Treasury Minutes: August 1718, 5-30

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Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 32, 1718. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1962.

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August 1718, 5–30

Aug. 5.
Treasury Chambers,
Treasury Minutes.
Earl of Sunderland, Mr. Chancellor [of the Exchequer],
My Lords made the following minutes and directions on (reading) the petitions, draughts of signatures and reports in behalf of the wives and children of several forfeiting persons [concerned in the late Rebellion]: viz.:
on the petition, report from the Barons of the Exchequer [of Scotland] and draught of a signature in favour of Margaret, the wife of James, late Earl of Southesk.
of Jane, the wife of James, late Lord Drummond.
of Margaret, Lady Nairn.
of Marian, the wife of James Stirling.
refer [all the above] to Sir David Dalrymple (together with Mr. Lowndes's remarks and observations) who is desired to peruse and consider them and to report his opinion on every of them as soon as conveniently he can.
on the petition of the wife of John Lyndesay.
After considering several reports made in the like case as well by the Barons of the Exchequer of Scotland as by his Majesty's Attorney General of England, my Lords (as the law now stands) cannot advise passing the grant desired.
on the petition of the wife of Sir David Threpland.
Upon considering this petition with the report of the Barons of the Exchequer [of Scotland] thereupon and another report in the like case by his Majesty's Attorney General in England, my Lords (as the law now stands) cannot advise passing the grant desired.
on the petition of the wife of Thomas Errington.
Upon considering this petition with the report of his Majesty's Attorney General thereupon and other reports made by the Barons of the Exchequer in Scotland in the like cases, my Lords (as the law now stands) cannot advise passing the grant desired.
on the petition of the Lady Philippa Standish.
Upon considering this petition with the annexed report of his Majesty's Attorney General, my Lords (as the law now stands) cannot advise passing the grant desired.
on the petition of the Lady Kingstoun, Lady Elphinston and Mrs. Carnegy.
Upon considering these three petitions with the report of the Barons of the Exchequer in Scotland thereupon and other reports in the like cases made by his Majesty's Attorney General in England, my Lords (as the law now stands) cannot advise passing the grant desired.
The report of the Barons of the Exchequer on Lady Paterson's petition is read and respited. Treasury Minute Book XXIV, pp. 71–2.
Aug. 5. Entry of petitions, memorials, reports &c. this day read.
The report from the Surveyor of the Woods on the petition of the inhabitants of his Majesty's manor of Bray. [Referred] to Mr. Jett [Auditor of Crown Lands] to certify if the Receiver of the Land Revenue in Berkshire hath any money in his hands and what [it amounts to]. (Delivered to the hands of Mr. T.)
The copy of the report from the Army Debts Commissioners on General Wroth's demand. [My Lords order] the Auditors [of Imprests] to prepare a [royal] sign manual for General Wroth's demand. (Delivered ut supra.)
The memorial of George Bolwerk relating to the Troops of the Duke of Brunswick Luneburg. Prepare a warrant to the Earl of Lincoln for [payment of] the remainder of what is due to these Troops pursuant to the Treaty.
The petition of the 40 Messengers [of the Chamber]. See whether the adva[nce] money is deducted out of this 2,600l. (Delivered to the hands of Mr. T.)
The Officers of the Earl of Galway's late Regiment of Foot [their petition is read]. Mr. Aislaby will bring the warrant. (Delivered ut supra.)
The [Crown Lands] Surveyor General's report [is read] on Col. Moreton's petition for a lease of Grumbolds Ash. Agreed to. (Delivered ut supra.)
Ann Rodean [her petition] about a discovery of frauds. Send a messenger to her to come to either of the Secretaries of the Treasury. (Delivered ut supra.)
The memorial of Mr. Serjeant Hanbury [is read]. Ordered. (Delivered ut supra.)
The memorial of Col. Philips, Governor of Annapolis, [is read]. My Lords adhere to their former directions to the Commissioners of the Victualling. (Delivered ut supra.)
The Solicitor General [his report is read] about transporting felons. My Lords agree to 3l. a head for all charges, including the transportation of all the felons now convicted and in prison, and desire the Solicitor [General] to prepare the draft of a contract. (Delivered ut supra.)
Major Armstrong's memorial and accounts while [he was] Captain at Annapolis. My Lords will speak with Mr. Sloper about this. (Delivered ut supra.)
