Henry VIII: April 1538, 10-15

Pages 277-291

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 13 Part 1, January-July 1538. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1892.

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April 1538, 11-15

11 April. 731. John Husee to Lord Lisle.
R. O. Received this morning his letter with the indenture of Hyde and acquittance of the lord marquis Dorset. Begs he will not leave his meat, drink, and sleep because his licence does not come, as he is certain to have it. If it does not come by Saturday, Monday, or Tuesday, does not expect it before Easter, Will go through with Mr. Bonham, according to Lisle's commandment. Has drawn out his licence without a date, for the King's pleasure. My lord Controller thinks he shall be dispatched before you come. Trusts he will have Mr. Brian's lodgings in the Court. If not, will do his best for Lisle with my lord of Hertford. Sent 13 yards of damask for his gown by Pay ton. The abbot of Westminster makes no little ado for his wine. Will meet Lisle at Dover, and prepare a boat for him with six oars at Gravesend. It does not matter what Ralph Hare says. Will send unto Aylmer and Motley to meet you here at your coming. Thus rests, wishing God may send Lisle an abbey of 1,000l. per annum. London, 11 April.
Hol., p. 1. Add.
11 April. 732. John Husee to Lady Lisle.
R. O. I have received your letter by the bearer. I have declared your pleasure to Mrs. Whalley, and find the wine will be more welcome than herring. I will do by best for a gentlewoman for you, and will attend to my Lord's command touching Soberton and Mr. Bonham. I return the books you sent me, which do not serve my purpose. It is Mr. Wynsor's letter and account of Soberton of anno 28, for the 3l. 7s. 9d. that he charges me with now, was the debet of Soberton, anno 28, which was never part of the audit. Mrs. Anne cares not how soon her pearl comes. Mrs. Katharine shall have the things she lacks, and my lady Rutland's letter delivered, with thanks for her gown. I send the ½ oz. of gold, which cost 2s. 6d. I hope Mrs. Frances' gown and the sayes have reached you, and I trust to send the travers before Easter. I care not how soon Mr. Bassett comes over. I will write to Mr. George concerning his old coat, and will take counsel about lady Sussex. She is to be churched on Thursday, which is Shere Thursday, and anything you wish to present her should be hastened. Mr. Judde promised to send the silk, that this bearer might carry it, for he has now found the colours. Would gladly have Mr. Wynsor's account before lie reckons now for this half year. London, 11 April.
Hol., pp. 2. Add.
11 April. 733. John of Calkewell (fn. n1) to Lord Lisle.
R. O. Upon Thewsdaye last at night, was at Stepney with my lord Privy Seal, who asked how lord and lady Lisle did. Said he was in good health and heartily merry if he might be with the King, to which he replied that lord Lisle should be here shortly. Lord Lisle has some back friends here, but he cannot find out their names. London, 11 April.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: At Calais.
11 April. 734. Gregory Cromwell to Cromwell.
R. O.
Ellis, 3d Ser.
iii. 192.
I have long deferred writing to you how my wife and I like this country till we had more experience of it. The house and situation please us much. My lord Dacres, my Lady his wife, Sir John Gage, Mr. Gainsforth, Mr. Shelley, Mr. Belingham, and other gentlemen of this country have welcomed me and entertained me with presents. Lewes, 11 April.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: Privy Seal. Endd."
11 April. 735. Burford, Oxfordshire.
R. O. The certificate of Sir Simon Harecourt, knt., and Will. Fermour, of and upon the examination taken at Burforde, in the county of Oxon, 11 April, upon a bill of complaint exhibited to the King's Council [by] Will. Hedgys the younger, of Bu[rford], against John Jones, late one of the [b]ailifts of the said town.
i. Copy of the bill, stating that on Thursday before Midsummer Day last John Jones was charged by Thos. Thomson, then also bailiff of the said town, to arrest one Baynam, whom Thomson undertook to prove a traitor; that he attached him and put him to ward, but next day let him go.
ii. Answer of Jones, explaining that Thomson had called him out of bed to arrest Baynam, who had attempted to prevent the door of the town gaol being shut, and that it was only next day he charged him with treason for assaulting the King's officers; but Thomas Weyman, justice of the peace, to whom they referred the matter, charged them to take him home again and punish him as an unthrift.
iii. Depositions of witnesses summoned by William Hedgys the younger in proof that Thomson had charged Baynam as a traitor at the time of his arrest. The names of the witnesses are Robt. Jacobb, Humph. Pypar, Wm. Nicholas, Nich. Riley, Edni. Sylvester, and Ric. Darnell.
iv. Witnesses examined for the true proof of this matter. Thompson confirms the answer of John Jones in every point; also Wm. Hedges the elder, John Sharpe, Robt. Jonson, Thos. Richards, Robt. Payn, and Wm. Hewys of Burford. Signed by Harcourt and Fermour.
Pp. 5. Add.: To my lord Privy Seal.
11 April. 736. Thomas Penticost alias Rowland to Wriothesley.
R. O. Mr. Serjeant showed you of a fray between my servants and Mr. Harcourt's, but could not tell their names nor who began it. On 31st March, Midlent Sunday, Mr. Robert Harcourt, of Whytam beside Oxford, with three or four servants, came to Comnor to the church ale, and after he had done at the church house, came and drank with me, and showed me good countenance. After he left the town three of his servants turned back again. After evensong: Thomas Davye, formerly a tenant of mine, made assault on Ralph Gimmell, my servant. Then Mr. Harcourt's three servants also attacked Ralph, and one or two of my neighbours joined in the fray. Finally two of Mr. Harcourt's servants were hurt, while the third and the said Davye ran away. I send up one of my servants who was at it, and beg you to appoint an inquiry. Mr. Harcourt's servants were Robt. Shurley, Jenkyng Hanmer, gent., late scholar in Whyght Halle, Oxford, and Stephen —— (blank) also late scholar in Whyght Halle. Davy, the beginner of the fray, is now the King's tenant, but wanders about to set men by the ears. I fear not Mr. Harcourt so much as his adherents, for there are some in Oxford called light men, whose company he uses now and then. Comnor, 11 March (sic). Signed.
