Henry VIII: February 1538, 21-25

Pages 108-123

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 13 Part 1, January-July 1538. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1892.

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February 1538, 21-25

21 Feb. 324. Dr. John London to Cromwell.
R. O.` I have received your letters dated Windsor, 24 Aug., in favour of such bondmen as my college has in Colern, of the name of Alweye, to be manumitted. The bearer shows me that your friend Sir Henry Long is a suitor unto your Lordship in this behalf. Sir Henry made instance unto me and my company, both by himself and through the bp. of Winchester and the late abp. of Canterbury, four or five years past; and I promised then to do as much for the Always as the statutes of the college would suffer. By these statutes I can alienate neither land nor bondman: Mr. Knyzt, now your servant, can express the tenor of these statutes and I will show you the book at my next coming to London. The chief of the Alwayes, reve and overseer of my college wood, wastes the woods and conceals the rents. He has our best holding in Colern. I will move my company, to whom I could not show this answer, as the bearer, your servant, Mr. Ric. Gardyner, delivered me your letters in Wallingford, requiring an answer without delay. Walingford, 21 Feb.
Hol., pp. 2. Add. : Privy Seal. Endd.
21 Feb. 325. John Wellysburn to Cromwell.
R. O. "On Tuesday Mr. Chancellor of the Augmentations came hither with Danastre, Mr. Solicitor and the Auditor. They have made as much speed as may be considering the great business here, but say nothing to him yet for his discharge of such stuff as he has in his hands in the house. The charge is great, and he would be rid thereof. Is in much fear about the plate. Repeats his suit for the lordship with the ferme, wherein he has made a cottage,—all under 40l. yearly value. Abendon, 21 Feb.
Hol., p. l. Add.: Lord Privy Seal. Endd.
21 Feb. 326. John Hutton to Cromwell.
R. O.
St. P. viii. 14.
Has received his letters dated Westm. 13th inst. The day before, the 18th, received a packet of letters from the King's ambassador with the Emperor, which he delivered to the lady Regent, the duchess of Milan and lady marques of Barrough being present. Dined with the lady Marques, the lord of Sevenberge being present, who was coadjutor of Liege during the late Cardinal's life, and is now called bishop of Liege. "He is a goodly personage, but much unmeet to be a bishop, as well for his little learning as less discretion, which fault can here unneith be espied, for that the most part be such that be bishops in these parts." The lady Marques was hoping the letters had been from the King, with some good news concerning the duchess of Milan, whose picture she was having taken and promised to show to Hutton. Returning home received Cromwell's letter from his wife's brother. In the evening the Duchess's page brought the enclosed letters to be sent to London. Gives an account of an interview with her next morning. She speaks French and lisps, "which doth nothing misbecome her".
Will fulfil Cromwell's commission about friar Peto. There will be jousting on Shrove Sunday, the prince of Orange and lord of Ystilsteyn being leaders. The lord of Bewre has taken possession of towns and holds in Liege for the Emperor. The lord of Nassow came to Court yesterday. Brussels, 21 Feb.
Hol. Add.. Lord Privy Seal. Endd.
21 Feb. 327. Germayn Gardyner to Wriothesley.
R. O. Was grieved to find by Wriothesley's letter that he and his company had been misreported behind their backs and the report believed. "They (the French) say that I and all my Lord's young gentlemen rail continually upon them." My Lord's young gentlemen of 19 years and under are these: Edward Hungerford, Jas. Wingfelde, Robt. Gage, Robt. Parys, and John Brom; and a little above that age, Thos. Thwaytes, Thos. Hungreforde, Oliver Vachel, John Temple, Robt. Preston, Ric. Hampden, and Walter Hals. Beside Wingfelde, Vachel and Preston, none can speak more French than to ask for what they want, and few of them can do that without a "truchman." Does not think Vachel is meant for he is not much here, and the writer never heard of his speaking evil of any Frenchman. Cannot say as much for Wingfield, for at the Court the Conte Roossee and others delight to talk with him, and when they mock us "merrily asking what valiant men we be which were beaten of a woman (fn. n1) out of France, they have heard again that neither we were beaten out of France by her, and that all the Frenchmen with their valiantness were not able to defend their witch from the English men's fire." At another time, when they were playing tennis, a Frenchman said in despite that he thought all the Englishmen in England were come thither. Wingfield answered him that there were yet enough in England to beat those and all the Frenchmen in France besides. This answer was peradventure somewhat overhot, but yet such as might be better borne of a young: lad than such a despiteful provocation of an old knave. Cannot find that Wingfelde has ever spoken such words except in answering merry mocks or scornful sayings. Preston, who is the "escuyer," has spoken many ill words to those who would polle him of his oats or ask six for what they had agreed to take five for. And when they put his horse out of the stable he has offered to fight them, but no harm has been done. Otherwise cannot find that he has had other than good words with them.
Cannot therefore tell whom they mean unless it be Wingfelde, but those he talks with always seem very glad of his company, and never find fault with him. If Wriothesley thinks good, will suffer Frenchmen to say anything without replying. As for himself, has never been in choler with any Frenchman since he came to France, but has sometimes spoken displeasantly to the greatest personages, though never otherwise than he was commanded. With others never began unpleasant communication, but when they have said what they list, they have been compelled to hear what they would not have heard. For instance, one of the Great Master's secretaries, speaking of the Northern Rebellion, asked what 50,000 Frenchmen would have done at that time in England. Replied, no hurt, but rather good; and when he mused, said such a number of Frenchmen would straight appease the rebellion and none would make more haste to have them by the heads than the rebels. With this answer he seemed not content, and yet at the departing he showed himself not displeased. Had an altercation with Bushtete, one of the King's chief secretaries, who railed at the administration of justice in England in consequence of the arrest of certain ships by Mr. Dudley. Answered him reasonably and appeased Thos. Barnabe, who began to rage like a mad man, so that Bushtete was well content when they parted. Has never railed with anyone. Has sometimes said when they dispraised our Court that in theirs was bad confusion, and in ours continually good order. Has found fault with their treatment of our merchants, and has compared Castillon's princely lodging in England with the bp. of Winchester's being lodged in cabins here. Their entertainment is fit to make foes of friends, while the Emperor takes care of all those that sue to him. Those who go to him come back better Imperialists, but men leave France worse French than they came.
