Henry VIII: February 1538, 16-20

Pages 100-108

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 13 Part 1, January-July 1538. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1892.

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February 1538, 16-20

16 Feb. 294. Lady Salisbury and Lord Montague.
R. O. Indenture by which Margaret, countess of Salisbury, and Harry Poole, knt., lord Mountague, her son and heir apparent, agree to sell to William Bower, alderman of London, their lands called the Wyke, co. Middx., and other lands in Stepney, Hackney, Old Ford, and Homerton, Middx. 16 Feb. 29 Hen. VIII. Seal lost, Parchment.
16 Feb. 295. John Husee to Lord Lisle.
R. O. I delivered your letters to my lord Privy Seal and my lord of Hampton, of which I can as yet get no answer, either concerning Sandingfield (wherein you should as yet no further meddle) or the conveyance of great horse. out of the Pale (in which I trust you shall have reasonable answer). My lord Edmond, and others of the council of Calais, are ill handled because it is reported that they favour not the truth and are unwilling to set forward what the King has commenced. I doubt not your Lordship shall be found clear, and if you are vigilant in preferring the one and punishing the other you shall commit nothing with which the King can be earnestly displeased. Cannot yet speak with Mr. Bonham. My lord Montague would gladly have it. The abbot of Westminster must have his two tun wine; if not, you shall pay the whole 30l. Where Wynslade was fully determined to come over to" "Calais, he has now decided to the contrary and says he will write to you by a servant of lord Daubeney. You should not be hasty in redeeming his lease; but the housing he bought will be necessary for you, wherein I think he will give a pennyworth. Button calls upon me for Kingston Lisle, and so does Popley for answer of the free chapel. If you get it I would be Mr. James' tenant of it at the ordinary rent. I cannot learn what Mr. Bonham intends. Mr. Rolles has written of your affairs westward; but I think when I go thither all will not be found gospel. The process was commenced against Mr. Buttler but is staid, for which Pykering is sorry, but the same may at all times take place. I would know whether you will have woodsale made at Kingston Lisle and Paynswyke or no, so that Mottley and Mr. Aylmer may be advertised. They die so in Devonshire that as yet wood should sell there to little profit. London, 16 Feb.
Hol., pp. 2. Add.: Deputy of Calais.
16 Feb. 296. John Husee to Lady Lisle.
R. O. I now send the bill of Cosors, which I could not obtain till today. It amounts to 69l. 9s. 3d., and he expects his money at his coming to Calais, which will be before the second week in Lent. I send also the grocer's bill and Wilkinson's, Holt's, and Warley's bills with warrants which I desire to be signed and sealed by my Lord. I send also the tailor's bill, who daily looks for money, and the account of the money received by Mr. Popley showing it was spent. Trusts all things are come in safety, and would be right glad to hear the marriage was passed. Mrs. Raynolds wrote to you about the women. The one is Mrs. Harford, who sometimes dwelt at the Blackfriars, whom I believe your Ladyship knows. The other is such one as she will bring with her. My lady Sussex and my lady Rutland are merry, and also Mrs. Anne and Mrs. Katharine. My lady of Sussex hopes to obtain a gentlewoman for you who is daughter of the late Mr. Weldon. Mrs. Anne desires to have an edge of pearl, as my lady Sussex has taken from her that which she lent her. She and Mrs. Katharine want the gear they sent by James returned because they know not how soon they shall occupy the same. Mrs. Katharine wants a new kirtle and a new cloak. I cannot yet speak with Mr. Bonham. Mr. Windsor wishes my lord Chief Baron to have the house, and my lord Montague would gladly have it if Mr. Bonham refuse. I can get never a hen of the Indias. I think my Lord will sooner speed from Rouen or Dieppe. I wrote about the traverse and await your pleasure.
Mr. Wynslade promised to come to Calais but is now otherwise minded. Mr. Rolles has written his opinion of it, that my Lord should not be too hasty in redeeming Wynslade's years, though the housing he has bought would serve well for my Lord. I hear no comfort about your weir, for all the others that stood go down, as Foscews, of Phille (Filleigh), and lord Dawbney's. If Cobley's stand you may be assured yours will up. Mrs. Whalley is content to take her gold work back again. London, 16 Feb.
Hol., pp. 2. Add.