Pp. 2. Add.: Right Worshipful. Endd.: 12 April.
11 April. 737. Ariaen Gheertzn, Bellringer at Ostende, to Peter [Beckwith].
R. O. Requests him to let the bearer have the procuracy which is in the mayor's hands (die onder die meyer lyet), which this skipper Henric Janszn alias Dans will bring hither. 11 April 1537, style of Tournay.
Dutch, p. 1. Add.: "An die eersame Meester Pieter seecretaryus van min loert de bytys wonende tot Calys."
12 April. 738. Henry VIII. to Christian III.
hinger iv. 94.
In favour of the bearer, who goes about the recovery of goods worth 200l. belonging to Wm. Sabinus, one of Henry's Serjeants at arms, which during the late troubles in Denmark were detained upon the false suggestion of a certain Scot. Wrote formerly upon this matter and received promises from the bp. Koschildensis, then chancellor of Denmark. Palace near London, 12 April 1538.
12 April. 739. The Earl of Rutland to [Will. Constable] parson of Bottesford.
Hist. MSS.
Com. Rep. xii.
App. Pt. iv.
I have received your letter saying that you are very desirous to have the parsonage of Bottesforde forthwith in your hands. I marvel not a little that you should be more desirous thereof at this time than heretofore, and that you should show such ingratitude to me, considering that I am fully determined to repair thither and continue thereabouts. You should have given me an honest warning to avoid the parsonage by a lawful day, though I had been a man of small reputation, as I think you note me to be. Enfield, 12 April. Signed.
P.S.—In case you are minded at any time to give ghostly instruction to the parishioners, your flock, it will be very well done, and I shall be very glad thereof.
12 April. 740. John earl of Oxford to Cromwell.
R. O. Asks him to make his excuse to the King for not coming up this St. George's Day. For this fortnight, has had much pain in his side, a ceateca in his hucklebone and a grudge of ague. 12 April.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: Lord Privy Seal. Endd.
12 April. 741. Norfolk to Cromwell.
R. O. Thanks him for his letter of the 8th, but is doubtful how to interpret the words :— And as to the bringing up of my Lady your daughter, his Highness is likewise content ye shall bring her hither at your liberty if ye shall think so convenient. Wrote in his last asking if Cromwell thought it would displease the King to bring her up. Desires advice by the bearer. Kenyngale, 12 April. Signed.
P.S.—I hear one of my horse keepers at Framlingham died of the sickness this night past.
P. 1. Add.: Lord Privy Seal. Endd.
12 April. 742. Norfolk to Cromwell.
R. O. Yesternight I received a letter, enclosed, from my nephew Edm. Knevet, and because it contains misorders of divers lewd persons, I have sent for Justice Spilman and Serjeant Jenny to be here tomorrow, and, against their coming, shall have a dozen or twenty of the said light persons to be examined. Though you shall not much like the inditing of my nephew's letter, no man is more desirous to serve our master. I think light of this matter and would scarcely have written, but I was sending the bearer to London with my other letter and feared others might make more of it. As I and the King's learned counsel see further in this we shall advertise your Lordship. Kenyngale, 12 April. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: Lord Privy Seal. Endd.
12 April. 743. Norfolk to [Cromwell].
Cleop. E. iv.
B. M.
Wright's Suppression
of the
Hears from the bearers that the prior of Newburgh, of the Duke's foundation, is lately dead. For many years the convent have always repaired to the Duke and his ancestors for consent, as patron, and then to the archbp. of York for his confirmation. Now the King has plenariam potestatem in such cases, they know not how to use themselves. Sends them, therefore, to his Lordship, and desires him to take such order with them as is expedient, so as it be not to the prejudice of the Duke's rights. As the house is far in debt and behindhand in consequence of the great misorder and negligence of the late prior, and as none of the house are fit to be ruler, desires [Cromwell] to handle them so that they may compromit the election to him and the Duke. Kenyngale, 12 April.
P.S in his own hand:—If he find any difficulty in them, desires him to send them back hither. Trusts to reform their follies, little good discretion being in any of them. Signed.
P. 1.
12 April. 744. Norfolk to Wriothesley.
R. O. This is, with thanks for dispatching my servant with answer of my late letters from my lord Privy Seal, to require you to speak to my lord Privy Seal to get the late prior of Castleacre's bill signed by the King and send it me by this bearer. The late prior's servant has staid at London for it since my departure, to his great costs. Kenyngale, 12 April. Signed.
P. 1. Add. Sealed. Endd.
12 April. 745. John Incent to Cromwell.
R. O. On Friday night, 12 April, I received your letters, by your servant this bearer, at Portsmouth, and perceive that my lord bp. of Chichester and other of the Chapter of St. Paul's besides me have given your Lordship the presentation of the benefice of St. Faith's, void by the resignation of Doctor Layton; and, as I have one of the keys of the Chapter Seal, you desire me to send it up. I have sent for the deliverance of the key and written to my lord of Chichester, our dean, and to other of my brethren, to express my consent to the presentation. If it were at my gift alone, as it was last time when, at your desire, I gave it to Mr. Layton, I would freely give it to your Lordship's disposition. My poor house in Portsmouth, 12 April. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: Lord Cromwell, lord Privy Seal. Endd.
