Henry VIII: April 1538, 6-10

Pages 260-276

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 13 Part 1, January-July 1538. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1892.

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April 1538, 6-10

6 April 686. Windsor.
R. O. Examination of a certain cause committed by the Council to Win. Frankleine, dean of the King's College, Windsor, and [John] Rokes, mayor of the borough, taken 5 and 6 April 29 Henry VIII., touching the accusations made by Robert Gwy, one of the singing men at Windsor College, against he two parish priests, Sir Richard Lauson, curate of St. John Baptist's, in New Windsor, and Sir Peter, the morow masse prest, for disobeying the Bishops' Book put forth by the King at Bartholomew Tide last.
i. Depositions of two witnesses, viz., Ric. Or[charde] alias Baker, and John Tyle, baker, that Gwy denounced the two priests as traitors on . . April in the shop of Rob. Leche.
ii. Deposition of Gwy that since the publication of the Bishops' Book he had heard that Lauson had measured the churchyard with a wick, whereof a light of wax was made called a tryndell, by which to assuage the plague, and that he had warned him ineffectually to declare the King's supremacy and injunctions ; also that Orcharde and Tyle had set forth this matter in malice against him (Gwy).
iii. Depositions of Rob. Leche and four others. Leche says that Orcharde and Tyle, coming into the town on 3 April, found Gwy in the street carving with a knife in a piece of box, who said to them, How say ye now, my two masters, to a good salt eel? I could gladly feed thereof and not charge my conscience. Yea, masters, how say ye to a dish of buttered eggs? Tyle answered, By the grace of God, no eggs shall come in my belly before Easter. They be so commonly eaten, that whereto, for Easter, we have commonly had xij for a penny, at this Easter we shall have not passing viij for one penny. Gwy said, The restraining of white meat to be eaten is but a tradition of the bishop of Rome, of whom every man for money might redeem to feed at large; but the King, God preserve his Grace ! hath freely given licence to nil his subjects and without money. Deponent's servant, Edm. Knyght, confirming this, said he heard it lately proclaimed at Uxbridge that all who would might eat white meat. Guy also accused the priests of having made improper inquiries of married women in confession.
iv. Answers of Sir Ric. Lauson and Sir Peter. The former denies measuring the churchyard, but says that by order of the churchwardens he desired the charity of the parishioners for the renewing of the tryndell, which was spent. He was formerly parish priest of Hatfield, Herts., where he duly declared the King's injunctions; but here he received no command from his ordinary to do so until 4 April last. He allows asking one of the witnesses, in confession, if she had at any time carnally committed with any beside her husband, and saving, when she denied it, Ye may thank God; but many in this town have done. Sir Peter merely counselled a woman to be guided by God's laws rather than by"her husband, and to resort into the Castle and pray to King Henry. Signed by the two commissioners and by 11 others present at the examination, 3 of whom sign with marks.
Large paper, pp. 5. Mutilated. Endd.
6 April. 687. Cranmer to Cromwell
R. O.
C.'s Letters,
According to Cromwell's letter concerning Friar Forest, the bp. of Worcester and Cranmer will be with him tomorrow to know his pleasure. If they proceed against Forest by order of law, articles must be devised before band to be ministered unto him. Lambeth, 6 April. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: Lord Privy Seal. Endd.
6 April. 688. John Husee to Lord Lisle.
R. O. I received your letter and other writings by Mr. Vice-treasurer's servant. Bothe, Mr. Hide's doer and solicitor of his causes, was then here. Describes how Bothe raised some objections about the bargain which were finally compromised by lord Lisle's counsel drawing up new indentures, which the writer now sends to be signed. Requests that they may be signed and returned with speed, as he has today received 120l. from Bowthe, and delivered him the deed, the obligation, and the letter of attorney, and received the obligation and the deed. The indenture on his behalf is ready to be signed when Lisle's part arrives. The chief alteration is that, by the original indentures, Mr. Hide was bound to pay Mr. Aylmer and Mr. Smythe their annuities during their lives, though the law will nowise bear them longer than Lisle's life. Would, however, for Mr. Aylmer's sake, have been glad if the first indentures had stood. Within two hours after receipt of the 120l., paid Mr. Vice-treasurer 60l. m. st., and got his letter to his brother Thomas Fowler to repay the same (sent herewith). If the first covenants made with Mr. Hide had not been very slender for the assurance of your rent during life, I would have made Mr. Hide I selfyd (sic) one note more towarde ela, which perchance myzt have cost hym 20l. He promised me 10l.; you shall know when I get it, and I think Mr. Dudley will see that I have it. Mr. Bonham is come hither, but I think he can make no ready money. He offers 60l.—30l. at Easter and 30l. at Michaelmas. Seeing ready money will not be had, you should make your most advantage, which will be nearly 100l. The ring I shall keep till your coming. As to your licence of coming over, I have made it ready with help of learned counsel; for none of the clerks of the signet could draw it, there being no precedent that could be found in record of a deputy of Calais coming over while deputy. I trust that when Mr. Bryan and Dr. Bonar, Dr. Haynes and other be totally despatched to the Emperor and French king, your bill shall be signed. Mr. Bryan thinks to be with you in four days, and the rest with him. I am counselled to take out your licence under the Broad Seal. My lord Privy Seal says you can tarry only 14 days, and the keys to remain with Mr. Marshal till your return. Where you marvel I made no answer touching my lord Comptroller's articles; I was not privy to the putting up of them. My lord Comptroller showed them to me before Mr. Fowler; for if they had been delivered to my lord Privy Seal in my presence I would have done my duty. I have written both to Mr. Sparke and Sir Oliver for the keys of the evidence. As for your lodging, the King removy[th] on Monday towards Greenwich, where I will prepare you some meet lodging. You must bring your mantle and robes of St. George. I think my lord Edmond and Mr. Treasurer will not be despatched before your [coming hither, although they have fair words. My lord Marquis Dorset's quittance must not be forgotten, nor the abbot of Westminster's tun of wine. Your gown-cloth is ready ; if you let me know the fashion I shall have it ready made and the footcloth also. I enclose a letter to me from the earl of Essex, asking what he should pay for the herring and wine. I replied that I was to receive no money of him. Now he will have five puncheons more of French wine and the rest in Gascon, five tuns in all, and will pay for it. London, 6 April.
Barnebe has not made any complaint of your Lordship, but his suit is to have my lord Privy Seal's letters in his favour, and he will then submit himself to your grace and mercy.
Hol., pp. 3. Add.: Deputy oï Calais.