The Victualling Commissioners [their report] about victualling the Garrisons of Annapolis and Placentia. Read. (Delivered ut supra.)
The accompt of debentures issued by Mr. Moore, Paymaster. [My Lords order] the other Paymasters to transmit to their Lordships the like certificates. (Delivered ut supra.)
John Davat et al., prisoners in Lewes gaol. See the Customs Commissioners' report. (Delivered to the hands of Mr. P.) Register of Papers T4/21, p. 11.
Aug. 7.
Treasury Chambers,
Treasury Minutes.
Earl of Sunderland, Mr. Chancellor [of the Exchequer], Mr. Baillie, Mr. Clayton.
Prepare a warrant for 2,900l. for Secret Services.
My Lords order payment of the fees, salaries and pensions [payable] at the Exchequer to Xmas last, amounting to 10,600l. or thereabouts.
[My Lords order] Sir William Gostwick 100l. [as an] advance on his pension.
[Write the] Commissioners of Excise to attend on Tuesday morning next.
[My Lords appoint] Robert Donaldson to be Collector of the Bishops' rents in Orkney.
[Order] Mr. Chetwynd, Paymaster of the Pensions, to attend on Thursday. Treasury Minute Book XXIV, p. 72.
Aug. 7. Entry of petitions, memorials, reports &c. this day read.
Capt. William Hamilton [his petition] about his half pay in Ireland. My Lords can do nothing in it.
Sanson [sic for Joshua] Bagshaw and [Joseph] Mason [their petition] about the office of Comptroller of the Cloth &c. Referred to the Customs Comissioners to state the fact. (Delivered to Mr. P.)
Chris[topher] Wallis [his petition] praying a Hackney coach licence. My Lords can do nothing in this.
The [Crown Lands] Surveyor General's report [is read] on the petition of Conyers Darcy. Ordered. (Delivered to the hands of Mr. P.)
Landon Jones [his petition] for an abatement of a wine licence rent. Rejected.
William Theresia Douglass [daughter to Col. John Douglas, her petition is read] for her half pay. My Lords cannot advise anything against the Rules in the Act of Parliament.
Geo. Howell [his petition] for a surplus in his account [to be paid to him]. Prepare a warrant.
The petition of Lieut. Col. Charles D'Albenas to be put on the Military Establishment [of Ireland] instead of the Civil [Establishment of pensions there]. Referred to the Lord Lieutenant. (Delivered to the hands of Mr. Tilson.)
Hugh Bethell [his] petition for a lease. Ref [erred] to the Surveyor General of Crown Lands.
Mr. Powys [his] report re[lating to the] Commissioners of the Equivalent. My Lords can furnish no more out of this year's supply. (Delivered to the hands of Mr. P.)
Mr. Powys [his] report about Capt. William Floyd. Agreed. (Delivered ut supra.)
The [petition from the] widows of the crew of [the] Sorlings man of war. There being no money provided by Parliament for this they may if they think fit apply to Parliament.
Mr. How's memorial for allowances upon his final account. See the minutes in the margin of the state[ment of] remains in his remains [sic for in his accompt]. (Delivered to the hands of Mr. T.)
Thomas Allerbury's petition. To be read again when Lord Sunderland is here.
Mr. Hewett's report. Read. (Delivered to the hands of Mr. T.)
Mr. [Thomas] Crawford's representation. [My Lords order him] 300l. as a present for bringing over the [Alliance Treaty] Convention and 500l. [as royal] bounty in consideration of all his good services and in particular during the absence of the Earl of Stair from Paris and in full satisfaction for the same. (Delivered to the hands of Mr. P.)
Gilbert Pepper [his] memorial. Rejected.
[A letter] from the Secretary at War about repairs in the Horse Guards. [Write to] Mr. Sloper to inform my Lords if he hath any money in his hands which may be applied towards defraying this expense. (Delivered to the hands of Mr. T.)
John Mulcaster's memorial. Ref[erred] to Col. Gardner to state this account. Mr. Lynn's account to be referred likewise. (Delivered ut supra.)
[An] abstract [is read] of stoppages made at the [Army] Pay Office out of the subsistence and pay of the Garrisons of Placentia and Annapolis to 24 Aug. 1717 for provisions. Write to the Secretary at War to prepare a warrant for paying this to the Victualling Office, taking notice that this deduction of 4d. per diem was pursuant to the King's pleasure and [is] to be paid for the future. (Delivered ut supra.)
