Treasury Minutes: June 1718, 10-27

Pages 61-72

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 32, 1718. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1962.

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June 1718, 10–27

June 10,
Treasury Appointment.
The Auditors of Imprests to attend my Lords about 11 a'clock touching money stated [to be] due to be paid to the Earl of Carnarvon on a report from the Commissioners for Stating the Debts to the Army. The Commissioners for Taxes to attend at the same time. Appointment Book T 64/4, p. 101.
June 10. Treasury Minutes.
Earl of Sunderland, Mr. Chancellor [of the Exchequer], Mr. Baillie, Mr. Clayton.
[Write] to General Wills to hasten his exceptions against the Attorney General's report about Peters's debt.
The Treasurer of the Navy [is] called in; his memorial is read. My Lords [thereupon] order [issue] as followeth: viz.
on the head of Wages.
towards paying the pensioners of the Chest of Chatham one year due at Lady day 1718
on the head of Wear and Tear.
for answering bills of exchange
Their Lordships direct this sum [to be issued] out of loans on the Land Tax anno 1718 remaining in the Exchequer.
The Treasurer of the Ordnance [is called in and] presents a memorial to my Lords setting forth the services of the Office [of Ordnance] which want immediate supplies of money.
My Lords direct the Treasurer of the Ordnance to dispose of 15,000l. tallies in his hands, 10,000l. part thereof to be applied to land services and 5,000l. to sea services [of the Office of Ordnance]. Treasury Minute Book XXIV, p. 41.
June 10. Entry of petitions, memorials, reports &c. this day read.
[Petition from] William Hartley [praying to be reappointed] Receiver General of Land Tax anno 1718 for Co. Bucks. Respit taken off.
[Ditto from] Robert Lightfoot as ditto for Co. Cambridge. Respit taken off.
[Ditto from] William Cobb as ditto for Cheshire. Respit taken off.
[Ditto from] Fra. Manaton as ditto for Cornwall. Respit taken off.
[Ditto from] Cha. Highmore as ditto for Cumberland. Respit taken off.
[Ditto from] John and Nicho. Dee as ditto for Sussex. Respit taken off.
[Ditto from] James Philips as ditto for South Wales. Respit taken off.
[Ditto from] John Conway as ditto for Denbigh. Respit taken off.
[Ditto from] Gerard Croker as ditto for Co. Oxon. Respited.
[Ditto from] William Wood as ditto for Co. Salop. Respited.
[Ditto from] James Baillie as ditto for Co. Stafford. Respited.
[Ditto from] Henry Flower as ditto for [part of] Co. Wilts. Respited.
[Ditto from] Edward Baugham and John Caswall as ditto for Co. Hereford. Edward Baugham appointed.
[Ditto from] Sir William Fazakerley as ditto for London &c. Sir Harcourt Master appointed.
[Ditto from] William Theed as ditto for Co. Surrey. Referred to the Commissioners for Taxes.
[Ditto from] Richard Horton, recommended by Mr. Coleby to be Surveyor of Houses in London in the room of Isaac Masters, deceased. Alderton appointed. (All the above papers delivered to the hands of L.)
[Petition of] Hugh Quellin to be waiter and searcher in Carnarvon [port]. Agreed to. (Delivered to the hands of Mr. P.)
[Petition of] Isaac Markham to resign his place of a stamper to William Roberts. Agreed to. (Delivered ut supra.)
Copies of Mr. Carkesse's and the Collector of [the port of] Dover's letters about black silk lace belonging to Lady Stairs. Prepare a warrant for a noli prosequi for the King's part of this seizure and the lace to be delivered to Lady Stair upon her satisfying the officer for his share of the seizure. (Delivered ut supra.)
Mr. Clerk [his petition] about an arrear due to the University of Oxford due in the late Queen's time on Henry VII.'s perpetuity. Prepare a warrant. (Delivered to the hands of Mr. T.)
The petition of Robert King, one of Peters's sureties. Referred to the Attorney General. (Delivered to the hands of L.)
Monsieur Wesselowsky, the Resident of the Czar [his petition] praying directions to the Commissioners of the Customs to pass free 24 boats bought for the Czar's use. [My Lords order] Mr. Lowther to pay the Duty for these boats. (Delivered to the hands of Mr. Lowther.)