6 April. 689. John Husee to Lady Lisle.
R. O. I have received your letter. As to Mrs. Mary Oxenbridge, she has deceived both your Ladyship and her sister, for in coming hither she made herself sure to a gentleman of Kent called Barram. Her sister is not a little displeased, chiefly for disappointing you. Mr. Skutt gave me the velvet for your Ladyship's matins book. I look hourly for the priest, who shall depart towards Calais immediately on its coming. Mrs. Frances' gown is ready, and will go en Tuesday by Mark's ship, by whom I will send the sayes and the travers if I can have it. As to Hyde's matter, I have to-day received 120l., and paid according to my Lord's writing 60l. to Mr. Fowler to be paid in Calais at sight of his letter, which I enclose in my Lord's letter. The rest I keep till I hear my Lord's pleasure. They would now go from their bargain unless we would reform the indenture, which I have done with the advice of my Lord's counsel. I send my Lord both the new and old, that he may see the difference to him is not a pin. It would have cost Mr. Hyde 40l. more if my Lord's assurance of his first covenants had been as strong as they are now, and to make all sure I was the gladder to go through with him. Mr. Bonham is now come, aud can get no money of his friends, but offers 30l. at Easter and 30l. at Michaelmas, I think my Lord will take most advantage of others. Mrs. Anne thanks you for her girdle and pearl, but six score are not enough. Indeed they are not to be worn in the Queen's service unless they can bo set full. I have put a tablet to making for Mrs. Anne. Barnbe does not intend to complain of my Lord or you, but strives to get your goodwill. I beg you help the poor man, lest he be utterly undone. I send you some gold delivered to me by Mrs. Whalley, who looks for her hogsheads of wine. Mr. Judde cannot get such colours of silk as you wrote for. I send you the auditor's book of this year, in which he has charged me with 3l. 7s. 9d. as delivered to me ,by Mr. Wynsor of my Lord's money; but this is wrong, for it was the remnant of Soberton rent last Christmas but one, which was in ao xxviij. Hen. viij., which money I spent in ling and fish by your command, as Mr. Wynsor's account of that year should show. Mrs. Katharine desires your blessing. Lady Rutland has given her a new gown of yellow damask, and will not let me pay for making, velvet, or lining. She requires a partlet of black velvet and a frontlet of black velvet with satin, which I will send her, and see her kirtle new bodied that James last brought her. She would like to have the pomander which James had home. Philpot goes over by the next ship by long sea. London, 6 April.
Mr. George was merry yesterday. He is now returned to the country to school. I would Mr. Bassett came over because of his chamber.
Hol., pp. 3. Add.
6 April. 690. Norfolk to Cromwell.
R. O. Thanks Cromwell for news. The great sickness increases in those parts, and he has sent both his sons' children to a house six miles off. It is fallen in "Buckenham and Willybe since he wrote last, and, if it come to Kenninghall town or Fersfeld, he will sparcle his household. His daughter of Richmond continually, with weeping and wailing, cries out for licence to ride to London to sue her cause. Is afraid the King would not be pleased, and begs Cromwell to feel his Grace's mind. If Cromwell advises it, will bring her up with about 80 persons and lie at London till Whitsuntide or longer if the sickness continues in those parts, and then borrow a house near London or lie at Layer Marnay and sparcle the rest of his company at board wages.
St. George's Day will be Tuesday after Easter Day. Wishes to know if the King will licence him to be absent at the St. George's Day; if not he: II start for London the morrow after Palm Sunday.
On Monday morning the bp. of Ely, Sir Roger Townesende, and the substantial men of Marshelonde and the town of Lynne will meet Norfolk at Mawdelyn Bridge to view the sea dikes. Hears that if a pier be not made at Lynne before next winter the whole country will be lost, like Erith marsh. If the wind had been N.E. instead of S.W. it had been lost last spring. The Bishop is a great lord there, and Norfolk has lands there that were of Lewes. If the Bishop will contribute as Norfolk will, after his rate, trusts to make a good journey for the common wealth of that country. Desires answer, against his return, concerning the St. George's Day and his daughter. Kenyngale, 6 April. Signed.
P.S. in his own hand. I hear one is fallen sick in this house and is conveyed hence in a cart. I trust it shall prove only an ague. If it prove the worst, I will the longer absent myself from the King's presence.
Pp. 2. Add.: Lord Privy Seal. Endd. Sealed.
6 April. 691. Norfolk to Cromwell.
R. O. Thanks for the news in Cromwell's last letters. Prays God the Emperor may be no more hasty to this meeting than Mr. Wyott writes. As to the conclusion of the marriage for the king of Scots, thinks few Englishmen will be sorry, hoping that some of the Burgundian blood may have the place she might else have had. The failing of it is like to turn to the French displeasure; et merito, for wisdom would not have considered the king of England and the king of Scots equal as friends. On Saturday come sevennight will be with the King. Kenyngale, 6 April. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: Lord Privy Seal.
6 April. 692. Margaret Vernon to Cromwell.
R. O. I perceived by Mr. Doctor Lee that Mr. Dormer hath not fulfilled his promise with you, for which I am sorry. He sent me word last term that he would see you satisfied or he left the town. But now I must trust to myself ; wherefore, I beg you bear with me a little, for I have paid so much since coming hither, and yet have received nothing of this half-year's rent, so that I cannot at this time f ulfii my promise made by Mr. Dormer. Malling, 6 April.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: Lord Privy Seal. Endd.
6 April. 693. The Mayor and Jurates of Rye to Sir Thos. Cheyney.
R. O. According to your Lordship's command we send by the bringers hereof which heard him speak these words with the examination of them. And also they will ascertain your Lordship after what fashion their communication first began. Rye, 6 April.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: Sir Thomas Cheyne, knight, lord Warden of the Fyve Ports."
6 April. 694. Elis Price to [Cromwell.]
Cleop. E. iv.
B. M.
Supp. of the
Ellis 1 Ser. ii.
I was made, by your Lordship's command, commissary-general of the diocese of St. Asaph, and have done my diligence for the taking away of abusions, superstitions, and hypocrisies used there; yet there is an image of Darvellgadarn there to whom people come in daily pilgrimage with kine, oxen, horses, or money; 500 or 600 pilgrims offered there on the 5th inst. There is a belief that the image has power to fetch persons out of hell that be damned. For reformation of the premises I beg to know your pleasure by bearer. North Wales, 6 April. Signed.
7 April. 695. Henry VIII. to Sir Thomas Wyatt.
Harl. 282,
f. 32.
S.P. viii. 22.
Nott's Wyatt,
Is sending Dr. Haynes and Dr. Boner to the Emperor to declare the same things of which the King wrote to Wyatt before that he is anxious to have opened to him. They are to confer about their charge with Wyatt, who is to introduce them. Westminster, 7 April 29 Hen. VIII. Signed at the head.