16 Feb. 297. Cranmer to Henry VIII.
R. O. Sends a translation of a book by Martin Luther (fn. n1) against the false feigned donation of Constantine mentioned in the 96th distinction. Has marked one place with a hand in the margin. Hears that the King has granted to Sir Nic. Carewe a ground named Panthurste, part of the land Cranmer exchanged with him, which, as the chancellor of the Augmentations said, his Grace had already granted in farm to Edmund Cartwright who married Cranmer's sister. Supposes the King was not reminded of it. Cartwright has not sufficient to find himself without that ground, and to put him from it is put him out of that country. Begs that he may have the lease for 21 years or at least for two or three. Forde, 16 Feb. Signed. P. 1. Add. Endd. Sealed.
16 Feb. 298. William lord Sandys to Wriothesley.
R.O. Has received his kind letters. Knows well he keeps my lord Privy Seal always in remembrance of his suits. Begs that he may be informed if his requests cannot be accomplished. At the Vyne, 16 Feb. Signed.
P. 1. Add. Endd.
16 Feb. 299. Marmaduke abbot of Fountains to Cromwell.
R. O. Has received Cromwell's letter for the preferment of his servant, Win. Dale, to Sutton Grange, belonging to this monastery. That grange is so necessary for keeping hospitality, both for grains aid for pasturage of cattle, that he cannot grant it away. Fountains, 16 Feb. 1537. Signed.
P 1. Add.: Lord Privy Seal. Sealed. Endd.
16 Feb. 300. Brabason to Cromwell.
R. O. In favour of the bearer, Hugh Aimer, late the King's servant and one of the Deputy's retinue. Dublin, 16 Feb. Signed.
P. 1. Add,: Lord Privy Seal. Endd.
16 Feb. 301. Harvel to Cromwell.
R. O. Since writing on Jan. 25, after many great councils, they (the Signory) have determined to persevere in league with the Emperor and bp. of Rome against the Turk. The league is proclaimed and confirmed in Rome. This city is making incredible preparations to be ready in March. There will be 200 galleys, 100 ships, 50,000 foot, and 6,000 horse. The Venetians will arm 80 galleys, the Emperor as many, the bishop of Rome 30, and the Religion of Rhodes 10. Andrew Doria writes that he will leave Genoa on March I with 60 galleys, and prepare the rest shortly. There are plenty of ships: among them three Venetian galleons, one of Doria's, and one of the Religion. The Turk will be much inferior at sea. He has sent to make peace with Venice on what conditions they will, but the Venetians have gone too far to revoke their deeds. The fame of the Emperor's coming to Italy is always constant, and that the truce between the two princes will be prolonged for one or two years. The bp. of Rome will shortly go to Bononye. There is little mention of any Council General. The king of the Romans is making preparations to avenge the damage inflicted by the Turk last year. It is said the Persians will invade the Turk. The Emperor has made Don Ferrante Consaga capain of his company by land, and the bp. of Rome Signor Stefano Colona. The duke of Urbino will be captain general by land and Doria by water. Venice, 16 Feb. 1537.
Letters from Constantinople have just come to the French ambassador that the Turk's navy will be 600 sails, 300 of them galleys, and that he will come in person by land, but the Venetians give little credit to his letters.
Hol, pp. 2. Add.: Privy Seal. Endd.
17 Feb. 302. Sir Chr. Mores to Lord Lisle.
R. O. "Begs he will suffer the bearer to pass with two geldings, that he is sending to a special friend. The bearer is a man that might do his Lordship service in Dutchland. London, 17 Feb. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: Deputy of Calais.
17 Feb. 303. John Husee to Lord Lisle.
R. O. Waits only for his despatch to be signed. Cannot yet send safely my lord of Rutland's gelding. London, 17 Feb.
Hol., p. 1. Add.
17 Feb. 304. Sir William Penison to the Chancellor of the Augmentations.
R. O. Thanks for your gentleness which I will shortly consider as faithfully as it is promised. Lord Dacre against my will usurps the farm, demesnes and benefice of Lanercoste. The whole convent flock together in their canon's coats, very unseemly. In occupying the ground he wastes other men's hay, straw, and corn, bought of the Commissioners and not yet taken away. My deputies may not bear my rule there, so that I shall be unable to pay the King's rent unless you write to the bp. of Durham to redress these oppressions. The Court, 17 Feb. Signed.