Anna Maria Fotherby's petition. My Lords cannot advise any new pensions.
The Postmasters General [their] report on Mr. Macky's petition. Recommend this to the Lord Lieutenant. (Delivered to the hands of Mr. T.)
Bill of 500l.: Monsieur St. Saphorin. Prepare the usual warrant. (Delivered to the hands of Mr. P.)
The Taxes Commissioners' presentment for Herbert Lewis to be a Surveyor of Houses for Co. Radnor loco John Chaloner. Agreed.
Petition of Andrew Gilbert to be a tidewaiter. Ordered. (Delivered to the hands of Mr. P.) Register of Papers T4/21, p. 12.
Aug. 8. Entry of petitions, memorials, reports &c. this day read.
The petition of Robert Bowyer. Referred to the Commissioners of Taxes. Ibid., p. 13.
Aug. 12.
Treasury Appointments.
The Commissioners of Excise to attend in the forenoon [at] 11 a clock. Appointment Book T64/4, p. 109.
Aug. 12.
Treasury Chambers,
Treasury Minutes.
Earl of Sunderland, Mr. Chancellor [of the Exchequer], Mr. Baillie, Mr. Clayton
Prepare a warrant for 500l. to — Sutton as a present to him from his Majesty for bringing over the Treaty of Peace concluded between the Emperor and the Turks.
[My Lords order] 100l. to Charlotte Roussy as [royal] bounty, [together] with the [Exchequer] fees [on the issue thereof].
The Commissioners of Excise attending are called in. My Lords acquaint them with their intentions of putting the Duties on leather under their [the Excise Commissioners'] management. Prepare a warrant accordingly. Treasury Minute Book XXIV, p. 73.
Aug. 13. Entry of petitions, memorials, reports &c. this day read.
Peter Peters [his petition is read and] referred to the Customs Commissioners. (Delivered to the hands of Mr. Powys.)
The Auditors [of the Crown] revenue [their] report on Mr. Hewit's petition. Respited again.
The Surveyor General [of Crown Lands his] report on Lord Molesworth's petition for a lease. Agree. (Delivered to the hands of Mr. Tilson.)
The report from the [Principal] Officers of the Mint on Mrs. Roos's petition. Ordered. (Delivered to the hands of Mr. T.)
[The bill of] incidents [relating to the] tin in the Tower of London from Xmas 1714 to Xmas 1715. Allowed. (Delivered ut supra.)
Mr. Nicoll, Receiver of the money arising by [sale of the King's] tin [his petition for allowance of his] incidents. Referred to Sir Isaac Newton. (Delivered ut supra.)
The memorial of the S[outh] S[ea] Company for the interest of their quarter's annuity due at Xmas 1716. [Write] to the Navy Board to make out a [Navy] bill [to the Navy Treasurer to pay same]. (Delivered ut supra.)
Le Maitrè et al., evidences against James Duke Crispe [their petition for some allowance]. Mr. Lowther will pay them till next term. (Delivered ut supra.)
John Parker [his petition] for stay of process. Ref[erred to] Mr. Cracherode to examine the allegations and to report the facts with his opinion. (Delivered ut supra.)
Mr. Burton's report about workmen's bills in the Savoy. Referred to the [Principal] Officers of the Works for an estimate. (Delivered ut supra.)
Viscountess Gormanston [her petition] about her pension in Ireland. Referred to the Lord Lieutenant. (Delivered ut supra.)
Sir Rowland Gwyn [his petition]. To be read again at a full Board.
Jeronimy Clifford [his petition]. Rejected.
Sir Roger Mostyn [his petition]. Referred to the late Commissioners for Disbanding Marines. (Delivered to the hands of Mr. T.)
Edmund Longbridge [his petition]. Rejected.
Yeomen of the Guard [their petition] for arrears of salary in the late Queen's reign. To be considered when there is money [in the Exchequer from the said Queen's Civil List revenues] for the [late] Queen's arrears.
Henry Neale, Esq., late Suvr. [Surveyor] of Minorca, [his petition] for salary. Mr. Powys to state this pretension. (Delivered to the hands of Mr. P.)
Monsieur le Cocq, Minister [from the King] of Poland, [his petition]. Done. (Delivered ut supra.)
Mrs. Vernatty [her petition for payment for maintaining the] Westminster [Hall &c] lamps. Referred to the Board of Works. (Delivered to the hands of Mr. T.)