Add.: Sir Thomas Wyatt, knight, our ambassador resident in the Emperor's Court. Endd. by Wyatt; The Kynges Majestie of the vij. of Aprill by Mr. Haynes and Mr. Bonar, receyvid the x. of May at Myce.
R. O. 2. Instructions to Heynes and Bonner, ambassadors with the Emperor.
St. P. viii. 23. They are to confer with Sir Thos. Wiat before having an audience. They
shall acknowledge themselves persons unmeet for such a charge, but are sent by the King for two causes ; first from his great desire for the advancement of God's word; and, second, his great love for the Emperor which leads him to offer advice.
The first point is to show the Emperor how bishops of Rome hare usurped upon princes and wrested Scripture to the maintenance of their lusts, affections, and glory. In this point they may get instruction from a letter lately written by the bps. of Durham and London, from a book written by Dr. Adison and other treatises. The second point is to ask the Emperor, before he consents to the bp. of Rome's conciliabule at Vincence, to consider what a General Council is, by whom it should be indicted, &c., and what dishonour it will be for the Emperor to come at the calling of one who ought to be his subject, and what inconvenience has ensued by such councils. They can refer to the King's protestation touching the first indiction to Mantua with the epistle added upon the prorogation thereof to no place certain and the calling of it now at the last to Vincentia, and to books written by Alexander Alesiua and Master Cole. They must not forget one special reason touched in the said epistle, that if the bp. of Rome had authority to summon princes, he must have power also to appoint whither they shall come; whereby it would follow that he might appoint what place in any prince's realm he chose, which, once granted, he might put in effect what he has claimed by word, that is, the power to deprive and expel kings and princes. It was for this reason the duke of Mantua refused to grant him his city. Some of the Emperor's Council have said that he has not yet given his consent to the place, which being true the Emperor may easily stay it, that in lieu of this conciliable there may be called a Christian free General Council, by consent of the princes, to an indifferent place, whereunto no prince would be more glad to give his assent than the King. They are to enlarge upon the disadvantages of the place fixed.
If mention is made of the late overtures of the Emperor and his ambassadors here for alliance, and the renovation of the old amity, Haynes and Boner are to answer according to the letters sent to Wiat."
If they perceive the Emperor inclined to consider the above and to redubb his former negligence and cold proceeding in the other matters of alliance, they are to remain; but if they perceeive no towardness in him they shall return.
Wiat, Haynes, and Bonner shall from time advertise Brian and Thirleby, the ambassadors in France, of occurrences in the Emperor's Court.
Pp. 15. Draft corrected by Wriothesley.
7 April. 696. Thos. Warley to Lady Lisle.
R. O. Mrs. Katharine and Mrs. Anne are merry and in good health. Mrs. Katherine desires you to give her a gown of Russelles worsted, a kirtle of Bruges satin, a neckoler, a velvet partlet, and some money, for she is moneyless and lacks shoes. Mrs. Anne looks for the frontlet you promised her. She says the six score pearls she has received are all rags and too few to serve for a past. My lady of Wiltshire died on Wednesday last beside Baynard's castle. Mrs. Elizabeth Plantagenet, my Lord's daughter, is sick of an ague, at her brother's in the White Friars, but the worst is past. Tomorrow, Sir John Dudley, my Lady, and Mrs. Elizabeth, and all the household remove to Keyo beside Richmond. The Lord Mayor, Sir Ric. Gresham, desires my Lord to send him a piece of French wine that, is very good, and he will pay the price to the bringer. There is no news but what I think you have heard. Mr. Mantell and his servants hurt Geo. Wynkfeld and much business had, but the Council have taken up the cause. Wolfe, the earl of Hartford's servant, fought a master of fence in St. Martin's and killed him. He is now in Sanctuary in Westminster. One of my lord Admiral's servants killed another in Westminster. Mr. Gawen Carrow and [his serva]nt fought with a sergeant and his yeoman, who was killed and the sergeant sore hurt. Mr. Carrow is in the Cownter and his servant in Newgate. One of my lord Privy Seal's servants named Gawen should have been arrested and fought with the sergeants, and is sore hurt. Afterwards 40 gentlemen and serving men beat all the officers at the Counter into houses. I trust my Lord's licence to come over will be signed today or tomorrow. Hussey and I will then come immediately to Calais. Tomorrow the King removes from Westminster to Croydon, and will keep his Easter at Greenwich. Sir Fras. Bryan will be at Calais in three days. He is going as ambassador to the French king, and Dr. Bonner and Dr. Haynes to the Emperor.
Hopes lord and lady Lisle will soon be a merry grandfather and grandame. London, 7 April.
Mr. Nedham, clerk of the Council, desires my Lord to send Mr. Cokeson's answer, or else be fears a tachement will be awarded against him. The lord Chancellor's comptroller labours sore on Mr. Wingfield's side, for he was brought up with the Wingfields. He said the lord Chancellor would write to my Lord.
Mr. . . . showed me that when my Lord comes, he shall be sure of a lodging in his house, where Sir Fras. Bryan lay. I have inquired of Sir Fras. Bryan's servants about Mr. George Basset. They say he is at Ampthill merry, and applies his learning with certain of the King's wards. Every man praises him for his towardness and good conditions.
Hol., pp. 2. Add.: at Calais. Endd.: These be the letters that Larke had in keeping.
7 April. 697. Lord Cobham and Sir Edward Broke.
Harl. MS., 99,
f. 147.
B. M.
Receipt by Sir Edw. Broke, kt., of 5l. from Sir George Broke, lord Cobham, for his half year's annuity. Dated 7 April 29 Hen. VIII. Signed: By me, Sir Edward Cobham.
P. 1.
7 April. 698. Southwyke Priory.
R. O. Surrender of the monastery with all its possessions in Hants, Wilts, Oxon, and elsewhere in England, Wales, and the marches thereof. 7 April, 29 Hen. VIII. Signed by Wm. Noxtun, prior, and 12 others. [See Deputy Keeper's Eighth Report, App. II., 41.] Seal much broken.
Enrolled [Close Roll, p. 2, No. 25] ns acknowledged, same day, before Wm. Peter, one of the clerks of Chancery.
7 April. 699. Grey Friars, Ipswich.
R. O. The inventory of the Grey Friars in Ipswich, made 7 April 29 Hen. VIII. by the King's visitor, Richard, suffragan of Canterbury, (fn. n1) at the sight of Mr. Stysted, bailey, and Wm. Laurans.
The Choir.—5 candlesticks, 2 hanging lamps, a holy-water stoup and sprinkle, laten; 20 books, good and ill, a timber lectern, a small form.
