
Pages 421-445

Calendar of Documents Preserved in France 918-1206. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1899.

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[Original Documents in Archives of Orne, Sarthe, and Indre et Loire. MSS. Lat. 544], (fn. 1) 12,878, and 12,880; Collection Baluze, MS. 77; Collection Dom Housseau, MS. Touraine, Vol. V.; all in Bibliothèque Nationale.]
[Circ. 1048.]
(MS. lat. 5441 [I.], fo. 193, from original.
Also MS. lat. 12,880, fo. 13; MS. lat.
12,878, fo. 150.
Collection Baluze, Vol. 77, fo. 43.)
1165. Charter of William, prince of the Normans, granting to Albert abbot of Marmoutier, the churches of St. Peter de Portu and others [named], in the island of Guernsey (Grenerodium) their priests to be so subject to the abbot that when any of them dies, or is expelled from his church for an offence, the abbot shall chose another in his place; also the tithe of four ploughs of his demesne in that island, and one tenant on whose holding is to be a habitation for the monk set over that endowment. All this he does with the approval and assent of his wife Meheldis and his son Robert, etc.…
[Signa] Willermi comitis; Meheldi uxoris ejus; Roberti filii ejus; Odonis Bajog[ensis] episcopi; Gaufredi Constantiensis episcopi; Rodulfi camberarii; Guillelmi filii Otberti; Guillelmi de Durvilla; Radulfi Taisonis; Rotgerii de Montegomerici; Ricardi de Belfo; Ricardi vicecomitis; Gauterii iufardi (fn. 2); Rotgerii de Bellomonte; Radulfi abbatis sancti Michaelis; Gazonis prioris; Guillelmi monachi; Theobaudi capellani; Balduini capellani; Arfadii (fn. 3) capellani.
[Circ. 1060.]
(MS. lat. 5451[I.], fo. 195, from original;
MS. lat. 12,878, fo. 151; MS. lat.
12,880, fo. 14.
See Delisle's Histoire
de St. Sauveur,
p. 34.)
1166. Charter of Niel the vicomte confirming (annuo) the gift of six churches in the island of Guernsey (Grenerodium), by his lord William count of the Normans, according to his charter, free from any claim on the part of him or his, to St. Martin of Marmoutier and his monks, his wife Adila, and their sons Rotger, William, another William, and Girard, with their sisters Emma, Bilelde, and Maheldis, consenting, for their souls, etc. …. (details as to the churches and their tenure).
Testes autem qui hoc viderunt et audierunt et..… cartulam mecum pariter tactu manuum confirmaverunt his vocabulis appellati sunt: Adila uxor mea; Rogerius filius meus; Willelmus; Ingulfus dapifer; Rogerius filius Toraldi; Unfredus filius Ansquitilli; Rainaldus Foliot; Ricardus de Sturavilla; Gosfridus filius Rotberti venatoris; Nigellus de Glanvilla; Rodulfus camerarius; Rannulfus cappellanus; Serlus filius Alveredi; Ricardus Britesonis filius.
(MS. Baluze, fo. 44, from Cartulary.)
1167. Notification by the monks of Marmoutier to their successors that a knight of Maine (pagi Cenomannensis) named John son of Guy de Valle in Normandy, in the Vexin (territorio Vilcassino) gave them a certain property (fundum) with the [good]will and assent of his father and of his brother Hamon, namely a moiety of Vesly (Verliacum). He also gave, near by (haut longe) the Whole church of Gournay (Guarniacus) near the river Epte, with a holding (mansura terre) and two mills, seven acres of land and seven tenants. But Guy had received the property of Vesly with his wife Berta, mother of John and Hamo, in marriage, [while] the church of Gournay etc. he bought subsequently. All which, as he was oppressed by age (senio gravis), he gave, as they were far off, to John the elder son, then a young man. But, sometime afterwards, when John was close on thirty years old, being of man's estate, and a knight (militari sub habitu), and sprung from illustrious stock, he felt compunction in his heart by the grace of God—which was haply why he had been named John—and began to shrink from the world, which he saw becoming worse every day. He despised, therefore, the riches of this world, that he might become rich in the poverty of Christ, etc.… At length he selected Marmoutier (hoc Majus Monasterium), and quitting his secular life, became a monk there, bestowing on it the above estate as his father and he himself had held it, to be enjoyed quit of all dues for ever. Wherefore the lord abbot Albert, (fn. 4) then presiding over Marmoutier, to make this gift secure, went to William prince and duke of the Normans, and king of all his land, trusting to his constant friendship and love, and begged him to confirm the above gift. Who, of his pre-eminent liberality, shewn by his numerous gift to them, granted the request with unexpected ease, and confirmed [the gift] before these witnesses:—
[Signa] Willelmi comitis; Maurilii archiepiscopi (fn. 5); Gervasii episcopi (fn. 6); Willelmi episcopi (fn. 7); Rotberti episcopi; Rotberti comitis regis Anglorum filii; Rotberti filii Rotgerii de Bellomonte; Radulfi filii Erluine; Radulfi Pagani; Rotberti filii Rotgerii; Ricardi comitis Ebroicæ urbis; Rotgerii de Monte Gomerico; Radulfi camerarii; Willelmi filii Osberti; Hugonis vicecomitis de Monteforti; Ricardi filii Onfredi; Teodaldi capellani; Rotberti filii Girogii; Gisleberti; Engenulfi de Aquila; Hugonis de Grentameisnil; Gasleberti Crispini; Hugonis Buteillerii (fn. 8); Odonis Instigande; Geraldi senescalci; Hugonis archidiaconi; Balduini.
(MS. lat. 12,878, fo. 145.)
1168. Charter of Conan, count of Britanny, confirming generally to Marmoutier, all its possessions within his comté, and reciting that when he was on his way to his uncle count Theobald of Blois, he visited Marmoutier, for prayer, and receiving from the monks the benefit of admission among their benefactors, had confirmed to them everything they held in Britanny on the day his father Alan died, (fn. 9) or that they might obtain thereafter etc …
videntibus. his baronibus meis: Gaufredo de Meduana, etc. …. Alberico de Ver, etc. …
(MS. lat. 12,878, fo. 151d.)
1169. Notification by the monks of Marmoutier to their successors that William, count of the Normans, when he was, on one occasion, at the hogue of Biville (apud Hogam Boiville), being asked by Fredebert, one of their brethren, who was set over their possessions in Normandy, under abbot Albert, in the year 1062, bestowed on them (donasse) all their dues (consuetudines), new and old, over all the lands held by that monk or under the protection of their house (tuitionis tantum gratia commendatas). And this he did for his soul, and from the love and generosity he had long shewn towards them.
Testibus istis: Rotgerio de Monte Gulmerici; Gauffredo de Calvomonte; Gauscelino forestario; Rotberto Grenone; Hugone forestario.
[Temp. Will. I.]
(MS. lat. 12,878, fo. 276d.
See Delisle's
Histoire de St.
Sauveur, p. 38.)
1170. Recital of the above gift, with details of it, ending:— “Hoc concessit comes manducans ad La Hoge de Boiville, audientibus Rogerio de Monte Gomario, Guillelmo Osberti filio, Hugone forestario, quem voluit percutere de una espalla porci, pro [eo] quod contradicebat illud donum.”
This [gift] St. Martin enjoyed till Robert Bertrannus became vicomte, when he plundered them therein, saying he knew, nothing of the king having done this. Then Gauslin the monk, at the bidding of Rainald the monk, crossed the sea on his business, and made complaint to the king, who, wrathful, sent him back, with his chaplain Bernard son of Hospac to the queen, directing her to do St. Martin justice on [Robert] Bertrannus and restore the plunder. The queen, obeying him, compelled Robert to restore all that he had taken of St. Martin's property, on the feast of St. John, in the Nativity, at Cherbourg (in domo de Ceresbroch), in the hearing of the bishops of Lisieux and Avranches, Richard the vicomte, Heudo, [and] Humfrey de Bohun (Buhonensi).
(MS. lat. 12,878, fo. 184, MS. Baluze, fo. 50, both from Cartulary.)
1171. Notification by the monks of Marmoutier to their successors that Robert de Toeniaco uncle of Dom (Domni) John their fellow monk, (fn. 10) son of Guy de Valle, had granted to St. Martin and them all his rights at Gournay (Guarniacum), on condition that if he wished to become a monk among them, he should be received by them with what he should bring for it; and if he should not wish to do so, and his brother, Berenger Spina by name, should wish it, and should have his permission—should he be alive—he (Berenger) should not be refused by them. If neither of them desired it, and he, Robert, should have a son who sought admission for himself, [then] if Robert and Berenger consented—should they be living—that son should not be refused by them so long as he were of six years old or upwards. This agreement was first made by Robert, with certain of their brethren, before William count of the Normans, and then, coming into their chapter, Albert being abbot, in the year 1063 (MLXIII.) he confirmed it there. With him was Berenger his son, who confirmed (auctorizavit) what his father had done, and a man of his, Galquelin by name, (fn. 11) who will (debebit) testify to this. And in the court of the Norman count, where this agreement was first made, there were present:—
Radulfus Taxonis, Tetbaldus filius Bernerii, Hugo Britto, Rotbertus filius Gerogii, Richardus filius Torestini, Giraldus siniscalcus.
