Treasury Minutes: October 1718, 1-30

Pages 103-107

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 32, 1718. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1962.

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October 1718, 1–30

Oct. 1. Treasury Minutes.
[attendance not stated].
[Write] to the Navy [Commissioners] to state their [the Navy] debt to Michaelmas 1718.
[My Lords order] Mr. Tilson to compute the charge of prosecution in the Act for Forfeitures and to inspect the several clauses in that or the former Acts that require previous payment. Treasury Minute Book XXIV, p. 88.
Oct. 2. Treasury Minutes.
[attendance not stated].
Robert Bell to be a tidesman in the superior list in London port loco Howell Pugh, deceased: recommended by Lord Morpeth. Ibid.
Oct. 7.
Treasury Minutes.
Earl of Sunderland, Mr. Chancellor [of the Exchequer], Mr. Bailie, Mr. Clayton.
[Write] to Sir Isaac Newton to lay before my Lords what remarks and observations he hath made upon the state of the coin of this kingdom since the reduction [of price of guineas].
Make an account of the amount of the bounties to chaplains and schoolmasters going to the Plantations from the King's accession to this time.
This day 32 orders of 500l. each on the Malt Act anno 1718 [drawn] in the name of the Earl of Lincoln [as Paymaster General of the Forces] drawn without interest beginning at No. 196 and ending with number 227, were signed [endorsed] by their Lordships for creating [commencing] interest at 4 per cent. [thereon] from the 1st October 1718. Ibid., p. 89.
Oct. 8.
Treasury Minutes.
Mr. Chancellor [of the Exchequer], Mr. Baillie, Mr. Clayton.
My Lords order 35,000l. [in] Land Tax tallies anno 1718 to be struck in the name of the Earl of Lincoln [as Paymaster General of the Forces]: without interest: and to be reserved in his hands for their Lordships' directions.
[Write] to the Auditor of the Receipt to inform my Lords what houses lately made use of by any of the Comptrollers or Paymasters of the late Lottery are now vacant. [Write] to the Navy Commissioners to transmit a certificate of what Naval stores, provisions or other things were supplied to the States of Holland or their subjects during the late wars or since, for which no satisfaction or repayment hath been made. Ibid., p. 90.
Oct. 9. Treasury Minutes.
Earl of Sunderland, Mr. Chancellor [of the Exchequer], Mr. Baillie, Mr. Clayton.
My Lords at the recommendation of Sir Philip Parker agree that Christopher Harrison shall have the next vacancy of a tidesman in the port of London.
[My Lords] ordered [sums] to be paid out of King William's [Civil List revenue] arrears now in the Exchequer as followeth: viz.
to Robert Manning 191
to Mrs. Edith College in further part of [23l. 10s. 0d.] her debt [due to her] in the Great Wardrobe 200
to Lady Osborne 100
to — Salmon 80
[Write to the] Lord Chief Baron of the Exchequer in Scotland and Mr. Crookshanks to attend [my Lords at the Treasury] on Tuesday at 11 a clock.
[Write] Mr. Cracherode to attend [then].
[My Lords order] Jane and Mary Clark to have 10l. bounty each: [to be paid] by the hands of Mr. Lowther. Ibid., p. 91.
Oct. 14.
Treasury Appointments. The [Scotch] Lord Chief Baron Smith, Mr. Crookshanks, Mr. Cracherode to attend at 10 in the forenoon. Appointment Book T 64/4, p. 111.
Oct. 14.
Treasury Minutes.
Earl of Sunderland, Mr. Chancellor [of the Exchequer], Mr. Wallop, Mr. Baillie, Mr. Clayton.
The [Scotch] Lord Chief Baron Smith, Mr. Baron Scrope and Mr. Crookshanks, Comptroller General of the Accounts of the Revenues in Scotland, are called in. The Lord Chief Baron lays before my Lords an answer to a Representation of Mr. Crookshanks concerning the course and method of accounting for the revenues there: which [answer] is read.
[My Lords order that the] Commissioners of Forfeitures [are] to send to my Lords an account what claims for the late Lord Widdrington's estate are depending before them: also the amount of the claims of the sufferers at Preston.
Prepare a warrant for 1,100l. to Monsieur St. Saphorin in reward of his services. Treasury Minute Book XXIV. p. 92.
Oct. 21
Treasury Minutes.
Earl of Sunderland, Mr. Baillie, Mr. Clayton. [My Lords order] Mr. Geo. Treby to succeed his father as Customer at Plymouth. Mr. Thomas Dickenson to succeed Mr. Edward Halle, lately tidewaiter at Whitehaven.
Refer Mrs. Paulden's petition [to the Surveyor General of Crown Lands].
Write to the Customs Commissioners in behalf of the Count de Reuse.
[My Lords order] George Chapman to have the first vacancy [in the Customs] not already promised: recommended by Lord Onslow.
Write to Mr. Jett for a state of Mr. Tucker's accounts as Keeper of the King's Quarries in the island of Portland, [to wit] of the Tonnage Duty there for the time he hath been appointed.
[Write] to the Stamps Commissioners for an account of the behaviour and characters of Shepheard and Mathews, the late and present distributors of stamps in the County of Hereford. Memorandum: at the desire of Lord Coningsby, who desires that Shepheard may be removed and Mathews, the late distributor, be restored.
[My Lords order] Mr. Cholmley, the Surveyor General [of Crown Lands] to be paid his salary to Michaelmas 1718.