The Vestry.—A great chest, and in it a great cloth to lay before the altar; 4 silk pillows, 2 late my lady Curseyn's; 16 cushions ; 18 hangings for the choir, of small value; a veil for the choir in Lent; old altar cloths and vestments; 2 old candlesticks and a broken pyx, &c., The Kitchen.—4 brass pots, 3 spits, 2 hengilles, a laten bason, 2 kettles, 3 platters, I dish, 3 saucers. The bakehouse and millhouse appear in another indenture. The Buttery.—2 table cloths, 2 towels, &c. The Garner.—Wheat, rye, and malt. The Cheese House.—A peyar of scolys the beme eyaren (a pair of scales, the beam iron), and 1 wey 1½ qr. cheeses. The Warden's Upper Chamber.—An old counter, a proper cupboard, the hangings poor, a pewter bason and ewer, 5 chairs, bedding, certain small images, an andiron, and 2 pair of tongs, a feyar portall imbowyd. The Warden's Nether Chamber.A feather bed and bolster, fire irons, &c. The Chamber where the Warden lies.—Bedding and 3 stillatories. The Vice-Warden's Chamber:—A small counter, an old chest, a flock bed, and a cupboard. A House in the Dortour.—A chest and other things. From an Old Chest in the Vestry.—2 rochets, 10 copes, a hearse cloth that lay on lord Cursen's hearse, 2 linen altar cloths, 17 albs, &c.
Plate conveyed into divers places and received by the visitor from Thos. Selleisdon, the archdeacon, Mother Heiward, lord Wentworth (plate that had been pledged to him by Legey), and others:—A cross with a crystal in it, 2 gilt chalices, 12 spoons, a nut with copper gilt band, &c. Total, 259¾ oz.
Vestments, corporas cases, and bedding received from Thos. Sellisdon, now in the custody of Wm. Laurans.
Other stuff is left for the friars' necessities.
Pp. 8. Endd.
7 April. 700. Oxfordshire.
R. O. Lease for 20 years by Chr., son and heir of Thos. Clement, deceased, to Chr. Crispe, of messuages and land in Clayour (Clare), Oxfordshire. 7 April 29 Hen. VIII. Signed by Cryspe and sealed.
Vellum. Endd.
[7 April.] 701. Sir Thomas Cheyne to Cromwell.
R. O. I send a letter from the mayor of Rye and a bill of the sayings of a fellow whom the bearers bring with them. They heard him speak the words, but upon what ground, or what proof he has, I cannot say. Sharland, Passion Sunday.
P.S. The matter is so high that I trouble your Lordship therewith, though, I think, of small effect.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: Privy Seal."
7 April. 702. Norfolk to Cromwell.
R. O. Mr. Par, as also Iris father before him, has long had a farm called Faucet Forest, of the monastery of Bilonde, of Norfolk's foundation, and, the term now expired, has laboured to the abbot to continue in it. Understanding that Cromwell has, in favour of Mr. Par, both written to the abbot and sent lately by Dr. Leigh an indenture signed and sealed as though for his Lordship's own use, Norfolk has spoken in furtherance of the matter both to Mr. Par and the abbot, now here with me. It is now concluded; the house to have a benefice of Mr. Par's, and Par the farm in fee farm. No house in those parts is more charged with hospitality, and Norfolk, as founder, would have it continue. Begs favour and quick dispatch for the abbot, who is now repairing to Cromwell. Kenyngale, 7 April. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: Lord Privy Seal. Sealed, Endd. in a later hand: 1537.
7 April. 703. John Salysbury to Wriothesley.
R. O. Thos. Jones, a servant of the lord Privy Seal, has written that James, the King's footman, and the King's tenants of Denbighland, who came to complain of him, were before my Lord, who caused Wriothesley to hear the matter, and that James had promised to put forth no tenant nor raise any rent, and if he did to forfeit his lease. If this is so, asks him to speak to the surveyors to stand to it, and the tenants will give him 20 mks, to buy him a gelding. Four hundred persons who but for the order would have gone about the world begging, shall dailv pray for him.
If Wriotlhesley have taken no such order, desires him to give credence to the bearer. Denbighe, 7 April. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: Chief Clerk of the Signet. Endd.
7 April. 704. Thos. lord Burgh to Cromwell.
Cleop. E. iv.,
B. M.
My loving friend Sir Thomas Royse has instructed me and all other here with the word of God in such a goodly way as we never were before, and we all beg that he may return hither shortly. You may have 40 for him out of these parts who can say little or nought. He preached three or four times a week while in the country. Gaynsburgh, 7 April. Signed.
P. 1. Add: Lord Privy Seal. Endd.: Thomas Burgh.
7 April. 705. Council of the North to Henry VIII.
R. O. At the assises holden here at York this Lent, where the earl of Cumberland and lords Scrope and Latimer were present, four persons were found guilty of treason. One is reprieved till the King's pleasure be known, for reasons which the justices will explain when they see him. The other three are executed, one of whom was a, woman (fn. n2) that fasted a black fast to an abominable intent against your Highness and the duke of Norfolk. Send the examinations touching it before themselves and also before Thomas Ellerker first, and afterwards by Sir Ralph Eller[ker] his brother. (fn. n3) Two other persons were found guilty of misprision ; one is William Bukke, the husband of the wife that is reprieved, the other Sir Thos. Marshall, a priest, for concealment of the said fast. The two that were executed were priests, one (fn. n4) for interpreting prophecies, the examination whereof was sent up before Christmas. The other was Sir John Ainsworth, a priest born in Lancashire, who came on Sunday before the last assise to preach in a church in this town, but, having no licence, was forbidden by the curate; whereupon he set up his sermon, written, nailed upon the church door. It was brought to us and found to contain matter against the Act of Succession, and in the beginning and elsewhere against the Supremacy, and in the end manifest and frantic ribaldry. Send his examination with the sermon. (fn. n15) Besides the above persons 14 others were executed for felonies. At Durham five were executed, one for treason, the same priest (fn. n5) that my lord of Norfolk, when here, committed to ward; another for murder committed three years ago, when he fled to Ireland and became expert in war, and of late on his return joined the rebels of Tynedale, whom he brought into the bishopric to Wardall to rob, when the country rose and the rest fled. At his execution he confessed that he meant to have burnt and slain. York, 7 April. Signed: Cuthbert Duresme—Robt. Landaff—T. Magnus—M. Constable—Rauff Ellerkar, yonger, k.—Robert Bowys—Willm. Babthorp—Robt. Chaloner—Jo. Uvedale.
Pp. 3. Add. Sealed.
