Treasury Minutes: July 1718, 1-31

Pages 72-88

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 32, 1718. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1962.

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July 1718, 1–31

1st July,
Treasury Appointments.
The Auditors of Imprests to attend. Appointment Book T 64/4, p.106.
July 1.
Treasury Chambers,
Treasury Minutes.
Earl of Sunderland, Mr.Chancellor of the Exchequer, Mr. Baillie, Mr. Clayton.
Make an account what has been paid out of the Civil List for the passing of patents, commissions, privy seals &c. for any office or offices since his Majesty's accession to the throne.
[Write] to the several [Departmental] Paymasters, Treasurers and Accountants to send my Lords an account what balances remain in their hands: [the said accounts are] to be signed by the principals themselves. Treasury Minute Book XXIV, p. 51.
July 1. Entry of petitions, memorials, reports &c. this day read.
“Mr. West, Counsel to the Board of Trade, 300l. per an.” Prepare the usual warrant. (Delivered to the hands of Mr. P.)
A letter from A. B. relating to frauds in the Customs. [Referred] to the Commissioners of Customs and direct A. B. to attend [them]. (Delivered ut supra.)
James Heymans, Yeoman of his Majesty's Wine Cellar, [his memorial. Referred] to the Customs Commissioners. (Delivered ut supra.)
Mr. Cracherode's report on the petition of Henry Blencow, Esq. [My Lords] ordered [him] 90l. [for his charges and 100l. [for] reward. (Delivered to the hands of Mr. T.)
A state of Queen Anne's debt on account of her Civil List. Write to the several officers for the particulars of the debt in the several offices. (Delivered ut supra.)
The memorial of the Dean and Chapter of Westminster. Ordered according to Mr. Powys's report. (Delivered to the hands of Mr. P.) Register of Papers T 4/20, p. 168.
July 2.
Treasury Chambers,
Treasury Minutes.
Mr. Chancellor of the Exchequer, Mr. Wallop, Mr. Baillie, Mr. Clayton.
[Write to] the Commissioners of Excise to send my Lords their estimate of the amount of the Duty on hops for the last year.
A representation is read from the Commissioners of Customs in Scotland setting forth that the accompts of the Customs are in great confusion by reason of the non-attendance of Mr. Crookshanks, their Comptroller General; he being [here present] my Lords direct him to attend on Wednesday se'night in the afternoon and to bring with him a clear and exact state of the different manners of accounting proposed by the Barons of the Exchequer and him for the Duties of Customs and Excise. Treasury Minute Book XXIV, p. 52.
July 2. Entry of petitions, memorials, reports &c. this day read.
A representation from the Customs Commissioners in North Britain complaining of the non-attendance of Mr. Crookshanks, Comptroller General of the Customs. Read, Mr. Crookshanks [being] present. (Delivered to the hands of Mr. K.)
Mr. Jodrel's report relating to Mrs. Wybergh. Read and respited. (Delivered to the hands of L.)
Mr. Gardner [his petition] for Mr. Mawson, security for G. Gordon, late Agent for [the Garrison of] Annapolis. If Mr. McCulogh will pay 600l., half of this debt, and give bond for paying the rest in a year's time without interest from this day my Lords will accept the same. (Delivered to the hands of Mr. K.)
Mr. Lansdell [his petition] about money paid by Mr. Eversfeild's security to the Treasurer of the Ordnance. [Write] to the Board of Ordnance to direct the Treasurer [of the Ordnance] to pay this 300l. to Mr. Everfeild's security and to be allowed the same in his accompt; and when Mr. Everfeild has paid into the Exchequer the whole balance of his accompt, being 639l. 4s.d., write to the Exchequer to issue it to the Ordnance for the service of that Office.
The petition of 122 Officers respited in Ireland. Read.
Mr. Lowen's [petition for his] disbursements for hay for the deer at New Lodge in Windsor Forest. Write to Mr. Negus desiring him to give his opinion.
The copy of a letter from the Privy Council in Ireland to the Lord Lieutenant about reducing the guineas. [Referred] to Sir Isaac Newton to consider these papers, particularly as [to how] the same may affect the gold and silver coins of England; and to attend my Lords with his observations and opinion thereupon in writing as soon as he can. Register of Papers T 4/20, p. 169.
July 3.
Treasury Chambers,
Treasury Minutes.
Earl of Sunderland, Mr. Chancellor [of the Exchequer], Mr. Wallop, Mr. Baillie, Mr. Clayton.
[Write] to the Postmaster General for an account of what part of the arrears due to his Majesty the 29th Sept. 1717 (which by the state transmitted from the Post Office the 3 Dec. 1717 amount to 26,106l. 2s. 8d.) incurred in the years 1716 and 1717, distinguished yearly, and when the same was applied to his Majesty's [Civil List] use.
Prepare the usual letters for paying a quarter's pension of 100l. due at Midsummer [last] to Lady Lovelace. Treasury Minute Book XXIV, p. 53.
July 3. Entry of petitions, memorials, reports &c. this day read.
The petition of Tancred Robinson, Esq. Referred to the Surveyor General [of Crown Lands]. (Delivered to the hands of Mr. T.)
George Ludlam [his petition] to be [appointed] Receiver General of Taxes for London, Middlesex &c. Rejected, another Receiver being appointed. (Delivered ut supra.)
Lady Kingston [her petition] praying such provision out of the estate of Visct. Kingston, her husband (attainted of treason) as she would be entitled to if he was naturally dead. Referred to the Barons of the Exchequer in Scotland. (Delivered ut supra.)
Marg[aret] Graham, wife of Alexander Carnegy, late of Ballinamoon: the like petition. The like reference. (Delivered ut supra.)
Dame Margaret Elphinston, wife of Sir John Preston of Preston Hall: the like petition. The like reference. (Delivered ut supra.)
John and Harry Balfour: the like petition. The like reference. (Delivered ut supra.)
Mrs. Marg[aret] Home: the like petition. The like reference. (Delivered ut supra.)
