Anjou: Part 2

Pages 395-420

Calendar of Documents Preserved in France 918-1206. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1899.

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Part 2

[Original Documents and Cartularies in the Archives of Maine et Loire.]
[? 1056–8.]
(“Original” in
archives. Also
Liber Niger, fo. 74, and Liber Albus, fo. 95.
See Memoires de la
Société des Antiquaires de
1109. Notification that William duke of the Normans gave to God and St. Florent, for all time, all that follows: in the Côtentin the vill of Flottemanville (quæ noncupatur Flotomannum) with all its appurtenances, that is, the church and 20 acres, and its demesne land for three ploughs, with the barn there, and twelve tenants, and five free knights (liberos milites) and a mill. With his own hand he affixed the mark of his authorization to this charter, as did his wife and his son, and then he delivered it to be marked (assignandum) by the hands of his knights.
This gift was made at Fécamp.
And as he possessed all the above freely, so he granted it to St. Florent and his monks, reserving no secular claim. For when the monks said that an endowment should be given free of charges (mundam), he replied, as became a prudent man, “Though we are Normans, we know well that it should be so; “and, if God will, we will do so.”
This was done at the above place the third day after Easter.
[Signa] comitis Willelmi; Mathildis comitisse; filii ipsius comitis; Rotberti (fn. 1) Moritanni; Willelmi filii Osberti; Rotgerii de Monte Golmerii; Richardi vicecomitis Abrinchensis; Albaldi monachi; Gumberti monachi.
Testes affuerunt: Wilhelmus de Galvilla, et Rotbertus Grennon. (fn. 2)
[Temp. Will. I.]
(Inspeximus of
23 May 1386.
See ut supra, p. 692.)
1110. Letter of William de Braiosa, son of Philip, to his son (Philippi filius filio suo (fn. 3) ) and all his lieges. He notifies to his dearest son and them, that for his soul and [those of] his relatives living and dead, he grants and presents (tribuo) to St. Gervase of Braiosa and St. Florent and his monks the manor (mansio) of Armigetone, (fn. 4) after his decease; and he desires his son and all who love him, to grant it.
Testes sunt: Robertus frater meus; He[r]bertus canonicus; Primaldus capellanus meus; Robertus Silvatinus (sic) (fn. 5); Radulphus de Vivo Monastero; Willelmus Normanni filius (fn. 6); Bernardus; Willelmus Magni (sic) filius (fn. 7); Radulfus de Boceio; Hauselinus; Hausardus; Gaufredus Silvaticus; Robertus Mallet.
(Inspeximus of
23 May 1386.
See ut supra, p. 692.)
1111. Notification by William de Braiosa son of Philip, son of his [William's] grandfather, that he confirms everything in the above charter (carta) absolutely. His son Philip allows this confirmation.
Testes idoneos adhibeo: Bertam conjugem meam; Philippum fratrem meum; Danielum monachum priorem S[ancti] Petri de Sela; Paganum capellanum meum; Willelmum Halardum; Willelmum de Bernehiis.
Ad rei confirmationem vel testimonium hanc (fn. 8) Philippus hancque crucem (fn. 8) fecit Willelmus.
[Ante 1080.]
(Two quasi-original
documents in
Also Liber Albus, fo. 115.
See ut supra, p. 678. (fn. 9) )
1112. Charter of William de Braiosa. For the soul of Ralf, son of Waldulf and of Ralf his son [and of Geoffrey] (fn. 10), and for the forgiveness of his sins, and for the souls of his father and mother, and for Philip, his only son, who willingly allows [the gift], and for William king of the English and queen Mathildis his wife, and for the souls of their fathers and mothers, and for their sons and daughters, [in order] that they may confirm this gift and compel anyone who would impair it to make amends, he cheerfully gives to the church of St. Gervase and St. Protaise, most blessed martyrs, all his tithe, excepting his demesne profit from the mills of Briouze (Braiosa), the tithe of toll and pannage, wood for firing and building, both for them and their men, pannage of the swine of themselves and their men, freedom from dues for all their men, a third part of [his] fisheries, freedom to fish in all waters, land for one plough with meadow; at Cortelles the church, the land of one plough with meadow, a mill as he held it in demesne; the churches of Scocetum and Severais (beyond sea, the church of Scapuleia, the land of one plough, with its oxen and animals, free pasturage in his forests, and the dues of his waters, in England as in Normandy; half the tithe of all his revenues beyond sea; the dues and services of all their men on both sides the sea, And he confirms the gifts or sales of all his men). At Braiosa, also, he gives Ralf the carpenter, with all his land; also the church of St. Nicholas at (de) his castle of Brembre, after the death of the canons now there, and one vacant prebend (provendam apertam) at once; and in England half the tithe of his revenues (nummorum) (and the church of Wassingatune and Animgadune with two ploughs). (fn. 11) If this endowment, which he gives to the monastery of St. Florent, should increase enough to admit of an abbey being [raised] there, it shall be in the disposition and gift of St. Florent.
All this endowment he grants to St. Florent, the abbot and monks, in their obedience, on the terms that, until the church be completed, there shall only be one or two monks, but if he or his men and his friends, or anyone increase the endowment enought to admit of an abbey, an abbot shall be placed at its head by election of the abbot and chapter [of St. Florent].
Testes sunt: Herbertus Gunduini filius; Odo Rufus de Fraxineto; Willelmus Godelini filius; Radulfus Tostini filius; Halselinus; Rogerius Ponherius: Hubertus Bonitus; Ricardus de Molinellis; Raginaldus cocus; Unsel Mansellus de Punctello; Alarius de Ponte Aldemeri; Gaufridus de Falesia Ameline filius; Guasbertus Bertranni gener; Algherus ejusdem Bertranni filius; Albericus faber; Randulfus Landrici de Boceio filius; Albericus S[ancti] Florentii famulus. Hoc autem factum est Radulfo, Albaudo, Goscelino de Haia, S. Florentii monachis presentibus.
Scriptum hoc dictavit et linivit Primaldus, ejusdem Braiosensis capellanus. (fn. 12)
[1080, (fn. 13) 31 Jan.] 1113. On Friday, the seventh (sic) day of the week, which was then the third day before the Purification, William, king of the English, queen Mathildis his wife and their sons confirmed this his (meam) endowment in the church of St. George de Boscherville (Baucarii Villa), at which confirmation were:—
Odo cunsul (fn. 14); Hugo consul de Cestra; Alanus Rufus; Walterius de Meduana; Henricus de Bellomonte; Odo Gamelini (fn. 15) filius: Willelmus Puirellus; Willelmus de Falesia (fn. 16); Rogerius Bigotus (fn. 17); Unfridus de Bohon, Ricardusque ejus filius; Heunnus vicecomes (fn. 18); Radulfus Terrerii filius; Hauselinus; Willelmus monachus Rodomensisque (fn. 19) archiepiscopus; Raginaldus regis capellanus; Bernardus Uspachi filius.
[1080, 7 Jan.]
(Liber Albus, fo. 118d.
See ut supra, p. 681.)
1114. Notification that when William de Braiosa had made a gift of the church of St. Gervase and other churches, tithes, etc., named in his charter, to St. Florent and his monks, Hugh abbot of Lonlay (Longiledi) and the monks, hearing this, laid claim to what had been given, and made their claim to William king of the English, saying that William de Braiosa had previously given them to themselves, and could not now give them to others. On which account the king was at first unwilling to allow that gift to the monks of St. Florent and to confirm their charter, until it should be decided (decerneretur) in his court whether the abbot and monks of Lonlay had a just ground of complaint (querelam). When therefore, on a certain occasion, the abbot and monks heard and William de Braiosa also, that the king had come to Caen, and was staying there, each [side] came there with their followers to discuss the case. The king, therefore, commanded the bishops and abbots who were present to hear the arguments or both sides and decide what was just. [And] they, withdrawing into [a] chamber, heard and diligently examined the arguments, and pronounced that the gift of William de Braiosa to the monks of St. Florent was justly and lawfully made, and that the abbot and monks of Lonlay had brought an unjust claim. On this, the king asked for the charter and said he would confirm it by his mark (signo). And because Albald monk of St. Florent, who was present, had it not with him, he hastened back to Braiosa, fetched the charter, and found the king, now on his way back from Caen at Boscherville (Baucharii Villa). On his presenting the charter, the king marked (signavit) it and so did the queen and their sons.
Those who made this judgement were these: William archbishop of Rouen, Gilbert bishop of Evreux, Anselm abbot of Bec, Gilbert abbot of Caen, Durand abbot of Troarn, Robert abbot of Sées. And with William were these: Herbert son of Gundoin, Odo Rufus, Robert Silvaticus, Robert Taillebois, Robert de Cancereis, William son of Godelin, Gosbert de Braiosa.
Actum apud Cadomi (sic) in Crastino Epyphaniæ.
[1080, Jan.]
(Liber Albus, fo. 116.
See ut supra, p. 682.)