There is another thing they may perhaps call railing. Has told those sent to the Court to know where some great personage was to believe no one without seeing cause. Every man here will take upon himself to know everything. Some have seen the Grand Master ride to the war when he has been in his chamber, others have seen the King in the tennis play, when he was sick in bed. Has therefore bidden his folks believe no man till they know the Court well. Often praises their virtues, as the affability of their great men.
Never saw them so angry with anything he has said as his not approving their railing upon the Emperor, as when they said that the Emperor procured the death of the Dauphin by poison. Has never said expressly that it was not so ("for that were here a matter of camp,") but showed he did not believe it. They would then ask if he did not believe what the Council had judged, to which he would answer that he knew not what they had judged. Said to one of the Chancellor's men who accused the Emperor's cruelty, that he had heard that the Emperor loved the Dauphin much, and it was a marvellous thing that he should cause him to be murdered for no advantage. They seem to consider that whoever does not rail with them rails against them. Has now told the worst he knows, except that as Preston hath scolded for his stable, so hath Seint Clere for our lodging and Muryel sometime with our hostesses, and every day with the wives in the market." Marvels that they never complained to the bishop of Winchester. Complains of the malicious book written in the bishop of Tarbes' house in London and printed in Paris. It has been specially complained of by the King, but neither the author, the "transumers" nor the printer have had any trouble therefor. Colin and others of the Bishop's men have made slanderous reports here of Englishmen in general terms, and when our young men have laid their words to their charge, they have praised the gentlemen, referring their knavish reports to serjeants and serving men. Thus they play Skogane's part, offend and complain. Their object is to get rid of the bp. of Winchester, who knows them too well, and they can allege nothing against him. Does not like being complained of but wishes they complained faster, so that they would minister justice more speedily to the King's subjects. Unless he has the commission for Mr. Honninges to send by the bearer, Thos. Barnabe, to Boloyn, will cry once again to them that they delay justice, Barnabe is happy that two of the three judges delegate for his cause are in England, Tarbes and Morvelleis, for if the lord Privy Seal speaks to them earnestly, they will make more speed to dispatch it at their return. Was amused at Barnabe's assuring him of Wriothesley's affection. He had heard of "our brawling letters" and thought it "a good and charitable deed to set us perfectly at one."
Is glad Mr. Parys is the King's servant. Hopes to have Mr. Honnings' commission tonight. Molines, 21 Feb.
The Chancellor's secretary has sent word that Mr. Honnings' commission is not ready but shall be the first to be sealed.
Hol., pp. 23. Add.. Brother. Endd.
21 Feb. 328. Francis I. to Castillon.
Kaulek, 25. Received last night his letter of the 13th [sic, but evidently for 14th). The bp. of Winchester has repeated, point for point, the conversation held by Henry with regard to the peace. Replied that yesterday he had letters from Castillon that the King had said almost the same, and he (Francis) was astonished that the Emperor would condescend that the difference between him and Francis should be cleared up by Henry, considering the language the Emperor held, by his secretary who was lately here, and also what the cardinal de Carpy snowed Francis, being here on the part of the Pope; also it was the first Francis had heard of it. Would be very glad, however, to have Henry as mediator and third contrahent, especially as he makes no pretensions to anything Francis demands, whereas the Pope holds Parma and Placentia of the duchy of Milan. Added that if Henry would make the Emperor send word, through his ambassador, who shall shortly come hither, that he is content with the above and has settled it with the Pope, or will send full power to his said ambassador who shall be here to treat this point, then Francis will send similarly to the sieur de Velly, who lately left to go to the Emperor, in order that the thing may be concluded. Henry will thus make clear one of three things,—that the Emperor wishes to deceive either Francis (seeing that the language he has held towards him is quite contrary to that he has held to Henry's ambassador), or the Pope (to whom he promised to remit the matter to Rome), or Henry himself. Concluded by saying he would never allow Milan, in leaving the Emperor's hands, to fall into other hands than his own or his children's.
The Bishop then spoke of Francis letter to the king of England. Collated by the Constable, the copy sent from England to the Bishop was found to contain none of the principal points which made for the king of France. Francis said, laughing, "M, l'Ambassadeur, I am certain the letter written by me with my own hand to my good brother contains entirely" what my cousin, the Constable, has shown you, and if my good brother had kept with me from that time what was promised me, as to the contribution and the aid and other things, I would not have had to bear alone the burden of the war so long as I have." Assured him that his affection for the king of England was too great to fail.
The bp. of Tarbes and Castillon may show the king of England the contents of this letter, without however giving him anything in writing. This letter shall be common to both Tarbes and Castillon. Approve Castillon's reply touching the marriage of Madame de Longueville.
French abstract.
*** A modern transcript is in R.O. It commences by saying that the writer expects that the bp. of Tarbes will be with Castillon before this letter reaches him, and acknowledges receipt of letters of the seiziesme (sic.).
22 Feb. 329. Henry VIII. to [Wyatt.]
Harl. MS.
282, f. 17.