[1060–1066. (fn. 12) ]
(MS. lat. 12,878, fo. 181.
MS. lat. 5441 [III.], fo. 5.)
1172. Recital of a long dispute between the monks of Marmoutier and those of St. Pierre de la Couture (Le Mans) concerning land which Guy de Valle had given the former, near his castle of La Val, for making a bourg. Eventually, when the count (i.e., William) was holding his court at Domfront, he held a plea concerning this matter, when both he and his court gave judgement that the monks of Marmoutier (nos) should offer the ordeal (judicium portare), but that Guy need only swear that he had never given the property in dispute, etc.
On Reinald the abbot refusing his oath, the count directed that the property should be restored to the monks of Marmoutier. And thus the case so long in doubt was decided by a public and lawful judgment.
Hujus definitionis testes:—Guillelmus ipse comes; Odo episcopus Bajocaensis; Johannes episcopus Abrincatensis; Hugo abbas de Longoledo; Gauscelinus presbyter; Johannes (fn. 13) monachus noster; Lanfrancus monachus (fn. 14); Rivallonus de Dol; Ricardus vicecomes Abrincatinus; Ranulfus vicecomes Bajocacensis; Galterius Tyrellus; Hamo de Valle filius Guidonis; Gauslinus de Altanoisa; Burcardus de Cadurcis; Lisiardus de Alvers; Gauslinus frater Lisiardi, etc. (six others).
(MSS. lat. 5441 [II], fo. 28 from original;
12,878, fo. 227.)
1173. Notification to future inmates of St. Martin's monastery, Marmoutier, that when William count of the Normans was about to cross the sea, and preparing for war against the people (gentem) of the English, he was entreated by one of their brethren John, son of Guy de Valle, at the bidding of their abbot Bartholomew, that he would cause to be confirmed by his son Robert all the gifts he had made to them himself, or had granted [permission] for them to hold within his land, because he was now of sufficient (majoris) age to give a spontaneous confirmation. Then the count, so bountiful in his gifts, and no less foreseeing in confirming them, sent for his son and asked him to give the confirmation required. He made no objection, but, entirely of his free will, gladly confirmed all that his father had given the monks, and granted them within his dominions.
Actum apud urbem Rotomagi anno ab Incarnatione 1066, presidente nobis anno IIIo domno abbate Bartolomeo, testibus istis: Johanne episcopo Abrincatensi (fn. 15); Roberto comite; Rogerio de Monte Gulmeriaco; Willelmo filio Osberti; Willelmo filio ejus; Rogerio de Bellomonte; Hugone de Grento Mansionilli; Ilgerio pedagogo ipsius Roberti filii comitis; Roberto de Guitot; Giraldo coquo, famulo monachi (sic).
[Circ. 1073.]
(MS. Baluze, fo. 43d.
See Delisle's Histoire
de St. Sauveur
, p. 36.)
1174. Notification by king William and Nigel son of Nigel, that the latter has confirmed his father's gift to St. Martin, Marmoutier, of six churches in Guernsey (Grenerodium) at the prayer of abbot Bartholomew and the other monks, receiving from the abbot himself the benefit of the house (loci) and a goodly carpet (tapetio satis optimo). This is corroborated by the hand of William king of the English, who was at Le Mans, at the time, on certain business of his.
Signum Willelmi regis Anglorum; Rotgerius de Bellomonte; Hainricus filius ejus; Ingelrannus filius Ilberti; Rotgerius de Virico; Unfredus de Ostrehanno; Willelmus filius Helgui; Hugo episcopus de Luxovio; Hugo de Gurniaco; Ricardus de Curci; Rodulfus filius Herluini; Willelmus filius Hastenchi; Rotgerius senescalcus episcopi Baiocacensis.
(MS. lat. 12,878, fo. 236d.)
1175. Letter of William I. to his wife. “William, by the “grace of God, king of the English to Mathildis the queen, his “dear wife, perpetual weal. I notify thee that I grant to “St. Martin of Marmoutier, quit of all due, the church of “St. Mary of Puix, (de Podiis) with its allod, as Hilgo the “priest held it on the day he died. And I bid thee make all “St. Martin's land in Normandy, as is right, free of all tax “collectors (gravatoribus) and foresters, and specially do thou “direct Hugolin of Cherbourg (de Caroburgo) to interfere no “more therein.”
[? 1084.]
(Charters of Marmoutier. See
Lobinean's Histoire
de Bretague
II., 118.)
1176. [Notification that] Geoffrey count of the Bretons, called “Boterel” having decided to endow the abbey of Marmoutier, summoned to his presence Bernard its abbot, who found him at Dol, where the count gave him lands in the presence of Dru (Drogo) who had been archbishop of Rheims, Ralf de Lindisiacis, and others, by consent of all his brothers, namely Brian (Brientius) count in England (Anglicæ terræ) and Alan Rufus his successor, and another Alan who was called Niger—this third succeeded [him] in the kingdom (in regno).
(MS. Baluze, fo. 60 bis, from Cartulary.)
1177. Notification by the monks of Marmoutier that William king of the English realm (terre) and noble prince of Normandy remitted to St. Martin of Marmoutier and his monks, throughout his realm, toll on fish and on everything the monks might bring for the use of their brethen, and, to establish the truth of this, they add these three witnesses:—
Hugonem comitem [de Cestria]; Ricardum de Curceio (fn. 16); Eudonem senescalcum.
[? Temp. Will. II.]
(MS. lat. 5441 [I.], fo. 199.)
1178. Notification that Hugh de Insula son of William son of Stur (Sturi) of the Isle of Wight (fn. 17) (Guitti) gave St. Martin of Marmoutier and his monks the tithe of the mill of Torlavilla which he held of the count of Normandy by hereditary right in the sight, and with the consent of his brothers Rotger and Gervase, for which Ralf the prior gave him, in love (caritate) a certain mule, which he gave his brother Roger who was about to go to Rome.
Quod viderunt predicti fratres ejus, et de hominibus suis; Nigellus senescalcus ejus, (fn. 18) et Richardus prepositus ejus, et Brienius; et de nostris, Rogo et Rivallonius, et Radulfus de Groceio, etc.…
(MS. lat 5441 [I.], fo. 199.)
1179. Notification to all the monks of Marmoutier that Ertald has given to St. Martin and his monks, namely Dom (Domnus) Ralf, nephew of Gilbert bishop of Lisieux and Dom Walter, dwelling in the island, of Guernsey (Grenerolii) 5 acres of land in that island, namely that of Adela sister of Robert as quit of all demands as is the altar of St. Martin. This gift is confirmed by his wife Origia, then ill, his sons Ralf, Robert, and William.
Hoc viderunt et audierunt: Radulfus filiús Dode; Ebrardus prepositus; Guillelmus; Gundemarus homo supradicti Ertaldi. Facta est hec donatio anno ab incarnatione Domini MXCI. procurante Rotberto comite Normannie, in ipso anno quo frater ejus rex Anglorum Guillelmus filius gloriosissimi regis Guillelmi de transmarinis Normanniam venit; regnante Philippo rege in Gallia.
(MS. lat. 12,880, No. 344.)
1180. Charter of Henry I. granting to abbot Hilgot and the monks of Marmoutier, for the souls of his father and mother, and for absolution of his crimes and those of Mathildis his wife, whatever was given by his father William king of the English, in Normandy or in England, or by his nobles, namely the churches of Guernsey, Heauville, Bohun, Perrières, Vesly, with all their appurtenances, and what Ralph Paganellus gave them at York, namely, the church of the Holy Trinity.
(MS. lat. 12,880, fo. 149 [pencil].
See Lobineau II., 142.)
1181. Charter of Geoffrey lord of Dinan, notifying that he has given the monks of Marmoutier two manors he possessed in England, by the gift of king Henry, his eldest son Oliver and his other sons joining in the gift, and his wife Orieldis confirming (concedente) it.
[? 1156.]
(MS. Dom Housseau: Touraine V., 1762.)
1182. Charter of Henry II. addressed to the archbishop of Tours and all his lieges of Touraine. He notifies that Reginald Espoudri has come into his presence at Saumur and there admitted (recognovit) before him that he had no right to certain lands and dues, and admitted that he had admitted this in the chapter of Marmoutier before Malet the king's prévôt of Tours, etc.
Testibus: cancellario Toma, et Ricardo de Humez, et Joisleno de Turon[is] dapifero, et Gaufrido de Cleier, et Hugone fratre suo. Apud Salmuram.
[? 1162.]
(Vidimus in archives of the Sarthe, H. 371.)
1183. Charter of Henry II. addressed generally. He takes under his protection the monks of Marmoutier, especially their priory (domum) at Bouère (Boeria), and he notifies that it has been proved in his court at Angers that the monks there have alone the right to a winepress (pressorium) at Bouère or in the vineyards adjoining it. Wherefore at the prayer of Robert abbot of Marmoutier, Richard prior of Bouère, etc., he confirms this decision etc.…
Testibus: cancellario Gaufrido Ridel; Willelmo Martini et Germano scriptoribus meis; Gaufrido Anglico, magistro Stephano Fulgeriensi capellanis meis; Guillelmo episcopo Cenomannensi, Gaufrido Andegavensi, Roth[r]odo Ebroicensi; Petro filio Guidonis custos (sic) turris Cenomannensis, et Guillelmo de Lanvalaio.