1115. Notification that William de Braiosa gave St. Florent and his monks the church of the most blessed Gervase and Prothase with its land and much else. Receiving this gift the monks began to build, according to their power, and dwell there. But the monks of Lonlay, moved by this to envy, endeavoured to claim that church by complaint to the great king of the English. On Hugh abbot of Lonlay making this claim, the king believing what he said, summoned William de Braiosa to do right in his court to the monks of Lonlay. Wherefore William went to the court at Caen, to do right (rectum tenere) to the monks in the king's presence. He showed, therefore, in the hearing of all the king's court that was present that he had not given (donasse) but commended (commendasse) to them what they claimed, the condition being that, as the place increased, an abbey should be made there by their counsel and with the approval of the chapter. He proved also that, on this ground, they had abandoned (dereliquisse) that church to him because he had not given, but commended it, and because they were unwilling to make an abbey there, when the endowments should admit of it, but [wished] to have it as a cell, which the lord William would not allow; and therefore they had demised to him all that they now claimed. He marvelled, further, that while the church, with its appurtenances, was held by his mother, to whom he had given it, after the monks had demised it, nor during the long time it was held by clerks, to whom he had afterwards commended it— but had taken it from them because they lived sordidly—had they made any claim; but when he had given it to the monks of St. Florent, even with the approval of abbot Hugh, they raised this wily claim. All this he shewed and related at Caen in presence of the most noble king William, and in the hearing of all those who were present when abbot Hugh claimed the endowment. Having heard the argument (ratione) king William and all his court gave judgment that abbot Hugh had unjustly claimed William's endowment because he had [already] demised it as related in the plea. On this decision, the abashed abbot and his monks obtained nothing.… William king of the English [therefore] and queen Maud and their sons confirmed to St. Florent the endowment.… in the church of St. George de Baucheri villa, in the sight and hearing of the following: Odo consul, etc.(ut supra, p. 397.)
[? 1093.] Long afterwards, when the church was built, and Serlo bishop of Sées was about to dedicate it, at William's request, in the presence of the abbot of St. Florent, Ranulf abbot of Lonlay renewed the claim to the church. Thereupon the bishop, at the bidding of William and with the approval of the abbot of St. Florent, gave abbot Ranulf and his monks permission to plead (placitum) in the court of count Robert [of Normandy]. William de Braiosa, therefore, who wished to protect his endowment from wrongful claimants, set out for Bonneville (Bonavilla), where the plea was to be [held], at the appointed term, with Goscelm monk of St. Florent, who had raised the said church by great toil. On the other hand, abbot Ranulf went to Bonneville, where the council was to be, to pursue his claim. So count Robert bade his bishops and nobles who were present do right between the abbot of Lonlay and William de Braiosa. On the morrow therefore, which was Thursday, those who were to do right took their seats at the plea, at the bidding of count Robert, and William de Braiosa was present. Meanwhile abbot Ranulf and his monks William and Walter—who had lost part of his nose—were devising flight. Not knowing what to plead, they deserted, in their confusion, the plea, without informing the count, the abbot, or the nobles present. The count, therefore, greatly wroth, commanded the bishop of Sées, under his seal, to uphold the monks of St.Florent, and defend them from all their enemies, and bade abbot Ranulf, through the bishop, do them right for impleading them in his court and abandoning the plea. Of the abbot's default are witnesses, all who were present, among whom may be named:
Odo episcopus Baiocarum; Gislebertus Maminot episcopus; Rogerius cardinalis Romanus; Gislebertus abbas Cadumi; Arnulfus abbas Troarcensis (sic); [Wido] comes deo Pontehio; Robertus de Belesma gener ejus; Guillermus comes Ebroicarum; Radulfus de Guader; Engelramus filius Hilberti; Heunnus Audup (fn. 20); ex parte abbatis Lonliacensis, Radulfus de Curto Landono; de hominibus Guillermi Braiosensis, Odo Rufus; Robertus de Punctello; Radulfus filius Odonis; Robertus Canceliso; Goffredus de Molle Cavata; Guillermus de la Chernilla; Rotgerius Boterel.
[Circ. 1082.]
(Liber Albus, fo. 96d
See ut supra, p. 674.)
1116. Charter of William I. He gives to the abbey of St. Florent and its monks, land for one plough at Ceaux (Cels) with two villeins and two salt-pans, this endowment to be as free as the abbeys of Fécamp and St. Stephen of Caen. This he does for the good of his soul, and that of his wife queen Mathildis and their sons, at the prayer of William, son of Rivallon of Dol, abbot of St. Florent, and of his brother John, a monk there.
[Signa] Guillelmi regis; Mathildis regine; Rotberti comitis filii regis; Willelmi filii regis; Eudoni[s] dapiferi; Mauricii cancellarii regis; Cansonis (fn. 21) (sic) capellani regis; Rogeri de Monte Gomatici; Osberti Gisfardi. (fn. 22)
1092. Anno incarnationis millesimo nonagesimo secundo, concessit Guillelmus (II.) rex hec desuper scripta.
1083, 26 Dec.
(Liber Albus, fo. 85.)
1117. Notification that the monks of Mont [St. Michel] laid claim to Ceaux (Cels) which John de Dol had given to St. Florent, William king of the English granting the gift. On which account, the monks of St. Florent sent over two of their number, namely, David and Guihenoc, (fn. 23) monks, to the king begging him either to acquit the gift he had granted to them or to take it into his hands (illud sibi haberet). On these monks passing by the Mount (per montem), the monks there hearing the cause of their journey, took counsel, and by charter released all their claim.
Actum [est] hoc in capitulo sancti Michaelis anno ab incarnatione Domini MLXXXIII., vij. kal. Januarii, die festivitatis Sancti Stephani etc.…
(Liber Albus, fo. 119.
See ut supra, p. 686.)
1118. [Notification that] in the year 1093, Sunday, December 11, (fn. 24) the church of St. Gervase of Braiosa was dedicated by Serlo bishop of Sées. On which day William de Braiosa caused to be read anew and recorded (commemorari), in his sight and that of Philip his son and others his barons the gifts which, at sundry times, he had made to St. Florent and his monks, both in England and Normandy; and because his son Philip seemed to have grudgingly allowed them, he and his son and William de Crenella his nephew (nepos) renewed them that day, when the bishop, in full pontificals, was standing at the altar, about to celebrate mass, in his presence and that of the clergy and the people round about, with the knife of Armellus the monk, which they three, with their own hands, placed on the altar. This was seen by bishop Serlo, Baldwin and Guy, archdeacons, Hugh the bishop's dapifer, William Paganus, Umfrey the priest, Odo de Fraxineto, Herbert son of Gunduin, Richard de Meriaco.
On the following day, that is Monday, Umfrey the priest and Hugh the priest quitclaimed all the rights they might have in the church of St. Gervase.
Actum in domo monachorum die predicta. Qui autem viderunt et andierunt sunt: Guillelmus de Braiosa; Philippus filius ejus; Rotbertus de Cancereis; Rotgerius Boterels; Radulfus filius Odonis; Gosbertus; Morinus de S[ancto] Andrea; Galterus de Falesia.
[? 1096.]
(Liber Albus, fo. 116d.
See ut supra, p. 688.)
1119. Notification that Philip de Brausia, when he was going to Jerusalem, confirmed the gift which his father William gave to the abbey of St. Florent, namely [the church] of St. Gervase, and Prothase of Briouze (Brausia), and the church of St. Peter, Sele and [that] of St. Nicholas, Bramber (Brenlia) and specially the prebend of Geoffrey of Bramber (Brenlia). His confirmation was allowed by his wife Aanor and his son William on January 4 (pridie nonas Jan.).
Testes sunt: Silvester monachus; Rotbertus monachus; Rogerius monachus; alter Rotbertus qui tunc erat prior de Sela; Rotbertus capellanus; Oliverius qui scripsit hanc cartam; Ricardus de Harecut; Rotbertus Salvagius; Simon comes; Guillelmus de Puintel; Hugo de Cumbis; Buceius; Tomas Taillebois; Guillelmus filius Ansketilli; Oliverius de Saceo; Adam de Chernella, et alii quamplurimi.
[?Temp. Will. II.]
in archives.
Liber Albus, fo. 119d.
See ut supra, 687.)
1120. Notification that Philip de Braiosa, for the benefit of his father's and mother's souls and his own, granted to St. Florent and his monks the whole endowment, which his father William had given them in Normandy and in England; and this grant he made at Raddenoa, to Wihenoc and Gilbert the monks, in the presence of William son of Baderon and Ralf de Gornay, telling William that if he, Philip, wanted to repudiate this grant, William should prove that he had made it. Afterwards, wishing to increase his endowment, he gave them, in [their] monastery of the see of Hereford, (fn. 25) his orchards (virgulta) and vineyard and other lands near the monastery of Bedinges.
Hujus doni sunt isti testes: Willelmus filius Baderonis, et Paganus frater ejus, et Willelmus forasterius, (fn. 26) et Radulfes de Pena Burga, (fn. 27) et Robertus filius Bernardi, et Radulfus de Gormy et Gislebertus de Cleopeban.
(Liber Albus, fo. 120.
See ut supra, p. 688.)