B. M.
Nott's Wyatt,
Since the despatch of his letters of the 14th, has had an interview with the Emperor's ambassadors here resident. All passed most amicably, and it was arranged that within two days they should have a conference with commissioners authorised thereto. Accordingly they have debated all the points mentioned in Wyatt's last discoursé with the Emperor, as signified in his letters of the 2nd inst., as well as those points of which the lord Privy Seal lately wrote. As the ambassadors had not sufficient commission to conclude, they have, as they say, written to the Emperor for powers, and to advise him to stay alike taking any end with France, and from consenting to the bp. of Rome's council (which he may well do, seeing he has not yet consented to the place) until some resolution be taken here. The said ambassadors, after much urging a reconciliation with the bishop of Rome, were finally persuaded by the commissioners not to press that matter further; and therefore, if the Emperor renew it, Wyatt may answer that he hears from England that the matter has been so answered to his ambassadors, as they doubtless have signified, that he need no further press it. Wyatt may add that it would be a pity, by sticking in that point, to lose this goodly opportunity, for nothing would ever induce the King to listen to it. Secondly, the commissioners desired that the Emperor would go no further in concluding with the French king until these treaties were concluded, nor consent to the Council now indicted by the bp. of Rome for Vicenza, which is a place neither "tute, sure, nor indifferent," until they may devise for a place meet for a free council. The ambassadors promised to earnestly solicit the Emperor's agreement. As, therefore, when formerly there was likelihood of a renewal of amity, the Emperor promised to make no peace without Henry's being a principal contrahent in it, and to treat nothing to the prejudice of England, Wyatt shall, as if for his own discharge, urge him to write privately to the King that he will observe all his former promises, and shall try to obtain sight of the minute of the letters, that they "may be couched plainly with the same words that the promises by him and his council made." Thirdly, they showed themselves desirous of the marriage with the duchess of Milan, and of that of the princess Mary with Don Louis of Portugal. After some persuasion they agreed to take her as to succeed only in default "of all other lawful issue, male or female," and with 100,000 crs. in dote, which, if the Emperor should give the investiture of Milan, would be of great use. The commissioners proposed that the regent of Flanders, duchess of Milan, and Don Louis should all meet the King at Calais, and the ambassadors seemed to favour that plan, but thought that Don Louis, being so far off, could not so conveniently repair thither as the others. They seemed to favour the overtures touching the Prince to one of the Emperor's daughters, and of the princess Elizabeth to one of the sons of the king of the Romans or duke of Savoy, and they made humble suit to see the Prince, which the King has granted that they shall do. Wyatt is to urge the Emperor to use such frankness on his side as has been here shown, and is specially to handle the matter of the obtaining the Emperor's letters touching the peace and the Council, getting inserted therein that he will not conclude with the French king until this treaty be finished, and pressing for speedy answer to be made to his ambassadors. Westm., 22 Feb. 29 Henry VIII. Signed at the head.
Pp.7, all in cipher. Endd. by Wyatt: 22 Feb. Recd, by Peter Reede, 3 March, at Barsolona.
Ib. f. 1.
B. M.
2. Contemporary decipher of the preceding, from which Nott has printed
Pp. 12. End.: Copy of the letter in cipher of 22 Feb.
22 Feb. 330. Cromwell to Wyatt.
Harl. MS.
282, f. 173.
Nott's Wyatt, 346 and 430.
By the King's letters now sent he will receive the answer to his and the news here. Begs aim to continue diligent and watchful. As to his diets, will advance the new signature of his warrant at the earliest opportunity. St. James' beside Westminster, 22 Feb. Signed.
"I pray you truly to answer my last letters."
P. 1. Add. Endd. by Wyatt: Received by Rede [corrected from Francisco], 3 March, in Barsolona.
22 Feb. 331. Edward [Fox], Bishop of Hereford, to Lord Lisle.
R. O. Recommends the bearer for Lisle's service. He is a good tall yeoman and has done the King good service in Ireland. He is reported to be an honest man. Westminster Palace, 22 Feb.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: Deputy of Calais.
22 Feb. 332. Sir Richard Ryche to [Cromwell].
R. O. He and other officers have viewed the late monastery of Abyngdon. The houses, except the church, "a great and goodly thing well repaired," are decayed. The abbot's lodging will not be fit for the King without great expense. No land either on the north-east side or on the south, where the meadows by the Thames lie, may be imparked without great hindrance to the town. Begs the King to send workmen to appoint what part of the church, &c., shall be defaced. A great part may be defaced and yet sufficient left for his Grace's contentation. The town is like to decay unless the people be set to work to "drape cloth." One Tuckar, clothmaker, of Burtheforde, promises, if the King will let him two fulling mills, the floodgates, the fishing, and the farm called the Rye, at rents as surveyed, to expend 100 marks a week in wages to clothmakers of the town, during his life. In surveying, as yet they can find no increase, "but rather keepeth the rate of the tenth or under." Prays him to command Mr. Vaughan to send down capacities for those named in a schedule enclosed; desiring Cromwell to write of the King's pleasure herein. Many accounts, court rolls, and rentals are with Button, who says the possessions are worth 3,500 marks; wishes him sent down. Reminds Cromwell of his bill for Shobury, which is but 30l. a year. Mr. Baker, the King's attorney, asked Ryche to sign the bill for the King's gift to him, not above 40l. a year. Did so, and left it with Mr. Hennage, commanding his clerk, as soon as Mr. Hennage sent the bills to Austen Friars, to convey the said bill to Cromwell.
Since writing the premises, this morning he received a letter showing that Mr. Robt. Sowthewell is commanded to Northampton to survey St. Andrew's." Had left Sowthewell with Mr. Treasurer, in his absence to hear the declaration of the particular accounts. Is coming to London with speed, with the plate and ornaments, leaving Mr. Danyster and Mr. Candyshe to finish the survey. Household stuff, &c., is little or none. Will seal the pensions according to the sums in the Commissioners' book. Abyngdon, 22 Feb. Signed.
Pp. 4. Endd.