Mary Errington, wife of Thomas Errington: the like petition. Referred to the Attorney General desiring him to inform himself what provisions the petitioners would be entitled to if their husbands were naturally dead, by the best ways and means he can; and to report the same to my Lords that they may take the King's pleasure upon this petition and others of the like nature. (Delivered ut supra.)
Lady Phillippa Standish, wife of Ralph Standish: the like petition. The like minute. (Delivered ut supra.)
Dorothy Hodshon, wife of Albert Hodshon: the like petition. The like minute. (Delivered ut supra.)
Frances Dalton: the like petition. The like minute. (Delivered ut supra.)
Monsieur Renard [his petition praying] for [payment of] his pension of 50l. per an. To be paid as usual. (Delivered ut supra.)
Isaac Gyles and Cha. Pembruge, late landwaiters at Bristol [their petition]. Rejected. (Delivered to the hands of L.)
Rebecca Symonds [her petition. Referred] to the Customs Commissioners.
The informations of damages done in Dean Forest. Mr. Cracherode is directed to confer with the Surveyor [General of Woods] accordingly. (Delivered to the hands of Mr. T.) Register of Papers T 4/20, p. 170.
July 4. Treasury Chambers,
Treasury Minutes.
Earl of Sunderland, Mr. Chancellor [of the Exchequer], Mr. Baillie, Mr. Clayton.
Write to the several Offices who are to make out debentures upon reports from the Commissioners for Stating the Army Debts to transmit to my Lords weekly a list of the several debentures which shall be made out by them, the sum of each respectively, an account of the persons and names who are entitled thereto, as also [the names of] those to whom they are delivered.
Upon reading to my Lords a representation of Mr. Colby, late Com[missioner] for Transports, and now one of the Com[missioners] of the Navy, relating to the Transport service and the manner in which the same should be carried on, their Lordships are of opinion that the accounts and other matters relating to the Transport service be put under the management of the Navy Commissioners in the same manner as the Commission for Sick and Hurt Seamen is. Signify the same to the Admiralty.
Prepare a warrant for 36l. to one of the Wardens of the Goldsmiths' Company for a breakfast and dinner to the Jury of goldsmiths for the Trial of the Pyx. Treasury Minute Book XXIV, p. 54.
July 4. Entry of petitions memorials, reports &c. this day read.
Mr. Colby [his representation] with an account of provisions delivered ashore out of the transports that brought over from Cork the three Regiments from Ireland. Write to the Commissioners of the Navy to take care of the provisions within mentioned and the [Navy] Treasurer [is] to charge the money arising by the same upon the front of the [Navy] Treasurer's leidger. (Delivered to the hands of Mr. T.)
The petition of John Maccullock, Esq., about securing the debt to the Crown from Mawson, [the security for Gordon, late Agent of Annapolis Garrison]. Agreed to. (Delivered ut supra.)
Mr. West, Counsel for the Board of Trade, [his petition] for a salary of 300l. per an. Prepare a warrant. (Delivered ut supra.)
An extract of a report from the Commissioners for Stating the Army Debts, relating to several payments made by the Earl of Carnarvon. [My Lords order the] Auditors of Imprests to prepare a draught of a warrant for a privy seal for the articles mentioned in the extract. (Delivered ut supra.)
The Secretary at War and the Comptrollers of the Accounts of the Army [their report] relating to Col. Philips' providing the Garrison of Placentia with provisions. [My Lords order] the Comptrollers [of Army Accounts] to prepare a draft of an advertisement to be transmitted to my Lords for their approbation. (Delivered ut supra.)
The memorial of the Corporation of Berwick with a draught of a conveyance to his Majesty from the persons in Berwick whose houses were demolished. [Referred] to Mr. Att[orney] Gen[eral] who is desired to peruse the [said] enclosed draft and see whether the same is duly prepared in order to make the conveyance to his Majesty from the several persons in Berwick whose houses were demolished at the time of the late Rebellion to enlarge the fortifications there. (Delivered ut supra.)
A letter from Mr. Elphinston (by order of my Lord Chancellor) to enquire by whom and in what manner the Commissions for a Court of Delegates to determine appeals from the Trustees of the Forfeited Estates in G[reat] B[ritain] are to be prepared for the great seal. Direct Mr. Cracherode to attend Mr. Attorney General and to take care of the passing of this Commission. (Delivered ut supra.)
A letter from Theoph[ilus] Blyke about the countersigning two warrants for paying Col. Alexander Campbell's Independent Company in North Britain. Look out the papers referred to in the warrants. (Delivered to the hands of Mr. K.)
The Duke of Newcastle [his letter] recommending three officers to places in the Customs. [My Lords order these names] to be brought in upon a vacancy. (Delivered to the hands of Mr. P.) Register of Papers T 4/20, p. 171.
July 8,
Treasury Appointments.
The Salt Commissioners to attend at 6 in the afternoon. Appointment Book T 64/4, p. 107.
July 8.
Treasury Chambers,
Treasury Minutes.
Mr. Chancellor [of the Exchequer], Mr. Wallop, Mr. Baillie, Mr. Clayton.
[Write] to the Agents for Taxes to certify to my Lords what securities Mr. Lanham, Receiver [General of Taxes] for part of Wilts, hath proposed and whether they are sufficient.
[Write the] Commissioners of Salt Duties to attend on Wednesday se'night in the afternoon.
Mr. Crookshanks to attend at the same time.
[Write] to the Commissioners of [the Duties on] Hides &c. for [a statement of] the yearly charge of management of the Duties on Houses; and to send an account of the incidental charge of the Duty on leather omitted in their former account. Treasury Minute Book XXIV, p. 55.
July 8. Entry of petitions, memorials, reports &c. read this day.
Charles Mason, Esq. [his petition]. [Referred to the] Agents for Taxes to certify the state of the petitioner's debt and their opinion of this proposal. (Delivered to the hands of L.)
Viscount Molesworth [his petition] for a lease of waste ground within the palace of Whitehall. Referred to the Surveyor General [of Crown Lands]. (Delivered ut supra.)