12 April. 746. John Ryve, Recto, (fn. n2) to Cromwell.
R. O. Cromwell's letters to the abbess of Wilton for the vicarage of North Bradley, (fn. n3) in the gift of the writer and his brethren, have been shown to him by William Cockes, Cromwell's servant. He and his brethren would send a presentation, but cannot declare the vicarage void. Sends the next advowson. If this suffice not, has sent his simple servant to know Cromwell's pleasure. Edyngdon, 12 April. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: Lord Crumwell, lord Privy Seal. Endd.
12 April. 747. Deyther and Llandrinio, Montgomeryshire.
R. O. Grant by Sir Edward Sutton, Lord Dudley and Powis, to John Win ap Llewellyn ap David Lloid, and David, Gruffith, and John, his "brothers, lands and tenements formerly held by the said Llewellyn ap David Lloid, their father (by grant of lord Dudley and of Sir Ric. Poole, formerly his steward), in the lordship of Deudour, and now in Dudley's hands because of the conviction of John Win for the death of Gruffith ap Meredith. Deudour, 20 Feb. 13 Hen. VIII.
Release by Ric. ap David of Manawon, co. Montgomery, to John ap Lrn. of Deuthor of his rights in Llandrynio, co. Montgomery. 12 April 29 Hen. VIII.
Lat. copies, pp. 2. A few mems. on the back, of commissions and process left in town (?) unsent, in which the names Thornhill and Webster, John Adams, and Basset's injunction occur.
12 April. 748. John Whyte to Wriothesley.
R.O. By the provision of God and Wriothesley's help has attained what he has desired all his life, an honest house in which to bid his friends welcome. Is thankful also for the goodness shown him on Wriothesley's account by Dr. Peter, Mr. Layton, and Mr. Freman, in the sale of all such things as I have bought of them. There were in all the house (fn. n4) but four feather beds barely furnished, whereof you have two chambers furnished, two beds, cubbords, forms, chairs, hangings, which be but old and in manner rotten, all which cost you 26s. 8d. The third bed a brother of Dr. Layton's had given [him], with whom I was fain to compound; the fourth I bought. The rest of the stuff was very slender for such a house. Was much more bound to Mr. Peter and Mr. Freman than to Mr. Layton. Where they gave me some things he afterwards took them fro me, yea some such things as I had before bought of them. One thing they gave me for my house was 20 bacon hogs hanging in the roof, of which he took from me 12 of the best. He also took three great coffers, trussed the bacon in two of them, and in the third had all the church books, one of which cost the prior 40l. He likewise used you at Bewley, for your bacon, as your steward can tell you. Does not declare this for any displeasure, but his associates would wish to be accompanied by some other honest man, for by his such usage they take some shame. They wish you should know of him but not by them. There was never spoil made but by his servants, and they be so expert therein as I never saw men; yea and without all shame and honesty as it is too long to write. Ye must herein be à ghostly father, and so use the matter that he may be separate from the other two, which be as honest men; and in that thing doth great honor unto the King's Majesty by their discreet usage of the religious persons and other. I have sent to Tichfield 100 of the best sheep. You have also a suit of black velvet and the cape of cloth of tissue which I had before their coming. I have made you a new patent for the stewardship with 10l. fee, thinking the first patent too small a fee for you. The prior was very glad to amend it. Both he and the brethren have much cause to pray for you they have been so well treated. I trust your visitors will report them to be of as much honesty as they have ever seen.
I was not at Bewley, not knowing your pleasure; and if I had been, things at Suthwyke had not been so well kept together. Kept it without spoil till the visitors came. My brother William Pound and Mrs. Elyne are well. I have great thanks for having brought her into the country, where she is much desired to christen children. She has brought good luck, Mr. Wayte's wife, who had 9 or 10 daughters, having borne a son. Enlarges on her good qualities. Desires the punishment of Will. Hygham, whom he brought to Wriothesley at St. James's with Dr. Craford's letters for an advowson. He has forged a letter in my lord Chancellor's name to the prior of Suthwyke, and received for my lord Chancellor a reward of 24l. He has also forged other documents (particulars given). Hears he is worth 100l. He has a lease of the reversion of a farm of Suthweke, for which he may have 20l. No wonder he is rich.
"These letters were almost made when the visitors went from Suthwyke, minding the next day to send unto you". Was so troubled by the servants of the house he knew not what to do. Not one of the servants of husbandry would remain, knowing in what need of them he stood for sowing of barley. Had much to do to stay some of them till Easter. Has taken into his service 14 of the servants of that house. Will come to him next week and then have his wife and household to Suthweke. Your people at Titchfield are well, and all labouring to set forth your buildings. "From the house of Suthwyk, which I would were your inheritance," 12 April.
Hol., pp. 3. Add. Endd.
12 April. 749. J. Craiford to Wriothesley.
R.O. I cannot write to your wife as I promised till I have leisure. Was on Tuesday last at Southwick, and yesterday and today consulting with Bartyew about windows and chimneys, also going to Hampton to see Mr. Huttoft about payment for the stone provided by Mr. Lovedaye and now come from Cane. Describes the state of Wriothesley's buildings, which will be well forwarded before Easter. Is provided with joiners. Desires him to send three plasterers the week after Easter; has received plaster of Paris from Loveday now at Hampton.
You have done for Mr. White in one day 100 marks' worth of profit besides his dwelling. Desires, in order to avoid the penalty of the King's statute, to have Wriothesley's letter authorising him to sell whatever shall be found unnecessary of the stuff be has bought for Wriothesley. Mr. Lystor's son and heir has this day sent you a tun of French wine. The ship of Hastings is come, and 22 ton of stone is come to Hamble Haven. Leonard's farm is worth 40l. a year, and is better for you during your buildings than Swanwik, and yet I wish no hurt to Mr. Knyght, but a better turn if he marry your sister. Thank Mr. Huttoft for his pains and for the lighter we bought at Bewlew. Thank Vyncent and comfort him. We have discharged the farmer of Swanwik. Tomorrow at Leonard's the steward and I will part stake with the abbot for cattle and corn. Let me go next week to Sutton until Low Sunday. From your own house of Titchfield, 12 April.
