Henry VIII: April 1538, 1-5

Pages 250-260

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 13 Part 1, January-July 1538. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1892.

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April 1538, 1-5

1 April 651. T. [Lord] Wentworth to Cromwell.
R. O. The house of Grey Friars at Ipswich and the warden and brethren there live in great necessity. As the inhabitants now extend their charity to the poor and impotent instead of "such an idle nest of dranes," who devour the meat of the King's poor subjects, the friars have been compelled to sell their plate. Wentworth, "being their founder in blood," sent for the warden and demanded why he sold the jewels of the house; who answered necessity compelled to it, for this twelve month they could not gather the worth of 5l., and could not continue in the house three months longer. Called to mind how that order was "neither stock nor griffe which the Heavenly Father had planted, but only a hypocritical weed planted of that sturdy Nembrot the Bishop of Rome." Has therefore, to verify Christ's saying "Omnis plantatio quem non plantavit I' ater meus, eradicabitur," purchased the house for himself and heirs. There are no lands but the bare site, with a garden or two enclosed. Requires Cromwell to write to Dr. Cale, minister of the said friars, not to vex the friars of Ipswich; and begs favour for himself. Nettilstede, 1 April. Signed
Pp. 2. Add.: Lord Cromwell. Endd
1 April. 652. Norwich (Cathedral) Priory.
Tanner MS.
343, f. 12.
Patent authorising the prior and convent to alienate the cell or priory of Hoxne, with the manor of Yaxley, and lands and tenements belonging to the cell, to the clear yearly value of 18l. 0s. 12d., to Sir Ric. Gresham; also certain manors, lands, and tenements belonging to the said prior and convent, to the yearly value of 30l. Dated 1 April 1538, 29 Hen. VIII.
1 April. 653. Lord Leonard Grey to Cromwell.
St. P. II. 566.
Praises the proceedings of Ant. Sentleger and his associates, the King's High Commissioners in Ireland, now repairing to the King. On 30 March Brene Ochonor came to Dublin, and before the Commissioners and Council made submission according to his former promise (i.e, to be farmer of Offale, &c.), and offered, having only promise of his life, to go to the King with the Commissioners. Begs credence for Cromwell's servant, Ant. Budgegood. Dublin, 1 April. Signed.
Add.: Lord Privy Seal.
1 April. 654. The Irish Commissioners to Edmund Sexten.
Add. MS.
19,865, f. 6.
Fellow Sexten, we have received your letters of 11 March and perceive that such as "owe" the castle of Deriknockane would gladly have it, paying 3s.4d. a year for every ploughland. As we cannot conclude therein, without knowing the King's pleasure, we will inform his Majesty of your diligence; and, meanwhile, you should retain the castle if you may do so without jeopardy. As to the other matters, we are glad thereof and will show them to the King at our return, which shall be within two days. Dublin, 1 April. Signed by St Leger, Paulet, Moyle, and Berners.
Modern copy, pp. 2. Headed: Copy of the Commissioners' letters to Edm. Sexton
1 April. 655. Anne Rouaud (Madame de Bours) to Lady Lisle.
R. O. I promised your daughter to send the bearer to ascertain how she was after her return. I was very glad to know that she stood her journey well. I often wish her near me, and should not have believed how much I miss her. I fear I shall not be able to go and see you after Easter, as I had intended. I see little prospect of peace, but God may give it us before then. I thank you for the good letter you last wrote me. I have received what you sent. Gamaches, 1 April. Signed.
Fr., p. 1. Add.
1 April. 656. Johh Hutton to Henry VIII.
R. O.
St. P. viii. 21.
Since Philip Hobbie's departure, has been daily in the Queen's chamber to discover whether the great modesty that is in the duchess of Milan proceeds from ignorance or natural inclination accompanied with wisdom. Has seen and heard her, both in matters of weight and playing cards, and think she is the wisest of the wise. Her sober and gentle demeanour is much lauded. Has written the news to the lord Privy Seal. Brussels, 1 April.
Hol., pp. 2. Add. Endd. Sealed with Arms.
2 April. 657. Lord Chancellor Audeley.
See Grants in April, 29 Hen. VIII. No. 1.