The Commissioners of Taxes [their report] about taking off the respit on Mr. Croker, Receiver General of Taxes for Co. Oxford. Read. (Delivered ut supra.)
Mr. Cracherode's report of proceedings in Chancery on the memorial of Sir Bibye Lake. Read. (Delivered ut supra.)
The petition of John Fox. [Referred] to the Customs Commissioners. (Delivered to the hands of Mr. P.)
Mr. Carkesse [his report] about a letter signed A. B. containing some proposals for detecting frauds in running of goods. Read and approved. (Delivered ut supra.)
Mr. Jett, Paymaster of the 10l. Lottery anno 1712, [his] certificate of money remaining in his hands. Read and approved. (Delivered to the hands of Mr. T.)
Mr. Phillips, Paymaster of the Classis Lottery anno 1712: the like [certificate]. Read and approved. (Delivered ut supra.)
An account of tallies remaining in the hands of the Treasurer of the Navy this 8 July 1718. Read. (Delivered ut supra.)
Theophilus Blyk [his letter &c. as under July 4, supra]. When Mr. Walpole and Mr. How have given my Lords an account of the balance in their hands my Lords will further consider this. (Delivered ut supra.)
Mr. Negus's report upon the demand of Mr. Lowen for hay &c. for the deer in Windsor Forest. [My Lords order him] to be paid for three years in the [late] King [William's] time according to the annexed rates and that [which is due] in the [late] Queen's time out of [the arrears of] her [Civil List] money. (Delivered ut supra.) Register of Papers T 4/20, p. 172.
July 9.
Treasury Chambers,
Treasury Minutes.
Mr. Chancellor of the Exchequer, Mr. Baillie, Mr. Clayton
Issue 6,370l. 5s.d. to the Treasurer of the Chamber for Lady day quarter 1718.
[Send a letter of direction] to the Treasurer of the Navy to pay over the sum of 35,692l. 14s. 0d. in tallies and orders in his hands on the last of the Malt anno 1718 to the South Sea Company or their Cashier, to make good the Deficiency of their fond for the quarter ended at Midsummer last: [and my Lords order the] interest thereupon to commence from the 8th inst. Treasury Minute Book XXIV, p. 56.
July 9. Entry of petitions, memorials, reports &c. this day read.
The Surveyor General's report on the petition of Tancred Robinson, Esq. Prepare a warrant for a particular. (Delivered to the hands of Mr. T.)
The account of what will clear the established allowances &c. in the Treasurer of the Chamber's Office to Lady day 1718. [Hereon my Lords] ordered 6,370l. 5s.d., the remaining sums amounting to 409l. 11s. 11d. [are] to be demanded by the Treasurer [of the Chamber] separately as an exceeding of the Establishment. (Delivered ut supra.)
Mr. Freer, Minister of Lethendy in Scotland, [his petition]. Referred to the Barons of the Exchequer in Scotland. (Delivered ut supra.)
The underkeepers in Windsor and Epping Forests [their petition] for hunting fees. Referred to Mr. Negus. (Delivered ut supra.)
The presentment of the Salt Commissioners [proposing appointments] of officers wanting. Approved. (Delivered ut supra.)
Mr. Secretary Crags acquainting my Lords with a reservation agreed on by the Lord Commissioners of Trade to be made in all grants of lands in America. A copy of this letter to be sent to the Attorney General together with the report of the late Attorney [General] and all other papers relating thereunto. (Delivered ut supra.)
The Solicitor General [his letter] informing my Lords of a proposal made by a merchant to transport felons. To be considered when the Clerk of the Pipe hath returned an account of the charge the Crown hath been at for apprehending felons. (Delivered ut supra.)
Mrs. Aldsworth [her petition] for stop of process. Referred to Auditor Jett. (Delivered ut supra.)
William Wood [his petition]. Referred to the Master of the Mint. (Delivered ut supra.)
Mr. Conway [his petition] for a dormant warrant for [payment of salary to] Mr. [James] Underwood, Surveyor of Houses [co. Surrey]. Granted. (Delivered ut supra.)
The memorial [from the] Commissioners of the Equivalent for salary. Mr. Powys to state this. (Delivered to the hands of Mr. P.)
A letter from Mr. Craggs about exportation of the silver coin. Write to the Commissioners of Customs to give strict orders to their officers to hinder the evil here complained of. (Delivered ut supra.)
Robert Payne [his petition praying] to have affidavits delivered up. [My Lords order them] to be delivered. (Delivered ut supra.)
Jonathan Keate [his petition]. Referred to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland. (Delivered ut supra.)
Archibald Vaus [his petition]. Referred to the Commissioners of Stamps. (Delivered ut supra.)
John Elliston [his petition]. Referred to the Commissioners of Customs. (Delivered ut supra.)
Anne Hartley [her petition]. [My Lords order] Mr. Lowther to pay her 20l. (Delivered to the hands of Mr. Lowther.)
The Taxes Commissioners' report for stay of process against Mr. Harneis' sureties. Agreed. (Delivered to the hands of L.)
The petition of Fra. Manaton for extraordinaries [for the expenses of his receipt as Receiver General for Co. —]. My Lords order the Taxes Commissioners to state how much is due to him out of arrears of Land Taxes pursuant to the Act of Parliament [3 Geo. I, c. 4, cl. 3]. (Delivered ut supra.)
The report from the Board of Works on the petition of James Herauld, Esq. [The petition is] rejected. (Delivered ut supra.)
The petition of Walter Douglas, Esq., and Mr. Powys's two reports relating thereto. [The petition is] rejected. (Delivered ut supra.)
Eliz[abeth] Rowe, widow, [her petition]. Rejected. (Delivered ut supra.)
William Harrison [his petition praying] to be restored [to his place] in the Excise. Rejected. (Delivered ut supra.)
Lady Dorothy Areskin [her petition. My Lords order her] to be paid yearly as usual. (Delivered ut supra.)
The Navy creditors [their petition praying payment] for the debt on the Second Book in Course. [My Lords say] there is no provision by Parliament for payment of these bills. (Delivered ut supra.)