1121. After this, it happened that Philip crossed the sea, and going to Poitou, was entertained at the monastery of (St. Florent) Saumur, where he was asked by abbot William to confirm his father's endowment and his [own] addition in the chapter of St. Florent. Willingly assenting, he came into chapter, recited before all present his grant of his father's and his own gifts, and confirmed them both in the hand of abbot William, with a knife, which he further placed on the altar of St. Florent. This was witnessed by Ralf de Gornaio who had accompanied him, and by many others, among whom were Bodin etc. etc.
(Liber Argenteus, fo. 36d.
See ut supra, p. 693.)
1122. Charter of William de Braiosa addressed to all his barons, vicomtes, bailiffs, and servitors (famulis), and all his [men]. He notifies to them that he gives to the church and monks of St. Florent de Saumur the chapel of Braiosa, which is within the limits of that parish, to be held as fully as Roger the chaplain held it, for the redemption of his predecessors’ souls and his own. And he confirms the gifts of eels and wood specified in his father's charter.
Testibus: Philippo Baiocensi episcopo; Hunferio capellano; Guillelmo de Hareccort; Ernulfo de Sancta Cruce; Herberto de Sancto Hylario; Radulfo priore, in cujus tempore hoc factum est; Rannulfo le Pohier; Radulfo de Sancto Andrea; Luca de Lignon; Roberto Baillebien, et Gervasio fratre ejus et aliis pluribus.
(Liber Rubeus, fo. 41d.
See ut supra, p. 672.)
1123. Notification that William of Avranches, prior of Ceaux and Flottemanville, has defined (diffinitio facta est), by decision (consideratione) of the barons of the exchequer, namely William son of Ralf, William de Humetis, master Walter de Co[n]stanciis, O[s]berti de Hosa, Richard Gifard, Gilbert Pipart, Randulf de Grandval (Magna Valle), justiciars of the king a certain unwarranted claim (super erogatione), which the prévots and foresters of Cherbourg were in the habit of making on the endowment and tenants at Flottemanville, namely, from every house a bushel of wheat and from messuages (mansuris) wasted by them, the same; and from every man at August, ten sheaves, five of wheat and five of oats; and reguard; at Christmas a loaf and a fowl from every house; at Easter, eggs and a loaf; on St. Paul's day twopence, for rams; and [free] quarters, at their will on the tenants. All the above have been separated (separata sunt) from the endowment, which is wholly free, for four pounds six shillings and sixpence of Anjou, which are quit-claimed (computantur in quietatione) to the bailli of Cherbourg, at the king's exchequer, on account of (propter) the said endowment.
1122[?], (fn. 28) 18 Feb.
(Liber Argenteus, to 2 (fn. 29); Liber Rubeus, fo. 5d. See Bibliothèque de l’ Ecole
des Charles
XL., 162.)
1124. Bull of pope Calixtus II. confirming to the abbey of St. Florent de Saumur the church of St. Peter of Brembra (Sele) with the chapel of St. Nicholas (Bramber) and its other appurtenances; the church of St. Peter de Andevero; and the church of St. Mary de Esparlaio, with its appurtenances; the church of St. Tadioc with the church of St. Mary de Monemuta and all its appurtenances.
Dat[um] Beneventi.. xiio kalendas Marcii [Indictione xv.] (fn. 30) …. anno MCXXIIo, [pontificatus…. anno iiijo.] (fn. 30)
1143, 1 Feb.
(Original (fn. 31) in archives.
See ut supra.)
1125. Bull of pope Innocent II. confirming the same possessions.
[Datum] Laterani kalendis Februarii, anno MCXLIIo.
1146, 14 April.
(Liber Argenteus, fo. 3d.
See ut supra, p. 163.)
1126. Bull of pope Eugenius III. confirming to the abbey of St. Florent de Saumur [the church of St. Peter of Brembra with the chapel of St. Nicholas of the castle, and the church of St. Peter de Veteri Ponte,] (fn. 32) the church of St. Nicholas (of Shoreham) with the chapel of St. Mary of the port of S[h]or[e]ham; the church of St. Mary, Washington (Gasingetuna) with other its appurtenances; the church of St. Mary de Andevria, with the chapel of Foxcote; the church of St. Mary, Sporle (Esparlaio) with the chapel of little Pa[1]g[r]ave (Pagava) and its appurtenances; the church of St. Mary, Monmouth (Monemuta), with the churches of St. Tadioc, St. Cadoc of Lantcadoc, St. Liwit of Lanliguit, and St. Roald with all the tithes of Trejest; with the churches of Rochevilla, of Goodrich castle (castello Godrici), of Stanton, of Lindineia, of Hopa Eilildis, of Hopa Gingeni, of Hunteleia, of Tribricthuna, of Suthintuna, of Sthretuna (fn. 33); and the chapel of Aspretuna with the churches of St. Wingalous and St. George, Clun (fn. 34) castle and all the churches of the vills belonging to that castle; with the churches of St. Peter de Tadintune, St. Radegundis of Grahingahan, with the land of that vill and its appurtenances.
Dant (fn. 35) (sic) Sutrii xviij. kal. Maii anno MCXLVIo [pontificatus…. anno secundo]. (fn. 30)
1157, (fn. 36) 9 Feb.
(Original in archives.
Liber Argenteus, fo. 6. (fn. 37)
See ut supra, p. 163.)
1127. Bull of pope Adrian IV. confirming to the abbey the church of St. Peter of Brembria (Sele) with the chapel of St. Nicholas of (Bramber) castle, and the church of St. Peter of the old bridge (de Veteri Ponte), and the church of St. Nicholas with the chapel of St. Mary of the port of S[h]or[e]ham; the church of St. Mary, Gasingetuna; the church of St. Mary, Andevera, with the chapel of Foxcota; the church of St. Mary de Sparlio, with the chapel of little Pa[l] grave and its appurtenances; the church of St. Mary, Monemuta, with the churches of St. Tadioc, St. Cadoc, Lantcadoc and St. Liwit, Lantliwit and St. Roald with all the tithes of Treget, with the churches of Rocevilla, of Goodrich castle (castello Godrici), of Stanton, of Lindineia, of Hope Eilildis, of Hope Gingeni, (fn. 38) of Hunteleia, of Tribichtona, of Suinthon, of Stretton (Strectona), and the chapel of Aspretun, with the churches of St. Wingalous and St. George of Clun castle (de castello Clune) and all the churches of the vills belonging to that castle, with the churches of St. Peter of Tadinton, St. Radegundis of Grahingaham, with the land of that vill and its appurtenances.
Dant (fn. 39) Lat[erani] viijo idus Februarii [Indictione v.] (fn. 40) … anno MoCoLVIo, [pontificatus vero… anno tertio.] (fn. 40)
1164, 17 Feb.
(Original in archives.
Also Liber
Argenteus, (fn. 41) fo. 8d.
See ut supra, p. 164.)
1128. Bull of pope Alexander III. repeating the confirmation preceding.
Dat[um] Senon[is]….. xiij. kal. Martii [indictione undecimo (fn. 42) ] (fn. 40) … anno MCLXIIIo, [pontificatus vero anno vto.] (fn. 40)
1186, 28 Dec.
(Liber Rubcus, fo. 15d.
See ut supra, p. 164.)
1129. Bull of pope Urban III. confirming to the abbey of S. Florent de Saumur—in the diocese of Chichester (Cicestria) the church of St. Peter of Sella with the chapel of St. Nicholas of (Bramber) castle; the church of the old bridge (de Veteri ponte); the church of St. Nicholas; the church of St. Mary of the port of Sorham; the church of St. Mary, Washington (Gassingona), with other its appurtenances. In the diocese of Winchester, the church of St. Mary, Andevria, with the chapel of Foxcote. In the diocese of Norwich, the church of St. Mary, Esparlay, with the chapel of Little Pa[l]grave and its appurtenances. In the diocese of Hereford, the church of St. Mary, Monemuta, with the chapels of St. Thomas and St. Duellus; the church of St. Peter, Cadioc (fn. 43) (Cadioci), with the chapels of St. Thomas Guenerui and St. Thomas Wisam and of Colman's vill (Villa Colman) and of Gart; the church of St. Nicholas, Stantone; the church of St. Roald with the chapel of St. Thomas and all the tithes of Treget: the chapel of St. Michael; the church of Lideneia (fn. 40); the church of St. Giles of Goodrich castle, with the chapel of Houson; the church of Hope; the church of Hope Eilildis; the church of Gingeni; the chapel of Hunteleia; the church of St. Margaret Tribitonia; the church of St. Peter of Streton and the chapel of Aspreton; the church of St. George of Clun castle, (fn. 44) with all the churches of the vills belonging to that castle; the church of St. Peter, Tadinton; The church of St. Radegund, Graingaham, with the land of that vill and its appurtenances. In the diocese of Landaf, the church of St. Cadoc, Lancadoc with the chapels of St. Liwit of Lantlwit and St. Mohan of Lanmohan and St. Thomas of Newcastle (Castro Novo); the chapel of St. Thomas, Panrox; the church of St Kinephaut of Rokevilla; the church of St. Gunigaloeus. In the diocese of Winchester the church of Swinton; the church of Nortun; the church of Morthon.
