe:
-, submits and released, 205.

Heidelberg [Baden, German Empire]:
-, Gustavus approaches, 561, 574; reported capture, 595.

Heim, Colonel:
-, offers to serve Venice, 245, 249.

Henderson, Capt. Thomas, a Scot:
-, engaged by Venice, 487.

Henrietta Maria, Queen of Great Britain, 39.
-, hears of peace in Italy from mother, 9; suggested making St. Esprit present to, 20; provisions for in peace, 38.
-, sends to mother about pregnancy, 21; Chevreuse may come at delivery, 40; mother sends to, 82.
-, Contarini to congratulate on peace, 50; pregnancy motive for conciliation, 58.
-, Carlisle loses favour with, 62; goes to Somerset House, 68; has Te Deum sung for peace, 69.
-, Mile. de Berne to assist at confinement, 65; premature confinement, 67, 69, 70, 75, 80, 93, 96, 99; recovered, 83.
-, congratulations to withheld, 85; condolences to, 121; Chateauneuf brings letters for, 127.
-, tells Charles Spaniards will deceive him, 136; Chateauneuf reconciles to Weston, 142.
-, Christina sends condolences to, 145, 185; Chateauneuf tells of objections to Wake, 150.
-, present to Contarini's nephew, 154, 175; Chateauneuf in attendance on, 163, 169, 265, 271, 284; at Oatlands, 168.
-, short of money, 205; pregnancy, 228, 281; announced in church, 272; congratulations on, 277, 281.
-, fondness for Carlisle's daughter, 242; Lady Carlisle loses favour, 264; pardons Lady Carlisle, 281.
-, receives Coloma, 269; Philip sends compliments to, 278.
-, Carlisle urges to send to Queen of Spain, 291; Coloma hands letters of Queen of Spain to, 303.
-, Capuchins for chapel, 298, 301, 304.
-, proposed exclusion of Catholics from chapel, 304, 305, 308, 309; resents this step, 309.
-, distress at capture of dwarf, 316; honours Chateauneuf, 325.
-, may be confined at Greenwich, 329; uncertain where to go, 332, 338.
-, Chateauneuf influenced against Weston, 331; Chateauneuf suggests French physician for, 344, 353, 354; little enthusiasm about, 345.
-, queen mother sends baby linen to, 348; gives birth to Charles, 349, 355, 361, 364, 370.
-, receives Duchess of la Tremouille in dark, to hide poverty, 359; congratulations to, 368, 371.
-, christening present of Duchess of Richmond to, 372; Duchess of la Tremouille only sees once, 373.
-, Charles returns to London to fetch, 379; brief return to town, 388; pregnant again, 431.
-, Chateauneuf draws into party against Weston, 450; going with king into country. 456.
-, presses Charles about inviting Fontenay to banquet, 463; banquet private for special pleasure of, 480.
-, Orleans sends M. de la Ramée to, 493; indisposed, 503.
-, uses influence against Weston, but fails, 510; assists Chateauneuf's intrigues, 542, 551.
-, portrait of, given to Scarnafis, 511; Wake to visit Richelieu in name of, 516.
-, much concerned for mother, speaks sharply to Fontenay, 538, 544; talk of sending to mother, 540, 550.
-, resents French interference with household, 545; at Scaglia's first audience, 549.
-, induces king to send Balfour to mother, 554; Vendome desires intercession for pardon, 559.
-, gives birth to princess, 562; Vendome presented to, 566; congratulations to, 567.
-, courtesy to Venetians, 584, 587; helps Biscara's negotiations, 585; celebrates carnival by masque, 592.
-, away at Newmarket, 596; returning to London, 605; goes with king to Greenwich, 621.
-, at marriage of Jerome Weston, 637; Valencay tries to move about mother, 640.
-, confessor of. See Philips.
-, dowry of. See dowry.
-, dwarf of. See Hudson, Geoffrey.
-, equerry to. See Civett, Pierre.
-, grand almoner of. See Noel, Jacques le.
-, household of. See household, the queen's.