2 April. 658. The Grey Friars, London.
R.O. Examination of Friar Geoffrey Turner, of the House of Grey Friars in London, 2 April 29 Henry VIII., upon the accusation of Friar John Sharp.
Denies on oath that he ever spake such words as pretended by the said friar, but on Sunday se'n night, in the evening, as he was in the buttery of the house, and three laymen named John Sponger, Wm. Pikering, a brewer, and one William, a tailor, were drinking there, and had a fair halfpenny white loaf before them, the said William, the tailor, asked whether they did buy the same bread, for it was fair bread. Answered, Nay, they begged it. On which the tailor said there was once a king in England would have made such a halfpenny loaf worth 6d. This ext. said it was king John of whom the chronicles said so. And therefore, said the tailor, a monk did poison him with a cup of wine. "And this examinate said, Therefore (and with this word came in Bachelor Beaste and Bachelor Gawen and lastly Friar Sharpe) he was the more to be blamed to strike afore God struck." Signed "Frere Jeffere Turnere."
ii. William Pykering, brewer, servant to the Grey Friars in London, says that more than a fortnight ago he was in the buttery of the house with one William, a tailor dwelling in the Wardrobe at London, and one Spownger, a labourer, and Friar Geoffrey, the butler, drinking a cup of ale. Confirms the preceding deposition with somewhat greater detail.
Pp. 2. Endd.: Abridgments of the examination of the prior and monks of Lenton.
2 April. 659. Lord Edmund Howard to Lord Lisle.
R. O. Mr. Hussy and I were to-day at St. James's at 7 in the morning, as we be every day, or at the Court, desiring our despatch. Would be glad to have it, as it is no little pains to me to be a suitor. The King favours you highly and my lord Privy Seal is not behindhand. When I am despatched you will be allowed to come over. I am told I shall be removed from Calais. Supposes there is a thing practising for him (Howard) and that he will find my lord Privy Seal his friend. Since Blagg came, the Council sits daily with the French and Imperial ambassadors; often from morning till night, so that no suits can be heard; but now I trust suitors shall be heard. This day my lord Privy Seal was ready in his gallery at 8 o'clock in the morning, but went to bed again as he did not feel himself well. Hussy is very diligent in your behalf. It is said the King will be at Calais. Recommends himself to the Council in Calais "and to as many as be shrewde lades in the towne, and to as meny as bathe wyffes that nevyr wylbe wyllyng to dyspleace ther hosbonds; and to the resydue I pas not upon but at your pleasure. I pray God this message do not commyr you to seke them out. Lest you shall fynd so fewe of that sort, and for that I were lothe to put youe to eny suche paynes, I beseech youe to make Master Rookwode your depute in that behalff, and Mr. Thomas Fowler, for they be men of gret knowlydge in such arttys and they knowe where to fynd them, but I trust, not in there owne howssys." If they will not take it upon them, desires his friend Lyons will do so, as he has always been a secret searcher against men's wills. But he must do it shortly, "for I know he shall be discharged, either with hemp or wax and parchment." Hears that his nephew Bryan has come to Court who has promised the expedition thereof. God save Lyons from whistling, and send him once a week never a penny in his purse to lend his friend. [London], 2 April.
Hol., pp. 3. Sealed. Add.
2 April. 660. Beaulieu Abbey.
R. O. Surrender of the monastery with all its possessions in Hants, Surr., Berks, Cornw., and elsewhere in England, Wales, and the Marches thereof. 2 April 29 Henry VIII. Signed by Thomas the abbot and 20 others. [See Deputy Keeper's Eighth Report, App. II. 9.] Good Seal.
Enrolled [Close Roll, p. 2, No. 27], as acknowledged, same day, before Wm. Peter, one of the clerks of Chancery.
[2 April.] 661. Christopher Hales to Wriothesley.
R.O. I understand that Mr. Hendle, solicitor of the Augmentations, lately moved you of a bill which I delivered to my lord Privy Seal to be signed by the King for me. It pleased the King to say that Mr. Attorney and I should each have a piece of land, and now I hear that Mr. Attorney's bill is signed, but I hear nothing of mine. I beg you will move my said Lord for me, and trust to recompense your pains. At Reynham in Kent, Tuesday before Passion Sunday.
Hol., p. 1. Add. Endd.
