Treasury Minutes: September 1718, 2-30

Pages 99-103

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 32, 1718. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1962.

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September 1718, 2–30

Sept. 2. Treasury Minutes.
[attendance not stated].
Prepare a warrant for 1,000l. to Mr. Byng for his service in bringing letters from the Admiral with an account of the late engagement with the Spanish Fleet. The [Exchequer] fees [on the issue of said sum are] to be paid by Mr. Lowther. Ibid.
Sept. 4. Treasury Minutes.
[attendance not stated].
Issue the following sums out of the Civil List revenues: viz.
£ s. d.
to clear pensions [payable] per Mr. Chetwynd for Lady day quarter 1718 13,727 1 6
to the Paymaster of the Works for Xmas quarter 1717 7,784 12
to the Great Wardrobe for same quarter (exclusive of 1,905l. 6s. 10d. for liveries and vestures) 7,814 4
Write to the Commissioners of Customs in Scotland (on their memorial for fire and candle for Guards quartered to secure the revenue) to let my Lords know where they are quartered, their numbers and an estimate of what the charge may probably amount to in each place.
Prepare a warrant for superseding the deputation to William Pollard, one of the land surveyors in the port of London and for appointing Christopher Keon to that office.
Write to the Customs Commissioners to take off Bucknall's suspension. Treasury Minute Book XXIV, p. 82.
Sept. 6. Treasury Minutes.
[attendance not stated].
Prepare a warrant for William Mills, recommended by Sir Thomas Read to be a coastwaiter in London port in the room of William Smith, deceased. And my Lords agree that Thomas Cappes, presented [to my Lords by the Customs Commissioners] for this vacancy, [shall] have the next that happens. My Lords to be reminded of it.
Prepare a warrant for 200l. additional salary to the Commissioners of Excise from the date of their new commission for managing the Duties on hides: whereof one third [of said addition is to be payable] out of the Duties on candles; one third out of [the Duties on] soap, paper, calicoes, wire and starch, and [the remaining] one third out of the Duties on hides &c.
Write to the Commissioners of Excise that my Lords agree to the present Cashier, the present Comptroller, Solicitor, Secretary and Register to be the officers in their respective qualities and stations for the Duties on hides now lately added to that [the Excise] Commission. Ibid., p. 83.
Sept. 8. Treasury Minutes.
[attendance not stated].
Issue 2,200l. to Mr. Lowndes for his Majesty's Secret Service.
Prepare a warrant to the Exchequer to pay Mr. Flournois on the pension for the Earl of Clancarty's children to the time the pensions [payable] by Mr. Chetwynde are paid, viz. Lady day 1718. Ibid.
Sept. 9. Treasury Minutes.
[attendance not stated].
Prepare a warrant for 500l. to Richard Nelson as of his Majesty's bounty: to be paid by Mr. Lowther. Ibid.
Sept. 17. Treasury Minutes.
[attendance not stated].
Prepare a warrant for Richard Smith, at present one of the tidesmen in the port of Barnstaple, to be landwaiter there in the room of Joseph Wild, deceased; [being] recommended by Mr. Smith. Ibid.
Sept. 19. Treasury Minutes.
[attendance not stated].
The Navy Commissioners' letter for 340 tons of Portland and ashlar stone for Plymouth Docks [is read and] agreed to. Prepare a warrant.
Prepare a wararnt for William Swan, at the recommendation of the Duke of Newcastle, to be Deputy Comptroller at Newhaven vice Smiler Styver, deceased.
and for Roger Hewet, at the recommendation of Lord Radnor, to be a tidesman in London port vice Daniel Pitman, deceased. Ibid.
Sept. 20. Treasury Minutes.
[attendance not stated].
Write to the Surveyor of the Works now at Shafton [Southampton] in the strongest terms to recall the power which he hath given to a person to be Keeper of the King's Quarries &c. at Portland, meaning thereby to vacate the Treasury constitution by which Mr. Tucker holds that place: and acquaint Tucker of the [Treasury] Lords' resentment of this proceeding of the Surveyor's and that he is ordered to recall the said power. Ibid., p. 84.
Sept. 22. Treasury Minutes.
[attendance not stated].
Prepare a warrant for William Wilson, at the recommendation of Mr. Thompson, to be landwaiter at Scarborough loco Edward Robinson:
and for Richard Savage, at the recommendation of the Duke of Roxburghe and Mr. Cockburne, to be Inspector of Seizures in Scotland loco Walter Spooner, deceased.
This warrant [was] afterward ordered to be stopped.
Issue 4,000l. to Mr. Henning for the Privy Purse.
Issue to the Treasurer of the Navy out of fonds in the Exchequer anno 1718 the sum of 4,244l. 17s. 4d. for the following services: viz.
£ s. d.
on the head of Victualling.
to pay bills of exchange from Naples for wine and oil supplied to the Fleet under Sir George Byng
3,366 13 4
for bills of exchange from the Baltic for provisions supplied to the Fleet under Sir John Norris 878 4 0
£4,244 17 4
Issue 18,568l. to the Cofferer of the Household: which with 4,000l. before advanced is to complete 22,568l. to clear the debt to the Household for Midsummer quarter 1718 by computation. Ibid.
Sept. 25. Treasury Minutes.
[attendance not stated].
Prepare a sign manual for 30,000l. to the Privy Purse.