P.S.—Details of alterations to be made in the fabric of the church involving the taking down of the steeple.
P.P.S.—Mr. Treasurer is now at Netlee and lately my lord Admiral was at his own, and you may not be spared to see that you never saw and correct all. Alack ! that your wife, that sorceress, is so nigh you."
Pp. 3. Add.: Right Worshipful. Endd.
12 April. 750. J. Craiford to Wriothesley.
R.O. Wrote by John Horskeper that he must go to Hampton to speak with the smith glasier and consult Mr. Huttoft how much 33 s. tornays draweth to in English money, for so much must be paid for every tonn. Bought at Southwik the laver, certain glass, &c., as Dr. Peter can show. At Belew I would Mr. Knyght had the manor, &c., and the grain that comes out of Wight. Fail not to purchase Southlee pond, the storer and foundation of your stews at Leonard's and Titchfelde, though some prefer Southwik, which is a good shifting house and but four miles off. On Porchester Down you have land jointly with the King; if the King would take the whole and give you Southwik it were a wholesome exchange. You might bestow Mr. White at Porsey in Titchfield, your best farm. This morning I shall cross "the water to Bewlew. Enclose letter from Mr. Loveday, opened 12 April.
P.S.—Has not yet received above 21l. of the half year's rent. Wrote by Mr. Myls that he should have the bells for 60l. Describes alterations suggested in the steeple and church; but would like Wriothesley to see it himself.
If you do anything in the Southwik matter remember the clerkship of the market, bailiwick, woods, waters, &c. The late abbot of Bewlew immediately before his surrender let out at home the mill, parsonage, &c., to his sister, at Leonard's the lodge and a portion of your park to be hedged in.
Hol., pp. 2. Add.: Right Worshipful. Endd.
12 April. 751. Sir Francis Brian to Cromwell.
R. O. Sends Lyon, the searcher, whose confession Bryan delivered to Cromwell. The King intends to pardon him if he declares the truth, but if his tale be found variable, he should be sent back here to take warning. Calais, 12 April. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: Lord Privy Seal. Endd.
12 April. 752. Guillaume le Gras to Lord Lisle.
R.O. I have received by the bearer your letter of the 29th ult., in which you desire an account of what I have paid for your son, Mr. James. I hope after Easter to send a man to Calais who will convey it. I have informed you how I have kept Mr. James in my house because he is so bad an eater of fish. I praise God we shall soon be out of Lent, du quel Me Jaques se tienne ung peu debilité, and I think he will need to eat eggs.
I send by the bearer, Fabian, the original schedule of Baptiste de Cassigny, required by your solicitor in England. Paris, 12 April 1537.
Mr. James has been a little ailing, but is now well.
Hol., Fr., p. 1. Add.
753. [James Basset] to [Lady Lisle]
R.O. Commendations to his father, brothers, and sisters. I heard eight days ago that you were ill, but was very glad to hear afterwards that you had recovered. I am now at the lodging of Mons. le Gras, pour tant que de reschief mestoyt venu aulx eus (yeux ?). (fn. n5)
Hol., Fr., p. 1.
12 April. 754. Nicolas Partridge to Bullinger.
Orig. Letters
(Parker Soc.)
Acknowledges his courteous letter and packet of letters and books written to the leading men in our kingdom. Remembrances to Bullinger's wife and mother, and hopes his daughter Eliz. has recovered. Will be glad to send his news about England at every fair. Our friend Rayner (fn. n6) did not come to this fair owing to the death of his wife. Froschover will give you a letter of his to me, which I do not enclose in this as I wish it to be first read by Masters Butler and Traheron, who are now living at Strasburg with Master Sapidus, and especially by Grynaeus, who is anxious to know of our affairs. In his letter to me, and also in one to Froschover, Rayner mentions an Englishman from whom we should have full information; but no such person has arrived. A German belonging to one of the London companies tells us marvellous stories of some saints formerly immoveable who have now ridden up to London and performed miracles in public. Concerning the bearded crucifix called the Rood of Grace, near Maidstone, he says that while the bp. of Rochester was preaching at St. Paul's Cross it turned its head, rolled its eyes, foamed at the mouth, and shed tears,—in the presence, too, of many other famous saints of wood and stone. The bp. had before thundered forth against these images. The satellite saints of the Kentish image acted much the same way. It is expected that the Virgin of Walsingham, St. Thomas of Canterbury, and other images will soon perform miracles also in the same place; for the trickery was so thoroughly exposed that every one was indignant at the monks and impostors.
Sends greetings from Woodrooffe, Peterson, and Finche, who are about to go with him to England, and remembrances to Masters Pellican, Leo, and Theodore. Frankfort, 12 April.
[12 April] 755. Justus Jonas to Foxe, Bishop of Hereford.
R. O. Ever since parting with Foxe and the archdeacon Nicholas (Heath) at Hamburg, has prayed that God would give the blessings of the Gospel to England. But oil hearing the melancholy death of the Queen, feared that new troubles in England might stop its progress. Foxe will hear about this meeting from Christopher. Asks for news about ecclesiastical affairs in England. At the meeting at Brunswick there was a report of the increase of the Turkish army in Hungary. The book of Jovius, bp. of Nocera, which he has translated into German, is prophetic, but Christian princes have neither eyes nor ears. If the taking of Constantinople 70 or 80 years ago, the loss of Rhodes, the death of king Lewis [of Hungary], the storming of' Alcayro or Memphis, the capture of Buda, the late defeat of king Ferdinand, the triumph over the Christians at Constantinople, the trophies set up in Austria, do not move us, certe Galli cantus non excitabit. Commends to him the University of Wittemberg. Brunswick, at the meeting of the king of Denmark and the princes, sexta post Dominica Judica, 1538. Signs: Justus Jonas doctor, p. Witt.
