Treasury Minutes: November 1718, 1-28

Pages 107-114

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 32, 1718. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1962.

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November 1718, 1–28

Nov. 1.
Treasury Chambers,
Treasury Minutes.
Earl of Sunderland, Mr. Chancellor [of the Exchequer], Mr. Wallop, Mr. Baillie, Mr. Clayton.
Mr. Secretary Craggs and Mr. Pringle lay before my Lords the several estimates for the land service for the year 1719: which are read and considered.
[Write] to Lord Portmore, Governor of Gibraltar, for an account of the money issued to him for Contingencies upon account for the time he hath been appointed Governor.
[Write] to the Secretary at War to take care, in the list to be made of the Officers of the 13 Regiments [which are] to be broke in Ireland, who are to have half pay, [that] such only be inserted as were taken off the Establishment of half pay in Great Britain.
[Write] a letter to the Paymaster [of the Forces] acquainting him with this direction.
Prepare a warrant for — Sankey to succeed — Lowndes, a landwaiter [in London port]. Treasury Minute Book XXIV, p. 97.
Nov. 4.
Treasury Chambers,
Treasury Minutes.
Earl of Sunderland, Mr. Chancellor [of the Exchequer], Mr. Wallop, Mr. Baillie, Mr. Clayton.
Prepare a warrant for 10,600l. for Secret Services: in the name of Mr. Lowndes.
My Lords agree to the following Minute relating to a mistake in a lease made to John Kendrick, Esq., in prejudice of Mr. Pulteney: viz.
Whereas by an omission of the due enrollment in time of a mesne assignment from John Kendrick, Esq., to John Pulteney, Esq., of a certain messuage or tenement with its appurtenances within the Liberty of Westminster the same was by mistake inserted in a particular made out by the Auditor and rated by the Surveyor [General of Crown Lands] among other messuages unassigned by the said John Kendrick to the said John Pulteney and accordingly by a concurrent lease [was] renewed to him the said Kendrick: now to obviate the said mistake my Lords do think it just and reasonable that a proper assignment of the said messuage with its appurtenances be [once more] made by the said John Kendrick unto the said John Pulteney and [my Lords] have no objection to his making the same accordingly if he is willing to make the same.
Ibid., p. 98.
Nov. 4. Entry of petitions, memorials, reports &c. this day read.
The Customs Commissioners in Scotland [their] account of insults committed by the mob of Inverness on the King's officers and Forces there. To be laid before the King in Council. (Delivered to the hands of Mr. K.)
The petition of Benjamin Tacker to be Surveyor of the Customs at Annapolis. Appointed in case William Bladen is dead. (Delivered to the hands of Mr. P.)
The Customs Commissioners' report on the petition of John Silverside. My Lords cannot relieve him. (Delivered ut supra.)
The Lord Lieutenant of Ireland's report about Ensign James Dowley. A letter to be prepared for the King's hand accordingly. (Delivered ut supra.)
The Bishop of London [his letter] recommending John Pace to be a stamper. Agreed to upon a vacancy. (Delivered ut supra.)
The Earl of Stanhope [his letter] signifying the King's pleasure for [paying] 100l. to Mr. Stevenson. Ordered. (Delivered to the hands of Mr. T.)
The memorial of Dorothea Torway. Referred to Mr. Chetwynde. (Delivered ut supra.
The petition of Francis Jephson, Serjeant at Arms, for 2s. 6d. per diem in lieu of diet. Prepare a sign manual. (Delivered ut supra.)
The Earl of Berkeley's memorial for a new lease of St. Briavels &c.Referred to the Surveyor General [of Crown Land] (Delivered to the hands of L.)
John Gouson, Esq., for an additional building term to make up 50 years in two messuages in St. Giles's. Referred to the Surveyor General of Crown Lands. (Delivered ut supra.)
Samuel Radcliffe [his petition] for a lease of a piece of waste ground called Common Moor in Somersetshire in consideration of his defending the Crown title to the same. No lease or grant of this can be made, the King having no title of record. (Delivered ut supra.)
The Taxes Commissioners' representation for restoring John Chaloner, Surveyor of Houses in Radnorshire. Read and respited until Mr. Lewis comes to town. (Delivered ut supra.)
The memorial of Edward Pauncefort, Esq. Read. (Delivered ut supra.)
Philip Ball [his] petition to be Collector of Wisbech. Respited. (Delivered to the hands of Mr. K.) Register of Papers T4/21, p. 22.
Nov. 4.
Treasury Chambers,
Treasury Minutes.