Mrs. Darel Careye [her petition]. My Lords have no cognizance of this matter. (Delivered ut supra.) Nathaniell Barnardiston his petition for arrears due to Walter Douglas. Rejected. (Delivered ut supra.)
Col. Vetch, late Governor of Annapolis, [his petition is read]. My Lords adhere to their former minute. (Delivered ut supra.)
Mr. Cracherode's report [is read] on the petition of John Jones. Ask Mr. Cracherode what he thinks he [Jones] may deserve. (Delivered ut supra.)
Mr. Berner, Sheriff of Norfolk, [his petition] of the proportion settled by Act of Parliament [3 Geo. I, c. 16]. [My Lords say] the 4,000l. will be set apart as the Act directs: out of which all the Sheriffs will have their proportions when they become payable. (Delivered ut supra.)
The Salt Commissioners' report on the petition of Ralph Hender [is read]. [The petition is] rejected. (Delivered ut supra.)
The same from same on the petition of Williams and Richardson. My Lords are of opinion that the petitioners [should] be relieved by a clause in an Act of Parliament. (Delivered ut supra.) Register of Papers T 4/20, pp. 173–4.
July 10.
Treasury Minutes.
Mr. Chancellor of the Exchequer, Mr. Wallop, Mr. Baillie, Mr. Clayton.
Look out the Orders of Council [which prescribe] that no persons inhabitants of any port shall for the future have any employment in the said port.
[Write] to the Secretary at War for an account of the apportionment of the 6,608l. 17s. 6d. for staff officers and [of] the 4,269l. 10s. 0d. for Contingencies upon account for the year 1718.
[Write] to the [Auditor of the Receipt] of the Exchequer for an account how much of the Register of the General Mortgage anno 1710 is inscribed into [the Stock of] the S[outh] S[ea] Company and [how much] remains in the hands of private persons unsubscribed.
Issue to the Treasurer of the Navy 9,500l. as follows: out of loans on the Land Tax anno 1718 remaining in the Exchequer: to be applied to the following services: viz.
for salaries to the Lords of the Admiralty and the Commissioners of the Navy and others 7,500
for paying off the Tryal sloop 2,000
Treasury Minute Book XXIV, p. 57.
July 10. Entry of petitions, memorials, reports &c. this day read.
The representation from the Taxes Commissioners at the instance of Sir Harcourt Master [is read] for a warrant to the King's Remembrancer to take the security of George Moult to be one of his sureties in the room of Ambrose Page. Warrant ordered. (Delivered to the hands of Mr. T.)
Mr. Calderwood, one of the King's evidences [at the trial of the Rebels] at Preston, [his petition is read] for subsistence. [Referred] to Mr. Cracherode. (Delivered ut supra.)
The memorial of the Commissioners of the Navy [is read]. My Lords order the following articles in the memorial to be satisfied out of money in the Exchequer, viz. 7,500l. for salaries to the Admiralty Lords, Navy Commissioners &c., and 2,000l. for paying off the Tryal sloop. (Delivered ut supra.)
The memorial of Sir Bibye Lake, bart. [is read]. When the Master [in Chancery] in pursuance of the decree has raised as much money as he can upon the assignments chargeable upon the South Sea Stock in Sir Roger Mostyn's hands and [has] paid the same into the Exchequer in part of the Crown's debt my Lords will consider the rest of this memorial. (Delivered to the hands of L.)
Nicho. Tooker [his petition] to be a tidesman at Bristol [is read]. Agreed to if there be a vacancy. (Delivered to the hands of Mr. P.) Register of Papers T 4/20, p. 175.
July 11.
Treasury Minutes.
Mr. Chancellor of the Exchequer, Mr. Wallop, Mr. Baillie, Mr. Clayton.
[Write] to Mr. Cracherode to inform my Lords whether he hath taken care to inspect the allowances made to Sheriffs by the Chancellor of the Exchequer in their accounts, thereby to regulate his reports upon any cravings made by them [so] that the Crown may not pay double.
[Give notice to] Dr. Fauquiere to attend on Tuesday. Treasury Minute Book XXIV, p. 58.
July 15.
Treasury Minutes.
Present: ut supra.

Warrants were this day signed by my Lords on 72 orders of 500l. each on the Malt Act anno 1718 [which orders were originally drawn] without interest, [the said orders] beginning at No. 1006 and ending with 1077 [and drawn] in the name of the Right Honble. Richard Hampden, Esq. [as Treasurer of the Navy]: [the present said warrants or endorsements being] for allowing of interest thereupon at the rate of 4 per cent. per an. from the 8th of July 1718.
Write to the Commissioners of the Victualling to make an estimate of the quantity and prices of the several species of provisions requisite for the victualling of 398 men at Placentia for one year: and to attend my Lords with it. Treasury Minute Book XXIV, p. 59.
July 15. Entry of petitions, memorials, reports &c. this day read.
The petition of Margaret, Lady Threpland, wife of Sir David Threpland, attainted, [is read praying] for some provision out of the forfeited estate of her husband for the subsistence of herself and 13 children. Referred to the Barons of the Exchequer in Scotland. (Delivered to the hands of L.)
Mrs. Margaret Horne, wife of George Horne of Wedderburn, [the like petition from her is read for allowance out of her husband's estate] for herself and nine children. Referred ut supra. (Delivered ut supra.)
The Customs Commissioners' presentment of John Woodgate to be a waterman at Gravesend [is read]. Agreed to. (Delivered to the hands of Mr. P.)
Sir Arthur Owen and Mr. Ferrers [their letter is read] recommending Robert Nash to be a tidewaiter at Tenby in the room of Henry Hughes, deceased. Acquaint Sir Arthur Owen with the order made by my Lords viz. that no inhabitant of a town shall be an officer there. If he hath any other person to recommend there my Lords will comply with his request. (Delivered ut supra.)
Mr. Colby's report [is read] relating to Mr. John Vatts, employed about transporting [the poor] Palatines. [My Lords order] Mr. Cracherode to pay this 55l. 3s. 0d. (Delivered to the hands of Mr. T.) Register of Papers T 4/21, p. 1.