Andrew Kennedy, Conservator of the Scotch Privileges in the Netherlands, [his petition] for an additional salary. Prepare a sign manual to the Barons of the Exchequer in Scotland to insert an additional salary of 100l. per an. to the petitioner on the Establishment of Scotland. (Delivered to the hands of Mr. T.)
The memorial of Galfridus Walpole, Treasurer of Greenwich Hospital. See the Act [9 Anne, c. 17] and if this can be paid out of the Duty on coals prepare a warrant. (Delivered ut supra.)
[A statement of the] sums of money in Lord Radnor's accompt to Xmas 1716 [as Treasurer of the Chamber] for which the King's sign manual is wanting. Prepare a sign manual for the two first articles [to be paid] out of the King's money imprested to the Treasurer of the Chamber for the service of that Office; and for the last article out of money imprested or to be imprested to him for payment of the [late] Queen's [Civil List] arrears. (Delivered ut supra.)
Sir Isaac Newton [his] memorial for a time to be appointed for the Trial of the Pyx. To be laid before the King. (Delivered to the hands of Mr. K.)
Lord Strathnaver's memorial about his pension and the Chamberlainship of Ross. To be laid before the King. (Delivered ut supra.)
The Attorney General's report relating to the Countess of Panmure and others, the wives of forfeiting persons in Scotland. To be abstracted and laid before the King together with the reports of the Barons of the Exchequer [in Scotland] on the petitions of the ladies of other forfeiting persons. (Delivered ut supra.)
Nehemiah Arnold [his petition] about Malt Lottery tickets standing out. Read. (Delivered to the hands of L.)
The order of Council referring [to the Treasury Lords] the petition of Charles Osborne, Esq. Read. (Delivered ut supra.)
The representation of the Commissioners of Taxes for Mr. James Banks to be Surveyor of Houses at Chester. Read and [he is ordered to be] respited. (Delivered ut supra.)
The recommendation of [for] Geo. Dewing to be Surveyor of houses either in the room of Isaac Masters, deceased, or in the place of Cha. Bean, Surveyor at Chester, who has deserted his office. [My Lords decide that] Mr. Alderton succeeds Isaac Masters and the other is respited. (Delivered ut supra.)
Mr. Cracherode's report on Mr. Blencowe's petition. My Lords will read this again when Mr. Cracherode is here. (Delivered ut supra.) Register of Papers T 4/20, pp. 154–5.
June 11. Entry of petitions, memorials, reports &c, this day read.
Mr. Cracherode's state of the proceedings against James Duke Crispe et al. The trial to proceed. (Delivered to the hands of L.)
The [King's] printers' bills for the year ending in May 1718: viz. 1,691l. 18s. 3d. A warrant [is] ordered. (Delivered ut supra.)
The memorial [from the] Commissioners of Excise for repayment of inferior officers' salaries [sic for assessments on their salaries]. Ordered. (Delivered to the hands of Mr. P.)
Mr. Byerly [his petition] proposing his security as Collector of [his Majesty's revenue for the Province of] New York. Referred to the [King's] Remembrancer to examine the sufficiency of the security. (Delivered ut supra.)
Mr. Cracherode's memorial concerning the cause of Battin against Coleman and Bright, two of his Majesty's officers in New Forest. [My Lords order] Mr. Cracherode to pay the cost of the suit and as much of the Attorney's bill as is reasonable and to attend Mr. Attorney General whether it will be advisable to bring an information of intrusion in the King's name against Battin. (Delivered to the hands of Mr. T.)
Mr. Cracherode's memorial concerning Mr. Gordon's proposal for payment of a debt of 1,217l. 5s. 2d. due to his Majesty. [My Lords order] Mr. Lynn, Mr. Mulcaster, Mr. Gordon and Capt. Armstrong to attend on Thursday the 19th inst. and [order the Treasury clerks] to look out the report of the Secretary at War and the Comptrollers [of Army Accounts.] (Delivered ut supra.)
The Cofferer [of the Household his] memorial for 1,000l. for the Board of Greencloth. Ordered. (Delivered ut supra.)
The Taxes Commissioners' report about gold coin in the hands of the Collectors of [assessments on the servants &c.] of the palaces [of Whitehall, Kensington and St. James's]. Let all demands of this kind be referred to the same Commissioners and their reports [be] kept together in order to the obtaining a clause in an Act of Parliament for the allowance thereof. (Delivered ut supra.)