(Charters of Loc Marie Priory. See Lobineau II., 309.)
1184. [Notification that] Henry II. among his benefits to the Bretons, sets free the priory of Loc Marie from all demands, so that its tenants should be liable for no payments save to the nuns and their officers.
Hujus donationis testes fuerunt duo Legati, magister Albertus et Theodwinus, (fn. 19) et episcopi tres, scilicet dominus Stephanus Redonensis et dominus Robertus Nannet[ensis] et dominus.
Gaufridus Corisapitensis; Guil[lelmus] filius Hamonis senescallus, et multi alii probi viri. Actum est hoc apud Cenomannum (fn. 20) … MCLXXII.
[1173, 18 June.]
(Charters of Marmoutier. See Lobineau II., 142.)
1185. [Notification that] Oliver de Dinan, son of Oliver, grants to the monks of Marmoutier certain lands in England, namely Nothoella and Helpefort.
Testibus: Alano filio Brient; Ruellone Gobione et Guegono Gobione; Gaufrido Rege Armigerorum… xiv. kal. Julii tempore dissensionis Regis Anglie Henrici et filii sui Henrici.
[N. D.]
(Seal perfect [Drawing]. Legend: “Sigillum Richardi Ducis Aquitaine, Comitis Pictavensis.” MS. lat. 5441 [I.], fo. 452.)
1186. Charter of Richard son of the king of England, count of Poitou, addressed to all his officers and men. He gives and grants to the prior of Fontaines certain rights in the marsh of Longueville, as his father Henry king of England and his mother A[lienor] the queen granted them etc.…
Testibus: Willelmo Capone, etc.…
[Temp. Ric. I.]
(MS. lat. 5441, fo. 137, from original, with seal of the bishop in yellow wax, on parchment tags.
Legend: Ricardus Dei Gratia Laudunsis (sic) Episcopus: St. Paul seated, on counterseal.)
1187. Charter of Richard bishop of London addressed to all within the diocese of London. He notifies that William prior of Mentenai (Mentiniacum) with the assent and [good]will of his chapter, has granted, in his presence to William de Essia, chaplain, all the tithes that the monks of Mentenai possess in Clarent’ and Redeswell’ and Deldham, for his life, to be held for the annual pension of 40 shillings, which he is to pay every year at Canterbury.
Hiis testibus: Alardo archidiacono Lund[oniensi]; Willelmo de Elis (fn. 21) domini regis thesaurario; Alano et Ricardo capellanis.
(Dom Housseau, Touraine, Vol. V., No. 2016.
See Archives d’ Anjou II., 14.)
1188. Charter of Robert de Turnham, seneschal of Richard king of the English, notifying that by the direction and desire of his lord king Richard, he has given the abbot and monks of Marmoutier 3000 shillings, to be received annually for ever, from the king's share of the toll at Angers, which is divided between the king and the bishop, in exchange for Carbuhe. The monks are to hold one key of the toll chest, and to receive that sum first without question.
Actum est hoc apud Andegavim, anno incarnati verbi MCXCVIIo, testibus: Andrea de Vitriaco; Guillelmo de Musterleis; magistro Philippo de Chinone; Stephano Ame[none]; Reginaldo clerico, et multis aliis.
1198, 12 Aug.
(Ibid. Ibid. See ut supra p. 13.)
1189. Charter of Richard I. repeating the above gift.
Hiis testibus: Roberto de Turneham senescallo; Andrea [de Vitriaco]; Willelmo de Mauleone; magistro Philippo de Chinone; Petro de Rupibus; Stephano Amen[one]; Girardo de Atties. Data per manum Eustachii Elyensis episcopi cancellarii nostri, apud Hoilli, xiia die Augusti, anno regni nostri IXo.
(Original in archives of the Orne, H. 2156. (fn. 22)
Seal broken.
Trans. [140 B], Vol. I. fo. 80.)
1190. [Notification that] on a certain St. Leonard's day earl Roger [de Montgomery] was present (at the priory of Belesme), and with him several men of consequence, whom he had invited for his own honour and for the glory of the Priory. Among them was Robert bishop of Sées, who at the request of the earl and of the brethren, sang mass that day, and who tried, from greed, to retain the offerings, at the mass, for himself. The brethren, seeing with horror this monstrous deed (velut monstrum) took them by force, and not without brawling, from a clerk of his, to whose keeping he had committed them. In his wrath at this, the bishop declared that he would excommunicate the priory and them. Thereupon earl Roger made complaint of the bishop of Sées John archbishop of Rouen, and, on the appointed day, the brethren came to Rouen to plead therein. There, at the palace, in the presence of the king and queen of the English, earl Roger made complaint that the bishop of Sées had presumed to excommunicate St. Leonard's Priory without cause. The bishop, on the other hand, charged the brethren with depriving him of his right to the offertories, throughout his diocese. On this, the king and queen, enquired of earl Roger concerning the position (status) of that church. The earl and brethren clearly explained that William de Belesme (Bellissimo) had built it for the remission of his sins, and by direction of Pope Leo had made it free, and that from the day of its dedication, no archbishop or bishop had possessed any rights (consuetudinem) in it or any power to excommunicate it. There were also present men of great age, who had seen and heard that this was so, prepared to prove what had been stated according to the king's decision. Having heard this, the king and queen bade John the archbishop and Roger de Bellomonte and many other barons pronounce judgment therein (facerent inde judicium) according to what they heard. And they, having taken counsel, together (abito consilio) gave judgment that this church, which enjoyed freedom by such authority and such repeated confirmations, and had continued free so long, should remain so thenceforth for ever; [and] that the bishop had wronged not only earl Roger, but also the king, of whom he (Roger) held the church. The archbishop also said that there were churches in his [own] diocese in which he had no rights (consuetudinem). Thus bishop Robert redressed the wrong he had done to the king and to earl Roger; and it was decreed (diffinitum) that if archbishop or bishop should presume to trouble that church again, he should, by apostolic and royal authority, be cut off from the communion of the faithful until [he made] satisfaction.
Hoc viderunt Guillelmus rex et Mathildis regina, Johannes Rothomagensis archiepiscopus, Robertus Sagiensis episcopus, comes Rogerius, Robertus de Belismo, Rogerus de Bellomonte, Warinus Curvisus, Guillelmus et Hascuinus canonici, Amellandus, et multi alii.
[Before Sept.]
(“Original” in archives of the Orne, H. 2159. Also MS. lat. 5441 [II.]
fo. 306.
Trans. [140 B.], Vol. I. fo. 84.
[Abstract in French].)
1191. Notification by the monks of Marmoutier that the dispute of long standing between them and John bishop of Sées concerning two churches in the territory of Belesme (Belismensis), namely Dancé (Danciacum) and St. Martin of Vieux Belesme, was at length settled by the act and mediation of the glorious and worshipful king of the English, Henry, in the year 1126 (MCXXVI.), the king “as father and brother ” of the church of Marmoutier,” objecting to a diminution of its endowment.
Actum in presentia regis apud Sanctam Gauburgem prope Rothomagum, et ab ipso Sagiense domno Johanne concessum, presentibus istis: Gaufredo Rothomagensi archiepiscopo; Audo[ino] Ebroicensi episcopo (fn. 23); Bernardo (fn. 24) Sancti D[avidis] episcopo; Gaufredo regis cancellario (fn. 25); Galerano archidiaconi; Rotberto de Sigillo. De Laicis; Rotberto de Haia; Grimaldo medico; Rotberto de Dangu; Rotberto de Chandos; Rogerio fratre ejus; Hugone de Braitello. De nostris domno Odone abbate; Gaufredo priore, etc.… Guilelmo priore Belismense, etc. … Guilelmo Petrariarum priore etc. …
(?) 1127. (fn. 26)
(Original in archives of the Orne, H. 2159.
Trans. [140 B.], Vol. I. fo. 85.
[Abstract in French.]
See Bry's Histoire des Comtes d’ Alençon et de Perche, p. 104.)
1192. Charter of John, bishop of Sées, addressed to Odo, abbot of Marmoutier, notifying that by advice of Henry king of the English and duke of the Normans, and of Geoffrey archbishop of Rouen, he has settled his long dispute with the Priory concerning the churches belonging to it.
Data Sagii anno ab incarnatione Domini MoCoXXVIIo Indictione VI. regnante Ludovico rege Francorum, duce autem Normannorum Henrico rege Anglorum, presidente Rothomagensi ecclesie Gaufrido archiepiscopo.
Signum Johannis Sagiensis episcopi, etc.…. Signum Henrici regis Anglorum. Quando dedit filiam suam Gaufredo comiti Andegavensi juniori. (fn. 27)
(Original in archives of the Orne, unsealed, H. 2007.
Also MS. lat.
5441 [II.], fo. 87.
from original.)