July 16. Entry of petitions, memorials, reports &c. this day read.
Mr. Auditor Jett's report [is read] on the petition of Mrs. Aldsworth for stay of process. Agreed to. (Delivered to the hands of Mr. T.)
Mr. Cracherode's report [is read] on the petition of John Jones. [My Lords order him] to be paid 10l. in full of all demands. (Delivered ut supra.)
[The reply or] replication of Reginald Ryley, Esq., [is read]. Enquire in whose hands the orders are and refer the petition to the Auditor [of the] Receipt to inform himself of the facts and to report his opinion.(Delivered ut supra.)
The petition of Cha. D'Albenes, Esq., [is read]. Prepare a warrant to take off these respits. (Delivered to the hands of L.)
[The like petition] of John, Lord Power, [is read]. The like minute. (Delivered ut supra.)
The petition of 122 French Officers. The like minute. (Delivered ut supra.)
Lord Sunderland's letter (when Secretary of State) [is read] referring by his Majesty's order to the Commissioners of the Treasury the petition of Mr. Andrew Trebeck. Enquire what was the usual allowance for sermons preached at the King's Chapel and how far paid. (Delivered ut supra.)
[A letter or report concerning the] petition of Monsieur John Francis Richard D'Epenouze for a pension. Rejected. (Delivered ut supra.)
The [Principal] Officers of the Mint [their] report about Mrs. Roos's bill, [as widow of the] Engraver of [the late Queen's] seals &c. See how the seals were paid for on King William's death. (Delivered ut supra.)
The petition of Henry Hawley, Esq., [is read]. Ref[erred] to the Surveyor General. (Delivered ut supra.)
The Earl of Dartmouth [his petition is read] for arrears as Lord Privy Seal. To be considered with the debts of the Queen. (Delivered ut supra.)
Col. George Burston [his petition is read]. My Lords cannot advise anything on this petition. (Delivered ut supra.)
Patrick Strachan of Glenkindy [his petition is read]. Ref[erred] to the Secretary at War. (Delivered ut supra.)
Nathaniel Rich, late Receiver [General of Taxes for] Essex, [his petition is read. My Lords order him to be paid] 20l. per Mr. Lowther. (Delivered ut supra.)
Mr. Jessop Boughton, Secretary to the Commissioners of the Customs in North Britain, [his] answer to the complaint of the [said] Commissioners [is read]. He is to return to his duty. (Delivered ut supra.)
Nicholas Dixon his petition for [royal] bounty. My Lords will move the King for another 100l.
Cha. Osborne, Esq., [his petition is read] for a continuance of his pension. My Lords cannot advise a continuance of this pension.
[My Lords read the] petition of Andrew Gilbert. [Write] to the Customs Commissioners to present him to be a tidesman in the first vacancy which shall happen in the outports.
[My Lords read the letter from the] Duke of Roxburgh recommending John Forrester to be a stamper. Agreed to be made a stamper on the next vacancy. (Delivered to the hands of Mr. T.)
The petition of Capt. James Roch [is read. Referred] to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland. (Delivered ut supra.)
The Earl of Cadogan [his petition] for [his] salaries. Ordered. (Delivered ut supra.)
The letter from Mr. Burchett about the affair of Transport service being put under the care of the Navy Commissioners. Read, my Lord Sunderland [being] present. (Delivered ut supra.)
[My Lords read the] report from the Surveyor General of his Majesty's Works relating to Portland stone [quarries] and the lease thereof. My Lords cannot advise this grant at present. (Delivered ut supra.)
[My Lords read] Mr. Colby's report upon Mr. Brooking's petition relating to a bill of exchange drawn from Placentia by Col. Moody. [My Lords order] the Navy Commissioners to make out a perfect [Navy] bill for this sum and [for the satisfying this demand my Lords direct the] issue [of] the like sum to the Navy Treasurer out of money in the Exchequer repaid by the late Treasurer of Transports. (Delivered ut supra.)
[My Lords read Mr. Colby's report] on Mr. Goddard's petition. My Lords direct Mr. Colby to send to their Lordships a state of Goddard's and Stepney's accompts as it now stands that they may better judge the causes of their cravings. (Delivered ut supra.)
[My Lords read the] report of the Secretary at War upon the memorial and accompt of William Hamilton of Grainge. [Write] to the Auditors of Imprests to hasten Mr. Burroughs' accounts and to lay the same before my Lords with all speed. Ibid., pp. 2–3.
July 17.
Treasury Minutes.
Earl of Sunderland, Mr. Chancellor [of the Exchequer], Mr. Baillie, Mr. Clayton.
My Lords on the King's behalf do agree to the loan to be made pursuant to the underwritten order: viz.
a Court of Directors at the Bank on Thursday the 17th July 1718.
Mr. Governor acquainting the Court that Mr. Aislabie, Chancellor of the Exchequer, from the Lords of the Treasury desires a loan of 100,000l. for Mr. Hampden, Treasurer of the Navy, on a deposit of [tallies and orders on] Malt anno 1718 payable [on the Malt Register next] after 470,000l. or thereabouts,
Ordered that 100,000l. be advanced to the Treasurer of the Navy on a deposit of 100,000l. in the said tallies and [on the entering of] a Treasury minute [promising the Bank] to be repaid in three months with interest at 4 per cent. per an.; interest of the whole to commence from the date of the deposit of the said tallies.
D. Le Gros, Secretary.
An attested copy of this minute and order is delivered to the Cashier of the Navy. Treasury Minute Book XXIV, p. 60.
July 18.
Treasury Minutes.
Mr. Chancellor of the Exchequer, Mr. Clayton.
My Lords direct the Treasurer of the Ordnance to dispose of the sum of 15,000l. remaining in his hands in tallies and orders on the Malt Act anno 1718; and upon his transmitting to my Lords the orders with the assignments [endorsed] thereupon my Lords will sign warrants to the Exchequer for allowing interest on the said orders at the rate of 4 per cent. per an. from the [respective] days he shall dispose thereof.