22 Feb. 333. Sir Wm. Wyndesore to Cromwell.
R. O. Sent Thos. Brythe, of Borstalle, to be arraigned at Oxford, and he is put to death according to his deserts. Sends information (fn. n2) given by him about words spoken by certain persons at Borstalle. Suggests that the matter should be examined into. "The Justes Balde[wyn] and Leynerd Redde by (be?) the next, and Sir Roberd Dowrmer." Has received his letter about receiving one Brythe and another to be tried in Buckinghamshire. The reason why he has not yet sent for them is that the "srywe" (sheriff) of Oxford-shire would not receive the prisoner but at his hall door. Asks Cromwell to be good to him as he has to other "srewes." In time passed the Knight Marshal's servants have brought such prisoners to the gaol at Alsburey, and there the "srywe" to receive them. Asks Cromwell to cause the Knight Marshal to deliver them to him at his gaol, and he will have them arraigned at the next assizes, which will not be till Lady Day in Lent. Asks him also to send the confessions of those that shall be arraigned. Bradenham, 22 Feb.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: Lord Privy Seal. Endd.
22 Feb. 334. Edw. earl of Derby to Cromwell.
R. O. Received 19 Feb. by Wm. Baker, his letters dated the Neyt, 30 Nov., 11 weeks before. The letters were opened and the seal broken. Denies that lie has "put forth" seven of his tenants at Ellesmere from their farmholds because they were ready to serve the King in the time of the insurrection under the lord President of the Marches of Wales. They had committed riots and misdemeanours before the insurrection and since, being unlawfully assembled in their parish church and other places in harness, in the company of Rauff Kynaston, a great maintainer of misrule, and suspected of assenting to the murder of John Legh, for which Maddoc of the Towre, his servant, and John Lyth, jun., were attached and put in gaol at Ellesmere, and afterwards rescued by Kynaston. John Goldsmyth and four others (named) of his seven tenants so discharged attempted to rescue, from his steward, Thomas ap Howell ap John who was attainted of felony; and two men have been killed in consequence of a variance between Rauff and Geo. Kynaston. Discharged them in consequence of these misdemeanors, and because they have no title to his lands, as appears by their own confessions enclosed. Asks that his doings, being grounded upon law and justice and not malice, may stand, or else he will not be able to rule his lands, but the most rigorous and misdemeaned persons will be greater rulers than he. Lathom, 22 Feb. Signed.
Pp. 2. Add.: Lord Privy Seal. Endd.
ii. Confession of John Goldsmith, Wm. Baker, Morgan ap John ap Jenkyn, David ap Robart, David ap William Hawkyns, and Griffith ap John Madd', of the lordship of Ellesmeyr, discharged from their holdings under the earl of Derby. Taken before Sir Thos. Hanmeyr, knt., steward, and Ric. Pare, auditor to the Earl.
P. 1.
22 Feb.
R. O.
335. Castles in the North.
View taken 22 Feb. 29 Hen. VIII. by Ric. Bellysys, Robt. Collyngwod, and John Horslye, esqs.
Harbottell.—The gate house and the north tower of the utter ward want roofing, and the wall to the north tower to the dongeon, 30 "rooyd" must be rough cast with lime, and in many places "archelars" stones put in and new battlements. Stables must be built for 100 horses. Similar repairs are needed for the inner ward, also an iron gate for the postern, and two new "dormonttes" for the Queen's chamber. The hall, 16 yards by 10, the kitchen and other offices want new roofs. There is no horse mill. The well wants a "wyndes." Anew "barmkyre" wall should be built where the old wall stood, 30 "rooyd" in length, 4 yards high and 1 yard thick. Total cost of repairs, 443l. 3s. 4d., and 14 fother of lead.
Alnewyk.—A very goodly house of three wards and in good state, saving these things following:—A new drawbridge is required and repairs to the outer wall and the Frears tower. "It rains in the utter gatehouse and in the Abbot's tower, and in the gatehouse of the middle ward, and in the most part of the towers of the inner ward, in default of gutters, fillets, spouts," &c. There is stabling for 160 horse. The offices want roofing. Total cost, 122l. 18s., 8d., and 6 fother of lead.
There are 10 pieces of old ordnance, 244 pair of Almain rivets, as many splints and other arms.
Bawmborgh.—It is of three great wards and in great ruin, but the situation is impregnable. It is suggested to use a great chamber in the inner ward for the hall, and vaults under a house at the east end of the hall for a stable. Two fair chambers at the east end of the old walls called the King's hall and the dongeon want new roofs, doors, &c. There are two wells, one in the dongeon the other in the west end of the west ward. There are four towers in the inner ward whereof the walls are very good. Divers of the houses are filled with sand.
Total cost, 210l. 10s. 4d., and 10 fother of lead.
Dunstanburgh.—A very ruinous house and of small strength. There is no lodging standing but the dongeon, 35 yards by 12 yards, with two towers 5¾ yards by 3¾ yards. Roofs, floors, &c., are wanted for them as well as for Lylborne tower. There is a very deep draw well in the inner tower. There is no horse mill. Cost, 106l. 18s.
Warkworth.—A very proper house, in good repair. There is a marvellous proper dongeon of eight towers all joined in one house, one of which needs repair. "It rains very much" in the dining chamber and the little chamber over the gates where the Earl lay himself. A new horse mill is wanted. Cost, 40l. 3s. 4d. and 4 fother of lead.
Total for the five castles, 923l. 13. 8d., and 4 fother of lead.
Pp. 22. Endorsed by Bp. Tunstall.
22 Feb. 336. The Constable (Montmorency) to Castillon.
Kaulek, 27. Moulins, 22 Feb.:—Has received his of the 14th. There is no need to speak of what the Pope can do, as we are not yet well assured how things will turn out on that side. Money is sent. The King is in good health.
French abstract.
*** A modorn transcript is in R.O. It is headed "douziesme Febvrier," and acknowledges letters of the 13th (sic).
23 Feb. 337. Sir John Dudley to Lord Lisle.
R. O. I have received your letter by Hushey, your servant. I am glad to find that you are better lord and father unto my sisters than it was informed me. I hope you will continue this favour as they will be then set forward to good marriages. Will do my part as a brother; but if you should not be as good father unto her (sic) as to the rest of your daughters, few will hearken unto her. Of late one broke off communication of marriage with her, because it was bruited that you had given your land wholly to my sister Frances. Begs he will lend him or sell him a horse against May next. Westminster, 23 Feb.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: father, at Calais.