1193. Notification that Richard de Curciaco, (fn. 28) with consent of (annuente) his wife Wandelmode and his sons Robert and William, gave St. Martin and the writers (nobis) under the governance of abbot Bartholomew, in the year 1076, one ploughland at Bernières (Brenarie) which his mother Hebrea had left (dimiserat) them at her death, and the tithe of two mills, one there and one at Jort, the church of the vill also, with the share of Rannulf the priest etc.…
Testibus istis: Godefredo filio Galfredi de Brenariis; Bigoto magistro filiorum Richardi; Haimerico decano de Frederniaco; Godefredo Galebat; Willelmo de Fraxiniaco; Roberto filio Ansquitilli de Petrariis; Walberto et Rannulfo presbiteris; de famulis nostris, Mauricio filio Fulconis; Raimbaldo de Fontecaro; Roberto cellerario; Durando Mariscalco; Giraldo Rufo; Walterio de Rupibus; Odone fratre Raimbaldi; Mauritio nepote Mauritii.
(Original in archives of the Orne, H. 2007, MS. lat. 5441 [II.], fo. 85, from original. Also MS. lat. 12,878, fo. 262.)
1194. Charter of Richard [de Courci] granting for ever to the brethren who inhabit Marmoutier of Tours, under abbot Bartholomew, a portion of his hereditary possessions, by permission (auctoritate) of his lord king William and his lady queen Meheldis, that the said king and queen, and their sons Robert and William, and he himself and his wife Gandelmodis and his sons Robert and William may obtain the benefits of those who give alms pleasing to God. He gives the church of St. Vigor [en-Perrieres] not far from the river Dive, with all its appurtenances, and all that he may have in his demesne, and that others may hold of him, both priest and others, in the parish of the said church, giving also permission to construct [fish] ponds as the place gives opportunity. He adds the tithe of two mills, so long as he shall live, and a muid (modium) of wheat yearly, also for the support of the monk there resident, and when he dies, half the multure of these mills is to belong to the demesne of St. Martin. He similarly grants one ploughland in the three fields (per tres sationes (fn. 29) ); and the tithe of that plough[land] which Gausbert the priest holds of him, when he dies, etc.… If anyone in the future attempt to make this gift of none effect, let him be accursed and pay to the then count 10l. of assayed gold (auri cocti).
[Signa] Willelmi regis; Maheldis regine; Johannis archiepiscopi; Odonis episcopi; Gisleberti episcopi; Rotgerii de Bellomonte; Eudonis Aldu[p]; Radulfi de Montepinzonis; Willelmi de Archis; Walterii Giphardii.
[N. D.]
(Collated copy in archives of the Orne, H. 2032.)
1195. Charter of Robert son of William de Curceio granting to the monks of Marmoutier the church of St. Arnoul. He also gives and grants the monks the church of Pomainvilla with its tithes, offerings and lands, and places this endowment on St. Vigor's altar.
Hæc viderunt et audierunt Guillelmus de Briocis(?) qui tunc erat prior de Petrariis; Helouinus monachus etc.… Robertus de Curceio, Robertus filius Herneisii cum uxore sua Rohais etc.… Robertus de Saceio, Godefridus de Vivario, Godefridus de Gaudrelogiis; Herberto filio Rhebodi; Walo cocus monachorum etc.…
(Original in archives of the Orne, H. 2008. Slits for seal.)
1196. Charter of William de Curceio, dapifer of the king of England (Anglie), addressed to all men clerk and lay, French and English. He gives and grants to the abbey (ecclesie) of St. Martin of Marmoutier and the priory (ecclesie) of St. Vigor de Perrières (de Petrariis) a muid of barley from the mill of Perrières for the souls of his brother Richard, and his brother Robert, and his father and mother, and for himself and for the souls of all his predecessors.
Hujus rei sunt testes: Ricardus abas (sic) Sancti Petri; Jagur prior de Petrariis; Herbertus sacerdos; Ricardus capellanus; Radulfus de Corlibovio; Robertus de Gauderlogis; Toroudus de Manneio; Willelmus Buion; Robertus de Eschaiol; Radulfus de Guibovio; Willelmus Pantovus; Godefridus pretor; Robertus Machon.
[N. D.]
(Original in archives of the Orne, H. 2008. (fn. 30)
1197. Charter of Robert de Curceio. For the weal of his father, mother, wife, heirs, and predecessors, he grants to the priory (ecclesie) of Perrières the fief of Denis.
Teste Willelmo fratre meo et idem concedente; Simone de Alleio; Nicholao Malesmains; Radulfo de Petrariis; Roberto filio ejus; Willelmo Bouion; Roberto leberquer; Willelmo filio Petri; et aliis pluribus.
[1105. (fn. 31) ]
(Quasi-original in archives of the Orne, H. 2009.)
1198. Charter of Robert son of Robert de Courci. Considering the gift by his father, to St. Martin of Marmoutier and his monks, of the church of St. Vigor, Perrières, he (Robert) for the weal of his soul and those of his relatives, gives to God, St. Martin, and St. Vigor, and the monks of Marmoutier 100 acres of land, etc.… and three acres… where the monks may make themselves dwellings etc.… These [gifts] he has placed on St. Vigor's altar.
Hoc viderunt et audierunt Willelmus de Curceio frater meus, et Willelmus de Hosa, et Robertus de Saceio, et Radulfus de Fraisneio, et Godefridus de Vivario, et alii plures ex parte mea. Ex parte monachorum viderunt et audierunt ipse Willelmus prior, Heuduinus monachus etc.…
Afterwards Robert his son (filius meus) who was then young, granted this in his presence, in the orchard (virguto) of the count of Argentan (de Argenton’) (fn. 32) and prior William gave him a kiss for it (inde).
Hoc viderunt et audierunt Henricus de Carcere; Willelmus frater meus de Curceio; Rogerius de Grata pancha. Hæc facta sunt illo anno in quo Falesia comiti Andegavensi reddita fuit.
[–1206. (fn. 31)
(Original in archives of the Orne, H. 2009.
Trans. [140 B], Vol. I. fo. 86.
Holes for tag to seal. (fn. 30) )
1199. Charter of Warin (Guarinus) son of Gerold, (fn. 34) chamberlain of the king of England (Angl’), granting to the monks of Marmoutier serving God at Perrières (Perreres) the endowments which William son of William de Curceio the younger (junioris (fn. 35) de Curceio) gave them, as set forth in his charter.
Hiis testibus: Gervasio tunc priore; Eymmerico (fn. 36) capellano; Guillelmo sacerdote de Pominvilla; [Rac’ de Haite presbitero; Guillelmo Buh'e decano (fn. 37);] Sahero (fn. 38) de Quinci; Petro Blundo et Roberto de Brolio militibus; Roberto Paumario; Petro Faniculo; Radulfo Cape; [Radulfo clerico, (fn. 37) ] et multis aliis.
[Circ. 1200.]
(Original in archives of the Orne, H. 2036.
Seal almost perfect: an eagle displayed. (fn. 39) )
1200. Charter (fn. 40) of Aaliz de Curceio, wife of Warin son of Gerold, chamberlain of the king of England, granting to the monks of Marmoutier what her father gave them (ut supra). Witnesses almost the same as in her husband's charter.
[1082], 24 June.
(MS. lat. 5441[2] fo. 403, and MS. lat. 12,878, fo. 279, from original. MS. Baluze, fo. 60, from Cartulary.)
1201. [Notification that] in the year 1082, in the reign of William, king of the English and prince of the Normans, Robert his brother count of Mortain and Mathildis his wife gave to St. Martin of Marmoutier, for the souls of king William and queen M[athildis] and their heirs, and those of themselves and their sons, etc.— so that it should be in subjection to the count, and that the count be the advocate and guarantor of that endowment, as a layman ought to be,—the church of St. Mary and the land which Norgod held of St. Evroul as a prebend, the count giving an equivalent (excambium) to St. Evroul, with the consent of the dean and all the canons and of Norgod himself etc.…
[Signa] Willelmi regis Anglorum et principis Normannorum; Willelmi comitis filii Guillelmi Anglorum regis; Rotberti comitis Normannorum filii Willelmi regis Anglorum; Rogerii comitis; Willelmi Rotomagensis archiepiscopi; Michaelis Abrincacensis (sic) episcopi; Gisleberti Luxoviensis episcopi; Rotberti comitis Moritonii; Mathildis comitisse; Willelmi filii Rotberti comitis Moritonii; Guillelmi Patricii; Guillelmi de Campo Bernulfi; Gaufredi Rivallonidis. (fn. 41)
This charter was confirmed at Oissel (Oscellum) on the day of St. John the Baptist. Whatever is written in this charter was given rightly and lawfully by Robert count of Mortain, William king of the English and his sons counts Robert and William consenting and confirming.
[1091–1106] 1202. (fn. 42) These are witnesses to the grant of William de Campo Bernulfi to the monks of St. Martin of Marmoutier—namely, a moiety of the church of Lingrevilla, with the whole tithe, which gift he confirmed with his own band at Tenchebrai, in the presence of William count of Mortain:—
Guillelmus comes; Rannulfus abbas Sancte Marie de Lonlerio; Gualterius monachus filius Hamelini; Jordanus de Sai; Robertus Geroldi filius; Ricardus de Lastra; Gauslinus Avenellus; Rannulfus Avenellus; Rogerius de Hauconio; Ricardus de Tusceto; Robertus de Appenticio; Alanus de Vireio; Robertus de Fonteneio; Guillelmus de Villacanis; Alanus de Isinnio; Ricardus Nigelli filius; Guido de Landevi; Gaufredus Rivallonii filius; Guillelmus Patricius; Rogerius manducans; Robertus Osberni filius; Robertus Rusellus; Albertus decanus; Robertus carpentarius; Frogerius loricator etc.