2 April. 662. Harry Huttoft to Cromwell.
R.O. I have received three of your letters touching the creditors I stand bound to for Ant. Gruydott. Unhappy that I am, to give such cause of vexation to your Lordship and make you withdraw your favour. Yet concerning Awdlett, I thought I was at a point with Androws, her attorney, for the same, offering to be bound for payment of one half, the rest remaining over till the coming of Guydott. I have no evidence of the debt but their own saying and know nothing of any bargain, nor have as yet answer from him. Mr. Warren and Clarke are not yet contented, owing to the misfortune of unlading the two ships coming homeward at Cadiz and Messina. I have paid for him, since his departing, 4,000l.; yet there seems as much more to pay. Begs Cromwells assistance by a loan of 4,000l. from the King by which he might redeem some Malmseys and satisfy the creditors, and his Majesty might have a profit of 500 marks a year, &c. 2 April.
Hol., pp. 3. Add.: Lord Privy Seal. Endd.
2. "Debts owing by Harry Huttoft for Anthony Guydott": —To John Morres of Farnham, fro. Willington, John Clark, lady Pecok, Sir Ralph Warryn, John Sawnders, and John Thrushe. Setting out the amount of each debt and of the portion already paid: the original amount was in all 1,852l. 14s. 6d., of which 972l. 11s. 5d. remains unpaid.
P. 1. In Huttoft's hand.
2 April. 663. John Wellysburn to Cromwell.
R.O. Thanks him for his comfortable letters, which give him hope to come to what he has so often desired Cromwell to put forward. Intends to see the King within three days after Palm Sunday. It is a long time since he saw his Majesty, but he dare not come without Cromwell's advice. Will leave a sufficient deputy here. Abendon, 2 April.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: Lord Privy Seal. Endd.
2 April. 664. The City of Chester to Cromwell.
R.O. Ric. Wodwarde, a freeman of Chester, lately procured John Holand, the King's servant, to obtain a patent of the gaugership in this city, and agreed with him to have the exercise of it himself. The office has always been at the disposal of the mayor, and the city consequently regards him as an adversary. But in view of the King's pleasure and your Lordship's, we caused our recorder to move Holand to agreement for his patent, intending to have sued the King further for confirmation of our liberties. Holand and Wodwarde both consented to negociate. But although he was offered much more for the patent than he would originally have accepted, Wodward bears such illwili to the city that he will take no reasonable offer. Begs Cromwell to interfere. Chester, 2 April.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: Privy Seal. Endd.
2 April. 665. John Shere, Prior of Launceston, to Sir Thomas Denys.
R.O. Thanks for your letters, by which I perceive you desire the wardship of Pentier's heir (fn. n1) and the furtherance of my title towards the same. I hear that, my title once proved, I shall have the King's or my lord Privy Seal's letters for her. The one is my chief head, the other my Lord to whom I am bound. Wherefore, if you will find means to prevent others, by my lord Privy Seal's letters to me, I will promise you the preference, and trust we shall agree upon the price. Your servant may instruct you "larger," by whom I have sent an extract of evidences. Launceston, 2 April.
P. 1. Add. Endd.
2 April. 666. John Hutton to Lord Lisle.
R.O. Has done his best to get Lisle a gown. The bearer, a Florentine merchant inhabiting [Pa]ris, would be glad to have Lisle's favourable letters to the lord of Beis (Du Bies), certifying that he came with other merchants out of England, for he fears to be troubled for being: in these parts. I have heard it reported that you have determined to leave Calais, for which I should be sorry. No news. Brussels, 2 April.
Hol., p. 1. Mutilated. Add.
3 April. 667. Norfolk to Cromwell.
R.O. In favour of John Fulbery, the bearer, in his suit to the King for the bailliwick of Holme, "where Sir Robert Constable sometime dwelt." No man did better service in the insurrection time. Kenyngale, 3 April. Signed.
P. 1. Add.. Lord Privy Seal. Endd.: G.—Aprill iijo. Sealed.
3 April. 668. Richard Layton, priest, William Petre, and John Freman to Cromwell.
R.O. Yesterday we received the surrender of this monastery. There be 32 sanctuary men here for debt, felony, and murder, who have houses and ground whereon they live with their wives and children. They declare that if sent to other sanctuaries they will be undone, and desire to remain here for term of their lives, provided no more are admitted. We send the bearer to learn the King's pleasure herein. Bewley, 3 April. Signed.