Mr. Cracherode's report on the memorial of John le Maitre et al. The petition is rejected upon reading this report.
Charles Hunt [his petition] about Canada bills. My Lords can do nothing upon this petition.
Joseph Billers [his petition]. Referred to Mr. Cracherode. (Delivered to the hands of Mr. P.)
Edward Wharton, Receiver [of the licences of] Hackney Coaches [his petition] for an additional salary. To be considered at a full Board.
Mr. Lowndes's report on the petition of Francis Palmer. Recommend him to the Customs Commissioners for such employment as they judge him capable of. (Delivered to the hands of Mr. P.)
Mr. Andrew Trebeck [his petition is read]. [My Lords order him] to be paid for the sermons in the King's time. (Delivered to the hands of Mr. T.)
Thomas Brookhouse [his petition]. My Lords think he is fully paid for what services he has performed.
William Forster [his petition praying] to be remitted a fine of 10l. Referred to Sir William Thompson. (Delivered to the hands of Mr. T.)
The Secondaries and [sworn] Clerks of the Pipe [their petition for their fees. My Lords order] a warrant for the King's time. (Delivered ut supra.)
Joseph Quash [his petition] for extraordinary allowances. Referred to the Commissioners of Taxes.
Richard Myers, Postmaster [at —] in Lancashire, [his petition for allowance] for money extorted by the Rebels. Referred to the Postmaster General. (Delivered ut supra.)
The innkeepers in Preston in Co. Lanes [their petition]. Referred to the Commissioners of Excise. (Delivered ut supra.)
Thomas Gill [his petition]. Read.
Mrs. Cannock's [petition]. Referred to the Duke of Bolton. (Delivered ut supra.
Ensign Robert Cornelius [his petition]. Rejected.
Mary Lovell [her petition]. My Lords cannot advise an increase of pension.
Jane Stewart [her petition]. My Lords cannot advise a new pension.
Mary Speke [her petition]. Read and rejected.
Cornet Thomas Wight [his petition praying] to be continued on half pay. Rejected.
Mr. Cracherode's report about John Evans. [Hereon his petition is] read and rejected.
Robert Bedoe [his petition]. Rejected.
John Callender [his petition]. Recommend him to the Customs Commissioners for the next vacancy he is fit for. (Delivered to the hands of Mr. Powys.)
[The Army Accounts] Comptrollers' report upon Mr. Moore's memorial. To be read again at a full Board. Register of Papers T4/21, pp. 14–15.
Aug. 14
.Treasury Chambers,
Treasury Minutes. Present: Earl of Sunderland, Mr. Chancellor of the Exchequer, Mr Wallop, Mr. Baillie, Mr. Clayton.
[Write] to the Auditors of Imprests for a state of the accounts of the Regiment of Foot commanded by the Earl of Gal way in the late war in Spain.
Also [for] a state of the accounts of Col. St. Leger de Bacalan, Paymaster to the prisoners in Spain.
[My Lords order] 200l. [as royal] bounty to Simon Mayne. [Likewise] 100l. to Nicholas Dixon. Send the signature [charter of grant] of the Lady Panmure and all the papers relating to it to the Attorney General for his opinion thereupon; particularly whether it be in the King's power to grant the 500l. per an. interest of the 10,000l. as is mentioned in the signature, and whether the other grants in the said signature can commence or take effect sooner than the passing the same under the seal in Scotland.
Several reports, memorials and petitions are read and minutes are taken thereupon. Treasury Minute Book XXIV, p. 74.
Aug. 14. Entry of petitions, memorials and reports this day read. Samuell Kingston [his petition] for the guardianship of Ann Harvey's children. Referred to Mr. Cracherode to examine the allegations and to consider the merits of the case and to report the same with his opinion. (Delivered to the hands of Mr. Bowen.)
Mrs. Hartstonge [her petition]. To be considered with other [the] arrears incurred in the[late] Queen's time.
Mr. Lechmere [his petition]. [My Lords order this] to be allowed in his account. (Delivered to the hands of Mr. Tilson.)
Mrs. Embree [her petition]. Referred to the Duke of Bolton.(Delivered ut supra.)
Capt. Francis Hamon [his petition]. To be read when the Earl of Sunderland is here.
The petition of James Paterson. Recommend him to the Commissioners of Customs in Scotland. (Delivered to the hands of Mr. Powys.)