P. 1. Add. Endd.
[17 Feb.] 305. Sir Richard Ryche to Cromwell.
R. O. We have been surveying the possessions of Abendon: the slenderest rentals and accounts ever seen. The bailiffs and receivers have no old rentals, but those made of late, which will not amount to the value of the tenth. Here is nothing unletten, so it is not feasible to win any increase. Let Button come down, he would inform us of things as yet kept from me and would use diligence to obtain the King's favour. Abendon, this present Sunday. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: Lord Privy Seal. Endd.: Sir Ric. Ryche.
17 Feb. 306. Treason.
R. O. The saying of Thomas Bright, late of Bostoll (Boarstall), at Oxford, 17 Feb. 29 Henry VIII.
Richard Hore, constable, and John Hampson, decener, of Bostall, Bucks, said the words following on Saturday next before the last court there holden. Hampson said How fortune it that the court is now so shortly warned? We were wont to have 14 days' warning. Bright answered It is as it pleasith the Lord. Hore, the constable, said It is the King's court. Said Bright And if it pleased God it were better it were. Nay! nay! by the Mass, said Richard Hore, it were better he were hanged. Then Hampson said Nay, nay, that Cromwell, that traitor that hath destroyed many a man, and I were as nigh him as I am you, I would thrust my dagger into the heart of him. This was in the house of Wm Branche, of Bostall, in the presence of his wife and of Thos. Buttler, of Okeley, and one Bredon, of Cydnam. Hore and Hampson would have beaten Bright, and Hore did smite at him with a staff of crabtree, but Bredon kept him off.
John Goodale and I asked him why he did not show my lord Privy Seal or my lord Chancellor: he answered, that my lord Privy Seal said he would speak with him again in two days and he thought then to have showed all.
P. 1, in the hand of Sir Wm. Wyndsore. (See No. 334.)
17 Feb. 307. Wingfield's Marsh.
R. O. "Proceedings in the cause between Sir Rob. Wingfield and John Cokeson and others of Calais.
i. Order by Henry Palmer, bailly of Guisnes, for the arrest of John Cokeson, waterbailly, Henry the Master, Geo. Yong, Peter Best, Giles Loeukins, Adrian Henricks, Roger Anthony, and John Face, to answer Sir Rob. Wingfield for trespass. Damages laid at 40l. stg. 17 Feb. 29 Hen. VIII.
ii. On the 5 March the plaintiff, Sir Robt. Wingfield, laid into court his libel, showing that the King had granted him, by patent in 21 Hen. VIII., a certain bank 150 rods long by 1¼ rods broad on the north side of a main river made by the King, descending from the river which leads from Guisnes to St. Peter's in the scunage of Calais to the goile of Newenhambridge, and abutting at the east end upon the said river and upon a dyke called Scalis dyke toward the west. On the ease end of the said bank he had built at his own cost a dwelling house 60 ft. long and 20 broad, with chimneys and oven, &c, and also a dyke which cost him 7l. But the defendants, in Oct. 1534, not only pulled down the said house but cut trenches through the bank.
iii. Writ for the appearance of John Cokeson before the Council at Westminster, at Wingfield's suit, in the octaves of St. Martin. Westm., 27 Oct. 29 Hen. VIII.
Pp. 2.
18 Feb. 308. Osney Abbey.
See Grants in February, No. 83.
18 Feb. 309. Sir Brian Tuke to Cromwell.
R. O. A clerk of Mr. Deny of the Wardrobe has shown me, on his master's behalf, the King's command is that I shall pay Deny 3,000l. or 4,000l. for His Majesty. I showed him my non furniture; but he returned yesternight saying the King knew well I was furnished, and that there was no excuse. I put him off till this afternoon, not knowing whether the King have appointed the Fifteenth to come to me and supposeth me furnished. The Subsidy being expired, I doubt whether the Fifteenth will come to me soon enough. If any other thing than the Fifteenth be appointed to me, though it come to as much as the Subsidy, I am but in statu quo prius, and if less I shall be more and more cried out upon for an evil payer.
My answer to Mr. Deny depends on yours to me; for if I may have the money that is in the tellers' hands, though others be unpaid, the King must first be served. London, 18 Feb. 1537.