Mr. Chancellor [of the Exchequer], Mr. Baillie, Mr. Clayton.
My Lords direct tallies on the Land Tax anno 1718 to be struck in the name of the Treasurer of the Ordnance amounting to 13,500l. The [tallies for the] remainder of the Land Tax [are] to be struck in the name of the Treasurer of the Navy to complete the Register [of loans on said Fond]. Both [sets of the said tallies, orders corresponding to said tallies, are to be drawn] without interest.
In the margin:
£ s. d.
13,500 0 0 [Ordnance]
9,086 9 [Navy]
£22,586 9
[Write] to Lord Lincoln [Paymaster of the Forces] for an account of the amount of the deduction of the poundage out of the pay of the Forces for the last year and how much thereof hath been paid to the pensioners and outpensioners of Chelsea Hospital; how much remains due to them: as likewise an account of the disposition of the remainder of the said poundage. Treasury Minute Book XXIV, p. 99.
Nov. 6. Treasury Minutes.
Earl of Sunderland, Mr. Chancellor [of the Exchequer], Mr. Wallop, Mr. Baillie, Mr. Clayton.
Fifty orders on the Land Tax 1718 [are brought in] beginning No. 1709 and ending No. 1758 [drawn] in the name of the Earl of Lincoln: viz.
20 of 1,000l. each 20,000
30 of 500l. each 15,000
on which orders their Lordships have signed warrants for payment of interest after the rate of 4 per cent. per annum, to commence from the 31st October 1718.
My Lords direct the following sums for subsistence to the Forces to the 24th November 1718:
£ s. d.
out of money of loans on Land Tax 1718 now remaining in the Exchequer 13,250 16 0
out of tallies and orders on credit of Land Tax 1718 with interest at 4 per cent. from the time they are disposed of 50,597 0 0
£63,847 16 0
[which sum is to be disposed to the following] services:
£ s. d.
in further part of 650,000l. granted for Guards and Garrisons anno 1718. to complete the subsistence to 24 Nov. 1718 of the Forces provided for in this sum 46,073 5 8
for clearing six Regiments of Foot and six of Dragoons ordered to be disbanded or transferred to Ireland, to wit from 25 Dec. 1717 to 24 Oct. 1718, to which day they are mustered 14,801 4 0
for bounty and sword money to the non-commissioned Officers of four Regiments of Dragoons (with the private men) to be disbanded 728 16 0
for bounty and sword money to the non-commissioned Officers of six Regiments of Foot (with the private men) to be disbanded 67 0 0
in further part of 35,766l. 5s. 0d. voted for Forces in the Plantations anno 1718.
to complete the subsistence of these Forces to the 24th November 1718
2,177 10 4
£63,847 16 0
Memorandum: The letter for this sum was signed the 1st November, but directed not to be sent to Lord Lincoln till this day. Treasury Minute Book XXIV, pp. 100–1.
Nov. 6. Entry of petitions, memorials, reports &c. this day read.
The representation of the Commissioners for Stamp Duties for remitting their under-officers' taxes for the year 1718. Prepare a warrant as desired for the year 1718. (Delivered to the hands of Mr. P.) Register of Papers T4/21, p. 23.
Nov. 7. Treasury Minutes.
Earl of Sunderland, Mr. Chancellor [of the Exchequer], Mr. Baillie, Mr. Clayton.
My Lords direct the Treasurer of the Navy to dispose of so many Land Tax tallies anno 1718 in his hands as shall amount to 15,245l. 16s. 8d. to any persons willing to accept the same at par, with interest at 4 per cent. from the 6th November inst.: [the proceeds] to be [by him] applied [to Navy services] as followeth: viz.
£ s. d.
to the head of Wages.
for paying off and laying up his Majesty's ships Speedwell and Glasgow
9,900 0 0
to the head of Wear and Tear.
to pay off and discharge several workmen from his Majesty's Yards and to case the growing charge
4,000 0 0
to the head of Victualling.
to pay a bill of exchange due to John Gore, Esq., for supplying the Baltic Squadron with provisions
1,345 16 8
£15,245 16 8
Treasury Minute Book XXIV, p.102.
Nov. 12.
Treasury Chambers,
Treasury Minutes.
Mr. Chancellor [of the Exchequer], Mr. Baillie, Mr.Clayton.
Issue to the Earl of Lincoln out of loans on Land Tax 1718 the sum of 2,500l. upon account of the Forces and Contingencies: to be applied towards subsisting the two Regiments of Dragoons and six Regiments of Foot ordered for Ireland, in their march and for provisions for their voyage.
Memorandum: this 2,500l. is to be refunded by the Government of Ireland to the Earl of Lincoln, who will be directed to apply the same for the service of the Forces. Ibid., p. 103.
Nov. 18,
Treasury Chambers,
Treasury Minutes.
Present: ut supra.