Mr. Cracherode's report on the petition of Ralph Bethell. My Lords have paid him, already as much as they can unless they receive his Majesty's especial direction for a further sum.
James Duke Crispe [his petition] for stay of process. Rejected. The Commissioners of Stamp Duties [their] report on the petition of Archibald Vans. Dismiss the petition. Mr. Speaker's report on the late Serjeant Wybergh's memorial. To be read when Lord Sunderland is here.
Mrs. Kynaird's petition for a pension. Rejected. The Duchess of Leeds' [petition for a pension]. Rejected. Catherine Grigson [her petition for a pension]. Rejected. Catherine Thompson [her petition for a pension]. Rejected. Mary Gates [her petition for a pension]. My Lords cannot advise this pension to continue.
Penelope Cole [her petition for a pension]. Rejected. Madam Du Berger [her petition for a pension]. She may if she pleases apply to the Commissioners of Accounts [? the Commissioners for Army Debts.]
Daniel Ell well. Referred to the Customs Commissioners. (Delivered to the hands of Mr. P.)
Thomas Atterbury [his petition] about his pension. To be read when Lord Sunderland is present.
The Auditors of the [Crown] Revenue, their report on Mr. Hewitt's petition. Respited yesterday.
Lord Charles Ker [his petition]. My Lords cannot advise his Majesty to make good all losses of this kind.
Sir Rowland Gwynn [his petition]. Referred to the Comptroller of the Household. (Delivered to the hands of Mr. T.)
The Band of Yeomen of the Guard [their petition. My Lords order it] to be considered when [there is in the Exchequer available any] money for the[late] Queen's arrears [due on her Civil List].
Edward Wharton, Receiver of the Revenue of Hackney Coaches and Chairs [his petition]. My Lords think the present salary sufficient.
Thomas Gill [his petition]. Rejected. The [Army Accounts] Comptrollers' report upon Mr. Moore's memorial. [My Lords order] Mr. Lowndes to consider these allowances. (Delivered to the hands of Mr. Lowndes.)
The report for Mr. Manaton's allowances extraordinary. Approved. Sir Bibye Lake's memorial. Look out the last minute: which being read, my Lords adhere to it.
Mr. Churchill and Mr. Castle [their petition]. To be considered when another proportion [of the late Queen's Civil List arrears] shall be paid to the [said] Queen's servants.
The Barons of the Exchequer in Scotland, their representation concerning the receipt [receivership] of Forfeitures. My Lords approve their appointing the Receiver General [of Scotland] to receive [the Forfeitures] and desire them to prepare the draft of the privy seal which they want. (Delivered to the hands of Mr. Tilson.)
The representation concerning the herring and salmon barrels. My Lords concur in opinion with the Barons [of the Exchequer in Scotland] and desire them to prepare such clause or clauses [for an Act of Parliament] as they think necessary. (Delivered ut supra.)
The report about Calderwood. My Lords agree to the report of Mr. Cracherode [and order him] to pay at present what he proposes [as sufficient] to carry the petitioner to Lancaster. Pay the rest afterwards. (Delivered ut supra.)
The signature [or charter of grant] on the memorial of the Earl of Findlater and Lord Deskford. Read and approved. (Delivered ut supra.)
The report for Peter du Cosne. Prepare a[royal] letter for the half pay proposed, but without any [arrears] retrospect. (Delivered ut supra.) John Fox [the report on his petition]. My Lords agree to the report.(Delivered ut supra.)
John Evans [his petition] with Mr. Cracherode's report. My Lords adhere [to the report]. (Delivered ut supra.)
The report concerning East India [Company's] Garrison stores. Prepare a warrant according to this report. (Delivered to the hands of Mr. Powys.)
The petition of Susanna Gibsone. [My Lords order it] to be brought in when Mr. Sloper is here.
The petition of Nicholas Dixon. [My Lords order] a warrant for 100l. to be prepared. (Delivered to the hands of Mr. T.)
Henry Mory [his petition]. Agreed to. (Delivered to the hands of Mr. P.) Register of Papers T 4/21 pp. 16–17.
Aug. 15.
Treasury Chambers,
Treasury Minutes. Present: Earl of Sunderland, Mr. Chancellor [of the Exchequer], Mr. Wallop, Mr. Baillie, Mr. Clayton.