[Datum] Verone, Vto Kal. Januarii, [Indictione vto] (fn. 45) anno MCLXXXVI. [pontificatus vero… anno ijo]. (fn. 45)
(Quasi-original in
Liter Albus, fos. 116
and 130d.
See ut supra, p. 165.)
1130. Notification that William de Braiosa gave to St. Nicholas (of Bramber) six hides of land and the whole tithe of his revenues (denariorum) and his demesne in his possession when he crossed the sea, and went to Maine in the army with William king of the English; namely; the tithe and church of Bedinges, and the tithe of Eringaham, and Hortone, and Sudewic, and Sorham, and Luvehest, and Aningatona, and Wassingetone, and Belingetone, and Sicumba, and Absleia, and Scapeleia, and Totintona, and Bodingetona, and Fintona, and Essingetona, and Tacaham, and Glaitone, and Monham, and Clopeham, and the granges of Wicam and Cumba and Ablesborna. Of all these manors (mansionibus) he gave the whole rightful tithe to St. Nicholas,—his son Philip and bishop Stigand confirming (the gift)—of grain (annona) and salt, and cheese, and calves, and porkers and swine, of gafol (gablum) and pannage, and lambs and wool and all that ought to be tithed, excepting the tithe held by the monks of Holy Trinity (Fécamp) when, as said above, he crossed the sea. He further gave the canons of the said church the pleas of courts christian, and the tithe of the toll at Steyning and Bramber castle and of [the proceeds] of his fishing and hunting, and wood for their firing, and building.
(Original in archives.
See ut supra, p. 166.)
1131. Notification that William third abbot of Fécamp and William abbot of St. Florent, Saumur, son of Rivallon of Dol, have made peace concerning the disputes and claims as to burials and tithes in the castelry of Steyning (Staningensi) as follows:—
William abbot of St. Florent grants to William abbot of Fécamp the church of St. Nicholas of Bramber castle, with its burials and offerings and the tithe of Staninges and of Belingetona in sheaves and cheeses and wool and lambs and porkers and calves and flax and hemp. And William abbot of Fécamp releases to William abbot of St. Florent all his claims on the church of St. Peter, Beddinges, and on the hide of land belonging to it; and grants him, moreover, the tithe of Portes Ladda and of Sutwic and of Bedinges as he possessed it.
Two monks of St. Florent, Guihenoc de Monemuta and Primald who was chaplain of Braiosa, were present in the chapter of Fécamp to hear this pacification and grant (read out); and Hugh de Staningis monk of the Holy Trinity, Fécamp, similarly, in the chapter of St. Florent, Saumur.
[Ante 1119.]
(Liber Albus, fo. 125, See ut supra, p. 167.)
1132. Charter of William de La[n]cinguis narrating that God had inspired him with the desire and given him the means of visiting the monastery of St. Florent, Saumur and beholding the service of God there. Moved to admiration, he desired the benefits of fellowship, which the brethren, of their great charity, assembled in chapter, bestowed not only on him, but on his wife and offspring (prolem). Anxious to bestow on them, in return, some favour, he first promises to become a monk of St. Florent, should God at some time inspire him with the desire to become a monk; and, next, gives St. Florent an annual rent of five shillings English money which his heirs also are to pay.
Sub testimonio: Stigandi fratris mei, (fn. 46) atque Radulfi Buciæ (fn. 47) et Leunini (fn. 48) armigeri illius, Galterii etiam de Sancta Maria et Goffredi filii Guillemi teste Audacis, qui mecum pariter recepti fuerunt in beneficium Sancti Florentii.
Ralf Buccia gave, there also, to St. Florent twelvepence sterling (sterlinos), to be paid annually from his holding. Of the monks present at these transactions may be named William abbot of St. Florent, Brian the sub-prior, Vitalis armarius, Arnulf the secretary, Hugh of the hospice (hospitiarium), Drogo, Gilbert.
[Temp. Will. I.]
(Quasi original and Charter Roll in archives. Also Liber Albus, fo. 122. See ut supra, p. 175.)
1133. Wihenoc and William his nephew gave to St. Florent of Saumur the church of Monemuda and all their churches, and the tithes of all their lands and (sive) of all their tenants (homines), namely, of grain, of stock, of honey, of iron, of mills, of cheeses, and of whatever is tithed. They also gave, near the castle of Monemuda the land of three ploughs (carrugarum) and the mill of Milebroc, and a meadow at Blakenalre, and land at St. Cadoc, and a meadow beneath their castle, and a virgate of land, namely, Godric's, and at Siddington (Suentune) a hide of land, and in all their woods pannage for swine of (the monks’) demesne. They also gave all wood required by the monks or their men for building. Lastly, they granted seven burgesses in their market-place, free from all toll and from all dues, save offences deserving corporal penalty.
Testes: Wihenocus sancti Florentii monachus; Rannulfus monachus; Gislebertus monachus; Petrus monachus; de hominibus domni Willelmi: Robertus filius Bernardi; Hugo dapifer; Mainus filius Hateguis; Ivo presbiter; Mainus de Labutsac (fn. 49) Renaldus Grosus; Hugo Bos; Ærnaldus de Villa Osberti; Raterius filius Wihenoci; Hugo Rufus; Rogerius privignus Hugonis; Rodaldus; Brientius Senex; de famulis (fn. 50) sancti: Robertus famulus et alii plures.
Moreover, the monks notify that they are to find the lord (of Monmouth) a chaplain who will serve him properly.
The wife and the daughters of the lord William—namely Iveta and Advenia—confirmed this gift, of which confirmation the witnesses are:—
Salomon et Willelmus filius ejus; Willelmus frater Roberti; Robertus Walensis, filius Domni Willelmi; Gosfridus diaconus; Berengarius dispensator; Renaldus filius Odonis sacerdotis, et Eudo Rotator.
[N. D.]
(Liber Albus, fo. 124.
See ut supra, p. 176.)
1134. William son of Baderon confirms (concedit) the alms that Guihenoc gave to St. Florent [de Saumur], namely the church of St. Mary [Monmouth] with all offerings and the whole tithe of that town (oppidi) in grain, mills, swine, calves, cheeses, honey, fish and iron, and the church of St. Tedecho (Tetioci) with the whole building, and the church of St. Winwaloe (Winwaloi) and the church of St. Cennfaeladh (Cenfaldi) and land for two ploughs, and a mill and a meadow near “Blacan Awee” and all the tithes of the manors of that honour; and one hide at Siddington (Siventone), and one villein (rusticus), namely Godric, at Tiberton (Tibristone), and the land (extending) from the churchyard to the king's land. And it is agreed that the monks are to find William a chaplain. William similarly confirms the alms which (his father) Baderon gave to St. Florent. among them the tithe of Epiniac (Speneac) as he held it himself; and the mortgaged lands (vadimonia) of La Boussac (Labotzac) except those of Urfoen; all this gave Baderon for his soul, on condition that when the priory (locus) was built, he should become a monk there, etc.
Testante Guillelmo; testibus: Joscelino monacho; Guidono monacho; Pagano; Rudaldo; Menardo; Raterio; Salomone; Rannulfo; Hugone; Guillelmo presbitero; Gisleberto; Hamone; Walterio.
[Ante 1086.]
(Original in archives.
See ut supra, p. 174.)
1135. On Feb. 4 (prid. non. Feb.) king William granted to St. Florent, the abbot and his monks, all the tithes and lands which Wethenoc de Monemud had previously given to St. Florent. This grant was made in the king's chamber, at the castle called Salisbury (Salesberia).
Teste Alano comite, et Badorono fratre Wethenoci, et ipso Wethenoco qui donationem fecerat, necnon et Radulfo monacho sancti Florentii qui propter hoc regem adierat.
These are what Wethenoc gave to St. Florent with permission of king William. Wethenoc gave all the tithe of his own demesne lands, but of the tithes (of the lands) held of him by his knight he gave two thirds to the monks and left, by their own consent, one third to the knights. He gave, further, the land of three ploughs at Monmouth (Monemud) with a certain portion of his meadows.
Thus far the gifts of Wethenoc were readily confirmed by the king. But besides these he gave a hide of land, with plough (carruca) and oxen, at Cirencester (Cirecestre), concerning which gift the king said, that should it be made, he would confirm it whenever he was asked. And at Tiberton (Tebristone) he gave the monks a virgate of land for their swine, of which he said nothing to the king.
[1101 or 1102, 18 March.]
(Original in archives;
Liber Albus, fo. 122;
Charter Roll, No 3.
See ut supra, p. 177.)
1136. [Notification that] William son of Baderon gave to St. Florent, to St. Mary, Monmouth (Monemuda) and to the monks the land of “Chachebren” which is near the mill of Goodrich castle (castello Godrie); and that this gift was made March 18, (fn. 51) in the presence of the abbot of St. Florent, who had then come to Monmouth. Hadwise, wife of William, with Iveta and Advenia their daughters confirmed the gift.