An attested copy of this minute is signed and delivered to the Deputy Treasurer [of the Ordnance].
[Write to the] Agents for Taxes to prepare a state of the payments made by the Receiver of Oxfordshire [and] to attend with it on Monday [altered to] Tuesday morning next.
[My Lords order] Mr. Lowther to repay 50l. to Lord Sunderland [which had been] given by his Lordship by his Majesty's command to the courier who brought the news of the signing of the peace between the Emperor and the Turks. Ibid., p. 62.
July 22,
Treasury Appointments.
The Salt Commissioners to attend at 11 of the clock. Mr. Crookshanks to attend the same time.
The Surveyor of the Works also to attend [the] same morning. Appointment Book T 64/4, p. 107.
July 22.
Treasury Minutes.
Mr. Chancellor [of the Exchequer], Mr. Baillie, Mr. Clayton.
The Salt Commissioners [are] called in. Their representation concerning the state of their revenue is read. Mr. Lowndes reads a breviat of a bill for preventing frauds in the Salt Duty. The several remarks and alterations made thereupon are inserted in the margin.
Mr. Crookshanks, Comptroller General of the Customs and Salt Duties in Scotland, attending according to order is called in and gives my Lords an account of the new method of accounting for the revenue now practised by the Auditors of the Exchequer [Court] and the Receiver of the Customs in Scotland, together with his objections against it. He lays a full state of it in writing before my Lords and withdraws. My Lords will further consider this affair from the papers before them.
My Lords being apprehensive that in cases where officers under their power are allowed to resign their offices in order to the admittance of other particular persons, sums of money are given in consideration thereof, do resolve not to consent to any such resignations for the future.
Warrants were signed [by my Lords] 15 July 1718 for allowing interest at 4 per cent. per an. on the following orders [drawn] in the name of Richard Hampden, Esq. [as Navy Treasurer]: to wit from the dates of the [drawing of the] said orders: viz. as follows:
in the name of Richard Hampden.
86 orders on the Malt [Act] 1718 for 1,000l. each, numbered 892 to 977, dated 17 May 1718: being [originally] drawn without interest
28 orders, Nos. 978 to 1005, on the same Register, dated the same day, for 500l. each; [being likewise originally] drawn without interest 14,000
Treasury Minute Book XXIV, p. 63.
July 23,
Treasury Appointments.
Sir John Vanburgh and Mr. Anstis to attend at 11 a clock. Appointment Book T 64/4, p. 108.
July 23.
Treasury Minutes.
Mr. Chancellor [of the Exchequer], Mr. Wallop, Mr. Baillie, Mr. Clayton.
Prepare a warrant for paying Mr. Lowman his salary as Housekeeper of Kensington [Palace] to Lady day last.
My Lords agree to the underwritten proposal of Sir John Lambert and Mr. Gibbon: viz.
We humbly lay before your Lordships that by a contract entered into with the then Lords of the Treasury we did advance the sum of 22,000l. on the deposit of tin at Hamburg, which was to be repaid to us by the sale of the said tin: but by reason of the alteration of the price here we have not been able to sell any quantity since June 1717. We therefore humbly desire that your Lordships would be pleased to give us leave to sell at 3l. 10s. 0d. [per hundred-weight] clear of all charges, which is the utmost we can sell for. And to forward the sale we will oblige ourselves to take off 30 tons absolutely at the said price accounting for the same in three months from this time and afterwards once every three months for what shall be sold at the said price, and deduct it from the money advanced by us.
Signed: J. Lambert.
E. Gibbon.
The Treasurer of the Navy [is] called in. The letter from the Navy Board to him setting forth the occasion for money to answer the following demands are read and agreed to: viz.
to pay Deptford and Woolwich Yards, Midsummer
and Michaelmas [quarters]
to pay the ship Newcastle 5,116
My Lords direct the [Navy] Treasurer to satisfy this sum out of the money to be lent by the Bank on a deposit of 100,000l. on the Malt [orders anno] 1718. Treasury Minute Book XXIV, p. 64.
July 23. Entry of petitions, memorials, reports &c. this day read.
The representation from the Commissioners for Building Fifty New Churches. To be considered. (Delivered to the hands of Mr. K.)
[The letter] from Secretary Craggs transmitting a report from the Commissioners for Stating the Army Debts, to wit on the state of the arrears to the Saxe Gotha Troops. To be read again when Lord Sunderland is here. (Delivered ut supra.)
The memorial of Sir John Lambert and Mr. Gybbon about the tin. My Lords agree to this proposal. To be entered in the Minute Book. (Delivered ut supra.)
The Customs Commissioners' report on the memorial of Monsieur [Jakob] Le Coq, Minister of the King of Poland. My Lords agree to the report. (Delivered to the hands of Mr. P.)
The memorial of Henry Mory. [Referred] to the Customs Commissioners. (Delivered ut supra.)
The Duke of Wharton [his] recommendation of John Allen to be a tidewaiter. Ordered, on a vacancy. (Delivered ut supra.)
The landwaiters of Liverpool [port, their] information against Nathaniel Smith, Collector of the Customs there, for disloyalty. [Referred] to the Customs Commissioners. (Delivered ut supra.)
The memorial of the Commissioners for Hackney Coaches for increase of salary. My Lords think fit to allow the Commissioners 50l. per an. each more, to commence from Michaelmas next. (Delivered to the hands of Mr. T.)
The petition and bill of Calverly Pinckney about charges in prosecuting counterfeiters of the coin. Prepare a warrant for the sum within the Regulation; the remaining 129l. to be paid out of the allowance [which is] to grow due for the next year. (Delivered ut supra.) Register of Papers T 4/21, p. 4.
July 24.
Treasury Minutes.
Earl of Sunderland, Mr. Chancellor [of the Exchequer], Mr. Baillie, Mr. Clayton.
My Lords have no objection to the draught of an Establishment for the Garrisons of Minorca and Gibraltar [and order it] to be sent to the Secretary at War who is to lay it before the King for his signing.