Hol., p 1. Add.: Lord Crumwell, lord Privy Seal. Endd.
18 Feb. 310. Cranmer to Henry VIII. (fn. n2)
R. O.
Letters, 458.
My servant Edw. Isaac, the bearer, has a farm of good pasture worth 20l. a year, lying very commodiously for provision of my household whether I lie at Canterbury or at Ford, and is content to make exchange with me for the messuage named Bekisbourne belonging to Christchurch, Canterbury, where there is a house of recreation for the monks. This could be done without injury to them, for they have another house of recreation at Charteham, as nigh to Canterbury as this. Begs the King to ask for Bekisbourne to his Grace's use promising compensation from Cranmer; so that he might have it of his Grace to exchange with Edw. Isaac. Ford, 18 Feb. Signed.
P. 1. Add. Sealed. Endd.
311. Elizabeth Lady Burgh (fn. n3) to Cromwell.
18 Feb.
"Is informed by my lord Chancellor that Cromwell will write in her behalf to lord Borough, her father-in-law, and Sir Thos. Borough, her husband, to appear before him and the lord Chancellor. Desires nothing more than to be ordered as their Lordships think right. Begs that Cromwell will write to them to repair immediately to the lord Chancellor, Cromwell, and the earl of Hampton, that Cromwell may make order before them between her husband and her. My poor house at Christchurch, 18 Feb. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: Lord Privy Seal. Sealed. Endd.
18 Feb. 312. Cromwell and Lord Latimer.
R. O. Bargain and sale of the manor of Wingrave, Backs, by John Nevill lord Latimer, to Thos. lord Cromwell. . . . 29 Hen. VIII.
Mutilated and defaced. Signature mutilated. Seal lost. Endd.
R. O. 2. Release by John Nevyll lord Latimer, to Thos. lord Cromwell, lord Privy Seal, of the manor of Wingrave, with appurtenances, co. Bucks. 18 Feb. anno regni regis Henrici octavi vicesim [o nono].
Lat., vellum. Mutilated. Signed. Seal broken. Endd.
R. O. 3. Receipt by John Nevill lord Latimer, of 280l. from Cromwell for the manor of Wingrave and other lands in the same county. I March 29 Hen. VIII. Signed.
Vellum. Endd.
18 Feb. 313. Francis I. to Castillon.
Kaulek 25. Moulins, 18 Feb.:—Has received his of the 2nd. The bp. of Tarbes, the bearer, will show Castillon the cause of his despatch and the state of Francis' affairs.
French abstract.
*** A modern transcript headed Lettre du Roy du quatrieme jour de Febrier 1538, and acknowledging letters of the quatrieme (sic) Feb., is in R. O.
18 Feb. 314. Roman News.
R. O. News from Rome, 18 Feb. Touching the treaty against the Turk, it is probable that the allies will not fail in equipping a fleet. Does not know what they will do about an army by land. The Pope says he will go to Lombardy at the beginning of Lent, for the peace and the Council. The bishops of Verona and Reggio are at Vicenza, providing for the Council. It is likely that the Pope will return to Rome when the truce is expired, and hold the Council there, on account of the wars which there will then be in Lombardy.
Many think that the French have been cheated by the Spaniards in the peace. The Emperor is becoming more powerful in Italy,
Lat., p. 1. Endd.
19 Feb. 315. James V. to Cromwell.
R. O. "The bearer, gentleman of our realm and man-at-arms of our father the king of France, has delayed so long here that unless he make haste back he may lose his place. Please let him have his passport without delay. Striveling, 19 Feb. 25 James V. Signed.
P. 1. Add.. Lord Cromwell, lord Privy Seal. Endd.
19 Feb. 316. Charles V. to Aguilar.
Add. MS.
28,590, f. 89.
B. M.
Has come to Perpiñan to see the frontier, leaving his Court and Council at Barcelona. The Comendador Mayor of Leon and M. de Grandvella have spoken with the Legate and Nuncio about the answer the Legate received from Card. Carpy, who is in France. Francis seems unwilling that the Pope should negociate peace, saying he cannot come to an interview until July. The Legate and Nuncio asked whether the Emperor would meet the Pope about Nice even if the French king would not come. Tell his Holiness that if the French king has any wish for peace he can come into Provence and to Nice, where he may come without any great force. If he does not do this shortly he can have no desire for peace and only proposes delays in order to hide his unreasonableness and to avoid displeasing the king of England, to whom he has lately sent the bp. of Tarbes on business reported to be of great importance, and the heretics, with whom he allies himself to hinder the Council. Will nevertheless go to Nice himself, even if Francis refuse, to gratify his Holiness. Thinks the meeting should be in March at the latest.