On the day this gift was made, the said William and Hadwise his wife, and their daughters, and almost all their barons with their wives, received from abbot William the benefits of fellowship (beneficium suum), and all who were present, male and female, small and great, young and old, confirm and testify to the grant; among whom are:—
Robertus frater domini Willelmi; Robertus Walensis filius domini; Robertus filius Bernardi; Hugo dapifer; Rainerius filius ejus; Float filius Alani dapiferi; et alii [quorum non est numerus; domnus Willelmus Sancti Florentii abbas; Donatus monachus; Humbaldus; Moyses; Gilebertus; Maino; Rannulfus qui banc cartam dictavit atque linivit; de famulis monachorum: Benedictus; Galterius]. (fn. 52)
[N. D.]
(Liber Niger, fo. 125d.
See ut supra, p. 177.)
1137. [Notification that] Guarin son of Restald grants to St. Florent and [his] monks, namely Widinoc and William, for his soul and those of his relatives and for the benefit of the church, the tithes which he pledged (invadiavit) to Badoran, William son of Badoron, Hærvinus (sic) the priest, Robert Burmald, Geoffrey son of Tehæl (sic), and Amaluin being witnesses. And Warin or his son has promised the monks, that if he desire to part with [the tithes] by sale or mortgage, [he will do so to no one] but St. Florent and his servants.
[1101 or 1102.]
(Original (fn. 53) in archives;
Liber Albus, fo. 123;
Charter Roll, No. 4.
See ut supra, p. 179.
1138. Charter stating that William son of Baderon gave also, on the banks of the Monnow (Munce) the land of William called the Wise (Sapiens) to St. Florent at the dedication of St. Mary's church. The gift is witnessed by Hervey bishop of Bangor, by whom the church was dedicated; also by Bernard the king's chaplain, who then, by command of king Henry, had the custody of the see of Hereford; lastly by Heinfrid the archdeacon, Walter the canon, Gunfrei, Ketelbern priest and canon, Harald of Ewias, (fn. 54) Hamelin de Balaon, Walter the sheriff, (fn. 55) Eutropius, Harscotus Musard (fn. 56); [and] of William's tenants, Payn his brother, Robert son of Bernardi, Evan(Evennus) Trouet, Hugh dapifer, and many others.
This charter, with all the gifts previously mentioned, was confirmed by William son of Baderon and Hadwise his wife and their daughters, Iveta and Advenia, in the sight of William abbot of St. Florent and Serlo abbot (of Gloucester) and in sight of their monks, namely: (of St. Florent) Wihenoc the monk, Unbald, Donatus, Rannulfus, Gislebertus, Maino, Samuel; of the monks of abbot Serlo, Walter de Laci, Restoldus and others; Teodericus monk of Cormeilles (Cormailis), Odo the monk. They made this gift and grant also in the sight of all those both clerk and lay, who were present at the dedication. This grant was made by [the symbol of] a knife, which Bernard the king's chaplain, broke beneath his foot, because he could not break it with his hands, by which Knife, placed upon the altar, William son of Baderon, with his wife and daughters made this gift sure, as a testimony for the future.
Has cruces fecerunt Domina Hadewis et filiæ ejus, Iveta videlicet et Advenia.
[Circ. 1140.]
(Liber Niger, fo. 140.
See ut supra, p. 180.
1139. Notification that Richard de Cormelles and his brother Robert, inspired by God, and urged by their uncle Baderon and Rohes his wife, gave to St. Florent and St. Mary, Monemuta the church of Tadinton, with all its appurtenances, to be theirs unchallenged for ever. Which gift, on the feast of SS. Primus and Felicianus [June 9] they laid on the altar of Monmouth with their own hands, with the knife of the prior and with a book, the Gospels to wit.
Hujus doni testes fuerunt:… et Henricus de Gislebertus de Ch… Goffredus prior ipsius domus; Bruno, Helias de Troart, Radulfus et Rotbertus, monachi; de clericis: Guido capellanus, et Gosfredus de Spiniac, et Guillel mus de Sancto Tedioco; de diaconis: Rotgerius, Guillelmus, Thomas; de clericis: Rogerius filius Odonis, et Rotbertus filius Lois, et Radulfus filius Guidonis, et multi alii.
(Charter Roll, No. 12.
See ut supra, p. 184.)
1140. Notification that M[atthew] abbot of St. Florent, in presence of the chapter, and with assent of the monks has given Oliver the church of Washington (Gausinguetun) on condition of his behaving faithfully to them and paying them twenty shillings sterling a year.
(Original (fn. 57) in archives;
Liber Albus, fo. 125;
Charter Roll, No 8, See ut supra, No. 181.)
1141. Letter from Robert bishop of Hereford to G[eoffrey] prior of Monmouth, commending Robert son of Baderon, by whose consent the bishop is giving to the priory the church of the Blessed Ruald of Treget. Denunciation of those who may impair and praise of those who uphold this grant.
(Original in archives;
Liber Albus, fo. 123;
Charter Roll, No. 9.
See ut supra, p. 182.)
1142. Charter of Robert bishop of Hereford, narrating that Guienoc, lord of Monemuda, for the weal of his soul and those of his relatives, had given to St. Mary, Monmouth, which is subject to St. Florent, Saumur, all the churches on his land with their appurtenances, that is with all their tithes and other endowments, in the presence of lawful witnesses, whose names were Rado (fn. 58) a monk of the said Guienoc, David the monk surnamed Taxius, Dodomand and Hervey the Priests, Normand son of Gosbert, Hugh de Gloucester, (fn. 59) Reinald Grossus. Also, that William nephew of the said Guienoc, succeeding him in possession (in honorem) confirmed (concessit) those churches and endowments to St. Mary[’s priory] guarding and protecting them. Also that Badero[n] son of this William, with Rohese his wife, who now possess and rule that honour, confirm what was done, increasing the endowment, namely the church of St. Tedioc, the church of St. Giles of Goodrich castle, the church of St. Custenin, Biconovria, the church of Hope [belonging to] Payn son of Baderon, the church of Haillilda Hope, the church of Tibristonia, the church of Stratonia, the church of Aspretonia, the church of Lindeneia, the church of St. Nicholas of Stantonia, the chapel of Honteleia. To these churches the bishop adds that of Tatintonia, which Richard de Cormeliis, for the benefit of his soul and those of his father and mother, gave the monks [of Monmouth], in the bishop's time, retaining no tithes or endowments. Also, that of St. Roald of Treket, with its appurtenances and all the tithes of Treket, which had lately been given to the same, by Robert [son] of Baderon, at the request and desire of the bishop [himself.]
By his episcopal authority, therefore, the chapter of Hereford witnessing and approving, he grants these churches, in honour of God and St. Florent, for ever, as freely as Guienoc and his heirs gave them. He deems it well to record the indisputable witness of the following persons of the chapter; Ralf the dean, Brian (Briencius) the treasurer, Gilbert the precentor, Randulf Archimeri, master Reinald, Hugh de Clifordia, Ordgar, Walter, Hosbert, master Eustace, Hugh Partes. Anyone attempting to infringe this confirmation is left to the judgment of God; to those who observe it God's blessing and the bishop's is granted.
This confirmation was executed in the year 1144 (MCXLIVo), but the churches were given in the time of king William, who conquered England and subdued it nobly to himself, except Tatintonia and Treket, given in the bishop's time and at his request.
(Original in
archives (fn. 60) (?);
Liber Albus, fo. 126;
Charter Roll, No. 10.
See ut supra, p.183.)
1143. Charter of Roger, earl of Hereford. He gives to St. Mary of Monmouth (Monemuda) the church of St. Andrew of Awre (Aura), and the land which, in English, is called “Haiward,” for the soul of his father Miles, for the weal of himself and his friends, and for the soul of Robert son of Hugh who has given that church to the monks with his consent, and has held the manor from his father and himself by knight service (militari officio), and regained the said land from the Severn and embanked it, and afterwards bestowed it on the monks, on becoming one of them, as [the fruits of] his own labour. The monks are to enjoy the same right of way to that land as Robert himself had. He places this gift in the hand of Gilbert bishop of Hereford, by [the symbol of] a gold ring, begging him to confirm it. And he executes his charter in the presence of–
Gillebertus episcopus Herefordensis; Rotbertus prior Mon[emud]; Galfridus de Spiniauc, et Radulfus clericus; Badero de Mun[emud] et uxor ejus Roheis, et Mauricius de Hereford. (fn. 61)
Confirmation of above gift by Gilbert bishop of Hereford, who adds that not only the presentation of a clerk, which is allowed to laymen in giving churches, but even the parsonship (personatus) of Awre, belongs to the aforesaid church, after the death of Hugh the clerk now parson of Awre church. The land called “Haiward,” also which the earl has granted to Monmouth priory, to be transferred from lay into ecclesiastical possession, is confirmed to that house by the bishop's charter and seal. Denunciation of those who may impair, and praise of those who uphold this grant.
(Liber Albus, fo. 125.
See ut supra, p. 185.)
1144. Notification by Gilbert bishop of Hereford that he grants to the monks of Munemuda the advowson (dominium) of the church of St. Andrew of Awre (Aura) with its appurtenances, which Roger earl of Hereford has given them; and the parsonship (personatus), which concerns himself, after the death of Hugh the priest, saving the life interest of Hugh, and saving the bishop's rights, (episcopalibus) and synodals.