Mr. Smithin, the King's Goldsmith [his] account [for plate &c. delivered] from 29th Sept. 1717 to 24 Dec. following. Prepare a warrant. (Delivered ut supra.)
The Officers of the Admiralty [their petition praying for the assessments on their salaries for] taxes for the year ending at Lady day 1718 to be remitted [refunded]. Ordered. (Delivered ut supra.)
The Field Officers and Captains of the late six Marine Regiments [their petition is read]. Desire the late Commissioners for Disbanding the Marines to state the nature of this demand; with their observations and opinions thereon. (Delivered ut supra.)
The memorial of Mr. Appletre relating to the Surveyor General's report about his lease of the [water bailiwick of the] Severn. Refer the point of law to the Attorney and Solicitor General. (Delivered to the hands of L.)
John Rowley [his bill] for the watering engine at Windsor. Referred to the Board of Works. (Delivered ut supra.)
James Ogilvie, officer of the Customs in Orkney [Islands, his petition] for an increase of salary. Refer to the Commissioners of the Revenue in Scotland. (Delivered ut supra.)
Mr. Anstis [his petition] for his salary. Let Mr. Cracherode examine and certify whether there has been any prosecution at law against his patent. (Delivered ut supra.)
Mr. Popple's report relating to Capt. Taverner, late Surv[eyor] of Newfoundland. Extract all the former demands and minutes relating to this affair. (Delivered ut supra.)
The order of Council referring [to the Treasury Lords] the petition of Cha. Osborne, Esq. Read. (Delivered ut supra.)
The petition of Mr. St. Lo. Read and rejected. (Delivered ut supra.) Register of Papers T 4/20, pp. 156–7.
June 12. Entry of petitions, memorials, reports &c. this day read.
The petition of John Elphinstone, Deputy Keeper of the Cottonian Library. [My Lords order him] to be paid his arrear of 70l. per an. from the time he was last paid. (Delivered to the hands of Mr. T.)
David Casley, present Deputy Keeper of the said Library, [his petition. My Lords order] Mr. Casley to have the allowance of 70l. per an. for the future: to be paid quarterly. (Delivered ut supra.)
The Corporation of Berwick on Tweed [praying] for the remainder of the King's moiety of prize brandy taken in Holy Island. Prepare warrants to dispose this as the last was. (Delivered to the hands of Mr. P.)
The memorial from the Board of Works relating to the Joiner [of the Works] and Purveyor [to the Works. My Lords order] this to be considered by a full Board of Works. [Under this minute is written the name Mr. Smallwell.] (Delivered to the hands of Mr. T.)
A letter from A. B. about the disaffection of an officer in the Leather Duty. Insert an advertisement in the Gazette. (Delivered to the hands of L.)
Sir Roger Mostyn's report relating to Mr. Whittingham and to moneys issued on account of recruits. [My Lords order] Mr. Auditor Godolphin or his deputy to send to the Treasury such certificates of Rec[eivers of Taxes who have made payments] of recruit money as are in that Office: [and to] Sir Roger Mostyn the like: and [request] both to attend [on the] 19th June 1718. (Delivered ut supra.) Ibid., p. 158.
June 13,
Treasury Appointment.
Mr. Fauquire to attend at 10 a'clock. Appointment Book T 64/4, p. 102.
June 13.
Treasury Minutes.
Earl of Sunderland, Mr. Chancellor [of the Exchequer], Mr. Baillie, Mr. Langton.
Dr. Fauquiere attending according to order, my Lords order a letter signed John Storey & Son proposing to buy a quantity of the tin now in the Tower to be read and [my Lords] agree to sell 50 tons of tin to them at 3l. 8s. 0d. [the hundredweight] to be paid upon the delivery of the said tin. Prepare a warrant to Dr. Fauquiere to that purpose.
Issue 500l. to Mr. Marshall, Keeper of his Majesty's Stud. Treasury Minute Book XXIV, p. 42.
June 13. Entry of petitions, memorials, reports &c. this day read.
Lord Strathnaver's memorial. His Majesty agrees to the memorial. (Delivered to the hands of Mr. K.)
Mr. Chetwynd's report about Guy Palmes, Esq. Respited. (Delivered to the hands of L).