Lat. Hol., pp. 2. Add.: Eduardo episcopo Erphordensi in Anglia. Endd.
13 April. 756. Chapuys to the Queen of Hungary.
There seems less hope than ever of a satisfactory conclusion with these people. On the 24th ult. a courier returned from Spain with despatches from the English ambassador there and letters for Don Diego and Chapuys. The same day the King and Council, especially Cromwell, sent twice to Chapuys to know if he had any good news, their own ambassador's answer was so cold. Cromwell also came to him on Lady Day and conversed with him for two hours. He was comforted by Chapuys's assurance that the Emperor did not dissemble and that they had a sufficient commission to treat of the two marriages. Next day (26th) the French ambassador, with a councillor of the parliament of Paris—the same who came to London with Tarbes—dined with Cromwell and had a consultation with the members of the Privy Council. Next day Chapuys and Don Diego went to the King, who was more cordial than ever, and said he had formerly leaned too much to France; that the Emperor had no occasion to be jealous at Tarbes' arrival in this country, his mission having been chiefly to apologise for words he uttered when last in England. Tarbes himself had solicited the mission, saying he knew how to deal with the English, and that Francis was no wise bound; but the councillor whom he brought with him did not share his opinion, and Tarbes wrote at once for his conge, leaving the councillor with powers to make a league against all the world, the Pope and Scotland included. The King added with a smile that we should have good sport to make him amorous at his age (?) (fn. n7)
Chapuys and Don Diego dined with Cromwell on the 27th, and met the abp. of Canterbury, the Chancellor, Suffolk, the Admiral, and two bps. A conference was held after dinner, of which it was decided to send a written report to the King. Terms agreed upon for the King's marriage with the duchess of Milan and the Princess's with Dom Loys. Have since been twice with the Commissioners, who instead of their large offers before the birth of the Prince, now propose for Mary a dower of 100,000 ducats, and even then wish to avoid concluding that match till they know what personal property the Infant has. They also ask as a condition of the marriage with the Duchess that Frederic should at once renounce in her favour his claim to the Crowns of Denmark, Norway, and Sweden. They even proposed a separate article for recovery of arrears of their pension from France, and last, not least, that if the Emperor gave Milan to Dom Loys, although the King had offered to subscribe to the defence of the Duchy, he should be no longer bound to pay the Duchess's dower. Worse still, they even said twice or thrice to us, quite unprovoked, You two imagine, perhaps, that we ought to do anything the Emperor asks for fear of this meeting at Nice; but even if the Pope, the Emperor, and France were to league against us, we should not care a fig. Unless they have lost their senses, or have a close understanding with the Lutherans, they think the very opposite, but since our conferences have been resumed, I know of no agent sent to Germany. Cromwell spoke of one sent to Denmark the other day to learn the state of King Christiern's affairs; but Chapuys thinks he had other objects.
Hinted to the Commissioners that since they doubted the sufficiency of their powers they might send some one to Spain to treat directly with the Emperor, and even if the marriages were not made, friendship would remain. They replied that the King would never have the marriages discussed anywhere but in England; that the question was no further advanced than on the first day; and that the friendship was written on paper, not in the hearts.
Two days later the King sent a courier to Spain secretly, notwithstanding a promise that we should be informed before he left; and when the ambassadors afterwards sent to Cromwell to know about two doctors of law whom the King was to send, they could not get an answer even what their names were till the day before their departure, though it was known a week before all over the city. Cromwell even in reply to messages says he considers the negociations broken off. If so, the doctors are no doubt sent to remonstrate against the General Council meeting at Vicenza. This is the matter that the King dreads most. He told us lately he did not believe the Emperor would do him such an injury as to solicit the meeting of such a Council before it had been arranged among the princes, for if the rest of Christendom were got to agree to it, he, standing apart, would seem to make a God of his own.
Does not see any appearance of good will between the English and the French; nor can he discover what Briant is about, who left this city three days ago about the time the above doctors departed for Spain. Perhaps it was to instruct and counsel another young but experienced doctor, (fn. n9) who is to replace the bp. of Winchester—one of the ablest men of this kingdom— at the Court of France. London, 13 April 1538.
French. From a MS. at Vienna.
13 April. 757. Edward Aglionby to Sir Thos. Wharton.
R.O. On Thursday last we met at Lochmaben Stane with lord Maxwell, though we expected only to meet his son, as it was said he was toward France to bring home the queen of Scots. We made answer to them of 16 bills or mo, ather clene or not awnswerable there, or els full (foul), which was but twoo, and the thyrd defferyt tyll yisterday upon provys at Karlell, and so there fylyt. They answered us, not so many and but one filed; so a new day is appointed at the same place on Thursday, 9 May. There was a proposal for a meeting at Kyrsop moved by Thomas Blanerhasset, more for slander than otherwise. The writer answered: Ye need not to marvel much hereupon, seeing that neither my Lord your master ne the earl of Cumberland in all their times had never no meeting there. Showed the matter to Sir John Lother and afterwards to all the King's servants, and all agreed that there should be no meeting till your coming home. Lord Maxwell called the writer apart and asked affectuusly if the King our master was sending any army towards the Emperor or into Ireland. Replied that in good faith I knew of none. He was not quite reassured. He said about Easter he goes with the master of Kilmaurs, the earl of Glencairn's son, two or three knigbts, and about 300 men of the best they can try in all Scotland. James Pringle, the king of Scots' servant, told me that he and 20 Pringles must go they ryst of ther goyng of the retorne of John Chartours out of France. Master Maxwell says that 800 will go, but I rather believe his father. They fear the King will stop them, either in going or returning. On Thursday, while we were at the day of march, Edward Yrwen called Gybs Edward, and Willy Richerdson, two of the notablest Scotch offenders since Dyk of Wodfot and George Twyn died, entered England as far as above Gaystok (Greystock) to take cattle. Being perceived, Irwyn was killed and Richerdson brought to Carlisle Castle, where he remains till your coming. Richerdson wounded the Englishman who killed Irwin very sore in the face. Yesterday the gentlemen sat on the commission between my lord Dacre and me for my fishing, when John Legh and other of lord Dacre's counsel expressly refused to show evidence till further. So that we must go before the King's Council at Durham in Whitsun week. In the last resort will appeal to my lord Privy Seal. The Borders are in as good stay as ever he saw them. Carlisle, Saturday, 13 April.