Spanish, pp. 9. Modern copy from the archives of Simancas. Docketed: Al Marques de Aguilar, de Perpiñan, 19 Feb. 1538, y a Don Luys de Çuñiga para que lo comunique a el y al principe Dorya, con correo del Nuncio que fue por Francia. [Spanish Calendar, V. ii. No. 184.]
20 Feb. 317. Francis lord Hastyngs to [Cromwell].
Vesp. F. xiii.
117 b.
B. M.
Can never requite his kindness. The abbey of Burton lies very convenient for him. Would have been a suitor to his Lordship had he not been visited with measles. Stoke, 20 Feb.
Hol, p. 1.
20 Feb. 318. Sir Thos. Nevyle to Cromwell.
R. O. Thanks him for his indifference and goodness at his last waiting upon him, notwithstanding the complaints of persons whom he never offended, but who hate him because he serves the King by ministering his laws with true justice. In accordance with Cromwell's monition to him to warn his brother (fn. n4) to inquire into the manslaughter and hunting in my lord of Wiltshire's park, all Tunbridge has been before Sir Ric. Clement, Mr. Waller, Mr. Roydon, the writer and his brother. All the keepers of Watterdowne, Southfrife, and other places, Wiltshire's chaplain, now vicar of Tunbridge, and Pell, his bayley, have also been examined. Sends a book of their confessions. His brother will wait on Cromwell this week. Mereworth, in Kent, 20 Feb. Signed.
P. 1. Add.. Lord Privy Seal.
20 Feb. 319. John Goodale to Cromwell.
R. O. On Sunday night, when just come from London to Salisbury, I received your letter of 16 Feb., desiring me to repair to you with all celerity. I durst not do so, when at London, without knowing your pleasure, because "since New Year's day I buried one of my sons out of my house of the sickness; whereof I certified you by writing, and received order by Carleton not to come to you. This was much to my discomfort, being so injured by the mayor and his brethren. And now having your permission I would gladly come, but my gelding has fallen on me and bruised my left le so that I cannot ride at present, without danger. Please command the lord Chief Baron, lord Fytzwaren, or Sir Thos. Arundel to take my answer to matters objected against me, and to examine the mayor and his brethren on certain articles (part enclosed) concerning their suppression of the people, subverting of justice, and destruction of the common weal. Complaints have often been made to me of them, but I cannot help it, such is their supportation and maintenance of misdoers. Salisbury, 20 Feb.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: Lord Cromwell, lord Privy Seal. Endd.
ii. Statement of the complaints made to me, before whom all temporal matters within the city be determinable.
1. By Leonard Goldsmyth and his wife against Andrew Tristram, Friar Yong, and others, who raised a tumult on St. Laurence day last, because his wife kept it work day as commanded. The mayor, Davy Lewys, refused to reform it. 2. Chr. Edmundes against the said Davy, who broke up his house, took a horse, and wrongfully imprisoned him, 14 Feb. 28 Hen. VIII. 3. By John Warner, for riot and wrongful imprisonment by the said Davy, the said 14 Feb. 4. By John Maydwell, clk., and Will. Jordan, for wrongful imprisonment by the said Davy in Passion week, and on Maunday Thursday last. 5. By John Watkyns for discharging a horse attached at his suit in an action against Thos. Noddell. 6, 7. Other complaints of the same character by Andrew Master and Mylson Butt against Thos. Chafyn. 8. The said Davy sent Chr. Tucker and John Wall, with others, to assault and pick quarrels with me, 12 Nov. last. 9. Henry Goleston, (fn. n5) now mayor, will not permit me, according to my office, to punish the serjeants for their non-attendance at courts, bribery, and extortion. 10. The said Davy Lewis, Thos. Chafyn, and others of their brethren, gather gold and deliver it to the Guernsey merchants and Bretons of St. Malo's, bringing over with' them yearly above 30,000l. worth of linen cloth and selling it for ready money, as will appear by the customers' books of Pole and Southampton, and they buy no wares to carry over with them, but give for every piece of gold 4d or 3d. above the value, as may appear by examination of Oliver Ganyett and John Lane, the chief doers for the said strangers in Salisbury. I marvel they objected nothing against me when I was so long in London, and when on Friday morning Wendover (my accuser as I hear) saw and spoke with me.