The petition of Sir Robert Constable. My Lords cannot continue the salary from Xmas last, but as to the 24l. my Lords will desire the Commissioners to insert the same in their incidents bills. (Delivered ut supra.)
The Auditors of the [Crown Lands] Revenue [their] report on Mr. Hewit's petition. Respited till next petition day. (Delivered ut supra.)
The Auditors of Imprests' report about the late Agents for tin [their petition]. [The petition is] rejected. (Delivered ut supra.)
The Attorney General's [report] and Mr. Cracherode's report about Walter Douglas. [My Lords order the matter] to be stated as [to how] it now stands. (Delivered to the hands of Mr. P.)
The petition of Francis Jones. Referred to the Customs Commissioners. (Delivered ut supra.)
Mr. How's report about Col. Handaside's [Regiment's] Officers. To be considered again after Mr. Merrill has informed my Lords what money is in his hands upon account of the respits of this Regiment. (Delivered to the hands of L.)
Mr. Jodrel's report about Mrs. Wybergh. Desire Mr. Speaker [of the House of Commons] to give my Lords his opinion as to the reasonableness of this demand. (Delivered to the hands of Mr. T.)
Lord Lansdown [his petition] about the rent of Mote Park. [Payment on the rent is] ordered. (Delivered to the hands of Mr. T.)
The memorial [from the] Duke of Grafton about repairs in Whittlewood Forest. Referred to the Surveyor [General] of the Woods. (Delivered ut supra.)
William Innys [his petition] about drawback [of Duty on paper] for books printed at Cambridge. See if it is according to the Act of Parliament [10 Anne, c. 19, cl. 63]. (Delivered to the hands of Mr. P.)
Mary Rose, alias Baker, [her petition]. See what salary is due. (Delivered to the hands of Mr. T.)
Eliza[beth] Purdy [her petition] for the remittance of a fine. Referred to the Commissioners of Excise. (Delivered to the hands of Mr. P.)
Robert Payne [his petition praying] to have affidavits delivered up. Mr. Powys to give my Lords an account of the purport of these affidavits. (This petition delivered ut supra.)
The Stamp Officers [their petition praying for their] taxes to be remitted. See if there be any precedent [for refunding Land Taxes on salaries] in this Office. (Delivered ut supra.)
The Cashier of the Bank of England [his petition] for [payment of] interest of Annuities. Make an estimate of what interest is due and my Lords will imprest money to the Cashier for the payment. (Delivered to the hands of Mr. T.)
Mr. Cracherode's report relating to Mr. Anstis. Respited till the Attorney General reports. (Delivered to the hands of L.)
The petition of William Pitt, Keeper of Newgate. Read before. Rejected. (Delivered to the hands of Mr. T.)
The report from Lord Halifax [Auditor of the Receipt] relating to Geo. Booth, Esq. Agreed to. (Delivered to the hands of L.)
The Band of Gentlemen Pensioners [their petition]. Respited till the [late] Queen's [Civil List] arrears are considered. (Delivered ut supra.)
Fra. Palmer [his petition] relating to abuses in the tobacco trade. Referred to Mr. Lowndes. (Delivered ut supra.)
Edward Nicholas, Esq., late Paymaster of [the late Queen's private] pensions [his petition]. Respited till the [late] Queen's [Civil List] arrears are considered. (Delivered ut supra.)
John Leith, Esq. [his petition]. Referred to the Barons of the Exchequer in Scotland. (Delivered ut supra.)
Sir William Lowther [his letter] about the Receiver of Yorkshire making his receipt [of taxes] at the Sign of the Castle in Pontefract. My Lords think Mr. Wilkinson will not deny [refuse] this if requested by Sir William Lowther. (Delivered ut supra.)
The petition of James Duke Crispe. To be read when Lord Sunderland is here. (Delivered ut supra.)
The draft of a minute upon a hearing between the Commissioners of Customs and the East India Company. This is to be entered. (Delivered to the hands of Mr. K.)
The report from the Board of Works of the charge of repairing his Majesty's Guard Houses. This expense to be paid out of the Contingencies [of the Forces.] (Delivered to the hands of Mr. T.)
The report from same on the work to be done at Hampton Court. Agreed to. (Delivered ut supra.)
The report from same relating to his Majesty's barge houses. Agreed to. (Delivered ut supra.)