The Commissioners of the Victualling [are] called in. My Lords direct the proposal made by Col. Philips for victualling the Garrison of Placentia at 6½ pence per diem each man, and the report of the Secretary at War and the Comptrollers of Army Accounts thereupon, to be read. The Commissioners [of the Victualling] lay their state of what quantities and species of provisions will be sufficient for a year, before their Lordships, which at 4½ pence each man per diem (exclusive of beverage) for 398 [men] will amount to 2,716l. 7s. 0d. [My Lords order] the [said] Commissioners to consider the proportions of provisions proposed by the Colonel and to lay before my Lords an account of the amount of the expense thereof in every article if provided in England, and to consider the reasonableness of the several proportions.
[Write] to Lord Carnarvon for a state of those demands of the Duke of Saxe Gotha upon which the Commissioners for Army Debts have lately made a report to his Majesty. Treasury Minute Book XXIV, p. 65.
July 24. Entry of petitions, memorials, reports &c. read this day.
Col. Tyrrell [his letter] recommending Edward Clarke to be Surveyor of Houses in Berkshire. [My Lords appoint] Edward Clarke in the room of —. (Delivered to the hands of L.)
The proposal of Jonathan Forward, merchant, for transporting felons [is read]. The proposer may take them gratis and transport them for his own advant[age]. (Delivered to the hands of Mr. T.)
The memorial of Capt. Edward Hall [is read]. [My Lords order] the Secretary at War to prepare a warrant for this sum. (Delivered ut supra.)
Monsieur Riva [his memorial]. Write another letter to the Customs Commissioners, to be delivered to Monsieur Riva himself. (Delivered to the hands of Mr. P.)
[My Lords read the] copy of a warrant for the pay from 25 August 1716 to 25 June following of five men per Troop and Company discontinued upon the muster rolls of the Forces. [My Lords order] the Secretary at War to prepare a warrant [for the King's signature] for continuing this allowance for six months. (Delivered to the hands of Mr. T.) Register of Papers T 4/21, p. 5.
July 24.
Treasury Minutes.
Mr. Chancellor [of the Exchequer], Mr. Wallop, Mr. Baillie, Mr. Clayton.
[Write] to the Customs Commissioners to acquaint my Lords with the reason of Bucknall's suspension. Treasury Minute Book XXIV. p. 66.
July 25. Entry of petitions, memorials, reports &c. this day read.
The petition of Benjamin Steed. Referred to the Customs Commissioners. (Delivered to the hands of Mr. P.)
Mr. Cracherode's memorial for money on account of [Crown] law charges. Prepare a warrant for 1,000l. upon account. (Delivered to the hands of Mr. T.) Register of Papers T 4/21, p. 6.
July 29.
Treasury Minutes.
Earl of Sunderland, Mr. Chancellor [of the Exchequer], Mr. Baillie, Mr. Clayton.
[Write] to the Inspector General of the Exports and Imports for an account of the quantities of gold and silver entered for exportation from Xmas 1717 to this time, to be sent hither [to the Treasury] as soon as possible.
Afterwards [my Lords order] another letter for an account of the like from Xmas 1716 to Xmas 1717.
Prepare a dormant warrant for payment of Mr. Parker's pension. [My Lords order] Sir Henry Rollo to be Collector of Borrowstounness in the room of Mr. Crawford. Treasury Minute Book XXIV, p. 67.
July 29. Entry of petitions, memorials, reports &c. this day read.
The administratrix of Fra. Wyvill, Esq., late Receiver General of Taxes for Co. Yorks &c. [her petition is read] for extraordinary allowances [in her late husband's accounts]. Referred to the Taxes Commissioners. (Delivered to the hands of L.)
Gerard Croker [his] petition to be Receiver General of the Land Tax anno 1718 for Co. Oxon. [My Lords order his] respit [to be] taken off and [his petition is] referred to the Taxes Commissioners to examine the sufficiency of the security [which he offers]. (Delivered ut supra.)
Thomas Crawford, Esq., Secretary to the Embassy at the Court of France, [his petition is read praying] for [payment of his] extraordinary allowances. Mr. Powys to state this. (Delivered to the hands of Mr. P.)
Mr. Negus [his memorial is read] for 2,000l. upon accompt for Contingencies of the Stables. Ordered. (Delivered to the hands of Mr. T.)
Mr. Feilding [his petition] for the payment of the Earl of Denbigh's pension. Prepare a sign manual [for this] upon the [general authority of the] letters patent dormant [of 1714 for Exchequer payments]. (Delivered ut supra.)
The Lords [Commissioners] of Trade [their petition is read] for their salaries. [My Lords order them] to be paid a quarter provided they send an answer to Mr. Lowndes's letter concerning the Salt Duties. (Delivered ut supra.)
The petition of Lieut. Cha. Lancaster. [Referred] to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland. (Delivered ut supra.)
Lord Harborough [his petition] for a lease. Referred to the Surveyor General [of Crown Lands]. (Delivered to the hands of L.)
The Commissioners for Army Debts. [My Lords read their] report on the state of the arrears due to the Saxe Gotha Troops. [My Lords order the] Auditors of Imprests to prepare a sign manual. (Delivered to the hands of Mr. T.) Register of Papers T 4/21, p. 7.
July 30.
Treasury Minutes.
Mr. Chancellor [of the Exchequer], Mr. Baillie, Mr. Clayton.
[Write] to Auditor Foley for a state of Mr. Howe's final accounts [as late Paymaster General of Guards and Garrisons] now lying before him [Foley].
Prepare a warrant for 1,350l. for Secret Services: in the name of Mr. Lowndes.
[My Lords order] Lord Paston and Russel Robartes 300l. each as of his Majesty's bounty: [to be paid] without [deduction of Exchequer] fees. Treasury Minute Book XXIV, p. 68.
July 30. Entry of petitions, memorials, reports &c. this day read.
The Customs Commissioners' report on the memorial of Monsieur Le Coq, Minister of Poland. [Write] to the Customs Commissioners to give my Lords an account to-morrow morning of the amount of the King's part [of the seizure]. (Delivered to the hands of Mr. P.)