P 1. Add. : Lord Privy Seal. Endd.: Dr. Layton and Dr. Petre."
3 April. 669. Symon Matthew to Cromwell.
R.O . Received, 2 April, Cromwell's letters of 19 March, desiring the advowson of Dr. Smythe's prebend, (fn. n2) which the writer, in his late letters, desired to be respited till his coming to London. At Cromwell's friendly desire, will show the matter as it is. The advowson was procured for Matthew by Dr. Legh, from the bp. of London, to whom Matthew made promise not to alienate it. If Cromwell can "acquiett" the bp. of London, he shall have the same, and Matthew is coming to London the 20th after Easter to deliver it. Prescot, 3 April.
Hol., y p. 1. Add: Lord Cromwell, lord of the Privy Seal. Endd.
4 April. 670. Evesham Abbey.
See Grants in April, 29 Hen. VIII.,. No. 3.
4 April. 671. Cromwell to Wyatt.
Harl. MS.
282, f. 189.
B. M.
Nott's Wyatt,
By this bearer you will receive the King's letters, showing what has been done here. If these men (fn. n3) would have come to any piece of reason they might have fared better. The Commissioners to commune with them were my lord of Canterbury, my lord Chancellor, my lord of Suffolk, myself, my lord Admiral, the bps. of Hereford and Chichester, and Mr. Russell, now Comptroller. My lord of Norfolk and the bp. of Durham were also in the Commission, but were absent. That will show they were not slenderly esteemed. I never knew so many gay words and so little effect. The King marvels that you send your letters open to my lord of Winchester; not that his Grace mistrusts him, but he notes some folly in you so to do without command, and has willed me to advertise you not to do so. He may break them at his own peril; but now the fault is in you. By the next messengers, Dr. Haynes, dean of Exeter, and Dr. Boner, archd. of Leicester, you shall hear of the augmentation of your diets. St. James', 4 April. Signed.
In Wriothesley's hand, p. 1. Add. Endd.: My lord Privy Seal of the v. of April, by Francisco, the xij. of the same, at Barsolona.
4 April. 672. Wriothesley to Wyatt.
Harl. MS.
282, f. 271.
B. M.
Nott's Wyatt,
428 .
Thanks for his letters and for his grant touching his lands in Hampshire. Thinks Wyatt took him amiss; for, whatever Wyatt's title is, Wriothesley played the part of an honest man. The bill for the increase of his diet was ready to be signed to-day but was lost out of "my Lord's" hand, on the way up. It shall be redubbed to-morrow. St. James', 4 April.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: in the Emperor's Court in Flanders (sic). Endd. by Wyatt: Mr. Wrythesley of the v. of April, by Francisco, 12 April at Barsolona, ao 2o.
4 April. 673. [John de Vere Earl of Oxford] to Cromwell.
Add. MS.
29431, f. 3.
B. M.
The town of Colne was visited about a quarter of a year ago with the plague, but I removed myself and my house to Wyvenho, so that there is no danger from me or mine. I am desirous of visiting the King, and wish you to find out his pleasure. If he is willing for me to come, I will be at the Court on Saturday, Palm Sunday Eve, aud then I can also attend at St. George's Day, which falls on Tuesday in Easter week. My lord of Westmoreland also wishes to know the King's pleasure whether he shall come up at St. George's Day. He is far hence, and I think, sir, he has a thin purse. Wynehoo, 4 April. Signature lost by mutilation.
Hol., p 1. Add.: to my lord Privy Seal.
4 April. 674. Nicolas [Shaxton], Bp. of Salisbury, to Cromwell.
R.O. Has received Cromwell's letter to put Sir John Purches into possession of the parsonage of Hawkechurche because he was presented thereto by an earlier advowson than that by which Shaxton's chaplain, Sir John Maydowell, was presented. Two advowsons were given out by the abbot of Cerne in one incumbent's time for the first and next vacation only, whereof the later came to the hands of Walter Skynner. Besides these two his friend obtained an advowson for the first or any other vacation at his choice. This is the second vacation since the date of all these, and Mr. Skynner's advowson, which took no effect on the former occasion on account of the previous advowson, has now become void, but not his friend's, whereby Maydewell obtained it. His said chaplain will show Cromwell the advowsons. When he wrote to the abbot of Cerne for an advowson of the next avoidance, he knew not that Skynner's advowson was void.