The report from same about a private way at Hampton Court between the Princess's and the young Princesses' apartments. The occasion is ceased. (Delivered ut supra.)
The report from same about works to be done at St. James's. Read. (Delivered ut supra.) Register of Papers T 4/20, pp. 159–60.
June 14. Entry of petitions, memorials, reports &c. this day read.
The petition of Hen. Flower to be [appointed] Receiver General for part of Wiltshire. Referred to the Commissioners of Taxes. (Delivered to the hands of L.)
The petition of William Cobbe, Receiver of Cheshire, for extraordinary allowances [for the expenses of his receipt]. Referred ut supra. (Delivered ut supra.)
The petition of Benj[amin] Derbie, Receiver General for Co. Dorset, for the like extraordinary allowances. Referred ut supra. (Delivered ut supra.)
A letter from R. P. about a scheme for the disposal of tin [deposited] in the Tower of London. Prepare an advertisement [for the Gazette]. (Delivered ut supra.)
[The letter from] Monsieur D'Ilten [Jobst Hermann Ilten] desiring a little box with two pictures come from France to be passed at the Custom House. Referred to the Customs Commissioners. (Delivered to the hands of Mr. P.)
The Surveyor General of [Crown] Lands [his] report on the petition of John Huggins. Agreed to. (Delivered to the hands of Mr. T.)
The petition of Sir James Abercrombie. [My Lords order] 1,000l. to Sir J. Abercrombie as of his Majesty's bounty and reward of all his services at [inspecting the demolition of] Dunkirk. Make a memorandum for Lord Sunderland. (Delivered ut supra.)
Estimate from the Board of Works of several buildings and works to be done at Hampton Court and St. James's. To be translated [into German for the King]. (Delivered ut supra.)
Mr. Secretary Craggs [his] letter signifying his Majesty's pleasure for 100l. bounty to Mr. Robert Arbuthnot. Prepare a warrant for [same]: to be paid by Mr. Lowther. (Delivered ut supra.)
Memorial of Col. John Armstrong and Thomas Lascelles. Prepare a warrant for the complement for half a year. (Delivered ut supra.)
James Bayley, Receiver General of the Land Tax for Staffordshire, [his petition] desiring to alter one of his sureties. Referred to the Commissioners of Taxes. (Delivered to the hands of L.)
John Rodbard, same for Co. Somerset, [praying payment] for his extraordinary [expenses] allowances. Referred ut supra.
Walter Marshall, same for Co. Gloucester, for the like allowances. Referred ut supra. Thomas Clifford, same for Co. Monmouth, for the like allowances. Referred ut supra. (Delivered ut supra.)
Robert Lightfoot, same for Co. Cambridge, for the like allowances. Referred ut supra. (Delivered ut supra.) Ibid., p. 161.
June 17. Treasury Minutes.
Earl of Sunderland, Mr. Chancellor [of the Exchequer], Mr. Baillie, Mr. Clayton.
[My Lords order] Charles Burniston to be Surveyor of the Woods in America in the room of John Bridges.
Lord Sunderland to have copies of the Instructions to the Board of Works.
[Write to the Great] Wardrobe and the Board of Works to send my Lords an account of the yearly expense of their Offices since his Majesty's accession to the throne, together with an exact account of the fees, salaries, emptions and all other expenses whatsoever incurred since that time, distinguishing each year's expense.
[Write the] Commissioners of Salt Duties to attend to-morrow se'night.
[My Lords order the issue of] 300l. [for] Secret Services [to be issued] in Mr. Lowndes's name.
Abstract the particular cases of those ladies [wives] of forfeiting persons who have children, what powers are [given] in the Act of 4 Geo. I., c. 8, to provide for them and what free estates their fathers were possessed of after deduction of the ladies' joyntures.
[Write] to the Commissioners of Customs in Scotland to pay Mr. Pargiter 200l. and to insert the same as incidents of the Customs [in Scotland] in reward of his care and expenses in pursuing the discovery of the frauds at Inverness.
[My Lords direct] 1,000l. to Col. Negus for the Stables. Treasury Minute Book XXIV
p. 44.
June 18.
Treasury Minutes.
Earl of Sunderland, Mr. Chancellor [of the Exchequer], Mr. Baillie, Mr. Clayton.