Hol., pp. 2. Add.
13 April. 758. James Basset to Lady Lisle.
R.O. Has been rather ill for three days, but is now better. Sent letters to his brother John Basset and his sister Frances, to which he has had no answer. Sends tokens for herself and his sisters Frances, Mary, and Katharine. Begs her to excuse him because he is a little weak. 13 April.
Hol., Fr., p. 1. Add.: Madame la Debitis, a Calleys.
14 April. 759. Thomas Lord Lawarr to Cromwell.
R. O. Yesterday night, late, my lord Matravers sent me a letter for certain words that Sir Thos. Cruche, vicar of Walberton, should speak of the King before a servant of mine, John Ludgater. I send to your Lordship the vicar and my said servant with his confession. The vicar will confess nothing to me. I have put his goods in surety, but the most part of his substance is debts, and some thereof I owe him myself. Three men have been taken here who seem to be arrant thieves, for they have all engines and keys belonging thereto, which I send you together with their confessions before me and other justices of the peace hereabouts. We can prove nothing against them, but, I doubt not, if they were forced thereto, upon a rack or otherwise, they would confess great robberies. I beg to know whether we shall send them up to the gaol or keep them till the next sessions, which shall be here at Chichester shortly after Easter. Give further credence to my servant the bearer. At my poor house this Palm Sunday. Signed.
P. 1. Add. Lord Privy Seal. Endd. : xiiijo April. 1538.
R.O. 2. Confession of John Ludgater before Sir Thos. West, lord La Warr, for certain words that he should hear Sir Thomas Cruche, vicar of Walberton, speak of the King's Highness a little before Michaelmas last. Taken 14 April 29 Hen. VIII.
That, about Mich, last, he and the vicar sat upon a bench near the forge house of Walberton, when the vicar said the King had the tenth part of his benefice against his goodwill, so he knew it would never do him good, and that the King had so much of the priests in this realm that he could never spend it to good purpose. Also, as they went by the way over a stile the vicar went before, his boy having a staff in his hand, when the vicar suddenly came back and took the staff from him, and said to the said John, By God's blood, knave, I will spend my life upon thee, which the said John immediately went and reported to lord La Warr. Witness: William Racton of Walberton. Signed by lord La Warr.
P. 1. Endd.
R.O. 3. The confession of Richard and William Cobcrofte and John Mathews, taken at Syddylsham, Sussex, 10 April 29 Hen. VIII., before Wm. Ernley. John Stanney, and other justices.
Ric. Cobcrofte, who says he was born at Drakes, Yorks., and is servant of Thos. Valley, of London, mercer, reports a journey that he made with his brother to Bristol, and thence by Newport, Shaftesbury, Salisbury, Hampton, and the other places mentioned in next deposition, to Syddylsham, where they intended to take a boat to go to Rye to search for a ship of Thos. Doughtye, but were arrested as suspicious persons. The places where they stopped and the names of the inns are specified.
Will. Cobcroft says he was born at Blytton, Line, and went from London to Hampton 5 April, where he lay from Friday to the Monday at one Chale's house (mentioned also by his brother), and so by Southwyke and Chichester to Syddylsham.
John Mathewe says he was born at Saltash, Cornw., and lives now at Shyrborne, Dors., whence he came Tuesday, 2 April, to Hampton and fell in company with the two Cobcroftes, who desired him to come with them, saying they would help him to some money The same day he was searched and all the ingynys were found in his sleeves. He said he found them in a hedge.
They were re-examined at Chichester, 13 April 29 Hen. VIII., before lord Lawarr, Sir Geffrey Pole, John Gunter, and Wm. Erneley, justices of peace in Sussex, and Elys Bradsbawe, mayor of Chichester. Signed by lord Lawarr and Erneley.
Pp. 5. Endd.: Examination of the Cobcroftes and Mathew upon suspicion of theft.
14 April. 760. Sir John Gage to Cromwell.
R.O. Has received Cromwell's letter, dated St. James, 27 March, and perceives that he did not do his duty to Alayne Rowlandson, Frenchman, for conveying wool over the sea. Thought it was no felony, but only loss of goods, especially as he is an alien. Sends the seid Rowland. He has 7 puncheons of French wine, 640 ells of canvas, and 2 barrels of prunes at Hastings. Asks what shall be done with them and the wools. Firlez, Palm Sunday. Signed.
P. 1. Add,: Privy Seal. Endd.: 14 April."
[14 April] 761. Austen Styward and Thos. Godsalve to Cromwell.
R. O. Received his letters by Stephen Fox on 13 April. The mayor has been ill for three weeks, and therefore does not know their contents. Cannot find that any such persons as are named therein dwell in this city. The merchants there to whom the money was paid may have some knowledge of the person who paid it. Norwich, Palm Sunday, 11 a.m. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: Lord Privy Seal.
[14 April.] 762. Thomas Leigh, L.L.D., to Cromwell.
R.O. The treasurer of York is lately deceased intestate. (fn. n8) I have made sequestration of his goods and caused an inventory thereof to be taken, which, together with a certificate of the funerals, your Lordship shall receive by this bearer, his brother, a poor honest men who depends on your goodness alone for his relief, and that of his mother, yet living. We think the man was not rich, seeing he kept so honest hospitality, greatly commended in these parts, with so large a household. I would know your pleasure for commission of administration to this poor man and his mother. St. Oswald's on Palm Sunday. Signed.