23 Feb. 338. Chapuys to the Queen of Hungary.
Spanish Calendar, V. ii. No. 213. He and Mendoza have had several interviews with Henry and his ministers about his marriage with the duchess of Milan, and that of Dom Loys with the Princess. To the latter they would agree if the ambassadors had powers to conclude about the dowry, and about the other alliances, viz., of the King with the duchess of Milan, of the Prince with the Emperor's second daughter, and of the duke of Savoy with Henry's second daughter, which they wished to be discussed together. The King suggested that the Emperor might bring the Duchess and the Infant to Calais, where he himself and the Princess would meet them. Wrote of this to the Emperor by an express messenger of the King, who also brought them letters proposing that Henry should be arbiter of the peace, and he would do wonders against the Turk. He will no doubt go on bragging to draw money from his own subjects for a war against the Infidel. Thinks much of the coldness of the English is owing to the report that the Emperor will include this King in any peace with France, and not allow anything to his disadvantage to be treated at the General Council. We are now treated with the greatest courtesy, and are asked to Hampton Court next week for three or four days running. In fact, they are preparing apartments for us there, and we are to visit the young Prince. This is greatly owing to the Emperor's kindness to their ambassadors, and partly to their wish to excite the jealousy of the French. Yesterday, 22nd, Briant returned from France—apparently with no great news. The bp. of Tarbes is on the road with the French answer to the note taken by Briant. London, 23 Feb. 1538.
Fr. From a MS. at Vienna.
23 Feb. 339. John Husee to Lord Lisle.
R. O. My lord Admiral willed me to write that, although there were divers made labour to have had the French "hayne" for the mayor of Calais, he had persuaded the King to let your Lordship have her; but she shall come hither and afterwards return to Calais, as no doubt his Lordship has written you. Nothing you ever did in Calais was universally better taken than this. And as for conveying grain out of the Pale by the master of Sandyngfylde, my lord Admiral says that being neuter he must needs utter his corn; but half ought to be sold within the English Pale. Both in this and the con veying of Flanders horses through the King's Pale you shall know the King's pleasure. In anywise he desires you to have special regard to the Act made for gunners, and sware by his knighthood that Mr. Brown never wrote word in it. I hear nothing of Mr. Bonham: if he is to have "it" I must ride to Salisbury, within three miles of which he lies. If he refuse I think "it" should go to the highest bidder, if the heir does not meddle. I hear no more of Mr. Dudley. It I hear anything of the lady you write of you shall know it. Some think she shall come out of Flanders, the dowager of Milan, and some say both heirs of Denmark and Milan. I received to-day your letter with the letters of attorney. When the wine comes I will see what my good lord abbot will say to it; and will also see the boars' heads delivered to Mr. Bryan; trusting my lord Privy Seal will spy a time for your suit. Mr. Popley would know whether you will meddle with the prebend. I would know your pleasure for the houses Wynslade bought at Frystock. Mr. Basset should not come over before Easter; for they die everywhere both in London and the country, especially westwards, which is like to hurt your wood sale. London, 23 Feb.
I send a warrant for a doe in Mr. Poynings' park, which I trust the bearer will serve at his going over. You should write a letter thanking my lord Admiral. "I con them little thank that put it in the King's head to have the said hayne hither; but there never lacketh such furtherers." Since it is the Kind's pleasure to have her hither, the sooner she comes the better. The Rode of Grace shall stand tomorrow at Paul's Cross during the sermon time "and there shall the abusion be divulged." This day is cast Parson Alyn and judged to be hanged, drawn, and quartered for high treason. He was sometime Mr. More's chaplain and late the earl of Hertford's chaplain.
Hol., pp. 2. Add.: Deputy of Calais.
23 Feb. 340. John Husee to Lady Lisle.
R. O. I received your letter by John Teborowe, by which I was glad to learn that all things were well done at the marriage of Mr. Bassett. I might have been there if I had known that Mr. Bonham would have served me thus, for be has not yet come. As my Lord wishes him to have it, I must ride into Wiltshire to him. Your Ladyship writes that fault was found about the sleeves and kirtle of Mrs. Frances. I followed your instructions in it. I will do my best about the travers. I will not meddle with the Commissary, hot nor cold. I am sorry the matter should be broken off at so good a point, and fear my Lord and your Ladyship are little regarded, for when people have done their worst they know how to win your favours again. "which in Calais they take of a due course." I wrote by Mr. Banaster's man and sent warrants and reckonings. I beg to know your pleasure touching the gentle women, Mrs. Harforde and Mr. Weldon's daughter. I have caused Tong to make Mrs. Katharine a black cloak and hood. She has ridden again to the country with my lady Rutland. Mr. Windsor wishes you to take Sir Peter Philpot's son into service. He is the third son and the wisest of them, and his father will partly help his finding. The eldest is dead and the second sore sick and not likely to recover, and if he die the third will recover, besides his father's land, 500 marks a year. If he were once in service means might be found that Mrs. Philippe and he might couple together. If I know your pleasure before I go into Hampshire, I will do my best therein. London, Feb. 23.
Hol., pp. 2. Add.
23 Feb. 341. Dr. John London to Cromwell.
R. O.
Ellis 3 Ser. iii.
Thanking you for your goodness to me and my friend "your" abbot of Osney, by whose preferment you have done a great benefit to that ruinous monastery and to the whole town and country about Oxford. My Lord, I am a suitor for the King's and my lord and patron our Prince's College in Wallingford Castle, where I am dean. This college was founded by Edward the Black Prince and lord Edmund, sometime duke of Cornwall, and by them and king Henry VII. endowed with lands for the maintenance of a dean, six priests, six clerks, a deacon, and four choristers. Every man's portion paid, very little remains, whereby the ornaments are old and past mending. Within these eight years past the King has new built the whole college. Now we hear that Mr. Chancellor of the Augmentations, and Mr. Danastor are about to dispose of the ornaments of the house of Abingdon, so I beg we may have such as are necessary for Wallingford. We have very few copes and vestments and but one altar cloth of silk, and all are old. I would repair them at my own charge and set the King's arms and a scripture of memory in each. Oxon, 23 Feb.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: Privy Seal. Sealed. Endd.