Asks Cromwell to favour his chaplain in his right. He will do more good in setting forth the Word of God than many such as Purches is. Rammesbury, 4 April. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: Lord Privy Seal. Endd.
4 April. 675. Bishop Roland Lee to Cromwell.
R.O. I have received your letters of the 25th March. I have taken order that the Morgans shall be forthcoming; and, for the inquest, I have commanded the sheriff of Gloucestershire to put them under sureties quinzen. Pasche. Some punishment must be had or all will be naught. Where of late I was a suitor to your Lordship for the park of Wigmore to be given to your servant Thomas Crofte, who is a very poor man with wife and many small children; I beg your remembrance of him for the same. I thank you for my bill, which I perceive by your letters is signed; I have written my mind therein to Mr. Wreysley. I intend to steal home against Palm Sunday to Lichfield on business and will tarry there two or three days. Shrowisbury, 4 April. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: Lord Crumwell, lord Privy Seal. Endd.
4 April. 676. Henry Lord Stafford to Wriothesley.
R.O. "This bearer, farmer of St. James your chapel," is going to Staffordshire, and will do you any service if you will command him. Please get answer to my letter, or if you think fit I will sue to my Lord myself. 4 April.
Hol., p. 1. Add. Endd.: Mr. Stafford.
4 April. 677. Thomas Agard to Cromwell.
R. O.
St. P. ii. 567.
Praises highly the Treasurer, whose accounts will partly show the service he has done. The King's lands are now all let for 21 years, and it grieves him that he can no longer keep his house together. It was not his 6s. 8d. a day, but the farms and mills in his hands which enabled him to keep his house better to the King's honour than even the Deputy's. The Commissioners will declare his honesty, though some of them, perhaps, unwillingly. In Ireland all but the few who owe their hearts to the Garroldyns praise him.
The Chief Justice, Master of the Rolls, Rob. Cowley, and Thos. Cusake accompany the Commissioners. Characters of each except Cowley; all favourable, especially those of the Master of the Rolls and Sentleger. Has served 3½ years without wage and lately procured a benefice for a son of his, aged 15, "and for lack of knowledge I entered therein, and have it in possession." Mr. Pawllett and Berners intend to put him to trouble because he has no licence. Asks for a licence. Thinks the Deputy, who is his "heavy lord," is the cause of this. Has put up broad looms and a dyehouse, and intends to employ 100 people, but unless Trim be exempt from hostings for seven years, with the lordship of Bektyffe, the Deputy will undo all. This was passed in Parliament but he refused the Royal assent. Thanks for letter to the Deputy in his favour, which as yet takes no effect. Dublin, 4 April, Signed.
Add.: Lord Privy Seal.
4 April. 678. Card, de Carpi to ———
Vatican MS. * * * The King could not show a worse opinion than he does of the king of England who brags against both the French and the Emperor, but commits such extravagances that the King cannot help laughing. The King tells me he has given licence to eat eggs and milk food and dispenses in person, as his Holiness does, and thinks that shortly he will want to sing mass. * * *
Mons. di Tarba came from England much rebuked by that King who to his face spoke ill of the cardinal, his deceased uncle. (fn. n4) * * * Da Lyone alii iiij de Aprile del 1538.
Italian. From a modern extract in R.O., p, 1, Begins: IIImo et Revermo Signor mio colenmo.
5 April. 679. Henry VIII. to Wyatt.
Harl. MS.
282, f. 26.
B. M.
Wyatt, 478.