7 April. 706. Council of the North to Cromwell.
Calig. B. iii.,
B. M
Have surveyed, by commissioners, the castles and fortresses in the North frontiers. Send a schedule under three heads; 1, those most needed for defence; 2, for the rule of the country and to receive the King when desired; 3, castles and houses of repair in the North parties, to which they may resort when ordered. Send also a survey of the castle of Langley beside Hexham, which is fallen down and nothing standing. Wark also has no stone standing, though so necessary to bridle Tyndale and defend the frontier. Harbottle, in the King's hands during the nonage of lord Talboys, is in great decay, though needful to bridle Riddisdale. Perethe and Cockermouth are not yet surveyed, as Sir Thos. Wharton is there and can give information. At the viewing of Scarborough Castle received a supplication from the burgesses of the decay of their pier. Enclose it and a like supplication from the mayor; also a letter from Sir Cuthbert Ratcliff, kt., sent to my lord of Westmoreland, with copy of another from the heads of Tynedale, who refuse to obey the order lately taken by us at Newcastle to make restitution of the third part according to my lord of Norfolk's order, saying, against all proof to the contrary, that their oaths should acquit them. Norfolk only said they might clear themselves by oath when proof failed. Perhaps they are made bolder by the absence of the keeper of Tynedale. The Commissioners have, however, assessed the third part and commanded it to be levied on their goods. Desire Cromwell to consult with the King and the duke of Norfolk what is best to be done. Think they might have had good pledges if their governor were at home to induce them thereto, and not changed every month, as by my lord of Norfolk's order.
Beg him to send by the bp. of Llandaflf, the bearer, the books of my lord of Richmond's time, and of their last commission, which will pacify many things. The searching for them would be worth the pains. Send up the examination of Sir William Bulmer concerning a letter he received from Sir John Bulmer. (fn. n6) It seems to have been sent before the last pardon, which was to the 20th Feb. in that year. It speaks of the coming of my lord of Norfolk, whom Sir William met at Doncaster, went with him to Carlisle, and so to Newcastle. Have committed him to Pontefract Castle. He is surely a very poor man "and his lauds that he hath by his wife extented upon statutes. Send names meet for the commission of peace in the three Ridings. The present commissions still bear the names of many who are dead and attainted. Have received a commission from Northumberland containing all the mimes they sent inserted, with those of the old commissioners, many of whom are dead, and of Thomas Strangways, who died in prison not reconciled to the King. Also in the said commission were gentlemen's names of foreign shires having no lands or office in that county, put in by my lord of Northumberland. We shall use the said commission unto it may be reformed; and unless your Lordship give charge to the clerk of the Crown to see to his clerks, it is not unlike that, as they have done in Northumberland, of the same sort woll they renew these commissions of Yorkshire, inserting all the old in them, quick and dead, and persons attainted also. They will proceed to outlawry against those who have been lately indicted in the county of Northumberland. York, 7 April.
P.S. Thos. Fulthorp, servant of Ralph Bulmer, is not in these parts,—shall be searched for at the King's desire. Have not surveyed the castles of Carlisle, Bewcastle, Wark-upon-Tweed, and Berwick.
Signed: Cuthbert Duresme—Robt. Landaff—T. Magnus—M. Constable —Rauff Ellerkar, yonger, k.—Robert Bowys—Will'm Babthorp—Rob't. Chaloner—Jo. Uvedale.
Pp. 6. Add. by Tunstall (f. 242) :To the right honorable and our singular good lord, my lord Privy Seal. Endd. by Wriothesley.
7 April. 707. Tunstall to Cromwell.
R. O. After receipt of your letter for the apprehension of Sir William Bulmer, the King's letter was immediately directed to my lord of Westmoreland to bring him to us. The Earl accordingly sent him hither. He was taken at Wilton, in Yorkshire, where his late brother's chief house was, for he was out of the Bishopric at that time. Made no one privy that he should be taken except my lord of Cumberland, who was here at the time, my lord of Llandaff, and Mr. Wodall, who wrote the King's commandment. My lord of Westmoreland has deserved the King's thanks. Explained to all his colleagues how the King had sent down the letter to have him examined upon it without explaining how it came to light by his wife and her servant and a friar, in case he should have denied the receipt of such a letter; but as he has confessed it, and where he thinks he left it, we have not further disclosed how it was found at Elmeden by his wife. I think it was received before the last pardon. The man has been always unthrifty. His wife and he have often lived asunder. He says he took no regard to that letter because it liked him not, and divers of our company witness that he met Norfolk at Doncaster and went with him to Carlisle. At his return to Hexham the Bishop saw him come with him to Newcastle. Norfolk can best inform the King thereof. York, 7 April. Signed.
Pp. 2. Add.: Lord Privy Seal. Endd.
7 April 708. Tunstall to Cromwell.
R. O. Thanks him for his letters to the escheator of the Bishopric for finding of the office of Thorp Bulmer, which has accordingly been found. Half a year's rent had already been paid to Mr. Teshe, receiver of those lands, whereof he has not accounted. Begs Cromwell will write to Teshe to restore the said rent, 10l., and make no more demands for it. Understands Cromwell would have written to the receiver if he had known who he was. Hears also that Gervaise Cawod, who was receiver, by chapter seal, of Howden, means to complain of him to the King for putting him from his office. As he was one of the chief stirrers in those quarters, andchief secretary to Aske, thinks he has forfeited his patent. He has spoiled the bishop of 50 fat, oxen, and wrote that the commons had spoiled them. He has been for seven years 100l. in smear, and now remains 94l. in debt. Such a weed is meet to be put out of a garden where good fruit in peace should grow. My lord of Llandaff can inform Cromwell about him, York, 7 April.
Hol., pp. 2. Add.: Lord Privy Seal. Endd.
8 April. 709. Henry VIII. and the General Council.
"Henrici Octavi Regis Angliae et Franciae", &c., ad Carolum Caesarem Augustum, caeterosque orbis Christiani Monarchas, populumque Christianum epistola, qua rex facile causas ostendit et cur is Vincentiam, ad concilium falso nomine generate appellatum, non sit venturus, et quam periculosum sit aliis qui veram Christi doctrinam profitentur eo sese conferre. (fn. n7)
"Additus est et libellus ille quem superiori anno Rex serenissimus universique Brytanniae proceres de Mantuanensi Concilio aediderunt".