The sum of — now in the Exchequer arisen by Forfeitures is directed to [be issued to] repay the like sum advanced to the Commissioners [of Forfeitures] “for salary and incident charges out of the supplies of last year.” Treasury Minute Book XXIV, p. 75.
Aug. 18.
Treasury Chambers,
Mr. Wallop,
Treasury Minutes. Present: Mr. Chancellor [of the Exchequer], Mr. Baillie, Mr. Clayton.
Capt Taverner [is] called in. My Lords consider his demands for pay pursuant to his commission as Surveyor of Newfoundland and for his expenses over and above the allowance amounting to 1,400l., and direct the sum of — out of the [late] Queen's [Civil List] arrears in lieu of all his pretensions in the [said] Queen's time and 300l. for all his demands in the [present] King's time for his pay and expenses.
Mr. Taverner will make an extract of all the matters of fact contained in his two reports of the State of Newfoundland and lay them before my Lords. Ibid., p. 76.
Aug. 19. Treasury Minutes. Present: Earl of Sunderland, Mr. Chancellor [of the Exchequer], Mr. Wallop, Mr. Baillie, Mr. Clayton.
Write to the Secretary at War for a list of the distribution of [Army] Contingencies voted for the service of the present year.
Upon reading the memorial of Walter Chetwynde, Esq., Paymaster of the [King's private] pensions, my Lords came to the following Resolution
: My Lords think it very reasonable and according to late precedents (particularly in the case of the late Commissioners of the Treasury) that Mr. Clayton, one of their number, who lately received and payed the money for pensions and is to account for the same, should receive the poundage for that service computing by the day till his power ceased; and that Mr. Chetwynde should have the benefit of the said poundage reckoning by the day from the time his power commenced, for so long as he shall continue to execute the same; and that if it should happen that the power should not determine upon a quarter day that he be paid his poundage till the day of such determination.
[My Lords order] John Manley to be Customer of Chester loco William Gratwicke. Ibid., p. 77.
Treasury Chambers,
Treasury Minutes. Present: Mr. Chancellor [of the Exchequer], Mr. Clayton. The [Principal] Officers of the Ordnance [are] called in. They lay before my Lords a memorial, including [a statement of] the debt of the [Ordnance] Office and the services necessary to be performed. [The consideration hereof is] deferred. Ibid., p. 78.
Treasury Appointments. Mr. Sloper to attend my Lords at 11 and to bring with him the warrants relating to the Garrison of Annapolis, if signed by his Majesty. Appointment Book T64/4, p. 110.
Aug.26. Treasury Minutes Present: [attendance not stated]. [My Lords order the blanks in] Lady Panmure's signature [or charter of grant] to be filled up from Martinmas 1715: but the gift of 500l. per an. for the interest of 10,000l. upon bond from her husband [is] to be left out and not inserted therein.
Ordered that the blanks and the aforegoing [sic for the following] signatures be likewise filled up from Martinmas 1715: viz.
in favour of Jane, wife of the late Lord Drummond. in favour of Mary, wife of the late Earl of Southesk, and James Carnegie her son. in favour of Margaret, Lady Nairne. in favour of Marian, wife of James Stirling, late of Keir. [My Lords order the] Duchess of Buccleuch to have a dormant warrant for her pension of 4,000l. per an. out of the Excise in like manner as the Duke of Grafton et al. have for the pensions payable to them by letters patent of Charles II. out of the same revenues.
My Lords order 15l. to be paid to William Brown by the hands of Mr. Lowther.
[My Lords order the] Treasurer of the Ordnance to have 1,077l. issued out of loans on Malt anno 1717 to complete the quota of that year for the Ordnance, land service. Prepare a warrant for opening a loan on that Act for the said sum at 4 per cent, interest accordingly.
Prepare a warrant to revoke all appointments to offices in the Works upon the foot of the late dissolved Regulation saving the salaries payable in respect thereof; and to allow the nomination to those offices in the method prescribed by the Instructions of the late Queen [dated] 12 Oct. 1705.
Issue 10,664l. 14s. 3d. to the Earl of Lincoln out of loans on the Land Tax anno 1718: [and to be for services] upon the following heads according to his memorial in that behalf: viz.