P.1. Add.: Lord Privy Seal. Endd. Marc.
14 April. 763. Edward Basnet, dean of St. Patrick's, to Cromwell.
R.O. Trusts Cromwell has received the small remembrance he sent in memory of his preferment to the deanery of Dublin. Sends a poor token, for as yet he can do no more, the King having the first fruits of his benefice. Notwithstanding Cromwell's letters, the abp. of Dublin, after the Chapter had elected Basnet, would not confirm the election until Mr. Treasurer paid him 200l., unless to my great infamy I should have been enforced to make pursuit both there and otherwise against him for my said confirmation, as the Master of the Rolls can declare. Dublin, 14 April.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: Lord Privy Seal. Endd.
15 April. 764. Kenilworth Abbey.
R.O. Surrender of the monastery with all its possessions in cos. Warw., Glouc., Worc., Ntht., Bucks, Soms., Oxon, and —— (blank), and elsewhere in England, Wales, and the marches thereof. 15 April 29 Henry VIII. Signed by Simon Jekys, abbot, John Lister, prior, and 14 others. [See Deputy Keeper's Eighth Report, App. II., 25.] Seal good.
Enrolled [Close Roll, p. 2, No 28; also Cl. Roll, 30 Henry VlII., p 2, No 39, but cancelled] as acknowledged same day before Wm. Peter, one of the clerks of Chancery.
R.O. 2. Pensions, assets, and liabilities of the monastery.
"Here ensueth the yearly stipends app[oynted by the] King's Highness to the abbot and [monks of] Killingworth, beginning at the Annunciation of [our] Blessed Lady, Ao, xxix. Regis Henr. viij., . . every of them to receive their half year's stipend at the Feast of St. Michael Tharchangel then next following, and so from half year to half year during their lives."
Simon Jakes, late abbot, amount referred to my lord Privy Seal: John Lyster, 8l.; and thirteen others at from 5l. to 7l., the names being the same as in § 1, with the exception of the last three (see D. K.'s Report, as above), and addition of one, John Reves.
ii. Debts owing by the said late monastery of Killyngworth, viz.:—
To Chr. Wade, of Coventry, 275l.; Roger Wigston, 30l. ; and the sword beres (bearer's) wyf of Coventre, 14l., for which they hold in pledge certain plate (described). To lady Spencer, of Wormeleighton, Dr. Peter, Robt. Burgon, Sir Robt. Dormer, Thos. Dier, Mrs. Bennyngfeld, widow, of Killingworth, Wm. Busshop, of Brailles, Geo. Dawes, of Newham, Henry Over, sheriff of Coventry, Edm. Sutton, John Fysher, of Kenelworth, debt of Willm. Wheller's wife, her other husband, Napes, of Oxford, John Dawes, of London, mercer, and Thos. Stonley, who hoped to be abbot. Old debts to John Grossellyn, John Smyth alias Harper, Robt. Petty, Julinus Nethermile, lady Beldknape, and James Cruise. Total debts, 630l. 6d.
iii. Fees yet unpaid due out of the said monastery at Lady Day last. Lord Marquis Dorset, high steward, half year's fee, 26s. 8d. ; Roger Wigston, Hugh Aston, of Leicester, John Segewike, and Anth. Cope, smaller sums.
iv. Debts due to the monastery.
From Laurence Gray, Humph. Yardley, Wm. Graye, of Salford, and Thos. Broke, of London. Total, 186l. 17s. 6d.
v. There remains to the King's use (items very faded). Total, 680l. Signed: William Petre and John Freman, both names in Petre's hand.
Pp. 6. Faded and mutilated.
R.O. 765. Cromwell to [Roland Lee, Bp. of Coventry and Lichfield].
His nephew, Richard Cromwell, desires to have the assignment of a prebend in the church of Lichfield for a friend of his, and sends an advowson ready written to have the presentation of the first which shall fall vacant of three mentioned therein. Desires [the Bishop] to send him the said advowson signed and sealed with his seal and that of the Chapter.
Draft, p. 1. Endd.: Thabbot of Kyllingworthe.
15 April. 766.Wriothesley to Wyatt.
Harl. MS.
282 f. 275.
Wyatt, 429.
I send herewith a deed to be sealed and signed for my matter. I can send no money, for you have no man in the town to solicit payment for you. Eighty pounds was left with Rougecroix to be sent you, but he would not deliver it to me to send unless I gave him a receipt for it, and being the sum so small, I thought it not convenient so much to satisfy that gentleman's pleasure. I am glad that the company has money that you may shift together. St. James', 15 April.
Hol., p. 1. Add Endd. by Wyatt: By Mr. Haynes and Mr. Bonar, ao, 2o.
15 April. 767. David Raynold to Lady Lisle.
R.O. Thanks her and lord Lisle for their favours. Asks her to move her husband to present him to the parsonage of St. James, in Dover, at the next vacation. Has served the church a long time, and finds the parishioners good and loving, so that he would gladly continue there. Dover, 15 April, 1538. Signed.
P.1. Add. At Calais.
15 April. 768. Bp. Roland Lee to Cromwell.
R.O. Writes in behalf of the bearer, John ap Rice, whom Cromwell, at his suit, put into the King's service when Lee was at Wynchecombe. The earl of Arundel, under whom he has his chief living, the constableship of the castle of Cloon, does not bear him such goodwill as formerly. Lichfelde, 15 April. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: Lord Crumwell, lord Privy Seal. Endd.