Testes: Radulfus Herefordensis eclesie decanus, et Petrus archidiaconus, et Ernulfus prior Sanchi Gudaci, et Robertus prior supradicte Monemue, et Ricardus de Vestbiria; Galfridus de Cliffordia, et Walterus de Cluna, et Herveus de Caples; Gilebertus de Valford, et Walterus del Fredne.
(Charter Roll, No. 13.
See ut supra, p. 185.)
1145. List of churches dependent on (ad obedientiam) St. Mary of Monemuta. The church of St. Theodoc, the church of St. Giles of Goodrich castle (Castello Godriz); the church of St. Nicholas, Stanton; the church of All Saints of Hope, with its chapel of Huntelcia; the church of St. John of Hope Gingenei; the church of St Margaret of Tribrichtonia; the church of St. Peter of Tedintun; the church of Stretton with its chapel of Asperton; the church of Bichenovria; the church of Langara; the church of Oswestry (Album Monasterium); the church of St. Roald of Treget with its chapel of St. Michael; the church of St. Andrew of Aura (fn. 62); the church of Leindeneia, with Hualdesfeld; the church of St. George of Clune castle with all the churches belonging to that castle, with a certain manor of West Hope and the tithe[s] of Lintonia. All these are in the diocese of Hereford. In the diocese of Worcester (Wiricestrie (fn. 63) ); the church of Suenton; the church of Mortun; the tithe[s] of Haia [and] of Guienton; the church of Westonia; the tithe of Hagapennia [and] of Dantesburna. In the see of Winchester: the tithe[s] of Clara, which are withheld.…, [the tithes] of Chauvertonia. In the diocese of Llandaff. (fn. 64)
[? 1151–1157.]
(Liber Niger, fo, 34, See ut supra, p. 186.)
1146. Charter of Hugh son of Richard. (fn. 65) With the most earnest approval of his worshipful wife Margaret and of his sons William and Richard, [and] at their repeated entreaties, he gives for his weal and that of his relatives, living and dead, to the priory (obedientia) of St. Mary, Monemuta, belonging to the monastery of St. Florent, Saumur, the church of St. Michael of Claverdon with all its appurtenances, freed from all lay exaction; and because the church on the day of its “betrothal” (desponsacionis (fn. 66) suæ) was slenderly endowed, he has added a full ploughland of his demesne in that vill. He grants also that if any of his men wish to give to that church and the brethren there watching in prayer to God an acre or two, saving his [Hugh's] service, for the good of his soul, his gift shall stand good. Further, he grants that the pasture in that vill shall be as common to the animals of the brethren as to his own, with pannage in his woods wherever they may be; adding that the monks and their men shall have freely and without [paying] custom [wood] for building and fences and firing and everything except selling. The church of Haiton with all appurtenances, and his castle chapel of St. John with all appurtenances, that is with the tithe[s] of Amentonia and the tithe[s] of Merton and others wherever they may be, the church of Aldevestrue; with all its appurtenances, the church of Malecomb, with the chapel of another Malecumb, [and] the chapel of Hineton, he makes over (delegavi) in almoin for ever. Moreover, he grants it the churches and tithes of all his land which are in his power to give. And in kindly thought for the brethren's food, he gives the fishpool of Claverdon with its mill. All the above endowments are to remain undisturbed, free from all lay claims and lordship.
Hujus autem donationis meæ, legitime et solemniter exhibitæ, idonei et irrefragibiles testes esse dinoscuntur; Robertus prior Monemutæ Gaufridus de Spiniac; Robertus presbyter de Haitona; Robertus clericus de Snitenesfeld, et Adalardus presbyter; de laicis, Margarita uxore mea, et Wilhelmus et Richardus filii mei; Rainaldus frater meus; Engenolfus et Osbertus de Lunce Cumba, et Adæuisa et Agnes et Aalis.
(Liber Niger, fo. 34.
See ut supra, p. 188.)
1147. Charter of John, bishop of Worcester. With the assent and at the request of Hugh son of Richard, he gives the monks of St. Florent, Saumur, saving the rights of William the canon, the church of Clodona (sic), free and quit, with all its appurtenances, saving in all things the bishop's rights.
His testibus: Hardingo canonico de Oseren; Ricardo de Guala et Homone clericis nostris; et Hugone filio Richardi et ejus uxore; et Henrico de Hermenteres.
[N. D.]
(Liber Albus, fo. 127.
Charter Roll, No. 5.
See ut supra, p. 189.)
1148. List of churches dependent on (obedientie) St. Mary of Monemuta. In the diocese of Hereford, the church of St. Teodoc; the church of St. Roald with its chapel of St. Michael; the church of Langare with all its appurtenances; the church of St. Giles of Goodrich castle; the church of Oswestry (Album Monasterium); the church of Bichenoure; the church of St. Nicholas of Stantun; the chapel of Hiwaldestun, with the weir (gurgite) of Broewere; the church of Awre (Aura) and certain land called Haiward, with all its appurtenances; the church of Lindeneia Baderon (Baderonis); the church of Hope (Hoppa) with its chapel of Huntley; the church of Tibiretun; the church of Hoppe Maloisel, and the tithe of Bichertunia; in Lintun the tithe of Baderon's fee; in the parish of St. Brigid in Erchenefelde, the tithe of William de Diva; the church of Stretun with all its appurtenances; the church of Tedintun. In the diocese of Landaf, the church of Rochovilla; the church of St. Brigid (fn. 67) (Brigide) of Schenevrit; the church of St. Guingaloius, and in that parish the land which was Robert's, which was given by the lord of that vill to the monks of St. Mary's, in alms, for ever; the church of Lancaddoc with all its appurtenances, and the land of Landliwit (fn. 68) which is in the monks’ demesne; the church of St. John of Troy (Troia). In the diocese of Winchester the tithe of Clare and the tithe of Chalwardtun. In the diocese of Worcester: the church of Suinton with half a hide of land of the fee of Robert Musard and one hide of the fee of Baderon; and the tithe of Chestretun [of] Godfrey's land; and the tithe of Duntelburna, (fn. 69) which was Baderon's; and the tithe of Hagenepenne; and the tithe of Guintuna (fn. 70); and the tithe of Haia; and the chapel of Mortun with two thirds of the tithe of the lord's demesne; the church of Westun, which Richard de Cormeliis gave to the Priory (obedientia).
All the endowments in Baderon's lordship are entitled to the same liberty as Baderon enjoys [just] as they were given by his predecessors (antecessores), that is, Guihenoc and Baderon's father William, after the conquest (acquisitio) of England. And from all Baderon's possessions, that is, of his old fief (de antiquo feodo ejus) which belongs to him in right of his father and his [pre]decessors, the whole tithes are given to the Priory (obedientia), that is, of wheat (bladum), of foals, of hay, and of all else on which Christians are wont to pay tithe. And wheresoever Baderon has pasture, in woods and in fields (campis), the Priory has common [of pasture] for its animals, by appointment and gift of his predecessors (antecessores) and by his own admission (attestatur). For his own part, moreover, Baderon has given the Priory the land called Hadenoc, and the weir (gurges) of Brocwere, and the land of William son of Anketil and the tithe of his hay wheresoever it is, and the tithe of his hunting and of boars and of stags and of all else that is taken in the chase.
Those endowments which follow are in the diocese of Worcester.
A certain nobleman, Hugh (Huo) son of Richard, (fn. 71) of Hattun, at the prayer of Margaret his worshipful wife, and from love of Robert prior of Monmouth, son of the said Margaret and stepson (filiaster) of Hugh, gave to the abbey of St. Florent, Saumur, for the weal of his soul, the church of St. Michael of Claverdun, with all its appurtenances, that is, with all the tithes and chapels belonging to it, namely, the chapels of Langelleie, of Wlwarditune, of Nortun, with the land known of old to belong to that church. Further, the said Hugh gave the abbey, in that vill, a full ploughland (charrucatam terrœ) and certain land near the church for granges (granchias) and gardens, and other land near it for the dwellings of the monks’ men, and a fishpool with a mill on it, all free from every due. If any of Hugh's men, dwelling in that vill, should wish to give the abbey an acre or two, saving the lord's service, he was to be free to do so. And the monks dwelling there and their men, were to enjoy, in woods and fields and everywhere else, common of pasture with the lord's flocks, and to take (accipiant) wood, at their will, for satisfying all their needs, but not for selling or assarting (exartare): and the monks were to be free from pannage and every due.
Also the church of Hatun with the castle chapel and all its appurtenances; and the chapel of Brocheshalia; and the chapel of Noneleia. In the diocese of Chester: the church of St. Nicholas, Haldulvestre. (fn. 72) In the diocese of Salisbury: the church of Malecombia (fn. 73) with its chapel, and the chapel of Hinetun.
[Ante 1122.]
(Liber Albus, fo. 130.
See ut supra, p. 191.)