(MS. lat. 12,878, fo. 281.)
1203. An official copy of No. 1201 (recording the endowment by Robert count of Mortain), with very slight variations, but with these “Signa”:—
Roberti comitis; G[uillelmi] filii comitis; Mathildis comitisse; Alberti deCain (fn. 43); Raginaldi; Norgodi.
Hujus carte sunt isti testes: Ranulfus Avenellus; Gaufridus Ruallonis filius; Rodbertus Rossel; Guillelmus de Estra, et Ricardus dapifer, ejus filius; Rodbertus Osberni filius, et Radulfus de Gorgis; et Gislebertus Guarnerii filius, et ipsi monachi.…
1082, 24 June.
(MS. lat. 5441 [2], fo. 197, and MS.
lat. 12,878, fo. 276, from original; MS.
Baluze, fo. 57, from Cartulary.)
1204. Charter of Rotbert count of Mortain, brother of William king of the English and prince of the Normans, giving to St. Martin of Marmoutier and its monks the land of Heauville (Helvilla) which William de Hestra held of the count, the count giving him its equivalent (excambium), so that he, of his free will, allowed the gift made by the count to St. Martin.
Testibus istis: Roberto Osberni filio, et Ragnulfo Avenello.
[Signa] Rogeri comitis; Willelmi regis Anglorum; Rotberti comitis Normannorum, filii Willelmi regis Angl[orum]; W[illclmi] comitis prefati regis filii; Roberti comitis Moretonii; M[athildis] comitisse; G[uillelmi?] filii comitis. (fn. 44)
Hec carta a prefato rege supradictisque principibus confirmata fuit apud Oscellum anno ab incarnatione Domini MLXXXII. die natalis Sancti Johannis.
[?Circ. 1095.]
(MSS. lat. 5441 [2], fo. 406;
12,878, fo. 285d.)
1205. Notification that Robert count of Mortain gave to St. Martin and his monks serving God in the church of St. Mary, Mortain, that land which Walter de Richardivilla wrongfully seized (sibi usurpaverat), while he was sheriff of the honour of Pevensey (honoris Peneuesel (fn. 45) ) namely Blacheham (fn. 46) and the land of Alwine Cowbol, (fn. 46) and Tuchenore (?) and other villeins which St. Martin has there, besides Wideham. This land the said count took from Walter justly and legally, by judgment of all his barons, French and English, and gave to the monks of St. Martin, as has been said, receiving 10l. in money of Le Mans from their brethren at Mortain, namely Robert and Ermenulf, for recognition. Earl Robert also gave (annuit) Dom Robert the monk Wideham at fee farm (in feuo et firma) for 7l. until the earl should grant that manor altogether to St. Martin. Meanwhile, the earl died; after whose decease, his son William accepted 23l. in money of Le Mans and a horse of the best quality (optimo) from the monks for granting them Wideham and all that his father had given them.
Hujus donationis et emptionis testes: Gaufredus Rivallonides; Robertus vicecomes; Guido de Landæui; Hugo de Diva; Herveus Avenellus; Willelmus de Chanhannis. (fn. 48)
(MS. lat. 12,878, fo. 289.)
1206. [Notification that] in the reign of William, of blessed memory, king of the English, Mathildis countess of Mortain, wife of his brother Robert died, whereat the king and his said brother being sad—for she was very dear to them and to all who had known her,—distributed among monasteries or the poor, for her soul, all that she possessed in her lifetime, in vills, or gold and silver, or ornaments of any kind. Whence it came to pass that the king and his brother gave to the church of St. Mary, Mortain, which the monks of Marmoutier possessed there outside the castle, a manor of 10 hides (hiddarum) in Dorseta scira, namely Pidele called Hinctune, for her soul, this gift being procured by Robert the monk, who was then at Mortain and was careful to attend the funeral of the countess. For the said Mathildis held that manor from the king while she lived, and therefore he would not have the monks hold it of anyone but himself. He gave (annuit) it them with sac and soc, free and quit, except from Danegeld (Guelt quod colligitur per hiddas), and this it is not to pay except [as to] four hides, [for] the other six are in demesne and quit (nisi quatuor hidœ, reliquœ sex sunt in dominio et quiete). (fn. 49)
Hujus donationis testes sunt:— Rogerius comes; Robertus filius Hamonis; Robertus de Belismo; Hugo de Monte Gomerico; Rogerius Pictavensis; Robertus Osberni filius; Gaufredus Rivallonii filius; Alvredus pincerna; Hugo de Diva; Guido de Landevi; Vitalis pincerna; Richardus de Lestra; Aigulfus vicecomes de Dorset.
(MS. lat. 12,878, fo. 280d, (fn. 50) and official copy, fo. 284, 12,880, No. 263.)
1207. Notification that Robert count of Mortain has given to God and St. Mary of Mortain a prebend in the church of St. Evroul, on condition that its abbot, if it become an abbey, shall perform his week['s service] in the monastery of St. Evroul, and shall be present himself in that church on feast days, at mass and vespers, or the prior in his place, etc.…
This charter was confirmed (firmata) in the year 1088, in the reign of Robert count of the Normans etc.… And if the dean of St. Evroul should wish to become a monk, he shall be received without any payment.
[Signa] Roberti comitis; Almodis comitisse; Guillelmi filii comitis; Alberti decani; Roberti Osbernidis; Stephani capellani; Willelmi Avenelli; Rannulfi excoriantis porcum; Hugonis de Guillether.
(MS. lat. 12,878, fo. 280. (fn. 51) )
1208. Charter of William count of Mortain giving, granting and confirming to St. Martin of Marmoutier, all that his father gave them, namely the church of St. Mary of Mortain, which Norgod held as a prebend, and the burying (sepultura) of the whole vill of St. Evroul, etc.… On his own account he gives them the chaplaincy (capellaniam) of the castle of Haye-du-Puits (de Haia putei), with its appurtenances, so that they maintain a chaplain there. And in England he has given them the manor named Wiungle and another named Wideham. He also grants all that his father gave in England, namely a manor named Puddle-Hinton (Bidele) and another named Blacheham with their appurtenances.
[Signa] Guillelmi comitis; Arnulfi (fn. 52) vicecomitis; Rogerii de Huerchun; Guidonis de Landeviacho.
This gift and grant were made by the count at Mortain in the priory (ecclesia) of St. Mary, in the sight and hearing of the monks:—
Domno abbate Majoris Monasterii nomine Hilgodo, et Gilone de castro Anschitilli, et Rainaldo Gioreio; Roberto priore Moritonii, etc. … De laicis autem, Hasculfo de Sancto Hilario; Adam (sic) de Mala Herba etc.…
(MSS. lat. 5441[2], fo. 407; 12, 878, fo. 286.)
1209. Charter of William count of Mortain (Moritolii), notifying that he has determined to commit to writing the gift made by his father and himself to the abbey of St. Martin of Marmoutier. He grants to that abbey and to St. Mary of Mortain and the monks there the manor called Pidele which his father Robert gave them, for the redemption of the souls of William king of the English and his wife queen Mathildis and all their heirs, also for his own soul and his father's and that of his wife Mathildis, the grantor's mother. He now gives, in addition, the manors of Wideham and Blacheham as freely and peaceably as his father and he held them. His lord king Henry with his wife queen Mathildis confirm this gift.
[Signa] Henrici regis; Mathildis regine; Anselmi archiepiscopi; Gundulfi episcopi; Guillelmi comitis Moritolii; Adilidis comitisse de M[oritolio]. (fn. 53)
(MSS. lat. 5441 [2], fo. 408.
12,878, fo. 286, from original.)
1210. Charter of William count of Mortain notifying his gift to St. Martin of Marmoutier and St. Mary of Mortain and the monks there serving God of his manor of Guiungle and all that he has there in demesne and at (in) ferm, for the redemption of the souls of William king of the English and queen Mathildis his wife and king William his son, and their heirs, and for the weal and prosperity of his lord king Henry and queen Mathildis his wife; also for the souls of his father and mother and his own, on condition that the abbot of Marmoutier establishes there 20 monks who shall assiduously serve God, with those additions (of endowment) which [God] helping him, he will give to that house (ecclesie). This land he gives to be held as freely as his father count Robert held it, and he himself. Henry king of the English and his wife queen Mathildis approve and confirm [the gift.]
[Signa] Henrici Anglorum regis; Mathildis regine; Guillelmi comitis Moritonii; Mauricii Lundonensis episcopi; Sansonis Guigrestensis episcopi; Rogerii Seresberiensis episcopi; Gualdrici cancellarii.
Hujus confirmationis sunt testes: Robertus de Monteforti; Guillelmus Pevrellus; Robertus de Brus; Robertus de Bellocampo; Radulfus Paganellus; Alveredus pincerna; Herveus Avenellus; Richardus filius Turolfi; Turstanus de Cornubia; Hamelinus de Cornubia; Renaldus de Valletorta; Radulfus filius Odonis; Robertus de Appentio; Hugo de Diva; Guillelmus tonsus; Guillelmus filius Boselini; Guillelmus camerarius; Guillelmus filius Alveredi.
(MSS. lat. 5441 [2] fo. 28; 12,878 fo. 235, from original.