Hol., pp. 2.
20 Feb. 320. Roger Barlo to Edward Gostewyk or Edward Waters.
R. O. Complains of the interference of officers of Pembroke at a fair held on Trinity Sunday in the ground belonging to the chapel of Creswell, formerly belonging to the suppressed priory of Harford West and now leased to the writer from the King. The officers would have proclaimed and kept the fair and levied certain tolls on buyers and sellers, although the fair is free and no toll was paid to the prior, nor to me, except for standing. This occasioned many frays and there was likely to have been manslaughter, if I had not been there myself and told the people they should not be oppressed. The people of Pembroke have now chosen Sir James Baskerfeld, who is steward of Pembrokeshire, mayor of their town, that he may keep the fair next Trinity Sunday. As he has married Lord Ferys' daughter, and is steward of the shire, he may do what he list, more by force than by justice. I desire you to obtain a provision from Mr. Chancellor of the Augmentations to Mr. John à Phelps, your steward there, commanding him to let no one meddle but your officers, and to summon all who do to appear before Mr. Chancellor. Wishes the letter to be sent by the bearer, who will pay the charges of the writing. Slebyche, 20 Feb. 1537.
Hol., pp. 2. Add.. To, &c., Edw. Gostwyke or Edw. Waters, auditor and receiver of the suppressed houses in South Wales. London.
20 Feb. 321. James Basset to Lady Lisle.
R. O. Has received her letter of the 7th. Has for the last three months been at the large and beautiful college of Navarre with Pierre du Val, his master and preceptor. Has been very well except a slight inflammation (mal) of the eyes. Is trying to be a good scholar and to make progress in the love and fear of our Lord. Paris, 20 Feb.
Thanks her for two cades of sprats that she promises to send for this Lent.
Hol., Fr., p. 1. Add.: Madame de Lisle, gouvernante de Calais, a Calais.
20 Feb. 322. Pierre du Val to Lady Lisle.
R. O. I have seen a letter that you wrote to your son James Basset, now my scholar, at the college of Navarre. I am glad of your anxiety that he should learn in his early years what will be useful to him through life. I find him a very gentle and intelligent youth, and for my part I will spare no pains upon him. College of Navarre, in the University of Paris, 20 Feb. 1537.
Hol., Fr., p. 1. Add.
20 Feb. 323. Don Diego Hurtado de Mendoza to the Comendador Mayor.
Add. MS.
28,590, f. 94.
B. M.
Feels the cold, although it is not cold for England. The health of this place is not good. The King has invited us to banquet at Hampton Court and to see the Prince. It is good living here for one used to it, but Mendoza would prefer being at Barcelona. Extracts from a letter from Mexico. London, 20 Feb. 1538.
Sp., pp. 7. Modern copy from the archives of Simancas. [See Spanish Calendar V. ii. No. 185.]


  • n1. This book does not appear to be now in the Royal Library in the British Museum. A German translation was published at Wittenberg in 1537, in view of the deferred Council at Mantua. See Zedler's Lexicon, Vol. XVIII., p. 1340."
  • n2. This letter is erroneously dated 1541 in the Parker Society's edition of Cranmer's works. By the exchange made in 1541 Cranmer parted with Bekesbourne again to Sir John Gage. He acquired it from the monks of Christchurch in 1538. See the letter of the 17 March following from the prior of Christchurch, Canterbury, to Cromwell.
  • n3. Called young lady Borough, being the wife of Sir Thomas Borough, not of lord Borough. The title lady was wrongly suppressed in the headings of her two letters in last volume (XII. ii. 1073—74).
  • n4. Sir Edward Nevill.
  • n5. According to A Correct List of the Bishops and Mayors of Salisbury, published at Salisbury in 1798, Henry Golstone was mayor in 1538, in succession to David Lewes. He probably entered on his office on All Saints day 1537. See Vol. XII., Part ii., No. 1036.