
Pages 446-454

Calendar of Documents Preserved in France 918-1206. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1899.

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[Cartulary (fn. 1) in Public Library of Bordeaux, No. 770.]
(Cartulary, fo. 170d.)
1234. Charter of William (II.) addressed to R[obert] bishop of Lincoln and all his barons and lieges of Salopescira. He grants the gift that earl Hugh de Mungumeri and Ernulph his brother have given to God and St. Mary of La Sauve Majeure (de Silva Majore), namely the church of Catfort, with its appurtenances.
Testibus: Guillelmo cancellario, et Eudo (sic) dapifero, et Ivone Tailleb[ois], et Ivone de Grantemaisn[il], et Nigello de Oilli, et Galt[ero] de Dunstan villa, et Roberto fratre suo, et Adam; Guill[elmus] Quairel, et Ernoldo Barbeloth. Apud Salesburiam.
(Cartulary, fo. 170d.)
1235. Charter of Arnulf son of Roger de Mungumeri, earl in England (comitis Anglie), addressed to the abbot of La Sauve Majeure, in faithful friendship. He prays them [the monks], as those whose patronage he desires and hopes to have with God, to remember him and his brothers in their incessant prayers, that, strengthened by their prayers, he may be enabled to do the will of God in his earthly station (seculari honore) and to attain eternal happiness. He also informs them that, in accordance with his promise, he gives them the church of Biham, with the tithes and all that the canons held there, and the church of Bareuua with the tithes and the whole fee that the clerks there hold of him. This gift he gives to them (vobis) and the whole congregation of La Sauve Majeure for the purchase of woollen shirts (staminias) for the brethren.
His testibus: Roberto de Divistane Ville (fn. 2); Ernoldo Batbelode; Rogerio de Gosse et Raulfus filius (sic). Hoc donum dedit Ernulfus de Mungumeri Widoni fratris (fn. 3) cum cultello manubrio buxino in villa que vocatur Barruve. (fn. 4)
(Cartulary, fo. 170d.)
1236. Writ of William (II.) addressed to Robert bishop of Lincoln and his barons and lieges of Lincolascira. He grants to St. Mary of La Sauve Majeure the two tithes and churches of Baruua and Biham which Ernulf de Mungumeri has given.
Testis Robertus filius Amonis (sic) apud Wintoniam.
(Cartulary, fo. 170d.)
1237. Charter of Robert by the grace of God earl of Shrewsbury (Salobesberiensis), granting to the monks of La. Sauve Majeure, living there according to the rule of St. Benedict the church of Catford, after the death of the canons, so that, as a canon dies, a monk may receive his prebend. (fn. 5)
(Cartulary, fo. 170d.)
1238. Charter of Gual (sic) dapifer and Aelicia his wife, addressed to abbot A[chelmus (fn. 6) ] and all his congregation. He gives to St. Mary of La Sauve Majeure the church of this manor, Werfeld (fn. 7) by name, with all its appurtenances, namely the tithe of six ploughs and of all which is subject to tithe, and the land of four ploughs; also half a fishery in the Severn (Saverno), one in Werfeld, and more if they are made [there]; he gives further, yearly a measure of wheat (modium tritici) until he assigns them its equivalent in land or tithe. For his son, who will be his heir after him, [he gives] the tithe of three mills in Werfeld and of more if there shall be more [there]. His woods shall be free (communia) to the monks for all they require, [and] they shall grind at his mills without multure. He has begun to build at Werfeld a church in honour of St. Peter which [he gives them] when [it shall be] completed by the help of God. Earl Hugh has confirmed (concessit) this gift.
Testibus fratre suo Arnulfo, meoque fratre Rotberto; cognato meo Galtero.
He wishes to send them the names of his father, mother and other friends:— Hunfridus pater, Rogeria mater, Adam filius meus, Wido pater uxoris mee, Annes mater [ejus], Rainaldus, Unfridus, Rotbertus, Philippus, Hugo, Hadeuisa cunctis concedente (sic) beneficia loci nominatis, non nominatis, val (sic) Gundreda, Rothais, Beatrix, Marsia, Mabilia, Avicia, Eufemia filia mea, Gundreda, Gaufridus, Osbernus, Raineln’, Mabeldis, Juliana, Adelardus, Aelicia, Alpes.
[Circ. 1110?]
(Small Cartulary of La Sauve, [also in Library of Bordeaux]
fo. 200.)