Henry Frederick, son of Prince Palatine:
-, condolences on death, 15; Wake resumes mourning for, at Turin, 65.

Henry IV, King of France, Henry the Great, 34.
-, Danby's high opinion of, 36.

Henry VII, King of England:
-, fine for not attending coronation exacted by, 298.

Henry II, Duke of Montmorency, Memoransi:
-, reported rebellion, 643.

Herbert, Lord, of Cherbury:
-, goes to receive Gussoni, 583.

Herbert, Philip, Earl of Montgomery:
-, backs brother's claim to Admiralty, 263; discourtesy to Soranzo, 367; calls on Fontenay, 368.
-, -, William, Earl of Pembroke, Lord Chamberlain, High Steward:
-, commissioner to treat with Rubens, 93; commissioner to treat with Chateauneuf, 128n; claimant to office of Lord High Admiral, 263.
-, takes Coloma to Carlisle's banquet, 291; sudden death, 329, 359, 368.
-, discourtesy to Soranzo, 367; calls at Venetian embassy, 590.

Hercules. See ships, names of.

herrings. See fisheries.

Hertogenbosch. See Bois le Duc.

Hervey, William, son of William, Lord, of Kidbrooke:
-, travels in Italy, 140n.

Hesse Cassel, Landgrave of. See William V.

Hetsel, Colonel:
-, in service of Sweden, 375.

Hey. See Hay.

-, English trade with, at Leghorn, 474.

High Mightinesses. See Netherlands.

Hire, Bertrand la, Baron of Vignoles:
-, goes to Cordova, 117.

Hobson, Opson, Obson, John, English merchant:
-, trading at Cephalonia, 60; Five Savii to deal with case, 408.

Holland [Prov. Netherlands], 428, 446, 469, 485, 490, 558, 561, 600, 607.
-, Rohan asks permission to go to, 133.
-, chamber of justice of, 260.
-, Assembly of, 326, 426, 428.
-, news from, 443, 457, 486, 523.
-, English suspect provisions being asked for, 470; Hauterive in, 481; Scaglia going to, 504.
-, English officers recalled to, 589.
-, See also Netherlands.

Holland, Countess of. See Rich, Isabella.
-, Earl of. See Rich, Henry.

Holles, Denzil, member for Dorchester, 233n.
-, -, John, Earl of Clare, Cher:
-, imprisoned, 233, 241n.

-, imperialists offer to restore to Denmark, 67, 69, 119.
-, Danish success in, 100; Wallenstein's troops sent to quarters in, 300.
-, King of Denmark in, making ready for war, 538.

Hopton, Arthur, Cottington's secretary, 330, 335, 358, 382.
-, sent to London, 307; arrives, 321, 324; at Dover, 326; talk of, at Hague, 327.
-, business brought by, 328; negotiations suspended at Madrid until return, 332.
-, expected back at Madrid, 339; sent back to England, 345, 348; Cottington expects back, 364; leaving England, 368, 374, 378; back in Madrid, 383.
-, to be left as agent in Spain, 468; sends courier to England and Flanders, 512.
-, intimation about queen mother, 542, 576; changes tone, 569.

Horn, Gustavus, Swedish general:
-, defeats imperialists, 558, 559; Tilly drives out of Bamberg, 606, 608.
-, -, Baron:
-, sent by Elector of Cologne to Dutch, 618.

-, Prince of Orange presents to Soranzo, 135, 157.
-, Philip presents to Savoy, 173; Arundel presents to Prince of Savoy, 194.
-, Hamilton obtains from Denmark, for levy, 487; present of, to the King of Spain, 635.