[My Lords read the] draft of a signature in favour of Lady Panmure with amendments. [My Lords order it] to be transcribed with these alterations [not detailed] for his Majesty's signature. (Delivered to the hands of Mr. T.)
The Commissioners for Army Debts [their memorial is read] about respits and deductions made for the non-effective men in the Regiments that served in the late war in Spain and Portugal. [Sent] to the Auditors of Imprests to prepare a warrant. (Delivered ut supra.)
Mr. How's memorial for allowances upon his final accompts [as late Paymaster of Guards and Garrisons. Write] to Auditor Foley for a state of Mr. How's accompt now before him. (Delivered ut supra.) The Lord Lieutenant of Ireland's report on the petition of Col. John Irwyn for half pay. Prepare a warrant. (Delivered to the hands of Mr. P.)
[My Lords read the draft of] a privy seal nominating C. F. H. [Casper Frederick Henning as Keeper of the Privy Purse] or his assigns to receive the King's dividends due or to be due from time to time for 10,000l. stock which his Majesty hath in the South Sea Company: [to be received by him] without [any liability to] account [for same in the Exchequer]. Ordered [to pass accordingly]. (Delivered to the hands of Mr. T.)
Thomas Barham [his letter] about frauds in the Navy. Read. (Delivered to the hands of L.)
The memorial of Major General Davenport. The Duties on exportation of plate are appropriated by several Acts of Parliament, which my Lords cannot dispense with. The plate delivered to foreign Ministers [English Ambassadors sent abroad], being his Majesty's own, makes the case different from this. (Delivered ut supra.)
The report of the Commissioners for Army Debts relating to the accompts of the Regiments of Horse and Dragoons that served in Spain and Portugal. [Write] to the Comptrollers of Army Accompts to certify my Lords if these allowances are usual. (Delivered to the hands of Mr. T.) Register of Papers T 4/21, p. 8.
July 31.
Treasury Minutes.
Mr. Chancellor [of the Exchequer],Mr. Baillie, Mr. Clayton.
[My Lords order] a warrant for 500l. for Secret Services in the name of Mr. Lowndes.
The Commissioners of the Victualling [are] called in and lay before my Lords their observations upon the report of the Comptrollers of Army [Accompts] upon Col. Philips' proposal for victualling the Garrisons of Annapolis and Placentia [which proposal had been] referred to them by my Lords. [Hereupon] my Lords direct them to provide victualling for the said Garrisons upon the same foot as they did the last year. Signify this to the Lords of the Admiralty.
Several reports and papers relating to Ireland are read and minutes are taken thereupon. Treasury Minute Book XXIV, p. 69.
Eodem die,
Present: ut supra.
The draughts of signatures in favour of Lady Nairn and Lady Southesk, prepared by the Barons of the Exchequer in Scotland, are read.
Several reports of the Barons of the Exchequer [in Scotland] and representations from the Commissioners of Customs [there] are read and minutes are taken thereupon. Treasury Minute Book XXIV, p. 70.
July 31. Entry of petitions, memorials, reports &c. this day read.
Robert Montgomery [his petition praying] to be restored to his half pay in Ireland: with the Lord Lieutenant's report favouring the same. Agreed to. (Delivered to the hands of Mr. P.)
Capt. Richard Wolseley [his petition praying] to be placed on the Establishment of Ireland. To be recommended to the King. (Delivered ut supra.)
[The petition or several petitions of] Gustavus Hamilton, Edmd. Macknaghton, Denny Cuffe, Richard Collins, recommended by the House of Commons [in Ireland] for half pay from the 5th Jan. 1710–11 when the Regiments was broke to 25th March 1715. My Lord Lieutenant thinks the petition reasonable, but would not draw into precedents such distant retrospects. My Lords think this objection is the stronger since so many charges are put upon the Irish Establishment. (Delivered ut supra.)
William Ormsby, Esq., [his petition praying] to be inserted on the Establishment of Half Pay as Major and Captain. Prepare a letter [to the Lord Lieutenant to authorise this]. (Delivered ut supra.)
William Purefoy, Esq., [his petition praying] to be placed on the Establishment of Half Pay from 1702. Agreed to without any retrospect. (Delivered ut supra.)
Lieut. Col. Disney recommended by the House of Commons in Ireland for half pay: my Lord Lieutenant's report [thereon is read] favouring the same. Agreed to. (Delivered ut supra.)
Ensign Rackham: the like [report]. Agreed to. (Delivered ut supra.)
George Mosse [his petition praying] for half pay as an Ensign, with reports from the General Officers and the Lord Lieutenant favouring the same. Agreed to. (Delivered ut supra.)
Susanna White [her petition praying] for a pension of 20l. per an. on the Irish Establishment. My Lords cannot advise any new pensions. (Delivered ut supra.)
[The poor] Palatines in Ireland [their petition praying] for a continuance of his Majesty's bounty to them of 624l. per an.: with the Lord Lieutenant's opinion that it will be a favour well bestowed (for 14 years) and strengthen the Protestant interest in that kingdom. Prepare a warrant. (Delivered ut supra.)
The Lord Lieutenant of Ireland's report on the petition of Sir James Jefferies for 10s. a day on the Irish Establishment. My Lords cannot advise this. (Delivered ut supra.)
The petition of Mary Boudett for a pension on the Irish Establishment and some small bounty to pacify her creditors. My Lords do not think proper to refer it. (Delivered ut supra.)
The Lord Lieutenant's report on the petition of Theophilus Jones for some recompense to be made him for the services of his uncle, Lieut. General Jones. To be laid before the King. (Delivered ut supra.)
Lieut. Col. Richard Barry [his petition] for continuance of his pension of 200l. per an. When Lord Sunderland comes [to the Treasury this is to be reconsidered]. (Delivered ut supra.)
The Lord Lieutenant of Ireland's report on the petition of widow Philips. To be translated and laid before the King. (Delivered ut supra.) Register of Papers T 4/21 pp. 9–10.