Ordered 1,000l. (out of loans on the Land Tax anno 1718) to the Captains appointed to regulate the press[ing] of seamen and other services relating thereunto. To be placed on the head of Wages. Ibid., p. 45.
June 18. Entry of petitions, memorials, reports &c. this day read.
The petition of Cha. Mason. My Lords will upon Mr. Mason's paying 1,500l. into the Exchequer allow him the Sheriff's poundage in his accompt as Paymaster of the Transports. (Delivered to the hands of L.)
Mr. Howe's report upon the petition of Col. Handaside's Officers. Prepare a warrant. (Delivered to the hands of Mr. T.) Register of Papers T 4/20, p. 162.
the 19th
Treasury Appointments.
Capt. Armstrong, Mr. Lynn, Mr. Gordon, Mr. Mulcaster to attend at 11 a'clock. Appointments Book T 64/4, p. 103.
June 19.
Treasury Minutes.
Earl of Sunderland, Mr. Chancellor [of the Exchequer], Mr. Baillie, Mr. Clayton.
Prepare an estimate of the [Civil List] debt of her late Majesty now remaining [unpaid] in the several Offices.
[Write the] Commissioners of Customs to attend on Tuesday next in the afternoon.
[My Lords] ordered 34,564l. 8s. 0d. to be issued to the Earl of Lincoln (out of loans on the Land Tax anno 1718) for half pay to the Officers of the Army for the first half year of 1718.
Mr. Cracherode [is] called in. His report relating to the prosecution against George Gordon, late Agent for the Garrisons of Annapolis and Placentia, is read.
My Lords direct that Gordon assign all his interest in the securities in Mulcaster's hands to the said Mulcaster, and thereupon the prosecution against Gordon [is] to be staid till he has had time to recover the rest of the debt from Mawson.
[This matter is] to be further considered on Wednesday morning next.
Prepare a letter to the Barons of the Exchequer in Scotland for a signature in favour of Lady Panmure, revocable at the King's pleasure.
Mr. Lynn, Mr. Mulcaster, Mr. Gordon, Major Armstrong and Mr. Cracherode [are appointed] to attend on Wednesday morning next.
The Duke of Somerset's letter is read complaining that a Declaration is delivered against him in the Exchequer Court by one John Bignel, a sadler, on account of the late Queen's debt [owing to Bignel] in the Stables.
My Lords say there is no money in the Exchequer applicable to the payment of these demands: but when any money arisen by sale of her Majesty's tin comes into the Exchequer and the loan [on said tin has first been] paid off my Lords will give his Grace a preference to all other payments of this [Civil List] kind, and [will] put money into his hands to pay not only Bignal the sadler but all other persons that have any demands on his Grace in respect to her late Majesty's Stables. Treasury Minute Book XXIV, p. 46.
June 19. Entry of petitions, memorials, reports &c. this day read.
The memorial of Alexander Pendarves, Esq., for his salary as Surveyor General [of Crown Lands]. Ordered. (Delivered to the hands of Mr. T.)
The memorial of Lord Cobham desiring the Crown to bear the charge of a prosecution at law carried on against him for seizing guns &c. in Windsor Forest. Ordered. (Delivered ut supra.)
The Earl of Lincoln's report about the difference between English and Irish pay of Web's and Orrery's Regiments. [Referred] to the Paymaster of the Army to know if he has [in his hands] any money of the year 1715 to pay this. (Delivered ut supra.)
[The Principal] Officers of the Ordnance [their] report about Col. Vetch. He must pass his accounts with the Board of Ordnance in the ordinary form. (Delivered to the hands of L.)
The letter from the Duke of Somerset about demands of the Stables in the late Queen's reign. (Minute verbatim ut supra.) (Delivered ut supra.)
The petition of Sarah Mathews. His Majesty cannot grant this pension for her life. The quit rents of Virginia are o're charged with pensions already. My Lords therefore think it more for her interest to have her pension continue to be paid where it now is. (Delivered ut supra.)
Henry Worseley, Esq. [his pension]. There is no money in the Exchequer applicable to the payment of these demands. But when any money arisen by sale of her late Majesty's tin comes into the Exchequer my Lords will reconsider the same. (Delivered ut supra.) Register of Papers T 4/20, p. 163.
June 20. Treasury Minutes.