Refers to a book that came forth not long ago in the names of the King and all his subjects, showing why they refused the Council indicted by the bp. of Rome's usurped power to be held at Mantua 23 May and afterwards prorogued to November, without any place being appointed. Further occurrences induce the King to put forth this Epistle, though no one desires a general council more than he, provided it were free. It is no true general council where only those are heard who are determined to defend the Popish part, where the same men are advocates and adversaries, accused and judges. The King cannot accept a law against himself passed by the adherents of his enemy the bp. of Rome, whose honour, power, and supremacy are fallen in England, and likely to fall in other realms also. The King is bound to expose these Popish subtleties, and it is not likely that there will be more at this Council at Vicenza than there were last year at Mantua. For the people who were mocked last year will not go, especially as thio year the whole world is troubled with preparations against the Turks. The King at least will not leave his realm or trust any proctor with his cause. Those who are not blind see how small the authority of the bp. of Rome is by the duke of Mantua's refusal of the place. If the Bishop's authority were as great as he claims it to be, why could he not compel the Duke to allow it or excommunicate him? If other princes follow the Duke's example, in what place can the Council be kept? The Bishop is not wont to appoint one of own cities for the purpose. No, the good man is so faithful and friendly towards other that seldom he desireth princes to be his guests. (fn. n8) And if he did, how could Henry safely accept the invitation ? But they say the place is found, as if the wisdom of the Venetians would not fear what the duke of Mantua seemed to fear. Henry has no doubt the princes will agree with him in repudiating these councils, censures, and decrees. Westminster, 6 id. April 29 Hen. VIII.
Lat. Printed by Berthelet, 1538.
2. English translation (fn. n9) of the preceding, printed by Berthelet, 1538. [Sec Foxe V. 255.]
B. M.
3. A first draft of part of the preceding treatise, differing considerably from the published text.
Lat., pp. 2. In Moryson's hand.
Inc.: Cum non ita pridem. Expl.: Immo, si verurn fateri voluit, hoc tempus multo multoque alienius esta commodo religionis.
8 April. 710. Cromwell to Wyatt.
Harl. MS.
282 f. 193.
B. M.
Nott's Wyatt,
As the instructions given to these bearers, and their report, will declare everything, I shall only tell you that I have obtained your warrant for the augmentation of your diets by a mark a day, so that now you have 54s. 4d. a day, which odd shilling above four marks is also converted to Mr. Mason. Your agents here, if any, have been very slack. Your brother Hawte (fn. n10) was not thrice here since you went. I never saw a man that had so many friends here leave so few perfect friends behind him. Quicken them with your letters. St. James', 8 April.
I send herewith a letter from Mr. Pate to Brancelour. Pray solicit the answer. If Brancetour will come home, I doubt not but he shall find the King gracious. Signed.
In Wriothesley's hand, p. 1. Add. Endd. by Wyatt: 5 April, by Mr. Haynes and Mr. Boner at Nyce, 10 May.
8 April.
Harl. MS.
282, f. 273.
B. M.
Nott's Wyatt,
711. Wriothesley to Wyatt.
By my Lord's letters you shall perceive what, if he had not prevented me, I would have written myself. If I were not better in soliciting your affairs than most of your agents you might eat the bread there with dishonour to our master and dishonesty to yourself. Spurn them lustily by your next letters. Pray send me my gear, sealed and signed, by next courier. St. James', 8 April.
Hol, p. 1. Add. Endd. by Wyatt: 7 April, by Mr. Haynes and Mr. Bonar at Nyce, ao 2o.
8 April. 712. Castillon to Frances I.
Kaulek, 36. London, 8 April:—The King recalls Winchester, and sends Brian to reside with Francis, with a young man "de praticque" (fn. n16) to assist him. He also sends two doctors (fn. n11) to the Emperor, but says he will treat nothing new till he knows the answer to Castiilon's letter of 29 March. He makes Castillon as good cheer as ever, and does him the honour of speaking often with him, and in a place apart, which he does not do with other ambassadors. The Emperor's people are oftener at the Council than ever, and make astonishing efforts to deal with the King, who seems resolved to choose soon between the Emperor and France, and appears inclined to the latter. He is distressed at the interview, seeing that he is not de la partie, He is also surprised that in the league of the Pope, the Emperor, and the Venetians, space is left for Francis and other kings and no mention made of him. That is enough to make him reflect. The worst I see, if he remain with you, is that I fear you will not draw as large an aid from him as I would like.
French extracts.
*** A modern transcript is in R. O.
8 April. 713. Castillon to Montmorency.
Kaulek, 36. [London], 8 April:—The King seems inclined to the French alliance. The Emperor's people, besides the marriages they brew, have sometimes proposed a settlement with the Pope on condition that he (Henry?) shall recognise him (the Pope?) as head of the Church; also he (the Pope) shall send him a perpetual legate with such power in England that the Pope shall have little left; not a crown shall go from England to Rome, nor shall the Pope have power to appoint any but nominees of the King. But the King says, qu'il en a rompu la broche.
As instructed by Tarbes, sounded the King, what position he would take (a quelle raison il se vouldroit mettre) if Francis, out of love for him, should forbid the money of his kingdom to be carried to Rome. He replied that Castillon wished to know everything and gave only uncertainties in return. Said he had promised to do all he could with his master to clear away the obstacles to their friendship, and he must therefore know the King's intentions. He said he would then be more than an ally to him. Thinks the thing pleases him. Has not written of it to Francis till he knows Montmorency's advice. If they are to treat anew, asks to have the instructions left by Tarbes completed. Begs to have 1,991 livres due on his wages with the King and Queen and on the extraordinaire he has done here.
French extraots.
*** A modern transcript is in R. O.
8 April. 714. John Bishop of Bath to Cromwell.
R. O. Your servant Thomas Clerk coming up at this present time for the conducting of the King's money due for his tenth, I have desired him to offer my services to your Lordship. Thanking you for your late goodness in the despatch of my nephew Stokys. Chiew, 8 April. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: Lord Privy Seal. Endd.
8 April. 715. Bp. Roland Lee, W. Sulyard, and John Pakyngton, to the Abp. of Canterbury and the Bishops of Worcester and Rochester.
R. O. Send the examination before this Council of one Henry Horton for slanderous words against their Lordships. Have Horton in ward and desire to know the King's pleasure and theirs. Shrewisbury, 8 April. Signed.
P. 1. Add. Endd.
R. O. 2. Informations to the King's Commissioners of the Marches of Wales presented by Wm. Lowe, Wm. Fulleford, Wm. Baker, weaver ; Elice Baker, Richard à Wood, and John Fraunces, of Norfeld, Wore.
That there dwells in Norfeld one Henry Horton, a man of light conversation, who in the parish church and in markets and taverns has said, that the bishop of Canterbury was a knave bishop, an heretic, and a lowler, and the bishops of Worcester and Rochester were so likewise, and he trusted to see them burned, and would bear a faggot 16 miles for that intent. These words were reported to Walter Walshe, dec, sheriff of Worcestershire, who committed him to ward ; but now Walsha is dead and he is set at liberty and daily menaces the petitioners. Beg them to summon Horton before them.
ii. Answer of Henry Horton.