1239. Charter of Ansgot de Burewelle addressed to Robert bishop of Lincoln and the chapter. On his way back from St. James [of Compostella], passing by (per) the holy and religious house of La Sauve Majeure (Silve Majoris), he has given it for its great charity and love the church of Burewelle, with its chapel of Hagetorp and the church of Karletun and the church of Muketun and the church of Walmesgare, with all their appurtenances, namely in land, tithes, and other endowments received or to be received in their parishes. Moreover, he has given the monks there, with the advice and assent of Eda his wife, and of his heirs, a bovate of land with a toft (tosto) of his demesne in Karletun, in frankalmoin for ever, free of all secular service and claim (actio). This gift he has made to the abbey and the monks there serving God, for the weal of his soul and [those] of all his predecessors, with every liberty within vill and without, in wood and plain, etc., and common of pasture for fifty sheep, with any other stock they may have, in all places with his own.
Hiis testibus: Hugone de Neubele (fn. 8); Osberto de Ormesvi (fn. 8); Roberto filio Gilberti; Roberto dapifero ipsius Ansgoti, et Alwino coco ejusdem, et multis aliis.
[?Temp. Hen. I.]
(Cartulary of La Sauve, fo. 170b.)
1240. [Notification that] Hugh son of Osbert and Aeliz his mother gave the brethren at Burwell, for the love of God and for their sins in alms, the meadow of Carletonia, namely in West feu (fn. 9). And they did this in the hand of Peter the monk, by witness of Herved and William, brothers of Hugh; and, on the other side (ab altera parte) the claim which the sheriff made, though unjustly, on that meadow on behalf of Burwell manor (pro Burwelle manerio), (fn. 10) he wholly abandoned for the love of God, by witness of monks, namely Vivian and Peter, and of Robert the clerk. And afterwards, the lady mother of Hugh at her son's bidding, herself placed her gift on the altar of our lord St. Saviour (Sancti Salvatoris), on her own behalf, and that of her sons and her daughters.
Testimonio Josce, Bernardi, Samsonis, Aulfi, et Give, et Usquil, Alsi, Torgot, et Odo faber, Ricardi et Johannis. Et ex parte monachorum, testimonio Rodberti, et Guillelmi dapiferi, et Agemundi forest[arii], et Roea et Almer et omnis ecclesia parroechia (sic).
[Circ. 1130.]
(Cartulary, fo. 170d.)
1241. Writ of Henry (I.) addressed to Rainer of Bath, the sheriff (fn. 11) (Bathoniensi vicecomiti). He is to cause the monks of Burwell to hold their churches of Bureuull, and the land and all the property and the tithes which belong to those churches, as well etc. as they held them in the time of Ansgot of Bureuull, and in the time of Humfrey (Umfridi) de Albin[iaco] that no wrong may be done them therein, and that he may hear no further complaint (clamorem) thereon.
Teste Gaufrido filio Pagani, apud Odestecam.
[?Circ. 1150.]
(Cartulary, fo. 171.)
1242. Letter of R. de Haia to the dapifer of Borawelle and his ministers, and all his men French and English. He has granted in almoin to the monks of Borawella all that they held, and of which he found them possessed on the day he came to Borowelia when king Stephen restored him all his father's land in Lincolnshire. They are to hold all in peace, and no one is to wrong them.
[Circ. 1150.]
(Cartulary, fo. 170d.)
1243. Charter of Ralf de la Haia, son of Ralf de la Haia. He confirms all the endowments (helemosinas) which his father's predecessors (antecessores) and his father himself gave at Burwell, to St. Mary of La Sauve Majeure and the monks dwelling at Burwell, also a certain costa, (fn. 12) near their grange, to which he laid claim, and which he now releases to them, also the ditch between their orchard and the road and a certain parcel of land. This charter was executed in the time of Gislebert the prior, and Girard the monk and Eudo the priest.
Hujus rei testes sunt; Radulfus abbas Oexentie; Galfridus frater domini Radulfi; Hugo Bardolf; Dodo Bardolf; Rainaldus de la Landa; Rainaldus de Peretot; Gaufridus filius Guillelmi; Guillelmus de Brirevile; Robertus de Funteines; Simon filius Symonis; Simon de Ketelsbi; Robertus filius Symonis; Guillelmus filius Roberti filii Gilleberti; videntibus et audientibus omnibus hominibus de Burewelle.
(Cartulary, fo. 170d.)