Upon receipt of Wyatt's letters of the 14th ult. and arrival of others from the Emperor to his ambassadors here resident, appointed certain of his Council as commissioners to treat with the said ambassadors for the conclusion of the said alliances and renewal of former treaties and amity. Had resolved to enter with them roundly and desired that they should show their commission to confer on these matters, whereupon they had to confess that they had no commission to commune of the chief matter, the marriage of the duchess of Milan. However, as they offered to be bound, upon their lives, that the Emperor would ratify whatever they concluded, the King agreed to treat with them; but when the Commissioners would have come to specialties it soon became apparent that they meant nothing but to gain time. Marvels that the Emperor should proceed thus, and desires Wyatt to propound the articles to him in the order in which they were entreated here, scilt.:—
They proposed two marriages, one between the King and the duchess of Milan, the other between the lady Mary and Don Louis. The King asked what dote they would give the Duchess. They answered, 100,000 cr. and 15,000 cr. a year. It was asked why they would not give her, with all her rights in Milan, as it would be dishonourable in the King to put her from her duty. They granted that she should have dower there and asked how the issue of the marriage would be provided for. Answered that although the King had a prince who, he trusted, would succeed him, there were dukedoms enough within the realm to provide for his younger sons, as York, Gloucester, Somerset, and other, the least of which was worth 16,000 ducats. Similar detail of the rest of the conference, in which they promised that good assurance should be made for payment of the Duchess' dowry, but would not
promise that the Emperor would levy it and assign it upon the Low Countries. They denied that Covos and Granvelle could have said to Wyatt that the Emperor would cause duke Frederic Palatine to resign his title to Denmark in favour of the Duchess, being his wife's younger sister. If he did resign it his recompense should be at the Emperor's arbitrament; "so as by that pact it might have been at his liberty to have laid him in the midst of our realm of England; which doth well declare, by the iniquity of it, that they meant not to proceed with us as they pretended." They allowed that the Duchess should be sent hither at the Emperor's cost, but, in return, would have the lady Mary sent to Portugal at the King's. Offered a dote of 100,000 cr. with the lady Mary, and the succession in default of "any other issue male or female of any lawful marriage." They seemod to think the dote too small. With it they would give her a dower of 5,000 cr., being a twentieth part, and the fourth part of "his" goods; but they could not say to what these amounted. It was pointed out to them that she could be better bestowed here, for 100,000 cr. would purchase as much land as they offered in dowry, and moreover that the usage in all realms was for the dower to be one-fourth of the dote ; but they stuck to the twentieth. The King offered, if the Emperor would prefer him to Milan or assure him some rent equal to what the late duke of Richmond, the King's only bastard son, had, to give her such a dote as was given with his sister Mary, the late queen of France. They said they had no commission to treat of what aid the Emperor would give the King to recover his pensions in France, if the French king should deny payment. Nor would they treat of the King's marriage without the other, nor of the "renovation of amities" until the marriage was settled.
Now, if the Emperor esteems the King's amity as he has pretended, he must see how coldly his ambassadors have proceeded. Wyatt must desire him to make reasonable answer to the King's demands and send sufficient commission for the conclusion of everything to the lady Regent, "unless he will wholly trust these men in that behalf," or else the King cannot think that he means uprightly. It must not appear that the King is either unwilling or anxious to proceed with these alliances, but Wyatt must, as of himself, remind the Emperor of his promises as to the "principal contrahent" and the Council, getting them, if possible, in writing. If on the arrival of the ambassadors' letters (which are not yet ready, and shall be sent with two of the King's learned counsel who are shortly to be sent in post thither) the Emperor shall labour to put the fault of this stay upon the King, Wyatt may say that before the coming of Don Diego and suite, the King has been unable to get anything from the Emperor's ambassadors in specialty, and that at their last conference with the King's Council before the sending of their last letters, they promised to obtain sufficient commission. Westm., 5 April 29 Hen. VIII. Signed at the head.
Pp. 10. Endd. by Wyatt: Recd, 12 April, at Barsolona, by Francisco.
5 April. 680. Cromwell to Lord Cobham.
Harl. MS.
283, f. 204.
B. M.
The King has appointed him, with others, to sit upon the trial of Knell, who is accused of treason, and desires him to give his attendance, hearkening unto my lord of Wiltshire, who is the chief commissioner, add so to handle the matter that the offender may be punished according to justice. From St James, 5 April. Signed.