23 Feb. 342. Jacques de la Motte, Abbé of Andres (sic), to Lady Lisle.
R. O. I send you a small falcon (oyseau) for your recreation. I am sorry the present is not greater, to show my affection. Commend me to my lord Deputy, you husband. Ardre, 23 Feb.
Hol., Fr., p 1. Add.: Madame la Debbitis de Callais.
23 Feb. 343. John Hutton to Lord Lisle.
R. O. Received his packet of letters, for which Hutton had of the Queen great thanks, as she had long been without news from the Emperor. All the Council, as well nobles as other, are here assembled, but for what purpose is not known. Brussels, 23 Feb.
Hol, p, 1. Add.
344. Richard Wyke to Henry VIII.
R. O. Petition setting forth that about 10 years ago Sir Arthur Plantagenet, viscount Lisle, leased to him two mills called Max Mills in the pariah of Winchcombe, Somersetshire, for the term of 61 years, at 4l. rent, for which he paid a fine of 58l. 6s. 8d., of which he paid 45l. to William Urche, then bailiff to the said lord Lisle, and the remaining 20 marks to lord Lisle himself. That lord Lisle has now sold to Sir Edw. Seymour, earl of Hertford, all the lands he had in right of his wife named lady Elizabeth, among which are the said Max Mills, by reason of which sale one John a Prorser has declared a former grant of the premises made by lord Grey, deceased, to Anne Zelwod, now wife of the said John a Prorser, which has been approved before the lord Privy Seal as valid, so that the lord Lisle's grant to the petitioner is of no validity. That the petitioner has solicited lord Lisle for redress, and twice gone to Calais with letters addressed to him by the lord Privy Seal, but Lisle refuses either to cancel the bargain or refund the fine.
On vellum. Endd.
24 Feb. 345. Lord Lisle to Cromwell.
R. O. I have received your letter of the 17th inst. concerning the farmer of Maxemyll, in Somerset. As to his lease, it is true that I have so done and I think it ought to be good and take effect according to the late Act, of Parliament concerning leases. If I had sold the tenement with the millss no such sale could defeat the lease. You write that the earl of Hertford purchased the lands of me, but I never sold them. He keeps them from me wrongfully and against all right, by reason of a shift that I made for want of money. I bound the said lands, worth 120l. a year, to Sir Wm. Hollas, merchant of London, for 400l., to be paid within seven or eight months. I broke my day but sent the money 18 or 20 days after, and Hollas refused to receive it, saying that the shift that was made was for the earl of Hertford, to whom he had given my writing, and would meddle no further. I then sent my friends to the Earl with the money for the said shift, but he denied having received it and would enjoy the lands, which I had mortgaged to Hollas. Thus they keep from me 120l. a year, to my great hindrance, of which I trust by your help to have reformation hereafter. Calais, 24. Feb. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: Lord Privy Seal. Endd.
R. O. 346. Lord Lisle to Cromwell.
" I (fn. n3) where as your Lordship writeth that my lord John Gray made this lease to John Procer, touching that the said John lord Gray infeoffed Thomas earl of Surrey, father to the lady Myryell, wife to the said lord John Gray, the lord of Norfolk that now is, John lord Barnes, Oliver Pole, priest, whereby the lord John Gray had no state to make as I can learn, and the said lord John Grey died, and the lady Myriell survived, and her state stood in strong during her life; which lady Myrryell, wife to the lord John Gray, had a daughter between them, (fn. n4) which the lord marquis of Exeter married, and she died or she came to the age of 14, and the lady Myrryell her mother died before her. Then Elizabeth, sister to the said lord John Grey heir, whom Arthur Plantagenet married, and the said Arthur made this state to Richard Wyeke. Further, I cannot say, but he thinketh it sufficient."
Hol. Endd.; "My Lord's answer for Weke to my lord Privy Seal."
R. O. 2. "Answer for Max Myllys to be made to my lord Privy Seal for Max Myllys."
Maintaining the validity of a lease made by lord Lisle to Ric. Weke, notwithstanding a former lease made by lord John Grey, deceased, to John Prorcer, on the grounds stated in the preceding paper.
Weke has now forfeited his lease by making waste.
P. 1.
R. O. 347. [Abbot of Hailes to Cromwell.] (fn. n5)
I come hither for three causes. 1, to thank your honour for your great goodness ever since I first saw you. 2, to thank God that I live in in this time of light and knowledge of his true honour, so sincerely set forward by the King that I can now "away with" the truth, "which I had never come to if I had not had liberty to read Scripture in English." I am anxious to put aside every thing that seems to favour superstition, and hence the third part of my errand is as follows: 3. Your honour knows that in the monastery of Hayles is a blood which has been reputed a miracle for a great season. I am perplexed, not wishing to put it away of my own authority, but fearing, as it has been shown there to such as seek for it, "lest I should condemn myself to be guilty in misusing of it, as changing and renewing it with drake's blood." I am willing to suffer the most shameful death if ever it was renewed with my knowledge, and there is one monk nearly 80 years old who has kept it almost 40 years, and will make the same answer. I beg you will send thither a commission to examine the matter.
Pp. 2. Endd: Thabbot of Halles bill.
348. John Hoker, of Maidstone, to Bullinger.
Burnet, vi.