1244. Charter of Robert de Haia addressed to Rainal de Landa and all his other lieges (fidelibus) of Lincolnshire. One of the monks of Burwell (Borawellis) has sought him out in Norm[andy]. He enjoins on them [at his request] to secure to the monks all their possessions in tithes, in chattels, and all things as they held them in the time of Ansgot de Borewelle; and as to the church of Carleton which was built after Ansgot lost the land, they are to support the monks; and as to the land which William de Albini lent them after his crops were gathered in, it is to be placed in [Robert's] demesne, and land is to be assigned them which Robert's ploughs cannot work till it is restocked, and they are to help the monks in every way they can.
[Cartulary in Archives of La Gironde.]
(Cartulary, No. 4.
See Archives de la
Gironde XXVII. 6.)
1245. Charter of Richard, son of the king of England, count of Poitou, duke of Aquitaine, addressed generally for Poitou and Aquitaine. He confirms to the abbey (ecclesie) of St. Croix of Bordeaux all the endowments given by his predecessors, etc.
His testibus: Fulcone de Mastac et Guillelmo Mangeti senescallis Pictavie; Gauffredo Lanstor; Amanevo de Lebret; Amalvino de Blanquefort; Guillelmo Forto de Brunin; Goulhardo de Burdegalense (sic).
Data apud Burdegalensem (sic), anno ab incarnatione Domini millesimo centesimo septuagesimo quarto.
(Cartulary, No. 34. See ut supra, p. 58.)
1246. Charter of Richard, count of Poitou and duke of Aquitaine, and son of the king of England, addressed generally. General protection for the abbey of St. Croix.
Donum istud et concessio facta est in Crusem, teste me ipso, Guillelmo Caponis, senescallo Pictavie, P. Arb. senescallo Guasconie, Augerio Longuo, presentibus et mihi assistentibus, anno ab incarnatione Domini millesimo centesimo octuagesimo (sic) secundo.
7 March.
(Cartulary, No. 72.
See ut supra,
p. 101.)
1247. Writ of Richard I. addressed to his men of Saint Macaire (Sancto Machario). Trusting in them, as his faithful and beloved, he directs and asks them to lend him fifty pounds [in money] of Bordeaux, for his affairs, and for fortifying his castles, and to hand them to the clerk whom he sends. They are to send two faithful men from their town to him, and he will cause their money to be repaid in Poitou, or in Anjou, or where they will, with his thanks. He directs this, not because they are bound to do it, since they are not his men (homines), but because he trusts in them and has need of their help herein. Let them do so much for him that he may be grateful, knowing that as they treat him, so will he treat them.
[Teste] me ipso apud Chinum, septima die Martii.
1199, 4 July.
(Cartulary, No. 5.
See ut supra, p. 7.)
1248. Charter of Eleanor queen of England etc. addressed generally for Aquitaine. She notifies that, coming to Bordeaux after the death of her dearest son Richard king of England, she inspected the charters granted by her father and her said son in favour of St. Croix of Bordeaux, which charters she now confirms, etc.
His testibus: Henrico Xantonensi episcopo; Giffaldo de Didona; Himberto de Fort; Radulfo de Faya; Petro Capicerio; Galfrido de Calvigniaco; Gualtero de Mailli; Joanne Franco, et multis aliis.
Data apud Solacum per manum Rogerii, capellani et notarii nostri, anno verbi incarnati millesimo centesimo nonagesimo nono, quarto die Julii.
[Cartulary (fn. 13) in private hands.]
[? Circ. 1180.]
(Cartulary, fo. 31. See Archives de la Gironde V. 160.)
1249. Charter of Richard count of Poitou, son of the king of England, addressed generally to all his officers. He takes under his protection the priory of Saint Peter, la Réole (de Reola), etc., and the said priory and convent (familia) is not to be compelled to answer for any offence (forifacto) except before himself, saving in all things the peace and rights of the church.
Testibus his: magistro Willelmo de Longo Campo, et magistro Rad … apud Gistris.
[? 1163.]
(Cartulary, fo. 38d. See ut supra, p. 166.)
1250. Notification that when Gerald Folium was prior of La Réole (Regule), Sanctius de Mirallo, burgess of La Réole, sold a house to John Broca, reserving to himself an annual rent of sixpence therefrom, to conceal the sale and deprive the prior of his due from it. The said prior deeming himself aggrieved by the burgess's cunning, came to the lord Henry, the worshipful king of England, to expose the fraud, and obtain the king's judgment thereupon. The king recognising the justice of the complaint, rebuked the prior's adversary for his wrong doing, and decreed that whoever, thenceforth, sold a house or anything else, reserving a rent, must pay the prior's due (ius) in full etc. …
[? 1175, Feb.]