1149. Notification that Alan son of Flaald granted to St. Florent and his monks, of whom were present Guihenoc, Guigo, and William, the church of Sporle (Sparlaicum) with all its tithes, and the holding of a certain man, and the land of two ploughs, one in Sporle (Sparlaicium) and the other in Mileham (Meleham); and wood for building and firing and pasture everywhere for their flocks (pecora) with his own. And he gave them the church free from all claims, specially from that of the monks of Holy Trinity, assigning to them twenty shillings a year from his ferm of Sporle.
Testes sunt hi: Arketellus presbiter; Ivo diaconus; de laicis: Odo de Norguico; Hamo Got Gurhant; Rivallonus Extraneus; Garinus de Marisco; Urfoen filius Fulcherii; Alanus Urvoni filius; Bondo; Torkil filius ejus; Rivallonus monachorum famulus; Osbertus et Arketellus frater ejus.
1100, 12 March.
Original Pancarte, No. 2; and Charter Roil, Nos. 2 and 7
in archives.
Liber Albus, fo. 128d.
See ut supra, p. 192.)
1150. Notification that William (II.) king of the English gives to God and St. Florent the church of Andover (Andievra) with its tithes and all its appurtenances, as it was in the time of king Edward. And he directs that all churches built under the mother church of Andevra should be utterly destroyed, or should be held by the monks of St. Florent.
Hujus rei sunt isti testes: Wihenœcus Sancti Florentii monachus, et Willelmus monachus; comes Alanus; Ivo Tailebois. (fn. 74)
This charter was dictated by Rannulf and Gislebert monks of St. Florent, and written (descripsit) by Noius the deacon, March 12, (iiijto id. Mart.’) namely on the feast of St. Gregory the pope, in the year 1100, the indiction being 8, the epact 7, and the concurrents 7.
(Liber Albus, fo. 128d.
See ut supra, p. 193.)
1151. Notification of an agreement made and confirmed at Andover (Andevria) between the monks of St. Florent and Philip Croch in presence of Froger abbot of St. Florent, concerning three virgates and two acres of land held by the church of Andevria at Estona, of the fee of Mathew Croch. Philip is to pay the prior of Andevria half a mare of silver annually for that land, at Michaelmas, so long as he lives. Neither to the king nor anyone [else] shall the prior do any service for it, but Philip shall acquit it all in everything. Philip shall hold the land for his life only, and on the day of his death the monks shall have it freely. And during his life he shall not seek, directly, or indirectly, to deprive the church of Andevria of that land or rent. And he has sworn with his own hand on the four gospels that he will so keep the agreement.
Teste Matheo Crohc, (fn. 75) cujus consilio et assensu hoc factum est; de clericis vero; Rotberto de Clatf[orda]; Rogero capellano; Willelmo presbitero; Clemente presbitero; Guillelmo de Calestona et Symone fratre ejus; Lodevico Croch; Richardo de Fiscanno; Guillelmo filio Thece; Richardo de Henam; Radulfo de Berchefelda; Radulfo camerario; Ernaldo de Mareis; Radulfo filio Rotgerii; Gauterio de Trotbridge marescallo; Roberto filio Guillelmi; Torgis; Roberto Bont.
[Circ. 1080.]
(Liber Albus, fo. 78d.)
1152. Notification that Rainald son of Eudo when he became a monk gave certain lands to the monks of St. Florent, for granting which his brother Hugh received five shillings from Ulric the monk. The gift was also granted by Albereda his mother, whose dower that land was, and his brothers Hugh (sic) and Silvester, also by Hamo son of Mainus, of whose fief (casamento) that land was.
Testes: Alanus siniscallus: Badero; Adam filius Urvoii; Morellus; Galterius prepositus; Hugo de Lamara.
[Circ. 1080.]
(Liber Albus, fo. 80.)
1153. Notification of the settlement of a dispute between Morbled and the monks of St. Florent concerning tithes at Pleine Fougères (Plana Fulgeria).
Testes sunt Odolricus monachus; Badero; Guillelmo (sic) filius ejus; Hamo filio Rodaldi; Trihannus filius Brientii; Bernardus de Sancto Domenoc; Morvannus; Herveus pincerna; Galterius presbyter; Corbin etc.
1086, 23 Dec.
(Liber Albus, fo. 84.)
1154. Notification of a quitclaim by Hugh de Mara to the monks of St. Florent.
Actum in domo monachi de Trembleit anno ab incarnatione Domini MLXXXVI., x. kal Januarii. Testes: Hamo, Guido Johannes, monachi. Laici: Radulfus de Filgeriis; Alanus dapifer; Herveus botellarius; Judhel filius Orvoci, qui quatuor hujus conventionis sunt fide jussores (sic) etc.…
(Liber Rubeus, fo. 24.)
1155. Charter of Henry duke of the Normans and count of the Angevins. He restores to Matthew abbot of St. Florent and the brethren the land of Mol (Molli), as free as it was when his father Geoffrey count of the Angevins took it for his own purposes. He also restores them the dead wood “in Valeia,” etc.…
Testibus; Nicholao abbate Sancti Nicholai; Josleno de Turon[i]; Gaufrido de Cleer[is]; Hugone de Cleer[is]; Liver[o] de Treuer’; Piponi de Turon[i]; Brientio de Martiniaco. Apud Andegavum.
(Liber Rubeus, fo. 24.)
1156. Charter of Henry II. addressed to all his officers of Anjou. He grants to the abbey of St. Florent de Saumur half the May fair at Saumur, so long as that fair lasts before and after the feast of St. Florent.
Testibus Gaufrido decano Andegavensi; Frogerio archidiacono (fn. 76); Gosleno de Turoni senescallo Andeg[avie]; Hugone de Cleers; Briencio de Martineio; Simone de Castellione; Buccardo de Marellio; Matheo de Baugeio. Apud Chinon.
[Documents and Cartulary in Archives of Maine et Loire. (fn. 77) ]
(Ancient copy;
Trans. Vol. 140 A, No. 126. Also
Inspeximus in
archives, A. 1, fos. 2, 16.
See Cartulaire, p. iv.)
1157. Charter of Henry II. addressed generally. For the love of God and for the weal of his soul and of the souls of his ancestors and successors, he gives to God and to Christ's poor the site on which is built the domus Dei at Angers near the well (fontem) of St. Laurence, which house he has founded of his own alms in honour of God, for entertainment (hospitalitatem) of the destitute and to relieve their want. And he confirms to that house all the benefactions which have been or shall be conferred on it by the devotion of the faithful, and all that the brethren or wardens of that house may acquire in future, whether of his own fee or of another's, to hold in frank almoin for ever, free from all secular exaction and from all service to himself.
Testibus: Gauffrido de Luci (fn. 78); Herberto Cantuar[i]ensi archidiacono; Guillelmo de Humeto constabulario; Uinfrido (fn. 79) de Bohun constabulario; Fulqueo Painel; Roberto de Stuteville; Radulfo Tessun; Bertranno de Verdon; Willelmo de Hostilleyo; Johanne de Sulneigne (fn. 79); Roberto Marmion (fn. 80); Willelmo de Sollania (fn. 79); Hamon[e] pincerna. Apud Vallonnias.
[? 1180, Christmas.]
(Original in archives, B. 12, fo. 57.
See ut supra, p. v.)
1158. Charter of Henry II. addressed generally. For the weal and redemption of his soul, those of his father and mother and of his predecessors. he has founded and constructed at Angers, near the well of St. Laurence, the hospital there situate for the support and relief of Christ's poor. Touched by the wants and the need of the dwellers therein, both sick and whole, he grants them his sluice at Angers which he made at his own cost, to hold in alms for ever, as held by himself, with improvements made there in mills or otherwise. Those who infringe this gift are threatened with the wrath of God and with his own.
Testibus: Willelmo episcopo Cenomannensi; Sefredo episcopo Cicestrensi; magistro Walterio de Constantiis; Mauricio de Creon; Willelmo de Hume[to] constabulario; Ricardo vicecomite Bellomont[is]; Lancelino de Vindocino; Roberto de Stutevilla; Hugone de Creissi; Folqueio Painello; Thoma Bardulfo; Willelmo de Ostilli. Apud Cenomannum.
1199, Oct.
(Cartulary of St.
Jean d’Angers, B. 148, fo. 1.
See ut supra, p. xxiv.)
1159. Charter of Arthur, duke of Britanny, count of Anjou and [carl] of Richmond, addressed generally. With the consent and free will of his lady mother Constance, duchess of Britanny, he gives to the poor folk and the brethren of the almonry of St. John, Angers, by the well (fontem) of St. Laurence, fuel (calefagium) for their needs in Valeia, for the souls of king Henry, his good grandfather, his father Geoffrey, duke of Britanny, and other his predecessors and successors, and for the weal of his own soul and [that] of his dearest mother, by whose advice he makes this gift.
Hiis testibus: Hamerico vicecomite Thoarcii; Guidone de Thoarcio, comite Britannie; Gaufrido de Castro Briencii; Willelmo de Fulgeri[is]; Ivone de Jallia; Alano Gemello; Raginardo de capella; Roberto de Apigneio; Ingobaudo monacho; Petro clerico, et aliis quampluribus, anno Domini MoCoXCo nono, mense Octobri[s].
[Original Documents and Copy in Archives of Maine et Loire.]