Utterly denies speaking the words reported. Sued an injunction upon Geo. Colborne for land which Ric. Wood, one of the informants, wrongfully "occupies. They made the same surmise to the bishop of Worcester, who imprisoned Horton in Worcester five weeks, but enlarged him, upon learning the truth, and made them drink togethers as lovers and friends, &c.
iii. Evidence of witnesses brought by the informants, given at Shrewsbury, 5 April 29 Hen. VIII., i.e., of John Grafton, Thos. Harowde (of Hartylbury), John Prise, Wm. Baker, Humph. Massy, and Ric. Baker, all of Norfeld.
iv. Exceptions taken to the evidence by Horton.
Grafton is a person who would swear anything, for his discretion is no better. Wm. Baker is one of the informants, and Harward's daughter has married his son. Wm. Best is son-in-law to Wm. Baker. Ric. Baker and John Prest were informers against Horton to the bp. of Worcester, and Massy bears malice because Horton sued him for money on behalf of Robt. Lowe, of Lincolnshire.
Pp. 7.
9 April. 716. John Husee to Lord Lisle.
R. O. I have received your sundry letters with the puncheon of French wine and hogshead of Gascon wine which await your coming. I delivered the two pasties of carps to my lord Privy Seal. As to your licence I could do no more if my life depended on it. I am sorry your Lordship should be half in despair, and should so take it that you can neither eat, drink, nor sleep. My lord Privy Seal says it shall be despatched, but I have had so many of these despatchments that I give little faith to them. My lord Privy Seal promised my lord Comptroller that you should not be despatched until his return to Calais, which is appointed for Saturday next. If I can by any means get your bill signed I trust you shall not tarry his coming. Where you would have me use my pen often; I have written to your Lordship whenever opportunity served. Cannot attend upon the tide hourly, for one hour's missing attendance upon my lord Privy Seal may hinder a month's suit. Sent a letter by John Teborow, and another by Mr. Fowler, for 60l. Bewley is suppressed, and most of the lands still in the King's hands, but the goods, with the park and others, are given to Mr. Wriothesley. I shall know within two days whether it be true that was shown your Lordship, for one of the surveyor's clerks that was at Abyngton has promised to tell me the truth. Though you miss that, I trust if you speak earnestly, at your coming over, you shall have as good a thing. Southwick is also suppressed, and I think the most part will down. I send 13 yards of damask of great flowers. The King is at the Master of the Horse's, and comes to Greenwich on Friday. I know not yet what lodging I shall get for your Lordship. London, 9 April.
Hol., pp. 2. Add.: Deputy of Calais.
9 April. 717. John Husee to Lady Lisle.
R. O. I wrote of all things requisite by John Teborow. Today I sent you by Gylliam, the master of Tobye's boat, Mrs. Frances's gown and two pieces of sayes, the best I could buy. I hope to send the travers before Easter, as my friend has promised it. As to your silk, Mr. Judd can find no such colours as you sent. I can hear as yet of no gentlewoman meet for your Ladyship's purpose. Tonight or tomorrow young Philpott will leave for Calais, and your Ladyship will soon know of his usage and others. The priest also says he will hence tomorrow; whom I trust you will like. Bewley and Sowthwyk are both suppressed. I trust my Lord will get one of them. If my lord Comptroller were dispatched I think my Lord would be soon here, but I will do my best to get his licence signed that notwithstanding. I wish Mr. Basset were come, for great friendship is made for his chamber. My lady Wiltshire was buried at Lamehithe on the 7th. My lord Comptroller was chief mourner of the men and lady Dawbny of the women. She was conveyed from a house beside Baynard's Castle by barge to Lambeth with torches burning and four baneys (banners?) set out of all quarters of the barge, which was covered with black and a white cross. At her burial was the King of Heralds, a herald, and a pursuivant. The King lies now at the Master of the Horse's and comes on Friday to Greenwich. Mrs. Whalley gapes for a piece of wine. London, 9 April.
Hol., p. 1. Add.
9 April. 718. Geor. Deius (fn. n1) to [Wriothesley].
R. O. Congratulates him on the honourable place he has attained apud principem virum and on the honours which it is believed still await him. Cannot repay the kindness Wriothesley showed him in obtaining Cromwell's letters for him when he was at London. Sends two pairs of Cambridge gloves for him and his wife. Hopes by his friendship for German Gardiner that he will admit the writer to a place among his friends. St. John's College, Cambridge, 9 April.
Hol. Lat., p. 1.
9 April. 719. Wm. Banyster, Mayor of Oxford, and others, to Cromwell.
R. O. On 28 March received his letters, dated 25 Nov., by Robt. Jamys, of Oxford, brewer, desiring them to allow him to occupy his craft without being free of the town. This is contrary to liberties and grants granted to the mayor and burgesses long before the University had any grant. Before Cromwell's letter was procured, James had laboured to be free of the town and to agree for the discharge of bearing any office, and had caused his friends to write to our brother Frere about it.
He was admitted free and discharged from bearing office for 51., and none came in before under 8l. Desire that his own agreement may stand in effect. Some of them will wait ujDon Cromwell shortly after Easter to accomplish their promise and duty. Oxford, 9 April. Signed: Willm. Banyster, mayre—Wyll'am Flemyng, alderman—Wyllm. Freurs, alderman —John Pye, alderman.
P. 1. Add.: Lord Privy Seal. Endd.
9 April. 720. Nic. [Shaxton], Bp. of Salisbury, to Cromwell.
R. O. The bearer says that Cromwell encouraged him to think that by his means he may be rid of his unreligious religion, that is to say, to be delivered out of Babylon. Wishes to bestow on him a little benefice for his good learning's sake and earnestness in sincere setting forth the Word of God. The time is at hand that he may do much good through the whole year. Asks therefore that he may enjoy the said benefice at Easter. Ramesbury, 9 April.
Hol, p. 1. Add.: Lord Privy Seal. Endd.
9 April. 721. Sir Thomas Denys to Cromwell.
R. O. There is much business in Cornwall about the wardship of one Pentyer's daughter. Claim is made for the King, and Sir John Arondell "who has her in keeping, and the prior of Launceston also claim her. A commission has come down and 12 men are sworn, who cannot yet agree, but are respited to give their verdict at the next sessions after Pasche. Thinks she belongs to the prior by certain records, sent by bearer, together with a letter sent by the prior to Denys, who wants her for one of his sons. Asks him to write to Arondell or the prior to ask for the preferment of her, if she is found ward to either of them, for a reasonable sum of money. Reminds Cromwell that when he was last with him he promised to help some of his children toward their living. 9 April.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: Lord Privy Seal. Endd.