P. 1. Add.
5 April. 681. Thos. Prior of Christchurch, Canterbury, to Cromwell.
R.O. Has received his letter by John Antony, stating that Cromwell has stayed to them Bekysbourne, which was lately desired from them. The prior and brethren resort thither for recreation that they may be the better disposed to serve God and do their duty. For this and other benefits are more bound to him than they are able to express. Canterbury, Friday 5 April. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: Lord Privy Seal. Endd.
5 April 682. Ric. Layton, Priest, to Cromwell.
R.O. I am well content ye shall have the resignation of my parsonage of St. Faith's in London, and have written to Mr. Belosys to act therein as if I were there present. Touching the advowson of All Hallows, Lumbert Street, in my lady Syon's hands, whereof I told you the Saturday I took leave of you; on Sunday, the day after, as I was taking my horse a priest brought me the said advowson nnd willed me to write and present Dr. Peter Ligham to the same, "he being fefer to present." Thereupon I sent my servant to Dr. Peter willing him to present no one to the said benefice till he knew your pleasure, which would be in six or seven days at most, and so shook off the priest. Please let me have the Easter book now on Easter Day "whereas rysithe the whole yearly value" of St. Faithes; I stand charged with duties for this whole year past and receive nothing before Easter Day. On Palm Sunday even, we trust to be with you and have fulfilled all your commands, for tomorrow we ride to Sothewyke. Bewley, 5 April.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: Lord Privy Seal. Endd.: Dr. Layton.
5 April. 683. Thomas Agard to Cromwell.
R. O.
St. P. ii. 569.
Robt. Cowley can show the state of the land as well as any man here. The blood of Christ is clean blotted out of men's hearts by that monster, the bp. of Rome, and his adherents, especially the false and crafty bloodsuckers, the Observants. Except the abp. of Dublin, who preaches God's word, the lord Butler, Master of the Rolls, and Mr. Treasurer, few can abide hearing their abusions spoken against. Other matters shall be related by the Commissioners, especially good Mr. Sentleger. The Master of the Rolls and Mr. Chief Justice accompany him. Dublin, 5 April.
Hol. Add.: Lord Privy Seal. Endd.
5 April. 684. Patrick Barnewall to Cromwell.
R. O.
St. P. ii. 570.
The land is in a good stay and the Commissioners have done good service. Mr. Treasurer's accounts will prove him a true honest man. The Acts sent by Cromwell were all enacted except that for clerks. Other Acts were devised by the Commissioners. A house of chancery here where young gentlemen learning the law might live together is very necessary. By procurement of ii certain person who was unable to pay his offer, I was forced to pay 200l. for one of the King's wards. I had arranged with the Commissioners for 100l., and had paid 50l. to Mr. Treasurer; and yet better than he were bought for 100 mks. Justice Houth and I have in lease certain lands of the priory of Cartmell, in England, and by the suppression every man's lease is saved. Now lately it has been moved to the Commissioners that our lease for the two parts is void because the King is "entitled to the two parts of the profit, seeing their absence at the time of the making the lease."
Part of the Commissioners were minded that the King's attorney should maintain pleas for the King, which has always been done by the King's serjeant. Would be sorry that his office should lose this. Dublin, 5 April.
Hol. Add.: Lord Privy Seal. Endd.
5 April. 685. Patrick Barnewall to Wriothesley.
R. O. Thanks for goodness. The Commissioners have done well and their report should be attended to, Was enforced to pay 200l. for one of the King's wards or else not have him (although better than he were sold for 100 mks.) to defeat the offer of a certain person who was unable to pay. Bought him by Mr. Treasurer's advice (although his possession is but 18l., and if he die I lose my money for the next heir is of full age), trusting in my lord Privy Seal to get me discharged of part of the sum. Lease of lands of Cartmell. Offices of King's serjeant and King's attorney. Sends him by bearer a blue Galway mantle. Dublin, 5 April.
Hol., pp. 3. Add. Endd.


  • n1. Joan, daughter and heiress of William Pentyre, who died on the 25th Nov. 29 Hen. VIII. (1537). See Inq. p. m. 30 Hen. VIII., No. 13.
  • n2. The prebend of Harleston in St. Paul's was held by John Smith, M.D., from 1503, and on his death was conferred on John Craford, S.T.P., 31 Jan. 1539.
  • n3. The Imperial ambassadors, Chapuys and Mendoza."
  • n4. Cardinal Grammont.