Dagon is everywhere falling. Bel of Babylon has been lately broken to pieces, a wooden god of the Kentish men, a Cbrist hanging who might have vied with Proteus, for he nodded his head, winked his eyes, turned his beard, bent his body to receive the prayers of worshippers. This, while the monks were falling on his behalf, was found in their temple surrounded with a multitude of offerings. A brave fellow, a brother of Nic. Partridge, smelt the deceit, loosened it from the wall, and exposed the trick. The juggler was caught. The thing was worked by wires through little pipes. For ages they have deluded the people of Kent and of all England with much gain. It was shown to the people at Maidstone from the top of the house, and then brought to London and visited the Court, where it was made to act amid the jeers of the courtiers. The King hardly knew whether more to rejoice at the exposure or to grieve at the long deception. A few days after, (fn. n6) the bishop of Rochester preached at London, with the image opposite him, when it performed again, and was afterwards cut to pieces and put in the fire.
24 Feb. 349. Card, de Carpi to Card. Farnese.
Vatican MS. My last of the 18th were despatched by post from Lyons to Piacenza like the others. Afterwards the Constable sent to show me secretly a letter of the 13th (fn. n7) inst. from their ambassador in England, reporting that King to have said that, the difficulties of the peace resting on the Emperor's wish to retain Milan for some time, and the Emperor having remitted this business to the Pope or to him, it lay with the French king alone whether he should meddle in it, and that if it came to disposing of Milan it would be much better in his hands than those of the Pope, who was too near and had usurped part of it: therefore they should make him an answer about it from hence, because if they failed him in this he would have reason to reflect, and his amity was here of no little moment.
Next day the King sent for me and told me the same, adding that these dealings of the Emperor were most strange, now wishing that no one should be a medium to treat between them, then the Pope, and now the king of England also. This much displeases him, both because he thinks the Emperor is still seeking to deceive him and because, if the Emperor really intends what England expects, he (the French king) would remain in trouble (restaria confusa) because of the little amity between them and of that King's inconstancy. Nevertheless, for the desire he has for peace, which depends upon the Emperor, he would be forced to seek it by the means the Emperor proposed; therefore he was making answer into England that if this were shown in writing to be the Emperor's wish, France would not fail, &c. His Majesty said that from hence one could see how on the Emperor's side (di ) they proceeded with his Holiness, whom his Majesty begged to take care that the Emperor did not make use of him to harm his Majesty, proceeding with such artifice to lead away his friends, so that he was forced to entertain the king of England in every way to prevent others from making use of that King to his loss; although he is highly displeased that, the peace having been remitted to his Holiness, in whom he had confidence, now the Emperor tergiversates and so disturbs every direction taken here that they are confused and know not what to do either with his Holiness or the Emperor. His Majesty asked me to write to the Legate in Spain to find out how this was intended there, and showed that not only would it displease him much that England should intermeddle in such tin affair, but that it should be managed by other hands than the Pope's. He also mentioned the League, hinting that his Holiness is deceived by the Emperor, who seeks to use him against France; but he did not show the same anger, and I should think he knew that in this his Holiness proceeds with his usual sincerity and goodness.
I answered that I knew not otherwise what the Emperor had said in England, and as I was sure that King would do everything to secure himself in his error, it appeared (pareria qu. pareva?) to me most strange that the Emperor should hold such dealings with him, not so much because he should be greatly offended by him, who is his enemy, as that he should desert the Pope, who is his friend (having bound himself with his Holiness in various ways as lately he had done by words to the Legate), so that I rather thought England was boasting in this way to show his authority and to plant suspicion, to avail himself of this and enjoy the time that the Emperor, contrary to his custom, entered into such tricks. Nevertheless, peace was so desirable that if it could be had in any way his Holiness would be content, and in the League and in other things his Majesty should see nothing but those holy works which were to be expected from so good a pontiff; and since he commanded me to write to the Legate I would tomorrow morning despatch Count Marc Antonio Bentivogli to Spain with the letter. * * * * Molins, 24 Feb.
Italian, pp. 4. From a modern extract in R. O.
24 Feb. 350. Card, de Carpi to Card. Jacobacci.
Vatican MS. The King has told me the contents of a letter of the 13th (fn. n8) from his ambassador in England, and also shown me the letter, which announced what that king (of England) had said that, the difficulties of the peace resting on the Emperor's wish to retain Milan for a time, and the Emperor having remitted this business to the Pope or to him, it now only rested with the king of France whether he should meddle in it; and if it came to disposing of Milan, it would be much better in his hands than the Pope's, his Holiness being too near and holding part of it usurped; therefore he expected an answer (fn. n9) from here. The French king showed some anger, saying that this business being referred to his Holiness, he really knows not how the Emperor could have pledged himself about it to the king of England, to whom he (Francis) could not be wanting, even if in this the Emperor should make good that which he (Henry) appears to have promised himself; at which he is much astonished. He told me I might inform you of it, to know how finally this point was understood by the Emperor. For this cause, although I hourly expect your answer to what M. Matteo carried, I now send the Count Marc Antonio. Molins, 24 Feb. 1538.
Italian, p. 1. From a modern extract in R.O.
Vatican MS. 2. Another copy.
Italian, p. 1. A modern extract in R.O.
24 Feb. 351. Card, de Carpi to Card. Farnese.
Vatican MS. Asked the French king and then the Constable to give him in writing a memorial of what they showed me they had from England, in order that he might write more boldly of it to the Legate. This they have refused. Desired much to have had it in writing, for he begins to suspect that the thing may not be so plain as they have pretended; the more so as he learns that the English are displeased with the French, and they have had words together, Winchester having shown this King a copy of a letter he (the King) had before written into England, binding himself to call the king of England into the treaty as principal. Moreover the English say that here the Council should not be consented to in their prejudice. This King, having found the true copy of that letter, showed Winchester that he was not so bound, not having received the third part of the expense of the war which was the condition of the letter. Told this King that he heard these English here were very angry, meaning to infer somewhat the contrary to the sense of the letter of his ambassador. He gave the account already written, and said Winchester was particularly angry, because having done bad offices he was forced to go back to England with little honour.