Hoste, Cosmo dil, Venetian merchant, 48.
-, goods on Jonas, 144, 165.

household, the king's:
-, revenue inadequate to support, 142, 178; Chateauneuf has intimacy in, 169.
-, money realised on jewels to be used for, 180; Charles does not like French to have anything to do with, 264, 309.
-, disorder in, from lack of money, 297.
-, comptroller of. See Savile, John, Lord; Vane, Sir Henry.
-, treasurer of. See Edmondes, Sir Thomas.
-, -, the queen's:
-, Chateauneuf's representations upon, 127, 224, 331; Capuchins for, 213; king can do what he pleases with, 305.
-, Henrietta resents French interference with, 545.

-, Noy imposes new taxes on, 630.

Howard, Anne, Dowager Countess of Arundel:
-, death, 368.
-, -, Charles, Earl of Nottingham, Lord High Admiral of England:
-, sent to confirm peace with Spain, 451.
-, -, Thomas, Earl of Arundel and Surrey, Lord Marshal:
-, commissioner to treat with Chateauneuf, 128n; presents horses to Prince of Savoy, 194; considers Chateauneuf Spanish, 227.
-, at Council meeting, 243; hopes from Coloma's coming, 279.
-, discourtesy to Soranzo, 367; exchanges visits with Fontenay, 368.
-, smoothes way for Coloma, 399; would like to go as ambassador extraordinary to Spain, 450.
-, calls on Venetian ambassador, 590.

Hudson, Geoffrey, the queen's dwarf:
-, captured by Dunkirkers, 316.

Huen. See Vane.

Huguenots, those of the religion, 51, 85.
-, Louis marching against, 9; Wake's fears for, 12, 15, 35; England hopes Louis will give good peace to, 17.
-, Charles expected to demand inclusion in peace, 14; left out of peace, 24.
-, Rohan not really leader of, 19; Carleton speaks of French preoccupation with, 25.
-, Wake believes France will have difficulty with, 16, 32; Wake wants Venice to intercede for, 34; Venice to intercede for, 59.
-, Louis moves from Susa to gratify, 41; Louis believed to have made settlement with, 60.
-, English uneasy about, 55; Palatines disturbed about, 58; Dutch sympathy for, 65.
-, danger to Louis of attacking, 68; English lose hope of Italy diverting attention from, 73.
-, Charles aggreived by war on, 81, 82; steps against seem to spite England, 83; French have grudge against, 84.
-, Wake objects to war on, 87; astonishment that Venice did not include in peace, 89, 102.
-, Rohan cannot abandon, 90; Charles writes to Rohan about, 91.
-, towns and fortresses of, 91, 92; Venetian view of policy to, 111.
-, war on helps Anglo-Spanish negotiations, 94, 99, 102; rigour against exaggerated, 95.
-, Edmondes to plead for, 98; war with will decide policy, 114; peace arranged with, 121, 125, 128, 133, 140, 142.
-, English ruined party, 373.

Hulst, Ulst [Prov. Zeeland, Netherlands]:
-, Dutch success near, 641.

Hungary and Hungarians:
-, Gabor does not trouble about, 29; protest of Turks about, 42; Spaniards anxious about, 74; causes anxiety to imperialists, 197.
-, unrest growing in, 212, 283, 286, 313; incursions by, 300.
-, King of. See Ferdinand, son of the Emperor Ferdinand II.
-, Queen of. See Maria, Infanta of Spain.

hunting, chase, 625.
-, Princess Palatine at Rhenen, 2; and Palatine, 15.
-, emperor at Luxemburg, 59.
-, Charles away, 156, 300, 463, 581, 596, 599, 601, 637, 641.
-, Cottington, with Olivares, 273; with king, 285.
-, Vendome engaged in, 566.

Hurst, Mr., Anstruther's secretary:
-, arrives in England, 565; brings explanation of delays, 567; sent with Capuchin, 577; Capuchin to act as counterpoise to, 578.

Hussein, Bey of Lemons:
-, ship captured by, 174.

Hyde, Sir Nicholas, Lord Chief Justice of the King's Bench:
-, imprisoned members of parliament before, 212.

Hythe, co Kent, member of parliament for. See Hayman.