MS. Baluze, fo 51, from Cartulary.
Also MS. lat. 12,880, No. 325.)
1211. Charter of William (I.) king of the English and duke of the Normans, his wife Mathildis and his sons Robert and William consenting (annuentibus). He confirms by his authority the gift, by Humfrey de Bohun, of the church of St. George at Bohun to St. Martin of Marmoutier, that is the prebends (beneficium) of four canons, and the fee of one knight, Serlo by name, which the brethren of that monastery have bought. Humfrey has given that endowment to St. Martin on the terms that when a cannon dies, a monk shall be instituted priest in his place, until the number of four priests [who are] monks, there dwelling be complete.
[Signa] Willelmi regis Anglorum; Mathildis regine Anglorum; Rotberti filii regis Anglorum; Michaelis Abrincensium episcopi; Odonis Baiocensium episcopi; Rogeri[i] de Monte Gomerico; Ricardi filii Tursteni.
[Circ. 1080.]
(MS. lat. 12,878, fo. 235. See Histoire de St. Sauveur, App. p. 46.)
1212. Notification that the prebend of St. George [of Bohun], which Geoffrey son of Nerveus had unjustly claimed was redeemed and acquitted (acquitavisse) for ever by the monks of St. Martin, Marmoutier, for St. Martin and St. George, from Geoffrey's claim, by judgment (judicio) of the court of the king of the English, namely before [these] bishops, Geoffrey of Countances, Michael of Avranches, Gilbert of Lisieux, and Eudo the Vicomte, whom he had directed to give that judgment, after due deliberation, at Cherbourg, on the third day of Christmas.
Sub testimonio domni Unfredi de Bohun et Richardi filii ejus, necnon Ingulfi ejusdem loci canonici, Gaufredi dapiferi, Unfredi, Alveredi, Radulfi filii Benzelini, Rogerii de Albiniaco filiique sui Rualoc, Nigelli Bloeth, necnon et testimonio archidiaconorum Normanni et Radulfi de Sancto Laudo, Sansonis Baiocensis, Bernardique filii Ospact (fn. 54) Rotomagensis, hominumque Sancti Martini, Rualoci de Heltvilla, atque Malgerii Stobelont, Torchetilli de Bohon, Willelmi de Botevil.
Dom (domnus) Humfrey increased again afterwards his endowment of St. George and St. Martin by the field adjoining St. George['s priory] and his meadow there and Anschitill the peasant (rustico). This gift William king of the English allowed to be made, at Dom Humfrey's request, when seated on his carpet (tapetum) between the forester's house and the church of Bernouville (Bernuaivilla) when he had returned (remansisset (fn. 55) ) from England. And this was seen by the count of Mortain and count Alan Rufus.
(MS. lat. 12, 878, 235d; MS. Baluze, fo. 62.)
1213. Notification that Richard de Mereio, son of Humfrey de Bohonio, claimed from the monks of Marmoutier a field lying near the monastery of Bohum. After many words and threats, the monks made this agreement with him. They received one of his little sons (parvulis), Humfrey by name, on the terms that at Bohun or in one of their houses, they would bring him up and teach him until he reached the age at which he could be a monk, if he wished. Meanwhile, if he should die, and his father Richard wished to become a monk, they would receive him, and if he did not wish it himself, and should wish to make one of his sons a monk, they shall receive him only, and no more, on the terms that, if he is a little boy, the father, and not they shall teach him and bring him up till he is of age to become a monk (esse in riga).
Hoc audierunt testes isti. … (fn. 56) Postea auctorizaverunt hec uxor ejus domina Luc[i]a, et filii ejus Rotbertus, Hainricus, Hunfridus, Havidis filia eorum, testibus istis audientibus: Hunfrido patre eorum; Ricardo filio suo; Roald milite. Actum anno ab incarnatione Domini MXCII., agentibus nobis;sub domno abbate Bernardo, tempore Philippi regis, Rotberto Normannorum comite.
(MSS. lat. 5441[2], fo. 25; 12,880, No. 326.)
1214. Notification that Richard de Mereio granted to the monks of St. Martin in chapter all that his father Humfrey had given them, for his own and his father's souls and for his brother Ingelram (Ingelrannum) a monk there, (fn. 57) who urged it on him and for love of a little boy of his, whom he had given them to bring up and teach, etc.…
Actum anno ab Incarnatione Domini 1093(sic) agentibus nobis sub domno abbate Bernardo Xmoanno ordinationis ejus.
(MS. lat. 5441 [2], fo. 51.)
1215. Charter of Engelger de Bohon. Desiring for the weal of his wife Adelisa and his father Richard de Meri, to increase the endowment of St. George of Bohun, he gives it the right of presentation to the church of St. Andrew, etc. placing this gift on the altar with a knife in the presence of Richard bishop of Coutances and Robert abbot of Marmoutier.
Testibus: Ricardo de Humez; Willelmo de Humez; Willelmo de Colevilla etc.…
(MS. lat. 5441 [2], fo. 29, from original.)
1216. Charter of Henry II. addressed to R[otrou] archbishop of Rouen and all his officers of Normandy. He grants the gift which Engoger de Bohun has righfully made to the monastery of St. George, Buhun, and its monks, and the remission of 100 shillings of Anjou by the abbot of Marmoutier to that monastery, as their charter in common (communis) testifies, with both their seals appendant to it.… All this is to hold good as it was settled (facta) before him at Chinon.
Testibus: Rotrodo archiepiscopo Rothomagensi, et Henrico Baiocensi, F[rogero] Sagiensi episcopis, et C (fn. 58) arch[idiacono] Cantuariensi; Ricardo de Hum[eto] constabulario; Willelmo Malet dapifero; Reginaldo de Curtena; Willelmo de Hasting; Hugone de Pirariis; Hugone de Morevilla; Waltero de Dunstanvilla. Apud Chinun.
1172, 10 March.
(MS. lat. 5441[2], fo. 31, from original, with 3 seals on parchment tags.)
1217. Charter of Richard, bishop of Coutances, notifying that Engerram de Campo Rotondo was at strife with his lord Engelger de Bohun, claiming that the church of Capella, which Engelger had given to his priory of monks at Bohun, belonged to him, and was of his presentation and of the fee he held of Engelger in Capella. This was at length settled, before the bishop by friends etc., as follows: Engerram agreed to this gift, and his wife also, with whom he had received the fee, and their sons, William the eldest and Geoffrey the clerk, and have sworn on the Holy Gospels etc. to give up everything, except that the said Geoffrey the clerk is to receive that church from the bishop, on the presentation of Robert prior of Bohun, to hold of the prior and his successors for 15 quarters of wheat, by the measure of the town of Capella, annually, at Michaelmas, etc. And Engelger has quitclaimed that church, in the bishop's presence, from aid to the king and to himself, for which it was reckoned as (computabatur pro) 30 acres of land.
Testibus: Petro abbate Exaquii; Willelmo abbate Sancti Laudi; Alveredo cantore; Savario, Willelmo, Ricardo, Roberto, archidiaconis; Willelmo archid[iaconi] filio; Roberto de Sancto Laudo; Petro Ranulfo; Roberto de Piro; Gilleberto et Willelmo fratribus, magistro Thoma, Willelmo filio decani, canonicis nostris; cum priore Walkelino, Thoma, monachis suis (sic); Alano clerico de Magnevilla; Willelmo de Port capellano monachorum; Willelmo Geron; Roberto Salsart; Ricardo Ferrant; Willelmo Pilie. De laicis: Ingelgero de Bohun; Jordano de Maisnillo Am[ey]; Hugone de Burgo; Pagono et Hugone Carbonellis; Radulfo Sancta Maria (sic); Gaufrido de Sancto Georgio; Hugone Maleherb[a]; cum Engerramo de Campo Rotundo fratribus suis, Henrico, Willelmo; Ricardo et Willelmo de Mosteros; Rogero de Monasteriis; Roberto de la Vigne; Thoma de Bicavilla; Ricardo de Maisnil Do, et aliis multis. Actum est hoc anno ab incarnatione Domini MoCoLXXoIIo, vjo idus Martii, Const[antiis], in capitulo, sub regibus nobilissimis nostris patri et filio, Henrico utroque, patre pacificante Yberniam, filio existente in Normannia, nostroque et capituli nostri sigillo confirmatum.
[?1172, May.]
(MS. lat. 5441[2], fo. 29, from original.
Seal in white wax on
parchment tag.)
1218. Charter of Henry II. addressed generally. He grants the agreement (concordiam) rightfully made between Engelger de Bohun and Engelram de Campo Rotundo and the monks of Marmoutier at (de) Bohun of the church of St. Peter de Capella, as is testified by the charter of Richard bishop of Coutances with the seal of R[otrou] archbishop of Rouen and that of the chapter of St. Mary, Coutances. He wills, therefore, that this agreement hold good etc.
Testibus: Joscelino episcopo Saresbiriensi, et Ricardo archidiacono Pictavensi, et Reginaldo archidiacono Saresbiriensi; comite Willelmo de Mandevilla; Willelmo de Sancto Johanne; Willelmo de Curci dapifero; Hugone de Creissi. Apud Cadomum.
(MS. lat. 5441[2], fo. 33.)