The several reports of the Commissioners for Army Debts [to wit, reports] remaining in the [Treasury] Office for my Lords' final directions, are read and minutes are taken upon them. Ibid., p. 104.
Nov. 19.
Treasury Chambers,
Treasury Minutes.
Present: ut supra.

[My Lords order] that the sum of 29,645l. 8s.d. out of Land Tax tallies and orders of the year 1718, in the hands of the Treasurer of the Navy, be applied towards making good the moneys which were demanded at Midsummer 1718 by the South Sea Company to complete their yearly Fond of 600,000l.
Issue 23,841l. 16s.d. to the Treasurer of the Navy: out of loans on Land Tax and on Malt anno 1718; to wit for the services following: viz.
£ s. d.
for paying off the Argyle, Speedwell and Swift sloop 21,750 0 0
for bills of exchange and imprests 2,091 16
£23,841 16
Nov. 21.
Treasury Chambers,
Treasury Minutes.
Earl of Sunderland, Mr. Chancellor [of the Exchequer], Mr. Wallop, Mr. Baillie, Mr. Clayton.
The East India Company Directors attending are called in. They acquaint my Lords of the hazard the revenue will be in and the great loss the Company will suffer by the clandestine trade now carrying on to India under foreign Commissions by ships set out here but fitted for the voyage at Ostend: and desire to be advised (as the revenue is concerned) how they shall proceed to remedy the same.
My Lords are of opinion they ought to go by way of petition to the House of Commons and the Company shall have all the countenance they [my Lords] can give them therein.
The Company's petition for 155,887l. 0s. 4d. [being] the Deficiency of their fond at Michaelmas 1718, presented by the same gentlemen, is read. My Lords acquaint them that a bill will be brought in this session for remedying the great abuses and frauds in the Duties on Salt which they hope when passed will answer the ends of their petition.
Send the state of the case relating to the quarries off Portland with all the papers, to be scheduled, in a letter to the Attorney General for his opinion.
Henry Badcock at the recommendation of Mr. Boscawen and Lord Carteret [is] to be landwaiter at Exeter loco Samuel Axe, deceased. Treasury Minute Book XXIV, p. 105.
Nov. 22.
Treasury Chambers,
Treasury Minutes.
Mr. Chancellor [of the Exchequer], Mr. Wallop, Mr.Baillie, Mr. Clayton.
Mr. Lowther is ordered to advance Mr. Edward Ash 30l. to enable him to defray the charges of passing his patent of Comptroller of Plymouth [port] and to take a note from him on the Receiver of the Customs for [Ash's] repaying that sum out of the first money payable on his salary in respect of that office.
[The salaries of the officers of] the Mint in Scotland. Prepare a warrant for issuing so much out of Coinage Duty to the Gen[eral] of that Mint upon account as together with the sum received since the King's accession to the Crown will clear all salaries and stated allowances to this time upon the foot of the warrant lately signed by his Majesty in that behalf.
[My Lords order] Mr. Horatio Walpole to have a dormant warrant upon the Four and a Half per cent. for such part of his salary of 500l. per an. as Auditor of the Plantations as is not paid by or out of the revenue arising in the Plantations.
Thomas Kellet [is] to be Inspector of Gaming Houses &c. according to the Stamp Duties Commissioners' presentment in that behalf. The said Commissioners' presentment of the 20th November for another General Inspector in the country to be added to the two already established at 100l. per an. and travelling charges is read and agreed to and my Lords order that Roger Baines, junr., be deputed by them to that office.
The Keepers of Windsor Forest: [my Lords order a] warrant to be prepared for paying them their allowances up to the time the Buckhounds are paid, to wit to Midsummer 1718.
Mr. — Sayer at the recommendation of Mr. Smell is agreed by my Lords to be waiter at Stockton in case of a vacancy.
My Lords agree to meet on Tuesday next at 6 in the evening. Ibid., p. 106.
Nov. 22.
Treasury Chambers,
Treasury Minutes.
Present: ut supra.