9 April. 722. The Convent of Whitby to their Steward. (fn. n12)
R. O. Complain that they are sore troubled by Gregory Conyers which hath the most living of our house of any man living. Have offered him 20l. a year to deliver the convent seals and takes he has of us; but he is insatiable, and now in your absence is importunate for our lordship of Ryswarpe. We beg you will find means to pacify him by my lord Privy Seal. The following have signed a promise to deny his unreasonable requests: dan Thomas Brabyner, dan Peter Bennett and others (17 names in all).
Pp. 2. Begins: Right worshipful, gentle Mr. Steward. Endd.
9 April. 723. Francis I. to Castillon.
Kaulek, 37. Has received his letter of the 19th (29th?) and two of the 31st ult. Approves the overture for the marriage, and will send the necessary power and instructions in five or six days. As to not going to the assembly, is so far into Dauphine (and the Pope has already started, and the Emperor, in spite of all the French ambassador could do to prevent it, has remitted all to the Pope), that he cannot now draw back without putting all Christendom against himself. Desires Henry to send a good personage to this assembly to speak to the Emperor of the said marriage, with the conditions of Milan; even if the Emperor does not approve it, Francis will conclude nothing contrary to his obligation with Henry. Consents that Mary should be delivered as incapable of succeeding her father. Is content to have Milan without pretending to the Crown of England. La Balme, 9 April 1537.
French abstract.
*** A modern transcript of this, dated 11 April, is in R. O.
9 April. 724. Montmorency to Castillon.
Kaulek, 38. The King answers Castillon's last letters. Learning from M. de Chateaubriant that the Sieur de Toyre, master of the waters and forests of Brittany is in extremis, has obtained the office, in the event of his death, for Castillon. Cremieu, 9 April 1538
Castillon is to continue very gracious to the king of England. No news of the Pope since he left Rome on the 23rd ult., and still less of the Emperor's embarcation.
French abstract.
*** A modern transcript, dated 11 April, is in R. O.
9 April. 725. Martin de Salinas to Charles V.
Add. MS.
28,590, f. 142.
B. M.
Arrived at Jaca at the time appointed by the Señor de Azcarren, who met him and brought him with a safe-conduct to Loron (Oloron), where the Prince (fn. n13) was. Remained secretly in a room until 11 o'clock at night, when he called on the Prince. Details the Prince's conversation about the peace between Francis and the Emperor, and Francis' intention not to depart from what was treated at Salsas; that he could not give his daughter for the purpose spoken of, as she was at present out of his power; his fear of the king of France getting some knowledge of this practice, &c. Vitoria, 9 April.
Spanish, pp. 4. Headed: Decipher, 1538. Modern copy from the Archives of Simancas. [See Spanish Calendar, V. ii. No. 196.]
9 April.
Ib. f. 144.
B. M.
726. The Same to Granvelle.
On the same subject, but with more details. Vitoria, 9 April. Spanish, pp. 6. Headed: What passed with Don Enrique de Labrit. Modern copy as above. [See Spanish Calendar, V. n., No. 197.]
10 April. 727. St. Albans Abbey
See Grants in April, 29 Hen. VIII., No. 11.
10 April. 728. Sir W. Barantyne to Wriothesley.
R. O. The parsonage of Horstede, (fn. n14) in Sussex, is now void by death. Its value is 20 marks a year. Begs it may be given to the bearer, Mr. Symson, who had a pension of 20l. a year out of the abbey of Titchfield, with which Wriothesley is charged, but which the writer has moved him to release. London, 10 April. Signed.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: Mr. Thomas Wriseley. Endd.
10 April. 729. Will. Constable, priest, to the Earl of Rutland.
Hist. MSS.
Rep. XII.
App. Pt. iv.
Wishes to use the parsonage of Bottesford, given him by Rutland, as the laws of God and the King's injunctions require, and keep hospitality amongst his parishioners. Cannot do so now, because the mansion and other edifices there are utterly decayed, and the Earl's officers will not suffer him quietly to receive the fruits. An injunction has been sent forth by my lord Privy Seal for hospitality to be kept, and reparations to be done in every benefice, and the cure to be sufficiently discharged. The parish, for the lack of good curates, has been very ill served, and 200 marks will not honestly repair the mansion. Please order Lokwoode and your other officers there not to mell with the oblations or fruits this year, but deliver to me those received since the Annunciation of our Lady last, Oxford, 10 April.
10 April. 730. Treason at Exeter.
R. O. Deposition of Hugh Arderon, Robt. Watson, and Martyn Queffyn. before Thos. Hunte, mayor, Win. Hurst, John Bitnall, and Gilbert Kyrke, aldermen of Exeter, 10 April 29 Hen. VIII., that Arderon said to one Peter Strayche that he would never be content till he came before the King and his Council; to which Strayche replied, that he sett nott a thurdeby the Kynge nother by his Counsell, nother by never one of youe all. And then Arderon called him traitor.


  • n1. Ric Ingworth, bp. of Dover
  • n2. Mabel Brigge
  • n3. See No. 487.
  • n4. John Dobson, vicar of Muston. See Vol. XII., Pt ii. 1212.
  • n5. See Vol. XII., Pt ii., No. 741, and in this Vol. No.107 (p. 37)
  • n6. See No. 568.
  • n7. This tract was translated into German by Justus Jonas and published at Wittemberg in 1539.
  • n8. Quoted from the English translation. The Latin reads: Homo pius tarn est in caeteros fidus et amicus, ut principes domi suae hospitio excipere, non ita frequenter consuescat.
  • n9. A German translation was also published abroad, of which a copy will be found in the Grenville Library in the British Museum
  • n10. Sir William Hawte. See Vol. xii., Pt. ii., Nos. 1048, 1144. He was the father-in-law of Sir Thomas Wyatt's son, Thomas Wyatt the younger.
  • n11. Haynes and Benner
  • n12. Sir Ralph Evers, jun. See Vol. XII. Pt. i. No. 271
  • n13. Henry d'Albret, king of Navarre
  • n14. Horsted Keynes. William Draper was incumbent in 1535. See Valor Eccl., i. 340
  • n15. See No. 533.
  • n16. Dr. Thomas Thirleby.
  • n17. George Day, S.T.P., who was admitted master of St. John's College, Cambridge, 27 July 1537, and elected provost of King's, 5 June 1538. Afterwards (1543) bishop of Chichester.