1219. Charter of Humfrey de Bohon, constable of the king of the English, confirming to the priory of Bohon all the gifts of his predecessors and his men (specified) for the weal of his soul and that of his wife the countess Margaret, etc.
Testibus his: Engelgero de Bohon; Roberto priore; Thoma sacrista; fratre Durando; Willelmo Bloudel; comitissa Margarita; Henrico de Bohon; Ilberto senescallo; Ricardo Bigot; Ricardo Wach; Raginaldo de Somefort; Helia clerico; Willelmo de Somefort; Withine Marescal, et aliis pluribus.
(MS. lat. 12,880, No. 164.)
1220. Charter of Geoffrey archbishop elect of Dol, notifying an agreement with Jordan son of Alan, (fn. 59) a valiant and illustrious man (virum strenuum et illustrem) that he should grant the churchyard of the church of la Fresnais (Fraxinaria), which he possessed as if his own by hereditary right, to the abbey (ecclesie) of Marmoutier and the brethren there, who excel others as a pattern of religion and goodness. As soon as he understood that he held it unjustly, he, anxious for his soul, not only granted it, but also gave in addition to the said brethren of Marmoutier seven and a half acres of land, more or less, adjoining, etc., with the free consent of his wife Mary, and his sons Jordan and Alan etc.
Jordanus filius Alani subscripsit; Maria uxor Jordani subscripsit; Jordanus subscripsit; Alanus subscripsit. Isti duo sunt filii Jordani. Evanus presbyter subscripsit; Odo subscripsit.
Acta est autem hec karta anno ab incarnatione Domini MCXXX. Indictione viij. Epacta viiij., etc.…
[?Temp. Hen. II.]
(MS. lat. 5441[3], fo. 205, from original with seal perfect
[Drawing]. Legend: “Sigillum Alani filii Jordani.”)
1221. Charter of Alan son of Jordan confirming to the monks of Lehon the gift by his grandfather Alan Flauudi of the tithe of his demesne at (de) Burton. This he does with the approval of (favente) his wife Johanna and his son Jordan.
(MS. lat. 5441[3], fo. 250.)
1222. Charter of Geoffrey, son of Henry king of the English, duke of Britanny and earl of Richmond, addressed to Rainaud Boterelli his seneschal and all his officers of Britanny. They are to restore to the monastery of Lehon all the possessions of which it has been deprived, and to uphold and defend the monks of Marmoutier in accordance with the writ of his father king Henry and his own.
[After July.]
(MS. lat. 5441[3], fo 252, from original with
seal of bishop.
MS. Dom Housseau:
Touraine V., 1957.)
1223. Charter of Albert bishop of St. Maclou addressed to abbot Hervey and the monks of Marmoutier, securing to their monks at Lehon certain privileges.
Actum est apud Chainonum (sic) anno ab incarnatione Domini MCLXXXII. 1182 (sic) in plenaria curia domini regis Anglie, assistentibus Henrico duce Saxonie, Davide fratre regis Scotie, Stephano de Turr[onis] senescallo Andegavie, Gervasio Paeinel, Stephano de Castro Goscelini, Gervasio bajulo, Thoma scriptore.
(MS.Dom Housseau:
Touraine v., 1960.)
1224. Charter of Henry II. notifying that the said bishop and abbot have made an agreement (pacificati sunt) in his presence, which agreement is to hold good, he being its protector.
Testibus: magistro Walterio de Constantiis Oxoniensi archidiacono; Willelmo Painel Abrincensi archidiacono; Parisio (sic) Roff[ensi] (fn. 60) archidiacono; Johanne Lexoviensi thesaurario; Stephano de Turonis senescallo Andegavie; Willelmo de Hostilleio; Willelmo; de Vol. Apud Chinonem.
(MSS. lat. 12,878, fo. 228; 12,880, fo. 202 [pencil].)
1225. Charter of Henry I. addressed to G[erard] archbishop [of York] and Osbert the sheriff and all his barons. He grants to the monks of Marmoutier the endowment of Ralf Paynel (Paganelli) in lands, churches and tithes, namely the church of the Holy Trinity of York, free and quit, with all that the monks hold within and without the city, belonging to that church, and with all the dues it enjoyed in his father's time and before. What Ralf Paynel has given for support of the monks of Holy Trinity is this: the church itself, with three crofts belonging to it lying to the west of the city; the church of St. Helen, in the city, with its appurtenances; the toft of a deacon in front of that church; in Lincolnshire, the church of Erneham with its appurtenances in lands and tithes, and the tithe of his own hall, and two-thirds of the tithes of the halls of Asceleia and of Scalebeia, of the fee which Odo de Tuscet holds; similarly, two-thirds of the tithe of Tablesberie, from the hall, of the fee which Ralf de Rolliaco holds; the church of Rase, with its appurtenances in all things, and the tithe of the hall and of the whole vill, the church of Bertona with its appurtenances, the church of Rochesberia with its appurtenances and the tithe of the hall; in Yorkshire, a fishery at Drach, with the tithe of the other fisheries, and in Bardulberia all that Merlesuain held, the church of Neutona with its appurtenances and the tithe of the hall, in Monechetona the land of one plough, the church of Leddes with its appurtenances and the tithe of the hall and half a carucate of land, which Reginald held, in addition to the land previously belonging to the church, also the whole tithe of the hall of Straton, the church of Hoton with its appurtenances and the tithe of the hall, the church of St. Helen of Ternesco, with its appurtenances, the church of St. John of Adela and one carucate of land and the tithe of Ardinton and of all the vills belonging to it and the tithe of the hall, a moiety also of the church of Cramban with its appurtenances which is of his [the king's] fee, the church of Berton in Bidale, with its appurtenances and the tithe of the hall, the tithe also of Fademore. Afterwards, Ralf, his wife Mathildis and sons consenting, gave all Straton of which he had previously given the tithe, namely five carucates of land.
Actum est hoc Eboraci videntibus istis et audientibus: Radulfo eodem Paganelli; Eudone dapifero; Willelmo de Albiniaco, et ejus fratre Nigello; Radulfo de Roiliaco; Alano Floaldi filio; Rannulfo thesaurario.
(MS. lat. 12,880, No. 314.)
1226. Charter of Henry I. addressed to the archbishop and all his barons, French and English, and lieges of Yorkshire. He grants to the monks of Marmoutier serving God at York all that Ralf Painel and other benefactors have given them in alms, within burgh and without, with soc and sac and tol and tem and in Frangentheof (sic) and specially Straton and the church of Leddes, with its appurtenances, and other churches in Yorkshire and Lincolnshire. No one is to wrong them therein under penalty of ten pounds.
Testes: Nigellus de Albineio (fn. 61) et Robertus de Brus. Apud Vdestocum (sic).
(MS. lat. 12,880, No. 311.)
1227. Charter of Thomas archbishop of York, granting that the brethren of the Holy Trinity, York, may hold in peace their land and church of Leddes with all their appurtenances, and that they may order Divine service in that church. No one is to wrong or disturb them in any way, neither the archdeacon nor his other officers, nor are they to plead on any matter concerning him except in his presence.
(MS. lat., 12,880, No. 312. (fn. 62) )
1228. Charter of Thurstan archbishop of York addressed to all of the diocese (parrochianis) of St. Peter's, York, clerk and lay. He confirms all the gifts by Ralf Painel and William and Jordan his sons, and their men, to the monastery of the Holy Trinity, York, both in tithes and in other possessions, especially the church of Leddes with all its appurtenances. Let no hermit or anyone else presume to construct a chapel or oratory of any kind within in the territory of that parish church, without the permission and free consent of the said monastery's prior and chapter, or receive the parishioners of that church or their gifts (beneficia).
Hujus nostre concessionis testes sunt: Willelmus de Beverlaco (fn. 63) qui et archidiaconus; magister Walterius; Serlo canonicus; Auffridus presbyter; Letoldus; Willelmus de Sancta Barba (fn. 64); Robertus presbyter de hospitali.
(MS. lat., 12,880, No. 315.)
1229. Charter of Robert de Gant addressed to the bishop of Lincoln and the chapter of St. Mary's, Lincoln. He grants and gives, with the assent of Æliz Painel his wife, to the priory (ecclesie) of the Holy Trinity, York, and the monks of Marmoutier there serving God the whole church of Rasen (Rasa) with all its appurtenances in frank almoin for ever, so that they [may] place in it as vicar whom they will.
Hujus rei testes sunt: Robertus episcopus Lincolniensis; Robertus de Burneham; magister Malgerus; Gillebertus filius Fulconis; Robertus de Alno(?); Ricardus de Scrop, et alii plures.
(MS. lat., 12,880, No. 316.)
1230. Charter of Robert bishop of Lincoln addressed to Robert archdeacon of Lincoln and all the clergy of Lincolnshire. At the request and on the presentation of Robert de Gant, he has assigned the church of Great Rasen (Rasna) to Philip prior of the Holy Trinity, York, and the brethren, and has granted them the office of parson (personatum) of that church, etc., saving in all things the privileges (dignitate) of the church of Lincoln.
Testibus: magistro Roberto de Burneham; magistro Malgerio; Rogerio Willelmi filio; Johanne clerico archidiaconi (fn. 65) Lincolniensis, et aliis.
(MS. lat., 12,880, No. 317.)