15 April. 769. John, abbot of Whitby, to Wriothesley.
R.O. Although unacquainted, desires his favour that certain matters wherein Gregory Conyers will be a suitor against him to my lord Privy Seal, may be stopped until Dr. Legh's return to London, which he understands will be soon after Easter. Dr. Legh will then show him how the abbot is wronged, so that neither he nor his house can endure it. Has sent a copy of my lord Privy Seal's letter, and a poor token for a remembrance. Whitby, 15 April.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: Mr. Wresley, servant to the King's Highness. Endd.
15 April. 770. Lord Leonard Grey to Henry VIII.
St. P. iii.
Has cut three passes in Kildare adjoining Offale, two of them in Brymyngham's country, as was appointed by the Commissioners and Council before their departure into England. As Hugh Roo, Rose McBiene and Remold McRoic, of Ferney, have for three years withheld their 10l. rent and have made spoils, a journey against them was appointed by the Commissioners and Council, and on 7 April Grey entered Ferney and carried off 500 kine, &c. Would have had 1,000 more if the borderers of Uriell had not given them warning. Burned the houses and destroyed the grain. At the same time cut two passes, and it will not be long before the King will get a farmer there paying double the rent. Thos. Bowman, your servant, will describe the journey. Begs leave to come to the King for a short while. Drogheda, 15 April. Signed.
Add. Endd.
15 April. 771. Lord Leonard Grey to Cromwell.
R.O. "Journey" in Ferney as in his letter to the King. Death of Cromwell's servant, Jerome Lyne, who was surprised in a bog and slain. Begs his mediation for leave to come to the King for a month. Great need of artillery. Thos. Bowman, the King's servant, can describe the journey. Drogheda, 15 April. Signed.
Pp. 2. Add.: Lord Privy Seal. Endd.
15 April. 772. Abp. Brown to Alen.
R. O.
St. P. iii.
Things run riot since the Commissioners left. Reminds him of the writer's answer to the bp. of Meath in a sermon at Christ's Church the 4th Sunday in Lent. The bp. of Meath has since railed against him as a heretic and beggnr, and on Palm Sunday preached a sermon at Kilmainham, an exempt place, out of the book Tresdecim Sermones made years ago; at the end of which he read a letter from Humfray, of St. Patrick's, which misreported the writer's sermon. Thereupon he commented, before the writer's face, who was present, with such a stomach that the three-mouthed Cerberus of Hell could not have uttered it more viperiously, exhorting the people to give no credence to their abp. Desires Alen to show this to the lord Privy Seal. Hints that the bp. of Meath is maintained by another.
The journeys since Alen left have been preys against McMahon, made without Council's knowledge; in which the gentle constable of Carlyngford, Jerome Lynn, and two or three others lost their lives. Dublin, 15 April. Signed.
Salute Mr. Chief Justice, Mr. Coley, and Mr. Cusake for me. Need not declare the daily wrongs done him by the Deputy. He and the abbot of St. Thomas Court bought two fat oxen from their tenants, and paid for them "two months ago; but the Deputy has taken the oxen for his own kitchen, and imprisons one of the tenants. Thus are poor men oppressed here.
Add.: Master of the Rolls. Endd.
[15 April.] 773. Edward Beck, of Manchester, to Cromwell.
Lamb MS.
602, f. 121.
"At Dredathe, this present Monday next after Palm Sunday":—On Paschen Sunday, the Deputy made a journey into Farnay and drove of 100 kine. Gerrard Lynne was killed. Since then, the Irish have been twice in the English Pale and burnt three towns. On Palmeson even, the husbandmen came to the Deputy at Dredathe, and told him the Irish had spoiled and burnt as far as the town of Arde. Intended to cross to England today; but the Deputy has commanded him under pain of 500l. to appear before him and the Chancellor tomorrow at 10 o'clock, on purpose to hinder his going. Does not know what they will charge him with. Martin Pellus is made constable of Carlingford. He will hear from the Commissioners if he be a man meet for it.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: My lord Privy Seal. Endd.
15 April. 774. Aguilar to Charles V.
Add. MS.
28,590, f. 147.
B. M.
Wrote on the 5th by the Pope's courier, answering letters of the 1st. The galleys left on the 8th. Has received the letter of the 7th, and takes opportunity to write by this courier, who is going from the viceroy of Naples with the advice of the 360,000 ducats that the Kingdom has made for the Emperor's service, though he thinks the Emperor will have already embarked.
The Pope angry at the French demands. His satisfaction that the duke of Savoy will put the castle of Nice into his hands. The marquis del Guasto has heard the king of France is accompanied by 4,000 Germans, and he thinks 2,000 Spaniards and 2,000 Germans will be enough for the Emperor to take with him. Monaco. The Venetians, hearing that the Turk will make a land expedition in the direction of Friuli, have agreed that the .50,000 soldiers for the enterprise of this year may be reduced to 30,000 Spaniards, Germans, and Italians; the Pope to pay 5,000, the Emperor 15,000, and the Signory 10,000, &c. The Pope is well and stronger than when he left Rome. He is much rejoiced to hear of the truce for one year between Ferdinand and the Vayvode. Florence, 15 April 1538.
Spanish, pp. 6. Modern copy from the archives of Simancas. [See Spanish Calendar V. ii. No. 198].


  • n1. John Benolt
  • n2. Rector of the Bonhommes of Edindon.
  • n3. The vicar's name as John Draner. Sec Valor Eccl. ii. 144.
  • n4. The suppressed monastery of Southwick."
  • n5. The letter breaks off abruptly.
  • n6. Probably Rayner or Reginald Wolfe, the printer."
  • n7. The three words an çe cage are unintelligible and apparently a slip of the pen. Probably the writer meant á son age, though the Editor of the Spanish Calendar gives a different interpretation.
  • n8. Lancelot Colynson, or Colyns, treasurer of York, died 8 April 1538.
  • n9. Thomas Thirleby, D.D.