(Original in archives, (fn. 81)
H. 1240.)
1160. Charter of Geoffrey son of Geoffrey count of the Angevins, granting in the hand of William abbot of SS. Sergius and Bacchus, to its abbots and monks the gift of the churches of Baugé (Baugiacensium), which gift had been made by the lords of Beaupré (de Bello Pratello), and granted by the lord Henry his brother, duke of the Normans and count of the Angevins, in his presence and that of his younger brother William, who [also] granted it. This was done in the castle of Amboise (Ambaciensi), in the chamber of the monks of St. Thomas the Apostle etc.… these being witnesses:—
Henricus dux Normannorum; Ego Gaufridus et Willelmus junior frater meus; Bartholomeus abbas Sancti Nicholai; Aimericus prior Camiliaci; Angerius et Raignaudus monachi Sancti Sergii; Gaufridus Beivin canonicus Sancti Martini Andegavensis; Goslenus de Turoni (sic) dapifer comitis And[egavorum]; Briencius de Martiniaco constabularius; Sim[on] de Castellione camerarius; Aimericus de Avero, et alii quam plures.
(Original in archives, (fn. 81)
H. 1240.)
1161. Charter of Henry duke of the Normans and count of the Angevins, and of his brothers Geoffrey and William notifying that for their father's soul they have granted (ut supra).
Testibus: Bartholomeo Sancti Nicholai Andegavensis abbate; Haimerico priore de Chemilleio; Josleno de Turonis; Brientio de Martigneio; Guferio de Brueria; Simone de Castellione; Philippo de Pontuin. Apud Ambaziam.
[? 1166, Easter. (fn. 82) ]
(Copy in archives, G. 1003. (fn. 83) )
1162. Charter of Henry II. addressed to the bishop of Angers, and all his prévôts and officers of Anjou. He grants to Fulk his chamberlain for Anjou (camerario de Andegavi) the chapelry (capellaniam) which he has founded in the church of St. Laud. He also grants the land of Précigné, etc.… For the secure observance of this grant, he causes it to be fortified and sealed with his seal as king and count (sigillo regni mei necnon comitatus mei muniri et sigilari).
[? 1166.] Hoc autem viderunt et audierunt Richardus et Gofridus filii regis; Johannes de Salisberis (sic); Alanus de Tewkesberio; Guillelmus de Cantorb[er]ia, et pluribus aliis (sic). Apud Andegavum.
(Original [formerly
sealed] in archives, G. 1024.)
1163. Charter of Henry II. addressed to the archbishop of Tours, the bishops of Le Mans and Angers and all the officers etc. of his father's land (terre patris sui). He confirms (concessisse) the agreement (pacem et conventionem) between the canons of St. Martin of Tours and his canons of his chapel of St. Martin at Angers, made, at his entreaty before Hugh de Cleeris, concerning a muid of wheat etc.…
Testibus: B[artholomeo] archiepiscopo Burdegalensi; Stephano electo Redonensi; B. decano Sancti Mauricii Turonensis; Willelmo Malet dapifero; Willelmo de Hasting[es]; Hugone de Cleeris. Apud Turon[em].
1190, [7 Aug.]
(Dom Housseau:
Jouraine Vol. 5, No. 2046. [from
13th cent.
See Bibliothèque de
Pécole des chartes, XXXVI., 440.)
1164. Charter of Richard I. granting to the abbey of La Boissière (de Buxeria) and its monks pannage for their swine and pasture for their stock in all his forests of Anjou, and confirming to them the endowments they had received or might receive in his dominions.
Datum apud Marsiliam, die quo mare intravimus Jerosolimam transfretandus (sic) anno primo regni nostri.


  • 1. Rectius, as in “Liber Albus”: “filii ipsius comitis Rotberti; comitis Moritanni.”
  • 2. i.e., Gernon (Domesday passim).
  • 3. But very possibly an error for “Philippo filio suo.”
  • 4. Misreading for “Anni[n]getone.”
  • 5. Rectius: “Silvaticus.”
  • 6. Domesday I., 28b.
  • 7. Domesday I., 28.
  • 8. Crosses inserted here.
  • 9. These charters are printed in the Monasticon, under Sele Priory, from an original or quasi-original text at Magdalen College, Oxford. But as they are there treated as one only, and erroneously combined, they are abstracted here. See also Preface.
  • 10. The clauses in brackets are found in the second document and in the Cartulary.
  • 11. The “Liber Albus” here inserts (in addition): “Signa Guillelmi regis; regine “Mathildis; Hainrici comitis; Lanfranci archiepiscopi; Stigandi episcopi “Ci[ce]strensis; Guillelmi de Braiosa.”
  • 12. First document ends here. Second gives both charters.
  • 13. Assuming “feria septima” to be for “feria sexta,” which latter is the reading in Liber Albus, fo. 115d. M. Marchegay failed to note this latter reading, which gives the date he required.
  • 14. The bishop of Bayeux.
  • 15. Domesday I., 98, 116b.
  • 16. Domesday I., 72, 82, 96b, 111.
  • 17. Domesday II., 87b, 173, 330b.
  • 18. Eudo son of Turstin Haldup.
  • 19. “Romellisque” in “Liber Albus.”
  • 20. See p. 397, note 8.
  • 21. Rectius:“Sansonis.”
  • 22. Domesday Vol. I. passim.
  • 23. See No. 1133.
  • 24. This is right for 1093.
  • 25. i.e.Monmouth Priory.
  • 26. Probably William “filius Normanni” (Domesday, I., 167b 185b).
  • 27. ? Pembridge.
  • 28. This is the year given by Jaffé. The Indiction and Pontifical year agree with it. These, here given within brackets, are omitted in printed text.
  • 29. This is the text collated for above.
  • 30. Omitted in printed text.
  • 31. And Liber Rubeus, fo. 8, without the final clause.
  • 32. This passage omitted in printed text.
  • 33. “Schretuna” in printed text.
  • 34. MS.:? “Dune.”
  • 35. “Datum” in printed text.
  • 36. Proved by Indiction and Papal year. This Bull is not given by Jaffé.
  • 37. This text collated for above.
  • 38. Lib. Arg.: “de Hepa, de Hopa Eilildis.”
  • 39. “Datum” in printed text.
  • 40. Omitted in printed text.
  • 41. This text collated for above.
  • 42. The Indiction is for 1163.
  • 43. ? “Tadioci” in MS.
  • 44. Liber Rubeus: “de castello Dune.”
  • 45. Omitted in printed text.
  • 46. MS.: “Estigande.”
  • 47. MS.: “Luciæ.”
  • 48. MS.: “Leuvinæ.”
  • 49. MS.: “delabustac.”
  • 50. MS.:“defamulis.”
  • 51. “tercia die ante solemnitatem beatissimi patris nostri qui colitur in quadragesima.”
  • 52. The names within the brackets are written in another hand on the charter roll.
  • 53. No trace of seal.
  • 54. Domesday I., 169, 177.
  • 55. Of Gloucestershire.
  • 56. Domesday, Vol. I., passim.
  • 57. No trace of seal.
  • 58. Sic; the name of this monk occurs elsewhere in the Cartulary.
  • 59. MS.: “Clocestria” (sic).
  • 60. The text is continuous, though the charter and its confirmation are distinet.
  • 61. Sheriff of Herefordshire 1159–1160.
  • 62. Omitted in printed text.
  • 63. “Wincestrie” in printed text.
  • 64. MS. damaged.
  • 65. Founder of Wroxhall Nunnery. See Dugdale's Warwickshire, p. 651 and Monasticon Anglicanum IV., 88.
  • 66. To the monastery? Cf. Ducange: “Desponsale,” “Desponsare.”
  • 67. “Bridice” on charter roll.
  • 68. “Landliguit” in printed text; “Landliwit” on roll.
  • 69. “Duntesburna” on charter roll; “Divites Burna” in printed text.
  • 70. “Guuntuna” in printed text.
  • 71. See p. 412, n. 1.
  • 72. “Hadulvestre” in printed text.
  • 73. “Mclecombia” on charter roll.
  • 74. An interval of several inches follows here in the document.
  • 75. “Croch” in printed text.
  • 76. i.e., of Derby.
  • 77. Printed in Port's Cartulaire de St. Jean d’Angers.
  • 78. Archdeacon of Derby (“Godefrido” in Angers text).
  • 79. The following readings are taken from the more perfect text at Angers: “Unfredo”—-“Suligneio”—“Solariis.” The other variations are unimportant.
  • 80. Sic rightly on fo. 2 (copied from Vidimus of 1301), but “de Marmion” (as in Port's text) wrongly on fo. 16 (Vidimus of 1265).
  • 81. Transcribed in MS. lat. 5446, fo. 189.
  • 82. “1180 circa,” in Inventaire Sommaire.
  • 83. A charter of almost similar tenor is preserved in the same liasse; but it has different witnesses, including Stephen seneschal (of Anjou), Ralf, son of Stephen, Gilbert Guarderobe, William “de Ostileio,” Durand the butler (pincerna) and “Johanne filio regis minore.” It is similarly granted at Angers (apud Andegavum).