The Excise Commissioners' memorial for an authority to enable them to alter or renew the marks or stamps used for securing of the Duties on hides &c. is read. Prepare a warrant.
Prepare warrants for the salaries and incidents to the Army Debts Commissioners for the quarter ended at the 10th Sept. 1718.
The presentment of the Customs Commissioners on Sir Joseph Beck's petition for a non pros to an information of seizure on [of] a ship for importing deals from Holland; also another presentment for Andrews and Weston, the one a boatman at Poole, the other at Chichester, to exchange places are both read and agreed to.
Send the certificate in favour of John Smith of Daventry to be Distributor of Stamps for the County of Warwick vice Joseph Cater, who declines [the service], to the Stamps Commissioners, with a recommendation if they find him qualified. Ibid., pp. 84–5.
Sept. 29. Treasury Minutes.
[attendance not stated].
Thomas Clayton to be paid 20l. by the hands of Mr. Lowther for a composition of musick.
The Marquis de Monteleon's memorial about some effects stopped at the Custom House which are brought by his two sons from the Indies [is ordered] to be sent to the Customs Commissioners with directions to show all possible respect either by the delivery of the said effects or such of them as may be legally delivered or by making a speedy report of his case with their opinion. Treasury Minute Book XXIV, p. 85.
Sept. 30. Treasury Minutes.
[attendance not stated].
Issue 740l. to the Paymaster of the Works for Michaelmas quarter to Mr. Wise and Mr. Carpenter for keeping the [royal] gardens.
Issue 250l. to the Cofferer [of the Household] for the same quarter to Mr. Frampton on his allowance for the King's horses at New-market.
Write to the Commissioners for Taxes, taking notice of the lowness of the income of the Duties on Houses and to send my Lords an account of the arrears standing out at Michaelmas with the causes of the decrease so far as appears to them and the means in their opinion for the remedying the same.
Write to the Board of Works for an account of what hath been the expense of the Gardens since the King's accession up to Michaelmas last, distinguishing the expense [covered] by contract from the other expense.
Make an account of the gross and net produce of the Civil List revenues from Michaelmas 1717 to Michaelmas 1718, as also an account of the debt owing to the Civil List at Michaelmas 1718. Write to the several Offices for the said debt, distinguishing each quarter.
The Treasurer of the Navy is ordered to dispose of the 11,000l. in tallies in his hands on the Land Tax 1718 at par, with interest at 4 per cent. to commence from the 1st Oct. 1718: and [the said sum is] to be applied as followeth: viz.
to [the head of] Wages.
to pay off the Adventure at Deptford
to [the head of] Wear and Tear.
for bills of exchange
Issue to the Earl of Lincoln [as Paymaster of the Forces] the sum of 63,838l 17s. 2d. as follows:
£ s. d.
to complete 250,000l. granted by Parliament anno 1717 to prevent the designs of Sweden.
in tallies and orders without interest on the Malt Duties anno 1717 to complete the credit thereupon
40,428 0 8
in part of 581,196l. 8s. 0d. granted [by Parliament] to make good the Deficiencies of the supplies anno 1717.
in tallies and orders without interest on Land Tax anno 1717
23,010 16 6
£63,438 17 2
Issue to the Earl of Lincoln 26,948l. 5s. 8d. out of loans in the Exchequer on Land Tax 1718 and order his Lordship to dispose of 16,000l., remainder of 52,000l., which was issued to him on or about the 1st of May last in tallies and orders on Malt 1718: [both the said sums making 42,948l. 5s. 8d. in all] to be applied as followeth: viz.
£ s. d.
in part of 650,000l. voted for Guards and Garrisons anno 1718.
for one month's subsistence to [sic for from] the time they [the Forces in England] were last subsisted
41,452 10 6
in part of 35,766l. 5s. 0d. for Forces in America anno 1718.
towards 2,177l. 10s. 4d. demanded for one month's subsistence
1,495 15 2
£42,948 5 8
The 16,000l. in orders as above [are] to be disposed [of] at par with 4 per cent. interest to be created thereon from the 1st Oct. 1718.
Send to the Taxes Commissioners the proceedings (transmitted to my Lords by Earl Stanhope) which have been had at Brussels against Ashby, late Receiver for Taxes for Co. Herts, who retired there upon his failure here; for the said Commissioners to take such measures thereupon for the service of the Crown as they shall find proper.
Earl Stanhope [is] to have 5,000l. in consideration of his eminent and faithful services and the charges and expenses of his journey to and from the Courts of France and Spain. Prepare a sign manual.
[My Lords read the] Stamp Duties Commissioners' report to stay proceedings for six months against Robert Payne of — for the debt he owes as late distributor [of stamps] for Co. [Berks], upon his giving additional security for the same. The said report is agreed to. Prepare a warrant.
The Commissioners of Forfeitures, their memorial for 2,500l. out of Forfeitures, for their clerks and incidents of their Office in England, is read and agreed to.
Send to the Customs Commissioners Mr. Pringle's letter about assigning proper quarters for the Dragoons ordered to assist the Custom House officers in Sussex: for the said Commissioners to consider and report how they may best be disposed for the service. Ibid., pp. 85–88.