1231. Charter of R[obert] bishop of Lincoln, granting to the monastery of St. Mary, Neuport, and the monks of Marmoutier there serving God, their churches and chapels, namely the church of Neuport and the chapel of Linford, with all their appurtenances, and the chapel of little Cranlei, and the church of Chichelei, and the chapel and church of Boterdone, and the chapel and church of Estwode and the church of Dervakes, (fn. 66) with all their appurtenances, which Fule Paganellus and Ralf his son and Gervase son of Ralf have canonically given [it]. Also the church of Srinton, with all its appurtenances, given by William de Srinton, lord of the estate (fundi), and the chapel of Bradewelle with all its appurtenances, given by Robert [de] Bradewelle and William de Bavis, lords of the estate, and the church of Willinges with all its appurtenances, given by Philip de Cahaines lord of the estate, and the chapel of Petrosho with its appurtenances given by Osbert the dapifer and Michael his son lords of the estate, and half the church of great Craule with its appurtenances, the church of Brouthone with its appurtenances given by Robert de Brouthone and William his son lords of the estate, and all the men, lands, and woods, which Ralf Mansellus and Cecilia his wife and their heirs have given to the monastery of Neuport and the tithe of Walter Mansellus from his demesne of Suleberi, and two-thirds of the tithe from the demesne of Robert de Castretone, and two-thirds of the tithe of the demesne of Ralf de Bernakes, and the tithe of two virgates of land in Luketon, given by Bertram in Luketon. He authorises the monks to retain them in their hands for the support of their brethren, guests, and poor, choosing and presenting to the bishop of Lincoln vicars, to whom they shall secure the rights of vicar (vicariam) therein. No one is to wrong or injure them in this matter: should they do so, he will inflict on them the same sentence as T[heobald] archbishop of Canterbury and legate of the Apostolic see has pronounced on the despoilers of Holy Church.
(MS. lat. 12,880, No. 318.)
1232. Charter of Hugh, bishop of Lincoln, confirming to the priory (ecclesie) of St. Mary, Neuport, the ecclesiastical endowments rightfully bestowed on it, namely the church itself of Neuport, the church of Tiningon, the church of Srinton, the church of Chicheelei, the chapel of Estwode, the chapel of Linford, the church of Wilinges, the chapel of Bradewelle, half the chapel of little Craule, a quarter of the church of great Craule, half the church of Brocevis, with their appurtenances, saving the dues of the church of Lincoln.
(Original in archives of Indre et Loire, H. 363. (fn. 67). MS. lat. 12,880, No. 201.)
1233. Charter of Richard Malus Leporarius, giving to the priory (ecclesie) of the Holy Trinity, York, and the monks of Marmoutier, there serving God, his chapel of Allerton (Alvertonia), and one carucate of land in that vill, with the tithes and offerings, and rents, and dues arising from lands, belonging to him in other parishes, and to pacify (pacemque faciens) the priests of those churches, he grants them from (in) his demesne traves (trabas) of wheat, that they may no more trouble his chapel. His gift being made with consent of Robert de Brus his lord and his heirs, he at length returning from St. James [of Compostella], and being received at Marmoutier, placed the said gifts on St. Martin's altar, in the presence of abbot Hulgod. (fn. 68). Having placed monks at Alvertonia by direction of the abbot of Marmoutier, he afterwards increased his endowment by seven and a half carucates in Graston, and his pool (stagnum) at Alvertona and all his tithes; and with all these endowments Alvertona is made a mother church and confirmed by Thomas archbishop of York, in the reign of king Henry.
Testes fuerunt de monachis: Hicmarus tunc prior Sancte Trinitatis Eboracensis; Acarius; Cavallonius; Raimundus; Enoldus; Walterius Marchisius. De laicis vero: Serlo; Holto Malleverarii; Hugo; Radulfus de Rucheford; Walterius Wiardus; Luvedus; Acus, et Ketellus de Hopetune.


  • 1. Gaignères’ Transcripts from the originals (in 17th cent.), when in possession of the abbey.
  • 2. i.e., “Gifardi.”
  • 3. Rectius: “Arfasti” (See William of Malmesbury's Gesta Pontificum, p. 150).
  • 4. Died 1064.
  • 5. Archbishop of Rouen from September 1055.
  • 6. Bishop of Le Mans; became archbishop of Rheims, October 1055.
  • 7. Probably of Evreux.
  • 8. Domesday I., 216.
  • 9. “1040.”
  • 10. See Nos. 1167, 1173.
  • 11. ? Domesday I., 225 (2).
  • 12. 1063–1066, if after the conquest of Maine.
  • 13. ? de La Val.
  • 14. Abbot of St. Stephen's, June 1066.
  • 15. “Abrincacensi” in Transcript.
  • 16. Domesday I., 159.
  • 17. See Domesday I., 52b.
  • 18. See Domesday I., 53.
  • 19. Lobineau: “Ceotinus.”
  • 20. Lobineau: “Cenomannis.”
  • 21. Rectius: “Ely.”
  • 22. The text of these three Belesme charters is printed in extenso in “Documents “sur la Province de Perche,” par le Vicomte de Romanet et M. H. Tournouer, Fascicules XIX–XXI. (1895).
  • 23. D’ Anisy's Transcript reads “Eudo et Bernardo episcopis.”
  • 24. The document now in the archives, H. 2159, read; “Audo (sic) Ebroicense “episcopo; Bernardo sancti Detium (or Detuini) episcopo.” As the latter was the bishop of St. David's, the document cannot be an original charter. It is probably a copy (with the name of the bishop's see extended). The name of the bishop's see being unextended in the MS. lat., the Transcript in this MS. seems to have been made from a true original.
  • 25. Rendered “chevalier du roi” in Inventaire Sommaire.
  • 26. The Indiction is for Sept. 1127–Sept. 1128.
  • 27. This clause (“Signum Henrici” … juniori) may have been added. The king's “signum” is surrounded by an indented circle.
  • 28. Domesday I., 159.
  • 29. Literally the three sowings (Cf. Guerard's Polyptique d’ Irminon, II. 134, 456).
  • 30. A drawing of the seal formerly appendant (in white wax on parchment tags) is given with the Transcript of this Charter in MS lat. 5441 [II.], fo. 89. It represents a knight on horseback with the legend: “Sigillum Roberti de Curcio.”
  • 31. “xi” siècle” in Inventaire Sommaire.
  • 32. or “at Argentam.”
  • 33. Trans.: “Seal broken.”
  • 34. Trans.: “Geraldi.”
  • 35. Ib.: “juniori.”
  • 36. Ib.: “Cymmerico.”
  • 37. Words in brackets omitted in Transcript.
  • 38. Ib.: “Sahone.”
  • 39. A drawing of this seal (with its legend: “Sigillum Secreti”) is in MS. lat. 5441 [2], fo. 90d.
  • 40. Assigned to “vers 1160” in Inventaire Sommaire, p. 29. But on p. 23 it is placed with the charter of her husband above in a liasse assigned to “XIme siécle.”
  • 41. These three last names added in MSS. lat. 5441 [2], and 12,878, which are from the original.
  • 42. This document follows on the preceding one in the MSS.
  • 43. Rectius: “decani.”
  • 44. These crosses are carefully reproduced in the Transcript.
  • 45. Rectius: “Pevenesel.”
  • 46. “Bracheham” in MS. lat. 12,878.
  • 47. “Coteboc,” ibid.
  • 48. The MS. lat. 12,878 gives the witnesses thus: “Gaufredus Rivallonides; “Goslinus Avenellus; Robertus Giroltides; Robertus vicecomes; Guido de “Landævi; Alvredus pincerna; Hugo de Diva; Robertus Rosellus; Herveus “Avenellus: Guillelmus de Chamhannis; Guillelmus Litons, et Radulfus frater ejus.”
  • 49. Cf. Domesday I. 79, and the Inquisitio Geldi (1084).
  • 50. Extract only in MS. lat. 5441 (2), fo. 405.
  • 51. Extract only in MS. lat 5441[2], fo. 405.
  • 52. Probably for “Aiulfi” (see No. 1206).
  • 53. The MS. lat. 12,878 reads “de Ou.”
  • 54. Rectius: “Ospac.”
  • 55. Rectius: “remeavisset.”
  • 56. Omitted in MS. Baluze, and of no interest.
  • 57. The MS. lat. 5441 reads: “quendam monachum ejusdem loci fratrem suum nomine Ingelrannum.” The other text omits the words “fratrem suum.”
  • 58. Rectius: “G[aufrido].”
  • 59. See Magnus Rotulus Scaccarii, pp. 7, 11, etc.
  • 60. Trans.: “Roquec.”
  • 61. MS.: “Nigl. de Abb.”
  • 62. Similar confirmation from the dean and chapter of York (MS. lat. 12,880, No. 313).
  • 63. The Church of York and its Archbishops (Rolls) II. 146.
  • 64. Dean in 1138; bishop of Durham 1142.
  • 65. MS.: “archidiacono.”
  • 66. Rectius: “Bernak.”
  • 67. In H. 362 are a charter of Gervase Paynel granting a manor to Newport Priory; a confirmation by Henry I. of Ralf Paynel's gift; a gift of “Syrenton” church, in the presence of king Henry son of king Henry; and a gift by Gervase Paynel of land at “Chicheleia.”
  • 68. d. 1104.