Spoke afterwards with the Constable, who made much of their friendliness in showing so much of what they had from England. He com plained that his King was not more fully advertised of the League, and that it was a thing for the Emperor's advantage. Answered that the Pope had told him of it long ago, and urged him to enter it; that his Holiness would not spare himself in the matter, but use every effort against the Infidels, although wicked men tried to paint the matter otherwise; and that the only way for peace was that these princes should come to a conference in Italy with the Pope, where, if his Majesty would send him, his Holiness could discuss matters a little in advance. Said this because he knew from his own words the Constable wanted to have part in the matter and be the first to treat of it, as the King dislikes going into Italy without first knowing how, because he would not like to have to make war; besides, they are not altogether sure of us, so much evil tongues have effected. Trusts, however, that if the Emperor stands firm with his Holiness matters here will be arranged. M. Villandri has this morning again shown him the letter of England, but given no copy, although he said they will send a copy to the card. de Macon. Will therefore add nothing but that he thinks the French have some fancy, perhaps from what the king of England has said about depositing the state of Milan, that the Emperor might in the end put it into the hands of his Holiness; and as the King's mind is evidently to have it entirely in his own hand, the writer has made show of believing that he thinks this ought to be done in order to make a good amity, so that they may not suspect "che noi andassimo a quel camino." Thinks, however, that if this were managed dexterously, they would be compliant, for besides their wish for quiet, they confess that this is the best Pope that has been for long.
Italian, pp. 4. From a modern extract in R. O., headed: "Da Molins alli 24 di Febraro. II carl de Carpi al Rmo Carl Farnese."
25 Feb. 352. Henry VIII. to John Frederic duke of Saxony.
Vit. B. xxi.
f. 158.
B. M.
Considering the Duke's zeal for the true religion, thinks it advantageous to take counsel with him, and is sending his household servant Chr. Mont to explain his views upon the precepts of Christ. Henry's views about that Council which the Roman pontiff seems to be trying to make subservient to his ambition and delusive to the Christian princes. Desires the early despatch of the promised embassy to England. Hampton Court, 25 Feb. 1537.
Latin, pp. 2. Copy in Vannes' hand. Add.
25 Feb. 353. Henry VIII. to Philip landgrave of Hesse.
Vit. B. xxi.
f. 157.
B. M.
Apparently to the same effect as the preceding letter to the duke of Saxony, with corrections in another hand, but so injured by fire that little can be made out except the mention of an embassy which the Landgrave seems to have promised, in letters to Christopher [Mount], to send to England. Hampton Court, 25 Feb. 1537.
Note by Wriothesley, addressed to Peter Vannes, that he has, by his Lord's (Cromwell's) command, been to the King at Hampton Court and shown the above, which, in its corrected form, Vannes must get copied tonight, for tomorrow it must go to signature.
Latin, pp. 2. Add.
25 Feb 354. A Priest at Chichester.
R. O. Examination of Robert Gatt, William Wylkes, and William Jakson of Chichester, taken by Elys Bradshawe, the mayor, 25 Feb. 29 Hen. VIII., upon the words of Richard Flymyng, late curate of Tangmer, Sussex.
Robert Gatt deposes that he said, 24 Feb., at the sign of the Swan in Chichestor, "the King was a great high man, but yet the dignity of a priest was above the King," and the other two severally confirm it under their seals. Signed by the mayor.
P. 1. Endd.
25 Feb. 355. The Sieur de Calonne to the Deputy of Calais.
R. O. I am informed by Le Petit Palme that Mons. de la Motte has alleged that I have said certain things of you which have grieved you much. I therefore send the bearer, to whom I have fully explained all that I really said of yon, which was quite honourable, and which I am ready to maintain against the said La Motte if he allege the contrary. Chasteau d' Autynghes, 25 Feb. Signed.
Fr, p. 1. Add.
25 Feb. 356. Aguilar to Charles V.
Add. MS.
28,590, f. 98.
B. M.
On the 9th sent advice of the confirmation of the Holy League which they concluded the day before. The French and others who are displeased with it say they have letters from Leon that the Emperor has gone to Castile and has anew urged the French king to conclude the peace. They have also announced that the Emperor was arranging a marriage of the Infant Don Luys with the Princess of England and had given them Milan, and was sending Don Luys Davila to announce it to his Holiness, and another knight to England upon the same business. Understands from his Holiness that Card. Trivulcis sent advice of this. With such inventions they labour to make his Holiness distrust the Emperor. Details how they have tried to turn the delay of the matter of Novara to the same account. The marriage (of Farnese and the duchess of Florence?). Confirmation of the Holy League on Sunday, the 10th. Preparations for the enterprise against the Turk and fear of France taking advantage of it. Letters from the Legate in France. The French king cannot come to the meeting till July and would prolong the truce until September. Conversations with the Pope. News from Constantinople that Barbarossa is dead. Letter from Andrea Doria, &c. Rome, 25 Feb. 1538.
P.S.—Touching Card. Cibo. The Emperor's letters of the 12th, by the Nuncio's messenger, have just arrived. Don Luys de çuniga is not arrived.
Spanish, pp. 19. Modern copy from the archives at Simancas. [See Spanish Calendar V. ii., No. 186.]"


  • n1. Joan of Arc.
  • n2. Sec No. 306.
  • n3. Sic.
  • n4. Elizabeth, who died long before her husband was made a marquis. See Vol. III. No. 2074 (28).
  • n5. The first public denunciation of the "blood of Hailes" as an imposture seems to have been in bp. Hilsey's sermon at the destruction of the rood of Boxley on the 24 Feb. 1538. This letter was probably written not long before."
  • n6. On Sunday, 24 Feb., see Wriothesley's Chronicle i. 75.
  • n7. 14th according to Kaulek. See No. 273.
  • n8. See note † on last page.
  • n9. "Perocche di qui ne aspettava risposta," in this MS., but in § 2 the reading is "di qui non ne aspettava risposta."