(Nos. 1061 and 1062, Fonds St. Germain in Bibliothèque Nationale. See Bibliothèque de l’ Ecole des chartes XIX. 156.)
1251. Charter of Henry II. addressed to the archbishop of Bordeaux, and all his officers of Poitou. He grants and confirms to his burgesses of La Rochelle (Rupella) for their loyal service all the liberties and privileges granted them by count William of Poitou, as set forth in their charter from Louis, king of the French, saving only that, if there should occur (emerserit) there any great offence (forisfactum), complaint of which should reach him or his heir, the lord of Poitou, and the trial of which he or his heir, the lord of Poitou, should wish to hear, the case shall be heard (tractetur) before himself or his heir, the lord of Poitou He also grants to them that they may have a commune (communia) for the defence and security of their town and their substance, saving their allegiance and his honour, and that of his heir, the lord of Poitou—so long as they administer (tractaverint) it reasonably. He further grants and confirms to them that if any of them dies after confession and making his will (testatus), his division of his substance (divisa) shall have effect and hold good absolutely. If any of them should break his neck, or be drowned or be overtaken by any other sudden death, without having time to confess, he [Henry] grants that his substance be distributed in accordance with the reasonable dispositions and arrangement of his relatives and friends, and that alms be given for his soul. No one is to molest them or do them wrong therein.
The above grants have been made by him to his burgesses in the presence and with the assent of his son Richard his heir in Poitou (herede meo Pictavie).
Testibus: Willelmo Cenomannensi et Stephano Redonensi episcopis; Richardo filio regis; Mauricio de Creone; Stephano de Turonis senescallo Andegavensi; Fulcone Painello; Josberto de Precigneio; Fulcone de Mastacio; Philippo de Sanconeio; Philippo de Hastingis; Gerardo de Canvilla; Gaufrido de Perchia; Petro filio Widonis; Willelmo de Ostilli; Herveo panetario; Imberto fratre Templi. Apud Cenomannum.
1189, 12 Nov.
(Original in Hotel de Ville at Agen. Trans. Vol. 138 No. 2. See also Mayen and Tholin's Archives Municipales d’ Agen, p. 1.)
1252. Charter of Richard I. addressed to the bishop of Agen, and all his officers and lieges of Agen. He grants that the bridge of Agen be free of passage [money] and pontage and all dues, with other provisions for the said bridge.
Testibus: Waltero Rothomagensi archiepiscopo; Gaufredo Lostor; Hugone Loos; Bernardo de Lantas. Data per manum Willelmi de Longocampo cancellarii nostri et Elyensis electi anno primo regni nostri, xij. die Novembris, apud Londoniam.
1190, 10 July.
(Original at Poitiers [Grand Prieuré d'Aquitaine, liasse 823]. See Le Roulx’ Cartulare Gènèral des Hospitaliers I. 566.)
1253. Charter of Richard I. addressed generally. Confirmation to the Order of the Hospital of Perot, between Rochelle and the sea, given to the brethren by his mother Eleanor. Its boundaries described.
Testibus: Walterio Rothomagensi, Johanne Lu[g]dunensi archiepiscopis; Johanne Ebroicensi, Rag[inaldo] Bath[oni]ensi episcopis; Walkel[ino] de Ferrieres; Johanne de Pratell[is]; Gillelmo de Tilieres; Andrea de Chauvigneio et pluribus aliis. Datum per manum Johannis de Alenconio, Lexoviensis archidiaconi, vicecancellarii nostri, apud Lugdunum super Rodanum x. die Julii, anno primo regni nostri.


  • 1. Of the 13th century. The text is corrupt.
  • 2. Rectius: “Dunstani Ville.”
  • 3. ? fratri.
  • 4. Rectius: “Barruue.”
  • 5. Charter ends here.
  • 6. Abbot from 1095.
  • 7. Domesday I. 248b.
  • 8. See Sitwell's Barons of Pulford, pp. 54, 55, 58.
  • 9. (Sic.)
  • 10. Osbern (the sheriff) held at Carlton under William de Percy in 1086 (D.B., I. 354).
  • 11. Sheriff of Lincolnshire 1130.
  • 12. ? “tosta” (as in No. 1239.)
  • 13. Of 17th century.