Earl of Sunderland, Mr. Chancellor [of the Exchequer], Mr. Wallop, Mr. Baillie, Mr. Clayton.
My Lords direct that when any orders of loan are signed by their Lordships, the day on which the interest on the same commences together with the names and sums total be entered in the Minute Book.
[My Lords order] Mr. Robert Corbet to be Receiver General of the Taxes for part of the County of Surrey in the room of John Nuthall, deceased.
The draft of a privy seal for making sundry allowances in the accompts of Col. Clement Nevill as late Paymaster of the [British] prisoners in Spain is read and approved.
[My Lords sign] 30 orders of loan on the Malt Act anno 1718 for 500l. each (making 15,000l. in all) in the name of Harry Mordaunt, Esq., as Treasurer of the Ordnance: assigned by [? him to] John Lansdell: interest at 4 per cent. commences 18 June. Treasury Minute Book XXIV, p. 47.
June 20. Entry of petitions, memorials, reports &c. this day read.
The report from the Board of Works on the charge of maintaining the lamps at Westminster [Hall &c. during] the [Parliamentary] Sessions 1715–16. [Payment of the bill is] ordered. (Delivered to the hands of Mr. T.)
The Duke of Newcastle [his letter] signifying his Majesty's pleasure for a new building to be erected at Kensington [Palace] with a plan thereof annexed. Referred to the Board of Works. (Delivered to the hands of L.)
The Taxes Commissioners' report about Mr. Baylie's altering [one of] his security as Receiver for the Duties on houses in Staffordshire. Agreed to. (Delivered ut supra.)
A letter from Mr. Basket about taking off the respit from Mr. Croke, Receiver General of the Taxes for Oxfordshire. When the Commissioners for Taxes certify the payment of the 6,000l. in Mr. Croker's hands my Lords will take off the respit. (Delivered ut supra.) Register of Papers T 4/20, p. 164.
24 June,
Treasury Appointments.
The Customs Commissioners to attend. Appointment Book T 64/4, p. 104.
June 24.
Treasury Minutes.
Mr. Chancellor of the Exchequer, Mr. Wallop, Mr. Baillie, Mr. Clayton.
Sir Walter Yonge, one of the Commissioners of Customs, has leave of absence [granted to him by my Lords] for three months.
Write to the Commissioners of [the Duties on] hides for an account of the established charge of the Duties on leather under their care.
The Treasurer of the Navy [is] called in. He presents a memorial for 23,265l. to answer several services of the Navy. My Lords will consider it. Treasury Minute Book XXIV, p. 48.
Eodem die,
Present: Earl of Sunderland, Mr. Chancellor [of the Exchequer]. Mr. Baillie, Mr. Clayton.
The Customs Commissioners, Mr. Offley and Mr. Perry, are called in.
The Act of Parliament to enable the Treasury to compound with the sureties of Mr. Offley and Mr. Perry is read. My Lords accept the second proposal of Mr. Offley.
Several reports of the [said] Commissioners are read upon petitions referred [to them] by my Lords and minutes [are] taken upon them [and endorsed on them].
[Write] to the Agents for Taxes to acquaint my Lords with the reasons of Alderton's dismission and [to inform my Lords] who succeeds him. Ibid.
June 24. Entry of petitions, memorials, reports &c. this day read.
Sir Bibye Lake (his petition). [My Lords order] Mr. Cracherode to inform my Lords what proceedings have been in Chancery relating to this affair since [the] last hearing before their Lordships. (Delivered to the hands of L.)
A letter from Mr. Secretary Craggs signifying his Majesty's pleasure that a lease pass to Robert, Visct. Molesworth, of a piece of waste ground in Whitehall. [My Lords order] the conditions of the Earl of Holdernesse's lease to be abstracted for the Earl of Sunderland [for his Lordship] to lay before his Majesty and receive his Majesty's further pleasure herein. (Delivered ut supra.)
A letter signed J. T. about the discovery of a silver mine. Mr. Delafaye may insert an advertisement in the Gazette. (Delivered ut supra.)
Mrs. Harneis, widow of John Harneis, late Receiver of Lincolnshire, [her petition]. Referred to the Taxes Commissioners. (Delivered ut supra.