Prepare warrants for the following issues: viz.
500l. to Luke Schaub as of his Majesty's bounty.
500l. to Jacob de la Motte Blagny.
500l. to William Lowndes, Esq., for Secret Service.
Mr. Sloper [is] called in and presents the Earl of Lincoln's memorial dated Nov. 21 inst. for 36,769l. 15s. 7d. to carry on the subsistence [of the Forces] and other services therein mentioned to the 24th Dec. 1718. Upon reading thereof my Lords order 18,406l. 15s. 10½d. to be issued in part, being the whole sum in the Exchequer of the fonds for the year 1718.
Mr. Sloper exhibited to my Lords a copy of the account to be given into the House [of Commons] of the savings by the late reduction of the Forces and the services proposed to be satisfied out of the said savings. Ibid., p. 107.
Nov. 25.
Treasury Chambers,
Treasury Minutes.
Earl of Sunderland, Mr. Chancellor [of the Exchequer]. Mr. Baillie, Mr. Clayton.
Issue 500l. to Mr Henning for the privy purse. Ibid., p. 108.
Nov. 26. Treasury Minutes.
Mr. Chancellor [of the Exchequer], Mr. Wallop, Mr. Baillie, Mr. Clayton.
John Wood and Giles Bennet [arc ordered] to be recommended to the Commissioners for Hackney Coaches for figures [licences] when vacancies happen.
Remind my Lords when a collectorship of the Customs is vacant, in order to remove Mr. Walker from Chepstow to such vacancy and to appoint Mr. Francis Morgan at Chepstow upon the recommendation of Mr. Morgan and Mr. Lewis.
[My Lords direct that the] Treasurer of the Navy is to raise 1,000l. on the tallies on the Land Tax anno 1718, at 4 per cent. interest to commence this day and out of the same to pay the sum of 827l. 11s. 7d. to the head of Victualling on a bill of exchange [payable] to John Gore, Esq., for provisions supplied to the squadron in the Baltic.
The ship Mayflower, Richard Stanny master: [the] report of the Customs Commissioners is read and a warrant [is] ordered for a non pros to the information of seizure upon paying the Duties and satisfying the officer according to the report.
Ordered that the 500l. to Luke Schaub and 500l. to Jacob de la Motte Blagny be paid to them clear of charges. So Mr. Lowther is to defray the same out of moneys in his hands for his Majesty's service.
Send to the Taxes Commissioners the petition of the merchants of the West Riding of York complaining of the Receiver for exacting money for remittances.
Write to the Stamps Commissioners at the instance of Mr. [James] Smith, Mem[ber of Parliament for the borough] of Taunton, to consider of dividing the County of Somerset into three districts for distributors [of stamps] instead of two, and to present John Jeane to be Distributor for the Southern Division at the recommendation of Mr. Smith: and to make report to my Lords in case they are of opinion it will not be for the service of the county or the good of the revenue. Ibid., p. 109.
Nov. 26. Entry of petitions, memorials, reports &c. this day read.
The petition of Richard Hughes to be Receiver General of the Land Tax anno 1718 for Cos. Merioneth, Anglesea, Carnarvon, Denbigh and Flint. Referred to the Taxes Commissioners. (Delivered to the hands of L.)
The petition of John Conway for the same. Referred ut supra. (Delivered ut supra.) Register of Papers T4/21, p. 24.
Nov. 27.
Treasury Chambers,
Treasury Minutes.
Mr. Chancellor of the Exchequer, Mr. Wallop, Mr. Baillie, Mr. Clayton.
Mr. Secretary Cragg's letters with Mr. Wortley's demands as late Ambassador to Constantinople amounting to 8,885l. 12s.d. is read and my Lords order Mr. Powys to state what is due upon the foot of his privy seal, and to report the same, with his observations, if any.
Mr. Attorney General's report on Sir John Areskine's signature [charter of grant] to work his mines in Scotland is read and my Lords order the draft of the signature to be written fair for his Majesty's hand.
Write to the Verderers of New Forest to give my Lords an account of the abuses presented in any of their Courts since his Majesty's accession to the Crown to the hurt of his Majesty's estate and interest in the said Forest: and to give my Lords their opinion how or by what ways and means the same may be remedied for the future. Treasury Minute Book XXIV, p. 110.
Nov. 28.
Treasury Chambers,
Treasury Minutes.
Earl of Sunderland, Mr. Wallop, Mr. Bailie, Mr. Clayton.
Send to the Excise Commissioners a proposal for hindering ale a house keepers from using or mixing molasses with their drink, [for the said Commissioners] to consider and make their report thereupon with all convenient speed.
Prepare a warrant for issuing to James Hodges 148l. 16s. 9d. to pay taxes anno 1717 for lands purchased by the Crown and laid into the Parks at Windsor.
Jonath[an] Williams' presentment from the Customs [Commissioners] to be tidesurveyor at Deal [is] read and agreed to: also the report of the Customs Commissioners is read for John Forward to have an assignment of Goodwin's debt to the Crown in order to recover his effects in Virginia and Maryland towards satisfying the Crown's debt and [towards] rewarding him for his trouble and charges therein. A warrant [is ordered] to be prepared thereupon accordingly.
My Lords [are] to be reminded on proper vacancies for Thomas Barnard, a son of one of the King's Footmen and who has served • as a clerk in all the Lotteries and [who has been] instructed [in the business of the Customs], to have an employment in the Customs.
So likewise of John Johnson, at the recommendation of Mr. Headworth, when a vacancy of landwaiter at Newcastle, Sunderland or Stockton shall happen. Ibid., p. 111.