£ s. d.
for Guards and Garrisons anno 1718: in part of 650,000l. 4,342 16 0
for the Forces and Garrison in Minorca: in part of 57,613l. 14s. d 3,848 16 9
for the Forces in Gibraltar: in part of 39,382l. 14s.d. 2,473 1 6
Issue also to his Lordship out of like loans in part of 250,000l. to prevent the designs of Sweden, 4,161l. 2s. 10d. to complete what is due to the Luneburg Battalions for 12 months from the 1st August 1717.
My Lords on reading the report from the Board of Works about the Guard Houses now out of repair and the charge of doing [the repairs necessary] thereof, as also the report of the Secretary at War touching the little expectation of having that charge defrayed out of the Contingencies of the Army, as had been before directed by his Majesty, because of the insufficiency of that Fond, their Lordships are of opinion that the Ordnance [Office] have the care and superintendency of the Guard Houses or Barracks in Garrisons so these Guard House ought to be under [one and] the same care and [do] direct a warrant to be prepared for that purpose. Treasury Minute Book XXIV, pp. 80–1.
Aug. 26. Entry of petitions, memorials, reports &c. this day read. [The Taxes Commissioners'] representation with [the] new Establishment [payable] out of the Duties on Houses. Compare this Establishment with the two former. (Delivered to the hands of Mr. Tilson.)
[The Customs Commissioners'] presentment [of] Thomas Brigge, John Addison, and Michael Westbeech to be boatmen at Deal. Agreed to. (Delivered ut supra.)
The Duke of Newcastle's letter about a new building to be erected at Kensington. Referred to the Board of Works. (Delivered ut supra.)
Mr. Giles, Westby, Pigg and others [struck through]. Peter Peters, [the Customs Commissioners'] report about lace seized. Agreed to. (Delivered ut supra.)
The Customs Commissioners' report about Mr. Smith, Colleotor of Liverpool. Agreed to. (Delivered ut supra.)
The report from the Commissioners for determining the Debts due to the Army [? on the Danish arrears]. [Write] to the Auditors of Imprests to prepare a sign manual pursuant to this report except the 936l. [which is]respited till my Lords have an account of the particulars.
The Commissioners of Forfeitures [their petition] desiring the two years' rent of the Butlerage and Prizage granted to the late Duke of Ormonde &c. Read. (Delivered to the hands of Mr. K.)
The Commissioners of Excise [their] memorial about discouragements [which they] meet with in seizing brandy by reason of an opinion lately given by the Barons of the Exchequer. Referred to the Attorney General and all the King's Counsel to give their opinion (Delivered to the hands of Mr. T.)
The report [from the Customs Commissioners] on the petition of John Ellston about some coffee imported in 1715. Agreed to.(Delivered ut supra.)
The report [from same] on John Appleton's petition offering composition of a verdict obtained against him. Agreed to. (Delivered ut supra.)
Mr. Boughton's presentment for allowing him a moiety of a seizure. Read and agreed to. (Delivered ut supra.)
[The Customs Commissioners'] report on Benja[min] Steed's petition, late land waiter at Minehead. To be considered. (Delivered to the hands of Mr. K.) Register of Papers T4/21, p. 18.
Aug. 28. Treasury Minutes. Present: [attendance not stated]. [My Lords order the Exchequer to] issue 1,000l. to the Treasurer of the Chambers for the Messengers [of the Chamber] to enable them to make their journey and to be allowed [as] in part of the first bills for travelling charges that shall become payable to them. The distribution hereof [is] to be under the direction of the Secretary of State.
Issue 1,700l. to Walter Chetwynde to pay the underwritten pensions to Lady day 1718 on the new Establishment [of the King's private pensions] according to the special provision in that Establishment for that purpose: viz.
to Nathaniel Fort 600
to Henry, Earl of Galway 500
to Bertram, Baron de Schack 600
Prepare a warrant for 100l. a piece to James Lidderdale and Mossom Wye as of his Majesty's bounty.
Also for 18l. a piece to Edward Normand and Anthony Knight, two old men, formerly Keepers of Bagshot in Windsor Forest.
My Lords agree at Mr. Mason's request to appoint Mr. Samuel Edwards to collect the arrears and growing rents of Mason's extended estate and to pay the same into the Exchequer towards discharging his [Mason's] debt. The commission for this purpose [is] to continue for 12 months from the date [thereof]. Treasury Minute Book XXIV, pp. 81–2.
Aug. 30. Treasury Minutes. Present: [attendance not stated]. Elizabeth Elborough to have 40l. [to be paid] per Mr. Lowther. Ibid., p. 82.