The Lord Chamberlain [his letter] signifying the King's pleasure for several necessaries to be made in the Duke of Roxburgh's Office. [Referred] to the Board of Works to make an estimate. (Delivered to the hands of Mr. T.) Register of Papers T 4/20, p. 165.
25 June,
Treasury Appointments.
Mr. Francis Lynn, Mr. Mulcaster, Mr. Gordon, Major Armstrong and Mr. Cracherode to attend. Appointment Book T 64/4, p. 105.
June 25. Treasury Minutes.
Mr. Chancellor of the Exchequer, Mr. Baillie, Mr. Clayton.
Mr. Sloper presents a memorial signed by the Earl of Lincoln [as Paymaster of the Forces] for subsistence to his Majesty's Forces from the 25th July to the 24th August following amounting to 52,193l. 9s. 0d. My Lords direct [issue of] the same out of money in the Exchequer arisen by loans on Land Tax anno 1718. Treasury Minute Book XXIV, p. 49.
June 25. Entry of petitions, memorials, reports &c. this day read.
The Cofferer [of the Household, his] memorial for 24,285l. for Lady day quarter 1718. Ordered. (Delivered to the hands of Mr. T.)
Mr. Secretary Craggs [his letter] about eight pictures consigned to the Portugal Minister [Dom Luis da Cunha]. Prepare the usual letter [to the Customs Commissioners]. (Delivered to the hands of Mr. P.)
The Lord Chamberlain [his letter] signifying the King's pleasure for a present of 600l. to Count Nostitz. Prepare a warrant for 500l. and 100l. [to be paid by the hand of or] per Mr. Lowther (Delivered ut supra.)
Mr. Girard, Engraver of his Majesty's Seals, his bill. [Referred] to the [Principal] Officers of the Mint to examine this bill and give their opinions. (Delivered to the hands of Mr. T.)
A memorial from the Earl of Lincoln for 52,193l. 9s. 0d. for subsistence for the Forces to 25 July 1718. Ordered out of money in the Exchequer arisen by loans on the Land Tax anno 1718. (Delivered ut supra.)
Sir Mathew Decker [his memorial] desiring a further payment of 4,600l. upon account of subsidies due to the Duke of Wolfenbutle. The difference of the exchange and of the long and short months [is] to be adjusted and an account of it to be laid before my Lords. [My Lords direct] 2,000l. upon account to be issued in the meantime. Register of Papers T 4/20, p. 166.
June 27.
Treasury Minutes.
Mr. Chancellor [of the Exchequer], Mr. Wallop, Mr. Baillie.
Prepare a warrant for the Lord Privy Seal's salary to Midsummer.
My Lords direct Mr. Lowther to pay 12l. to Jacob Chapman for the charge of his journey from Cornwall hither to propose some method to prevent the running of tin on that coast.
[Write the] Auditors of Imprests to attend on Tuesday.
The Commissioners of Salt Duties [are] called in. My Lords observe to them that the several Duties under their management have fallen short for several years past, and direct them to lay a state of their revenue before them [my Lords] with a recapitulation of their [the Commissioners'] former Representations, together with such farther observations of theirs as they conceive may tend to the better regulating and improving the same for the future. Treasury Minute Book XXIV, p. 50.
June 27. Entry of petitions, memorials, reports &c. this day read.
John Girle, mason, his petition for a lease of the quarries in Portland. Referred to the Surveyor General [of Crown Lands] and the Board of Works. (Delivered to the hands of L.)
Sir William Gostwyck [his petition. My Lords order] 100l. to be issued to Mr. Chetwynd to be paid over to Sir William Gostwyck for Lady day quarter 1718. (Delivered to the hands of Mr. T.)
Lord William Powlet [his petition] for damages sustained in his house as a Teller [of the Receipt] when let to the Paymaster of the Lottery. [My Lords order] the Paymaster of this Lottery to issue 25l. to Lord William Powlet and to be allowed in the said Paymaster's accompts. (Delivered ut supra.)
Mr. Cracherode's memorial for 1,000l. [for Crown Law charges]. Prepare a warrant for 500l. (Delivered ut supra.)
A list of several officers in the Stamp Office. [Write] to the Commissioners of Stamp Duties for an account of the whole charge attending that management with the several sums [paid] either by way of salary or incidents set against the names of the several officers. (Delivered to the hands of Mr. P.) Register of Papers T 4/20, p. 167.