[My Lords order] Mrs. Ireland, laundress to the late King William, to be paid her arrears of wages and board wages in the Office of Cofferer [of the said late King's Household: to be issued] out of [arrears of the said late King's Civil List] money in the Exchequer applicable to those uses.
[My Lords order] 20l. to Jonah Craythorn [to be paid] per Mr. Lowther, to enable him to try an invention of his which is to be experimented at sea. Treasury Minute Book XXIV, p. 93.
Oct 23. Entry of petitions, memorials, reports &c. this day read.
William Latton [his] petition for the searcher's place at Plymouth. The place is disposed of.
Alice King [her petition] for the continuance of her pension or yearly interest for moneys disbursed by her late husband, Tho. King, in the Royal Fishery. Referred to Mr. Chetwynd. (Delivered to the hands of Mr. T.) Register of Papers T 4/21, p. 19.
Oct. 28.
Treasury Minutes.
Earl of Sunderland, Mr. Wallop, Mr. Baillie, Mr. Clayton.
[My Lords order] Mr. Sloper to dispose of 35,000l. Land Tax tallies anno 1718 [struck] in the name of the Earl of Lincoln and the Governor and Company of the Bank of England: interest after the rate of 4 per cent. [is] to commence thereupon from the day of the disposal thereof.
Prepare a letter to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland to revoke a former warrant to him directing the manner of paying Lord Power's pension in Ireland. Treasury Minute Book XXIV, p. 94.
Oct. 28. Entry of petitions, memorials, reports &c. this day read.
George Barber [his petition praying] to be a weigher in fee in the Customs [in London port]. Ordered. (Delivered to the hands of Mr. P.)
Joseph King [his representation] about mismanagements in the Customs. Send it to the Customs Commissioners. (Delivered ut supra.)
William Law [his petition] about three gold watches seized. Send it to the Customs Commissioners. (Delivered ut supra.)
The memorial of the Earl of Lincoln for subsistence of the three Regiments of Foot of the Royal Fuziliers, Whetham's and Sankey's sent from Minorca to Ireland. [Referred] to the Secretary at War. (Delivered to the hands of Mr. T.) Register of Papers T 4/21, p. 20.
Oct. 29.
Treasury Appointments.
The Commissioners of Forfeitures to attend at 11 in the forenoon. Appointment Book T 64/4, p. 112.
Oct. 29.
Treasury Minutes.
Earl of Sunderland, Mr. Baillie, Mr. Clayton.
Prepare a warrant to pay Mr. Walker, Housekeeper of [the King's house at] Newmarket, his salary to Lady day.
[My Lords direct the] Treasurer of the Navy to dispose of Land Tax tallies in his hands of the year 1718 to the amount of 9,500.l.: at par, with interest after the rate of 4 per cent. per an., to commence [from] the 23rd October instant: the sum so raised to be applied as followeth: viz.
to the head of Wages.
to pay the bills for the salaries of the Lords of the Admiralty, the Navy Commissioners and their clerks: for Michaelmas quarter 1718
to the head of Wear and Tear.
towards paying off and discharging several workmen at the Yards to ease the growing charge
The Commissioners of Forfeitures are called in. They desire that as Mr. Hutchinson, one of the creditors of the late Duke of Ormonde, hath relinquished his claim to the 7,000l. arisen from the said Duke's estate, which is now in the hands of the Vice Treasurer of Ireland (Mr. Boscawen), the same may be paid into the Exchequer. My Lords agree thereto.
Issue a quarter to the Treasurer of the Chambers. Treasury Minute Book XXIV, p. 95.
Oct. 29. Entry of petitions, memorials, reports &c. this day read.
Alexander Carleton [his petition] for arrears due to the widow of Bache the locksmith in King William's reign. [My Lords order] 86l. 8s. 10d. to Carleton and 200l. to Major Foubert. (Delivered to the hands of Mr. T.)
The Bishop of London's letter for 20l. bounty to James Falconar going minister to Virginia. Prepare a warrant. (Delivered ut supra.)
Mr. Secretary Crag's letter about transporting to Ireland three Regiments of Foot and two of Dragoons. Mr. Colby to bring an estimate to-morrow morning. (Delivered ut supra.)
The [Crown Lands] Surveyor General's report on the petition of Edward Wise for a lease. Prepare a warrant for a particular. (Delivered ut supra.)
A letter from Lord Power about his pension. Read. (Delivered to the hands of L.)
A letter from the Bishop of London about chaplains going to the Plantations. Read. (Delivered ut supra.) Register of Papers T 4/21, p. 21.
Oct. 30.
Treasury Minutes.
Mr. Wallop, Mr. Baillie, Mr. Clayton.
Sir Isaac Newton [is] called in and lays before my Lords a report concerning the salaries due to the officers of the Mint in Scotland; and a representation concerning the state of the coin. He acquaints my Lords that the dyes for coining quarter guineas are finished. My Lords give him directions to coin the next gold that shall come into the Tower into quarter guineas.
Mr. Sloper acquaints my Lords that the Bank of England will advance the sum of 35,000l. upon a deposit of Land Tax tallies anno 1718 in the name of the Earl of Lincoln with interest at 4 per cent. [per annum: the loan to be] for two months; the same to be replaced out of the first [receipts] of the Land Tax anno 1719: to which my Lords agree. Treasury Minute Book XXIV, p. 96.